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Title: The forests of Maine: 2003

Author: McWilliams, William H.; Butler, Brett J.; Caldwell, Laurence E.; Griffith, Douglas M.; Hoppus, Michael L.; Laustsen, Kenneth M.; Lister, Andrew J.; Lister, Tonya W.; Metzler, Jacob W.; Morin, Randall S.; Sader, Steven A.; Stewart, Lucretia B.; Steinman, James R.; Westfall, James, A.; Williams, David A.; Whitman, Andrew; Woodall, Christopher W.

Year: 2005

Publication: Resour. Bull. NE-164. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 188 p.

Abstract: In 1999, the Maine Forest Service and USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis program implemented a new system for inventorying and monitoring Maine's forests. The effects of the spruce budworm epidemic continue to affect the composition, structure, and distribution of Maine's forested ecosystems. The area of forest land in Maine has remained stable since the 1970's. Although relatively small acreages of forest are converted to other land uses, these conversions often remove highly valued forests such as white pine. The total inventory volume of live trees increased slightly, indicating the beginning of a response of Maine's forest to the tremendous devastation from spruce budworm.

Last Modified: 10/11/2007

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