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Title: Minnesota's Forests 2008

Author: Miles, Patrick D.; Heinzen, David; Mielke, Manfred E.; Woodall, Christopher W.; Butler, Brett J.; Piva, Ron J.; Meneguzzo, Dacia M.; Perry, Charles H.; Gormanson, Dale D.; Barnett, Charles J.

Year: 2011

Publication: Bull. NRS-50. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northen Research Station. 67 p. [DVD included].

Abstract: The second full annual inventory of Minnesota's forests reports 17 million acres of forest land with an average volume of more than 1,000 cubic feet per acre. Forest land is dominated by the aspen forest type, which occupies nearly 30 percent of the total forest land area. Twenty-eight percent of forest land consists of sawtimber, 35 percent poletimber, 35 percent sapling/seedlings, and 2 percent is nonstocked. Additional forest attribute and forest health information is presented along with information on agents of change including changing land use patterns and the introduction of nonnative plants, insects, and disease. Detailed information on forest inventory methods, data quality estimates, and important resource statistics can be found on the Statistics and Quality Assurance DVD included in this report.

Last Modified: 6/22/2011

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