U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Video: Senator Coons condemns anti-Semitic comments by Egyptian president

In Cairo Wednesday as part of a Congressional delegation to the region, Senator Coons spoke with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about recently unearthed anti-Semitic comments made by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, and how those comments could impact Egypt's relationship with the U.S. Senator Coons had met with President Morsi just hours earlier.

Senator Coons also discussed the devolving situation in Mali, where Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and affiliated extremists -- which already control two-thirds of the country -- have launched an offensive against the Malian government. French forces have gone in to assist the Malian army in meeting that threat.

He later appeared on CNBC to discuss the kidnapping of 41 individuals -- including Americans -- by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in response to the French action in Mali.

al Qaeda