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Title: Evaluation of semiochemicals potentially synergistic to a-pinene for trapping the larger European pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda, (Col., Scolytidae)

Author: Poland, T.M.; de Groot, P.; Haack, R.A.; Czokajlo, D.

Year: 2004

Publication: Journal of Applied Entolomology. 128(9/10): 639-644.

Abstract: The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Col., Scolytidae) is an exotic pest of pine, Pinus, spp., in North America. It is attracted strongly to host volatiles (±)-a-pinene, (+)-3-carene, and a-terpinolene. Attraction to insectproduced compounds is less clear. Other potential attractants include trans-verbenol, myrtenol, myrtenal, nonanal and a-pinene oxide. We conducted a series of field experiments to determine if any of these compounds would increase attraction of T. piniperda to a-pinene, either individually or in various combinations. None of the individual compounds increased attraction. Although several combinations that included trans-verbenol, nonanal, myrtenol, or myrtenal increased attraction, results were variable between experiments.

Last Modified: 6/25/2007

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