Population Estimates and Estimated Components of Change for Combined Statistical Areas and Their Geographic Components: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011 (CSA-EST2011-alldata) File: 7/1/2011 Combined Statistical Area Population Estimates File Date: April 2012 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Sort order of observations: Combined statistical areas and their components sorted in FIPS Code sort. Data fields (in the order that they appear): VARIABLE: DESCRIPTION: CSA Combined Statistical Area code CBSA Core Based Statistical Area code MDIV Metropolitan Division code STCOU State and county code NAME Name/title of area LSAD Legal/Statistical Area Description CENSUS2010POP 4/1/2010 resident Census 2010 population ESTIMATESBASE2010 4/1/2010 resident total population estimates base POPESTIMATE2010 7/1/2010 resident total population estimate POPESTIMATE2011 7/1/2011 resident total population estimate NPOPCHG_2010 Numeric change in resident total population 4/1/2010 to 7/1/2010 NPOPCHG_2011 Numeric change in resident total population 7/1/2010 to 7/1/2011 NATURALINC2010 Natural increase in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 NATURALINC2011 Natural increase in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 BIRTHS2010 Births in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 BIRTHS2011 Births in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 DEATHS2010 Deaths in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 DEATHS2011 Deaths in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 NETMIG2010 Net migration in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 NETMIG2011 Net migration in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 INTERNATIONALMIG2010 Net international migration in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 INTERNATIONALMIG2011 Net international migration in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 DOMESTICMIG2010 Net domestic migration in period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 DOMESTICMIG2011 Net domestic migration in period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 RESIDUAL2010 Residual for period 4/1/2010 to 6/30/2010 RESIDUAL2011 Residual for period 7/1/2010 to 6/30/2011 The April 1, 2010 Population Estimates base reflects changes to the Census 2010 population from the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) and other geographic program revisions. It does not reflect changes from the Count Question Resolution program. All geographic boundaries for the 2011 population estimates series are defined as of January 1, 2011. Total population change includes a residual. This residual represents the change in population that cannot be attributed to any specific demographic component of change - see "State & County Terms and Definitions" at . The Office of Management and Budget's statistical area definitions for combined statistical areas are those issued by that agency in December 2009 . The combined statistical area population estimates are based upon the county estimates. The county estimates methodology is available at: . Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division