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Earth, Then and Now Courtesy of NASA

2012 December 21

Enjoy our latest Then and Now; from Documerica to State of the Environment.  We hope it brings peace to your hearts and minds this  holiday season.

State of the Environment is a documentary of our lives and environment from 2011 through 2013. Share your environment today. Your ordinary could be something extraordinary for the rest of us.

Earth Then and Now for Documerica and State of the Environment.

Earth Then and Now for Documerica and State of the Environment.

Entries may be submitted to State of the Environment on Flickr through 2013.

‘Then Documerica image’: Earth, as Seen by Astronauts Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt from Apollo 17. December, 1972. Photographer: NASA 1

‘Now State of the Environment image’ : Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth – Blue Marble January 25, 2012 by Suomi NPP, NASA Earth-observing research satellite.

State of the Environment, uniting earthling (and satellite) views of our shared planet since Earth Day 2011, inspired by Documerica.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

5 Responses leave one →
  1. Master Melvin M. Lusterio permalink
    December 22, 2012

    The Good Force be with you!

    What a beautiful planet our New Earth is!
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, everyone!

    Live forever and prosper!

  2. dich tieng trung permalink
    December 25, 2012

    A beautiful image of Earth – Blue!
    This is my first time to visit your blog and I found very informational knowledge
    you done a great job, Keep more posting like this.

  3. Anonymous permalink
    January 3, 2013

    Good information and beautiful pictures. I was amazed to see.

  4. Anonymous permalink
    January 3, 2013

    Seeing the Earth from space, it was amazing creation of God. Amazing

  5. easydiet permalink
    January 3, 2013

    Thank you for Nasa who was taking pictures of the earth seen from space. Awesome.

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