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Documerica Location Challenge: Coal City, West Virginia

2012 January 23

Thanks to Documerica photographer Jack Corn the people, working conditions and environment in Coal City, West Virginia, were well documented in time in 1974.

Coal City Club in Coal City, West Virginia

Now, the challenge is on YOU if you live in that area or plan to travel to it. What looks different? What remains the same?

See if you can match up the exact image, to compare what nearly 40 years later looks like!

Share your photos here. We can’t wait to see our world as you see it!

Not in West Virginia? See how close Documerica came to home and and send in your own ‘Then-Now’ match up!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Photo master permalink
    October 18, 2012

    Great job on this! You made something that is usually pretty confusing very simple and easy to understand. I LOVE your tutorials!

  2. jfalvey permalink*
    October 18, 2012

    Thanks for this comment, glad to hear it!

  3. b.j. ellison permalink
    February 9, 2013

    born n raised in coal city it all looks the same except the club, its been added on to and had a face lift new entrance done aways with the drunk bench outside and enclosed it and added a wheelchair ramp when I go through coalcity again I will take a pic n post it

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