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Title: Indiana's forests 1999-2003 (Part A)

Author: Woodall, Christopher; Johnson, Dan; Gallion, Joey; Perry, Charles; Butler, Brett; Piva, Ron; Jepsen, Ed; Nowak, Dave; Marshall, Phil

Year: 2005

Publication: Resour. Bull. NC-253A. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 94 p.

Titles contained within Indiana's forests 1999-2003 (Part A)

Abstract: The first completed annual inventory of Indiana's forests reports more than 4.5 million acres of forest land with a diverse array of forest types, substantial growth of economically valuable tree species, and future forest health concerns such as invasive species, forest fragmentation, and oak forest decline.

Last Modified: 8/11/2006

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