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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the governmentwide real property inventory system?

    EO 13327 charged GSA with developing and managing a new inventory system - "a single, comprehensive, and descriptive database of all real property under the custody and control of all executive branch agencies, except when otherwise required for reasons of national security." Consequently, the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) determined that the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) would serve as the inventory system for the federal real property portfolio. FRPC and its committees identified and defined 24 mandatory data elements that agencies must report. Included in the 24 data elements are four first-tier performance measures.

    The FRPC's goals are that the governmentwide inventory system:
    1. Leads to an increased level of agency accountability for asset management.
    2. Allows comparing and benchmarking across various types of real property assets.
    3. Gives decision-makers the accurate, reliable data needed to make asset management decisions, including disposing of unneeded federal properties.

  2. What is the Federal Real Property Profile?

    The Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) is the single comprehensive inventory system that contains data on all federal real property assets within and outside the United States, including improvements on federal land.

  3. Where can I access it?

    Via the FRPP website.

  4. Who can get a user ID?

    Access to the FRPP is limited to federal government employees and, in certain cases, contractors who are supporting federal agencies in submitting data to FRPP.

  5. How do I request my user ID?

    You should direct all new user ID requests by entering the application at the Real Property Profile Website and clicking on "need a user ID?" Approval for new accounts and the level of access is granted by an agency administrator within each federal agency. Each agency may see its data, and only its data.

  6. How often are the records updated in the FRPP?

    Most agencies report their entire inventory annually as required by Federal Management Regulations (FMR) Part 102-84, Annual Real Property Inventories. The FRPP inventory system provides agencies the capability to update their inventory on a 'real time' basis.

  7. What is the deadline for submitting updates?

    The agencies should report their end-of-fiscal-year real property inventory by December 15 of each year.

  8. When is the Annual Report available and how can I get a copy?

    The Federal Real Property Report, issued by the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) and GSA, provides a summary of data from FRPP. You can access the annual report online from the GSA Real Property website.

  9. How many properties does the federal government manage?

    In 2010, the government's portfolio of building assets totaled approximately 3.35 billion square feet of space. In all, the government had a total of 889,000 building and structure assets with a total operating cost of $30.8 billion.

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Chris Coneeney
(202) 208-2956

FRPP,Federal Real Property Profile