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Today’s Photo: Columbia River Then and Now

2012 November 8

Congratulations to Scott Butner for this Documerica match-up on the Columbia River!

Then: May, 1973. The John Day Dam Viewed From the Washington Side of the Columbia River, Looking Towards the Oregon Shore by David Falconer for Documerica.
Now: June, 2012. John Day Dam across the Columbia River, with windmills near Goldendale, Washington visible along the ridge line in the background by Scott Butner for State of the Environment.

See the match-ups to date, get in on the action! The top 20 Then and Now entries submitted to State of the Environment will be chosen for display during the 2013 National Archives Exhibit: Searching for the Seventies: The Documerica Photography Project. To be considered, entries must be received by December 31, 2012.

John Day Dam, Columbia River Then and Now.

John Day Dam, Columbia River Then and Now with Documerica and State of the Environment.

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