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Today’s Photo: Sahel Food Crisis

2012 October 9

Thank you to Oxfam International for their efforts to reach hundreds of thousands displaced by conflict in Mali and for bringing this story to international light.

The entrenchment of armed groups and the spread of instability has led to increased humanitarian suffering across the region. The human impact is evident in the 170,000 people displaced within Mali and 250,000 displaced across the region, as well as in the vulnerable communities struggling to host them.” -Oxfam International.

In Burkina Faso, Oxfam aims to reach nearly 300,000 people, including over 75,000 refugees, with water, public health assistance, animal health and food programs and more. Follow Oxfam’s response to the Sahel food crisis.

Mentao Nord camp in Burkina Faso September 21, 2012, by Pablo Tosco, Oxfam International.

Mentao Nord camp in Burkina Faso September 21, 2012, by Pablo Tosco, Oxfam International.

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One Response leave one →
  1. Arman.- permalink
    October 9, 2012

    Environmentalism And Solving The Crisis.-

    Crisis is product with procedure and regulatory which needs the way out.The tools tried to help,but failed; except should environmentalism.

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