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Featured photo: Camp Lemonnier Cleanup

2012 August 28

Congratulations to Jarad A. Denton, Senior Airman with the U.S. Air Force, for another featured photo today!

In November of 2011, over 200 service members joined locals in collecting and removing hundreds of bags of trash from the area outside the camp as part of the Djibouti Pride Initiative.

DJIBOUTI, Djibouti (Nov. 5, 2011) - U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Reese Ritter, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa surgeon cell senior enlisted leader, rolls a tire up a hill outside the perimeter of Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. Ritter joined more than 200 service members from the camp for the Djibouti Pride Initiative. The effort brought together locals as well as Djiboutian, coalition and Camp Lemonnier service members in collecting and removing hundreds of bags of trash from the area outside the camp. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jarad A. Denton.

DJIBOUTI, Djibouti (Nov. 5, 2011) - U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Reese Ritter, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa surgeon cell senior enlisted leader, rolls a tire up a hill outside the perimeter of Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jarad A. Denton.

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