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What We Are
Wisconsin Clean Cities is a 501c3 tax-exempt, stand alone, non-profit organization that is a designated U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Cities coalition serving the state of Wisconsin. Our mission is to reduce dependence on petroleum-based fuels, promote the use of alternative fuels and technologies, and improve air quality. Wisconsin Clean Cities strives to advance our nation's economic, environmental and energy security by supporting local actions to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector.
Where We Are

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Upcoming Events
Sun Feb 12 Energy Independence Summit
Tue Feb 14 South Shore Clean Cities Annual Meeting
Tue Mar 14 NTEA Work Truck Show/Green Truck Summit
Tue Mar 28 2017 WPGA Spring Conference
Tue Apr 25 2017 NAFA Institute & Expo
Mon May 1 2016 ACT (Advanced Clean Transportation) Expo