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Department of Health and Human Services

About Systematic Dissemination Program Evaluation

The Systematic Dissemination Program Evaluation contract measures the effectiveness of four complementary projects designed to increase awareness and use of research findings from AHRQ’s Effective Health Care (EHC) Program:

  • The National Initiative for Promoting Evidence-Based Health Information promotes EHC Program resources and establishes dissemination partnerships with national organizations.
  • The Academic Detailing project provides in-person visits with clinicians and health care leaders to communicate research results and encourage their use in clinical practice.
  • The Regional Partnership Development Offices develop partnerships with local, State, and regional organizations to enhance awareness and use of patient-centered outcomes research.
  • The Online Continuing Education project creates accredited continuing medical education/continuing education (CME/CE) modules for clinicians.

These projects work in tandem to improve health care outcomes by disseminating patient-centered outcomes research to priority audiences. They were initiated by AHRQ’s Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer. The audiences include consumers, patients, and caregivers; individual clinicians and their professional organizations; hospitals and integrated health systems; businesses and business organizations; academicians and researchers; quality improvement organizations; policymakers; and advocates for better patient care. Special emphasis is placed on reaching priority populations, including minorities, seniors, low-income individuals, and people with limited access to health care.

The Systematic Dissemination Program Evaluation contract measures the impact of these initiatives through several metrics, including —

  • The number and scope of dissemination partnerships developed between AHRQ and external organizations
  • The number of orders placed for EHC Program publications
  • The number of electronic Web site visits and downloads of EHC Program publications that are attributable to dissemination initiatives
  • The number of clinicians who participate and earn credits through CME/CE activities
  • The number of clinicians who participated in academic detailing visits and reported behavior change

By using these measures and others, the project will assess awareness, understanding, and behavior change among target audiences. Ongoing evaluations of these complementary dissemination strategies will inform current and future dissemination of EHC Program materials.

Data Collection and Evaluation

During phase 1 (the first 3 years of the contract), evaluation activities will include the following:

  • Collection and analysis of quarterly metrics from the four dissemination contractors
  • Administration of surveys to clinicians, consumers, and patients
  • Followup focus groups with clinicians, consumers, and patients
  • In-depth interviews with health system decisionmakers, purchasers, and policymakers
  • Baseline and annual analysis of AHRQ Web site and clearinghouse data

During phase 2 (option years 4 and 5), evaluation activities will include the following:

  • Collection and analysis of quarterly metrics from dissemination contractors
  • Administrative/claims data analysis
  • Administration of surveys to clinicians and health system decisionmakers
  • Followup focus groups with clinicians and health systems decisionmakers
  • Continued analysis of AHRQ-provided Web site data, including AHRQ clearinghouse requests and EHC Program Web site metrics

A Coordinated Effort in Translation, Dissemination, and Implementation

To complement the evidence translation and dissemination efforts undertaken by the John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communications Science, funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are supporting four dissemination and implementation projects from September 2010 to September 2013: The National Initiative for Promoting Evidence-Based Health Information, Regional Partnership Development Offices, Online Continuing Education, and Academic Detailing. In addition, a separate Systematic Dissemination Program Evaluation project not only develops metrics and collects data for measuring the impact of each project, but also provides continuous feedback for ongoing project improvements. The Systematic Dissemination Program Evaluation was awarded to Impaq International.

Building on the translation products developed by the Eisenberg Center, these projects enhance the Effective Health Care Program’s capacity to promote the use of evidence-based health information and improve health care outcomes. Target audiences include consumers, patients, and caregivers; individual clinicians and their professional organizations; hospitals and integrated health systems; businesses and business organizations; academicians and researchers; Quality Improvement Organizations; policymakers; and advocates for better patient care. Special emphasis is placed on reaching priority populations, including minorities, seniors, low-income individuals, and people with limited access to health care.