Bilateral Trade Affairs

Date: 02/26/2005 Description: A container ship passes under the Francis Scott Key bridge as it steams up the Chesapeake Bay toward the Port of Baltimore. © AP Image

The Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs (BTA), led by Director Robert Manogue, is at the center of U.S. bilateral trade relations with countries around the world. We are frequently called on by the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries and other senior officials because of our expertise in trade and economic relations with all the regions of the world. BTA plays a key role in the development, negotiation and implementation of Free Trade Agreements, Trade and Investment Framework Agreements, and trade preference programs. We also collaborate closely with State Department regional bureaus, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Departments of Agriculture, Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security. Additionally, we engage with Congress, foreign government officials, the private sector, academia, and think tanks.


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