Site Name: Agoufou G

Site Name: Agoufou S

Site Name: Amplero

Site Name: Atqasuk

Site Name: Audubon Research Ranch

Site Name: Aurade

Dolman AJ, Tolk L, Ronda R, Noilhan J, Sarrat C, Brut A, et al. The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2006;87(10):1367-79.

Site Name: Barrow

Site Name: Bily Kriz- grassland

Site Name: Bondville

Site Name: Bondville (comparison site)

Site Name: Borgo Cioffi

Site Name: Brookings

Site Name: Bugacpuszta

Site Name: Canaan Valley

Site Name: Carlow1

Site Name: Cottonwood

Site Name: Demokeya

Site Name: Duke Forest Open Field

Site Name: Duolun_grassland

Site Name: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - (Prairie site)

Site Name: Fort Peck

Site Name: Foulum