
ACF, Green Technology Exports, Brazil and a Two-Year Partnership

November 15, 2010

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Cora Dickson is a Senior International Trade Specialist with the International Trade Administration working in the Office of Energy and Environmental Industries

With three breakout sessions on “green technologies” over the next two days, the Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) is the perfect setting to officially launch a two-year Market Development Cooperation Program (MDCP) award, “Export Green: Growing SME Exports to Brazil.”

Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sánchez (center) presents MDCP award at the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Atlanta on November 14.

Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sánchez (center) presents MDCP award at the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Atlanta on November 14.

Like all MDCPs, this will result in a close working partnership between the cooperator, in this case the National Chamber Foundation, and the International Trade Administration (ITA).  On average, for every dollar that ITA invests in MDCP awards generates $125 in exports; awards are granted only to non-profit groups.  As an industry expert on the staff of the Office and Energy and Environmental Industries, my role will be to coordinate ITA and U.S. government resources and to liaise with the cooperator.  

Yesterday during an intimate meet-and-greet for U.S. ACF attendees, Under Secretary Sánchez and Assistant Secretary Camuñez congratulated the Chamber Foundation and pledged ITA support for the exciting array of activities being planned – including trade missions, business forums, webinars, and Brazilian buying missions to green tech trade shows in the United States.  Steven Bipes, Executive Director, Brazil-U.S. Business Council, and Kathleen McInerney, Manager, Trade Roots were both on hand to receive the award and talk about the goals of the partnership.  It all starts with a survey of U.S. green tech companies.  The results of the survey will provide a foundation on which to build the MDCP, and also help the cooperator keep companies apprised of upcoming events and opportunities.   If you are a green tech small or medium-sized company interested in entering or expanding your overseas activities especially in Brazil, please take the survey.

Non-profit organizations interested in hearing more about how they can apply to become an MDCP partner can attend ”Partnering to Double Exports” on December 1.


  1. The fifth Climate Change Performance Index recently showed Brazil to be the biggest mover regarding renewabe energy, knocking the usually strongest player Sweden farther down the scale. I think Brazil provides a great investment opportunity for American companies.

  2. Brazil is definitely becoming a great investment opportunity for any one looking for oversees opportunities. will definitely look into it.

    Tony Bocsit

  3. Yes we were all surprised that Brazil and its sugar cane energy production was way ahead of United States corn ethanol production. They’re really doing it economically and sustainably

  4. Brazil is a growing economy but the country will continue beeing a theird world country until they can resolve the powerty and get rid of the corruption!

    Altough… It’s a great export platform and a lot of European companies is having manufacturing plants in São Paulo and if I don’t recall it wrong, Swedish companies is the biggest single employers in that region. And all that to reach the more exclusive export market of the US.

    one major problem though with exporting to Brazil is the outrageous import taxes. Up to 60% for goods that in some way can compeete with products manufactured within Brazil! They even have an old processor that rumors say thay keep an small manufacturing of just to beeing able to add those 60% on all computers imported.

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