Ticket to Work Evaluation (January 2006)
Figures for Chapter II

Figure II.1: Ticket Mailings, by Month and Phase (in Thousands)

Figure 2.1 -- Please see caption below.

Source: January 2005 extract from SSA's Disability Control File.

This bar graph shows the number of Tickets mailed each month from February 2002 to March 2004; the number of Tickets mailed increased steadily per month for Phase 1, peaking in June 2002 at about 750,000. Starting in July 2002, the number of mailings for each phase was roughly constant, with mailings for Phase 2 states beginning in November 2002 and Phase 3 states in November 2003.

Figure II.2: Participation Rate, by Months Since Rollout Start and Phase

Figure 2.2 -- Please see caption below.

Source: January 2005 extract from SSA's Disability Control File.

This line graph shows that the participation rate in Phase 2 states is lower overall than that of Phase 1 states, but that both are rising at about the same rate.

Figure II.3: Participation Rates, by Months Since Rollout Start and Provider Type

Figure 2.3 -- Please see caption below.

Source: January 2005 extract from SSA's Disability Control File.

This line graph shows the rates at which beneficiaries assigned Tickets to ENs and SVRAs in Phases 1 and 2; Phase 1 and Phase 2 beneficiaries participate at SVRAs at a much higher rate than at ENs. Phase 1 beneficiaries have a higher rate of participation at SVRAs than do Phase 2 beneficiaries; the participation rate at ENs is almost identical for Phase 1 and 2 beneficiaries.

Figure II.4: First Assignments At SVRAs, by Months Since Rollout Start and Phase

Figure 2.4 -- Please see caption below.

Source: January 2005 extract from SSA's Disability Control File.

This line graph shows that Phase 1 SVRA first assignments rose rapidly at first but leveled off at between 1,000 and 1,500 per month 8 months after rollout. Phase 2 SVRA first assignments rose slower initially and started holding steady at a little less than 1,000 about 11 months after rollout.

Figure II.5: Participation Rates for the New Payment Systems, by Months Since Rollout and Phase

Figure 2.5 -- Please see caption below.

Source: January 2005 extract from SSA's Disability Control File.


This line graph shows participation rates by payment system and phase; for Phases 1 and 2, the participation rate is much higher for the milestone + outcome payment system than for outcomes only payment system.

Figure II.6: Ticket Participation Rates in Phase 1 and Phase 2 States, by State, Provider Type, and Payment Type, March 2004

Figure 2.6 -- Please see caption below.

Source: Ticket Research File.

This bar graph shows participation rates for Phase 1 and 2 states by provider type and payment type as of March 2004. Participation rates for Phase 1 states ranged from 0.4% in Oregon to about 2.3% in Vermont , with the great majority of providers in all states being SVRAs and the majority of payment types being the traditional system. In Phase 2 states, participation rates ranged from about 0.2% in New Hampshire to 1.7% in North Dakota , with the great majority of providers in all states again being SVRAs and the majority of Tickets assigned under the traditional payment system.

Figure II.7: Ticket Participation Rates in Phase 1 States, by Use of Other Work Incentives, March 2004

Figure 2.7 -- Please see caption below.

Source: Ticket Research File.

This bar graph shows that while most beneficiaries do not use work incentives (the Extended Period of Eligibility for DI beneficiaries and Section 1619 eligibility for SSI beneficiaries) those who do are much more likely—as much as two to three times higher—to assign their Tickets.

Figure II.8: Ticket Participation Rates in Phase 1 States by Education, March 2004

Figure 2.8 -- Please see caption below.

Source: Ticket Research File.

This bar and line graph shows that Ticket participation rates in Phase 1 states are higher among beneficiaries with higher education, peaking at about 1.5% for eligible beneficiaries with 13-15 years of schooling.