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Caption Contest! Today’s Featured Scene

2013 January 22

As promised, this week’s caption contest is no bird-brained matter. Feel free to take your time on this one…

We’ll share our top caption here, as well as on EPA’s facebook page and Twitter. Enjoy and we hope it’s a beautiful day from wherever you may be reading this.

Congratulations to John Dreye, a top contributor to State of the Environment, for this great photo.

Turtle Club, Sea Pines Forest Preserve, December 14, 2012, by John Dreyer

Turtle Club, Sea Pines Forest Preserve, December 14, 2012, by John Dreyer.

State of the Environment is a documentary of our lives and environment from 2011 through 2013. Share your environment today; as ordinary or extraordinary as it may be.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

4 Responses leave one →
  1. Joanne Wheeler permalink
    January 22, 2013

    This log rolling is so much fun!

  2. ankita srivastava permalink
    January 23, 2013

    our environment is verry beautiful. filling of natuer is many coloures of flowers, newely leaves, mouintains,sound of floting river,rishimg sun ,moon night,sound of birds, greenery,ect.. all are the part of our natuer,its just like a smile of new born babby.any one who live in this environment feel happy and thank ful to god to give us this beautyful world.

    on the other hand dirty water,cutting trees,making industries on forest land,killing of animals,explosion of radioactive materials,nioes produsing factories,harmfull gasses,air polluting agent, non biodegradeabel substance, ect. are occuring by man or man made sources.
    god gives us abeautiful natuer but a man makes it hell.

  3. ankita srivastava permalink
    January 23, 2013

    our environment is verry beautiful. felling of nature is many colures of flowers, newely leaves, mountains,sound of faloting river,rising sun ,moon night,sound of birds, greenery,ect.. all are the part of our nature,its just like a smile of new born babby.any one who live in this environment feel happy and thank ful to god to give us this beautiful world.

    on the other hand dirty water,cutting trees,making industries on forest land,killing of animals,explosion of radioactive materials,nioes produsing factories,harmfull gasses,air polluting agent, non biodegradeabel substance, ect. are occuring by man or man made sources.
    god gives us abeautiful natuer but a man makes it hell.

  4. Reshu Bashyal permalink
    January 23, 2013

    Oh! Let’s take pleasure in the sun in concert!! Let’s be unified in this log; It’s a lovely day; we turtle’s date!!!

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