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Contact: Laura Strange 202-225-6405
Latta Votes to Protect Ohio Jobs and Support Domestic Energy

Washington, DC, Sep 21, 2012 -

Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) today voted in favor of H.R. 3409, the Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act, a package of five energy bills that would promote domestic energy production and protect American jobs. Latta released the following statement regarding H.R. 3409:

“Under the current administration, the coal industry has endured an excessive barrage of government regulations, implemented by unelected bureaucrats, without having to consider basic industry concerns such as compliance costs and feasibility. Around 80 percent of Ohio’s electricity is generated from coal-fired power plants and Ohio ranks third in the nation for coal use. Unfortunately, policies implemented by current federal bureaucrats not only result in limited access to an inexpensive and dependable source of domestic energy, but also a direct loss in U.S. jobs.

“The coal mining industry in Ohio accounts for 5,000 direct jobs, but instead of expanding and creating additional jobs, many energy production businesses throughout Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District have invested resources and capital to ensure compliance with these overreaching regulations. In this sluggish economy, we cannot afford higher energy prices and the loss of any more jobs in Ohio or the nation.”


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