In the News

06.05.12From the Labs

Latest Issue of Symmetry ReleasedExternal link

The June magazine features everything from standard candles to cancer detection and a production amongst neutrinos that could be coming to a theater near you. Read More »


DOE Office of Science Selects 68 Promising Researchers for Early Career Research Awards

Program aims to strengthen America's scientific workforce and focus scientists on critical mission areas. Read More »

05.01.12From the Labs

Latest Issue of Symmetry ReleasedExternal link

The May magazine features everything from the Twinkie of particle physics to one degree of separation and a king connections (who could rival Kevin Bacon). Read More »

04.30.12Press Release

Student Teams from Massachusetts and California Win Energy Department's 22nd National Science Bowl .pdf file (34KB)

Competition is part of the Administration's focus on next generation of leaders in science, technology, engineering, and math.

04.29.12Press Release

Your Local Team Advances in the National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C..pdf file (26KB)

"Sweet 16" high school and "Great 8" middle school teams move forward in National Finals competition.


Call for Research Proposals at U.S. Leadership Computing Facilities for Advances in Science and Engineering

The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program anticipates granting more than 5 billion core hours on its supercomputers to scientists and engineers doing cutting-edge research. Read More »

03.29.12Press Release

Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers

Washington D.C. – Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced $5 million to establish the Scalable Data Management, Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) Institute as part of the Obama Administration’s “Big Data Research and Development Initiative.” Read More »

03.07.12From the Labs

Tevatron experiments Report Latest Results in Search for Higgs BosonExternal link

Using different search techniques, Tevatron physicists see hints of Higgs boson sighting consistent with those from LHC.
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Enrico Fermi Award Nominations

The nomination submission deadline for the 2012 Enrico Fermi Award is extended until April 16, 2012.
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E. O. Lawrence Award Nominations

The nomination submission deadline for the 2012 E. O. Lawrence Award is extended until April 16, 2012.
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Last modified: 9/9/2011 10:53:47 AM