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DoDEA Pacific Public Affairs

Summer School 2005

TORII STATION, OKINAWA , JAPAN — April 20, 2005 — DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS- Guam will offer a four-week, half-day summer school program June 27-July 22 for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Additionally, online courses will be made available over the summer for high school students in grades nine through 12 who need credits in Science, Math, English Language and Social Studies required for graduation.

The program will be offered for K-8 children in space-required enrollment status. It will feature an academic-enrichment curriculum that emphasizes math and language arts. The summer program is not a remedial program. It is designed to support and reinforce student learning through fun and engaging activities.

Registration forms and additional information can be obtained from all school offices.

DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam high school students will be able to pursue remedial study through participation in online education activities this summer. This rigorous coursework is to benefit students who lack required credits for graduation or need help academically in a specific area.

Because of the rigorous demands of the program, high school students may enroll in only one course. Students and parents both will be required to sign a letter of understanding that spells out the student’s responsibility to complete coursework.

“We are excited about being able to offer this summer school program in all four districts. I am confident these programs will ensure that our students have access to educational initiatives and services that support highest student achievement,” said Dr. Nancy Bresell, Director DoDDS-Pacific/DDESS-Guam.