Ticket to Work Evaluation (January 2006)
Figures for Chapter IV

Figure IV.1: Phase 1 Ticket Recipients with Zero Benefits (eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.1 -- Please see caption below.

This line graph shows the percentage of Phase 1 Ticket recipients with zero benefits for the months before and after the Ticket was mailed. The percentage of DI and SSI beneficiaries with zero benefits dropped gradually until about 5 months before the Ticket was mailed, leveling off for SSI beneficiaries at about 2% for a few months before gradually rising to about 3.5% 14 months after the mailing. The share of DI beneficiaries with zero benefits leveled off at about 1% 5 months before the Ticket mailing, rising very gradually after that to about 1.5% 14 months after the mailing.

Figure IV.2: Phase 1 Ticket Recipients with Zero Benefits and Substantial Employment (eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.2 -- Please see caption below.

This line graph shows the percentage of Phase 1 Ticket recipients with zero benefits and substantial employment by SSI or DI status. SSI recipients remained level at 0.5% before and after the Ticket mailing, while the percentage of DI recipients with zero benefits and substantial employment dropped steadily from 1.5% to 0.5% 5 months before the mailing, remaining at 0.5% afterwards.

Figure IV.3: Average Monthly Benefit of Phase 1 Ticket Recipients (eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.3 -- Please see caption below.

This line graph shows the average monthly benefit of Phase 1 Ticket recipients relative to the months since the Ticket was mailed. DI recipients' average monthly benefits rose slightly from just under $800 to just over $800 in the 12 months before the Ticket was mailed to 14 months afterwards, while SSI recipients' average benefit stayed relatively level at about $520.

Figure IV.4: Phase 1 Ticket Recipients with Zero Benefits, by Ticket Assignment (Eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.4 -- Please see caption below.

This figure has two line graphs one for DI beneficiaries and one for SSI beneficiaries. The graphs show Phase 1 Ticket recipients with zero benefits in each month for a period starting 12 months before their Ticket was mailed and ending 14 months after mailing. Each graph shows a pair of U-shaped curves indicating that the percent of beneficiaries with zero benefits is lowest around the month when tickets were mailed. The U-shaped curves are narrower for those beneficiaries who assigned their tickets. That is, 6 to 12 months before tickets were mailed and 6 to 14 months after the Ticket mailing, beneficiaries who assigned their tickets were more likely to have zero benefits.

Figure IV.5: Phase 1 Ticket Recipients with Zero Benefits and Substantial Employment, by Ticket Assignment (Eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.5 -- Please see caption below.

This figure has two line graphs one for DI beneficiaries and one for SSI beneficiaries. The graphs show Phase 1 Ticket recipients with zero benefits and substantial employment in each month for a period starting 12 months before their Ticket was mailed and ending 14 months after mailing. Each graph shows a pair of U-shaped curves indicating that the percent of beneficiaries with zero benefits and substantial earnings is lowest around the month when tickets were mailed. The U-shaped curves for those beneficiaries who assigned their tickets are slightly above those for the beneficiaries who did not assign their tickets. The graph for SSI beneficiaries shows a sharp increase during the 6 months after ticket mailing in the fraction of beneficiaries who assigned their tickets who have zero benefits and substantial earnings (although the absolute value of the increase is only from 0.7 percent in the month after mailing to 2 percent 6 months after mailing).

Figure IV.6: Average Monthly Benefit of Phase 1 Ticket Recipients, by Ticket Assignment (Eligible for TTW on 1/12/2002)

Figure 4.6 -- Please see caption below.

This figure has two line graphs one for DI beneficiaries and one for SSI beneficiaries. The graphs show average benefit payment to Phase 1 Ticket recipients in each month for a period starting 12 months before their Ticket was mailed and ending 14 months after mailing. Each graph shows a pair of fairly flat curves indicating average benefits for those beneficiaries who assigned their tickets and those who did not. For DI beneficiaries, beneficiaries who assigned their tickets had lower average benefits during this period than those who did not assign their tickets. For SSI beneficiaries, benefits were essentially the same for beneficiaries who assigned or did not assign their Tickets.