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Extramural Research Search

Arizona State University Elliott, Linda June Botany, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Arizona, U. of Tucson Blue, Julie Elena Hydrology and Water Resources, Department of Geology (hydrology) Ph.D.
Arizona, U. of, Tucson Brown, Jonathan Jed Soil, Water and Environmental Science, Department of Horticulture Ph.D.
Arizona, U. of, Tucson Callegary, James Briggs Soil, Water and Environmental Science, Department of Earth Sciences MS
Arizona, U. of, Tucson Roane, Timberley Soil, Water, and Environmental Science, Department of Earth Sciences Ph.D.
Arizona, U. of, Tucson Scott, Russell Hydrology, Department of Geology (Hydrology) Ph.D.
Boston University Mann, Koren Kathleen Mechanical Engineering, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Boston University Webster, Thomas Fredrik Environmental Health, Department of Probability/Statistics DSc
California, U. of Berkeley Creyts, Jon Chandler Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Berkeley Chen, Helen Y. Energy and Resources Group Political Science MS
California, U. of, Berkeley Connelly, Lloyd Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Berkeley Deeb, Rula Anselmo Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Berkeley Dunne, Jennifer A. Energy and Resources Group Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
California, U. of, Berkeley Hobson, Jeffrey Owen Energy and Resources Group Social Studies MS
California, U. of, Berkeley Morrison, Glenn Charles Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Berkeley Van Loy, Michael David Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Anderson, Jamie Donn Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Colfer, Ramana Gerald Population Biology Graduate Group Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Davidova, Yulya B. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering MS
California, U. of, Davis Emerick, Robert Wayne Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Eppley, Sarah Margaretha Center for Population Biology Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Hoopes, Martha Fenn Environmental Studies, Division of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Hsu, Shi Ling Agricultural Economics, Department of Economics Ph.D.
California, U. of, Davis Tansey, Michael Kevin Land, Air, and Water Resources, Department of Earth Sciences Ph.D.
California, U. of, Irvine Zamon, Jeannette Edythe Ecology and Evolutionary Biology , Department of Marine Biology Ph.D.
California, U. of, Riverside Yoshida, Lidia Ceballos Botany and Plant Sciences, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
California, U. of, Santa Barbara Patterson, Karen W. Geography, Department of Earth Sciences Ph.D.
Chicago, U. of Erlick, Caynelisa Geophysical Sciences, Department of Atmospheric Science Ph.D.
Chicago, U. of Juenger, Thomas E. Ecology and Evolution, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Chicago, U. of Smith, Francesca Avril Geophysical Sciences, Department of Geology Ph.D.
Clark University Cresko, William Andrew Biology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Colorado School of Mines Spear, John Ryan Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Division of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Anderson, Wendy Anne Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Hartz, Alexis Ann Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems MA
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Hicke, Jeffrey Alan Astrophysical Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Hudak, Andrew Thomas Environmental Population and Organismic Biology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Marchand, Eric Anthony Civil Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Miller, Mark Eugene Geography, Department of Geography Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Rate, Debra Nicole Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology, Department of Molecular Biology/Genetics Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Thunhorst, Kristen LaVelle Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering Ph.D.
Colorado, U. of, Boulder Vierling, Lee Alexander Environmental Population, and Organismic Biology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Columbia University Perez, Joseph Frank Environmental Health Sciences, Division of Microbiology/Cell Biology Ph.D.
Columbia University Tudor, Helen E.A. Chemical Eng., Materials Science & Mining Eng., Department of Materials Engineering Ph.D.
Cornell University Chase, Lisa Cheryl Agricultural Resource and Managerial Economics, Department of Economics Ph.D.
Cornell University Ferraro, Paul John Agricultural Resource, and Managerial Economics Program, Department of Economics Ph.D.
Dartmouth College Hogan, James Francis Earth Sciences, Department of Geology (Geochemistry) Ph.D.
Dartmouth College Jacobson, Andy Darin Earth Sciences , Department of Geochemistry Ph.D.
Duke University Camill III, Philip Botany, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Duke University Moilanen, Lorita H. Environment and Integrated Toxicology Program, School of Toxicology Ph.D.
Florida, U. of, Gainesville Clevenger, Wendy Leigh Chemistry, Department of Anaytical Chemistsry Ph.D.
Florida, U. of, Gainesville Mihalcik, Elizabeth Louise Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Department of Zoology Ph.D.
Florida, U. of, Gainesville Thomas, John Edward Soil and Water Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences Ph.D.
Georgia, U. of , Athens Goodisman, Michael Abraham Entomology, Department of Entomology Ph.D.
Georgia, U. of, Athens Patterson, Shane Ernest Zoology, Department of Marine Biology Ph.D.
Harvard University Wright, Gillian Alice Public Policy Program Economics MS
Hawaii, U. of, Manoa Gruner, Daniel Stephen Zoology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Houston, U. of Grottoli-Everett, Andrea G. Biology and Biochemistry, Department of Oceanography/Marine Sciences Ph.D.
Illinois, U. of, Urbana-Champaign Damon, Lisa Ann Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of Economics Ph.D.
Illinois, U. of, Urbana-Champaign Schoeffmann, Jennifer Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering MS
Illinois, U. of, Urbana-Champaign Youngblood, Cecelia Lynn Civil Engineering, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems MS
Indiana University Richards, Lynn Anne Public and Environmental Affairs, School of Political Science MS
Johns Hopkins University Cattaneo, Andrea Luigi Geography and Environmental Engineering, Department of Economics Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University Taylor, Denise Gail Geography and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
Kansas, U. of, Lawrence McMillan, Amy Marie Entomology, Department of Molecular/Genetics Ph.D.
Maryland, U. of, Baltimore Baier-Anderson, Caroline L. Center for Estuarine and Environmental Studies Toxicology Ph.D.
Maryland, U. of, College Park Bramble, Lisa Anne Center for Estuarine and Environmental Studies Pathology Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Benitez, Claudia R. Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Department of Oceanography/Marine Sciences Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Man, Alice Mehling Materials Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mann, Elizabeth L. Biological Oceanography Marine Biology Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Poulton, Nicole Jane Biology, Department of Marine Biology Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Saito, Makoto Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Department of Oceanography/Marine Sciences Ph.D.
Massashusetts, U. of, Amherst Plummer, Jeannie Denu Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering Ph.D.
Memphis, U. of Zenitsky, Gary David Biology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Miami University Levin, Steven Leonard Zoology, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Michigan State University Gardener, McSpadden, Brian B. Botany and Plant Pathology, Department of Botany/Plant Pathology Ph.D.
Michigan, U. of, Ann Arbor Estrada, Torri Jon Natural Resources, Res. Policy & Behavior Concentration, Sociology MS
Michigan, U. of, Ann Arbor Lair, Heather A. Natural Resources and Environment/Business, Schools of Industrial/Social Ecology MS/MBA
Michigan, U. of, Ann Arbor MacDonald, Pia Denise Epidemiology, Department of Ecology/Ecosystem MPH
Missouri, U. of, Columbia Thayer, Kristina Ann Biological Sciences, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Missouri-Rolla, U. of Wagner, Robert Milton Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
Nevada, U of, Reno Stone, Laura Ann Environmental Science and Health Program Toxicology Ph.D.
North Carolina State University Carter, Scott David Mechanical Engineering, Department of Molecular Biology/Genetics Ph.D.
North Carolina, U. of, Chapel Hill Bunyard, William Clayton Chemistry, Department of Polymer Chemistry Ph.D.
North Carolina, U. of, Chapel Hill Davis, Jennifer Anne Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Department of Economics Ph.D.
North Carolina, U. of, Chapel Hill Hee, Carol Ann Marine Sciences, Department of Oceanography/Marine Sciences MS
Oklahoma State University Leblanc, Sherry C. Zoology, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Oklahoma, U of, Oklahoma City Hester, Kathryn Lynn Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Microbiology/Cell Biology Ph.D.
Old Dominion University Bullock, Audra Michiele Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering MS
Oregon State University Habron, Geoffrey Bryan Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Rutgers University Stocks, Karen Ingeborg Oceanography Program Oceanography/Marine Science Ph.D.
Stanford University Still, Christopher Jason Biological Sciences, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
SUNY at Stony Brook Anastasia, Jean Rita Marine Science Research Center Marine Biology Ph.D.
SUNY at Syracuse Chess, Caron Environmental Studies, Department of Urban and Regional Planning Ph.D.
Texas A&M University Cross, Deanna S. Mechanical Engineering, Department of Plant Pathology Ph.D.
Texas A&M University Paasch, Mary Margaret Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering MS
Texas, U. of, Galveston Langford, Shannon Dale Pathology, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Texas, U. of, Galveston Piper, John Thomas Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
Utah, U. of, Salt Lake City Steenstra, Alex Economics, Department of Economics Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University Osborne, Robin J. Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
Washington, U. of, Seattle Erazo, Juliet Serenyi Forest Mangement and Engineering, Division of Forestry MS
Washington, U. of, Seattle Sepez, Jennifer Anthropology, Department of Anthropology Ph.D.
Washington, U. of, Seattle Wawrukiewicz, Ann Environmental Health, Department of Toxicology Ph.D.
West Virginia University, Morgantown DeYoung, Cassandra Resource Management, Division of Resource Economics MS
William and Mary, College of Grubbs, Ralph Dean Fisheries, Department of Marine Biology MS
Wisconsin, U. of, Madison Jordan, James Walter Geography, Department of Geography Ph.D.
Wyoming, U. of, Laramie Meyer, Carolyn Burks Botany, Department of Ecology/Ecosystems Ph.D.
Yale University Evans, Alexander Myrick Forestry and Environmental Studies, School of Forestry MS
Yale University Page, Christina Goodridge Forestry and Environmental Studies, School of Urban and Regional Planning MS
Yale University Spencer, Kristen Shannon Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Social Sciences Ph.D.

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