Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

Historical Documents Online: Search Hints for Selected Topics

Court Records

  • Selected Documents from the Records of the District Courts of the United States, 1685 - 1991
    202 photographs from District Courts throughout the Midwest have been digitized.  Districts represented include Eastern and Western Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and the Southern District of Iowa. The digitized items date from 1893-1976.   These materials are held by the National Archives at Kansas City, MO.

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 202 digitized photographs:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter the record group number 21 in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 1000.
    6. Select the Location filter for NARA's Central Plains Region (Kansas City) .
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Strikers at the Burlington Railroad shop yards. Plattsmouth, 1922
    View larger image
    ARC Identifiers: 283732, Title: "Strikers at the Burlington Railroad shop yards. Plattsmouth, 1922"

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  • Case Files, United States Circuit Court, District of Connecticut, 1790 - 1911
    15 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. The digitized documents relate to a strike called when the United Hatters of North America attempted to unionize the employees of Dietrich Loewe and Partners, a hat making company in Danbury, CT, in 1901-1902. When the company resisted the attempt to unionize, its employees and the union called a strike and a nation-wide boycott of the company's products. These materials are held by NARA's Northeast Region (Boston, MA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 15 multi-page documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Sherman Antitrust Act in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Writ filed in the case of Loewe v. Lawlor
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278238, Title: "Writ filed in the case of Loewe v. Lawlor, 08/31/1903 - 09/12/1903"
  • Case Files, United States Circuit Court, District of Rhode Island, 1790 - 1911
    37 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. The digitized documents relate to a suit for trespass against a group of Rhode Island state militia who, acting under martial law, broke into the home of Martin Luther, Rachel Luther's son, in the middle of the night, searched the premises, and threatened Rachel Luther. Rachel Luther charged that the charter government which proclaimed martial law was not the legal government of Rhode Island. This case was an important case in the historic events commonly known as the "Dorr (Thomas W. Dorr) Rebellion". These materials are held by NARA's Northeast Region(Boston, MA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 37 multi-page documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Dorr Rebellion in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Writ filed in the case of Martin Luther v. Luther Borden, et al
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278272, Title: "Writ filed in the case of Martin Luther v. Luther Borden, et al., 10/06/1842"

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  • Selected Criminal Case Files of the United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, 1790 - 1912
    77 multi-page documents relating to slave trading criminal cases have been digitized from this series. Among the digitized documents are indictments, subpoenas, depositions, and jury verdicts.   These materials are held by NARA's Northeast Region (New York City, NY).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 77 digitized images:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Slave Trade AND Southern District of New York in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Subpoena issued to Theodore Littlefield, 1948
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278474, Title: "United States vs. Theodore Littlefield: Subpoena issued to Theodore Littlefield, 04/05/1848"
  • Criminal Records, Case Files, 1791 - 1883
    29 documents from 10 case files have been digitized from this series of criminal records of the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. These cases were tried under the Alien and Sedition Acts. These materials are held by NARA's Mid-Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    The case files include:

    • United States versus Thomas Cooper, #21 April Session 1800
    • United States versus William Duane, #1 October Session 1801
    • United States versus William Duane, #19 April Session 1800
    • United States versus William Duane, #2 October Session 1799
    • United States versus William Duane, #3 October Session 1799
    • United States versus Langford Herring, #20 April Session 1799
    • United States versus Morris Llewellyn, #25 April Session 1800
    • United States versus Morris Llewellyn, #7 October Session 1799
    • United States versus Morris Llewellyn, #8 April Session 1799
    • United States versus Benjamin Meyer and Conrad Fahustock, #6 October Session 1799

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 29 documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Criminal Records, Case Files in the Keywords box
    5. Select the Location filter for NARA's Mid-Atlantic Region (Philadelphia) .
    6. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link for Criminal Records, Case Files, 1791 - 1883
    9. Scroll down to the part of the description that says Includes file units. Click that link to view all the file units. Within the file units, click on the Includes link to view the digitized items for each file unit.

    From the Collection:

    Indictment for Seditious Combination Brought Against Langford Herring, et al

    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 279001, Title: "Indictment for Seditious Combination Brought Against Langford Herring, et al., Case, 01/19/1799"
  • Additional documents have been digitized from case files relating to fugitive slaves. Some documents include individuals indicted for treason in the Christiana Riot in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which concerned fugitive slaves and obstruction of justice. Some say the events covered in these files foretold the onset of the Civil War. These materials are held by NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Fugitive slaves in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Select the Location filter for NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia) .
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Justice Robert C. Grier's Instructions to the Jury in U.S. v. Castner Hanaway, 1793
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278952, Title: "Justice Robert C. Grier's Instructions to the Jury in U.S. v. Castner Hanaway, 1793"
  • Selected Criminal Records, Case Files, and Admiralty Records, 1795 - 1903
    43 documents relating to the slave trade have been digitized. Among the digitized documents are accusations of involvement in slave trade against various ships, testimony of witnesses concerning "trafficking of slaves", grand jury presentations accusing individuals of engaging in slave trade, and legal documents pertaining to the accusations and trials. These materials are held by NARA's Mid Atlantic Region  (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve all digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Slave Trade in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Select the Location filter for NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia).
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Libel of Information in the Trial of 'The Chatsworth'
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278850, Title: "Libel of Information in the Trial of 'The Chatsworth', 09/14/1850"
  • Selected Case Files of the United States Circuit Court, Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans) April 1, 1837 - December 31, 1911
    195 multi-page documents have been digitized from these files. The digitized images include records relating to smuggling, piracy, and filibustering, as well as charges filed as a result of the Colfax Riot of 1873. Also included are records relating to the case "Live Stock Dealers and Butchers Association v. Crescent City Livestock Landing and Slaughterhouse Company". These materials are held by NARA's  Southwest Region (Fort Worth, TX).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 195 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Eastern District of Louisiana in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 1000.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    The Written Bond filed in case of Boyd McNairy v. James and Rezin, 1830

    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 251519, Title: "The Written Bond filed in case of Boyd McNairy v. James and Rezin, 10/20/1830"
  • Criminal Records, Selected Case Files, 1841 - 1969
    10 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. The digitized case files are part of a set of indictments for treason handed down in the United States District Court, District of Maryland, between 1861 and 1863. The indictments relate to individuals accused of attacking Washington-bound Northern troops marching through Baltimore on April 19, 1861. These documents are held by NARA's  Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 10 multi-page documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Baltimore Riot in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    The Indictment of George P. Kane involved in the Baltimore 'Riot'of 1861
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278860, Title: "The Indictment of George P. Kane involved in the Baltimore 'Riot'of 1861, 04/19/1861"

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  • Stowe versus Thomas, Case #9 October Session, 1852
    2 multi-page documents have been digitized from this case file from the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The materials are held by NARA's Mid-Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).
    1 photograph has also been digitized. The photograph is held by Still Picture Records (College Park, MD).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 2 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Harriet Beecher Stowe in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Deposition of Harriet Beecher Stowe
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    ARC Identifier: 278936, Title: "Deposition of Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1850 - 01/03/1853"

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  • Case Files of the U.S. Commissioner, U.S. Circuit Court, Northern District of California (San Francisco), ca. 1855 - 1912
    9 multi-page documents from this series have been digitized. The digitized documents relate to C.A. Stovall vs. Archie (Lee), a Slave, the only known Federal Fugitive Slave case tried in California, a "free state." Surviving document proceedings in the case record, filed mostly by Stovall the slaveholder, give his versions of both his and Archie's travels and activities. Included among the digitized documents are the petition of C. A. Stovall; affidavits of C. A. Stovall, S. J. Noble; E. H. Baker, and E. R. Doyle; the Warrant of Arrest for Archie Lee; the subpoena for Archie's witnesses; and unsigned, undated notes, believed to be those of U.S. Commissioner on application of Fugitive Slave Act in the case. These materials are held by NARA's  Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 9 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Slavery and California in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Petition and Affidavit of C.A. Stovall, 1858
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 295969, Title: "Petition and Affidavit of C.A. Stovall, 01/08/1858"

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  • United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco. Civil and Appellate Case Files 1853 - 1912
    6 multi-page documents from this series have been digitized. This series includes records of common law, equity, writ of habeas corpus, and various other cases originated in the Circuit Court or brought before it on appeal from both federal and state/local courts. The digitized documents relate to infringement on the patent for "Levis Jeans". These materials are held by NARA's  Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 6 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Levi Jeans in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Summons from U.S. Circuit Court Civil Case 1211, Levi Strauss et al vs A. B. Elfelt et al (1874-1875)
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 295942, Title: "Summons from U.S. Circuit Court Civil Case 1211, Levi Strauss et al vs A. B. Elfelt et al (1874-1875), 01/31/1874 - 02/03/1874"

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  • General Case Files, 1855-1930, United States District Court. Southern District of Illinois at Springfield
    At least 186 documents from 4 case files have been digitized from this series. The cases relate to William Newby, a Southern Illinois resident, who had been thought killed in the Battle of Shiloh during the Civil War. He applied for a Union veteran's pension in 1891.  The Interior Department's Bureau of Pensions disputed his claim leading to a protracted legal battle that went to the Supreme Court. The Newby case was given contemporary national media attention and caused considerable regional controversy.  These materials are held by NARA's Great Lakes Region (Chicago, IL).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter William Newby in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 1000.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Cover from the case of United States v. Daniel Benton, alias William Newby
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    ARC Identifier: 281646, Title: "Casefile endorsement (cover) from the case of United States v. Daniel Benton, alias William Newby., 06/12/1893"

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  • Selected Criminal Case Files from the U. S. District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco, 1851 - 1971
    14 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA)

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 14 multi-page documents

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter United States v. Korematsu in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from criminal case file from June 12, 1942
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 296048, Title: "Information, June 12 1942 ( Docket filing 1), 06/12/1942"

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  • Criminal Case Files of the United States District Court, District of Wyoming, 1890 - 1949
    34 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. These documents were included in the case of the United States of America vs. Kiyoshi Okamoto, et. al. The prosecution of Okamoto, et. al. (Case #4930) stems directly from the Heart Mountain draft resistance movement that also resulted in the conviction of Shigeru Fujii and 62 others as documented in U.S. District Court Case #4928. Okamoto and his co-defendants, members of the so-called "Fair Play Committee," were indicted for conspiring to assist other Heart Mountain residents in their challenge to War Relocation Authority policies and the Selective Service Act as it applied to relocation camp internees. These materials are held by NARA's Rocky Mountain Region (Denver, CO).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 34 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter District of Wyoming in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Commentary by Kiyoshi Okamoto to fellow Heart Mountain internees

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    ARC Identifier: 292805, Title: "Congress Should Compensate Those Wronged - Commentary by Kiyoshi Okamoto to fellow Heart Mountain internees regarding federal court decision on Korematsu vs. U.S., 1944"

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  • Appeals Case Files, 1891 - 1969
    7 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. The digitized documents relate to the imposition of martial law in Hawaii during World War II and the application of Clara Zimmerman for a Writ of Habeas Corpus on behalf of Hans Zimmerman. These documents are held by NARA's Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 7 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Martial Law and Zimmerman in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.
    8. Scroll down to the part of the description that says Includes items. Click on that link to view the hit list for all items.

    From the Collection:

    Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 295974, Title: "Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, 02/19/1942"
  • Criminal case #1, USA vs. Bill Whaley, Salt Lake Pete, et al
    7 multi-page documents relating to Criminal Case #1, USA vs. Bill Whaley, Salt Lake Pete, et al. have been digitized. This was the first criminal case in southern California after the judicial districts were redefined. Initially the case was to be heard in the northern District of California but received so much media attention at the time that the trial attorneys asked for and received a change of venue. Bill Whaley, Pancho Francisco, Salt Lake Pete, and Juan Chino, members of the Tule River reservation in northern California, were selected by the tribe to kill a medicine man, apparently not of their tribe, for being so unsuccessful in his job as to allow thirteen members of the tribe to die in one year. The young men accomplished their task and were then taken into custody and charged with murder. The position of the U.S. Attorney was that the United States government had jurisdiction to indict under the newly passed legislation. The men were found guilty and sentenced to serve prison time in San Quentin. On appeal, the charges were reversed because the government had not proven that it had given the tribe proper instructions on the change in law. By the time the appeal was completed, the men had already served two years in prison, had earned early out credits, and were finally granted Presidential pardons. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region(Laguna Niguel, CA).

    Search Hint : To retrieve the 7 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Bill Whaley in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit hits radio button to 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    United States v. Bill Whaley: Indictment, 1888
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 294950, Title: "United States v. Bill Whaley: Indictment, 05/03/1888"
  • U.S. vs Franz Bopp, Ram Chandra, et al, 1913 - 1920
    A 21 page document has been digitized from this court case. This case file documents the U.S. Attorney's investigation of "the German Hindu Conspiracy of World War I," which involved Indian nationals and German consular officials throughout the United States and Asia. Primary operations included attempts to ship arms from U.S. ports to revolutionaries in India, and propaganda operations aimed at provoking mutiny among Indian soldiers in the British Army. The Indians' aim was to end the British occupation of their homeland. The Germans, wishing to weaken their foe, provided funds to members of the Indian independence movement. These activities were considered a violation of U.S. neutrality law and many of those involved were eventually arrested and convicted in Federal courts. These materials are held by the NARA's Pacific Region   (San Francisco, CA)

    Search Hint : To retrieve the 21 page digitized document:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Ghadr Party in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Notes on the Accused
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    ARC Identifier: 296681, Title: "Notes on the Accused, ca. 1918"

Top of Page

  • Susan B. Anthony Criminal Case File, January 1873 - July 1873
    10 documents from the case file of suffragist Susan B. Anthony. These materials are held by NARA's Northeast Region (New York City, NY).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 10 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Susan B. Anthony in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Select the Location filter for the National Archives at New York City .
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    U.S. vs. Susan B. Anthony, Indictment for Illegal Voting
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278295, Title: "U.S. vs. Susan B. Anthony, Indictment for Illegal Voting, 01/24/1873"

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  • Investigative Case Files, 1924 - 1933
    64 documents have been digitized from this series. The files document investigations into prohibition violations in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana and several surrounding states as well as smuggling activities from California and Canada. Many cases document the illegal activities of public officials. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle, WA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 64 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Bureau of Prohibition in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Drawing of a still
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 298446, Title: "Drawing of a still"

Top of Page

  • Criminal Case 2979, U.S. v. Jonathan Tibbitts, Joe Pete, J. H. Jones and F. U. S. Hughes
    9 multi-page documents relating to Criminal Case 2979, U.S. v. Jonathan Tibbet, Joe Pete, J. H. Jones and F. U. S. Hughes have been digitized. Tibbet was charged with "the crime of conspiring to alienate from the Government of the United States the confidence of Indians" as a result of a meeting he hosted in his Riverside, CA home for members of the nescient Mission Indian Federation. Tibbet and his co-defendants were acquitted of the charges, and the Mission Indian Federation became a vocal advocate for Native American autonomy in southern California. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 9 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Jonathan Tibbitts in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    United States v. Jonathan Tibbitts: Indictment
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 294959, Title: "United States v. Jonathan Tibbitts: Indictment, 04/22/1921"

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  • Precedent Case Files, 1933 - 1973
    10 multi-page documents from this series have been digitized. The digitized documents relate to the case of the United States versus Spiro Agnew, Criminal # 73-0535. Included are documents relating to discussions revolving around the problems of publicity, witness immunity, and notifying the President and Spiro Agnew of the investigation. Deletions are names of third party individuals or identifying information of third party individuals. The deletion authority was based on the exemptions to the Privacy Act of 1974 and Freedom of Information Act, exemptions (B)(6) and (B) (7) (C). These materials are held by NARA's  Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 10 multi-page digitized images:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter U.S. versus Spiro Agnew in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit hits radio button to 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    A Memorandum filed in the U.S. Attorneys' Records on Spiro T. Agnew, 1973
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 279166, Title: "A Memorandum filed in the U.S. Attorneys' Records on Spiro T. Agnew, 07/20/1973"

Top of Page

  • Exhibits from the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Case File
    25 documents from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York's case against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.  These materials are held by NARA's Northeast Region (New York City, NY).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 25 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Rosenberg in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Select the Location filter for the National Archives at New York City.
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Sketch of cross-section of A bomb, 1951
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 278753, Title: "U.S. vs. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg and Martin Sobell, Government Exhibit 8, sketch of cross-section of A bomb, 03/21/1951"

Top of Page

  • Selected Documents Relating to Religion and Public Education
    51 multi-page documents from the U. S. District Courts for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Charleston Division of the Southern District of West Virginia, and the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit have been digitized. Among the digitized documents is the complaint set forth in court by Walter Gobitis speaking for his children who refused to salute the flag in school because of their religious beliefs, and the appeal of the court decision by the school district.  Also included is a class action brought by a group of Jehovah's witnesses on behalf of their children who are "of compulsory school age" and who are forced to salute the flag according to the regulations of the state board of education. These materials are held by NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 51 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Gobitis or Barnette in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Bill in Equity filed in the Gobitis Case
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 279032, Title: "Bill in Equity filed in the Gobitis Case, 05/03/1937"

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  • Records Related to Criminal Case 31712, U.S. v. Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino, Treason ("Tokyo Rose Case"), 1942 - 1969
    18 multi-page documents have been digitized. The records relate to the treason prosecution of Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino, commonly known as "Tokyo Rose." They concern legal matters, process of the case through the courts, trial witnesses, other treason investigations and prosecutions, "Zero Hour" program broadcasts, prisoner-of-war conditions in Japanese territory, Japan during World War II, etc.  These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve these 18 multi-page documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Letter from Frank J. Hennessy, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California to Harry M. Kimball, 1948

    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 296665, Title: "Letter from Frank J. Hennessy, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco., 12/02/1948"
  • Selected Civil Case Files from the United States Circuit Court, Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division
    A number of documents have been digitized from this series. These materials are held by NARA's Southeast Region (Atlanta, GA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve these documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter U.S. District Court for the Northern (Atlanta) Division of the Northern District of Georgia in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Cover of a brief for the Coca Cola Company
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 279254, Title: "Brief for the Coca Cola Company, the Defendant in Error, By R.R. Arnold, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Coca-Cola Company versus Henry A. Rucker., 1902"
  • Civil 4292, cet. al. v. Westminster School District of Orange County et. al., March 2, 1945 - July 18, 1947
    8 documents have been digitized in this case file. This early school desegregation case preceded Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas by many years. Citizens of Orange County, California brought suit against several school districts, charging "That all children or persons of Mexican or Latin descent ... are now excluded from attending, using, enjoying and receiving the benefits of the education, health and recreation facilities of certain Schools." And "that said children are now and have been segregated and required to and must attend and use certain Schools in said District and Systems, reserved for ... children and persons of Mexican and Latin descent..." Judge Paul J. McCormick concurred with the petitioners, issuing an induction against the school districts' policies.  The ruling was upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 8 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Mendez in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from Mendez et al. v. Westminister School District of Orange County
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 294941, Title: "Answer of Westminster School District of Orange County, et al. From Mendez et al. v. Westminister School District of Orange County, 05/05/1945"
  • Selected Closed Case Files, August 1941 - March 1946
    370 multi-page documents from the case files of the Committee on Fair Employment Practice, Region IX (Kansas City, Missouri) have been digitized. These materials are held by the National Archives at Kansas City.

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 370 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Committee on Fair employment practice in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 1000.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Willa D. Mosley: Final Disposition Report
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 292217, Title: "Willa D. Mosley, et al [Case 9-GR-543]: Final Disposition Report, 08/13/1945"
  • Real Property Case Files, 1946 - 1970
    24 photographs from this series have been digitized. These case files document the transfer of land and properties from the Federal government to private ownership. In addition to bid information, some case files contain appraisal information. The digitized images are from the Seattle Real Property Case File and relate to the Todd Shipyard. These materials are held by  NARA's  Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle, WA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 24 digitized images:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Todd Shipyard OR Todd Shipbuilding in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 298526, Title: "Woodshed looking NE. Parcel 127, C.W. Wood. Todd Shipbuilding, Seattle, WA, ca. 1947"

Top of Page

  • Civil Case Files, United States Circuit Court, Ninth Circuit, District of Nevada
    4 multi-page documents from this series have been digitized. The digitized documents relate to the case of Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company v Goldfield Miners' Union No. 220, Western Federation of Miners, Charles H. MacKinnon, et al.  Among the digitized documents are certified copies of the official correspondence by and between President Theodore Roosevelt and the Hon. John Sparks, Governor of Nevada, relating to the presence and maintenance of Federal troops at Goldfield, Esmerelda County, Nevada. These materials are held by NARA's  Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 4 multi-page digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Charles H. MacKinnon in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company v Goldfield Miners' Union No. 220
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 295932, Title: "Amended and Supplemental Bill of Complaint. Case 1020, Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company v Goldfield Miners' Union No. 220, Western Federation of Miners, Charles H. MacKinnon, et al, 12/31/1907 - 01/09/1908"

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  • United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco. Criminal Case Files
    1 multi-page document has been digitized from this series. This case documents the prosecution of several Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) members in 1918 for violation of laws related to explosives and various laws and proclamations of the United States related to the war effort. Many of the indictments and convictions in this case were based on IWW publications and statements made by IWW members that prosecutors argued, encouraged men not to register for the draft During this era more than 1000 Americans across the United States were convicted on similar charges. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Region (San Bruno, CA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the one multi-page digitized document:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Industrial Workers of the World in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from the United States of America v. George O'Connell et al
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 296012, Title: "Indictment filed in Criminal Case File 256, The United States of America v. George O'Connell et al, ca. 01/14/1919 - 01/14/1919"

Top of Page

  • Bankruptcy and Civil Case Files, United States District Court, District of Colorado
    102 documents have been digitized from these series. These documents were created or filed during civil litigation. Included among the digitized bankruptcy files is the matter of the bankruptcy of Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East Combined Shows. These materials are held by NARA's Rocky Mountain Region (Denver, CO).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 102 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter District of Colorado AND Buffalo Bill in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 1000.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from the Life of Buffalo Bill in 3 Reels
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 292754, Title: "The Life of Buffalo Bill in 3 Reels, 1922 "

Top of Page

  • Selected Photographs from Civil and Criminal Case Files
    2 photographs have been digitized from these series. The digitized images include photographs from Criminal Case Files of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Michigan (Grand Rapids) and Civil Case Files from the U.S. Circuit Court, Northern District of Illinois (Chicago). The Criminal Case photographs relate to the Eastland disaster of July 24, 1915. The Eastland was one of several excursion steamers chartered for the Western Electric Company employees' picnic. The steamer capsized within forty minutes of  passengers starting to board from the Chicago and South Haven wharf on the Chicago River. Although the bow was 19.2 feet from the wharf and the stern was 37 feet from the wharf, over 800 of the more than 2500 passengers perished. These materials are held by NARA's Great Lakes Region (Chicago, IL).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 2 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Eastland in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Select the type filter marked Photographs and other Graphic Materials.
    7. Press the Go button.
    8. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    The Eastland (upside down) on Chicago River, 1915
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 281841, Title: "Photograph of The Eastland (upside down) on Chicago River, Chicago, ca. 07/24/1915"

Top of Page

  • Selected Case Files, Civil Records, 1938 - 1967
    28 multi-page documents have been digitized from this series. These materials include complaints filed by numerous residents of Prince Edward County, Virginia against their school board for injustices they found in Virginia's policy of segregated schooling. These materials are held by NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 28 digitized documents:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Dorothy E. Davis in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Page from a Complaint Against the Prince Edward County School Board of Virginia, 1870
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 279098, Title: "Complaint Against the Prince Edward County School Board of Virginia filed in Dorothy E. Davis, et al. versus County School Board of Prince Edward County, Virginia, Civil Action No. 1333., 05/31/1870"

Top of Page

  • Selected Photographs from Case Files of the U.S. Circuit and District Courts of Montana and Idaho
    50 photographs from these case files have been digitized. The digitized images from the Butte, Montana, U.S. Circuit Court, Equity Case Files, and the North-Central Division, U.S. District Court, District of Idaho, Civil Case Files, relate to the case of Hugh Magone v. Colorado Smelting and Refining Co., and the case of Witkowski, et al v. Consolidated Interstate-Callahan Mining Co. The first case was brought due to water pollution created by the mines. The second case was brought as a result of injuries that occurred due to unsafe mining conditions. These materials are held by NARA's Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle, WA).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the 50 digitized images:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. To search only for archival descriptions that have digital copies, click the Digital Copies search button at the top of the ARC pages.
    4. Enter Hugh Magone OR Witkouski in the Keywords box.
    5. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    6. Press the Go button.
    7. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

    From the Collection:

    Tailing piles at Colorado Smelting and Refining Co.
    View larger image
    ARC Identifier: 298126, Title: "Tailing piles at Colorado Smelting and Refining Co., Mountain View operation., 1906"

Top of Page

  • Fort Smith, Arkansas: 50,000 Criminal Case Files
    Please note: These descriptions do not have digital copies associated with them.
    49,888 criminal case files from this series are described in ARC. This series consists of criminal court cases, and contains such material as indictments, bills of information, arrest warrants, writs, subpoenas, appearance bonds, transcripts of proceedings before U.S. commissioners, orders, verdicts, judgments, sentencing orders, and appeal papers. These materials are held by NARA's Southwest Region (Fort Worth, TX).

    Search Hint: To retrieve the case files:

    1. Go to
    2. Press the Yellow search button to go to the Archival Descriptions Search screen.
    3. Enter Criminal and the last name of the individual you seek in the Keywords box.
    4. Select the limit results radio button for 100.
    5. Press the Go button.
    6. When hits are returned for your search, view the full result of your hit by selecting the Title link.

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