Chicago RDC Chicago RDC
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  The Chicago RDC provides an opportunity for researchers to engage in approved projects using microdata from the Census Bureau.

The center is a collaboration between the Census Bureau and a consortium consisting of Argonne National Laboratory, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois.

The center is also supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award # ITR-0427889).
  Approved research projects must:
Provide benefits to the Census Bureau's data programs
Demonstrate scientific merit
Satisfy stringent confidentiality requirements

Researchers become sworn agents of the Census Bureau and work inside a secure facility. All output is reviewed to ensure that no confidential data are released.

For more general information about the program, visit the Center for Economic Studies website.
  ©2002 Chicago Census Research Data Center
This site was last updated on June 26, 2008
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We do not offer research services or provide statistics. Please visit the Census Bureau website to find out about such services.