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Business Operations Center

Office of Worker Safety and Health (OWSH)

The Office of Worker Safety and Health (OWSH) provides leadership, policy guidance, technical advice, and overall administration and management of the Department's internal safety, occupational health, and workers' compensation programs. OWSH strives to ensure safe and healthful DOL workplaces through the timely identification of occupational safety and health hazards and partners with DOL agencies to implement recommended abatement actions and preventative measures. OWSH provides outreach and education to DOL employees, management, and union representatives, and participates in DOL's National Office, Departmental, and Field safety and Health committees and subcommittees. OWSH also administers the Department's Safety and Health Information Management System (SHIMS), a web-based application that enables DOL employees to report hazards or unsafe/unhealthful conditions, file OSHA 301 Injury and Incident Reports and file workers' compensation claims with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.