U.S. Department of Justice

Leading Remote Teams Is Virtually the Same

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 07, 2012

Library ID

  • 025967



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  • 2011
  • 10 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The success of today’s leaders depends on their ability to lead both co-located [aka proximal] and remotely located teams and individuals. Leaders must establish effective working relationships with and among team members, communicate all aspects of the business and the work, build innovation and creativity, and drive performance and results, whether the team is co-located or distant, and sometimes with little or no face-to-face contact between individuals or the team as a whole … Success is possible for remote leaders—if they pay attention to certain effective leadership actions and practices for non-remote leadership situations. Remote leaders need not learn a lot of new and different things; they simply must pay attention to the same familiar things in slightly different ways.” (p. 1-2). Actions that remote leaders need to do in order to be effective are: mitigate the differences; use effective leadership practices; and leverage technology to build virtual work spaces that surpass “real” ones.

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