In the News


Department of Energy's Quadrennial Technology Review

On Tuesday, September 27 U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu will announce the findings of the Energy Department's inaugural Quadrennial Technology Review at the AAAS in Washington, DC.

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09.23.11From the Labs

Testing the Limits of LightExternal link

Fermilab scientists scrutinize startling faster-than-light finding for fatal flaws.

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U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 Kicks OffExternal link

Don't miss the Solar Decathlon 2011 at the National Mall's West Potomac Park in Washington, D.C.
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09.15.11From the Labs

Reducing the Defenses of SuperbugsExternal link

Argonne researchers decode the protein that confers drug resistance.
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08.26.11From the Labs

Berkeley Scientists Discover an “Instant Cosmic Classic” SupernovaExternal link

Supercomputing, fast networks key to early discovery of explosion
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08.18.11Press Release

DOE Laboratories Help Develop Promising New Cancer Fighting Drug, Vemurafenib

Powerful x-rays enable development of successful treatment for melanoma and other life-threatening diseases.
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08.11.11Press Release

Single, Key Gene Discovery Could Streamline Production of Biofuels

Found gene could lead to clean and green
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08.10.11DOE Blog

Iowa Start-up Taps Ames Laboratory Technology in Challenge

Who will be America's Next Top Energy Innovator?
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Last modified: 9/9/2011 10:53:47 AM