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Achieving Excellence in HVAC Design Video

GSA's Office of Design and Construction within the Public Buildings Service (PBS) established the Design Excellence Program in 1994 to assure quality of the federal facilities. The Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system significantly impacts environmental sustainability, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, cost of maintenance and tenant satisfaction. Therefore, the design of the HVAC system is critical to achieving excellence in the buildings' performance. This video will assist architects, engineers, and GSA project managers to achieve HVAC excellence in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of new and renovated federal buildings and courthouses.

-   Achieving Excellence in HVAC Design (High)

High Bandwidth Windows Media Video
Connection speeds of 300KB and faster
22 minutes.

HVAC Video Screenshot

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Office of Design and Construction
(202) 501-1888

Bose Thomas
(202) 482-7346
