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Featured: Where the buffalo roam in South Dakota

2012 March 22

Congratulations to Flickr participants “funkymonk1984″ for their March 2012 featured photo from State of the Environment!

Wild Buffalo Custer State Park State of the Environment entry March 2012

Word on the street says this photo comes from a couple who just took a road trip around the United States, taking pictures the entire way for State of the Environment. How cool is that? For the rest of us who might be desk bound, you can at least live vicariously through their travels as we’ll be featuring more of their photos over the coming weeks!

For extra fun, compare that image to Marc St. Gil’s photos for Documerica. Although this one is in Texas instead of South Dakota, it’s nice to know these guys are still roaming around.

Buffalo herd on Bell Ranch, Leakey Texas, November 1972 Marc St. Gil for Documerica

Today’s featured photo shows one scene out in our environment today, what’s your view? Share a current photo of our world, our environment as you see it.

All of the featured photos from State of the Environment, as well as featured photos from Documerica, can be seen on EPA’s Facebook page

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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