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White House Press Briefing

White House press secretary Jay Carney briefs reporters in Washington on February 20.


State Dept. Fact Sheet on Syria Justice and Accountability Center

The State Department issues a fact sheet February 20 that outlines Syria’s Justice and Accountability Center.


Kerry on U.S. Foreign Policy

Secretary of State John Kerry discusses U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy in his first public address at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Vi...


Secretary Kerry on Brunei Darussalam’s National Day

Secretary of State John Kerry sends best wishes and congratulations to the people of Brunei Darussalam as they celebrate their National Day on February 23...


Assistant Secretary Blake’s Interview with IBN-7 in India

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake answers questions on the U.S.-India relationship, South Asia and other re...


Announcement on Kerry’s Travel to Europe, Middle East

Secretary of State John Kerry plans to travel to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qa...


State's Hormats on Food Security and Postharvest Loss

Under Secretary of State for Energy, Growth and the Environment Robert Hormats speaks on food security and minimizing postharvest loss at a State Departme...


State Department Daily Press Briefing

State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland briefs reporters in Washington on a range of international topics on February 19.


USAID Official at Syria Humanitarian Forum in Geneva

“The United States affirms its commitment to helping alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people,” USAID Assistant Administrator Nancy Lindborg says at t...


U.S. Announcement on Additional Aid in Response to Syria Crisis

The United States will provide an additional $19 million in humanitarian assistance in response to urgent needs emanating from the brutal conflict in Syri...


State’s Fernandez on Preventing Postharvest Loss

Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs José Fernandez speaks February 19 at a State Department forum in Washington on preventing p...


President Obama on General Allen

President Obama issues a statement on General John Allen's plans to retire from the military.


Assistant Secretary Blake’s Interview with ETV in India

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake talks about Afghanistan, the Taliban and security during a February 19 inter...


Secretary Kerry on The Gambia’s National Day

Secretary of State John Kerry sends best wishes to the people of The Gambia as they celebrate their national day on February 18.


G20 Finance Ministers' Communiqué

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors issue a communiqué following their meeting in Moscow.


State’s Baer at OSCE on Internet Freedom

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Baer says the United States champions Internet freedom because it recognizes the applicability online of longst...


White House Press Gaggle

White House principal deputy press secretary Josh Earnest briefs reporters aboard Air Force One en route to Chicago on February 15.


White House on Visit of Japanese Prime Minister Abe

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit President Obama at the White House on February 15.


Joint Communiqué by U.S.-Korea Environmental Action Council

The United States and the Republic of Korea issue a joint communiqué at the conclusion of their first Environmental Affairs Council meeting under the U.S....


State Department Daily Press Briefing

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland briefs reporters in Washington on a range of international topics.


Obama, Italian Foreign Minister Napolitano Before Meeting

President Obama and Italian President Napolitano make remarks before their bilateral meeting in the Oval Office at the White House during Napolitano’s off...


State Dept. on Iranian Opposition Leaders' House Arrests

The State Department issues a statement on the continuance after two years of the house arrests of Iranian opposition leaders without them being formally ...


Secretary Kerry on Kosovo’s National Day

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, Secretary of State John Kerry sends best wishes to the people of the Republic of Kosovo ...


Secretary Kerry on St. Lucia's National Day

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, Secretary of State John Kerry congratulates the people of St. Lucia as they celebrate th...


State’s Carson on Crisis in Mali

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson testifies before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on the humanitarian crisis, security...