School Dropout Prevention

October 2010 - September 2013
$51.5 million (Tajikistan as well as Cambodia, India, Timor-Leste)
USAID Contact: 
Marc Bonnenfant

School Dropout Prevention Pilot project will provide evidence-based programming guidance to USAID and the Government of Tajikistan on dropout prevention by piloting and testing strategies on dropout prevention in Tajikistan. The project:

  • Conducts  a country assessment to identify risk factors and conditions that increases the likelihood of students dropping out of school in Tajikistan;
  • Analyzes dropout trends in Tajikistan to identify  target grades and geographic regions where school dropout is most severe ;
  • Provides evidenced-based programming guidance on dropout prevention by testing the effectiveness of a range of dropout prevention interventions in Tajikistan.

The project works collaboratively with the Ministry of Education in all phases of the project to share information and get feedback on intervention design, research methodologies, implementation strategies and results.

School Dropout Prevention Pilot project is implemented in Tajikistan, Cambodia, India, and Timor-Leste.

Last Updated: 02-21-2013