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Transportation Statistics Annual Report (TSAR) September 2004

Transportation Statistics Annual Report (TSAR) September 2004 Author: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Print (Soft Cover, 330 pages)
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours / Immediate download
Price: Free

Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: September 2004
Publication Number: N/A

This year's report focuses on transportation indicators related to 15 specific topics and on the state of transportation statistics. The topics are 1) productivity in the transportation sector, 2) traffic flows, 3) travel times, 4) vehicle weights, 5) variables influencing traveling behavior, 6) travel costs of intracity commuting and intercity trips, 7) availability of mass transit and number of passengers served, 8) frequency of vehicle and transportation facility repairs and other interruptions of transportation service, 9) accidents, 10) collateral damage to the human and natural environment, 11) condition of the transportation system, 12) transportation-related variables that influence global competitiveness, 13) transportation and economic growth, 14) government transportation finance, and 15) transportation energy.

As in prior editions, this report is a companion to the National Transportation Statistics (NTS) report. NTS contains a more comprehensive selection of transportation data in tabular format.


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