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Bellingham Technical College

Name Bellingham Technical College
Address 3028 Lindbergh Ave.
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone 360-752-8345


Certification Child Development Associate

Accreditation Body

  Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities


Name Child Development
Description The Child Development Essentials (CDA) Program prepares students for work in the early childhood care and education field. This coursework can lead to a certificate in Child Development from Bellingham Technical College and provides the coursework for the national credential as a Child Development Associate. Core competencies covered in this program prepare early childhood educators to work effectively with young children and their families. Major topic areas include introduction to early childhood, ways children learn, healthy environments, social and emotional development, physical and intellectual competency, curriculum development, family relationships, and professionalism. Participants must be working with young children regularly either in a paid or volunteer position to fulfill their coursework requirements.
Total Credits Required 12 Quarter Hours


Education None

Delivery Method

OnLine Angel Learning Managemen Suite

Specific Technology Requirements

Computer Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, or Macintosh OS X
Internet Access Internet Access Required
Software Microsoft Internet Explorer (7 or higher) or Mozilla Firefox (2 or higher)


Name Admissions Office
Address 3028 Lindbergh Ave.
Bellingham WA 98225


Telephone-Land 360-752-8459
E-Mail Send Email

Articulation Agreements

Institution The three CDA Essentials courses are transferable to most community and technical colleges for nine or more credits toward a certificate or degree in Early Childhood Education.


Financial Aid For information about financial aid, visit