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Reports and Documents

National Ocean Policy (NOP)

Strategic Guidance for Implementing an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management
( Prepared for the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee by the Ecosystem Approach Task Force). Busch, W.-D.N., B.L. Brown, and G.F. Mayer (Eds). May 2003. United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NMFS, Silver Spring, MD. 62p.

MAFAC’s Ecosystem Approach Task Force was created in November 2001 to identify issues that must be addressed before meaningful ecosystem-based fisheries management is feasible. This document outlines a vision of the essential elements of ecosystem-based fishery management and provides strategic advice in terms of policies, goals, and processes that will enable marine resource management groups to implement this multidisciplinary type of approach.

It was prepared to assist the various marine management and regulatory agencies in long-term planning to transition towards ecosystem-based management. The guidance statements made in this document are directed to NOAA Fisheries and their Fisheries Management Councils, States, Interstate Commissions, tribes, and other fisheries managers.

Vision 2020: The Future of U.S. Marine Fisheries. Final Report. December 2007. United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NMFS, Silver Spring, MD. 26p.

In September 2006, the Assistant Administrator of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) asked MAFAC to prepare a report on the desired future state of U.S. Marine Fisheries. The specific request from the Assistant Administrator to MAFAC was “…to create, in clear, simple, non-jargon language, a stakeholders’ consensus on the desired future state of domestic and international fisheries.”

This report is MAFAC’s response. It is organized into three sections:

Section 1: Trends and their Impact on Marine Fisheries that provides context and reference points for comparison with the future;

Section 2: MAFAC Findings based on these trends; and

Section 3: Summary Recommendations regarding fulfillment of MAFAC’s vision of the future of our Nation’s marine fisheries.

Appendices detailing the rationale behind the recommendations complete the report.

Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy, Comments (Oct, 2011)