United States            Chief Financial Officer       EPA 205 R-98-003
            Environmental Protection       (2732)              February 1998
•PA        Fiscal Year 1999
           Justification Of Appropriation
           Estimates For The Committees
                  On Appropriations
            Recycled/Recyclable • Printed with Vegetable Based Inks on Recycled Paper (20% Postconsumer)

Environmental Protection Agency
1999 Annual Plan
Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview *.,....-..-.	  i-1
      Mission Statement and Agency Purpose	i-1
      Goals	i-2
      Guiding Principles		1-4
      New Approaches to Planning and Budgeting.  ...........  i-5
      Organization for the Annual Plan	.	i-6
      Overview of the Plan.	  i-ll

Resource Tables	*	  RT-1
      Resources by Appropriation	RT-1
      Resources by Goal/Appropriation	,	RT-3
      Resources by Goal/Objective	  RT-15

Goal 1: Clean Air	  1-1
      Attain National Ambient Air Quality Standards
            (NAAQS)  for Ozone and PM	1-5
      Reduce Emissions of Air Toxics. ,	•	1-22
      Attain NAAQS for CO,  S02,  N02, and Lead	1-33
      Acid Rain	,	1-40

Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water	II-l
      Enhance Human Health Through Safe Drinking Water	II-7
      Conserve and Enhance Nation's Waters..	11-26
      Reduce Loadings and Air Deposition.  ..............  11-47

Goal 3: Safe Food	.111-1
      Reduce Agricultural Pesticides Risk  	  III-4
      Reduce Use on Food of Pesticides Not Meeting Standards.  ....  III-9

Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities, Homes,
            Workplaces and Ecosystems	IV-1
      Reduce Public and Ecosystems Exposure to Pesticides  ......  IV-7
      Reduce Lead Poisoning ...........	IV-13
      Safe Handling and Use of Commercial Chemicals
            and Microorganisms.	IV-19
      Healthier Indoor Air.	IV-30
      Improve Pollution Prevention Strategies, Tools, Approaches.  .  .  IV-38
      Decrease Quantity and Toxicity of Waste	  IV-45
      Assess Conditions in Indian Country	IV-53

Goal 5: Better Waste Management and Restoration of Contaminated
            Waste Sites	   V-l
      Reduce or Control Risks to Human Health	   V-7
      Prevent Releases by Proper Facility Management. ,  	   V-27
      Respond to All Known Emergencies. .	   V-48

Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks .  ,  VI-1             *
      Reduce Transboundary Threats, Shared North American
            Ecosystems	  VI-6
      Climate Change . . 	 ,.,,.,,.  VI-16
      Stratospheric Ozone Depletion	VI-31
      Protect Public Health and Ecosystems From Persistent Toxics .,  VI-38
      Prevent Degradation of the Marine and Polar Environments ,. .  .  VI-.45
      Achieve Cleaner and More Cost-Effective Practices. ......  VI-49

Goal 7: Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About Their Environment VII-1
      Increase Quality/Quantity of Education, Outreach,
            Data Availability	VII-6
      Improve Public's Ability to Reduce Exposure	,   VII-18
      Enhance Ability to Protect Human Health. ...........   VII-27

Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risks,
            and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems  VIII-1
      Research for Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration	VIII-6
      Research for Human Health Risk Assessment	   VIII-20
      Research to Detect Emerging Risk Issues  	 ...   VIII-32
      Pollution Prevention and New Technology for Environmental
        Protection	   VIll-44
      Enable Research on Innovative Approaches to Current and
            Future Environmental Problems	VIII-57
      Increase Use of Integrated, Holistic, Partnership Approaches .   viII-61
      Increase Opportunities for Sector Based Approaches 	   VIII-65
      Regional Enhancement of Ability to Quantify                          -           )
            Environmental Outcomes 	  .   VIII-69
      Science Advisory Board Peer Review	   VIII-72
      Incorporate Innovative Approaches to Environmental
            Management	> . .  . •	, .  ,   VIII-7.5

Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
            with the Law	   IX-1
      Enforcement Tools to Reduce Non-Compliance	   IX-4
      Increase Use of Auditing, Self-Policing Policies  .......   IX-11

Goal 10: Effective Management	   X-l
      Executive Leadership	,  .   X-6
      Management Services, Administrative, and Stewardship ......   X-12
      Building Operations, Utilities and New Construction	,   X-23
      Regional Management Services and Support	   . . .  ,   X-29
      Provide Audit and Investigative Products and Services.   .....   X-33

Special Analysis 	 	 ......  SA-1
      EPA User Fees Program	  SA-1
      .Non-Appropriated Funds	  SA-3
      Working Capital Fund	SA-5
      The Customer Service Program and its Goals	,  .  .  .   .  SA-6
      Costs and Benefits for Economically Significant Rule in 1998
        Or 1999	SA-9
      Funds for America Chart ,	SA-18
      Appropriations by Object Class	 .......  SA-19
      STAG State and Tribal Assistance Grants	  SA-24
      State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)	SA-2.5


Introduction and Overview .	....,...*	i-1
      Mission Statement and Agency Purpose	i-1
      Goals	:.....  i-2
      Guiding Principles 	  i-4
      New Approaches to Planning and Budgeting	i-5
      Organization for the Annual Plan.  . .  -	i-6
      Overview of the Plan.	....,.,,..  i-11

                           EPA's Mission and Purpose

The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  is to protect human
health and to safeguard the natural environment--air, water, and land--upon
which life depends.  EPA's purpose is to ensure that:

•     All Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and
      the environment where they live, learn, and work.

•     National efforts to reduce environmental risk are based on the best
      available scientific information.

•     Federal laws protecting  human health and the environment are enforced
      fairly and effectively.

•     Environmental protection is an integral consideration in U.S. policies
      concerning natural resources, human health,  economic growth,  energy,
      transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade,  and
      these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental

•     All parts of society--communities, individuals, business, state and
      local governments, and tribal governments--have access to accurate
      information sufficient to effectively participate in managing  human
      health and environmental risks.

•     Environmental protection contributes to making our communities and
      ecosystems diverse, sustainable, and economically productive.

•     The United States plays a leadership role in working with other nations
      to protect the global environment.

                                  EPA's Goals

      EPA has developed a series of ten strategic,  long-term Goals in its
Strategic Plan.  These goals, together with the underlying principles that
will be used to achieve them, define the Agency's planning, budgeting,
analysis, and accountability process.

•     Clean Air:  The air in every American community will be safe and healthy
      to breathe. In particular, children, the elderly, and people with
      respiratory ailments will be protected from health risks of breathing
      polluted air.   Reducing air pollution will also protect the environment,
      resulting in many benefits, such as restoring life in damaged ecosystems
      and reducing health risks to those whose .subsistence depends directly on
      those ecosystems.

•     Clean and Safe Water:  All Americans will have drinking water that is
      clean and safe to drink. Effective protection of America's rivers,
      lakes, wetlands, aquifers, and coastal and ocean waters will sustain
      fish, plants,  and wildlife, as well as recreational, subsistence, and
      economic activities. Watersheds and their aquatic ecosystems will be
      restored and protected to improve public health, enhance water quality,
      reduce flooding, and provide habitat for wildlife.

*     Safe Food:  The foods Americans eat will be free from unsafe pesticide
      residues. Children especially will be protected from the health threats
      posed by pesticide residues, because they are among the most vulnerable
      groups in our society.

•     Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities, Homes, Workplaces
      and Ecosystems:  Pollution prevention and risk management strategies
      aimed at cost-effectively eliminating, reducing, or minimizing emissions
      and contamination will result in cleaner and safer environments in which
      all Americans can reside, work, and enjoy life. EPA will safeguard
      ecosystems and promote the health of natural communities that are
      integral to the quality of life in this nation.

•     Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Waste Sites, and
      Emergency Response:  America's wastes will be stored, treated, and
      disposed of in ways that prevent harm to people and to the natural
      environment.  EPA will work to clean up previously polluted sites,
      restoring them to uses appropriate for surrounding communities, and
      respond to and prevent waste-related or industrial accidents.

*     Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks:  The United
      States will lead other nations in successful, multilateral efforts to
      reduce significant risks to human health and ecosystems from climate
      change, stratospheric ozone depletion, and other hazards of
      international concern.

*     Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About Their Environment:  Easy
      access to a wealth of information about the state of -their local
      environment will expand citizen involvement and give people tools to


             protect  theif families and  their  communities  as  they see  fit.   Increased
j            information exchange between  scientists,  public  health  officials,
             businesses,  citizens, and all levels  of government  will foster  greater
             knowledge  about  the environment and what  can  be  done to protect it.

       •      Sound Science, Improved Understanding of  Environmental  Risk,  and Greater
             Innovation to Address Environmental Problems:  EPA  will develop and
             apply the  best available science  for  addressing  current and  future
             environmental hazards, as well as new approaches toward improving
             environmental protection,

       *      A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance  with the Law:
             EPA will ensure  full compliance with  laws intended  to protect human
             health and the environment.

       •      'Effective  Management:  EPA  will establish a management  infrastructure
             that will  set and  implement the highest quality  standards for effective
             internal management and fiscal responsibility.

                        Guiding Principles

Reduce Health and Environmental Risks:  We will protect human health and
the environment by employing cost-effective risk reduction strategies,
based on sound, peer-reviewed science, in our implementation of
programs. In making decisions about Agency priorities, we will balance
our efforts to reduce ecological risks with our efforts to reduce risks
to human health.

Emphasize Pollution Prevention:  We will structure our approaches to
create incentives for preventing pollution and the transfer of pollution
among air, water, and land. To accomplish this, the Agency will use a
mix of tools—including performance standards and economic incentives in
setting national pollution controls, as well as voluntary pollution
reductions and other innovative alternatives--in furtherance of EPA's
goals and objectives.

Emphasize Children's Health:  We will ensure that all standards EPA sets
address children's unique vulnerability to health and environmental
threats, and we will place emphasis on identifying and assessing
environmental health risks that may affect children disproportionately.

Strengthen Partnerships:  We will enhance EPA's partnerships with
federal, tribal, state, and local agencies. Congress, private industry,
public interest groups, and citizens in order to identify environmental
goals and work together to achieve them. Our internal partnership with
EPA employee labor organizations will also be critical to our success.

Maximize Public Participation and Community Right to Know:  We will
increase the flow of information to the public, enhancing every
American's right to know about local environmental hazards and general
conditions, and thereby enable people to make informed environmental
decisions and participate in setting local and national priorities.

Emphasize Comprehensive Regional and Community-Based Solutions:  We will
structure our approaches to address all forms of pollution
simultaneously--in the air, land and water--and do so in a way that
confronts environmental problems on a community-wide or regional basis.

Place Emphasis on Indian Country:  We will work with Indian tribes on a
government-to-government basis to ensure the protection of the
environment and human health in Indian Country, consistent with our
trust relationship with tribes and our interest in conservation of
cultural uses of natural resources.

Choose Common Sense, Cost-Effective Solutions:  Because a safer,
healthier environment goes hand-in-hand with a robust economy, we will
fulfill EPA's goals using common sense approaches that consider benefits
and costs and seek the most cost-effective ways to integrate our efforts
with those aimed at economic growth. We will work to increase
environmental stewardship and accountability and get-better
environmental protection at reasonable cost by incorporating successful
innovations into the daily operation of environmental programs.


                   New Approaches to Planning and Budgeting

      In 1995, EPA embarked on a far-reaching effort to fundamentally change
past approaches to planning, budgeting, performance measurement, and
accountability..  This entails core changes to budget structures and the
implementation of processes to link budgeting and accountability.  In March of
1996, Administrator Carol Browner announced the creation of a new Planning,
Budgeting, Analysis and Accountability  (PBAA) process that is intended to meet
the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act  (GPRA)  and
dramatically improve EPA's ability to achieve results -- improvements in human
health and the environment,

      The new PBAA process has four specific purposes:  (1) to develop goals
and objectives for accomplishing the Agency's mission;  (2) to make better use
of scientific information .related to human health and environmental risks in
setting priorities; (3) to improve the link between long-term planning and
annual resource allocation; and  (4) to develop a new management system to
assess our accomplishments and provide feedback for making future decisions.
While this effort will take several years to fully implement, the Agency is
making real progress in the short term while we build for the future.  The new
PBAA process comprises several steps, including:

•     A Strategic Plan, which describes EPA's strategic mission, long-term
      goals, and specific shorter-term  (i.e., 5 years or more) objectives that
      the .Agency will .meet in achieving the goals.

*     Annual Performance Plans and Budget Requests, which will be derived from
      the Strategic Plan and a multi-year planning process, will serve as the
      "basis for budget decisions.  They will describe annual performance
      goals, measures of outputs and outcomes, and activities aimed at
      achieving the annual performance goals and making progress toward
      longer-term goals and objectives*

•     Program Performance Reports, required by GPRA six months after the end
      of the fiscal year, which will assess the progress EPA has made toward
      achieving its goals and report on the Agency's success in accomplishing
      its annual performance goals..

                        Organization of the Annual  Plan

      The organization of EPA's 1999 Annual Plan reflects the Agency's new
approach, which links planning and budgeting.  The Annual Plan presents the
Agency's Goals and Objectives, and identifies the 1999 actions and resources
needed to achieve them, consistent with the Strategic Plan.  This new approach
promotes fiscal accountability through a direct connection with the strategic
plan, and between resources and outcomes.  This Annual Plan also constitutes
the Agency's request to Congress for the 1999 budget.  The Annual Plan is the
linchpin to each of the Agency's objectives contained in the strategic plan,
because the Annual Plan sets forth in measurable and quantifiable form the
intermediate levels' of performance for each objective in the budget year.

'Resource Tables

      The resource tables provide a broad overview of the resources that the
Agency is requesting for 1999.  Those resources are identified by Goal,
Objective, and Appropriation.  The dollar amounts in these and other tables
may not add due to independent rounding.

Goal and Objective Sections

      The Goal and Objective sections contain detailed narrative and resource
information on the Agency's 10 Goals and 45 Objectives.   Each objective is
linked to a specific Goal, and detailed information on the Objectives directly
follows the Goals they support.

*     Goal Overview:  The Goal Overviews describe each of EPA's long-term
      Strategic Goals, which support the Agency's overall mission.  The
      narratives in the Goal Overviews describe the Goals and their most
      significant programmatic components.  This section also contains a set
      of annual performance goals that represent the key commitments that the
      Agency will report on to Congress for the purpose of evaluating our
      performance under GPRA.  In selecting these goals, the Agency has
      attempted to address the legislative concern expressed in GPRA that
      "annual plans not be voluminous presentations describing
      performance.„.for every activity.  The annual plan and reports are to
      inform, not overwhelm the reader."  The Goal .Overview section also
      includes the total dollar and FTE resources devoted that Goal.   Those
      totals equal the sum of the totals contained In each Objective section.

•     Objective Overview:  Like Goals, Objectives are a critical part of the
      new planning and budgeting process, and they respond to the GPRA
      requirement to plan achievable Objectives.  Each Objective supports the
      attainment of a specific Goal.  Objective narratives describe specific
      agency functions and the operational processes and human, capital and
      technological resources required to meet the performance goals.
      Narratives in the Objective overviews also contain a comprehensive set
      of annual performance goals and performance measures that address the
      entire spectrum of Agency activities for FY 1999 and FT 1998.  The
      Agency is committed to incorporating results-based management at all
      levels, from line managers to policy makers.  The set of performance


      goals and. measures contained in each objective section of our annual
      plan will be used to inform the Agency on its performance so that
      programs are delivered in the most efficient and effective manner.

•     Annual Performance Goals:  Annual Performance Goals are central to
      measuring progress toward achieving Objectives.  They are quantifiable
      standards, values, or rates against which actual achievement can be
      compared.  They establish the connection between longer-term objectives
      and the day-to-day activities in the Agency's programs and will be used
      by managers to determine how well a program or activity is doing in
      accomplishing its intended results.  This Annual Plan lists Annual
      Performance Goals for both 1998 and 1999, as well as a description of
      how achieving the Annual Performance Goals advance accomplishment of the
      Obj ectives.

•     Key Performance Measures i  Key Performance Measures provide the means
      for determining the extent to which annual goals and multi-year
      objectives are being achieved.  As such, they are essential to program
      evaluations that help to guide the Agency's strategic planning.  This
      Annual Plan indicates Key Performance Measures for 19.98 and 1.999.

•     Key Performance Measure Verification:  The Key Performance Measures
      Verification section describes how the values used in Performance
      Measures are verified and validated.  This section fulfills a GPRA
      requirement that Performance Measure Verification be included in the
      Annual Plan.  This section includes a description, of the source of the
      performance measure data and a general description of current procedures
      for .quality assurance.  This section may also include information such
      as plans to subject the methodology of the data collection or analysis
      to independent review.

•     Statutory Authority:  This section cites the public law that gives the
      Agency legal authority to carry out the Objective.

Special Analyses

      The final section of the Annual Plan includes special analyses.  These

•     External Costs.and Benefits:  This section identifies regulatory actions
      that are likely to result in a rule that may have an annual effect on
      the economy of $100 million or more.  This analysis is1 required by
      executive order and is reported in the Agency's annual "Regulatory

••     Resource Tables;  This section also contains tables that demonstrate the
      relationship between the budget and planning structures.  The budget
      structure will continue to evolve as we work to fully integrate
      planning, budgeting, and accountability, and address concerns identified
      by our stakeholders.

      goals and measures contained in each objective section of our annual
      plan will be used to inform the Agency oil its performance so that
      programs are delivered in the most efficient and effective manner.

•     Annual Performance Goals:  Annual Performance Goals are central to
      measuring progress toward achieving Objectives.  They are quantifiable
      standards, values, or rates against which actual achievement can be
      compared.  They establish the connection between longer-term objectives
      and the day-to-day activities in the Agency's programs and will be used
      by managers to determine how well a program or activity is doing In
      accomplishing its intended results.  This Annual Plan lists Annual
      Performance Goals for both 1998 and 1999, as -well as a description of
      how achieving the Annual Performance Goals advance accomplishment of the

•     Key Performance Measures:  Key Performance Measures provide the means
      for determining the extent to which annual goals and multi-year
      objectives are being achieved.  As such, they are essential to program
      evaluations that help to guide the Agency's strategic planning.  This
      Annual Plan indicates Key Performance Measures for 19:98 and 1999.

•     Key .Performance .Measure Verification:  The Key Performance Measures
      Verification section describes how the values used in Performance
      Measures are verified and validated.  This section fulfills a GPRA
      requirement that Performance Measure Verification be included in the
      .Annual Plan.  This section includes a description of the source of the
      performance measure data and a general description of current procedures
      for quality assurance.  This section may also include information such
      as plans to subject the methodology of the data collection or analysis
      to independent review.

•     Statutory Authority:  This section cites the public law that gives the
      Agency legal authority to carry out the Objective.

Special Analyses

      The final section of the Annual Plan includes special analyses.  These

•     External^Costs	and Benefits;  This section identifies regulatory actions
      that are likely to result in a rule that may have an annual effect on
      the economy of $100 million or more.  This analysis is required by
      executive order and is reported in the Agency's annual "Regulatory

*     •Resource,,, Tables:  This section also contains tables that demonstrate the
      relationship between the budget and planning structures.  The budget
      structure will continue to evolve as we work to fully integrate
      planning, budgeting, and accountability, and address concerns identified
      by our stakeholders.

•     Customer•Service Standards: This section describes the Agency's plan to
      improve its mission .of protecting public health and the environment .by
      more efficiently and effectively serving the public, industry, state and
      local agencies, and other customers.

*     .Working. .Capital Fund-: This section describes the Working Capital Fund, a
      revolving fund authorized by law to finance a cycle of operations, where
      the costs of goods and services provided are charged to the Agency users
      on a fee-for-service basis.

•     User Fees: This section describes the Agency's user fee programs.  User
      fees are the Congressionally-authorized collection of fees charged to
      Agency customers which cover the cost of selected permitting, testing,
      registration, and approval actions.

"     Non-appropriated Funds; This section describes the Agency's non-
      appropriated funds.  The Agency has two such non-appropriated funds, the
      Reregistration and Expedited Processing Revolving Fund, and the
      Revolving Fund for Certification and Other Services, which cover the
      cost of certain Agency activities and do not require an appropriation.

0se of Won-Federal Parties in Preparing this Annual Plan

      The .Annual Plan was prepared in conformance with section .220.7 of OMB
Circular A-11, concerning the role of non-Federal parties in preparing the
Annual Plan.

Relationship Between the Annual Plan and the Strategic Plan

      As described above, the Annual 'Plan is closely aligned with the Agency's
Strategic Plan which was submitted to Congress in September 1997.  Minor
changes include:

•     One objective included in the Annual Plan was not included in the
      Strategic Plan. This objective, within the Goal, "Sound Science,
      improved Understanding of Environmental Risk., and Greater Innovation to
      Address Environmental Problems," addresses new Reinvention activities.
      The Objective statement is as follows: "'Incorporate innovative
      approaches to environmental management into EPA programs, so that EPA
      and external partners achieve greater and more cost-effective public
      health and environmental protection."

•     Also within the "Sound Science" Goal, the following Objective in the
      Annual Plan was not specifically addressed in the Strategic Plan:
      "Enable Research on Innovative Approaches to Current and Future
      Environmental Problems."  This Objective was not addressed because no
      programmatic goals are associate with this objective.  Its purpose is to
      describe resources related to operating expenses in the Agency's
      research programs.  The Agency intends to remove the Objective from the
      .Annual Plan once necessary cost-accounting mechanisms have been

      established to properly attribute those costs across our research-
      related .objectives.

•     Within the "Effective Management" Goal, one objective in the Strategic
      Plan is addressed as two Objectives in the Annual Plan.  in the
      Strategic Plan the objective was as follows: "EPA will provide the
      management services, administrative support and facility operations
      necessary to achieve its environmental mission and to meet its fiduciary
      and workforce responsibilities." In the Annual Plan two Objectives
      .delineate headquarters and regional resources. The two Objectives are as
      follows:  "The Regions will continue to provide the management services,
      infrastructure support and facility operations necessary for the Agency
      to achieve its environmental mission, and meet its fiduciary and
      workforce responsibilities;•" and "The Agency will provide the management
      services, administrative support and operations to enable the Agency to
      achieve its environmental mission and to meet its fiduciary and
      workforce responsibilities."

Relationship between Budgeted Resources and Annual Performance Goals and

      .Annual Performance Goals are related to the resource levels contained in
each objective.   Annual Performance Goals in this Annual Performance Plan are
based upon the resource levels requested in FY 1999.  However, resources may
contribute not only to the budget year's Annual Performance Goals but also to
the accomplishment of .goals in future years.  For example, a performance goal
to complete a number of Superfund site cleanups, or develop research methods
and models, generally requires a period longer than one year.  Thus, resources
requested in FY 1999 will contribute to completion of work in FY 1999 and
beyond.  Likewise, some FY 1999 Annual Performance Goals are achievable only
with appropriations provided in prior years.

      Given this multi-year characteristic of some of the resources requested,
it is not possible to establish direct linkages between the budget requested
for a particular year and the achievement of all performance goals for that

                             Annual Plan Overview

      For 25 years, the Environmental Protection Agency and its partners have
made significant strides in controlling pollution and other environmental
risks to human health and the environment.  The air, land, and water are now
safer for all Americans due to our Nation's investment in environmental

      The EPA's plan for 1999 builds on that success' and invests in programs
that deliver consistently better environmental protection at less cost. The
EPA's 1999 Annual Plan provides $7.8 billion and 18,375 FTE for the Agency's

      This Annual Plan represents the .EPA's new approach to planning and
budgeting, which links goals and objectives to the human, capital, and
technological resources required to achieve them.     The EPA's 199.9 Annual
Plan represents the Agency's full participation in the Government Performance
and Results Act (GPRA) , which .is designed -.to increase the effectiveness and
accountability of Federal Agencies.

Key Initiatives in the Annual Plan

      The EPA is committed to providing the greatest degree of environmental
protection at the lowest possible cost and regulatory burden to citizens and
businesses. The Agency has several key initiatives which are designed to
address environmental risks effectively while maintaining the Administration'^
commitment to a strong economy and a streamlined Federal government.

      Many of these initiatives are supported across the Agency and involve a
number of strategic goals and objectives.  They all work to support the
Agency's mission to reduce risk to human health and safeguard the environment
for future generations.

•     .Ensuring' Clean and Safe Water:  The .President has 'made the protection of
      America's  water supply and waterways a national priority.  To meet this
      commitment,  the 1999 budget includes a Clean Water Initiative as well as
      strong support for the Nation's water infrastructure through State
      Revolving Funds:

      >     Restoring and Protecting America's Waterways through the
            President's "Clean Water and Watershed Restoration Initiative":
            This year the President is launching a Clean Water and Watershed
          .  Restoration Initiative to implement the Administration's Clean
            Water Action Plan, a far reaching new effort to clean America's
            rivers, lakes and coastal waters.  The EPA will play a key role in
            this initiative, focusing on three challenges to restore and
            protect the Nation's waterways: preventing polluted runoff;
            protecting public health; and ensuring community-based watershed
            management.  This initiative is funded in the Agency's Annual Plan
            at $649 million, as part of the President's Environmental
            Resources Fund for America.  It builds on the Agency's on-going
            efforts in water quality, with increases to selected water


      programs of $145 million over 1998.  This initiative increases
      grants to States to implement water quality improvement projects
      as well as other Agency activities such as the restoration and
      protection of our Nation's wetlands.

*     Upgrading the Nation's Water Cualifcy Infrastructure:  The budget
      proposes $775 million in capitalization grants for Drinking Water
      State Revolving Funds  (SRFs), which make low-interest loans to
      help municipalities meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking
      Water Act Amendments. The funds will help ensure that Americans
      have a safe, clean drinking water supply -- our first line of
      defense in protecting public health. The budget also proposes
      $1.075 billion in capitalization grants to Clean Water SRFs to
      help municipalities comply with the Clean Water Act, thus helping
      to reduce beach closures and keep our waterways safe and clean.
      The combined SRF proposal, with continued o.utye.ar capitalization,
      will meet the Administration's long-term goal to provide about
      $2.5 billion a year in loans to needy communities. Both the Clean
      Water SRF and the Drinking Water SRF are part of the President's
      Environmental Resources Fund for America.

Meeting the Global Warming Challenge:    In his 1998 State of the Union
Address, the President stated that "our overriding environmental
.challenge .... is a worldwide problem requiring worldwide action: the
gathering crisis of global warming."  At the recent conference on Global
Climate Change in Kyoto, Japan, the United States led the world to reach
an historic agreement committing nations to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions through market forces, new technology and energy efficiency...
The Climate Change Technology Initiative  (CCTI), funded in the EPA's
.budget at $2.05 million in 1999, will help America continue to meet its
global responsibility to lead the world in emissions reductions.  CCTI,
which, is part of the President's Research Fund for America, is an inter-
agency initiative led by EPA and DOE to support research and technology
advancements in energy efficiency, renewable energy, .and .carbon-
reduction technologies.  The President has stated that "Americans have
always found a way to grow the economy and clean the environment at the
same time. And when it comes to global warming, we'll do it again,"
CCTI will help America meet that challenge.

Implemeuting Stronger Clean Air Standards.:  This budget request supports
an investment of $65 million for a national network of Particulate
Matter Monitors to help the Nation meet the health based air quality
standard for fine particles.  This investment level honors the
President's commitment to States to fund the costs of deploying a new
fine particulate monitoring network and to provide them the tools
necessary to carry out their monitoring efforts.  The EPA will also be
conducting analyses to determine the chemical constituents of PM 2.5 and
better identify and understand the sources and characteristics of the
pollution.  This effort will lead to cleaner, safer air for all

Protecting- Human Health;  One of the President's foremost policy
concerns is the protection of human health through the reduction -of
environmental threats.  As the President said in his State of the Union
Address:  "Our communities are only as healthy as the air our children
breathe, the water they drink, the Earth they will inherit." To reduce
environmental threats and protect future generations, the Agency focuses
on areas where it can provide the greatest amount of protection, such as
the cleanup of toxic waste -sites and -the protection of children from
toxins in the environment.

>•     Cleaning' up Toxic Waste Sites:  The budget strengthens the
      President's commitment to clean up toxic waste sites with $2.1
      billion for Superfund, a 40 percent increase over the 1998 level.
      These funds are part of the President's Environmental Resources
      Fund for America.  Combined with continuing administrative
      reforms, these funds will help meet the President's pledge to
      double the pace of Superfund cleanups. The Administration proposes
      to clean up another 400 sites, resulting in the cleanup of two-
      thirds of the Nation's worst toxic waste dumps by the end of the
      year 2001.

*     Focusing on Health Risks to Children;  The Agency has made the
      protection of children's health a fundamental goal of public
      health and environmental protection in the U.S.  This annual plan
      builds on that commitment with a $33 million investment (an $8
      million increase over 1998) for the Assessing 'Health Risks to
      Children Agenda. This is a high-priority for the Agency since
      children face significant and unique health threats because they
      are often more heavily exposed and more vulnerable than adults to
      toxins in the environment.  When we protect the health of
      children, we protect the health of all Americans.  Major
      activities include establishing, with HHS, six Children's
      Environmental Research Centers, ensuring that EPA's public health
      regulations consider children's health, and providing information
      to parents to better protect their children from environmental

>     Reducing Risks Posed by Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
      Pollutants:  The Agency is strengthening its efforts to address
      the health threat presented by persistent, bioaccumulative, and
      toxic (PET) pollutants. This initiative is funded at $13 million
      in the 1999 Annual Plan (a $10 million increase over 1998).  The
      Agency will conduct and coordinate research and work to reduce the
      risks posed by PBTs through a combination of strategies utilizing
      the full range of regulatory, voluntary, programmatic,
      enforcement, compliance and research tools.  PBT risk mitigation
      activities will include analysis of economic impact, pollution
      prevention strategies, exploration of safe substitute chemical
      alternatives and dissemination of public information.  This multi-
      year initiative will reduce PBTs in the environment and reduce the
      risks that these toxins pose to human health.

Investing' in Science for Sound Decision-making:  Environmental research.
is critical for developing the scientific understanding and
technological tools to allow the Nation to enhance environmental .quality
for current and future generations. Within the President's Research Fund
for America, the EPA's 1999 budget includes $487 million for 'EPA'S
Office of Research and Development (OKD), this investment will provide a
scientific basis for develpping cost-effective environmental policies,
create the knowledge base for citizens to make wise environmental
decisions, and enable new and better approaches to environmental

Revitalizing Communities through the Brownfields Initiative:  The budget
proposes to extend the President's Brownfields initiative, which
promotes local cleanup and redevelopment of industrial sites, bringing
jobs to blighted areas. This budget proposes $91 million for technical
assistance and grants to communities for site assessment and
•redevelopment planning as well as revolving loan funds to finance clean-
up efforts at the local level.

Strengthening- Partnerships with Indian Tribes:  This Annual Plan
continues the Agency's commitment to carrying out its trust
responsibilities to Federally-recognized tribes with a budget request of
$159 million  (a $20 million increase over 1998).  The Indian Program
includes cross-Agency activities designed to ensure the protection of
public health and the tribal homeland environment in a manner consistent
with a government-to-government relationship. The Indian Program is a
priority for the Agency because the sub-standard environmental
conditions of many tribal homelands pose threats to human health, Tribal
economies, and ecosystems. The program will enhance environmental
protection by increasing the number of partnerships with tribal
governments, providing infrastructure assistance, and helping to resolve
trans-boundary environmental issues.

Improving' Public Access to Information:  The President has made a
commitment to providing -.all Americans with access to sound environmental
information and involving the public in environmental decision-making.
This commitment is based on the premise that all U.S.  citizens have a
right to know about the pollutants in their environment --- including the
condition of the air they breathe and the water they drink, as well as
the health effects of the chemicals used in the food and products they
buy.  Access to environmental information also helps make American
citizens involved and informed environmental decision makers, and
promotes creative "and lasting solutions to environmental problems..
EPA's participation in the President's Environmental Monitoring for
Public Access and Community Tracking  (EMPACT) initiative, funded at $35
million in this Annual Plan, helps to carry out this commitment to
provide the public with crucial information on environmental conditions.

j            The EPA's 1999 Annual Plan helps to fulfill the Administration's
       commitment to protect human health and safeguard the environment, while
       continuing on the nation's path of unprecedented economic growth. As the
       Agency strengthens its  relationships with the public, the regulated community,
       and  its governmental partners, it will provide a more effective and efficient
       system of environmental protection.  These partnerships, along with a
       commitment to identify  and solve the Nation's most pressing environmental
       problems, will lay the  groundwork for a new era of environmental protection
       and  serve the Agency's  ultimate customer -- the American people.

Resource Tables

Resource Tables 	   RT-1
      Resources by Appropriation	RT-1
      Resources by Goal/Appropriation 	   RT-3
      Resources by Goal/Objective	RT-15


                              FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                             Appropriation Summary

                               Budget Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in thousands)
Environmental Program & Management

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Envir, Program & Mgmt - Reim

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Science and Technology

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
                                         FY 1998
                 FY 1998
51,887,590.9  $1,799,399.9
               FY 1999
Science and Tech. - Reim
   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  {FIE)

Building and Facilities

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

State and Tribal Assistance Grants

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
$2,793,257.0  $3,212,625.0
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Oil Spill Response

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Inspector General

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
                                     RT  -1


                              FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                             Appropriation Summary

                               Budget Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             -(dollars' in thousands.)
Rereg. & Exped. Proc. Rev Fund

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Hazardous Substance Superfund

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Hazardous Substance SF-IG

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  {FTE)

Superfund Reimbursables

   Budget Authority
   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
$1,488,359.0  $2,080,507.7
     '  102.8

     Budget   Authority
     Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)

Pesticide Registration/PMN Fees
     Budget   Authority

Anticipated  FTE  Lapse
 $7,360,945.9  $7,795,275.4
     18,283.1      18,375.1
    Budget  Authority                $7,645,493.0   $7,360,945,9   $7,771,275.4
    Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          18,283.1       17,975.1      18,375.1
                                    RT -2

                           ENVIRONMENTAL   PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars'in  thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
Op Ian
FY 1999
Clean Air
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
$450,680.0    $490,448.2     $506,953.3
    1,752.2       1,801.8        1,762.4
  Environmental  Program  &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Science and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  State  and Tribal Assistance Grants
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
$192,101.8    $201,258.8
       0.0           0.0
                                   RT  -3

                           ENVIRONMENTAL   PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  in  thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
President .
Clean and Safe Water
  Budget Authority
  Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
        $2,706,342,7   $3,170,864.6  $2,801,869.3
              2,381.6      2,440.3        2,449.5
  Environmental  Program  &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Science and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents
  State and  Tribal Assistance  Grants
     Budget  Authority
    .Full-time equivalents (FTE)
            $2,732,-434.8  $2,381,809.8
                      0.0           0.0
                                   RT -4

                           ENVIRONMENTAL   PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  in  thousands,)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
Safe Food
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
 Environmental  Program  & Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents  (FTE)

 Science and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents' (FTE)

 Rereg. &  Exped.  Proc.  Rev Fund
     Budget Authority
     :Full-tirae equivalents  (FTE)
                                   RT  -5

                           ENVIRONMENTAL.  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999  ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  in thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
Preventing Pollution and Reducing Ris'k in
Communities, Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
  Budget  Authority
  Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
  Environmental  Program &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Science  and Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Building and Facilities
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  State  and Tribal  Assistance  Grants
     Budget Authority                  $80,648.5      $80,648.5   ,%  $84,648.5
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)             0.0            0.0           0.0
                                   RT  -6

                           ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation  Summary

                               Budget Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
Better Waste Management, Restoration of
Contaminated Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
  Budget Authority
  Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
$2,254,977.3  $1,636,785.3   $2,251,327.7
      4,348.1       4,373.6        4,304.1
  Environmental  Program  &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
 'Envir.  Program &  Mgmt  -  Reim
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

 Science and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

 Science and  Tech.  -  Reim
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

 State  and Tribal  Assistance  Grants
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
 'Leaking  Underground Storage  Tanks
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
     997.. 0
      24.. 9
   $64,527.2     $64,527.2
         0.0 .          0.0
   $63,151.3     $69,122.2
        72.4          72.4
  Oil  Spill  Response
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Hazardous  Substance  Superfund
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Superfund  Reimbursables
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
   .$14,446.7     $16,778.1
       103.6         103.6
$1,347,991.9  $1,934,549.1
     2,901.9       2,869.6
                                    RT  -7

                           ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999  ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars' in thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
Reduction of Global and Cross-border Environmental
  Budget  Authority
  Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
  Environmental  Program &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Science  and Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents
              $129,550.8    $228,554.0
                   374.4         431.4
  State  and Tribal  Assistance Grants"
     Budget Authority                 $100,000.0      $75,000.0    $100,000.0
    . Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          .0.0            0.0           0.0
                                    RT -8

                           ENVIRONMENTAL   PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in  thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
Expansion of .Americans' Right to Know About their
  Budget Authority
  Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
  Environmental  Program &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Science  and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Hazardous  Substance  Superfund
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
                                   RT -9

                           ENVIRONMENTAL   PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY  1999 ANNUAL  PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in  thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
Op Ian
FY 1999
Sound Science,  Improved Understanding of Env. Risk
and Greater Innovation to Address Env. Problems
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
 Environmental  Program  & Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
  Science and  Technology
     Budget Authority
     .Full-time equivalents ' (FTE)

  Leaking Underground  Storage  Tanks
     Budget Authority
    . Full-time equivalents (FTE)
 Oil Spill  Response
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Hazardous  Substance  Superfund
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  $53,518.8    $45,960.7
      226.5         225.6
                                   RT -10

                           ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  .in thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
. Budget
A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater
Compliance with the Law
 Budget Authority
 Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
Environmental Program & Management
Budget Authority.
Full-time equivalents
Science and Technology
Budget Authority
Full-time equivalents











State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Budget Authority
Full-time equivalents



• $70,

, 0
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Budget Authority
Full-time equivalents
                                   RT -11

                           ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY 1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget Authority
                             Full''Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in thousands)
FY 1998
FY 1998
Op Ian
FY 1999
Effective Management
  Budget Authority
  Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
  Environmental  Program &  Management
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Envir.  Program ,&  Mgiiit  -  Reim
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents {FTE)

  Science and Technology
     Budget Authority
    . Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Building and Facilities
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Leaking  Underground Storage Tanks
     Budget Authority
     .Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Oil Spill  Response
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

  Inspector  General
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  Hazardous  Substance Superfund
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
  Hazardous  Substance SF-IG
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  $11-, 641.0
 .$109,420,0     $52,948.0
        0.0           0.0
$118, 11.2.1
                                   RT -12

                           ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AGENCY

                                FY 1999  ANNUAL PLAN

                            Goal, Appropriation Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  in thousands)

        Budget Authority
       Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
FY 1998
FY 1998
FY 1999
$7,360,945.9  $7,795,275.4
    18,283.1  •    18,375.1
Pesticide Registration/PMN Fees
        Budget Authority
Anticipated FTE Lapse
       Budget Authority
       Full-time  equivalents  (FTE
 $7,360,945.9   $7,771,275.4
     17,975.1       18,375.1
                                   RT -13

Preceeding Page Blank
                            ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AG:

                                  FY  1999 ANNUAL PLAN

                                Goal,  Objective  Summary

                                   Budget Authority
                                 Full-Time Equivalency
                                 (dollars  in thousands)

                                             FY 1998
                                                FY 1998
                FY 199:9
    Clean Air
         Budget Authority
         Full-time equivalents (FTE)
 01  Attain NAAQS for Ozone and
Budget Authority               $2-92,379.9
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)        1,080.8

 02  Reduce Emissions of Air
Budget Authority                 $89,008.8
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          387.4

 03  Attain NAAQS for CO, S02,
     N02, Lead
Budget Authority                 $47,497.2
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          192..0

 04  Acid Rain
Budget Authority                 $21,794.1
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)           92.0
    Clean and Safe Water
         Budget  Authority
         Full-time equivalents (FTE)
 01  Safe Drinking Water, Fish
     and Recreational Waters
Budget Authority                $966,204.5
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          803.5

 .02  Conserve/Enhance
     Ecological Health of
     Nation's Waters/Aquatic
Budget Authority                $270,281.6
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          730.3
 03  Reduce Loadings and Air
Budget Authority
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
    Safe Food
         Budget Authority
         Full-time equivalents (FTE)

       Obj:   01  Reduce Agricultural
                 Pesticides Risk
            Budget Authority

                           RT -15


                             FY 1999 .ANNUAL PLAN

                           Goal, Objective Summary

                              Budget Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                            (dollars in  thousands)

                                         FY  1998
 FY 1998
 FY 1999
 Re guest._
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          283.2

   Obj:   02  Reduce  Use  on  Food of
             •Pesticides  Not Meeting
        Budget Authority                $36,812.6
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)     '     404.0

Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in
Communities,  Homes,  Workplaces and Ecosystems
     Budget Authority                  $239,993.1
     Full-time equivalents  (FTE)           1,045.8

   Obj:   01  Reduce  Public  and
             Ecosystem Exposure to
        Budget Authority                $50,789.4
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          241.3

   Obj:   02  Reduce  Lead Poisoning
        Budget Authority                $31,078.6
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          120.2

   Obj:   03  Safe  Handling  and Use of
             Commercial  Chemicals and
        Budget Authority           -    $31,646.7
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          263.2

   Obj:   04  Healthier Indoor  Air
        Budget Authority                $33,235.0
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          149.5

   Obj:   05  Improve Pollution
             Prevention  Strategies,
             Tools,  Approaches
        Budget Authority                $27,074.1
        Full-time' equivalents  (FTE)           85.1

   Obj:   06  Decrease Quantity and
             Toxicity of Waste
        Budget Authority                $22,327.2
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          131.9

   Obj:   08  Assess  Conditions in
             Indian  Country
        Budget Authority                $43,842.1
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)           54.6

Better Waste Management, Restoration of
Contaminated Waste  Sites,  and Emergency
                                  RT  -16

                       ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AG:

                             FY 1999  ANNUAL FLAN

                           Goal, Objective Summary

                              Budget  Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in  thousands)

                                         FY 1998
                                         _ Budget,
                                                FY 1998
                FY 1999
     Budget  Authority
     Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)
 01  Reduce or Control Risks to
     Human Health
Budget Authority             $2,096,061.
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)        3,545.3

 02  Prevent Releases by Proper
     Facility .Management
Budget Authority               $13.8,141.5
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          679.0

 03  Respond to All Known
Budget Authority                 $20,774.3
Full-time equivalents  (FTE)          123.8
Reduction of Global and Cross-border
Environmental Risks
    Budget Authority                   $.335,952.1
    Full-time equivalents  {FTE}             443.3
   Obj:   01  Reduce  Transboundary
             Threats:   Shared North
             American  Ecosystems
        Budget Authority
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)

   Obj:   02  Climate Change
        Budget Authority
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)
   Obj:   03  Stratospheric  Ozone
        Budget  Authority                 $27,381.4
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)           33.8

   Obj :   04  Protect  Public Health and
             Ecosystems From Persistent
        Budget  Authority                  $4,155.0
     '   Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)           36.2

   Obj:   05  Prevent  Degradation  of the
             Marine and Polar
        Budget  Authority                  $.1,318.2
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)            9.9
$1., 636, 785.. 3
                 • 3,494.2
                                   RT -17

                       ENVIRONMENTAL -PROTECTION AGr

                             FY 1999 ANNUAL 'PLAN

                           Goal, Objective Summary

                              Budget Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars i:n thousands)

                                         FY 1998
              FY 1998
            FY 1999
   Obj:   06  Achieve  Cleaner and More
             Cost-Effective Practices
        Budget  Authority
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)
Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About
their Environment
     Budget  Authority                  $156,730.7
     Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)             774.4

   Obj :   01   Increase Quality/Quantity
             of Education,  Outreach,
             Data  Availability
        Budget  Authority                $76,246.5
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          385.5

   Obj:   02   Improve  Public's  Ability
             to Reduce Exposure
        Budget  Authority                $51,493.5
        Full-time  equivalents  {FTE)          247.2

   Obj:   03   Enhance  Ability to  Protect
             Public Health
        Budget  Authority                $28,990.7
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          141.7

Sound Science,  Improved Understanding of Env.
Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Env.
     Budget  Authority                  $403,644.3
     Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)           1,384.3

   Obj :   .01   Research for Ecosystem
             Assessment and Restoration
        Budget  Authority                $85,172.3
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          315.1

   Obj:   0.2   Research for Human  Health
             Risk  Assessment
        Budget  Authority                $52,631.1
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          216.8

   Obj:   03   Emerging Risk  Issues
        Budget  Authority                $56,414.1
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          128.5

   Obj:   04   Pollution Prevention and
             New Technology
        Budget  Authority                $51,435.0
        Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          132.3
                224 .1
                                   RT -18

                       ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION AG:

                             FY 1999  ANNUAL  PLAN

                           Goal, Objective Summary

                              Budget  Authority
                            Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars in  thousands)

                                         FY 1998
 FY 1998
 FY 1999
   Obj:   05  Enable  Research on
             Innovative Approaches to
             Current and Future
             Environmental  Problems
        Budget  Authority               $120,875.0
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)          449.1

   Obj:   06  Increase Use of
             Integrated.,  Holistic,
             Partnership Approaches
        Budget  Authority                $18,049.3
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)           35.7

   Obj:   07  Increase Opportunities for
             Sector  Based Approaches
        Budget  Authority          .      $10,342.7
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)           79.7

   Obj:   08  Regional Enhancement  of
             Ability to Quantify
             Environmental  Outcomes
        Budget  Authority                 $6,306.5
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)            4.6

   Obj:   09  Science Advisory Board
             Peer  Review
        Budget  Authority                 $2,418.3
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)           2.2.5

   Obj:   10  Incorporate Innovative
             Approaches to  Enviromental
        Budget  Authority                     $0.0
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)            0.0

A Credible Deterrent to  Pollution and  Greater
Compliance with the Law
     Budget Authority                  $320,827.7
     Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)           2,538.3

   Obj :   01  Enforcement Tools to
             Reduce  Non-Compliance
        Budget  Authority               $275,311.8
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)        2,057.5

   Obj :   02  Increase Use of Auditing,
             Self-Policing  Policies
        Budget  Authority             -   $45,515.9-
        Full-time  equivalents (FTE)      '    480.8

Effective Management
      37.. 6
       4,. 6
  $6, 161,0
                                   RT -19

                        ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION  AGE

                              FY  1999  ANNUAL  PLAN

                            Goal,  Objective Summary

                               Budget  Authority
                             Full-Time Equivalency
                             (dollars  in thousands)

                                         FY 1998
                                                FY 1998
                FY 1999
     Budget Authority
     Full-time equivalents (FTE)

   Obj:  01  Executive Leadership
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)

  02  Management  Services,
     Administrative, and
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)

  03  Building  Operations,
     Utilities and New
 Budget Authority
•Full-time equivalents  (FTE)

  04  Regional  Management
     Services  and  Support
 Budget Authority
 Full-time equivalents  (FTE)
  05   Provide Audit  and
      Investigative  Products  and
 Budget  Authority                536,617.8
 Full-time  equivalents  (FTE)          402.4
       Budget Authority
       Full-Time Equivalents  (FTE)
57,360,945.9 $7,795,275.4
    18,283.1     18,375.1
Pesticide Registration/PMN Fees
       Budget Authority
Anticipated FTE Lapse
       Budget Authority         "     $7,645,493.0
       Full-time equivalents  (FTE)       18,283.1
                                             $7,360,945.9   $7,771,275.4
                                                 17,975,1       18,375.1
                                   RT  -20

Goal 1: Clean Air

Goal 1: Clean Air	1-1
      Attain National Ambient Air Quality Standards
            (NAAQS)  for Ozone and PM.  .,...,	1-5
      Reduce Emissions of Air Toxics.  .	1-22
      Attain NAAQS for CO, SO2, NO2, and Lead	  1-33
      Acid Rain .	1-40

                        Environmental Protection Aeney

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                                   Clean Air

Strategic Goal:   The air in every American community will be safe and healthy to
breathe.   In  particular,  children,  the elderly,  and people  with respiratory
ailments will be protected from health risks  of breathing polluted air.  Reducing
air pollution will also protect the environment, resulting in many benefits, such
as restoring life in damaged ecosystems and reducing health  risks to those whose
subsistence depends directly on those ecosystems.

                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

_^	;	|	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 PresBud

 Clean Air                             $450,680.0    $490,448.2    $506,953.3

 Obj.  .01    Attain  NAAQS for Ozone     $292,379.9    $337,060.9    $348,584.7
      and PM

 Obj.  02    Reduce  Emissions of Air     $89,008.8     $85,837.4     $91,924.6

 Obj.  03    Attain  NAAQS for CO,        $47,497.2     $46,749.6     $44,878..2
      SO2, N02,  Lead

 Obj.  04    Acid Rain                    $21,794.1     $20,800.3     $21,565.8

   Goal Total  FTE                         1,752.2       1,801.8       1,762,4

     Air pollution continues to be. a widespread public health and environmental
problem  in  the  United  States,  contributing to  illnesses  such as  cancer and
respiratory and reproductive problems. Air pollution reduces visibility, damages
crops and buildings,  and is deposited on the soil and in water bodies where it
affects the chemistry of the water and resident life forms.

     Since  1970,  air  pollutant emissions  have  been reduced  and significant
improvements in a.ir quality have  been achieved.   However,  millions of tons of
toxic air pollutants are still  released into  the  air.  Also,  approximately 46
million people live in areas that do not meet EPA's health-based air standards
for at least one of six major pollutants.

     The problem is nationwide in scope. Air pollution crosses local and state
lines  and,  in  some cases,  even crosses  our  borders with Canada  and Mexico.
Federal assistance and leadership are essential for developing cooperative state,
local, regional,  and international programs  to prevent and control air pollution
and for ensuring that national standards are met.   Efforts of many other Federal
agencies, such as the Department of Transportation and the Department of Energy,
are critical to the achievement of the Clean Air goal.

     The 1.999 President's Budget requests $506,953,300 and 1,762 workye.ars for
the Clean Air goal, an Increase of $17,000,000  and  a  decrease  of  40 workyears
over 1998.   In support of this goal, the Agency will work with  and support states
and tribes  in developing  and implementing plans to address air quality problems.
As part of this effort, EPA will support state and tribal development of a 1,500-
site monitoring network for fine particulates (PM2.s),  a pollutant for which the
Agency issued its  first specific standards  in 1997.  The Agency also  will develop
and issue  other  standards,  including  national technology-based  standards to
reduce the quantity of toxic  air pollutants that are emitted  from industrial or
manufacturing processes.

     The resources requested in this goal will enable the Agency, in conjunction
with its state,  local, -and tribal partners, to meet a number  of performance goals
in 1999.  The most significant of these include:

•    Deploy PM2.5 ambient  monitors  at  776 sites.
•    Certify that 8 of  the  38 estimated remaining  nonattainment areas  have
     achieved the current NAAQS for ozone.
*    Certify that 13  of  the  58  estimated remaining  nonattainment areas  have
     achieved the NAAQS for carbon monoxide,  sulfur dioxide,  or lead.
*    Reduce  air toxic emissions  by  12%  in  1999,  resulting  in  a cumulative
     reduction of 25% .from. 1993 levels..
•    In 1999, maintain 4 million tons of  SO2  emissions reductions  from utility
     sources, and maintain  300,000  tons of  NOx reductions  from coal-fired
     utility sources.
•    By 1999, identify and evaluate at  least  two biological mechanisms by which
     PM causes death and disease in humans,
•    In 1999, complete health assessments for five high priority air'toxics.


Attaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone and  Partieulate Matter

     The 1999 President's  Budget  requests $348,584,700  and  1090  workyears to
attain national  ambient air quality standards  (NAAQS)  for ozone and particulate

     Ozone and particulate matter are high risk pollutants, with high potential
for risk reduction.   Ozone can impair normal  functioning  of the lungs.   More
people are exposed to unhealthy levels  of  ozone than of any  other air pollutant.
It is projected  that over 114 million  people live in areas that will  not meet the
new health standard for ozone,  which  is 40 million more than  under  the previous

     The health risks estimated from  current fine PM exposures represent tens of
thousands  of premature  deaths each year,  placing  fine  PM near the  top of
environmental health  threats.   It is  estimated that  approximately 68 million
people live  in  areas  that  may not meet the  new PM2_S  standard.  EPA estimates
that, once attained,  the  new standard will prevent up to 15, 000  premature deaths
per year.

     Under  the  Clean  Air Act Amendments  of  1990,  EPA  must set  NAAQS for
pollutants that endanger public health and the  environment.  States and tribes
then must develop  and carry out strategies and measures to attain the NAAQS. EPA
reviewed NAAQS set for  ozone and particulate matter, as required by the Clean Air
Act,  and  promulgated new  standards  in July  1997.  Following  a directive the


President issued with the standards, the Agency worked with states, tribes and
local governments, other Federal agencies and  regulated  sources  to develop an
implementation strategy for the standards.   The implementation strategy allows
for  implementing  the  standards  in the  most  flexible,  reasonable  and  least
burdensome manner.  In addition,  the Agency is participating in an interagency
research program, including a  full  scientific  and technical review of the new
fine particulate  (PM2.s)  standard by  2002, and implementation of a PM monitoring

     In support of the Agency's implementation strategy for attaining the new air
quality  standards,  EPA will  invest  $65,700,000 to  develop a  national  PM
monitoring network. This monitoring  network will provide the data  needed for the
identification of EM sources and potential PM "hotspots," as well as allow the
Agency to  designate areas  in  attainment with the  new PM standard and develop
control strategies to address  PM on a regional basis.  Attainment designations
will not  occur until  2002  when monitoring  data will be complete  for  these
decisions.  EPA has  committed to provide 100 percent of the costs of setting up
the' PM2.S monitoring  network through state and tribal grants under the authority
of Section 103  of  the Clean Air Act.  EPA will be  conducting chemical speciation
analyses to provide the basis  for  states and tribes  to  determine the chemical
constituents of  the PM2.5 and better  identify and understand  the  sources and
characteristics of the pollution and its potential effects.  States and tribes
will use this information to develop control  strategies to come into attainment
with the new particulate matter standard by 2012  to  2017.   This  is consistent
with the  President's  commitment  to review the  new standard before  state and
tribal plans take effect.

     Under the research authorities of the Clean  .Air Act,  EPA carries out ozone
and  particulate matter  research  to  maintain  a  strong  scientific  basis  for
changing or reaffirming NAAQS, and  implementing  NAAQS.   In the long'term, the
information gained through research helps protect public health,  including the
health of children and other sensitive populations, and provides the scientific
and  technical  information  required for NAAQS  review,   as  well  as  the  NAAQS
implementation  by regional, state,  tribal  and  local government  air quality
managers.   EPA research contributes  to developing  scientifically -sound risk
assessment  procedures,  cost-effective risk  prevention/management approaches,
credible  methods,  models and  guidance,  and environmental  leadership through

Reducing Emissions^of Air Toxics

     The  1999  .President's  Budget  requests $91,924,600 and  390.4 workyears to
reduce air toxic emissions by 12% in 1999,  resulting in a cumulative reduction
of 2.5 percent  from  1993 levels.   This would significantly  reduce  the risk to
Americans of cancer  and other serious  adverse health  effects caused by airborne
toxics.  Toxic  .air pollutants  pose  a  significant  health  risk  because they may
cause cancer and  other health problems such  as  reproductive  disorders,  birth
defects, and damage to the nervous  system.

     EPA's air toxics objective focuses primarily on the  statutory  requirements
of the toxics program in the Clean Air Act to reduce emissions levels through the
promulgation and implementation of  Maximum Achievable Control Technology  (MACT)
standards.  The program will invest in improved and  innovative monitoring and
modeling, inventories, development  and refinement of environmental indicators,
and risk  assessment tools to better characterize the risk from air toxics and
establish  a baseline  for  measuring  risk  in  carrying  out  the Government
Performance and Results Act (GPRA).  EPA will build on state efforts to create


a  national  toxics  monitoring  and  inventory  program  in  order  to  better
characterize exposures to hazardous air pollution.

     In 1999,  health effects researchers will quantitatively  evaluate  cancer and
non-cancer health  effects from air toxics  exposures.   Exposure researchers will
develop methods  to identify contributing sources  from ambient  air measurements,
and improved models  to characterize actual  human exposure.  Researchers also will
develop .and demonstrate new methods to assess  risks  from urban toxics.

Attaining	NftjVps for CO, SOS,  NO;.. and  Lead;

     The  1999  President's Budget requests  $44,878,200 and 189.9  workyears to
improve air quality for Americans living  in areas  that do not meet the current
NAAQS for carbon monoxide  (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) , nitrogen dioxide  (NO2) ,  and
lead, which are all high risk pollutants.

     EPA and its partners 'have been relatively  successful in reducing these air
pollutants in many urban areas through .mobile source measures.  Controls included
in state SIPs  also reduce stationary source emissions.   The Agency will continue
existing carbon  monoxide work, concentrating primarily on mobile source programs
(such as oxygenated  fuel and reformulated  gasoline),  and on  assisting states to
implement  attainment  and  maintenance programs.   EPA will continue  to  provide
information to  the  scientific community and stakeholders on  the environmental
aspects  of the use of oxygenated  fuels  and  recommendations  to  improve  the

     In 1998,  EPA  will promulgate the new source review (NSR) reform rules which
simplify the new source permitting process.  In  1999,  EPA will undertake training
and technical support activities to ensure  smooth  implementation of  this major
regulatory reinvention effort.

Acid Rain

     The  1999  President's Budget requests  $21,565,800 and 92.0 workyears for
reducing ambient -sulfates and total sulfur  deposition by 20 to 40  percent from
1980 levels due  to reduced SO2 emissions from utilities and  industrial sources.

     The Acid Rain program is authorized under Title IV of the  Clean Air Act and
has numerous statutory deadlines.  The U.S.  is also  committed to reductions in
SO2 and NOx under the  1991  U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement.  In addition to
administering  the  SO2 and Nox provisions of Title  IV,  the Acid  Rain  program will
be developing  and  operating the emissions and NOx  allowance tracking systems for
the 12 states of  the Ozone Transport  Region.   The  first year  of compliance for
this program is  1999.  Achieving this  will assist the 12 Northeastern states to
attain and maintain  the ozone standard.  Approximately 400 additional  facilities
will  require  certification  of  emissions  monitors  and will   report  quarterly
emissions beginning in 1998.

     The program  is responsible for operating the Clean Air  status  and Trends
Network  (CASTNet) dry deposition  network  and providing critical support for
operations of  the  National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) wet  deposition
network  and for  a  number of visibility  monitoring  sites.    These  monitoring
efforts will play  a  crucial role in the program's  ongoing assessment activities,
including  reporting program  results for the Government Performance and Results
Act and fulfilling  assessment responsibilities under Title  IX of the Clean Air
Act and the U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Plan Annual Request to Congress

                                  Clean Air

Objective #1:     Attain National Ambient  Air  Quality Standards for Ozone and
Particulate Matter.

      By 2010, improve air quality for Americans living in areas  that exceed the
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQSs) for ozone and parti culate matter.


      Under the Clean Air Act, EPA must set NAAQSs  for five criteria pollutants
that endanger public health  and  the environment.  States and tribes then must
develop and carry out .strategies and measures to attain the NAAQSs.  Ozone and
particulate  matter  are criteria  pollutants  that require  NAAQSs.   For each
pollutant, EPA sets healths-based  or  "primary" standards to protect human health,
and welfare-based  or "secondary" standards to  protect the environment (crops,
vegetation,  wildlife,  buildings and  national monuments,  visibility, etc.).  The
Clean Air Act also requires  states  with national parks and wilderness  areas to
develop a program to protect  and improve visibility.

      Under  the research -authorities  of the Act,  EPA carries out  ozone and
particulate matter research to provide a strong scientific basis for  (1)  changing
or reaffirming NAAQSs,  and  (2) implementing NAAQSs.   Long-range,  the information
gained through  research helps protect public 'health,  including the  health of
children  and other  sensitive populations,, and provides the  scientific and
technical information required for NAAQS review, as well as NAAQS implementation
by Regional,  state, tribal,  and local government air  quality  managers.  EPA
research  contributes   to  developing  scientifically  sound  risk  assessment
procedures;  cost-effective  risk prevention/management  approaches;   credible
methods, models, and guidance; and environmental leadership through partnerships.

      New NAAQSs.  EPA reviewed 'NAAQSs set  for  ozone and particulate matter, as
required by the Clean Air Act, -and promulgated new  standards in  July 1997.  The
President, in  a July 16, 1997, letter to  the Administrator,  outlined general
ground rules and a  strategy for implementing the new standards in a common  sense,
cost-effective  manner.   The  President's  letter  also sets forth an interagency
research program,  including  a full  scientific  and technical review of the new
fine particulate (PM2.5) standard by 2002.

      Ozone.  Ground-level ozone is  the most complex,  difficult  to  control, and
.pervasive of the six air pollutants for which EPA has set NAAQSs.  Unlike most
other pollutants, ozone is not emitted directly into the air by  specific  sources,
but is created in the troposphere by sunlight acting on nitrogen oxides  (NOX) and
volatile organic compounds   (VQCs).    There are  thousands  of  sources  of these
pollutants.   Some  common sources include:  gasoline vapors, chemical solvents,
combustion products of  fuels, and consumer products.   Emissions .of  NOX  and VOCs
from motor vehicles and stationary sources  can be carried hundreds of miles from
their origins,  and result in  high ozone concentrations over very large,  multi-
state regions.

      Ozone can impair normal functioning of the lungs in healthy people/ as well
as in those with respiratory problems.  Relatively low amounts  of ozone can cause
chest pain, shortness of breath, and  coughing.   Ozone may also worsen asthma,
bronchitis, and emphysema.   Repeated exposure  to  ozone over months to years can
damage lung tissue  and reduce quality of life.  Repeated exposure to high levels
of ozone for several months may also produce permanent structural damage in the
lungs.  Adverse ecosystem effects are known for single species of vegetation and
are likely to extend to entire ecosystems.  Ozone damage to plants is extensive,
with  an  estimated  impact exceeding $34  billion  in lost  food  stuff  crops and
timber products each year.

      More people are exposed to unhealthful levels of ozone than any other air
pollutant.  It is currently projected  that over 114 million people live in areas
that will not meet the new health standard for ozone, 40 million more than the
previous standard.  'Once attained, the  new ozone standard will  protect 13 -million
more  children  from exposure to unhealthful levels of smog  than the previous
standard. Additional scientific information is  needed to effectively address
these risks:  to understand the human  and ecological effects  caused by chronic
and acute ozone exposures;  to refine estimates of precursor emissions including
their  transport  and fate;  and  to  improve the  models  used to quantify the
interactions of these precursor emissions in the atmosphere.

      Particulate matter.   Particulate matter is  the term for  solid or liquid
particles found in  the  air.  Some particles  are large or dark enough to be seen
as  soot  o,r  smoke.   Others are so small  they  can be  detected  only with  a
microscope.  Because particles originate from a variety of mobile and stationary
sources  (diesel  trucks,  woodstoves,  power  plants,  etc.), their chemical and
physical compositions vary widely.   Particulate matter can be directly emitted
or  can  be formed  in  the  atmosphere  when  gaseous pollutants,  such  as sulfur
dioxide  (S02)  and NOX, react to  form fine particles.

      .The health risks estimated from  current  fine particulate  matter exposures
represent  tens of thousands  of premature deaths  .each  year,  placing  fine
particulate matter at or near the top of environmental health  threats.  It is
currently estimated that approximately .68 million people  live in areas that may
not meet the  new PM2.5  standard.  EPA  estimates  that once the  new  standard is
attained nationwide, it will prevent up to 15,000 premature deaths per year, and
protect an additional 12 million children.

      Particulate matter research  will support Agency efforts to  (1)  develop
scientifically sound risk assessment approaches;  (2) provide regulatory officials
with  technical  information   on  cost-effective  risk  prevention/management
approaches;  (3)  provide credible  methods, models,  and  guidance  to quantify
precursor emissions and evaluate alternative control strategies; and  (4) promote
environmental leadership through partnerships.  This  program will:  improve the
scientific understanding of particulate matter health  risks and the effectiveness
of  risk  reduction  strategies;  provide critical  scientific information to the
Agency program offices and Regions;  provide  improved tools  for environmental
assessment so that  information developed by  the Agency and others is more easily
used  and understood; and  promote  private sector involvement  in  identifying,
understanding, and  addressing important air pollution problems.  The information
gained from particulate matter  research will:  (1) ultimately  protect the public
health of  our children,  sensitive  populations,  and future  generations  as we
better understand the risks associated with and  remedies  to reduce exposures to
particulate matter;  (2) provide a strong scientific basis for establishing the
NAAQSs;  and  (3)  provide  scientific  and  technical  data required  for  NAAQS
implementation by Regional, state,   and local government air quality managers.


      Visibility.   Visibility  impairment,  caused by  the  presence of  tiny
particles in the air, is most simply  described  as  the haze  which  obscures the
clarity, color,  texture,  and form of what we see.    The Clean Air Act gives
special  protection to  natural  areas that  we  want  to preserve for  future
generations, such as our national parks and wilderness areas.

      Implementation of new NAAQSs and. visibility requirements. Fine particulate
matter and ground-level ozone have many similarities.  Both pollutants remain in
the air for days, leading to regional scale transport that can affect broad areas
of the country.  Both pollutants are formed '.under similar atmospheric conditions
by gases, such as NOX and VOCs, emitted by the same types  of  sources.  Moreover,
there  are  similar health   effects  associated  with exposure  to  ozone  and
particulate matter  (e.g.,  increased respiratory  symptoms and increased hospital
admissions and emergency room visits for respiratory causes),

      To obtain recommendations on integrated approaches for implementing  the new
ozone and particulate matter  NAAQSs, as well as  for a new regional  haze program,
EPA established a broad-based committee under the Federal Advisory  Committee Act
(FACA) ..  This FACA committee had workgroups focusing on: assessing the  current
state of air pollutant emission  inventories,  air  quality  and  meteorological
models, and air quality monitoring data;  developing  broad strategies to  address
air pollutant transport issues;  examining the existing regulatory  programs; and
educating the general public  about the nature and extent  of air quality problems
as well  as any  adverse  health and/or welfare  effects  associated  with these
problems.   EPA will  continue this broad-based  stakeholder  process  to  further
develop the implementation strategy for the new standards.

      The strategy for implementing the ozone, particulate matter, and regional
haze standards will be targeted at maintaining efforts currently underway  towards
clean air and building on the  agreements and progress already  made by communities
and businesses.  In carrying out the implementation strategy, EPA will  seek to
reward state, tribal, and local  governments and businesses that take early action
to reduce  ozone air  pollution levels through  cost-effective  approaches and
address pollution that travels  across  jurisdictional lines.   EPA will work with
states and tribes to develop  control programs that  employ regulatory flexibility
to minimize economic impacts  on businesses to the greatest possible  degree
consistent with  public health  protection.  EPA also will attempt to minimize
regulatory burdens  for  states,  tribes,  and local governments and businesses, to
ensure that air quality planning and related Federal, tribal, state, and local
planning  are coordinated, and to help  urban  areas  avoid   conflicts   between
economic growth and environmental programs.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  01    Attain NAAQS for Ozone     $292,379.9    $337,060.9    $348,584.7
      and PM

      Environmental  Program &           $81,251.0     $72,448.3     $86,102.3

      Science and Technology            $98,033.2    $126,773.9    $115,862.6

      State and Tribal Assistance      $113,095.7    $137,838.7    $146,619.8

    Total FTE                             1,080,8       1,118.8       1,090,1
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     In 1999,  8 additional areas currently classified as nonattainment will have
     the l*-hour ozone standard revoked because they meet the old standard.

•     In 1999,  deploy PM2.5 ambient monitors at 776 sites.

•     By  2001,   develop  tropospheric   ozone  precursor   measurements,   and
     observational modeling to guide cost-effective control options,

•     By 2000,  evaluate Models~3/Community Multi-Scale Air  Quality  (CMAC) against
     field data to demonstrate reliability in ozone NAAQS attainment planning.

•     By 2001,  develop  tropospheric ozone  precursor measurements,  modeling,
     source emissions,  and control  information  to  guide  cost-effective  risk
     management options.

•     By 2000,  preliminary  evaluation of  Models-3/Community Multi-Scale  Air
     Quality  (CMAQ)  for  PM to demonstrate reliability in  PM NAAQS attainment

•     By 2001,  provide  measurements, modeling,  source .emissions,  and control
     information for PM by species and size to guide risk  assessment .and PM risk

•     By 2000,  describe PM health effects in exposed humans.

•     By 1999 and beyond, produce data, models, and technical information which
     can be used by Federal, state and local air pollution officials to refine
     the accuracy (size distribution  and  chemical  composition)  of  directly
     emitted fine particulate  (particulate  less than 2.5 microns in size)  and
     fine  particulate  precursor  (compounds  such  as  ammonia  which lead  to
     formation   of   fine   particles  in   the  atmosphere)   emissions  and  to
     quantitatively  evaluate  the  viability  (cost  and performance)  of various
     fine particulate control technologies for stationary combustion sources.

*     By 1999,  identify and evaluate several plausible biological mechanisms by
     which PM causes death and disease in humans.



     EPA 'will continue to work with  affected states and tribes to address the
persistent and widespread problem of  ozone transport. Two multi-state groups —
the Ozone Transport  Commission  (OTC)  and the Ozone Transport Assessment Group
(OTAG)  — collaborated  to  recommend regional  strategies  to  control  ozone
transport in  the Northeast,  Southeast,  and Midwest.   Building  on  the  model
provided by the successful market-based acid rain program, OTAG proposed a large-
scale, market-based NOK trading program.  This trading program should result in
a cost-effective  solution for attaining and maintaining  the new NAAQS.   To
facilitate trading  programs, EPA will  review  and approve  emissions  trading
protocols for nationally significant source categories.

     As  a follow-on to  the successful OTAG  experience,  EPA  will work  on
partnerships with states  to facilitate the development of region-wide strategies
for ozone, PM2.5 and  regional  haze.   These partnerships are expected to play a
significant role in determining control strategies.  As with OTAG,  regional areas
will need dedicated technical support (e.g., modeling) beyond the levels that EPA
can provide.

     EPA will assist  states, tribes, and local governments in devising stationary
source and mobile source  strategies to reduce ozone  before implementing the new
standards in  state and tribal implementation plans  (SIPs and TIPs) . All on-going
efforts to meet the previous ozone and PM10 standards will help to meet the new
standards as  well. As a result, EPA will  assist states and tribes  in maintaining
existing control programs.

     EPA will continue mobile source programs  including:  implementing the second
phase  of the RFG program in the 10  worst  ozone  cities  plus  opt-in  areas;
developing emission  factors by shifting  emphasis from light-duty  to heavy-duty
vehicles and  non-road, heavy-duty engines; building on the NOx/particulate matter
initiative; and developing and implementing non-road diesel, locomotive, heavy-
duty  engine  and  marine  standards.   The Small Spark  Ignition  (SI)  Phase  II
standards rule and inventory model will be in  its final stages in 199-9.  A Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking on large SI non-road engines will be issued in 1999.  The
Agency will complete  a mandated study of light-duty vehicle  and light-duty truck
emission  standards   (Tier II  study)  and potentially promulgate  new emission
control  standards that  could take effect as early as  2004.  Also,  EPA will
examine the effects of sulfur levels  in gasoline on  new car emission technology
and take  appropriate actions.  These  programs  strive  to reduce  NOK,  and .thus
ozone, as well as fine particles.

     In  the  upcoming years,  EPA  will develop new vehicle  emission  control
programs, including  a court-ordered requirement  for  a recreational vehicle rule
in 1999.  EPA plans to  facilitate integrating OBD  systems  into state vehicle
inspection and maintenance  programs  and provide training  and outreach to the
service industry.  EPA will re-engineer  the vehicle compliance program.

     EPA will continue to explore and implement improvements to emissions testing
and monitoring approaches for VOCs (precursors to ozone  and particulate matter)
including  better and  less  expensive  continuous  monitors  and  more  reliable
techniques for analysis of water-based coatings, inks, and other  solvents.

     EPA will focus  extensively  on public outreach and access to high quality
information   for  general  and  technical   audiences   to  facilitate  public
understanding and smooth  implementation of the new NAAQS.s.  improved information


quality and  access  will enable citizens  and users to  access  "real-time" air
quality information,  and enable EPA to better track environmental indicators and
assess progress.  EPA will also assist stakeholders in urban areas in developing
tools and approaches to help  avoid  conflicts between  economic development and
environmental programs -

     EPA will support a  joint public/private effort to improve (1) the  scientific
basis for both future ozone  attainment strategies  and (2) health and ecological
effects research.   The emphasis  of the program is on the  former.  EPA and the
National Academy of  Sciences  (NAS)  agreed  that setting an  effective national
strategy to deal with this problem will require scientific information to come
from an expanded national research  program.   As a .result,  the NARSTO research
program was chartered, at the White House in  February 199'5 with a lifetime of ten
years, and with a near-term focus on a  1998-99 assessment of the improved state
of the science for use in a mid-course adjustment to the  national implementation

     In the NARSTO-related exposure  research area,  EPA will continue research on
atmospheric  chemistry   and  modeling to produce,  evaluate,  and  apply a  next
generation  atmospheric model   for  ozone,  addressing  the   well-documented
deficiencies  (such as inadequate  chemistry mechanisms for biogenic and aromatic
VOCs, poor emissions inputs and source plume treatment, insufficient vertical and
spatial resolution,  and the inability to move from individual episodes to daily
and annual representation),  in current urban and regional models used for NAAQS
attainment demonstrations.   Correcting such deficiencies will remove some of the
uncertainties  that   state,  tribal  and local  air  quality managers face  in
forecasting the benefits  of alternative  source controls in relation to  ozone
contributions from upwind regions in natural sources.  Another area of  focus will
be the improvement of methods to physically observe ambient VOC and NOX chemistry
leading to ozone formation  and the  testing of these methods in regional  field
studies, which .may ultimately  lead to successfully managing precursor emissions
to reduce  tropospheric  ozone.   In addition, some 1999  Science and Technology
funds will go toward the  (1) Models-3/Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ)
evaluation  against   field  data  to  demonstrate   reliability  in  ozone  NAAQS
attainment  planning;  and  (2)  development  of tropospheric  ozone  precursor
measurements and observational modeling to guide cost-effective Control options.
The CMAQ version of Models-3 was released to EPA's Office of Air and Radiation
(OAR) as a beta-test  version in 1997  and will be released as an Initial Operating
Version in 1998.  OAR will be able to gain a working familiarity with the model
while it  undergoes  scientific peer  evaluation against  field data  sets,  thus
leading to its earliest possible use for implementation strategy development.

     In the NARSTO-~related  risk management  research area, EPA will continue to
develop and  refine  emission models and methodologies to improve  estimates of
tropospheric  ozone precursors  (VOCs and  NOX)  emitted  from  mobile  and biogenic
sources.  The mobile  emissions program will include in-house  research  to improve
emissions estimates  from light-duty vehicles.  Biogenic  emissions research will
continue to refine and  upgrade an  emissions model used  to estimate nonmethane
organic compounds (NMOC) and NOX emitted from natural sources.  The outcome of
the mobile and biogenic emissions research  will be used as  inputs  to the next
generatio'n atmospheric model described above and by states and tribes  to produce
improved emissions estimates,  thereby  supporting  development  of optimal ozone
control strategies.

     In the area of  health  effects,  EPA  will conduct research on human health
mechanisms and dose-response studies.  Researchers will perform studies on ozone
effects  and  mechanisms of  toxicity in  normal   and  sensitive humans  (e.-g.,


asthmatics) at near-ambient  levels,  to  define the specific concentration-time
relationships between ozone  exposures  and initiation  of :health  effects  and
progression  and  the  induction  of tolerance  to  ozone.   This health  effects
research will further support an improved definition  of  the  primary NAAQS to
protect human health. The health effects research will fill the current gap in
our understanding  concerning the relationship between long-term intermittent
exposures to ozone concentrations and chronic adverse health effects.  Results
from epidemiologic and mechanistic toxicologica.l studies will provide the data
needed to prepare the mandated NAAQS  criteria  assessment of the adequacy of the
standard in protecting against chronic effects.

     In  the  ecological effects  research area,  researchers  will  continue to
evaluate  the effects  of ozone  and  other stressors  on  important tree  and
vegetation species.  Three major uncertainties exist in  understanding the impact
of ozone on trees:  (1)  tree  characteristics  (age,  size, and species); (2) .other
stressors  (other  pollutants,  drought,  etc.);   and  (3)  exposure  dynamics
(concentration,   frequency,  etc.).   This information will form the scientific
basis of the criteria  upon  which  the secondary NAAQS is  based.  The ecological
effects research  will focus on the impacts of atmospheric concentrations of ozone
on the health of  forests in the eastern region of the United States.  The results
of the  research  will  provide the data  and  knowledge  needed to  describe  and
quantify adverse economic and ecological impacts.   Assessment of the impacts
argue for a  separate secondary standard, or  dictate the  need for a particular
control strategy, or both.

     The risk assessment research program will: (1) develop new methodologies to
characterize ozone hazards  to  humans  and ecosystems  and the  corresponding
benefits of  reducing these  hazards;   (2) support  improved risk  assessments of
ozone;   and   (3)   perform  periodic,   comprehensive  scientific  assessments.
Consultation and support in  the area of ozone will permit risk assessments by
state, Regional,  and international air pollution control organizations with less
uncertainty. These efforts  will provide OAR with  the research  results needed to
develop and implement ozone policies based on strong science.

Parti, culateMatter

     After promulgating the new PM2.5 standard, EPA will be working with states
and tribes to install fine particulate monitors and obtain data on fine particle
emissions.   EPA  has committed to provide  100 percent of the PM2.5  monitoring
network costs through state  and tribal grants under the  authority of Section 103
of the Clean Air  Act.  EPA,  states, and  tribes will continue to monitor PM10 but
at a  reduced level.   EPA also will  promote the use  of continuous particulate
matter source monitoring  and improved fine particulate  test methods.  After the
scientific review  is completed in 2002, EPA will use the monitoring  data to
designate  attainment  areas,  characterize  emission  sources, and conduct  a
scientific health review of the  standard.  States and tribes will also be using
the data to identify particulate matter sources and "hotspots" and will use this
information in developing SIPs and TIPs.

     EPA will be  conducting chemical speciation analyses to provide  the basis for
states and tribes to determine the chemical constituents of the PM2.5 and better
identify and understand the  sources and characteristics of the  pollution and its
potential  effects.   States  and  tribes  will  use this  information  to  develop
control  strategies to come  into  attainment with the  new particulate  matter

     EPA will assist states, tribes, and local governments in devising stationary
source  and  mobile  source  strategies  to  reduce particulate  matter  before
implementing  the  new standards.   All  on-going efforts  to  meet the  current
standards  will help to meet  the  new  standards  as  well.   As  a result,  EPA will
assist states and  tribes in maintaining existing control  programs in the interim
period between  the  promulgation  o.f  the  particulate  matter standard  and the
approval of SIPs and TIPs.

     EPA will develop  a  series of guidance documents for the  new particulate
matter program to  provide infrastructure for implementing the  new standards. EPA
will continue public outreach activities, especially to create materials for the
general public on fine particulate matter.

      EPA will improve the  characterization of mobile, stationary, and fugitive
source particulate  matter  contribution  to PM2.5 .nonattainment  designations.
Emission factors and inventories will be developed along  with  air quality models
(e.g., MODELS3).

     EPA assumes  that 'mobile sources account  for  one third of  fine  particle
emissions and a  larger portion of controllable emissions.   Diesel engines, until
recently largely  unregulated,  contribute to the majority ,of fine particulate
emissions.  Consequently, EPA will improve its understanding of various mobile
source control  technologies  on  particle  size,  shape,   and  composition.   In
collaborating with industry, states, and  academia, EPA  will 'better understand
diesel particle  size under various vehicle, engine,  and fuel testing conditions.
Because non-road  diesels only recently began to be 'controlled for emissions,
there  appears to  be a great opportunity for large reductions  of particulate
matter from these engines.   Control  of these sources  are projected to lead to
reductions  of  800,000 tons  per  year of  NOX and 300,000 tons  of particulate
matter.  EPA will  .design and develop new engineering concepts that would allow
petroleum-fueled four stroke direct injection  (4SDI)  engines to meet stringent
particulate matter and NOX emission  levels while maintaining high efficiency.
These -new concepts will include the development of the conventional diesel  (4SDI)
using petroleum derived diesel fuel to  reduce the high fine particulate matter,
high NOX  emissions of  these engines.

     EPA's  particulate  matter research  efforts  will  focus  on  furthering the
understanding of  the  role  particulate matter  plays  in   human  .health.   Recent
epidemiological studies indicate significant associations between a variety of
measures of ambient particulate matter and both mortality and morbidity.  Of most
concern  are  indications  from these studies  of increased  mortality risks,
especially among the elderly and those with pre-existing •cardiopulmonary disease.
Particulate  matter may be the largest  single contributor  to  adverse effects
caused by .ambient  air pollution,  ranging from thousands  to tens of thousands of
premature  deaths  e'ach year.   EPA's  research efforts  will  focus  on further
understanding the role particulate matter plays on human health.

     EPA will evaluate the relationship between health effects and particulate
matter exposures,  using; epidemiology and significantly improved characterization
of  exposures.   Thereby,  researchers  will characterize  and  quantify,  through
epidemiology, the  morbidity and mortality associated with "real world" short-" and
long-term exposures,  including the development  of new methods and evaluation of
existing data.

     EPA  will  continue  a  substantial  effort  of toxicological  and  clinical
research to  identify and evaluate several hypotheses regarding the biological
mechanisms that might lead to respiratory  or cardiovascular  effects associated


with particulate matter.  These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and EPA
research may demonstrate that multiple mechanisms  are operative.  Research will
focus on the potential role of metals present in particulate matter in producing
effects, the effects of pre-existing disease on  susceptibility and dosimetry,
cardiopulmonary  mechanisms,  and identifying the characteristics of particulate
matter  (size,  composition) associated with  effects.   Research to identify and
evaluate plausible mechanisms  will provide  valuable  information  for  future
toxicological assessments and epidemiological studies.

     Exposure   research  will   continue   to   concentrate    on   measurement,
characterization, and modeling leading to refined estimates  of human exposures
to particulate matter.   Resources will be used to characterize the population
exposures to ambient,  indoor, and personal particulate matter  by developing and
applying improved exposure methodologies and models, as well  as  the amount of
particulate  matter from various  sources.   Researchers -will also  seek to:  (1)
understand  further the  atmospheric  chemistry of  particulate matter to support
fate and transport-modeling to support regulatory  implementation and  (2) develop
and evaluate particle measurement methods to characterize atmospheric particulate
matter..  As such,  some  1999 Science and Technology funds will  go  toward the
completion of a preliminary  evaluation of Models-3/CMAQ for particulate matter
against  the  comprehensive   field  data  sets  to  demonstrate reliability  in
particulate  matter attainment planning,  which will  be  completed in  a  future
fiscal year.

     The magnitude  of  potential  risks and  the  uncertainty   in  existing  risk
assessments indicates  research is needed to support decisions by EPA .on the need
for and the form of a revised  NAAQS for particulate matter and to support control
program  implementation.   Therefore,  researchers will   continue  to  perform
periodic, comprehensive scientific assessments to understand:   the differences
in health effects  between coarse and fine  particles; interactions of particulate
matter  with other pollutants  and  weather;  lung function as a predictor of
mortality;   and  determination of the best exposure metrics to estimate  health
outcomes.    Consultation  and   support  will  enable   state,  regional,   and
international air pollution  control organizations to perform risk assessments
with less uncertainty.   These efforts will  provide  EPA with  research results
needed to continue to develop and implement particulate matter  policies based on
strong science..

     The health effects research will work  to  fill the  current gap  in  our
understanding  of  the  observed excess  mortality and  morbidity associated with
particulate  air  pollution.     Results  from  epidemiologic  and  mechanistic
toxicological studies will provide the data .-.needed to  prepare the mandated NAAQS
criteria assessment of the adequacy of the standard.   In addition,  research as
to whether,  and to what extent,  the effects attributed to particulate  matter
exposures are confounded by  other commonly occurring pollutants such as  sulfur
dioxide  and ozone, will improve  the interpretation  of the epidemiological

     Risk management research will characterize source emissions to clarify which
sources are significant  contributors to ambient fine particles. Studies will be
conducted to develop particle size distribution data for a variety of sources.
The  research to  characterize  particle emissions  from  residual  fuel oil  and
pulverized coal combustion sources -will produce both particle  size distribution
and chemical composition data.  Research will also be  conducted to evaluate and,
where  necessary,  improve  or develop  control  technologies  for  a  variety of
industrial and commercial sources. Modeling  studies will  be conducted to predict

the  performance  of alternative  technologies,  which  will  be  augmented  by
experimental studies of innovative, low-cost control devices.

     The exposure, modeling and risk management research will provide, by 2001,
measurements, modeling, source emissions,  and control information for particulate
matter  by species  and size  to guide  risk assessment  and risk  management,
Particulate matter measurements are needed since  current methods are focused on
larger particle sizes.  Measurement information  can support epidemiologic and
mechanism studies, and help develop data for implementation strategies.  Because
particulate matter  is  by  nature a mixture, we need  to  know the compositions,
sizes, physical properties,  and sources that cause health  effects.  A report on
the  size,  distribution,  and  chemistry of urban particulate matter including
spatial  and  temporal  variability  at  selected sites is  called for by 2001.
Understanding  regional and  temporal  variability in  particle  characteristics
•(e.g., Western versus Eastern U.S.) and toxicity (e.g., coarse Western particles
versus  fine  Eastern U.S. particles)  may  also  lead to  more  effective  risk
management.  Finally, in the area of risk management research, more efficient and
economical particulate matter  controls and evaluation of  existing and new risk
management technologies and strategies, including market-based approaches, that
can be cost-effectively used  to  control emissions will contribute to meeting the
objective of making the air safer to  breathe  for those people living  in non-
attainment areas.


     EPA proposed a regional  haze program in conjunction with' the new standards
for  ozone and  particulate matter.   Because of regional variations  in  natural
conditions which  combine with man-made pollution to produce regional haze, EPA
believes that regional  haze should be addressed through a  region-specific program
that accounts for these variations.  This most likely would result in a regional
program for  Western  states  that  is  different,  for example,  from one  for
Northeastern states.  In 1999, all states and two  territories will develop plans
to improve visibility in their region of the country.

     Since 1987,  EPA has supported the long-term visibility monitoring program
known as the  IMPROVE network.  The IMPROVE  network gathers  data that can be used
to identify sources of visibility impairment on an individual site,  regional, and
national scale.   EPA will work with Western states to determine the steps that
are needed to preserve clear days and improve visibility in the 1.6 national parks
and wilderness areas located  in the Colorado Plateau.  An  Eastern regional haze
program will address visibility impairment in the Appalachian Mountains.

     Regional  emissions  reductions to attain  a  fine particle  NAAQS and meet
requirements of other programs  (such as the acid rain program)  are expected to
improve visibility in  certain parks and wilderness  areas, particularly in the
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Revoke the current 1-hour standard for 21 additional areas  classified as
     nonattainment when they meet the 1-hour ozone NAAQS.

•    Propose  national  guidance   for  ozone  SIP  revisions  and  attainment
     demonstration requirements so states  will know how to proceed in developing
     plans for attainment.

•     Deploy PM2.5 ambient monitors  at 724  sites.

1     Issue rules for improving visibility nationwide.

•     New test procedure for PM from non-road engines.

1     In 1998, the External  Review Draft  of the ozone, research  needs  document
     will be submitted for public and CASAC review,  with appropriate revisions
     then incorporated into final document.

1     Conduct PM Assessment Methodology Research in support of 2001 PM AQCD.

                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	Dollars	FTE	

 01 Obj.   Total Change                             $11,523.8        (28.7)

       Environmental Program & Management           $13,654.0           8.9

       Science and Technology                     $(10,911,3)         (37.6)

       State and Tribal Assistance'Grants  .          $8,781.1
      The redirections  for 1999  are  largely based  on a  risk-based  priority
process and  reflect  a consideration  of  the Agency's  statutory  requirements,
technical assistance  requirements,  and the need for  scientific  and technical
transfer of knowledge and expertise.

•     (-$8,293,400)  Resources are reduced from elements of  the  ozone program
      that were associated with  development of SIP revisions that are no longer

•     (+$54,800,000 STAG/S&T)  Fine  particles are highly complex  and pervasive
      pollutants that are believed to create high health risks for millions of
      people.  To achieve  major reductions in fine particles  and, realize the
      health  benefits from  the  new  NAAQS we  need  to  make  a  significant
      investment of $65,700,000  to provide states and tribes with the critical
      tools they need to better  measure  and  characterize fine particles and
      understand how they are emitted, formed, and transported.  This investment
      is essential  for building  a strong foundation for action and will result
      in more  accurate  information for  identifying  problem areas  and source

      EPA will need to provide states and tribes with the funding necessary to
      establish a 1,500-site national  PM2.5 monitoring network in time to collect
      complete and accurate  information for identifying areas with unhealthy
      air.   Funds  allocated to  build this network  will cover the  costs for
      monitor purchase,  network  design and siting,  operations and maintenance,
      and  Continuous  monitoring  and/or  meteorological  stations at  selected

 Funds  will also  cover costs  for  chemical speciation  analysis so  that
 states  and tribes can determine the chemical constituents of the PMZ.5 and
 better  identify and understand  the .sources and  characteristics of  the
 pollution  and  its potential  effects.

 (+$10,000,000  S&T/EPM)  We  also need  to  develop  and provide  to  states .and
 tribes  source  characterization information for use, .in  conjunction  with
 air  quality information provided by the EM2.s network, in identifying the
 pollution  sources  that contribute  to  health  and environmental  risks.
 Emissions  factors  will be developed  for point  sources, such  as utility
 'boilers,  as well, as  key  area  sources, such  as  new  diesel  passenger
 vehicles,   off-road   heavy   diesel.  engines,    agricultural   tilling,
 construction,  woodstoves,  open burning, and roads.  We  will also  assist
 states  and tribes in developing or  revising data systems to track, repo.rt,
 and  analyze emissions  and  air  quality information.

 (+•$3,405,000   EPM)   Sustainable  Development  Grants  will   increase  to
 encourage  community, business  and government  to work  cooperatively  to
 develop flexible,  locally-oriented  approaches,  that  link place based
 environmental  management and quality of life with sustainable .development
 and  revitalization.  To secure grant funding,  public and private entities
 within  the community must be willing to contribute their resources,  either
 in cash or through  in-kind services  and supplies.

 (+$1,250,000 EPM)  The  Right-to-Know  program will increase to  provide  a
 comprehensive   framework  for  measuring  and  reporting   environmental
 information.     This   approach  incorporates   updated  technology   for
 environmental  measurement  and monitoring; ensures that the information is
 useful  and timely for families and  communities;  facilitates public  access
 to   comprehensive   and  integrated  environmental  data;  and,   provides
 effective  tools for communicating,  interpreting and applying environmental

 (+$4,310,300)  We will focus increased efforts on tools and approaches for
 addressing the conflict between urban economic development and programs
 for  ozone,  particulate matter,  and other environmental  problems.

 (+$2,552,900)  This  increase  will be  used to  test  vehicles  and  engines to
 provide data on emissions under various operating conditions.  These  data
 will be used to  improve emission models used by the states  and EPA.

 (-$578,800 and -7.2 workyears S&T)  The Agency will  reduce tropospheric
 ozone  health  research by  redirecting  most of these  resources  to  One
 Atmosphere research (under the Sound Science,  Improved  'Understanding of
 Environmental  Risk,  and  Greater   Innovation  to  Address  Environmental
 Problems goal).   Under the  One Atmosphere  research program,  research
 efforts on  epidemiological  methods  and on  the  mechanisms  by  which
 pollutants produce  effects and the dose-response of those effects will be
 conducted  to address both  criteria air  pollutants  and  air  toxics  rather
 than individual  toxic  compounds.  Since  tropospheric ozone is a prominent
 .air  pollutant  constituent  of urban atmospheres,  this redirection provides
 start-up  resources for   research  on   the  combined  influence  of   air
 pollutants and human health.  The reduction to tropospherie ozone research
 will reduce the effort to identify factors affecting  human respiratory
 response to ozone  as a single  air  contaminant.

 (-$775,300  and  -6.1 workyears S&T) The Agency will reduce tropospheric
ozone terrestrial  ecology  research.   This reduction  reflects  a reduced
effort  to  characterize  the  effects  of  tropospheric  ozone  on  the
productivity  of  tree  species  and   a  redirection .of  effort  to  the
development of  global  indicators of terrestrial ecosystem  change.   The
terrestrial indicators  of  global  change  include  similar  indicators to
those  developed  under  the  tropospheric  ozone  program;  thus,  this
redirection represents  consolidation and  leveraging  of the  global  and
tropospheric ozone ecology research programs.

 (-$768,000  and  -10.0  workyears  S&T)  A  redirection  of resources  from
tropospheric ozone  risk management emissions  reduction  research to  One
Atmosphere risk management integrated emissions reduction  research 'will
allow the Agency to focus its resources on development and evaluation of
technologies,  which have  the potential  to  reduce multiple  pollutants
rather than focusing  solely  on technologies to reduce  ozone  percursors
such as  NOX.   Multi-pollutant control  o.r prevention devices  which  can
reduce NOX,  as  well as other  air pollutants of concern,  are now a higher
priority to the Agency than single pollutant options.

 (-$713,000 S&T)  The Agency will disinvest $713,000 from tropospheric ozone
methods and observation-based assessments exposure research.  The Agency
expects to successfully complete methods development for a number of ozone
precursors in  1998  in keeping with NARSTO.  The next phase -of applying
these methods  as part of an in-house testing and observational approach to
assess changes in emissions.and their  relation  to area ozone formation is
anticipated, due to this disinvestment, to be  completed through a long-
term research effort so that no impact will be  incurred.

 (-$467,800  and  +4.0  total  workyears  S&T)  The  Agency will  decrease
-resources  allocated to  tropospheric  ozone emissions  characterization
research,  which  will  significantly • reduce   the  NARSTO-related  risk
management research focused on improving the techniques used to estimate
emissions of ozone precursors (volatile  organic compounds  and nitrogen
oxides)  from mobile (diesel  and light-duty vehicles) sources.   EPA has
developed a model which  would substantially improve estimates of mobile
•source  emissions  by  taking  into account  various  modes  of  vehicle
operation.    Components of   this  model  are  being  factored   into  the
regulatory models  which  are  used by  atmospheric modelers,  the Office of
Mobile Sources, and state regulatory authorities to develop estimates of
mobile source emissions. This reduction will eliminate all NARSTO-funded
research  on heavy duty  diesel  trucks  and  significantly .reduce  the
information included  in the  mobile  emissions  model.    Completion of a
version of the model that  can be used by other researchers and Federal,
state and local policymakers will be delayed substantially.

 (+$2,517,400 S&T)  Long-term  research  efforts will increase for both  (1)
tropospheric ozone precursor  measurements,  modeling source emissions,  and
health and  ecological effects for NAAQS  related ozone  risk assessments
 ($90.0,000)  and  (2)  measurements and modeling  for  particulate matter,
.epidemiological  and  toxicological  research  on  long-term effects  of
particulate matter,  and a  risk  model for short-  and long-term .effects
based  on  epidemiological,    toxicological   and   mechanistic  studies

 (-$1,250,000)  Funding  to support the California Regional  PM  10 2.5  Air
Quality Study, a Congressional earmark, has been eliminated.


Key Performance Measures
Area designation
Publish notice
revoking the 1-
hour ozone
standard for 21
areas meeting the

States submit 8
requests for
revoking the 1-
hour ozone
Publish notice
revoking the 1-hour
ozone standard for
8 areas meeting the
                                                        50 states, submit
                                                        designations under
                                                        the revised ozone
National guidance for SIP
revisions attainment
demonstration requirements
PM2.5 Monitoring Network
Initial evaluation of Models-3
against field observations taken
during the Eulerian Model
Evaluation Field Study  (EMEFS).
Plume-in-grid feature
incorporated into Models-3 to
improve urban scale resolution.
Begin training of clients in the
use of Models-3 for their
analysis of mid-course  options.
Propose national
guidance on PM2.5
SIP revision and

Propose national
guidance on ozone
SIP revisions and

Issue national
guidance on
visibility SIP
States deploy 724
PM2.5 ambient
monitoring sites.

Issue national
guidance on PM2.5
SIP revisions and

Issue national
guidance on ozone
SIP revisions and

Issue SIP
processing guidance
for visibility

52 States and
Territories submit
visibility SIPs»

States deploy 776
PMz.5 monitoring

Analysis .of Southern Oxidant        9/30/98
Study  (SOS) data from 1995 field
program in Nashville/Middle
Tennessee region, including
methods to measure and model
ozone  and its precursors.

Delivery of External Review Draft   9/30/98
of ozone research needs to CASAC
and complete final document.

Report on quantifying the                               9/30/99
uncertainty in emissions,
chemical parameters, and
meteorological conditions for
traj ectory model.

Recommend method for measuring                          9/30/01
NOx (nitrogen oxides and their
reaction products.)

Evaluation of fine particle         9/30/98
module predictive capability of
the  Initial Operating Version
(IOV)  of  the Models-3, to assess
potential impact of fine
particulate source controls on
regional to urban to  sub-urban

Identification of biologically      9/30/9-8
plausible hypothesis to explain
PM-induced toxicity.

Delivery of integrated daily time   9/30/98
series database for specific

Produce data on ammonia from hog    9/30/98
farm lagoons.  Ammonia reacts
with other compounds in the
atmosphere to form fine

Reports (1) describing research                         9/30/99
designed to test a hypothesis
about mechanisms of PM-induced
toxicity and (2) characterizing
factors affecting PM dosimetry in

Reports on (1)  long-term                                9/30/99
exposures to PM and effects on
mortality and lung function and
(2) reanalysis of Harvard and
American Cancer Society cohorts
on health effects of long-term
exposures to PM.                                          '

 Delivery of a computer simulation
 model to generate true air
 pollution exposure in region.

 Produce data on the size
 distribution of particles emitted
 from residential wood combustion
 (fireplaces and wood stoves)  and
 diesel trucks during  highway

 Award and establish up to five
 peer reviewed STAR fine
 particulate research centers.

      Attaining and maintaining the ozone and particulate matter objective  will
significantly enhance public health  and welfare in the United States.   Large
numbers of people will enjoy longer and better lives,  and will be able to engage
in activities they otherwise would be precluded from enjoying.

      To  attain  the objective, we  will need  to  reassess the population and
economic  growth  assumptions  as  well  as  improvements  in  our  scientific
understanding  of  ozone  and  particulate  matter  and  their  solutions;  this
reassessment most likely will occur beyond  the current  planning  horizon.   For
example,  we  know the new PM2.5 standard  also  reduces toxic pollutants  in the
atmosphere,  but  we  cannot  yet quantify the  reduction.   Improvement  in our
emission  inventories,  monitoxing,   and  analysis  techniques   will  provide
opportunities  for integrating programs  to provide  emission reductions  from
multiple pollutants.  .We also expect  to  be  able to make major  progress in the
next ten years to reduce emissions from mobile  sources, especially those powered
by diesel  engines.   These technological improvements are .expected  to present
opportunities for both  reducing emissions  and aspiring  to higher standards of
environmental protection.

      Research efforts  for tropospheric ozone and particulate matter support the
achievement  of  the objective  by  providing  health and ecological  effects
information,  as  well   as  the  exposure,  source   characterization,  and  risk
management data, to both meet and implement the NAAQSs.

Key Performance Measures Verification

Data sources:
      •     EPA National Emission Trends Database;
      •     EPA AIRS Air Quality Subsystem;
      •     EEA Findings and Required Elements Data System (FREDS);
      •     Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual  Environments (IMPROVE)

       Data from the National Emission Trends  Database and the AIRS Air Quality
Subsystem is used to determine if nonattainment areas  have  their requisite three
years of  clean air data needed for redesignation.   The FREDS system tracks the
progress of states and Regions  in  reviewing  and approving  the required elements

o:f  the  SIPs  also  needed for redesignation to attainment.   The IMPROVE database
provides  data  on  visibility improvement from various sites nationally.

QA/QC procedures:
      To  assure that the ambient  air  quality data provides  a  sound  basis for
monitoring the progress  in air  quality,  the following quality assurance steps are
taken.  There  are quality control  methods specified for the collection of data
such as filter handling  to ensure the technical quality of  the  data at each site.
There are also methods in place such as co-location of monitors to ensure uniform
'readings across the monitoring  network.   Finally,  there are systems audits which
regularly review the overall air quality data collection activity for any needed
changes or corrections.

      In  the  area of  environmental  science and  research,   EPA has  several
strategies   to validate and   verify  performance  measures  in  the  area  of
environmental  science and  research.   The Agency has  implemented  a risk-based
research planning process to use risk assessment and risk management as principal
priority-setting criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program reviews to both
evaluate  the status and accomplishments of its research and determine planning
priorities.   To better  draw upon  the  expertise of  the environmental academic
community,   EPA created  the  Science  to  Achieve  Results  (STAR)  program  of
peer-reviewed,  mission-driven extramural grants.  The Agency is also working with
various professional  societies on  research issues.

      Chief  among  the  Agency's validation  and verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer  review  process.   In  a  July  1997 memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator  states that  peer review will be expanded,  "to  include both the
major  work  products  provided  in  the  past and...all  scientific  and  technical
products  supporting Agency  decisions..."  This expanded and strengthened focus
on  peer review will help ensure that  the  performance  measures listed here are
verified  and validated  by  external organizations.   The  Agency  utilizes peer
review  throughout  the  research planning  and .implementation process,  both  to
ensure  that  planned research  addresses  critical  knowledge issues within EPA's
mission,  and to assess  the  quality of  scientific research plans,  products, and
proposals.  This is accomplished through the use of independent entities such as
the Science Advisory Board (SAB) and the Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC).
The BOSC,  established under  the Federal Advisory Committee  Act, will even examine
the way the  Agency uses peer review, as well as the management of its research
and development laboratories.

      EPA7 s  external research program undergoes extensive peer  review.  Proposals
from the  external scientific 'community are peer-reviewed and projects .are then
selected  for funding through  grants or cooperative agreements.   In  addition,
Requests  for Applications  (RFAs)  under  the  STAR program  are  often  developed
jointly with outside partners such  as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA  has developed  a mechanism by  which to check the quality and relevance
of  its  research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information  System  (OMIS)
will  be another  accountability tool  used to verify  and validate performance
measures.   The recently  developed'GPRA  structure will be incorporated into OMIS
to  ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency  of information  to  users.

Statutory Authority

Clean Air Act

                       Environmental Protection Agency

                       1999 Annual Request to Congress

                                  Clean Air

Objective #2:      Reduce Emissions of Air Toxics

      By 2010,  reduce  air toxic emissions .by  75  percent from 1993  levels  to
significantly reduce the risk to Americans of Cancer and other serious adverse
health effects caused by airborne toxics.


      Toxic air pollutants pose a significant health risk because some may cause
cancer and others may cause other health problems such as reproductive disorders,
birth defects, and damage to the nervous system.  It  is common for the increased
lifetime cancer risks from the mixture of a subset  of urban air toxics to exceed
1 in 10,000 in U.S. cities.   People  who  live near major industrial plants may
face even higher cancer risks from .air toxics.

      Air  toxics  programs  can  be  categorized  into  four  key  areas:  1)
characterization of air toxics from stationary and  mobile  sources, 2)  working
with states and localities to implement the air toxics program,  3)  technology—
and risk-based standards for emissions from stationary sources and residual risk;
and, 4) research to support the air toxics program.   Most sources that emit air
toxics are believed to  also  emit  other air pollutants  (such as ozone precursors
and fine particles).   EPA  'will  maximize  the possibilities  for  co-control  of
pollutants by focussing  on developing  Maximum Achievable  Control Technology
(MACT) standards and other standards that will  reduce  emissions  from both air
toxics and other key pollutants.

      Titles  II and  III  of the Clean Air Act  Amendments of 1990  mandate air
toxics regulations.  Title II programs regulate clean fuels;  Title III lists 189
hazardous air  pollutants (HAPs) -and requires the implementation of MACT standards
for major  sources  .emitting  these HAPs.    EPA has  promulgated approximately 25
percent of these standards, with the remaining standards to be promulgated by the
year 2000.  Eight years after MACT standards are developed,  EPA must determine
residual risk  from EAPs, and revise .the standards if there is  not an  ample margin
of safety to protect the public health.  Title III also mandates a national urban
air toxics strategy along with assessment and control of the 30 most hazardous
air pollutants found in urban  areas.  In addition,  Title III requires control of
combustion sources with emphasis on mercury and analysis of emissions from steam
powered utility plants.  The  affected sources include municipal waste combustors,
medical waste incinerators, industrial and  commercial waste incinerators, and
other solid waste  incinerators.  Title II of the Clean Air  Act  requires standards
for air toxics emitted from mobile sources.

      EPA's research program is charged with producing technical reports, papers,
models, and other data to improve  the  scientific  understanding of  air toxic
health risks and providing data to be used by regulatory  officials  and industry
to evaluate the effectiveness of various  emission reduction technologies.  The
program is designed to provide the critical scientific .information that Agency
program  offices and Regions  need  to  develop, implement,- and evaluate  risk
management options and  to produce improved tools for environmental assessment so


that information  developed by the Agency and others is more  easily used and

      Research priorities  are determined using a  risk-based priority process
focusing  on effects,  exposure,  risk  .assessment,  and  risk management.   The
information gained  from the air toxics research will:   1)  protect the public
health of our children and future generations  as we better understand the risks
associated  with  and remedies  to  exposure to  air  toxics and mixtures  of air
toxics;  2)  provide  strong  science and  readily  available  and  more effective
information   to   support   Regional,   state,  and   local  government   risk
assessors/managers;  and 3)  quantify the  impacts  of air toxic  emissions from
mobile and stationary air toxic sources on air quality.

      The Agency supports this objective through legal  counseling and advocacy.
This may  include  advice,  participation in the development  of  Agency actions,
document review, and the conduct of defensive litigation.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

		 	1998 Pres Bind.  .1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  02    Reduce Emissions of Air     $89,008.8     $85,837.4     $91,924.6

      Environmental Program &           $52,685.4     $47,723.4     $52,651.7

      Science and Technology            $17,411.3     $19,201.9     $17,178.4

      State and Tribal Assistance       $18,912.1     $18,912.1     $22,094.5

    Total FTE                               387,4         401.4         390.4
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    In  1999,   reduce air  toxics  emissions  by  12 percent,  resulting  in a
     cumulative reduction of 25 percent from 1993 levels.

•    In  19.99,  complete oral and  inhalation noncancer health  assessments  for

•    In 1999,  complete .health assessments for five air toxics to be indicated as
     high priority by the EPA and regional offices.

•    In 1999,  provide models  and methods needed to estimate health risks from 30
     highest priority air toxics.

•    By  2000,  develop  a preliminary  urban scale  Models-3/Toxics Model  for
     community-based  human  exposure  assessment  for  air toxics having   known
     emissions and air chemistry.

     The  air  toxics  program  involves  setting  standards  and  providing  the
framework and  information to fully  implement programs  to reduce emissions  and
risk.  To meet the air toxics objective, EPA will shift its efforts  from setting


standards  to  assisting  states  and industries  in implementing  rules  and to
monitoring progress in reducing emissions and risk.

Air Toxics Characterization

     Following promulgation of the MACT standards, EPA must determine i.f there
is any remaining risk from the regulated compounds.  EPA's air toxics objective
focuses primarily  on  the statutory requirements  of the toxics program in the
Clean Air Act to reduce  emissions  by  issuing technology-based standards.   The
objective .seeks to reduce emissions through the promulgation and implementation
of MACT standards.  Although this goal is measurable it does not encompass the
health  and ecological  benefits that the  public expects  from the  program.
Although a  health and environmental  goal is -more appropriate,  EPA lacks the
information  and tools   to  adequately  characterize  and  measure progress  in
improving public health  and environmental  impacts .of  air  toxics.  The program
will  need to  invest  in  improved and  innovative monitoring  and  modeling,
inventories, development  and  refinement of environmental  indicators,  and risk
assessment tools to better characterize the risk  from air toxics and establish
a baseline for measuring risk in  carrying  out  the Government Performance and
Results Act (GPRA).  EPA will build on state efforts to create a national toxics
monitoring and inventory program in order  to better  characterize exposures to
hazardous .air pollution.

     Mobile source progxams  currently reduce  air toxics  with  vehicle-based
controls and with cleaner burning fuels. Air toxics reductions result from gas
and  diesel powered  vehicles  and  non-road  equipment  meeting more  stringent
"tailpipe" standards; improved evaporative controls on cars  and trucks;  reduced
gasoline 'volatility; reformulated gasoline;  and  enhanced vehicle  inspection .and
maintenance programs.  In addition, EPA will  conduct a study of the need  for and
the  feasibility  of controlling emissions of  unregulated  toxic air pollutants
associated with motor vehicles and fuels.  In addition to reducing air toxics,
vehicle tailpipe controls reduce ozone and particulate matter.  Consequently, we
have counted these programs under  the .ozone and particulate matter objective.
We are counting only fuels programs under the resource profile for air toxics.

     Phase I reformulated gasoline (RFG) reduces toxics by 15 percent; Phase II
RFG  will  reduce toxics by 28  percent beginning in 2000.    The  Fuels  and Fuel
Additives Registration Program provides for the review and screening of potential
toxic  substances  prior  to  introduction .into  motor  vehicle fuel  supplies.
Approximately 10,000 registration requests will be submitted.

Air Toxics Implementation

     As EPA develops standards for controlling the emissions of HAPs, each state
must implement these rules with compliance monitoring.  The Agency delegates the
implementation activities to the states .and provides the tools and guidance to
ensure smooth and  consistent  implementation of  the standards.   EPA will issue
guidance and conduct outreach activities to help  sources comply.  EPA will use
emissions testing and, where feasible,  continuous emission monitoring or emission
inventories to monitor compliance -with MACT and other air toxics standards.  EPA
will continue the  fuels  and fuel additives registration system.

     EPA will  perform studies related  to  air toxic  deposition  into selected
bodies of water; the urban air toxics problem; and municipal waste combustors.
Again, OAR will  rely on research from  the  Office of  Research and Development
(ORD) in these areas, and will work cooperatively  with  the Office of Water  (OW)
in the Great Waters Acid  Deposition Study.


     Concurrent with the'release of the updated Great Waters report in June 1997,
EPA  is.sued  a Notice  of Availability  announcing and  seeking  comment  on  its
determination that section 112 of the Clean Air Act provides adequate authority
to regulate air  pollutants to prevent adverse effects due to deposition in Great
Waters. 'In 1999, the Agency will continue multi-media modeling and deposition
studies, and will facilitate state and regional deposition reduction strategies,
proposing necessary,  cross-media regulations to allow state and local governments
to implement control programs to reduce air deposition.

     In 1999, EPA will publish the Urban Area Source Report and Strategy.   EPA
will focus on an integrated urban toxics .strategy by identifying the 3D hazardous
air pollutants  that pose the greatest threat  in urban areas,.  EPA will identify
in the .strategy  the source categories that emit these pollutants and assure that
90 percent of these urban areas sources are subject to regulation.

     As part of the work performed under the Clean Air Act, EPA will reduce the
emissions and lower  the risk associated  with the  persistent,  bioaccumulative
toxics  (PBTs).   The  air program  will work to achieve these reductions through
regulatory  and. prevention-based measures.   EPA will  be developing  tools  to
evaluate the impact of PBTs and the impact of  reductions in PBTs on human health
and the environment.

Air 'Toxics .Rules^	and jStandards Development

     In developing the  10-year MACT standards, EPA will  continue to streamline
the air toxics  program by building on experience from earlier standards and by
providing greater flexibility for  states -that  want  to achieve  the  emission
reductions, but in ways  that are  different from those proposed by  EPA.  EPA will
continue  approaches  such  as the Common Sense Initiative,  consolidated rules,
partnerships with states  in making  presumptive  MACT  determinations,  and the
generic MACT approach where  rulemakings for source categories  with four or fewer
major facilities would be developed .as a broad-based rule. All of  the four-year
MACT  standards  have been  completed.   EPA is planning  to move  three  source
categories into the ten-year bin (statutory deadline November 2000).  EPA plans
to promulgate all ten-year standards on schedule.

     The second phase of air toxics standards will address the risks to public
health and the  environment that remain .after the application of MACT controls.
Often  referred  to  as  residual  risk  standards,   these standards  would  be
established eight years  after promulgation of MACT standards.  EPA is developing
a strategy for identifying and dealing with residual risk through studies related
to emissions from electric utilities  and EPA risk assessment  procedures and

     Section 129 of the  Clean Air Act requires the establishment of performance
standards  for  each  category  of solid waste  incinerators.   These  categories
include:  municipal waste combustors, medical  waste incinerators, industrial and
commercial waste  incinerators,  and other solid  waste  incinerators.   EPA will
provide guidance for implementing the rules promulgated for municipal  and medical
waste  incinerators.   The rules for  industrial and  commercial  and other waste
incinerators have been combined and  are part  of  the  Industrial  Combustion
Coordinated Rulemaking  (ICCR),  -which has  a statutory deadline of November 2000.
The ICCR  also includes:  boilers,  process heaters,  gas  turbines, and internal
combustion engines, which are regulated under sections  111 and 112 o-f the Clean
Air  Act.    These standards  are  being developed using the Federal  Advisory
Committee Act in a effort  to  involve all interested  stakeholders.   EPA will


develop  regulatory options  for  the various  categories  and  subcategories  of
incinerators and develop a proposal package for the ICCR.

     Reinvention  efforts  continue  in  the form  of Common  Sense  Initiatives/
Project XL, and the Consolidated  Federal Air Rule.  The Common Sense Initiative
is an industry-by-industry approach to environmental policy and rule development.
Project  XL   offers   sources  alternative  compliance   methods   for   greater
environmental benefit, and the Consolidated Federal Air Rule reduces costs and
regulatory burdens by simplifying and consolidating reporting and record keeping
requirements affecting an industry.

AirToxics Research

     The air toxics research  program: (1)  defines the magnitude of the urban air
toxics problem through effects and exposure  research;  {2)  determines  the most
cost-effective ways to manage the  risks through development of modeling tools and
evaluation of control .options; and  (3) characterizes and measures emissions from
vehicles.  The data and methods available to assess and manage non-cancer health
risks of air toxics are very limited.  For example, the Clean Air Act requires
substantial assessment of risks  posed by  air  toxics in urban areas and public
comments on local permits within the decade.   Exposures from these sources may
have an  impact on  most  of  the  U.S. population.   Uncertainties  in  exposure
assessment and dose-response assessment  often prevent adequate  evaluation of
risks, and may lead to either unnecessary controls if assumptions are overly
conservative or inadequate protection of  public health if assumptions are not
protective enough.  In addition,  many of the sources contributing to pollution
in urban  areas are small and  guidance/assistance is  needed  on how to reduce
emissions in a cost-effective manner. The array of scientific methods, models,
and data developed by the Agency  and others are frequently difficult to use and
interpret, particularly for communities  faced with evaluation  of their specific
situations.  For  these reasons,  in 1999 EPA  will  conduct research and provide
assistance that may reduce these uncertainties.

     Health effects  researchers  will quantitatively evaluate cancer  and non-
cancer health effects from air toxics exposures emphasizing:  effects of acute
and  recurrent  acute  exposures;  impacts on  sensitive subpopulations;  and
development of methods to as.sess  effects from chemical  classes and common urban
air pollutant mixtures.  Researchers will also improve methods for extrapolations
of health  data  from animals  to humans to improve our  understanding of health
effects  and  risk  assessment methods.   Resources will  be  applied to better
understand the impacts on health  of exposure to air toxics in the urban setting,
where most risks  are  anticipated to occur.   Techniques will also be developed
from  long-term,  multi-disciplinary studies   to  characterize health  outcomes
associated with urban toxics.

     Exposure  researchers  will  develop  (1)  methods to  identify contributing
sources from ambient air measurements; and (2) improved models to characterize
actual human  exposure.    Scientists will determine  the  factors  to ascertain
whether  inner city and  other  low  income  communities  are  being  subjected to
exposures to air toxics at a greater degree than  other communities.  Resources
will provide  limited support to  the development  of approaches  for assessing
cumulative  exposures to  air  toxics from both  area  sources and previously
controlled major point sources.  These approaches  should  be  useful in assessing
residual  risks.   Some 1999  Science and  Technology  funds will go  toward the
development of a  preliminary urban scale  Models-3/Toxics Model  for Community-
Based Human Exposure Assessment  for air toxics having  known emissions and air
chemistry, but the preliminary model will  not be realized until a future  fiscal


year.  This model  will  for the first  time  estimate regional urban and source
specific  air  toxics -.exposures  and  allow  multi-scale  air toxics  exposure

     Research will also be conducted to develop and demonstrate new methods to
assess risks from urban toxics.  The goal is to take information developed in a
research context and communicate the information more effectively to regional and
local government risk assessors/managers through technology transfer centers.
These risk assessors/managers will  use the  new risk  assessment  methods  for
chronic and acute  non-cancer  assessments  and the new guidance for cancer risk
assessment to determine with greater certainty the risks associated with the HAPs
arising from area sources.  In 1999, resources will:   enhance  the development of
health effects  assessments  from  chronic  (life-time)  and acute   (short-term)
exposures and cancer  risk determinations for the urban toxics  program;  staff the
Air  Risk  Information Support  Center  (Air  RISC)  Hotline to  communicate risk
assessment methodologies and respond to air pollution questions from  regional,
state, and community  air pollution control offices;  and  provide  consultation to
program,  state,  regional, and community offices on urban toxics.  These  resources
will enable EPA  to  more effectively manage program coordination and meet program
goals of supporting  and transferring information to communities.  Researchers
will continue to incorporate more recent human ep.idemiolo;gical findings and other
data, as appropriate, into the integrated human and environmental health risk
assessment of mercury emissions.

     In 1999, using  prior year Science  and Technology  funding  for air toxics
emissions  reduction  research  (at  $500,000  per year  for  1996-1998),  EPA will
produce data, models,  and technical information that can be used by Federal,
state, and local  air  pollution  regulatory  officials  to  (1)  -understand  the
processes  which lead  to  the formation  of  organic  and  metal  compounds  in
combustion  systems and  (2)  quantitatively  evaluate  the viability   (cost  and
performance) of various technologies to control or prevent these emissions.

     Air pollution from mobile  sources has  been estimated to account for over
half  of  the nationwide  emissions of  air toxics,  ozone  precursors   (volatile
organic compounds  .and  nitrogen oxides), and  carbon monoxide.   Mobile sources
research will be in the areas  of exposure and  risk assessment.  The  exposure work
will  consist  of:   •(!) chemical characterization of vehicle  emissions and (2)
measuring "real world" emissions from infuse  vehicles. As such, some 1999 Science
and Technology funds  will go toward completing the characterization of  emissions
and  attendant  risks  associated with new fuels  and fuel additives,  but full
characterization will not be realized  until a  future fiscal year-

     In support of the mobile sources  risk  assessment efforts,  the Agency will
continue to support limited emissions characterization for exposure assessments.
Consultation on data  collection, risk assessments, and health-related regulatory
decisions  for fuels  and- fuel additives will  support  the  control of HAPs from
motor vehicles.  Assessment activities  will  also result in the completion  of the
Health Risk  Assessment Document  for  Diesel  Engine Emissions.    In  addition,
research will .focus  on the health effects associated with air toxics (such as
benzene and butadiene)  and  emerging  motor  vehicle  technologies and  fuels,
including the impact  of new engine and emission control technologies, new  fuels,
and other  fuels.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

••    In 1998, reduce air toxic emissions by 13 percent from 1993 levels-.

*    In  1998,  diesel  and  1,3-butadiene health  assessments submitted  to the
     Science Advisory Board, and benzene cancer unit risk completed.

•    In  1998,  complete dose  response assessments  for  six listed  air toxics
     (beryllium, chromium,  bentazon, cadmium,  acetonitrile,  and vinyl chloride)
     and assessments for mercury report to Congress.

                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	   Dollars	FTE	

 02 Obj.   Total Change                              $6,087.2        (11.0)

       Environmental Program & Management            $4,928.3           1.8

       Science and Technology                      $(2,023.5)        (12.8)

       State and Tribal Assistance  Grants            $3,182.4

•      (+$2,700,000)  Increase  resources for better .identifying  the nature and
      extent of air toxics  problems and providing states  and tribes, as well as
      the  regulated  community, with  tools to address  the problem.   We have
      directed resources to develop monitoring strategies, models, and emissions
      •inventories  that will enable the Agency to begin to better  define the
      scope of the air  toxics problem, identify the associated health risks, and
      track progress in  reducing  risks.   We also have increased resources for
      programs  to help  state, tribal,  and  local agencies,  as  well  as the
      regulated  community,  implement  national   standards  to  reduce   toxic
      emissions.  Establishing a solid air toxics health baseline and developing
      human health indicators  are  particularly important to measuring program
      effectiveness  and communicating  to  the public  meaningful  health and
      environmental outcomes.  Although we know that air toxics are harmful to
      human health we  .have not been  able  to  adequately characterize exposure
      results.   In addition,   as greater  numbers of MACT  and  other air  to.xic
      rules are  finalized  by  the Agency,  states  will be required to implement
      these emission  standards. The Agency will be providing tools and guidance
      as well as conducting 'outreach activities to accept delegation of the air
      toxics programs.

•      -(+$1,200,000)  Provide increased  support for  a  cross-Agency initiative
      aimed at addressing persistent bio-accumulative toxics. The pervasiveness
      and complexity of these  pollutants and the lessons learned from actions to
      date point to the need for a  more significant linkage among the statutory
      and programmatic requirements for which  EPA is responsible.   Examples of
      such pollutants include nitrogen,  mercury,  and dioxin.  In particular, it
      is important to assess the disproportionate effects that these pollutants
      have on human health; particularly children's health,  ecosystems, and the

      (+$3,200,000)   Target   increased   state   grant   resources,   through
     reprograituning, to measuring levels of airborne air toxics, particularly in
     urban areas.  This increase  is  part of a strategic re-direction for the
     air grants program, developed jointly with our state and local partners.
     Redirection of grant  resources  to air  toxics would expand the pollutant
     and geographic coverage of air toxic monitoring.  State and local agencies
     also will  expand pollutant  characterization and  speciation  efforts  to
     better  identify  the  sources  of airborne  toxics  and  develop  control
     strategies to address them.

      {-$1,245,600 extramural and -8.7 total workyears S&T) Eliminate all of the
     urban toxics  risk management emissions reduction  research.   All  of the
     funding and workyears  have been  redirected to the One Atmosphere research
     program (under the Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
     Risk, and  Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems  goal),
     which will focus  on integrated technologies that can address both criteria
     pollutants  and  air  toxics,  including pollutants of  concern/ such  as

      (+$500,000)  Increase  the  amount  of  funding  toward  long-term  multi-
     disciplinary studies associated with urban toxics.
Key Performance Measures
Mr toxics emission reduction
from 1993 levels
Air Toxics Implementation
MACT Promulgation
Report on benzene cancer
unit risk completed.

Health Risk Assessment Document
for Diesel Engine Emissions
submitted for SAB review.
Complete National
Toxics Inventory
for 1996

States collect 18
emission inventory
& ambient data
from 140
monitoring sites

tools for 12 of
the MACT standards

States assume
implementation of
85% of MACT
standards for
major sources

Promulgate 16 MACT
standards for 25
source categories

Begin compiling
national toxics
invento.ry for 1999

States collect 25
emission inventory
& ambient data from
165 monitoring

tools for 12 of the
MACT standards

States assume
implementation of
85% of MACT
.standards for major

Promulgate 12 MACT
standards for 14
source categories

 Mercury Report to Congress
 Submit chemical-specific dose-*     9/30/98
 response assessments (RfC, RfD,    (six)
 cancer unit risks)  to Integrated
 Risk Information System (IRIS).
 Complete the adaptation and
 development of the Regional
 Particulate Module of Models-3
 begun for mercury and semi-
 volatile compounds.

 Develop a preliminary version
 urban scale model for community-
 based human exposure assessment
 based on the HAP exposure model-

 Benzene RfD & RfC, Diesel, 1-3
 Butadine Mobile Source
 Assessments completed.

 Report on extrapolation across
 concentration and time to support
 health risk assessment for acute

 Benchmark dose software available
 for public use.

      Achieving the air toxics objective will greatly benefit public health in
the U.S.  The risk of cancer attributable to air toxics will be significantly
reduced, as will other serious toxic effects to humans and the environment (e.g.,
birth defects, developmental effects,  etc.).  We  will also enjoy the collateral
public health benefit of reducing ozone and fine particles, since many air toxics
are present in these pollutants.  Many millions of people, particularly in cities
and in  lower-income areas  around factories,  will be able to  breathe  air  that
contains less of these dangerous pollutants and enjoy longer,  healthier lives.
In addition,  we will increase our overall understanding of the air toxics problem
through advancements in monitoring and modeling methods, as  well  as  improved
science for characterizing risk.  These improvements will enable us to uncover
additional cost-effective opportunities for further reducing air toxics emissions
and decreasing their risk to public health and the environment.
KeyAssumptions and External Factors

•     EPA promulgates all MACT standards on time with no litigation.

•     Sources are in compliance by required dates.

•     EPA and states will develop and agree  upon  sound environmental and health
      indicators to measure emissions reductions  and human health improvements.
      Resources will be available to develop needed infrastructures.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      Data sources include:
      •     EPA's Toxics Release Inventory  (TRI);
      f     National Toxic Inventory  (NTI);
      *     MACTRAX

      The NTI  contains  emission estimates :for major, area,  and mobile source
categories.  To date, we have collected emission inventory data to update the NTI
from the externally and internally peer-reviewed Clean Air Act section 112(c) J6)
inventory; MACT emissions data gathered for  2-, 4-, .and 7-year standards;1 state
and  local  inventories  (five  states);  and  the TRI.   We have  also developed
emissions data using emission factors and activity level data to update source
categories for which we  do not have MACT, state or local,  or  TRI  inventory data.
We have  identified  an additional 12  states  that  have  available HAP inventory
data.  By the end of the year,  we will complete  the update of  NTI  Version 3.0 for
base year 1993, provide peer-reviewed inventories for 40 hazardous air pollutants
to  support Clean Air Act  section  112(k),  and  complete  compilation  of  MACT
baseline emissions data  for 2-,  4-,  and half of the 7-year source categories.
A 1993 baseline emissions inventory will allow us to track emission reductions
of HAPs  as control programs  are implemented.   We  will  be  able  to  store and
retrieve all these data from  the AIRS system.

      MACTRAX provides a mechanism to track the air implementation activities by
each state to insure that the  emission reductions  expected from  the development
of .MACT standards can be realized through full  implementation of the standards.

      Procedures for quality  assurance/quality control (QA/QC)   of emission and
ambient  air  toxics data  are  not as  institutionalized  'as  those  used  for the
criteria pollutant program. Air toxics  data are not required of  states, but are
voluntary.    EPA does review the data  to assure data quality and consistency,
but no  formal  procedures  are  in place for QA.   Regional  offices do review all
data before  it is  placed in  MACTRAX.   Procedures are now  being finalized to
ensure the quality of emissions data collected from industry that are used for
the development of technology-based emission standards.

      In  the  area  of  environmental  science  and  research EPA has  several
strategies  to   validate   and  verify  performance measures..    The Agency  has
implemented  a  risk-based research planning  process  to use  risk assessment and
risk management as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA  conducts annual
research program reviews to both evaluate the status and accomplishments of its
research and determine planning priorities.   To better draw upon the expertise
of the  environmental academic  community, EPA created the  Science  to Achieve
Results  (STAR)  program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants; the
Agency is also working with various professional societies on research issues.

      Chief  among  the Agency's validation  and  verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer  review process.    In  a July  1997 memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator  stated that peer  review  will be expanded, "to include both the
major work  products provided in  the past and...all  scientific and technical
products supporting Agency decisions..."  This expanded and  strengthened focus


on peer review will help  ensure  that  the  performance measures listed here are
verified  and validated by external  organizations.   The Agency  utilizes peer
review throughout  the research planning  and implementation  process,  both to
ensure that  planned research  addresses  critical  knowledge  issues within EPA's
mission,  and to assess the quality of scientific research plans,  products, and
proposals.  This'is accomplished through the use of independent entities such as
the Science Advisory Board (SAB)  and the Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC).
The BOSC,  established  under the Federal Advisory Committee Act,  will even examine
the way the Agency uses peer review,  as well as the management of its research
and development laboratories.

      EPA's external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected  for  funding  through  grants  or cooperative'agreements.   In addition,
Requests  for  Applications (RFAs)  under the  STAR program are  often developed
jointly with outside partners  such as  the  National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will be  another  accountability tool  used to verify  and validate  performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA structure will be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure  consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in  greater accuracy and
consistency of information to users.

Statutory Authority

Clean Air Act

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                        1999 Annual  Plan Request to OMB

                                  Clean Air

Objective #3:     Attain NAAQS for CO, SO2, NO2, and Lead

      By 2005,  improve air quality for  Americans  living in areas that do not meet
the current National Ambient Air  Quality Standards  (NAAQSs) for carbon monoxide
(CO), sulfur dioxide  (S02), lead,  and  nitrogen dioxide  (NOa) .


      Under the Clean Air Act,  EPA must  set  NAAQSs  for pollutants that endanger
public health  and  the environment.    CO,  S02, lead,  and  NO? are  all  high-risk
pollutants.  EPA has been relatively successful in reducing these air pollutants
in many urban  areas through  stationary and mobile  source controls.   EPA also
includes new source review (NSR) and operating permit programs  for  multiple
pollutants under this  objective.  Each  pollutant and the programs that reduce
them are described separately below:


      CO is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas formed when carbon in fuels is
not burned  completely.  It is  a byproduct of  highway vehicle exhaust,  which
contributes  about  60  percent  of all CO  emissions nationwide.   In  cities,
automobile exhaust can cause as much as  95 percent of all  CO emissions.  Vehicle
Miles Traveled (VMT)  continue to increase each year.  These emissions can result
in high concentrations of CO,  particularly in  local areas with heavy traffic
congestion.  Other  :sources of CO emissions include industrial processes and fuel
combustion in sources  such as boilers and incinerators.

      Carbon monoxide enters  the bloodstream and reduces  oxygen delivery to the
body's organs and tissues.  The health  threat from exposure to CO is most serious
for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease.   Healthy individuals are also
affected, but only at higher levels of exposure.  Exposure to elevated CO levels
is  associated  with visual impairment,  reduced work capacity,  reduced manual
dexterity,  decreased learning ability,   and difficulty in performing  complex

      Despite an overall downward trend in concentrations  and emissions of CO,
some metropolitan  areas still  experience high levels of  CO..   Approximately 29
areas are still  classified as non-attainment  for the air quality standard for
carbon monoxide.

Sulfur Dioxide

      Sulfur dioxide  (S02)  belongs to  the family of gases  called sulfur oxides
(SOx) .   These gases are  formed when fuel  containing sulfur (mainly  coal and oil)
is burned, and during metal smelting and other industrial  processes.  The major
health concerns  associated with exposure  to high concentrations of S02 include
effects on breathing, respiratory illness, alterations in pulmonary defenses, and
aggravation  of  existing cardiovascular  disease.   Children,   the  elderly,  and
people with asthma,  cardiovascular  disease or chronic lung  disease  (such as


bronchitis  or emphysema),  are  most susceptible  to  adverse  health  effects
associated with exposure  to S02.  In the atmosphere SO2 can react to form fine
particles which may aggravate respiratory disease and lead to premature death.
SO2  is  also  a  precursor  to sulfates,  which are associated with acidification of
lakes and streams,  accelerated corrosion of buildings and monuments and reduced

      Approximately 40 areas are 'Still classified as non-attainment areas for the
air quality standard for  SO2.


      Exposure to  ambient lead  mainly  occurs  through inhalation of  air and
ingestion of lead in food, paint, water,  soil, or dust.   Lead accumulates in the
bo.dy in blood, bone,  and soft  tissue.  Because it is not readily excreted, lead
can also affect the kidneys,  liver,  nervous system and  other organs.  Excessive
exposure  to  lead   may   cause  kidney  disease,  reproductive  disorders,  and
neurological impairments such  as seizures, mental retardation, and/or behavioral
disorders.  Fetuses and  children are especially susceptible to low doses of lead,
often suffering central nervous system damage or slowed growth.

      Thanks largely to the  elimination of  leaded gasoline,  human exposure to
lead is currently much less of a problem.  Today, smelters and battery plants are
the  major sources   of  lead  in the  air.   Approximately  10  areas  are  still
classified as non-attainment  for the air quality standard for lead.

Nitrogen,	Dioxide

      Nitrogen dioxide  (NO?) belongs to a family of highly reactive gases called
nitrogen oxides (NOx).    Nitrogen oxides  form when fuel  is burned efficiently at
high temperatures.   They are  derived primarily from motor vehicle exhaust and
stationary sources  such  as electric utilities  and industrial boilers. By .itself,
NOx poses a  human health and ecosystem threat, but it also serves  as a precursor
to ozone and particulate matter.  NOx reacts  with volatile organic compounds in
the presence of sunlight to form urban haze..  Nitrogen  dioxide can be converted
into fine nitrate aerosols, a constituent of fine particles  (PM2.5) .  In addition,
it is .a strong oxidizing agent and reacts in the air'to form corrosive nitric
acid, as well as toxic  organic nitrates.

      Nitrogen oxides irritate the lungs -and  lower resistance to respiratory
infections  such  as influenza.   They  can also  have  adverse effects  on both
terrestrial  and aquatic  ecosystems, contributing to acid rain and eutrophlcation
in coastal waters.

      Currently,  all areas   in the  U.S.,   except  southern  California,  are
classified as in attainment for the N02  air  quality standard.

      EPA has made  progress toward reducing the emis.sions of these  pollutants and
toward the goal of  having all  areas in attainment for all of these pollutants by
2005.  Over  the next several years we will continue to work with areas to achieve
attainment and with those areas in attainment to maintain that status.  We will
also review the standards  to assure that  they  are  at a level that protects public


1999: Start  phasing in  revised  motor vehicle  revised exhaust  emission  test
      procedure for an 11% reduction in CO emissions.

      Establish a plan  and schedule for the review of  the  NAAQS for nitrogen

      Issue  final  intervention  level  policy  to  give  states  guidance  on
      identifying and addressing peak  exceedences of  the  sulfur dioxide NAAQS
      that are only of short durations.

2000: 'Prepare carbon monoxide NAAQS review staff paper for CASAC review..

      Propose reaffirmation or revision to carbon monoxide NAAQS.

2001: Promulgate revision or reaffirmation of the NAAQS for carbon monoxide,

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	      :     	   1998 PresBud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj. 03    Attain NAAQS for CO,         $47,497.2     $46,749.6     $44,878.2
      SO2, NO2, Lead

      Environmental Program &           $16,546.2     $15,814.1     $16,750.5

      Science and Technology               $130.0        $114.5        $113.2

      State and Tribal Assistance       $30,821.0     $30,821.0     $28,014.5

    Total FTE                               192.0         189.6         189.9
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     Redes.ignate 14 areas to  attainment  for  carbon  monoxide,  sulfur dioxide,
      lead, and/or nitrogen dioxide.

Carbon Monoxide

      EPA has set standards for CO and currently assists  states in implementing
strategies to reduce CO pollution  and maintain compliance with the standard.  CO
tends to be a local  pollution problem and is not transported from one area to
another.  States submit state  implementation  plans  for CO,  which include many
mobile-source related programs such as reformulated gasoline.

      EPA will  continue existing  CO  work,  concentrating primarily  on mobile
source programs  (such as  oxygenated  fuel and  reformulated  gasoline),  and on
assisting states  to implement attainment and maintenance plans.  EPA will provide
information to the scientific community and stakeholders on the environmental
aspects  of  the use  of oxygenated  fuels  and will provide " recommendations to
improve the program.


      In the mobile  source  program,  the control  of CO at the Federal level is
carried out as an integral part of the control programs for ozone  and NOX.  The
resources associated with these integrated programs are accounted  for under the
ozone and  PM objectives.   Additional benefits will  be  derived from programs
(Partnership for a New  Generation  of Vehicles (PNGV)) accounted for under the
Climate Change goals and objectives.   Only a relatively small amount  of work is
performed directly aimed at CO control, mainly as  it  relates to non^attainment
areas, and the associated planning  (SIPs, conformity) and control measures  (I/M,
oxygenated fuels).

Sulfur Dioxide

      EPA  will continue to ensure that all areas are in  compliance with the
standard and will review the standard, as the Clean Air Act mandates, to ensure
that it adequately  protects human health.   The  sulfur dioxide program is not
expected to  grow in the near  future.   The most recent review of the sulfur
dioxide standard is  complete and the  standard has been reaffirmed.   In 19,99, EPA
will issue the final intervention level policy which is intended to give states
guidance on identifying  and addressing peak exceedences  of the sulfur dioxide
standard that  occur for only short durations.

      EPA will  boost efforts to reduce the more pervasive  sulfur  oxides in the
acid rain,  particulate matter and regional haze programs.  Information on sulfur
dioxide  and  the  programs   that  reduce  it,  are  described  in the  acid  rain


      EPA will continue  a relatively low level of  existing work, emphasizing
primarily  the  few nonattainment  areas near  smelters.   Mandating the  use of
unleaded gasoline will continue to be the most effective way to prevent airborne
lead.  EPA will  review  the  standard, as the Clean Air Act mandates, to ensure
that it adequately protects human health.

.Nitrogen Dioxide

      EPA  will continue to ensure that all areas are in  compliance with the
standard and will review the standard,  as the Clean Air Act mandates, to ensure
that it adequately protects human health.   The nitrogen dioxide program is not
expected to grow in the near future.

      However, EPA  will  boost efforts  to reduce the more pervasive nitrogen
oxides in the acid rain and mobile source programs, encouraging market-based, low
cost  pollutant trading.. These programs will  simultaneously address nitrogen
oxides, ozone, and fine  particulate matter.  Information  on nitrogen  oxides and
the programs that reduce it are described  in the  ozone, partieulate matter and
visibility objective.


      EPA  will make  revisions  to Part  71 Federal operating  permit rules to
include state  operating permit requirements  and provide technical support to
Regions and states on permit program  revisions.  In 1998, EPA will promulgate the
NSR re.form rules which simplify the new source permitting process.   In 1999, EPA
will enter an .intensive period of training and technical'Support  activities to
ensure smooth  implementation of this major regulatory reinvention effort.  We

will continue to be involved in and expand as needed our efforts to reform and
streamline our permitting programs.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•     Redesignate 22 areas to attainment  for  carbon monoxide,  sulfur dioxide,
      lead, 'and/or nitrogen dioxide.
                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
 03 Obj.    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management

       Science and Technology

       State and Tribal Assistance Grants





Between 1998 and 1999:

•      (-$2,806,500) The budget request  reduces grant funding to four criteria
      pollutant programs.   Much  of  the  work directed towards carbon monoxide,
      lead,  nitrogen dioxide,  and sulfur dioxide  is associated with maintenance
      level  activities.    Ambient monitoring  for these  pollutants  is being
      reduced as well as  resources associated with developing the SIP revisions
      required under the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990  (CAAA).

•      (+$873,800)  Total  payroll  costs   for  this objective  will increase to
      reflect increased workforce costs.
 Key Performance Measures

 Areas redesignated to attainment
 for CO, S02, Pb, and N02.  (Only 1
 nonattainment area exists  for NO2
 and it will not be' redesignated
 in 1998 or 1999.


 Final action on CO redesignation
 requests taken.
22 areas.
16 final actions.
 Final action on S02 redesignation   5  final  actions.
 requests taken.
14 areas.
7 final actions.
                    5 final actions.

 Final action on Pb redesignation   1 final action *      2 -final  actions.
 requests taken.


 Requests for redesignation to      7 requests.          5 requests-.
 attainment for CO submitted.

 Requests for redesignation to      5 requests,          5 requests.
 attainment for S02 submitted.

 Requests for redesignation to      2 requests,          I request.
 attainment for Pb.

      Through achievement  of this  objective,  EPA will  significantly enhance
public health  and welfare  for  the 45  million Americans currently  living in
non-attainment areas.  These people will enjoy longer and better lives, and will
be able to engage  in activities  they  otherwise would be precluded from doing.
Although the attainment of the objectives  will  lead to improvements,  it is also
likely that  additional  work will have to be done beyond the current planning
horizon to  account  for  growth  in both population  and  economic  activity and
improvements in our  scientific understanding of the environmental problems and
their solutions.  For example, health risks .and  exposure  assessments have always
been done ppllutant-by-pollutant.  We  do not know the effects of exposure to low
doses of multiple  pollutants.   Improvements  in risk assessment techniques and
multiple exposure analysis  will present us  with  greater options for  improving the
protection to public health.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      Data sources:
      •     EPA National Emission Trends Database;
      •     EPA AIRS Air Quality Subsystem;
      •     EPA Findings and Required Elements Data System;
      •     Area redesignations in the Federal Register.

       Data from the National Emission Trends Database and the AIRS Air Quality
Subsystem is used to  determine if nonattainment areas have the requisite 3 years
of clean air data needed for redesignation.  The FREDS system tracks the progress
of states and Regions in  reviewing and approving the required elements of -the
state implementation plans  also needed for redesignation  to  attainment.

QA/QC procedures:
      To assure  that the .ambient ,air quality  data provide  a  .sound basis for
monitoring the progress in  air quality, the following quality assurance steps are
taken.  There are quality  control methods specified for  the  collection .of data
such as filter handling to ensure the technical  quality of the data at  each site.
There are also methods in place such as collocation of monitors to ensure uniform
readings across the monitoring network.  Finally, there are systems audits which
regularly review the overall air  quality data collection activity for any needed
changes or corrections.

Plans to Improve Data:
      The emissions data are much harder to quality assure because of -the varying
methods of determining the tota.l emissions in a given area.  In the future all
state emissions data will be posted in a compiled data base so that states and
other  interested parties  can provide a  much  more complete  review of  the
inventory.  One  other method for developing better  state  emissions  data will
result  from the Emissions  Inventory  Improvement  Project  which  will provide
consistent methods of estimating emissions .data.

Statutory Authority

Clean Air Act

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                        1999 Annual Request  to  Congxess

                                  Clean Air

Objective #4:     Acid Rain

      By 2010,  reduce ambient sulfates  and total sulfur deposition  by 20-40
percent from 1980 levels due to reduced  sulfur dioxide emissions from utilities
and industrial sources^.   By 2000, ambient nitrates  and total nitrogen deposition
will be reduced  by  5-10 percent  from 1980 levels due to reduced  emissions of
nitrogen oxides from utilities and mobile sources.


      Emissions of sulfur dioxide (S02), primarily from power plants and other
industrial sources,  and nitrogen oxides  (NOx),  primarily from power plants and
motor vehicles, react in the atmosphere and fall  to earth as  acid  rain,  causing
acidification of lakes  and streams and  contributing to  the  damage of trees at
high elevations.  NOx emissions  are  a major precursor  of ground-level ozone,
which affects  public  health and damages  crops,  forests,  and materials.   NOx
deposition  also  contributes  to  eutrophication   of  coastal  waters,   such  as
Chesapeake Bay and Tampa Bay.  Additionally,  before .falling to earth, S02 and NOx
gases form fine particles that affect public health through premature mortality,
chronic bronchitis,  and other  respiratory problems,  and  that contribute  to
reduced visibility in national parks  and elsewhere.  Acid rain also accelerates
the decay  of building materials  and paints and contributes  to  degradation of
irreplaceable cultural objects such as statues  and sculptures.

      The Acid Rain program is authorized under  Title IV. of the Clean Air Act and
has  numerous statutory  deadlines.    In addition,  the  U.S.  is  committed  to
reductions in SO2 and NOx under the U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement of 1991.
EEA's Acid Rain program uses market-based  approaches  to achieve  S02  and NOx
emission reductions.  The program provides affected sources with flexibility to
meet  required  emission  reductions   at  least cost  (both  to  industry  and
government).   The SO2 program features  tradeable units called allowances (1
allowance ?= 1 ton of SO2) , accurate and verifiable  measurement of emissions, and
a cap on total emissions. The acid rain program .is seen as ;a model  for  flexible
and effective regulation both here and abroad.

      Major  program  activities  include  measurement,  quality  assurance,  and
tracking of  S02,  NOx and  C02  emissions as  recorded  by continuous  emissions
monitors at more than 2000 electric utility units, conducting field audits and
certifying emissions  monitors,  operation of an   allowance tracking  system to
record transfers of emission allowances between different parties., reconciliation
of emissions and allowances at each electric utility unit to ensure compliance,
processing of permit actions, and assessing the environmental  impacts of  emission

      Phase  I of the  Program began in 1995  for 450 electric utility units.  In
the year 2000, Phase  II  of the program begins and approximately 2,000  electric
utility units will be affected.   Despite this increase in the  number of  affected
units, the number of  quarterly emission reports processed (8,000 per year) will
remain unchanged because Phase II electric utility units are  already required to


report their  emissions;.    .However, there will be  a five-fold increase in the
number  of  electric  utilities  units  for  which  an  annual  reconciliation  of
allowances  with measured  emissions will be conducted-   In addition,  there is
likely to be a significant increase in allowance trading activity in Phase II of
the program.  (More than 1,000 private allowance transfers per year are currently
processed and this number is expected  to triple in Phase  II of the program.)
This increased workload will  be handled through  improved information resource
management  and by  improving program  operation and efficiency through  rule

      In addition to administering  the  S02 and NOx provisions ox" Title IV, the
Acid  Rain  Program will  be  developing  and  operating  the Emissions  and NOx
allowance tracking systems for the 12 states of the Ozone Transport Region.  The
first year of compliance for this program is 1999.  Approximately 400 additional
facilities  will  require  certification  of  emissions monitors and 'will report
quarterly emissions beginning in 1998. NOx allowance trading will begin as soon
as the  NOx Allowance Tracking  System is operational in 1998.   The  Acid Rain
Program is  also assisting with  the  development of the 22 State  ozone transport
SIP call and  is leading the effort  to develop a model NOx budget trading rule.
This effort will help States to meet their NOx budgets  cost effectively.

      The program has recently b-een given the responsibility to operate the Clean
Air Status  and Trends Network (CASTNet) dry deposition network and to provide
critical support for operations of  the National Atmospheric Deposition Program
(NADP) wet  deposition network and  for a number of visibility monitoring sites.
These monitoring  efforts  will  play a  .crucial role in  the  program's  ongoing
assessment  activities, including  reporting  program results for the Government
Performance and Results Act  (GPRA)  and  fulfilling assessment responsibilities
under Title IX of the  Clean Air  Act and  the U.S.- Canada Air Quality Agreement.

      In  addition to EPA programmatic  activities,  states will  carry  out
activities  to implement  the  SO2  and  NOx portions  of  the Acid Rain Program,.
including  certification and  recertification of  continuous emissions monitors
(CEMs),  field audits  of CEMs, and permitting activities.  Some states may use
acid rain state grant funds for monitoring programs to 'help assess the success
of the program in reducing environmental risks.

      When  fully implemented  in 2010, the S02  reductions alone  under Title IV
could provide  as much as  $12  -  $40 billion in health benefits  (mostly from an
estimated reduction in premature mortality of 1,500 to 9,600 cases per year) and
$3-4 billion in improved visibility, largely from an expected 30% improvement in
visibility  in the  eastern 'United States. Acid .Rain  control will also produce
significant benefits in terms of lowered surface water  acidity  and less damage
to high  elevation forests and materials.  Nevertheless, after full implementation
of  the  program,  significant  residual   risks  will  remain  to   human  health,
ecological  systems and quality  of life.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

04 Acid Rain
Environmental Program &
Science and Technology
State and Tribal Assistance

         Total FTE                           92.0          92.0          92.0

1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     In 1999, maintain 4 million tons of S02 emissions reductions from utility

•     In 1999, maintain 300,000 tons of NOx  reductions from coal-fired utility

•     Launch  the  NOx  Emissions  and Allowance  Tracking  System for  the  Ozone
     Transport Region.

     The acid rain program will complete its rule revisions, thus streamlining
implementation of the program for  industry and the Ageney, and also process all
quarterly emissions reports and verify annual compliance of affected sources with
SO2 and NOx limitations.  Achieving  these  performance goals will  lead to the
attainment of our  programmatic  objectives:  in 2000,  the reduction of ambient
nitrates and total nitrogen deposition by up to  10% from 1980 levels, and the
beginning of the Phase II SOZ  reductions which will  culminate in a reduction of
ambient sulfates  and total sulfur deposition of up to 40% from 1980 levels by the
year 2010.

     The program will also begin operation of the NOx  Allowance Tracking System
for the Ozone Transport Region.  Achieving this performance goal will assist the
12 Northeastern states to attain and maintain the ozone  standard.

1998Annual Performance Goals

•     In 1998, maintain 4 million tons of S02 emissions reductions from utility

•     In 19.98, maintain 300,000 tons of NOx  reductions from coal^-fired utility

•     Develop NOx Emissions and Allowance Tracking  Systems for  Ozone Transport

                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
 04 Obj.    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management

       Science and Technology




      Major programmatic changes between 1998 and 1999 include:

      *      The completion of rulemaking and,

      •      The operation of the NOx  Emissions  and Allowance Tracking Systems
            for the Ozone Transport Region.
 Key Performance Measures
 S02  Emissions
 NOx Reductions
4,000,000 tons of
SO2  emissions  from
utility sources
reduced from 1980

300,000 tons of
NOx emissions from
coal-fired utility
sources reduced
from uncontrolled
4,600,000 tons of
S02  emissions  from
utility sources
reduced from 1980

300,000 tons of NOx
emissions from
coal-fired utility
sources reduced
from uncontrolled
      Reductions of S02 and NOx .emissions and sulfate and nitrate deposition are
indicators of achievement of program objectives.


      Accomplishing the Acid Rain Program objective's target for a decrease in
ambient concentration and deposition of nitrates assumes that other sources of
nitrogen  oxides  (e.g.,  mobile  sources) do  not grow at  a faster  rate than
currently projected.  Despite this caveat, progress  is  already  being made in
meeting the Acid Rain Program objectives.  In 1995,  the first year of compliance
under the program,  sulfur dioxide emissions dropped by about 3.5 million tons,
the greatest one year drop in  SO2 emissions  ever recorded.  This has led to a 10
- 25 percent reduction in rainfall  acidity  throughout  the Northeastern U.S, and
has reduced fine sulfate particulates.

      Full implementation of  the  objective will further reduce deposition and
ambient concentration of sulfates  and  nitrates,  thereby reducing a variety of
risks to  human health,  ecosystems,  and quality of  life.   In  addition, full
implementation of the sulfur dioxide reductions under the Acid Rain Program will

be a critical component for nonattainment areas as they work to meet the PM2.5
standard once it is implemented.

      Although implementation of this objective will significantly reduce risks,
residual risks will remain.  For example, further reductions in SO2 and NOx (such
as  reductions that  would be  required under  the NAAQS  revisions)  would be
necessary to reduce the health impacts  of  PM2-S  and  ozone.  In addition, further
reductions in nitrogen and -sulfur deposition would be necessary to fully-protect
the most sensitive ecosystems from acidification.

KeyPerformance Measures Verification

      The Acid Rain program performance data is some of the most accurate data
collected by the EPA because the data consists of  actual monitored, instead of
estimated,  emissions.   The  emissions  data  is  collected  through continuous
emissions monitors  (CEMS)  and electronically  transferred directly into EPA's
Emissions Tracking System (ETS) .   Actual emissions of SO2 and NOx  are measured
for each unit/boiler within a utility plant.  The ETS allows  EPA to  track actual
reductions for each utility,  as well as aggregate emissions by all power plants.
A principal output of the  ETS is the publication of  quarterly  and  annual utility
emission reports  based on emissions monitoring data.  The  ETS  quarterly and
annual reports include summary statistics for  SO2  and NOx  emissions..

      The Acid Rain program also tracks indicators  which validate  the quality of
the  emissions data,  such as  the  accuracy  of the  monitors  achieved  during
certification  testing.   There  are four validation measures  that  help to
demonstrate the high quality of the data collected:  the number of CEMS certified;
the  percentage of  CEMS   that  meet the 10%  relative accuracy  standard;  the.
percentage of CEMS  that exceed the 7.5%  relative accuracy target; and, the number
of quarterly reports processed.

      Finally, the program also tracks trends in wet acidic deposition data  from
the  National  Acid Deposition Program  (NADP) and dry acid  deposition  from the
Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet).

Statutory Airbhority:

Clean Air Act  (CAA)

Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water

Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water	II-l
      Enhance Human Health Through Safe Drinking Water	II-7
      Conserve and Enhance Nation's Waters	11-26
      Reduce Loadings and Air Deposition	11-47

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request, to Congress

                             Clean and Safe Water

Strategic Goal:  All Americans will have drinking water  that  is  clean  and safe
to drink. Effective protection of America's rivers, lakes, wetlands, aquifers,
and coastal  and ocean waters will sustain  fish, plants, and wildlife, as well  as
recreational,  subsistence, and economic activities.  Watersheds and their aquatic
ecosystems will be  restored and protected  to improve human 'health,  enhance  water
quality, reduce flooding and provide habitat for wildlife.

                                 Goal Summary
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

_____	     •	   1998 Pres Bud  1998  Enacted   19.99  Pres Bud

 Clean and Safe Water                $2,706,342.7  $3,170,864.6   $2,801,869.3

 Obj.  01    Safe Drinking Water,        $966,204.5    $979., 216..6   $1,018,705.9
      Fish and Recreational Waters

 Obj.  02    Conserve and Enhance       $270,281.6    $298,573.9    $296,643.9
      Nation's Waters

 Obj.  03    Reduce Loadings and Air  $1,469,856.6  $1,893,074.1   $1,486,519.5

   Goal Total FTE                          2,381.6        2,440.3        2,449.5
     Safe  and  clean  water  is  needed  for  drinking,   recreation,   fishing,
maintaining  ecosystem integrity,  and commercial uses such as agricultural  and
industrial production.   Our  health,  economy,  and quality of  life depend  on
reliable sources of clean water.

       Safe  drinking  water  is the  first  line of  defense in protecting  human
health.   While  most drinking  water is  very safe,  occasional violations  of
pollutant standards are of concern because  of the large number of people that  can
be exposed to  microbiological contaminants  or toxic chemicals.  The  greatest
risks posed by  such contaminants are to  sensitive populations, such  as  children
and adults with compromised immune  systems.

     The passage of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of  1972 has  led to
tremendous success in  reducing pollution entering surface 'waters.  In  25  years.,
EPA has  worked with its State,  local,  and Tribal partners to stop  billions of
pounds of pollution from flowing into our rivers, lakes, and streams,  and doubled
the number of waterways that are safe for fishing and swimming.   Polluted  rivers
and lakes devoid of  life  are now restored centerpieces of healthy  communities
because of combined governmental and private sector efforts.

     The goal  of protecting our Nation's waters,  however, remains  unrealized.
Approximately 40% of surveyed waters still  do not meet Clean Water Act standards.
The  health  of  Americans  continues  to  be  threatened by" exposure  to harmful
organisms in  our waters; consumption of  fish  from many of  our waters presents a


threat to the most vulnerable among us; polluted runoff has had a degenerative
effect on the country's watersheds and wetlands.  All living things need clean
water.  Waterfowl, fish, and other aquatic life that live in and on the water,
as well as plants, animals, and other life forms in terrestrial ecosystems  are
dependent on clean water.  The challenge of maintaining clean water focuses on
ensuring that the entire aquatic ecosystem remains healthy.

     The 1999  President's  Budget  requests  a  total of $2,SOI,869,300 and 2,450
workyears to support its efforts to ensure clean and safe water.   To achieve this
goal, EPA will focus its efforts on  carrying  out the Safe Drinking Water  Act
Amendments of 1996 and will build on the Clean Water Act's success of maintaining
Water quality by implementing the Clean Water Action Plan — a plan to restore
and  sustain  the nation's  watersheds and further  address polluted runoff.,
Protecting watersheds involves participation by a wide variety of stakeholders,
a comprehensive assessment of the condition  of watersheds, .arid implementation of
solutions  based on the assessment  of conditions and stakeholder  input.    The
watersheo! approach enhances the abilities of EPA, its Federal partners, States,
tribes,  local governments, and other stakeholders to implement tailored  solutions
and maximize the .benefits gained from the use of increasingly scarce resources >

     As part of the Agency's commitment to using sound science to .achieve clean
and safe water,  EPA's research activities will provide a better understanding of
the  risks  to  human  health.   Research activities  in this  goal  will  focus  on
increasing  our understanding  of health effects,  exposure assessment,  and risk
management issues associated with contaminants in drinking water.   EPA's research
activities also will support watershed protection.

     The  resources  requested  in this  budget  will  enable  the  Agency,   in
conjunction -with  EPA's  State,  local, and  Tribal  partners,  to  achieve several
important goals for 3-999.  The most significant of these goals include:

•    85%  (an  increase  of 2% over 1998) of the population served by community
    ' water  systems  will  receive  drinking  water  meeting all  health-based
     standards, up from 81% in 1994;

•    6,000  community  water  systems  (serving  24  million people)  will   be
     implementing programs to protect their source water  (an increase of 3,250
     systems over 1998);

•    EPA  will  issue and  begin  implementing  two  protective  drinking water
     standards  for high-risk  contaminants,  including  disease-causing micro-
     organisms   (Stage  I  Disinfection/Disinfection  Byproducts  and  Interim
     Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rules);

•    EPA 'Will develop cr.itical dose-response .data  for disinfectant by-products
      (DBPs) , waterborne pathogens, and arsenic  for addressing key uncertainties
     in the risk assessment of municipal water supplies;

*    As part  of the Clean Water .Action Plan, all states will be conducting or
     have  completed  unified watershed assessments,  with  support from EPA,  to
     identify aquatic  resources in greatest  need of restoration or prevention

»    EPA will' provide funding support to community-based projects for watershed
     restoration including restoration of wetlands and river corridors in  160
     watersheds  (an increase of 110 watersheds from  1998);

•    .EPA  will  provide data  and  information for use by states and  regions  in
     assessing and managing aquatic stressors in  the watershed,  to reduce toxic
     loadings and improve ecological risk assessment;

•    Another 3.4 million people will receive  the benefits  of  secondary treatment
     of wastewater, for a total  of 183 million;

•    More than 220 communities will have local watersheds improved by controls
     on combined sewer overflows and storm  water;

•    In  support of  the  Clean Water  Action  Plan,  10  additional states  will
     upgrade   their   nonpoint  source  programs,  to  ensure   that   they  are
     implementing  dynamic  and  effective  nonpoint  source  programs that  are
     designed to achieve and maintain beneficial uses  of water;  and

•    By 2003,  EPA will deliver support tools, such as watershed models,  enabling
     resource  planners to  select consistent, appropriate watershed management
     solutions and alternatives,  and less costly  wet weather flow technologies.


Protecting *•>"*  feftvLLgHealth and the  Nation's Watersheds -- Clean water  Action

     The current pace  of implementation of clean Water programs will not achieve
the goal of providing safe and clean water to all Americans.  In recognition of
this,  the Administration has  called for a renewed effort  to  restore and protect
our nation's waters - the Clean Water and Watershed Restoration  Initiative.   In
1999,  EPA is requesting an additional $145,000,000 in support of this commitment.
To  achieve  the  key  elements  of  the  initiative,   the Administrator of  the
Environmental  Protection Agency and the Secretary  of Agriculture,  in consultation
with other affected agencies, would implement  a  Clean  Water Action Plan.   This
plan addresses three majo.r goals:

           strengthening  and  enhancing core  programs,  including  protecting
           public health, preventing polluted runoff  and addressing source water
           protection for safe drinking water,  enhancing natural resources,  and
           improving information and citizens' right-to-know;

     —    promoting  a  state-led watershed approach,  including  restoring  and
           sustaining watershed health through  coordination  of  Federal programs
           across departments and agencies;  and

     —    assisting states  with  reducing nonpoint source pollution by expanding
           state grant assistance.

     The Action Plan builds on the solid foundation of  the existing clean water
program and proposes important new steps to strengthen the  program.   A key new
element of the program will be a cooperative  effort by State,  Federal, and local
governments and citizens to restore the health  of aquatic systems in watersheds
not  meeting  clean water goals  and  to sustain healthy conditions in  other
watersheds.   Other new elements of the program  will reduce the  public  health
threats  of  water pollution,  enhance natural resources  (e.g. wetlands, coastal
areas,  and  stream corridors),  prevent polluted  runoff,  and make water quality
information more accessible to citizens.  The 1999 Budget Request reflects this
Plan to revitalize our efforts to ensure clean and safe  water.

Enhancing Human Health through Safe Drinking Water

     In 1999,  EPA is requesting $1,0.18,705,900  and 855 workyears for  efforts
addressing  the threats  of  unsafe drinking  water.    (These resources  include
$775,000,000 as part  of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund discussed in the
Water Infrastructure section, and $3,200,000 .as  part of the Clean Water Action
Plan  investment.)    Safe  drinking  water  is  essential  to  human   health.
Contaminated drinking water  can  cause illness and even death, and exposure to
contaminated drinking water poses a special risk to such populations  as children,
the  elderly.,   and  people  with   compromised   immune  systems   (susceptible
populations).  EPA's Science Advisory Board, in  its 1990 report Reducing Risk:
Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection, concluded that
drinking water  contamination is one of the  highest environmental risks to human
health.   In 1994, 1.9 percent  of those  served by  community water systems,  or
approximately  46 million people, drank water 'that violated  health standards at
least once during the year.

     The drinking water  program's highest priority is  protecting human health
from microbiological contaminants and disinfectant/disinfection byproducts,  as
well  as critical  chemical contaminants  (e.g.,  arsenic  and radon).    Health
assessments,   risk  characterizations/  and regulatory  support  documents  are
integral components of the standard setting/rule development  process and  will b'e
conducted for all  these contaminants.  In addition, the Agency-issued Contaminant
Candidate List, which identifies known or anticipated priority contaminants that
may  require regulation,  the unregulated contaminant  monitoring rule,   and the
national drinking water  contaminant occurrence data base are .crucial tools in
ensuring safe  drinking water.

     EPA's research efforts will continue to strengthen the scientific basis for
drinking water standards,  through  the use of improved methods and new  data to
better evaluate the  risks associated with exposure to chemical and microbial
contaminants in drinking water.

Reducing Point and Nonpoint Source Loadings

     EPA  is   requesting  $1,486,519,500  and  886  workyears  to   address  the
fundamental problems concerning the nation's waters: point  and nonpoint source
pollution.   (The resources requested include $1,075,000,00.0  for the Clean Water
State  Revolving  Fund,  and $78,000,000  as part of the  water infrastructure
financing  resources  for  needy cities  discussed in  the  Water Infrastructure
section.  These resources also include $110,768,600 as  part of the Clean Water
Action Plan investment.)   A key element of the Agency's effort to achieve its
overarching goal of clean and safe water is the reduction of pollutant  discharges
from point and  nonpoint sources.  To reduce pollutant loadings from  sources, the
Clean Water Act established requirements  for national technology-based effluent
limitations and water quality based limitations.

     EPA  and  its partners  have  made  much progress  in  reducing  pollutant
discharges from point sources.  A key goal for  the .National Water Program  in 1999
is to have local watersheds in more than 220 communities  improved by controls on
combined sewer overflows  (CSOs) and storm water.  CSOs  contribute  to shellfish
bed closures,  beach  closures, aesthetic  problems, and impairment of  designated
uses.  Controlling CSOs will reduce pathogens, biological oxygen demand (BOD),
total suspended solids  (TSS),  and will contribute to the overall  reduction in
pollutant loadings.

     EPA's  nonpoint  source program provides program, technical, and financial
assistance to help states .implement programs to control various forms  of  runoff.


While agricultural  sources are the most significant  category of nonpoint  source
runoff,  state NFS  programs address all categories  of NFS runoff with  a  mix of
voluntary and regulatory approaches.   These state programs are the primary means
for implementing nonpoint source TMDL allocations and for achieving water quality
standards.  EPA's nonpoint source program works closely with a number  of other
Federal agencies to help reduce runoff and encourage  private sector partnerships
to spur  voluntary  adoption  of NFS  controls. As the program moves forward,  new
tools,  best management practices,  and NFS  and  contaminated sediment control
strategies will need to be developed in cooperation with States, tribes,  other
Federal agencies and the private sector.   State  implementation plans  for  nonpoint
sources will be required to provide  reasonable  assurances that load  allocations
within  an approved TMDL are met for waters impaired solely or primarily from
nonpoint  sources.

     EPA's  research program will  also   focus  on  aiding  effective watershed
management strategies for controlling Wet Weather Flows.
     EPA  is  requesting a  total  o.f $7,151,600 and  8  work-years to address  the
health threats from  consumption of fish with elevated levels of contamination  and
exposures  to pathogens and other pollution  in recreational  waters.    (These
resources include  $1,250,000 as part of the Clean Water Action  Plan investment,
and are included in  Objectives 1 and 3 of  this  Goal.)   Protecting Americans from
these threats is high priority.  Exposure  to contaminated water can cause serious
illness.   These types of  exposures pose a special risk to children,  women of
ehildbearing age,  subpopulations who fish for  food or sport,  and people with
compromised  immune  systems.   Through enhanced fish  tissue  monitoring, risk
assessment, and beach assessment, EPA  will  work  to  improve  the  understanding of
the effects exposure to contaminated waters and consumption  of contaminated fish
has on sensitive populations and human health as a  whole.

Financing Water Infrastructure

     The  President's  Budget requests   a  total of $1,928,000,000  for water
infrastructure financing through the State and  Tribal Grants (STAG)  Appropriation
under the Clean and  Safe Water Goal.  EPA's Water Infrastructure Program provides
financial assistance to States, municipalities and  Tribal governments  to fund a
variety of drinking water  and wastewater infrastructure projects.  These funds
are essential to fulfill the Federal government's commitment to help our State>
Tribal  and local  partners  obtain adequate  funding  to construct the facilities
required  to  comply with   Federal environmental   requirements.    States   and
localities rely on  a variety -of revenue  sources to  finance their  environmental
programs and  to pay for the facilities needed to keep the  water clean  and safe
from harmful  contaminants.

     The Clean Water and Drinking Water  State Revolving Funds  (CW and DW SRFs)
demonstrate  a true partnership  between  States,  localities,  and the  Federal
government.  In 1999, the President is requesting $1,850,000,000 for these funds.
The Administration's 1999  request, combined with the  outyear capitalization of
these  funds,  enables  the Administration to meet its  long term goals  for both
funds  to provide  a total  of  $2,500,000,000 in annual financial  assistance to
needy  communities.   In  addition,  states  will have  more  funding  flexibility
starting in  1998.    The Safe Drinking  Water Act Amendments  of 1996 allow states
to move funds between the two SRFs, based on a percentage of the state's annual
allocation to the DW SRF.

     The President's Budget  also requests  $63,000,000  for  the  construction of
wastewater  treatment  facilities  for  Boston  Harbor  and  Bristol   County,
Massachusetts.,  and New Orleans,   Louisiana.  Funds are  targeted to these areas
because of special circumstances including financial .hardship and unique sewer
system problems.   In  addition,  $15,000,000 is requested  for  Alaskan  Native
villages for the  construction of wastewater and drinking water facilities,  to
address serious sanitation problems.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual  Plan Bequest to  Congress

                             Clean  and  Safe Water

Objective #1:     Enhance Human Health  through Safe Drinking Water

      By 20.05, protect  human  health  so that 95 percent  of the population served
by  community  water systems will  receive water that  meets  drinking  water
standards, consumption of contaminated  fish and shellfish  will  be  reduced,  and
exposure  to microbial  and  other forms of contamination  in  waters used  for
recreation will be  reduced,


      Safe drinking water is essential  to human health.  Contaminated drinking
water can cause  illness  and even death, and  exposure  to contaminated drinking
water poses  ,a special  risk  to such populations as children, the  elderly,  and
people with compromised immune systems (susceptible populations).  EPA's  Science
Advisory  Board,   in its  1990  report  Reducing Risk:  Setting  Priorities  and
Strategies   for   Environments!  Protection,   concluded  that   drinking  water
contamination  is  one  of the highest environmental risks  to human health.   In
1994, 19 percent  of  those served by community water systems,  or  approximately 46
million people, drank water that violated health standards  at least once during
the year.

      The continued occurrence of  waterborne disease outbreaks demonstrates that
contamination of  drinking water with pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites
still  poses  a serious  health risk  when protection  is  inadequate,  or  when
contamination  occurs in  the distribution system.   Pathogens such  as bacteria,
protozoa  and viruses are the cause of  these  illnesses.   A  single outbreak of
cryptosporidium in  Milwaukee in 1993 resulted in  an estimated  400,000 cases of
acute gastroenteritis, and 100 deaths.

      A large number of organic arid  inorganic chemicals, such as  trihalomethanes
and  haloacids, has been identified  as occurring in drinking  water.    These
disinfection byproducts  (DBPs) result from the  disinfectant used in the treatment
process  reacts with organic .matter in the source water.   These DBPs have been
.shown to cause adverse health effects, such as  cancer,  renal failure and  adverse
reproductive outcomes  in experimental  animals.   In  addition,  high  levels  of
arsenic are known to cause cancer as well as reproductive, developmental or other
adverse human  health effects.

      Unsafe drinking  water not  only  poses  a  health  threat,  but it can also
impose large economic burdens.  The  cost of treating contaminated water  to make
it safe  for drinking can be quite  substantial.   These costs can be reduced by
better protecting source water and  thus possibly  eliminating some  of the costs
associated with treatment.

      The  responsibility for  ensuring that  260   million  Americans have  safe
drinking water rests with EPA, the states,  and  water suppliers as mandated by the
Safe Drinking Water  Act  (SDWA) and its 1996 Amendments.  To  carry out its  portion
of the responsibility, EPA must work with the states and tribes on drinking water
protection regulation, and enforcement  for drinking water'during the phases of

the drinking water cycle  -~ the raw source water,  the water  treatment  plant,  and
the pipes that deliver the finished water from the treatment  plant to the tap,

      The 1996 SDWA Amendments improve  the ability of  states, water  suppliers,
and  EPA to  prepare for future  drinking water safety  challenges  and  assure
sustained availability of safe drinking water.   The Amendments center  around four
major areas  of change; 1)  improving the  way that EPA sets drinking water  safety
standards  and develops  regulations that are based on good science  and  data,
prioritization of effort,  sound risk assessment,  and effective risk management;
2) establishing  new prevention approaches,  including  provisions for operator
certification, capacity  development,  and source water  protection; 3)  providing
better  information to consumers,  including consumer  confidence/right-to-know
.reports  (see Goal  7);  and,  4) expanding funding for states and communities
through a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund  (DWSRF).  In addition,  the 1996
Amendments  increase the states'  flexibility  to focus  on human health-based
priorities and make better use of resources, recognize the problems facing small
systems and establish appropriate cost-effective approaches for such systems,  and
emphasize  the role  of   stakeholders  and partnerships  as  a  key  aspect   of  an
effective national drinking water program.

      For 1999 and future years, EPA's drinking water program closely  relates to
the 1996 SDWA Amendments'  four major areas of change.   The  program provides the
basis  on  which  to measure  the  Agency's  implementation  of  its   statutory
responsibilities  and ultimately its success in protecting  human health.

      The drinking water program's highest priority is protecting human  health
from microbiological contaminants and disinfectant/disinfection byproducts,  as
well  as critical chemical contaminants  (e.g., arsenic  and radon).   Health
assessments,  risk  characterizations,  and regulatory support  documents  are
integral components of the standard setting/rule development process and will be
conducted  for those contaminants  for which standards and regulations are  in
progress.   In addition,  the  Agency-issued Contaminant Candidate List,  which
identifies   known or  anticipated  priority   contaminants that  may require
regulation,  the  unregulated  contaminant monitoring  rule,   and  the  national
drinking water contaminant occurrence data base are crucial  tools in ensuring
safe  drinking water.    Within  this  objective,  $40,065,300  is  requested  for
establishing additional  contaminant protective levels.

      Federal/state/local government partnership  is   another key priority  in
ensuring that safe drinking water is supplied to all Americans.  The President's
Budget requests $775,000,000 for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).
The DWSRF program assists public water systems  in financing  the cost of drinking
water  infrastructure  construction or  retrofitting   to  achieve  or  maintain
compliance with SDWA requirements.  The  1999 DWSRF request  is  $50,000,000 above
the 1998 level,  in order to provide states with greater flexibility  to address
their  highest priority  drinking water  and water quality needs.   Beginning in
1998, the SDWA Amendments of 1996 allow states to move funds  between the DWSRF
and  the Clean  Water SRF.   The amount  available  for  transfer  is  based  on a
percentage of the amount available in the DWSRF.

      In addition, emphasis has been placed on assisting water  systems, including
small  systems,  in strengthening their  technical,  financial,  and  managerial
capacity to meet the requirements set  forth in  drinking water  regulations.  The
new statute also .empowers EPA to publish  national certification  guidelines for
the state certification programs applicable to  operators of public water systems.
Within  this  objective,   $31,798,800,  as  part of  the EPM appropriation,  is
requested for increasing  the number of the Nation's drinking Water systems that
meet the SDWA requirements.

      Preventing contamination of the sources of our Nation's drinking water is
a new priority area in the 1996 SDWA Amendments and a  focal point  of the Clean
Water Action Plan,  States are required to conduct  source water  assessments that
help determine the vulnerability  of each state's sources of drinking water to
contamination and their consequent risk to human health.  Within this objective,
$13,653/500 is requested for source water assessment activities.   In 1999,  EPA
will  work  with  the  states,   tribes,   other  Federal agencies,  appropriate
organizations, and  local communities to  conduct  source water  assessments  and
develop and implement source water protection programs.  Source water assessments
are a feature of the Clean Water Action  Plan, which is partially funded by the
Administration's  Clean Water and Watershed Restoration Initiative, and increased
resources  will  be provided  to the states  for their  assessments  and  program
development activities.

      Increasing protective measures for source  waters is the principal focus of
the Class V underground  injection well rule that will be promulgated in 1999.
This  rule is  directed  to  those  states with  primary  enforcement authority
(primacy)  for the Underground Injection Control  (UIC) program and to  EPA in those
states without primacy or with partial  primacy.  The Class V  rule applies to the
120,000 shallow,  industrial injection wells  that exist nationwide.  Through its
multi-partner effort, EPA will work with states and local government managers of
source water protection programs to incorporate the implementation  of the Class
V rule  into their ongoing activities.   Within this objective, $11,856,400 is
requested  for increasing  ground water contamination protection from injection

      Under  the  Clean  Water Action Plan, the  drinking'water  and  ground water
programs will be  linked more closely with Clean Water Aqt  (CWA)  activities.   EPA
will work with the states in integrating more effectively SDWA and CWA assessment
activities,  especially with respect  to protecting critical  watersheds.   The
Agency will also  accelerate its efforts  in researching microbial  contaminants
of drinking water and the criteria to be  developed for these contaminants will
be used under both the CWA and SDWA.

      To  support SDWA and  the 1996  Amendments,  the  Agency's drinking  water
research will develop dose-response information on DBPs, waterborne pathogens,
arsenic and other drinking water contaminants for  characterization  of potential
exposure risks from consuming tap water.   This work will also evaluate trade-offs
between  disinfecting drinking water versus exposure  to DBPs.  Cost-effective
treatment  technologies will  be developed and evaluated for removing pathogens
from  water  supplies with  as  little  DBP  formation  as possible.  Treatment
technologies will also be developed and  evaluated for  treatment and removal of
arsenic with  a focus on  small  systems.  Within this objective, $35,573,000 is
requested for drinking water research.

      Reducing exposure to contaminants in fish  and shellfish and through contact
in recreational waters is another top priority for the National Water Program.
The Clean Water Action Plan charges the Agency with assuring that fish are safe
to eat and beaches are safe for swimming.  In 1999, the Agency  will continue to
work with its state partners to ensure that they adopt into their standards a
suite  of criteria to protect  recreational, fish consumption,  drinking water^
human  health,  and aquatic  life uses.   Within this  objective, $4,332,500 is
requested  for ensuring the  safe consumption  of  fish and  shellfish,   and  for
reducing microbial contamination from  recreational waters.

      Approximately 75  percent of the nation's population lives, works, or plays
on  or  near our  coastal waters.   Use of  water for  recreation  is  divided into
primary   contact  recreation  (swimming)   and  secondary'  contact recreation
(activities such  as boating).  Several  recent studies indicate  that  recreational


waters (inland rivers, lakes, and coastal waters)  expose swimmers to unacceptable
levels of  infectious  disease.   Susceptible populations are the most likely to
develop illnesses  or infections after swimming in  polluted water.    The Agency's
goal is to establish improved safety guidelines and pollution indicators  so  that
local authorities  can monitor their  recreational  waters in a cost-effective way
and  close them to public  use  when necessary to  protect human  health.    For
beaches,   the Agency will  begin to implement the  Clean  Water Action  Plan by
addressing the need to safeguard the health  of children and other recreational
swimmers at  beaches.   Our  goal is  to  strengthen beach standards  and testing,
improve the scientific basis for beach assessment, and  develop methods to inform
the public about beach conditions.   EPA will  also work with the states to adopt
appropriate microbiological water quality  standards for recreational waters by
2001.  Within this objective, $1,019,100 is  requested to upgrade safety standards
and provide public access regarding beach  conditions.

      Monitoring and  risk assessment procedures used by states in their fish and
shellfish and beach contamination advisory programs vary widely.   In 1999,  the
Agency will develop guidance documents addressing sampling and risk assessment
methods to provide a more uniform nationwide standard of protection.  In  keeping
with the Clean Water Action  Plan, the Agency will  promote Federal, state,  tribal,
and  local  implementation of beach  monitoring and  notification programs.    By
identifying  and informing  the public  of human health ris'ks and  providing the
tools  needed to  address those  risks   (including  consistent national guidance,
methods, and monitoring/sampling protocols),  the Agency  can help improve the
ability of states,  tribes, and local communities  to protect their  citizens  from
this type of exposure.  In support of this effort, the'Agency will also undertake
a nationwide survey of  toxic residues in  fish.   In addition,   the Agency  will
conduct monitoring/modeling  pilot programs to improve its ability to predict and
address contamination events at beaches; these demonstrations will  be applicable
nationwide.  The Agency will also complete peer review  for alternative  risk-based
indicators   and   methods   for  skin,   respiratory,   eye,   ear,   throat,   and
gastrointestinal diseases most commonly resulting from exposure to contaminants
at beaches.

      in  addition,  the  Agency  will work  with stakeholders,   encouraging  full
involvement  at all levels  of government,   to expand the  total  proportion of
surface  waters assessed for  possible  fish and beach  contamination  and  to
implement  fish consumption and beach  contamination advisory programs that are
consistent with published national guidance.  The  Agency will also provide tools,
such as scientifically-based models  and methods,  that  will enable  environmental
managers to better predict,  assess,  and take  appropriate actions to protect the
public.   The Agency will ensure that  the  public and  regulators have access to
information about  beach conditions nationwide by  enhancing a database available
on the Internet by adding the locations of combined sewer overflow  outfalls  near
beaches.   The Agency will also work  with its  state and local partners to assess
and  document beach health  conditions  through the national database, identify
major  priorities  and scientific  concerns,  and improve  public  notification
practices.   These  efforts will be supported  by the Agency's Beaches Environmental
Assessment, Closure and Health (BEACH)   Program which is developing better tools
for  determining  when beach  closures and  advisories  are  warranted  and  is
developing better .mechanisms for detecting and measuring microbial contamination.

      The  Agency,  through Office of General  Counsel  activities,  also supports
this objective through legal counseling and advocacy.  This may include  advice,
participation  in  the development of Agency actions,  document  review,   and the
conduct of defensive litigation.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  01    Safe Drinking Water,        $966,204.5    $979,216.6  $1,018,705.9
      Fish, and Recreational Waters

      Environmental Program &          $101,317.5    $107,872.8    $101,726.1

      Science and Technology            $35,606.5     $42,063,3     $37,699.3

      State and Tribal Assistance      $829,230.5    $829,280,5    $879,280.5

    Total FTE                               803.5         830.9         854.5
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     85 percent (an increase  of 2%  over 1998)  of  the population  served by
     community  water systems will receive drinking water meeting  all health-
     based standards,  up from 81 percent in 1994.

•     At least  400  community water  systems  will  .receive Drinking  Water State
     Revolving Funds that will help ensure that these systems provide drinking
     water that meets all health-based standards.

*     EPA will issue and begin implementing  2 protective drinking water standards
     for  high  risk  contaminants,  including disease-causing  micro-organisms
     (Stage I Disinfection/Disinfection Byproducts and Interim Enhanced Surface
     Water Treatment Rules).

*     Reduce  risk  of   exposure  to  lead  in  drinking  water • by  ensuring
     implementation of  corrosion control treatment  required by the  Lead and
     Copper  rule  (LCR)  and decrease by 25 percent the  number  of systems  (and
     population served)  with lead levels in drinking water exceeding the LCR' s
     action level in 1996.

•     6,000  community water  systems  (serving  24 million  Americans) will be
     implementing programs to protect their source water (an increase of 3,250
     systems over 1998) .

•     At least 20 states will have satisfied the requirements for ensuring that
     new small systems have adequate capacity...

•     EPA will  promulgate the monitoring  of unregulated contaminants  rule to
     ensure that the highest risk contaminants  are identified and managed,

•     EPA will ensure protection of ground water sources of drinking water  from
     potential  endangerment  by promulgating the regulation of   UIC  Class V

•     EPA  will   develop   major   risk  analyses   for  microbial  and  chemical
     contaminants to support selection of contaminants to be regulated.

•    EPA will  ensure  that 95 percent of  injection  wells requiring mechanical
     integrity testing  in a  designated  high priority protection area pass the
     test on schedule.

•    At least  five  tribes will  assume major responsibility for their Public
     Water System Supervision  (PWSS) programs*

•    25% of the nation's rivers and lakes will have been assessed to determine
     if they contain  fish that should not be eaten or should be eaten in only
     limited quantities.

•    Expand baseline  public  right-to-know  database  on state/local government
     beach monitoring and closure   methods to include more beaches nationwide
     and enter data for 42 states.

•    EPA will develop critical dose-response  data for disinfectant by-products
     (DBPs),  waterborne  pathogens, and arsenic for addressing key uncertainties
     in risk assessment of municipal water  supplies.

• "   Provide methodology  for  evaluating  and comparing  the health  risks and
     benefits  associated  with different  drinking  water  configurations for
     implementing the Safe Drinking Water Act.

•    By  2003,   provide  cost  effective  risk management  options  to  control
     contaminants in drinking water.

•    Provide methods to assess vulnerability  to ground water supplies to viral
     contamination  to  support decisions  on the necessity  to  disinfect these

     In 1999,  EPA,  states/tribes,  and  water suppliers will be continuing  to
implement the  1996  Amendments to the Safe  Drinking  Water Act   (SDWA)  with the
principal  purpose  of  improving  and  maintaining  drinking water  safety and,
thereby,  health protection for the 240 million Americans who get their drinking
water from public water systems.  Under SDWA, EPA and the states  are  charged with
ensuring that consistently safe drinking  water  is provided to all persons served
by public water systems.  EPA meets that  responsibility by setting drinking water
safety standards and providing technical assistance and other support to states
that have primary enforcement authority  (primacy) of the drinking water program.

     The Agency will increase the compliance rate of community water systems with
drinking water  standards and consequently reduce the health risk  of people served
by those systems.   The baseline for measuring progress is 1994  when 81 percent
of  the  population,  about  194  million people, were  served by community water
systems that complied with contaminant level  requirements throughout the  year.
The  target  that EPA is working toward in  1999  and future years  is  that the
population served by community water systems  providing drinking water that meets
all existing health-based  standards will increase to  95 percent, or 228 million
people, by 2005.  In 1999, EPA will continue  its long  tradition of support and
technical assistance to  states and public water systems  in the implementation  of
all drinking water regulations, increased support will be targeted to the states,
through the  Clean Water  Action  Plan,   to  support  their activities  in better
integrating  SDWA and CWA programs.  By making  use of  the assessment information
available from  both  SDWA and CWA programs, states will  benefit both in terms  of
saving time  and reducing costs by aggregating existing water  information as well
as 'undertaking  new assessment activities.    Increased attention  will be focused
on Indian tribes in  1999.  EPA will develop and implement activities tailored  to
the needs of tribes and will help at least  five Indian tribes to   assume major
responsibility for  their  Public Water Systems Supervision  (PWSS) program.  EPA


will  also  carry out PWSS direct implementation  activities on the majority  of
tribal lands.

     Some of the new programs authorized in the  1996 SDWA Amendments will play
an important role in achieving this  objective.  For instance, all states will  be
fully implementing the Drinking Water State  Revolving .Fund (DWSRF)  in 1999 as EPA
expects to  have awarded DWSRF capitalization grants to all  50  states and Puerto
Rico by  the  end  of 1998.   The states will be providing loans to  public water
systems that will assist in financing the costs of drinking water infrastructure
improvements  necessary  to  achieve or maintain  compliance  with drinking water
safety standards.  At the same time,   EPA will .be  providing  extensive support  to
the  states to help them meet  the  statutory mandates of  the  DWSRF related  to
systems' capacity  (i.e., technical,  financial,  and managerial development and
operator certification).  Specifically, if the states have not established the
legal  authorities  and developed  strategies .or  similar mechanisms  to ensure
capacity development  as well  as  operator certification and  training for all
public  water  systems,  then  EPA can 'withhold  a  portion of the  states'  DWSRF
allotment beginning in 1999.  In addition, EPA will be continuing its activities,
as required by the 1996 SDWA Amendments,  on  the Drinking Water  Needs Survey that
serves as the basis for the DWSRF's allotment formula to the  states.

     Competency -of  operators  of public water  systems is  critical  for  the
protection of public health and the maintenance  of safe, optimal,  and reliable
operation of water treatment and distribution .facilities that  meet  all drinking
water  standards.  Under the 1996 SDWA Amendments,  EPA is required to issue  by
February 199,9 guidelines specifying  minimum standards for  certification and
recertification of  the  operators of  community  and nontransient,  noncommunity
public water  systems.   These minimum Federal guidelines ensure that operators
have  the skills,  knowledge, experience,  education,  and training required  to
operate water systems.  The enabling legislation also requires  EPA to obtain and
incorporate  public  comment  in  these  guidelines  and   to  communicate  the
requirements of the guidelines to the states, water systems,  and the public.  EPA
will support a series of meetings to establish the criteria  for both determining
the minimum standards for state operator certification programs and evaluating
existing state programs  vis-a-vis the minimum standards.   EPA will work very
closely with state officials in the necessary modification  of  existing programs
or  the  development of  new  programs  to  ensure  that  all  states'  operator
certification programs meet the federal guidelines.

     Enhancing and ensuring the technical,  financial, and managerial capacity  of
all  water  systems,  and especially small systems,  is  widely believed to offer
great potential for correcting and preventing noncompliance with drinking water
standards.   By 1999, EPA will have completed all  its system capacity guidelines
mandated in the 1996 SDWA Amendments and the states will be implementing small
systems  programs  that are  tailored  to their unique  circumstances.   EPA will
collaborate  with  states and other  interested stakeholders to  assist them  in
building strong and solid capacity development approaches.   States can set aside
funds  from  their  DWSRF  allotment  to  help  support  small  systems'  program
development  and implementation. In  fact,  a  state's  DWSRF allotment  will  be
reduced if  it fails to implement the capacity development provisions in SDWA.

     EPA will  continue  to  install the  Safe  Drinking  Water Information System
(SDWIS) in  the states and provide hands-on training to state and Regional staff.
EPA  will emphasize  the  importance  of quality assurance and quality control  of
data in SDWIS as this data provides the basis for assessing how drinking water
program efforts are contributing to  enhancing public health through safe drinking
water  and  increasing  public  water  systems'  compliance  with  drinking water

     The drinking water program will issue at least  10 ne'w standards focusing  on
high risk contaminants by 2005.  The 1996  SDWA Amendments affirm EPA's position
that the  greatest  risk  reduction efforts  for drinking water protection are
through   the   regulation   of   microbiological   contaminants,    especially
cryptosporidium,  and disinfection byproducts.  In 1999, EPA will promulgate two
regulations  that are pivotal in  the Agency's efforts.  -The Interim Enhanced
Surface Water Treatment rule  (IESWTR),  which  has a statutory deadline of November
1998,  focuses on  microbiological contaminants and will revise  and strengthen the
existing 1989 Surface Water Treatment rule (SWTR) .   The  SWTR contains  filtration
and disinfection  requirements for .surface  water systems as well as requirements
for the removal of giardia, viruses, and bacteria,  but  it does  not specifically
address cryptosporidium, and may not be adequate for heavily contaminated  source
waters.   Both of these concerns will be addressed in  the IESWTR.  By November
1998,  EPA will also issue the Stage  1  Disinfection  Byproducts rule that will
revise  an existing maximum contaminant level  (MCL) for total trihalomethanes and
establish new MCLs  for additional disinfection byproducts,  such as  haloacetic
acids,  bromate,  and -chlorite.   The Stage 1 rule  will also  establish enhanced
coagulation  requirements for precursor removal, which is not addressed  by current
standards.    The Information  Collection Rule  (ICR),  an  extensive national
information  collection effort on contaminant  occurrence, disinfection byproduct
formation, and treatment  effectiveness in controlling for microbiological and
disinfection  byproducts  ..contaminants,  will provide EPA and its stakeholders
essential data for regulatory risk management decisions.  This data will support
development   of  microbial  and  disinfection  byproducts  rules  by  providing
information  in such areas as source water protection, disinfection  byproducts
precursors,   crytosporidium,  giardia,  bacteria and viruses,  and water quality
parameters in both treatment plants and distribution systems.  These three rules
'—IESWTR, Stage 1,  and ICR — are part of the six  rule microbial/disinfectants
and byproducts   (M-DBP)rule  cluster.   The  cluster is the Agency's  effort  to
address comprehensively the risk/risk tradeoffs among these priority contaminants
of concern.

     In   addition  to  emphasis   on  microbial  and   disinfection   byproducts
contaminants,  EPA will be publishing materials and  issuing MCLs on certain high
priority chemical contaminants in 1999.  For  sulfate, the Agency is required  by
the 1996 SDWA Amendments to publish, by February 1,999,  the results of the joint
EPA/Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) study of the dose response
relationship  for  adverse  human health effects from  sulfate in drinking water
including effects on populations  at  greater risk.   with respect to  radon, the
Agency will  publish  the health risk reduction and cost analysis for possible MCLs
for public comment  by February 1999.  These  materials  will be  developed  on the
basis  of the National Academy of Sciences'  risk assessment for radon in drinking
water  as well as other  analyses  and information.    The Agency  must address
comments provided on the health risk reduction and .cost' analysis in the proposed
MCL goal  and  standard for radon in drinking  water  to be issued by August 1999,
For arsenic,  EPA will be  taking  the necessary steps  in  the development of a
proposed  regulation;  such proposed  regulation  for  arsenic  has  a statutory
deadline  in early 2000.

     The  selection  of contaminants for  possible  regulatory investigation and
research  is  another  major  statutory requirement, imposed  by the  1996 SDWA
Amendments,  that will contribute  to  the attainment of  the  objectives  of the
drinking  water program.  The  1996  SDWA Amendments  require EPA  to list priority
contaminants, which are known or anticipated to occur  in public water systems,
and which may require regulation.  This  Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate
List,  issued In February 1998, will be used by EPA and stakeholders to determine
the appropriate  action regarding each  contaminant on  the  list,  whether it  be
health advisories,  guidance, toxicity research, monitoring,  or the development


of a regulation.  As part of the contaminant identification process,   EPA must
consider the effect of these contaminants on sensitive  subpopulations,  such  as
infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with  a history
of serious illness. Fo*r those contaminants -with  adequate current information, EPA
must make  a determination if  a  regulation  is necessary   by  2001 and  issue  a
regulation  shortly thereafter.   Where  there  is  inadequate  health,   analytic
method, and treatment information, the Agency must  conduct  additional  research.
For those contaminants that have insufficient  exposure  information, the Agency
must collect additional occurrence data.  The primary mechanism to  collect this
occurrence  information  is the unregulated  contaminated monitoring rule  to  be
issued by August 1999.  That data and any .additional data will  be stored in the
national  drinking water  contaminant occurrence  data  base.   The results  of
analysis  of contaminants occurring  in  drinking  water and source water will
provide  the basis  for  establishing contaminant  lists for  future  research,
regulations, and monitoring.  The occurrence of contaminants will  be  evaluated
against their toxicity and exposure to ensure that  the contaminants of greatest
risk are regulated first.  The selection of priority contaminants is the linchpin
toward more effective expenditures for drinking  water protection at  the Federal,
state, and  local levels and is an important  component within the  Clean  Water
Action Plan to  protect America's waters.   Resources  to implement the Action Plan
will be  targeted  to  collecting information  that will  identify  and  document
microbial contaminants of highest human health risk  and entering this information
in the national drinking water contaminant  occurrence data base.

     Preventing contamination of sources  of  drinking water  is a major  objective
of  the  drinking water  program.   The  1996  SDWA Amendments  expanded  EPA's
leadership  role in drinking water protection to both include the establishment
of a source water assessment program and work  with states  and  Indian  tribes  in
preventing  contamination  of the surface and ground  water sources  of  drinking
water.   The 1996 Amendments ensure that states  conduct assessments,  coordinated
with existing information and programs,  to determine the vulnerability of sources
of drinking water to contamination.   The delineations of  source  water protection
areas  and  the inventories  of 'Sources  ^of contamination  are  required  state
activities  that will provide the information necessary  for communities to know
the threats to  their drinking water,  which, in turn, will prompt them to develop
and implement  protection efforts to address known  threats.  In 1999,  EPA  will
work with the states, tribes, other Federal agencies, appropriate organizations,
and  local  communities  to conduct  source  water  assessments   and  develop and
implement  source water  protection programs.    Source  water assessments  are  a
feature of the  Clean Water Action Plan and increased resources  will be provided
to  the  states for  their assessments  and  program development -activities.
Furthermore,   EPA  staff will  work both within  the  Agency  as  well  as with
stakeholders to make  sure that source water  assessments are  incorporated,  as
required by the 1996 SDWA Amendments,  into such  activities as monitoring relief,
consumer confidence reports, and the national contaminant occurrence data  base.
The  source water  protection programs  are  expected to build on  sole source
aquifer, wellhead  protection,  and  comprehensive state ground  water protection
programs already in place.

     Assurance of  source water  quality must also  include  compliance with
regulations for underground injection control.   The  Underground Injection Control
(UIC)  program  protects  source water by  focusing  on  the most likely  source  of
contamination — underground injection wells,  especially the shallow Class V  well.
The shallow Class V well is usually an on-site drainage system for disposal  of
industrial wastes.  EPA estimates that each year shallow Class V wells inject 1.3
billion  gallons of untreated industrial waste waters above the water  table  or
directly  into  ground water.   By 2005,  EPA intends  to increase protection  of
community water supplies from contamination by injection wells.    In  1999, the
Agency will promulgate the final rule for Class V  shallow  industrial  injection


wells and cesspools, accompanied by guidance on implementation and,a variety of
technical  issues.   This rule will assure that high priority Class V wells are
addressed properly and that the threats to human health and the environment are
reduced or eliminated.  Through a  $500,000 increase in 1999, EPA will support
a pilot initiative in selected states  that are  ready to adopt and implement this
regulation.  EPA will also publish the results of a  study of all categories of
Class V injection wells and determine  if  other  Class V wells, beyond the shallow
industrial  type,   need to  be  regulated in  source  water protection  areas.
Furthermore, the Agency will continue its ongoing responsibilities to regulate
and manage Class  I, II, and III  underground  injection  wells  and to work with
primacy states in assuring the full implementation of the UIC program.

     In  1999,  EPA's drinking water research 'will  support  the SDWA priorities
emphasizing research on sensitive subpopulations, adverse reproductive effects
of drinking  water  contaminants,  research on  selected  DBFs and  arsenic,  and
waterborne disease occurrence studies, as well as treatment and maintenance of
water quality in the -distribution system.

     Health effects research will strengthen the scientific basis for drinking
water  standards through the development of improved methods and new data to
better evaluate the risks associated with exposure  to  chemical and microbial
contaminants .in drinking water.   This  will include studies to evaluate the extent
to which subpopulations,  such as infants  and pregnant  women,  may experience
elevated health risks from contaminants in drinking water.  Research on chemicals
will emphasize laboratory and field research  on the health effects of DBFs and
arsenic.   The  President's  Budget request  fox drinking water  health effects
research  includes  $10,000,000  to  support work authorized by the Safe Drinking
Water Act Amendments, Section 1452(n).  This research is being funded as a direct
appropriation  from  the  science  and  Technology  appropriation,  rather  than
reserving funds from the DWSRF.

     Many  uncertainties still  exist  with respect to our ability to adequately
assess the health effects associated with many pathogenic bacteria, viruses and
parasites in  drinking water.  Microbial research will continue to  emphasize field
studies  to  evaluate  the nature and  magnitude  of waterborne  diseases  in
communities  as  a   function  of quality, treatment  process,  and demographic
characteristics.  Development and application of improved tools for conducting
epidemiology studies of waterborne  diseases will continue.  Studies will further
evaluate various pathogen- and host-specific  factors involved in human illness
for the  most important waterborne pathogens,  including the Norwalk virus and

     Work  in  the  risk assessment  area will characterize the  magnitude and
severity  of  adverse health effects associated with  exposures to DBPs, either
individually  or  as  complex  mixtures.   Where  possible,   assessments  will
characterize  actual  human risks associated with exposures to chlorinated waters
and provide  improved methods for  assessing epidemiologic exposures and risks,
Through the development and application of newer  risk science methods and tools
for integrating and  interpreting the scientific data, risk assessment studies can
provide  the  framework  for comparing chemical  and microbiological  risks and
identify critical  research needs  and uncertainties.   .In addition, researchers
will  focus  on  the areas  of pathogen  risk  assessment,  mixtures feasibility
studies,  and comparative risk modeling as well as  more fully characterizing
uncertainties and assumptions associated with risk estimates.

     In  1999 risk assessment research and assessment efforts will also include
the  assessment and characterization  of non-DBP drinking  water  contaminants.
Research  will  focus  on  the assessment  of  exposure and human susceptibility
parameters impacting arsenic toxicity and the assessment of dose  response data


for noncancer effects  in human populations.   Work will  also commence on the next
round of contaminants identified in the  1998  contaminant candidate list.

     Risk  management  researchers  will  focus  on  developing  cost-effective
treatment  and management  approaches  that  simultaneously reduce  the  risk  of
waterborne diseases and exposure to DBFs.   Researchers  will  evaluate different
treatment processes  for their ability to control pathogens  and DBFs.   As progress
is made in this area regarding the control  of cryptosporidium,  work will begin
to  shift  to other emerging pathogens  of concern  as  their  significance  is

     Additionally,  to  date, the focus of  most  of the EPA efforts to assure that
drinking  water is safe has been on the  quality•of water leaving the treatment
plant.   In order to  effectively protect the  health of the consumer there must be
also be assurance  that the transmission and  delivery of  the water to the tap" is
done such that pathogens  do not contaminate the water  in  this phase  of the
operation.  There  is substantial evidence that  many factors can cause the quality'
of water to deteriorate after treatment.   Greater attention needs to be given to
the design, operation, and maintenance of distribution  systems  to  ensure water
quality as well as  hydraulic reliability.   This will include consideration of
advanced materials  of construction  as well as  the installation  of sensors for
real-time monitoring of important distribution  system quality  indicators such as
disinfectant residual, water pressure,  flow  direction, microbial densities, total
organic halides, and others.

     In order to maintain the .integrity of drinking water distribution systems/
risk management scientists will initiate research to  quantify  the  magnitude of
risk due to microbial  intrusion into the distribution system, understand how this
intrusion occurs,  determine the types of approaches needed to  detect pathogens
in the  distribution  system and operating procedures needed to  minimize exposure,
and identify how  intrusion can best  be prevented.   This effort  will include
developing  guidance  on  rehabilitating, designing,   replacing,  operating  and
maintaining distribution systems.  In addition,  efforts  to evaluate and protect
source waters will be expanded.

     Research will continue on the evaluation of technologies  and the development
of techniques for  controlling the formation  of  corrosion  by-products  in household
plumbing and drinking water distribution systems and controlling inorganics, such
as arsenic.   As required by SDWA,  the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic
(50 ug/liter)  is  being reevaluated  by EPA.   If a  more  stringent  standard is
adopted,  it will have  important implications in terms of  both  cost and technical
feasibility,  particularly for small community water systems.   This research will
focus  on the identification  and  evaluation  of more  cost effective  treatment
systems for small communities, in order  to  meet SDWA's  revised MCL,  Corrosion
research will assist community water systems in achieving lead and copper levels
established under SDWA.

     In  1999,  the  ground  water research program will focus  on  determining the
factors that govern the transport and survival of pathogens  in  the subsurface,
which are critical  in determining whether ground water  as a  source of drinking
water  does  or does not need to be  treated and provides  support to the Ground
Water Disinfection  Rule rulemaking process.

     The 'President's Budget Request includes a total of  50 workyears to be used
for 3-year term appointments of postdoctoral candidates to work  at  Office of
Research  and Development  laboratories.   Of the  50 workyears, 5.7  -will support
this objective.

     Reducing exposure to contaminants in fish and shellfish and through contact
in recreational waters is a another priority  for the National Water Program and
a major component of the Clean Water Action Plan.  The National Water Program's
ultimate goal is to eliminate the presence of  contaminated fish/shellfish in the
environment  and eliminate  contamination of public waters used for recreation;
however,  a number of interim goals will allow  the Agency to more quickly address
the human health threats that result  from these environmental problems.  Steps
that the Agency can take until such risks are eliminated include increasing our
knowledge  of current  conditions  and providing  easy-to-use,  scientifically-
defensible tools to allow  states,  tribes,  and local communities to assess the
extent of contamination and  communicate the risks to the general public.

     Today's knowledge base is limited because states have not assessed all  of
their waters  for contaminated fish and recreational waters.   The Agency's interim
goal, therefore, is to increase the proportion of waters assessed,  in 1999, the
Agency will  also continue  to  devote  resources to manage the ongoing base fish
consumption/advisory program.

     States and tribes need to address first those areas where contaminants  in
fish are of greatest risk to human health.  Ten years ago, the Agency conducted
a survey to  evaluate the incidence  and  severity  of known toxics like DDT and
PCBs, however, there remain many potential threats from pollutants in use today
whose effects are not as well studied.  The Agency proposes to invest $2,500,000
to conduct a  nationwide survey to determine the extent and impact of pollutants
in fish  (including mercury, as noted  in  the  Clean Water Action Plan)  in order
to build  the Agency's nationwide .knowledge base and to help states and tribes
establish priorities for addressing fish  contamination problem areas.  The fish
tissue survey will also include other  Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics  (PBTs).

     In  the  beach  health protection- area, the  Agency will invest $250,000  to
focus  on expanding  baseline data  on storm water/CSO outfall  locations and
completion of peer review activities  for alternative risk based indicators for
diseases  associated with exposure to  contamination at bathing beaches.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    83 percent  of the population served by community water .systems will receive
     drinking water meeting all health-based standards,  up from 81 percent  in

•    50 states will be awarded DWSRF  capitalization grants by EPA*

•    EPA  will  complete  risk  analyses,  including  MCLG-s  for  human  health
     protection,  to  support   promulgation   of  the  Stage  1  Disinfection/
     Disinfection Byproducts rule.

«    2,750  community water systems  (serving 12  million Americans)  will  be
     implementing'programs to protect their  source water   resources.

•    EPA  will publish information to  assist  states in developing affordability

•    EPA  will issue the initial  unregulated  contaminants'  candidate list..

'     Reduce  risk  of  exposure   to   lead  in  drinking  water  'by  ensuring
     implementation of corrosion  control treatment  required by the  Lead and
     Copper Rule  (LCR) and decrease  by 1.5 percent the number  of  systems (and
     populations served)  with lead  levels in drinking water exceeding the LCR's
     action level  in  1996.

•     EPA will propose the  UIC Class V  regulation that  focuses  on management
     practices of injection wells  identified as high ris.k  (based  on existing
     data)  in priority protection  areas.

     300  large public water systems  will report occurrence  and treatment data on
     contaminants  in  the  drinking  water they provide.

•     At least 15 Indian tribes will  be strengthening their capacity to provide
     .safe drinking water.

•     Ensure that  95  percent of .all  scheduled mechanical integrity  tests for
     injection wells  are  completed.

•     20%  of the nation's  rivers  and lakes will have been  assessed to determine
     if  they contain fish that should not be eaten or should be  eaten in only
     limited quantities.  .

•     Establish baseline public right-to-know database, and enter data for the 8
     Great Lakes  states,  on state/local  government   methods  for   monitoring
     microbial contamination at bathing beaches and deciding on beach closures.

•     Provide analytical methods  for bromate and aldehydes in drinking water.

1     Address uncertainties and improve risk assessments associated with cancer
     risks from chlorinated drinking  -water using .epidemiologic data.

                        1999 Change  from 1998 Enacted.
                            (Dollars  in Thousands)

	Dollars	FTE	

 01  Obj.    Total Change                              $39,489.3          23.6

      Environmental  Program & Management          $(6,146.7)          12.3

      Science and Technology                      $(4,364.0)          11.3

      State and Tribal Assistance Grants           $50,000.0

      (+$50,000,000 STAG)  for the  Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).
      The President's Budget  request supports the Administration's  long term
      goal for annual financial  assistance.

•      (+16.9 workyears and +$1,226,500 EPM) to reflect a technical  correction to
      the distribution of Regional Management workyears.

•      (+$500,000 EPM) to support  state implementation of the  Class  V shallow
      industrial  injection  well  regulationk     These   funds  will  support
      demonstration and model activities that  states can undertake as they adopt
      and implement these regulations.

(+$1,950,000 EPM) to implement the Clean Water Action Plan to enhance the
protection of the nation's drinking water.  EPA will work with the states
in  integrating more  effectively  SDWA and  CWA  assessment  activities,
especially with respect to protecting critical watersheds.

(+$2,500,000 EPM)  to help reduce the need for fish advisories called for
in the Clean Water Action Plan.  This investment will allow the Agency to
initiate  a .nationwide study  to  document the extent and  nature of fish
tissue  contamination.   The  survey  will  focus  on mercury,  persistent
bioaccumulative  toxics  (PBTs),  and  other contaminants  that  were not
considered when the  prior study was  done ten years ago.  The results of
the  study  will be  used to assess the  impact  of  emissions from targeted
industries and storm water runoff from specific land use activities and to
help identify areas where cross-media prevention and control measures can
be effectively implemented.

(+$250,000  EPM}  to expand  the  baseline public  right-to-know  data base
containing beach monitoring data to include information on all 50 states
as  well  as  on  state  and  local  government methods to  include GIS
information on storm water/CSO outfall locations on beaches.

(+$468,000 EPM) to support drinking water standard setting and regulatory

(+$830,000  EPM) for  activities  related to risk characterization and the
development of criteria for the selection of contaminants to be regulated.

(+$892,100 EPM) for source water protection activities.

(-$6,298,900 EPM) from support to the  National Rural Water Association and
the Rural Community Assistance Program for drinking water and ground  water
activities  in rural  communities.   These activities  are  eligible for
funding  from the  state 2 percent technical  assistance set-aside .in the
Drinking Water SRF.  While not targeted specifically to rural areas, this
set-aside may provide up  to $15.5 million for drinking water and ground
water technical assistance.   All 50  states will  have established DWSRFs
and will be able to take advantage of this set-aside in 1999.

The 1999 request is $11,736,000 below  the 1998 Enacted budget level due to
Congressional Add-ons received during the appropriations process, but not
part of the 1999 President's Request.

(-4.6 workyears  and -$383,200  EPM)  from drinking  water  implementation
activities  to  support  EPA's  implementation  of  the  drinking   water
Information Collection Rule,

(+$571,800  and +1.0  workyear S&T) will be used  to  address  the issue of
maintaining the integrity of drinking water distribution systems.  This
new  research will be conducted  to quantify the  magnitude  of microbial
intrusion  into  the distribution  system,   understand  how  this intrusion
occurs,  determine  the  types of approaches needed to detect pathogens in
the  distribution  system and  operating  procedures  needed  to minimize
exposure, and identify how intrusion can best be prevented.  This effort
would include developing guidance on rehabilitating, designing, replacing,
operating and maintaining distribution systems.

(+$383,200 and +4.6 workyears S&T) to support EPA's implementation of the
drinking water Info'rmation Collection Rule.                          '

      (+5.7  workyears  S&T) This  request includes workyears  for postdoctoral
     scientists  and engineers  to enhance  the intramural  research program.
     These 3-year term  appointments will provide a constant stream of highly-
     trained  postdoctoral  candidates  who  can  apply  state-O'f-the-science
     training to EPA research issues.

     The 1999 request is $5,850,000 (S&T)  below  the Enacted budget level due to
     Congressional Add-ons received during the appropriations process, but not
     part of the 1999 President's request.
Key Performance Measures
Population served by CWSs that
will receive drinking water
meeting all health-based

States awarded DW SRF
capitalization grants

Tribes participating in EPA-
funded capacity development

Tribes assuming .responsibility
for their PWSS programs

CWSs providing drinking water
that meets all health-based

Availability of affordability
criteria information

States with legal authority for
ensuring that .new smal'l systems
have adequate capacity

Number of large drinking water
systems reporting data on
occurrence and treatment

Availability of unregulated
contaminants' candidate list

Availability of monitoring of
unregulated contaminants rule

Risk analyses completed for Stage

Risk analyses for microbial/
chemical contaminants

Regulations promulgated that
establish protective levels for
high-risk contaminants

CWSs with ground or surface water
protection programs in place
83% Population
  50  States
   15 Tribes
85% Population
                        5 Tribes
                        400 CWSs
  1 Guidance
                       20 States
300 DW systems
    1 List
                      1 Regulation
    1 List
  2,750 CWSs
                         1 List
                        2  Rules
  6,000 CWSs

Availability of UIC Class V

Underground injection wells
tested for mechanical integrity

CWSs/NCWSs with lead levels in
drinking water above action level
in Lead and Copper Rule

States/Tribes monitoring and
assessing for fish advisories

Rivers/Lakes assessed for
^contaminated fish

States with data entered into the
public right-to-know database on
beach monitoring/closures

Report on meta-analysis of
epidemiologic studies on cancer
and chlorinated water

Publication of bromate assay

Determination of infectious dose
for Norwalk virus

Publication of aldehyde assay

Report on evaluation of membrane
technology to control oocysts

Report on results of technology
evaluations for controlling DBFs

Report summarizing results of two
technology evaluations

Interim report on modeling
.methods for estimating the
vulnerability of ground water to
'viral contamination

Completed hazard 1-d,/screening
studies on reproductive/
developmental effects of selected

Data on first city study on
microbial enteric disease

'Report on results of technology
evaluations controlling

Comparative Risk Framework Report
 1 Proposed Reg

    95% Wells

  15% CWS/NCWS

     1 List

20% Rivers/Lakes

     1 List





     1 Final Reg

    95% Wells

  25% CWS/NCWS

     1 List

25% Rivers/Lakes

     1 List







 Statistical models .for dose-                                   9/30/99
 response modeling of risk
 waterbo'rne pathogens

 Assessment of health risks                                     9/30/99
 associated with three waterborne

         Many of the activities  to be  carried out in 1999 will make significant
contributions to achieving the objective of protecting public health through the
delivery of consistently safe drinking water by community  water systems.  Through
loans  awarded  to  systems  under   the  DWSRF,   new  or  strengthened  operator
certification  programs administered  by the  states,  and  capacity development
..efforts (especially by  small  systems), EPA expects that substantial progress in
improving  both the infrastructure  and day-to-day operations of  public  water
systems will be made and sustained.

         EPA believes  that the greatest risk  reducing efforts  are through the
regulation of microbial contaminants and has therefore put a very high priority
on promulgating the I.ESWTR and the Stage I  Disinfection Byproducts rule in 1999.
In addition, the  risk-based  contaminant selection process and better technical
data  will  lead  to better regulations  focused  on contaminants that  pose the
greatest threat to human health.

         Gains  will also  be made  in  preventing drinking  water problems  by
increasing states'  and  public water systems' capacity to provide safe water. The
source water assessment program will give states and water suppliers information
they need to determine  what is needed  to prevent contamination of a community's
drinking water source, thereby adding an extra  layer  of defense  to current
treatment options.   The promulgation of  the rule for Class V shallow industrial
.injection wells and cesspools will greatly reduce their contribution to drinking
water contamination.

         Drinking water research will .develop dose-response 'information on DBPs,
waterborne pathogens and arsenic for characterization of potential exposure risks
from consuming municipal drinking-water.   This work will also evaluate trade-offs
between  disinfecting  drinking  water  vers.  exposure  to  DBPs,   Cost-effective
treatment  technologies will  be developed  and  evaluated  for removing pathogens
from water while .minimizing DBF  formation.   Treatment technologies will also be
developed and evaluated for treatment and removal of arsenic with a focus on the
special needs of small  drinking water .systems.  Methods will be developed to help
assess  whether or not ground-water sources need  to be  disinfected  to control
viral  contamination  and  co.st  effective  approaches  will be  identified  for
maintaining  the  quality  of treated  water  in  the distribution system  and
preventing the  intrusion of microbial contamination.

         Whether through .drinking water, eating contaminated fish or shellfish,
or contact with water while recreating, exposure to contaminated water can cause
serious illness and even death-   These types of exposure  pose a special risk to
.children,  women of child-bearing age, .sub-populations who  fish for food or sport
or who  use public  bathing beaches  or  waters  for recreation, and people with
compromised immune systems.  The states and tribes have  primary responsibility
for  protecting their  residents from the  health risks  associated with eating
contaminated non-commercially caught fish and  wildlife  and with recreation in
public waters.


         Both  the  Fish Consumption Advisory and Beach Protection programs are
voluntary,  and the Agency does not have the statutory or regulatory authority to
impose  specific  methods or  practices.   EPA's  efforts are  predicated on the
continuation and  improvement of relationships with its state, tribal, and local
partners as  well as the continuing  and  enhanced cooperation of other  Federal
agencies like the Army Corps .of Engineers, Fish  and Wildlife Service, National
Marine Fisheries Service, and the Natural  Resources Conservation Service.

Key Performance Measures Verification

         The Safe Drinking Water Information System  (SDWISJ is the primary data
source  for verifying and validating the  performance measures  related to the
objective of enhancing public health through safe  drinking water in the Agency's
annual plan.  There are two components to  SDWIS.  SDWIS/FED  is a national data
base (housed on a mainframe computer) that  includes the core  information needed
by EPA  to  assure that public water  systems are  in  compliance with all of the
statutory requirements in SDWA.  SDWIS/ STATE is  a PC-based system at the state
level that  has been designed to address the specific drinking water information
needs of the state.  It includes not only  the data that the state must report to
SDWIS/FED  but also data the state determines to be critical to carry  out its
primary enforcement authority.  Formal QA/QC procedures have been implemented for
both data  entry  and data retrieval.   In  addition,  the  SDWIS Executive Board
reviews QA/QC approaches regularly and a peer review process is in place  to test
any new modules  or revisions to existing modules of SDWIS.

         Data  will  also be  compiled on  efforts  to  implement the underground
injection  control program,  including performance data on mechanical integrity
testing of  UIC wells and permitting and closure efforts targeted at Class IV and
V wells. EPA will collect this data from  the UIC  Federal Reporting System  (7520
forms),  which includes information  submitted annually  by EPA  and  State UIC
Program directors to Headquarters.

         EPA has  several  strategies to  validate and verify performance measures
in the area of environmental .science and  research.  The Agency has implemented
a risk-based research planning process to  use risk assessment and risk management
as principal  priority-setting criteria.    EPA conducts annual research  program
reviews  to both evaluate the  status  and  accomplishments  of its research and
determine  planning priorities..    To  better  draw upon  the expertise  of the
environmental  academic community,  EPA created the  Science to Achieve  Results
(STAR)  program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven  extramural grants.

         Chief among  the Agency's validation and verification mechanisms is  a
rigorous  peer review process.    In  a   July  1997  memorandum,   EPA's Deputy
Administrator states that peer review will be expanded "to include both the major
work products provided in the past and...all scientific and  technical products
supporting Agency  decisions..."   This expanded  and strengthened focus  on peer
review will help ensure that the performance measures listed here are verified
and  validated by  external  organizations.  The Agency utilizes  peer review
throughout  the research planning and implementation process^ both  to ensure that
planned research addresses critical  knowledge issues within  EPA's mission, and
to assess  the quality of scientific  research plans,  products, and proposals.
This is accomplished through the use of independent entities such  as the  Science
Advisory Bpa.rd (SAB)and  the Board of Scientific Councilors  (BOSC).  The BOSC,
established under the Federal Advisory  Committee  Act, will  even examine  the way
the  Agency uses peer  review,  as well as the management  of its research and
development laboratories.

         EPA's  external  research  program undergoes  extensive  peer  review,
Proposals from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects
are  then selected  for  funding through grants or  cooperative agreements.   In
addition,  Requests for Applications  (RFAs)  under the  STAR  program are  often
developed jointly  with outside partners  such as the National Science Foundation.
In this  way,  EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality  and
relevance of  its  research program.

         The  Office of  Research and Development  Management Information System
(OMIS)  will  be  another  accountability   tool  used  to  verify  and validate
performance measures.  The recently developed GPRA structure will be incorporated
into OMIS to  ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting  in  greater
accuracy and  consistency of information to users.

         The  National Listing of Fish  and Wildlife Advisories database is  the
primary data source for verifying and validating the performance measures  related
to safe consumption of fish and wildlife.  Each year, states  and  tribes submit
information that the Agency enters into  the database and validates.  The database
contains information on the waterbodies under advisory,  the types  of  advisories
and bans in place,  the special category and size ranges  of fish and/or wildlife
involved,  chemical contaminants identified in the advisories, lake  acreage of
river miles under  advisory, the data advisories were issued, and the  proportion
of assessed waters  that are under advisory in a given year.

         EPA  data  is not currently available on beach monitoring  and closures,
However, the  Agency issued and Information Collection Request (ICR)  to  solicit
data  on  beach monitoring  and  actions   taken  to  protect  the  public  from
contamination in  these recreational waters.  The state/local  government survey
that  will  be developed  as  a  result  of  the  ICR  will be  the  key piece  of
information used to report progress.   The EPA survey will be phased in to obtain
data  on  all  beaches.   The  survey will be designed  to  report all information
necessary to  measure progress against the  annual performance  measure.

Statutory Authority

Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 U.S.C. 1251-1387)

Safe Drinking Water Act {SDWA) (42 U.S.C.  300f-300j-26)

Toxic Substances  Control Act  (TSCA) (15 U.S.C. 2601-2692)

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Clean and Safe Water

Objective #2:     Conserve and Enhance Nation's Waters

     By .2005, conserve and enhance the ecological health  of the nation's  (state,
interstate,  and  tribal)  waters and  aquatic ecosystems  —  rivers and streams,
lakes,  wetlands,  estuaries, coastal areas,  oceans, and groundwater —  so  that  75
percent of waters will support healthy aquatic communities.


     Healthy aquatic  communities  depend  on  ecologically healthy  waters and
aquatic  ecosystems.   This  objective  will be  met through  a broad array  of
activities  performed by organizations across  the Office of  Water  and in all
Regions,   It is supported by  the Office of  General Counsel  (OGC) and  the Office
of Research and Development  (ORD) and is accomplished in coordination with the
Office of Enforcement  and Compliance Assurance (OECA),  as well as through the
.efforts  of  other  Federal  agencies   (e.g.,  USDA),  state,  tribal,   and  local
governments, and organizations outside government.

     Activities  undertaken  to  meet  this  objective  are  essential   to the
successful implementation of  the interagency Clean Water  Action Plan,  which will
strengthen  and enhance core programs including prevention of polluted  runoff,
protection  of  public  health,  enhancement of natural  resources,  and improved
information  for  citizens'   Right-to-Know.   .In  addition,  it will  promote  a
watershed  approach and  building partnerships,  as  well as  expanding  program
.funding, including  state grant assistance.

     Critical  to improving  water  quality is our  refinement .of water  quality
criteria for human  health, aquatic life, and sediments:.  EPA will work with its
.state partners to ensure that they adopt into their standards a suite  of criteria
to  protect  designated uses.  The Agency will  support risk characterization
analyses,  priority  setting, risk management decisions, and state/tribal adoption
and Implementation  of water quality standards based  on revised criteria.   These
activities  are  conducted through   the  development and  implementation  of  a
consistent  regulatory framework  and through  scientifically sound  tools and
quality  technical  assistance and training.  In support of these efforts, the
Agency  will move  toward providing  the  .BASINS  modeling package,  a powerful
geographic information  system on the Internet which integrates projected nonpoint
source runoff with point  source  discharges.   The BASINS model will  also  allow
states and  tribes  to  simulate complex and local environmental conditions.   By
providing  training and  workshops,  EPA  will  work with  tribes  to implement
'"Treatment in a Similar Manner as a State"  provisions and establish  final  water
quality standards approved by EPA for waters under  tribal  jurisdiction.

     In watersheds where sediment contamination  is determined to be widespread,
.EPA will  ensure  greater controls  of  point   and  nonpoint  sources  of  that
contamination.  The Agency will assist states and tribes in addressing sediment
contamination  by  publishing  a  Sediment Quality  Criteria  users  guide and
distributing a  sediment quality criteria modeling package.  The Agency will also
conduct a case  study of assessment,  prevention,  or remediation within  an  area  of
concern, and issue  guidance  for assessing  the environmental  benefits and  costs


of  remediation  o:f sediment  contamination.   The  Agency will publish  new and
existing"  sediment quality advisory  Levels  in  a  document  and verify advisory
levels using chronic test methods for five compounds.

     EPA  is  working  towards providing a means  to identify, assess, and manage
aquatic stressors, including contaminated sediments. Threats to .human health
occur when contaminants bioaccumulate in  fish and shell fish consumed by humans.
Risk assessments  conducted  for  individuals  consuming contaminated fish, shell
fish, and lobster on a weekly basis have estimated excess cancer risks ranging
from 1 in  100 (New Bedford Harbor study)  to 4 in 1,000 (Puget Sound,  Santa Monica
Bay  studies).   Thus,  sediment contamination is  of  national concern and poses
risks to aquatic life, human health and wildlife.

     Contaminated sediments research will focus on the development of toxicity
criteria for  .aquatic life for chemical and -nonchemical stressors to allow for the
characterization of these stressors in aquatic ecosystems.  These efforts will
determine  biological effects from .exposure to contaminated sediments leading to
the development  of methods to predict toxicity at  the organismal and ecological
community scale.  More cost—effective technologies and approaches for .managing
contaminated sediments will  be  developed  and evaluated and will emphasize the
identification of innovative in situ solutions.

     The  Agency  will  also make  available  to  states  and tribes  updated,
scientifically-based  tools  to  enhance their  ability  to 'assess  and  address
ecological problems on  a watershed basis.  EPA  will develop guidance  on base
monitoring requirements to support comprehensive, resource-based water quality
programs.   EPA will also  publish  final  revisions to the aquatic life criteria
methodology and publish new or revised aquatic life criteria for selenium.  The
Agency  will  complete and distribute an  ecological risk  assessment guidance
document.   To promote the comprehensive ecological approach,  EPA will begin to
integrate  biological assessment and criteria into water quality standards, Total
Maximum Daily Load  (TKDL),  and  permit programs by developing a comprehensive,
biologically-weighted approach to evaluate aquatic life use support, including
case studies and pilot projects to test this integrated approach.

     Based on  the findings of the Nutrient Assessment Workshop, in particular
the recommendation to set nutrient standards on an  eco-region or watershed basis,
the Agency's strategy will  develop  a summary of currently available tools for
assessing  eutrophication,  identify gaps  in our understanding,  and  discuss
implementation issues related to controlling eutrophication.   The strategy will
provide the Agency's long term plan for developing guidance for specific types
of water bodies  and, simultaneously,  beginning development of detailed technical
guidance  documents which can serve as  "user manuals"  for specific water body
types.   Since  the  process  for assessing  and controlling  eutrophication is
considered   site-specific  in nature,  the 'best  assistance will allow state and
tribes  to pick and  choose  the  tools that  best fit their .conditions  (water
body-specific guidance) .  Additionally, the Agency will provide information for
specific  types  of  lakes  or  types  of  estuaries  to  illustrate  practical
site-specific applications.   Consistent  with the  Clean Water  and Watershed
Restoration  budget initiative  to help fund implementation  of the Clean Water
Action Plan, the  Agency will establish numeric  criteria  for nutrients  (i.e.,
nitrogen and  phosphorus), that are tailored to reflect different water body types
and different geographical regions.

     The Agency will support comprehensive water  quality assessments that will
establish baselines against which to gauge progress toward objectives and goals
and support  decision-making necessary to implement watershed  enhancements on  a
priority  basis.   The Agency will  continue to work  with  bur state and tribal
partners  to  establish  water  quality  monitoring  and  assessment  programs


appropriate  to  their identified  goals and  .needs,   including  addressing  the
elements outlined  in  EPA's  monitoring guidance.  EPA will assemble and  report
state water quality assessments under  Clean Water Act  Section  305(b).   EPA will
also  ensure  that  states  and tribes  are  entering relevant  water quality  and
related data into EPA's modernized national data systems.  An important  use of
state comprehensive quality assessment  programs and other data  is the  Index of
Watershed  Indicators  (IWI),  a collaborative exercise with EPA  stakeholders to
clearly  characterize  the condition  and vulnerability of all of the  Nation's
watersheds  and coastal waters  (as defined by the USSS  8-digit  Hydrological Unit
Code).   The IWI will be  critical  to understanding and communicating  progress
toward the Agency's goals.

     As part of the Clean  Water Action Plan,  EPA, in concert with USDA,  USDOI and
other  Federal  agencies,  will produce  estimates of  inputs  (by  major  source
category),  transport,  and  exports of nitrogen and phosphorus in watersheds  across
the Nation.  Existing  hydrologic models,  such as USGS-SPARROW,  will be used.   We
will  help  initiate a tracking system in  1999 to  report key  indicators  of the
success  of programs  to  reduce  nutrient runoff to America's waters.   Working
through the  National  Water  Quality Monitoring Council, we will co.operate on a
comprehensive  assessment of  nutrient reduction program  effectiveness  (to  be
completed  in 2001).

     As part of the Agency's Tribal Partnership  initiative, increased resources
will  support  the development,  modification,  and delivery of  EPA  training
materials and workshops for tribes on water quality monitoring, quality assurance
and water  quality  standards.   Funding under this initiative  will also support
development  of a  National  Tribal Watershed  Assessment  Framework  to support
defensible, reproducible Tribal assessments of  the conditions of their watersheds
and the sources of watershed  impairments.

     Fundamental  to   all  of  the Agency's efforts to meet  this  objective  is
managing water quality resources on a  watershed basis,  with full involvement of
all stakeholders including communities, individuals, businesses,  state and local
governments and tribes.  EPA's ability to meet  this objective  will  depend  on the
success  of regulatory and  non-regulatory programs and  nationwide efforts  to
provide  and use a broad range of  policy,  planning,   and  scientific  tools  to
establish local goals -and  assess progress.  The Agency will continue to work with
states to  implement Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)  programs to  establish the
analytic underpinning  for  watershed decisions.  EPA will also  provide up-to-date
scientific  tools (such as  easy-to-use geographically-based models),  training,  and
technical  assistance  to support state TMDL programs.  These TMDLs  will  meet the
requirements of Clean Water Act Section 303(d), including timely  submission of
approvable lists of impaired  waters  and development of TMDLs  at an  appropriate

     As part of the Clean Water Action Plan,   EPA will substantially  increase
direct technical and program  assistance to states to  .help them  integrate their
new State  Unified Watershed Assessments and Restoration Action  Strategies with
their ongoing implementation of 303(d)  lists of impaired waters  and resultant
priority total maximum daily loads (TMDLs).   This increased assistance will also
help  states  accelerate  the  pace and  implementation  of TMDLs for NPS-impaired
priority waters in  the key watersheds where Unified 'Assessments will be  conducted
under the  Clean Water Action Plan.   We will  expand and improve  the Watershed
Academy and  its course  offerings specifically to better train  state and local
agencies in  meeting these needs in these watersheds.

     EPA will  continue its targeted  efforts  (in particular,  under the  National
Estuary  Program)  to  work with states  and  other stakeholders  to develop  and
implement  watershed  management plans for coastal  ecosystems that restore and


 maintain the health of degraded and threatened coastal aquatic communities.  Fox
 coastal ports,  EPA  will  work  with Federal  and  state  partners  and  other
 stakeholders to help ensure that comprehensive dredged material management plans
 are  developed to maintain,  restore,  and improve the health of coastal ecosystems .
 The  Agency will also manage pollution sources subject to the Marine Protection,
 Research, and Sanctuaries Act;  Clean Water Act; Marine Plastic Pollution Research
 and  Control Act; and other related programs in such a way as to further protect
 and  enhance  our Nation's coastal and ocean waters.

      As part of the  Clean Water  Action  Plan,  EPA will  begin providing small
 grants  to   non-profit  organizations  to  support  development  of  watershed
 partnerships and advance watershed restoration efforts.  Priority in allocation
 of grant assistance will  be  given to organizations that  have the capacity to
 bring diverse interests together  to  work  to  find creative ways to restore and
 sustain the health of  aquatic systems on  a watershed basis.   EPA, 'in concert
 with USDA and  NOAA, will also work with  other Federal  agencies  arid states to
 dramatically increase the number of people involved in .local organizations that
 have "adopted" their watersheds and to encourage new efforts where  there are
 none.  A majo.r focus will be  to engage  students, seniors, business owners and
 workers and  others  not  traditionally  involved  in  water  resource issues and
 encourage their participation in ongoing community watershed efforts.
      EPA will continue to  support  targeted geographic initiatives of national
 importance, including the National Estuary Program, the Chesapeake Bay Program,
 Gulf  of Mexico Program, South Florida/Everglades, the Acadian Prairie, the Great
 Lakes,  and the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan.  Special emphasis in 'these areas
 provides  the  opportunity  not  only   to   have  necessary  heightened  Federal
 involvement in critical watersheds, -but to develop and implement water quality
 control practices whose  successes  can be  transferred  to other  watersheds
 nationwide.   EPA is .also  committed to  supporting the implementation  of the
 Interior Columbia  Basin  Ecosystem Management  Project,  the Long  Island Sound
 Office,  and the Lake Champlain Management Conference in 1999.

      the Gulf of Mexico Program  performance  goals and activities for 1998 and
 1999  .support  three  interrelated regional  environmental goals:  (1)  protecting
 human health and the food  supply;  (2)  maintaining and improving Gulf habitats
 that   support  living  resources;   and  (3)   maintaining   and  enhancing  the
 sustainability of Gulf living resources.  Within these goals,  the  Program' s • focus
 is  on four  areas: public health,  nutrient enrichment, non-indigenous species, and
 habitat restoration.   In 199:9,  the Gulf  Program will work to  reduce sources
 contributing to fecal contamination  in Gulf  shellfish growing  waters and nutrient
 pollution  into Gulf estuaries.

      The Chesapeake Bay Program' s overall goal is to restore and protect living
 resources   and  their habitats..   To accomplish  this goal, the  Chesapeake Bay
 Program  has focused on reducing the  level of nutrients by 40 percent by the year
"2.000  and maintaining that level thereafter,  and on reducing toxics and restoring
 habitats important to fish and shellfish in the Bay.  Annual performance goals
 for 1998 and 1999 reflect  these  three  areas  through point and nonpoint source
 controls,  pollution prevention initiatives, and habitat restoration.


      This .objective also encompasses the Agency's efforts to protect and restore
 the  Nation' s wetlands  through  a   combination  of  regulatory  approaches  and
 assistance  and incentive-based programs.  Within this objective, $33,115,400 is


requested for the Wetlands Program, o.f which  $15,000,000  is  requested from the
STAG appropriation for the wetlands grants program,    EPA will  work  with other
federal agencies and  non-federal partners  to continue implementation of the Clean
Water Action Plan in  an effort to achieve  a net gain of  100,000 acres of wetlands
per  year by  2005.  This  goal,  adopted from   EPA's Strategic  Plan  under  the
Government Performance and Results Act, will require that  wetland loss rates be
reduced by continued  reliance on avoiding  and minimizing destruction of wetlands
to the extent practicable. Information on  watersheds will be reviewed to identify
where  the continuing loss of wetlands is a significant factor  contributing to
problems of water quality and loss of species.  Working  with Federal agencies
through the White House Interagency Wetlands  Working Group,  and with state and
tribal  agencies,  we  will  develop a program to reduce wetland  losses  in those
watersheds  in  a  manner   that  will  yield the most  water quality and  habitat
benefits.  EPA will continue to work with  other Federal  agencies to implement the
provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA)  Section 404 program to protect wetlands,
free-flowing  streams,  and shallow  waters in  a  fair,  flexible,  and effective
.manner.  .EPA -will support  community-based  partnerships to restore river corridors
and wetlands to remediate significant ongoing adverse  impacts of past policies
and  practices.    EPA  will Work  with state   and  tribal  partners to  provide
comprehensive protection  and efficient implementation of government programs.
With  these  partners,  EPA  will develop  biological indicators,  criteria  and
assessment methods to relate net changes in  wetland  acreage to  its  effect on
environmental functions.  EPA will provide training to  its partners and sponsor
demonstration projects to  improve the quality o.f decisions  affecting wetlands and
associated resources.  EPA will work with economic sectors that  impact wetlands
to  improve  communication and  to  engage them in dialogues   with  environmental

     With its programs for Watershed Management and Restoration Partners,  EPA is
uniquely positioned  to direct these  resources to community-based restoration
projects  and  to attract matching  resources from many partners,   including
corporate,  state,  tribal,  local, non-profit, volunteer,  and Service/Conservation
Corps  groups.   EPA  will  help its partners to identify new opportunities  for
collaboration so  that they can undertake  future  restoration  independent of on-
going  Federal  assistance.    The  initiative  will also enable  EPA  to  provide
additional  guidance, training,  methods  and  technical assistance  to  support
restoration programs nationwide.

     The wetlands state/tribal/local grant program  will  enhance  the Agency's
wetland protection efforts,  fostering strong partnerships between EPA and the
states,  tribes, territories,  and  local  entities*  Agencies at  all  levels of
government   will  continue   to  develop  programs    that   move  toward   the
Administration's goal of no overall net loss and  long-term gain  in the quantity
and quality of  wetlands.  The  grants will provide assistance for state,  tribal
and local  programs  contributing to the goal  of a net  gain per  year  of 100,000
acres  of wetlands  per year by  2005,   watershed protection  and restoration
projects, development of programs to assume Section 404,  streamlining  regulatory
programs (including development of programmatic general permits),  incorporating
wetlands protection in state water quality certification processes, development
of programs to monitor wetlands,  and development  of State  Wetlands Conservation


     Section 106 grants to states, tribes, and interstate agencies are a primary
funding  source  for  the prevention, reduction, and  elimination of surface and
ground water pollution from point and nonpoint sources  (under Goal 2, Objective
3) and for enhancing  the ecological health of  the Nation's waters. Within this


•objective,  $115,529,300 is  requested  for Section 106  grants,  an increase  of
$20,000,000  over 1998.   Activities  within  the  Section  106 program  include
permitting,  water quality  planning and  standard setting,  pollution  control
studies,  assessment and monitoring, and training and public information,   state
efforts will include developing Total Maximum Daily Loads  (TMDLs),  implementing
an integrated wet weather strategy in coordination with nonpoint source programs,
and developing wellhead protection programs and comprehensive  state groundwater
protection programs.  Tribes  will continue to conduct watershed  assessments  and
will maintain and improve their capacity to implement water quality programs
through monitoring, assessments, planning, and standards  development.  The  $20
million  increase will support activities in support of  watershed restoration
efforts in the Clean Water Action Plan.

     As part of  the  Clean Water Action Plan, states will be  undertaking  a  new
cooperative,  intergovernmental and public process to identify watersheds  where
aquatic systems do not meet clean water goals  and take action to address problems
in   these   watersheds,   including   developing   State   Unified   Watershed
Assessments/Restoration Priorities followed by State Watershed Restoration Action
Strategies.-  Working with  public agencies and the private  sector, states will
develop Watershed Restoration Action Strategies for those watersheds most  in need
of  attention  in 1999-2000  while  buttressing  their  existing  water  quality
management  programs to  better address the watershed and  nonpoint  source  needs
required by these Strategies.  The increase will also support  efforts to permit
Confined Animal  Feeding Operations  (CAFOs.)

     Water Quality Cooperative Agreements  (WQCA) support the creation of unique
and innovative approaches  to address requirements  of  the NPDES program, with
special  emphasis on wet weather activities,  i.e., storm  water,  combined  sewer
overflows, sanitary sewer overflows and animal feeding  operations..  In  the  wet
weather  area,  these grants have been invaluable in enabling  demonstrations  of
unique technical, as well as managerial and funding techniques for addressing  wet
weather problems.  Specifically these funds  will be  used to conduct  special
studies,  demonstrations,  outreach and training efforts which will enhance  the
ability  of  the  regulated  community to  deal with  non-traditional  pollution.
problems in priority watersheds.  Within this  objective, $19,000,000 is requested
for WQCA grants.

.legal Support

     The Agency supports this objective through legal counseling  and advocacy by
the Office  of General Counsel.   This may include advice,  participation in  the
development  of Agency actions,  document review,  and the  conduct of   defensive

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  02    Conserve and Enhance       $270,281.6    $298,573.9    $296,643.9
      Nation's Waters

      Environmental Program &          $127,261.4    $155,638.1    $135,543.9

      Science and Technology            $12,490.9     $12,406-5 •    $11,570.7

      State and Tribal Assistance      $130,529.3    $130,529.3    $149,52-9.3

    Total FTE                               730.3         749.6         709.3
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     20  states  will  electronically  update   their  1998  305(b)  information
     reflecting adequate monitoring and assessment programs.  (Base of 0).

•     .25 states submit implementation plans to EPA (either as separate plans or
     as part  of water  quality management plans  or other watershed planning
     process)  that describe the processes for implementing TMDLs developed for
     -waters impaired solely or primarily by nonpoint sources.

•     Complete 24 of 28 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans (CCMPs)
     in the National Estuary Program.  (Base of 19)

•     Complete review of ocean disposal testing requirements.

•     Appropriate action taken  in  five  additional  cases with  regard to dredged
     material ocean disposal site designation. (Base of 77).

•     Provide to  states and tribes appropriate tools for risk characterization of
     and  decision-making  regarding  -surface  water  contaminants,  including
     persistent  bioaccumulative toxics and nutrients, that allow them to set and
     meet their own water quality standards.

•     EPA will  review and approve  or disapprove new or  revised water quality
     standards  for  1.5 states  that  reflect current guidance,  regulation,  and
     public input.  (Base of 10).

•     22 Tribes will  have established effective water quality standards programs.
     (Base of 17),

•     Conduct  broad-based   shareholder  development   of  quantitative  and/or
     qualitative  nutrient loadings reduction goals and supporting strategies to
     reduce the adverse impacts of Gulf hypoxia in two states.

•     Complete coordination of modeling efforts among state and federal agencies
     to develop  basin level modeling/decision support  capacity for targeting
     future  nutrient loading  reduction  support  and  reporting environmental
     progress for six Mississippi River Basins.

•    Reduce' the number of point and nonpoint sources contributing to the total
     load  of fecal  contamination in  Gulf shellfish  growing waters,  in two
     priority Gulf coastal watersheds.

»    There will  be 65,000 acres of submerged  aquatic  vegetation  (SAV)  in the
     Chesapeake Bay.

•    15  states/tribes developing  tools and  programs  to  assess  and monitor
     overall wetland improvements/deterioration  (Base -of 10).

*    EPA will provide funding support to community-based projects for watershed
     restoration  including  restoration of  wetlands and river  corridors in 160
     watersheds  (an increase of 1.10 from .1998) ,

*    Develop methods  for screening aquatic systems,  including sediments, for
     significant chemicals.

•    By 2003  .develop and/or evaluate promising technologies for the ex-situ and
     in-situ management of contaminated sediments.

•    By  2005 develop technical resource documents on the  risk  management of
     contaminated sediments.

•    EPA will provide  data and information  for use by .states and regions in
     assessing and managing aquatic stressors in the watershed to reduce toxic
     loadings and improve ecological risk assessment.

•    As part  of  the  Clean Water Action Plan,  all states will  be conducting or
     have  completed  unified watershed assessments, with -support  from EPA., to
     identify aquatic  resources in greatest  need of restoration or prevention

     The Agency's goal of having states electronically update their 1998 Clean
Water Act 305 (b)  water quality assessments reflects a significant enhancement of
service  delivery for one of the  key  sources of information  available  on the
quality  of the  nation's waters.   Current  information on the  extent  to which
waters have attained their designated uses is critical to effective planning and

     'The establishment of agreements between states and EPA on state-specific,
tailored processes for implementing approved Total Maximum Daily Loads  (TMDLs)
will  ensure  substantial  progress toward  achieving water  quality standards.
Effective  TMDL  programs will  integrate long-standing programs  of regulatory
controls, financial incentives,  and training to reduce pollutant loads .and meet
the environmental goal.

     State  adoption of  the Watershed Approach .represents a key  element of
Community  Based Environmental  Protection  (CBEP),   including  full stakeholder
participation and the need to  address environmental issues  on  a geographic,
rather than a media- or statute-specific basis.  By supporting state efforts to
move permitting,  wetlands,  nonpoint source and  other  programs to a watershed
orientation,  EPA can  help ensure  that the  limited water quality resources
available to states are most efficiently and effectively deployed,

     As provided in  Clean Water Act Section  320, development  of Comprehensive
Conservation  and Management Plans  (CCMPs)  under the  National Estuary Program
represents a key component  of ensuring the  conservation and  enhancement of
coastal watersheds.  Serving as a blueprint  for protection and restoration within
and around estuaries, CCMPs are developed by management conferences comprising


a diverse cross-section of Federal, state, and local government  representatives
and interested members of the .environmental community, industry  and  the  general
public.   Involving  all  stakeholders,  tailoring solutions  to  watershed-  and
community-specific  problems and developing or identifying funding mechanisms  for
implementation  are critical  steps toward re-establishing the  health  of  our
coastal resources.

     Under  Section 102  of the Marine Protection, Research and  Sanctuaries  Act
(MPRSA) ,  EPA is responsible  for designating ocean sites  for the  disposal  of
dredged material to ensure that the dredged material is disposed  of in  locations
that are  not  harmful  to  human health and aquatic communities.   Generally,  the
Water Resources Development Act  of 1992 prohibits the issuance  of a permit  for
disposal  at such a site unless it  has been finally designated by EPA  and  has a
Site Management and Monitoring Plan developed by EPA and the Corps of Engineers.
The additional designations are critical to necessary dredging,  and  to ensuring
that disposal of the material occurs in an environmentally sound manner.

     As directed in Section 102  of the MPRSA, EPA develops ecological criteria
to be used to evaluate the suitability of dredged  material for  disposal at  ocean
disposal  sites.   Specific testing requirements  exist  in order  to  ensure that
dredged  material meets  the  ecological criteria before  it is  disposed.    The
ongoing  comprehensive review  of  the  ocean  disposal testing requirements  is
pursuant to the Administration's  commitment  (July 24, 1996), and is  designed to
ensure that any revisions to these  criteria reflect both  sound policy  and  sound

     The  environmental functions  of many of the nation's  remaining wetlands  are
adversely affected  by  stressors such as pollution, hydrological disturbances,  and
proliferation of non-native  species.   To respond to these problems,  EPA  needs
monitoring data on  the health  of wetlands.   Such  data will  be  used to  set
program and geographical  (watershed) priorities, and to help identify the  actions
that will improve the  functions of impaired wetlands.   Ten states/tribes  are  now
in the process of -selecting and calibrating indicators of  wetlands health or  are
developing monitoring programs to  collect and evaluate data on  wetlands within
their jurisdiction.   In 1999  five  additional states/tribes, with EPA  financial
and  technical support,  will  be  undertaking  significant  efforts   on wetlands

     As  part  of the  Clean Water Action  Plan, EPA will  provide financial  and
technical assistance to communities to  restore  wetlands and associated  river
corridors.    These projects  involve partnerships  of local  governments,  the
corporate and non-profit sectors,  other government agencies, foundations,  and
volunteer and or Conservation/Service Corps labor.  EPA has developed partnership
networks  that rely  upon extensive  cost-sharing and contributions of labor,
equipment and materials.   This enables  a  significant expansion of  watershed
coverage in 1999 with  strategically targeted EPA  investments.  EPA's community-
based approach enables progress in  revitalizing wetlands  and  river  corridors in
places traditionally under served by environmental programs,  such as economically
disadvantaged urban areas and tribal lands.

     With respect to assessing and  managing aquatic stressors, effects research
will  be  done to develop methods to predict  toxicity  at  the   organismal  and
ecological community  scale, EPA has developed an equilibrium partitioning theory
that  causally  links  the normalized  bioavailable concentrations   of sediment
contaminants  to  organism response.  This information has been  used to  predict
toxicity for  specific  species  and  has been   applied  for  nonionic  organic
contaminants.   Research  is  needed  to  apply this  theory for  other  types  of
sediment  contaminants,  individually and  as a mixture  such as  ionic  organics,
metals,  and bioaccumulatives.  This area of research involves the development  and


application of methods to evaluate the potential impact of specific chemicals  and
mixtures of chemicals in .sediments.

     Effects  research  will  'also  be done  to  characterize  the  effects   of
nonchemical stressors on aquatic ecosystems. Research in this  area  will  build on
what is learned concerning the effect of chemical stressors  on aquatic organisms
and wildlife and will evaluate the  combined  impact of chemical  and  nonchemical
stressors on aquatic ecosystems.

     Exposure research will be done to develop models to characterize  sediment
loading of various  contaminants.   Research on exposure, especially modeling,  is
required for risk assessments  and  permit development. The primary  environmental
focus for this research is the characterization of sources of  nutrients,  metals,
pesticides  (i.e.,   EDCs)  and other  hazardous  chemicals,  particularly  those
associated with .sediment loads, transport .and deposition; the relative  loadings
from  watersheds;   and  the  evaluation of the  role of  these sediment-related
contaminants  from  sub-basins  on  downstream water bodies from both  a human  and
ecosystem exposure-risk perspective.

     Risk  assessment  research  will  be  done  to  improve  methodologies  for
developing specific criteria  (e.g., aquatic  life and human health criteria  for
ambient  water of  the  U.S.), including wildlife criteria reflecting endangered
species   concerns.    This   research  encompasses  the  development   of  risk
assessment/characterizations of human  health  and ecological risks  for exposures
to contaminants (single and multiple stressor) in ambient waters.   This  research
would  support the establishment  and  communication  of  fish  health  advisories,
beach closing warnings, remediation actions  to protect human uses of the  water
body  and  ecosystem health.   Methods  will  be  developed with both  specific
application to  a  water  body  and broader  application  to  an .eco-region  or
community.  Models  or tools  are needed to integrate risks from multiple sources
of stressors and for performing ecological  and economic analyses of environmental

     Risk management  research will be done to develop and evaluate more  cost-
effective technologies and approaches for managing contaminated sediments.  This
research will  focus on the development and  evaluation of less costly technologies
and  approaches for managing contaminated  sediments  and will emphasize  the
identification  of  innovative, in  situ solutions.

     EPA' s research program  will invest in a cadre .of highly-trained postdoctoral
scientists who can  apply state-of-the  knowledge to EPA research  issues  and will
make a  significant contribution to EPA's  in-house  research capability*  This
investment  will  introduce  more  highly  educated,  energetic,  and innovative
researchers into EPA's national laboratories and centers.

     To identify,  control, and address ecological problems,  the states and tribes
must have and be  able to use a variety of scientifically-based tools  for risk
characterization.   The  Agency will provide case studies,  models, sampling  and
assessment  methods,  and  a  host  of  guidance documents   to .address  specific
chemicals, specific water body types,  and specific environmental  problems,

     To assure human and ecological  health, the Clean Water Act  requires states
to review and revise their water quality standards every three years.   The Agency
will review and approve these triennial reviews to assure  that  state standards
employ  the latest  scientific information and  that they  are consistent with
guidance  and  regulation.    EPA will  provide direct -technical  assistance  and
support to the  states in reviewing, revising, and managing their  water quality
programs; these standards are  a vital  part of the Agency's  efforts to encourage
the  states  to incorporate  the  latest  scientific  knowledge  and biological


approaches into their programs.   This -review and approval process, which is  a
critical part of the ongoing base water program, promotes nationwide  consistency
in ecological and human health protection.

     Indian  tribes are  only  just  beginning  to address  their environmental
problems.  The Agency will provide guidance, training, and other assistance to
tribes to assure that they adopt and implement water quality standards programs
that are consistent with  those  managed by the states.  Ultimately, the Agency
hopes that all tribes will have in place adequate water quality programs.

     Beginning in  1999, the Gulf of Mexico Program will broaden assistance to the
Gulf State partners to reduce the loading of nutrients into tributaries and Gulf
estuaries and to implement voluntary actions to reduce 'nutrient pollution.  The
Program will  work  to reduce the negative consequences of Gulf hypoxia (i.e., low-
dissolved oxygen)  by:  (1) facilitating  efforts to understand the ecological and
economic consequences of the hypoxic zone;  (2) developing monitoring  and modeling
strategies necessary to characterize the impacts of the hypoxic zone  on the Gulf
ecosystem;  and  (3)  assisting  Mississippi and  Louisiana in  quantifying and
reducing nutrient loads from tributaries that contribute to Gulf hypoxia.

     Within its partnership framework,  the  Gulf Program will support monitoring
of  shellfish growing waters and  shellfish quality to  identify incidences of
disease,  source waters  causing the disease, areas of water contamination, and
potential sources  of pollution causing the contamination.  The Program will focus
on  reducing  human  exposure  through  improved public information  (e.g. food
consumption and swimming advisories) and through  improved control of sources of
water pollution.

     In  1999, voluntary  integrated  Pest Management  (IPM)  practices  in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed will  be implemented through working  with the state
agricultural  agencies in  Maryland,   Pennsylvania,  and Virginia,  the  Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)  and the USDA Extension Service  to work with
farmers and suburban land owner groups to  teach  different IPM approaches.  EPA
will continue to  provide  funding to .the  states  to  accomplish this goal, will
support  workshops,  and will  develop and  implement a  tracking  system to show
results -

     The  Chesapeake  Bay Program  will work with member  states  and wastewater
treatment  facilities  to upgrade  treatment facilities for biological nutrient
removal  (BNR).  This  activity is  critical for meeting the 40 percent nutrient
reduction  goal,  particularly for nitrogen.   By the end  of  1999,   at least 25
percent of sewage plant loadings will  be on BNR.

     Acreage  of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)  has been increasing  in the
Chesapeake Bay since  a  low point in 1984.  SAV .has certain light  requirements
necessary  to reestablish  itself.   These  light  requirements are   affected by
loadings  of   nutrients  and  sediment.   By continuing  implementation  of the
tributary strategies in the Chesapeake Bay,  habitat for SAV should increase.  By
the end  of 1-999,  there  will be at least 65,000 acres of SAV in the Chesapeake

1998 Annual Pegfeiir"""iC6 Goals

•     5.0 states submit  1998  305 (b) information reflecting adequate monitoring and
     assessment programs  and characterizing the extent to which ITS waters are
     meeting all designated uses (approximately 62% of assessed waters in 1996) ,

     50  states submit  303(d)  lists,  including specific written  agreements  in
     each State with  an expeditious schedule  for establishing TMDLs  for  the
     listed  waters.

     Complete  19 of  28  Comprehensive Conservation and Management  Elans (CCMPs)
     in  the  National Estuary Program.  (Base of 17)

     Progress in implementing CCMP priority actions is reviewed for the first  12
     NEPs.  (Base of  zero)

     Establish  National    Marine    Debris   Monitoring   program   with   20
     states/territories.  (Base of 15)

     Technical support  to Gulf States threatened and/or impaired by Gulf hypoxia
     through improved monitoring of nutrient loads  from major tributaries  and
     implementation of  innovative management and prevention  approaches to reduce
     nutrient  loading  to surface waters.

     Coordinate modeling efforts among  state  and federal  agencies  to develop
     basin   level  modeling/decision  support  capacity  for  targeting  future
     nutrient  loading  reductions  and reporting environmental  progress for  two
     Mississippi .River  Basins,.

     Provide to states  and tribes appropriate tools for risk characterization  of
     and decision-making   regarding  surface   water  contaminants,   including
     persistent bioaccumulative toxics and nutrients,  that allow them to set  and
     meet their own  water  quality standards.

     EPA will  review  and approve or disapprove  new or revised  water quality
     standards for  ten  states  that  reflect current  guidance,  regulation;  and
     public  input.

     '17  Tribes will have established effective water quality standards programs.

     :Reopen  137 miles  of  spawning  habitat  to anadromous  fish  through  fish
     passage in the  Chesapeake Bay watershed.

     10   states/tribes  developing tools  and  programs to  assess and monitor
     overall wetland improvements/deterioration.  (Base of  4)

     Provide funding support to community-based projects for the restoration  of
     wetlands  and  river corridors in 50  watersheds.
                        1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	^	Dollars	FTE

 02  Obj.    Total  Change                            $(1,930.0)         (40.3)

       Environmental  Program &  Management          $(20,094.2)         (42.1)

       Science and Technology                        $(835.8)            1.8

       State and  Tribal Assistance Grants            $19,000.0

      (+$20,000,000  STAG)  These funds in  the Section 106  grant  program will
      support  activities  in  reducing  pollutant  discharges  from point  and
      nonpoint  sources  and  management  programs to  support  healthy  aquatic
      communities in support of the  Clean 'Water Action Plan.  Of this amount,
      $2,600,000  will  support    eligible  tribes  conducting  comprehensive
      monitoring programs and implementing water quality programs.

      (-$1,000,000  STAG)  This  reflects  a  decrease  in   the  Water  Quality
      Cooperative Agreements to  fund Underground  Injection Control  Class  V
      implementation pilots.
      (+$4,000,000  EPM)  This  will  to  encourage  and  assist  comprehensive
      watershed management programs  for all states and  tribes  for the waters
      under  their jurisdiction,  including development  of locally-determined
      watershed management plans  needed to restore  and maintain the health of
      aquatic communities on a priority basis.  Supports implementation of the
      Clean Water Action Plan.

      (+$2,200,000 EPM)  This will fulfill commitments in the Clean Water Action
      Plan to restore water quality on a watershed basis where polluted runoff
      has created  significant water pollution problems.  To this end, the Agency
      will establish numeric criteria for nutrients that are tailored to reflect
      the different types of water bodies and different regions of the country.
      The  Agency will  also  assist  states  to  adopt  numeric  water  quality
      standards based on  these criteria over the following  three  years.   EPA
      will complement  these tools with data  retrieval and assessment methods to
      help states  develop their own criteria and descriptions of Best Management
      Practices   (BMPs)  to  support  active  management  of  nutrient-related
      pollution.      EPA   will    also   revise   and   fine-tune   existing
      geographically-based water quality models to include a variety of sources
      (including air deposition) and provide workshops and technical assistance
      to  states/tribes in  using these  models  to  develop TMDLs  and address
      nutrient problems.

      (+$1,500,000 EPM) This  is for small  grants to  organizations to support
      development of watershed partnerships, in support of the CWAP.

      (+$1,500,000 EPM)  This will advance wetlands restoration in support of the
      Clean Water  Action Plan  (CWAP).  EPA will provide financial and technical
      assistance  to  communities  to  restore  wetlands  and  associated  river
      corridors.  These  projects will involve partnerships of local governments,
      the   corporate   and   non-profit  sectors,   other  government  agencies,
      foundations, and  volunteer and or Conservation/Service Corps labor.

      (+1,000,000 EPM)  This will support implementation of the Lake Champlain
      Management  Conference.    This  does  not  carry  forward  the $1,500,000
      Congressional addition and provides a total of $1,000,000 in 1999.

      (+3616,900  EPM)   This   supports  completion   and   implementation  of
      recommendations from review of  ocean disposal testing requirements  (per
      Administration's  7/96 commitment)  into  the ocean dumping permit program
      and the guidance  for long-term dredged material management planning.

 (+$500,000  EPM)  This  will support  enhanced monitoring  and assessment
activities,  in  concert with  other  Federal agencies, in  support of the

 (+$500,000  EPM)  This  will  support  the Agency's  Tribal  Partnership
Initiative,  funding  training  and technical  assistance  on water quality
monitoring and support for baseline watershed  assessments on tribal lands.

 (+$500,000 EPM) This is to support the Long Island  Sound Office.   This
does not carry forward the $700,000 Congressional addition and provides a
total of $750,000 in 1999.

 (+$500,000 EPM) This will continue support  to  state responses  to toxic
Pfiesteria outbreaks.   Activities Include monitoring  and assessment to
identify Pfiesteria outbreaks and potential sites vulnerable to Pfiesteria
outbreaks;  transferring new technologies and methodologies for identifying
Pfiesteria  or  mitigating  the  impacts  of   Pfiesteria outbreaks;  and
providing public education and outreach information on the risks to human
health  posed by  Pfiesteria outbreaks.  Supporting these activities will
achieve the  clean Water  Action Plan  (.CWAP)   goals of  protecting public
health  and ensuring  community-based watershed management.  The CWAP will
also  help  prevent .future  outbreaks  of Pfiesteria by  reducing  nutrient
pollution from nonpoint sources and animal feeding operations.

 (+$325,000 EPM) This  will support addressing  the environmental problem of
persistent bioaccumulative  toxics  (PBTs). Complementing the fish tissue
survey  described in  objective 1 under the  Clean and Safe Water goal, the
Agency  will  revise  and  develop  water quality  criteria to  assure the
greatest  possible  protection  that  can  be  attained  with  available
scientific knowledge and  tools.  In  1999, EPA will  develop monitoring,
screening, and  testing protocols  that are  both  affordable  and provide
timely  results  that will  afford  the greatest  possible human health
protection.   EPA will produce guidance documents., training, and technical
assistance necessary for states  and tribes  to  effectively  monitor and
evaluate their waters  for the presence and control of PBTs.   Supporting
objective 3,  these water quality criteria could be used to modify in-plant
processes in the  Effluent Guideline process  and  to  modify NPDES permit

 (+$300,000 EPM)  This will support helicopter-based monitoring activities
in the  New York-New  Jersey area.

 (+$250,000 EPM) This supports improving the  Integrated Risk Information
System  (IRIS)  database.   EPA will   work to  ensure consistent quality
preparation  and  peer review of   new or  revised  IRIS  files  and support
documents that we will generate for high-priority chemicals.

 (+$103,000 EPM) This  supports the continued use of ecological assessments
in  the  permitting of ocean discharges.   Use  of ecological  assessments
helps   ensure   the  health   of  living   marine   resources,   including
commercially-important fish species taken  for human consumption.

 (+$70,400 EPM) This  increases support for higher-priority water quality
monitoring and assessment activities.

 (-41.7  total  workyears  EPM)   and   (-$2,873,200  EPM)   This  reflects  a
technical correction  to the distribution of Regional management workyears.

 (-$1,000,000  EPM)  This  reduction  from EPA support  for  CALFED  is in


      recognition of  the  interagency resources requested by the Department of

      (-$700,000  EPM)  This is a reduction from the Chesapeake Bay Implementation
      Grants to  states.   The states will be encouraged  to apply for nonpoint
      source  funding  assistance under Section  319,  which  is an  area  of
      investment in the Budget.

      (-$519,200 EPM) This reflects the completion of major system development
      work  in our  efforts  to  modernize STORET,  our national  ambient water
      quality data system.

      (-$136,600 EPM) This is a reduction from Great Lakes RAP implementation.

      (-$100,000 EPM)  This  reflects the completion  of  the final contaminated
      sediment strategy in 1998.

      (-$87,500 EPM) This reduction is from the  Chesapeake Bay modeling program.
      Modeling has  been a large focus of the CBP to be able to understand how
      nutrient  reductions  will  affect  nutrient  levels  in  the  Bay  and,
      ultimately, living  resources.   Model  development has been  ongoing for
      several  years and the CBP  now -has  internationally recognized models.
      while the models will continue to be refined, it is no longer necessary to
      fund model development at current levels.

      (-$87,500 EPM) This reduction is from the Chesapeake Bay living resources
      program.  The  CBP will work with other Federal agencies to combine funding
      for priority habitat restoration projects.

      The 1999 request is $29,862,000 below the  1998 Enacted budget level due to
      Congressional  Add-ons received during the appropriations process, but not
      part of the 1999 President's Request.
      (6.9  total workyears  S&T)  This supports  EPA's  Postdoctoral  research
      program.  This investment will introduce highly educated, energetic, and
      Innovative researchers to EPA's in-house research program.

      (17.0 total workyears S&T.) These will be redirected within this objective
      to support an  increased emphasis on the development of data and methods to
      evaluate the effects of sediment contaminates at the ecosystem level, with
      a transition of resources from strictly chemical-specific research. The 17
      workyears  will be  directed out  of more  narrowly focused  research to
      determine  the biological  effects  resulting  from exposure  to  specific
      contaminants in sediments.

      (-$833,600 S&T)  This  will  be reduced  from research  to  evaluate the
      exposure to contaminated sediments at population, community and ecosystem
      scale.   Limited funds were allocated to other, higher priority research

Key Performance Measures
States submit adequate 305(b)           50 States

States electronically submit
updated .305 (b)

States submit 303(d) lists              50 States

States submitting implementation
plans for TMDLs impaired solely
or primarily by NPS

Completed CCMPs                         19 CCMPs

Biennial review of first NEPs            12 NEPs

States/territories with 'National        20 States
Marine Debris Monitoring

Report on ocean disposal testing

Appropriate actions taken re:
dredged material ocean disposal

Gulf States with enhanced               2 States
nutrient monitoring/management

Gulf states with community-led
nutrient loadings reduction

MS River Basins integrated in the       2 Basins
Gulf hypoxia assessment system

Gulf watersheds with State
actions to reduce point and NPS
loads to shellfish growing Waters

Models, methods, criteria                 1 List
developed/available for risk
characterization of surface water

States for which EPA has reviewed       10 States
and approved or disapproved new
or revised water quality

Tribes with water quality               17 Tribes
standards adopted and approved

Stream miles reopened                   137 miles

Acres of submerged aquatic
vegetation  (SAV) in the
Chesapeake Bay
                  20 States
                  .25 States
                   24 CCMPs
                   1 Report

                   5 Actions
                   2 States

                   6 Basins

                 2 Watersheds

                    1 .List

                   15 States

                   22 Tribes

                 65,000 Acres

 Key Performance Measures                   1998                  1999

 States developing tools/programs        10 States            15 States
 to assess wetland improvement or

 Watersheds that received funding      50 Watersheds        160  Watersheds
 support for CBEP wetlands/river

 Report on sediment quality
 criteria for PAHs in sediments.          9/30/98

 Publish reports on Big Darby
 Watershed-Phase I analysis and
 Problem Formulation.                     9/30/98

 Report on the requirements of
 submerged aquatic vegetation in
 coastal environments.                                          9/30/99

 Publish peer reviewed journal
 article on biotreatment of PAH
 contaminated sediments.                                        9/30/99

 Methods for assessing ecological
 and economical impacts for
 managing watershed protection.                                 9/30/99
00003.118 ion

     • Over the last 25  years, substantial progress has .been achieved in  cleaning
up waters polluted by major dischargers such as  sewage  treatment plants  and
industrial facilities.  However, states report  that broad-based surface water  and
groundwater quality problems remain. In addition  to  the  problems of  chemical
pollution, much work remains to be done to maintain and restore the physical  and
biological integrity of our waters, adversely affected by habitat alteration  and
destruction, hydrological modification,  emerging threats from  exotic species  and
other  ecosystem  stressors.   The principal  remaining threats do  not  involve
discrete facilities and conveyances,  but  derive from the activities of  citizens
in general.    In  order to address  these more diffuse  sources  and regionally
Variable problems,  activities conducted in pursuit of this objective will  focus
on implementing  the watershed approach,  enlisting as allies all stakeholders,
including communities, individuals, businesses, state and local governments,  and
tribes.  Achievement of this  objective will  confirm substantial progress toward
our goal  of clean  and safe water.

      To  fully  understand  the  impairments  threatening  the Nation's  water
resources and  better determine the steps to take to remedy  these impairments,
comprehensive  assessment of water quality is  essential.  In order to achieve this
objective, states  and  tribes must increase monitoring and assessment  of  their
waters.  The EPA  Science Advisory Board's 1990  report, "A Framework For  Change,"
has  led  to  a wider  acceptance  of the  fact  that  physical  and biological
indicators, as direct  measures of   aquatic health,  are needed in addition to
.long-standing  chemical assessment  methods.   Chemical methods  of assessing  water
quality.  need  to  be   supplemented   with  biological  criteria   and  risk
characterization  that  use the health of the natural systems  as measures  of


      This objective is  designed to restore and maintain  the chemical, physical,
and biological integrity of the Nation's waters overall  and reduce human health,
ecological and quality of life risks.   By   identifying  and informing the public
of  risks and providing the tools needed to  assess  and address  those risks,  we
can better focus  the management of environmental risks on a watershed basis.   in
addition  to  risk  reductions,  we  will enhance service  delivery  through  our
targeted  electronic  information  initiatives,  streamlining  efforts,  and  a
continued emphasis  on information flow to and from stakeholders via the watershed

      Key to the  success of this objective is the attainment of "designated uses"
as determined by  states  and tribes and reported by them  periodically as required
by Clean Water Act  §305(b).  These designated beneficial uses include drinking
water  supply;  recreation; protection,  propagation, and consumption  of  fish,
shellfish,  and wildlife; and other agricultural, industrial, and navigational
uses.   Biological and numerical chemical water quality and sediment criteria  are
crucial to quantifying the minimum physical., chemical, and biological parameters
required to support a designated use.   By moving from 69% attainment in assessed
waters to  our goal of  75% attainment,  EPA will continue  to move aggressively
toward its goal  of  clean and safe water.

      Source  reduction activities  under  'objective  ,3  are  also critical  to
achieving  the designated use  targets under  objective 2.  Efforts  to support
environmentally-sound planning and management practices  in coastal and .marine
areas will also address  problems facing our Nation's aquatic ecosystems such as
aquatic debris, vessel discharges, dredged  material  management,  control of non-
indigenous  species, habitat  loss,   nutrient and pathogen contamination,  and
declines in fish and wildlife.

      Consistent with the  President's Wetlands  Plan  and with the  Clean Water
Action Plan,  the  Nation  will progress towards a significant reversal in historic
trends of wetlands  destruction, first by achieving a balance between the annual
acreage lost  and that gained and subsequently by achieving a net annual .gain,
primarily by restoring former wetlands *.  This will re-establish fish and wildlife
habitat,  improve  water quality,  and  restore hydrological processes.  This
initiative  will  expand community^based partnerships  to restore  wetlands  and
associated river corridors,  using nutrients  to  produce helpful  wetland plants
instead of harmful  algae in receiving waters.

      in addition to increasing our inventory of wetlands,  we must improve their
quality by better managing stressors  that impair wetlands functions and values.
EPA will develop  and implement tools to better determine the extent to which  our
efforts  to reduce these stressors  result  in better habitat,   water quality
improvement,  more species diversity, and enhancement  of  other critical functions
and values.

      Still,  we  recognize  that even after meeting  our current  objective, much
work  will remain.    The projected 25% of waters that will  still  not support
healthy aquatic communities will represent  some of the  most difficult remaining
issues.  These waters, impeded by relatively  persistent problems —* substantial
hydrological modification, channelization,  degradation or destruction of riparian
buffers, in-place  contaminated sediments —  must also  be addressed.

      We  must continue to  bolster  our programs to  address  other continuing
threats  to  the  overall  health  of  aquatic  communities such   as  nutrients,
pathogens,  habitat  loss, sedimentation, and invasive  species.   Protecting waters
from degradation  will involve use of the same types of  education  and information
activities  that  are currently being  used in  areas needing restoration,


      The   research done  within  this  Objective  will  improve  the   :    (1)
understanding   of   the   structure   and  function  of  aquatic  systems;    (2)
understanding   of   fundamental  ecosystem  characteristics and  processes  that
determine   ecosystem  sensitivity   to  stressors   (chemical,   physical,   and
biological);   (3)   evaluation  of  the  exposure  to  and  effects  of  physical,
biological,  and  chemical,  stressors-^-including the  exposure  and effects  of
contaminated sediments;  (4)  development of ecological risk  assessment methods and
integration of criteria  types for the protection of ecosystem integrity including
endangered or  threatened  species;   (5)  development  of new  criteria  types
 (biological,  habitat  and  wildlife criteria);  and  (6)   development   of  cost
effective  technologies  for  managing contaminated sediments with an emphasis on
identifying innovative  in situ solutions.

      As  a geographic  initiative  of  national  importance,  the Gulf  of Mexico
Program's special emphasis is on three critical goals that  were identified by the
citizens of the Gulf states:  (1) 'Protecting their human health and food supply;
 (2) Maintaining and enhancing the sustainability of the Gulf's resources on which
they depend; and (3) Maintaining and improving the critical habitats that support
the richness and abundance of the Gulf's resources.   Within these goals,  the Gulf
Program will focus  its  performance goals and measures on four priority threats
to the  ecological  and economic health of the Gulf state  communities:   (1)  Gulf
hypoxia;(2) Shellfish growing waters  contamination of over 57%  of  the Gulf's
growing waters;  (3) Critical habitat  degradation;  and, (4)  Introduction  of
nonindigenous  species that threaten the ecology of communities throughout the
region.   Through strategic planning and assessment,  integrated environmental
indicator tracking and analysis,  and community education,  outreach, technology,
and  strategic  community project assistance, the Gulf Program will provide the
opportunity to  develop  state,  regional,  federal, and non-government activities
to implement local solutions and practices whose successes can be transferred to
watersheds  nationwide.

     • Annual performance goals for the Chesapeake Bay will help to achieve the
overall directive,  by working  with federal,  state, and local partners, as well
as private  organizations, to implement nutrient and toxic reduction strategies
and to improve habitat.   All of these goals will be met through working closely
with stakeholders on a voluntary basis and will have clear  environmental  results.
These  results  will include reductions  in nutrients  from point  and  non'point
sources,   reduction in  toxics ,through  pollution prevention  of toxics,  and
improvement of  habitat  for  fi-sh  and shellfish:,

Key Pegforma"ee Measures Verification

      Each State,  Territory,   Interstate Water  Commission,  the District  of
Columbia  and participating Tribe must,  per Clean  Water Act  Section 305 (b),
develop a program to monitor water  quality of its surface and ground waters and
prepare a report describing  the status  of its water quality.  This  305(b) process
•is the  principal means  by which  EPA,  Congress,  and the public evaluate whether
U.S. waters meet water  quality standards,  the progress made in maintaining and
restoring  water quality, and the  extent o.f the remaining problems,

      EPA   with  the  assistance  of  the   States,   other  jurisdictions  and
participating Tribes prepares  guidance to delineate the water quality  elements
needed as well as guidance to ensure consistency and comparability of the water
quality monitoring  and  assessments.   The Water body System  (WBS)  defines and
tracks  the data  elements  at  the  water body  level and  summarizes  at various
scales.  The WBS provides  coding guides with  technical  instructions  for data
users.  The numbers  of  total State waters are obtained using  EPA's  Reach File


Version 3.0 .   The guidance describes annual electronic protocols  for  submission
of the water quality data.

      In  addition  to  our  Section 305(b)  reporting,  several  of  our  1999
performance measures for this objective  are based largely on programmatic outputs
and .activities that can,  in the near-term, serve  as  adequate  surrogates  for
determining the extent  to  which our programs are moving the Agency  toward  its
environmental  goals.   As  such,  verification  of  the quality  of data will  be
conducted through normal communications among  EPA offices  and  Regions and with
states and other partners.  For example,  the review of the ocean dumping testing
requirements will provide numerous opportunities for  stakeholders  nation-wide to
help identify  the issues and priorities  involved in the review.  In addition,  the
review process and outcome  will be guided by a Federal  Advisory  Committee,
assuring high  quality, independent  advice on the  most appropriate  revisions to
the testing requirements. These measures,  in contrast to certain environmental
outcome measures  planned  for  the  future,  typically include  annual or  other
routine reports from state agencies, but also include milestones  in established
processes where verification can be established through EPA  staff  involvement.

      EPA  is   a member  of  an  intera.gency  working  group  that will  reconcile
wetlands  trends  data  from the  Department of   Interior's  National  Wetlands
Inventory  and  the Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources  Conservation
Service's Natural Resource.   In addition, EPA has  requested that  the Wetlands
Subcommittee (Chaired by the Fish and Wildlife Service) of the Federal  Geographic
Data Committee reconcile differences among agencies  in the  reporting  of wetland
acres created  or restored that are appropriate for  tabulating as increases in the
inventory of the nation's wetlands.'

      The Gulf of Mexico Program' s  performance evaluation  process  is supported
through the distributed Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan of  the  Office and
those of the participating federal departments  and agencies.  Additionally,  the
Gulf Program  has  organized a Scientific  Review  Committee of  regional  experts
•(both  public  and  private)   that  assist in  the review  and verification  of  the
environmental  analyses and performance evaluations administered by  the Program.

      EPA has  several  strategies to  validate and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental  science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
.risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment and risk  management
as principal  priority-setting criteria.   EPA  conducts annual  research program
reviews  to both evaluate  the  status and accomplishments  of it's  research  and
determine  planning priorities.    To better  draw  upon  the expertise of  the
environmental  academic  community,  EPA created the  Science to Achieve  Results
(STAR)  program of peer-reviewed,  mission-driven  extramural grants; the Agency is
also   working with   the  National  Research  Council  to  identify  emerging
environmental  issues for which we must begin planning the  necessary  research.

      Chief .among the  Agency's validation and   verification  mechanisms is  a
rigorous  peer  review  process.    In  a  July  1997 memorandum,   EPA's  Deputy
Administrator  stated that peer review will be expanded "to include both the major
work products  provided in the past  and...all scientific and  technical products
supporting Agency decisions.,."-  This  expanded and strengthened focus  on peer
review will help ensure that the performance measures listed here  are verified
and  validated by  external  organizations.  The  Agency utilizes  peer  review
throughout the research planning and implementation process., both  to ensure that
planned research addresses  critical knowledge  issues within  EPA's  mission,  and
to assess  the quality of scientific research  plans, products,  and  proposals.
This is accomplished through the use of  independent entities such  as the Science
Advisory Board (SAB)and the Board of Scientific  Councilors  (BOSC).   The BOSC,
established under  the Federal Advisory Committee Act, will  even examine the way


the Agency uses peer review,  as wel.l  as the management  of its  research and
development laboratories.

      EPA's external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community  are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected  for  funding through grants or cooperative agreements.   In addition,
Requests  for  Applications  (RFAs)  under the  STAR  program are  often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the National  Science 'Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which  to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of  Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will  be  another accountability  tool  used to verify and  validate performance
measures.   The recently developed GPRA structure  will be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure  consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of information  to users.

Statutory Author!t.y

GWA (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387)

[Other related authorities,  directives,  obligations:   CAA section 309  (42 U.S.C.
7609),-'TSCA section  6 (15 U.S.C. 2605),  ESA  (16 U.S.C.  1531-1544),  and NEPA (42
U.S.C. 4321-4370d)]

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Clean and Safe Water

Objective #3: Reduce Loadings and Air Deposition

      By 2005, pollutant" discharges  from key point sources and no'npoint source
runoff will  be reduced by at least 20 percent from 1992 levels.  Air deposition
of key pollutants impacting water bodies will be reduced.


      A key element of  the  Agency's  effort to achieve its overarching goal of
clean and safe water  is the reduction of  pollutant  discharges from point and
.nonpoint sources.  To reduce pollutant loadings from point and nonpoint sources,
the  Clean Water  Act  established  requirements for  national technology-based
effluent limitations  and water quality based  limitations implemented through
standards for point sources.   In support  of these and other requirements, EPA
and  the states  operate the National  Pollutant Discharge  Elimination System
(NPDES)  permitting,  Clean  Water   State  Revolving  Fund   (CWSRF),  sediment
management,  and nonpoint  source control programs.  Under the NPDES  program  (which
includes NPDES permits,  the pretreatment  program  for non-domestic wastewater
discharges  into  municipal  sanitary  sewers,   and  for  biosolids  management
controls),  specific limits are set for pollutants discharged  from point sources
into  waters of the United  States.   These limits are designed to ensure that
national technology-based standards  .(effluent limitations and guidelines) and
water quality based requirements  are adequate to meet water quality standards
throughout the country.   Establishing Total  Maximum Daily Load  (TMDL) levels for
specific waterbodies plays an important role in defining the specific objectives
for  point  and nonpoint sources.   Financial  assistance  for  many  of  these
activities  is provided  through the  Section 106 grant program included under
Objective  2 of the Agency's  Clean Water  Goal:  Conserve  and Enhance Nation's
Waters.   EPA also provides financial  assistance through  the CWSRF program to
states for the construction of wastewater  treatment facilities and other water
quality management activities.  The program is also fostering the use of CWSRF
loans to finance the highest priority traditional and nontraditional projects on
a watershed or statewide basis including nonpoint source projects.

        These base programs have  been largely responsible for the substantial
progress  made to date   in  reducing  water pollution.  Providing  states with
continuing support is essential to  achieving this objective and the overall goal
of clean and safe water.  EPA, in partnership with the states, will continue to
ensure that  all facilities required to have a permit have one that is effective
and  includes all conditions needed  to ensure water  quality protection.   The
Agency  will  continue  its  efforts   to  streamline and  simplify  the  effluent
guidelines rulemaking process and  implementation of  the NPDES program, and we
•expect to issue final regulations to streamline the administrative  and procedural
requirements of the NPDES and pretreatment programs. In addition, both the NPDES
and CWSRF programs will  continue to  reorient to a watershed  focus*

      States  report  that pollution  from  nonpoint  sources is now  the single
largest remaining cause of water pollution, with agriculture  as a leading cause
of  impairment  in 25% of the  river miles surveyed.    In order  to  meet this
objective and restore and maintain water quality, significant  loading reductions


from nonpoint (NFS)  sources must be achieved.   Because EPA has limited direct NFS
authority  under the Clean Water  Act,  state NFS  programs  are critical  to our
overall success,  states will  need to make  revisions to  their  existing nonpoint
source programs and  fully and  expeditiously implement all of the nine key program
elements agreed to with EPA.   In addition,  coastal  states will  need to implement
their EPA/NOAA-approved Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorizatio.n Amendments
(CZARA)  coastal nonpoint  source programs. In recognition of  the  importance of
addressing nonpoint  sources and the critical  role  states play  in  those efforts,
a significant investment is proposed in  1999  under the Clean Water Action Plan,
which  is partially funded as  part of  the  Administration's  Clean Water and
Watershed  Restoration Initiative,  for  direct grant assistance  to  states for
implementing their  nonpoint source programs.

      EPA's nonpoint source program provides program, technical,  and financial
assistance to help states implement programs to control various forms of runoff.
Within  this objective,  $215,524,800  is  requested to  reduce nonpoint  source
sediment and nutrient loads, of which $200,000,000  is for direct grant assistance
to  states.   While  agricultural  sources are  the  most  significant  category of
nonpoint source runoff, state  NFS  programs  address all categories  of NFS runoff
with a mix of voluntary and regulatory approaches.   These state programs are the
primary means for implementing nonpoint source TMDL allocations and for achieving
water  quality standards.   EPA's  nonpoint  source  program works closely with a
number  of  other Federal agencies  to  help reduce  runoff and  encourage private
sector partnerships to spur voluntary adoption of NFS controls. As the program
moves  forward,  new  tools,  best management practices, and NPS and contaminated
sediment control strategies will need to be developed in cooperation with states,
tribes,  other  Federal agencies and the private  sector.  State  implementation
plans for nonpoint sources will be  required to provide reasonable assurances that
load allocations within an 'approved TMDL are met  for waters impaired solely or
primarily from  nonpoint sources.

      As part of the Clean Water Action Plan,  EPA (in coastal areas working with
NOAA) will  increase our efforts to promote the establishment  of  authorities by
all states,  by October of 2000, needed to  assure the implementation of nonpoint
source controls to achieve water quality standards, with particular emphasis on
nutrients and other NPS pollutants of concern in  specific priority watersheds.
EPA will publish guidance -describing existing  and potential models of enforceable
authority related to polluted  runoff and will assist states  in this effort.  As
part  of this increased effort,  EPA will  work with  states  on upgrading their
polluted  runoff programs  to  'better ensure  NFS  implementation;  and,  EPA (in
concert  with NOAA)  will work to  ensure that all  states have developed fully-
approvable  programs to reduce polluted  runoff in  coastal areas.

      Achieving the -ambitious  targets under this objective will only be possible
through a  strong continuing partnership between various parts of the National
Water  Program,  states,  municipalities,  industry,  advocacy groups,  individual
citizens, and other  federal agencies.  Programs will be increasingly implemented
on  a watershed basis in  support of the Agency's  focus  on Community Based
Environmental Protection  (CBEP).

      As part of the Clean Water Action Plan,  states will be  working with public
and private sector agencies and organizations and  citizens to  develop Watershed
Restoration Action  Strategies for watersheds most in need of attention in the
1999-2000  period.   Additional Section  319 grants will be targeted to support
implementation of priority NPS and  watershed protection activities called for in
State Watershed Restoration Strategies,  including those implementation actions
necessary to support NPS management and controls outlined in  TMDLs developed for
NPS-impaired priority waters.

      Over  the next  five to ten  years,  the  Agency will  place  much  greater
emphasis on  controlling wet weather sources  of pollution from combined  sewer
overflows (CSOs),  sanitary sewer overflows  (SSOs), and storm water and will  focus
greater  attention on  the impacts of contaminated sediment.  Nationally,  urban
runoff is a  leading cause of impairment  in  18 percent of the estuaries,  8  percent
of  lakes,   and 5  percent  of  rivers  surveyed by  states.   This  runoff  has
significant  economic  as  well  as  environmental impacts.   Implementing  cost-
effective 'wet weather programs will pose new challenges for  EPA,  states,  cities,
and industry — both technologically and financially.  However,  by having  these
programs in  place,  we will be able to implement basic wet weather water pollution
controls for all major point sources and will  achieve a major milestone  for the
National Water Program.  By the end of 1999, the Agency expects to publish  final
regulations  to control  storm water from small municipalities and  commercial
sources,  to  have  all  950 CSO  communities   covered  by  NPDES  permits  and
implementing controls based on EPA's CSO policy, and to issue an SSO  policy and
modification  of the NPDES  regulations to clarify  reporting requirements  and
prohibition on  SSO discharges.

      In support  of the Clean Water Action Plan, EPA will place emphasis  on
updating regulatory programs related  to  animal waste management  in order  to
reduce  environmental  and  public  health problems  caused by  animal  feeding
operations  (AFOs)..  Agricultural practices  in the United States are estimated to
contribute to the  impairment of over 25 percent of the Nation's  surveyed rivers
and streams; 19 percent of the Nation's surveyed lakes, ponds,  and  reservoirs;
and 10 percent of  the Nation's surveyed estuaries.  Intensive animal  operations
alone, not including the potential runoff from  farms using manure as  fertilizer,
are estimated to adversely impact 20 percent of waters impaired  by agricultural
practices.    The  Agency is developing a multi-year strategy to address how it
will  minimize  environmental and  public health impacts from AFOs over the next
decade  and  beyond. By the end of 1999, the Agency expects to  have  in  place a
national inventory of AFOs with estimates of pollutant loadings.   The  Agency also
plans to analyze the number of  AFOs which  are currently permitted by  EPA and
states  and  the  extent  to which  those  permits  include  manure   management

      EPA will  work towards delivering decision support tools and alternative,
less  costly wet  weather  flow  control  technologies for  use by local decision
makers involved in community-based watershed management.  Wet weather  flow  (WWF)
discharges pose significant risk to both human  health and downstream  ecosystems.
These discharges  have  the potential to result in widespread,   short-term high
exposures to Infectious agents which can result in gastrointestinal  illness and
even  death.      In  addition,  there  is  an   increase  in  chronic,   long-term
contamination  of  sediments and  the aquatic food  chain  through the  release  of
persistent,  bioaccumulative  toxic  agents.    Effective  watershed  management
strategies  and guidance for WWF dischargers  is one  of  the key priority  areas
remaining to assure clean water  and safe  drinking water.

      Wet weather flow research  will develop  diagnostic tools  to evaluate the
exposures to toxic constituents  of Wet Weather Flows, and  develop and validate
effective watershed management  strategies for controlling Wet Weather Flows,
especially during  high volume and  toxic Wet Weather Flows.  This research will
also  develop and  provide  effective beach evaluation tools necessary  to make
timely and informed decisions on beach advisories and closures.

      The Beaches  Environmental Assessment, closure and Health  (BEACH) research
program will develop and provide the tools  necessary to make timely and informed
decisions on beach advisories and  closures, develop models that can be  used to
predict when beach closures  or warnings are needed, and develop  faster,  cheaper
test  methods and  indicators for  detection and measurement of human  pathogenic


microbes.  These  efforts will complement work being done under Objective 1  of. the
Clean  and  Safe  Water Goal  to  ensure that  exposure  to microbial  and  other
contaminants  at  beaches  is reduced and waters support designated  recreational

      EPA  provides  financial assistance  through the  CWSRF program for  the
construction of wastewater  treatment facilities and implementation  of   nonpoint
source  and estuarine .management plans.     The Agency also provides  technical
assistance through  staff and through other networks and outside associations that
.come together to support community needs.   These efforts  include dissemination
of information on wastewater technologies,  enhancement of community  awareness of
financing  programs,  assistance with program development  activities,  and,  with
Office  o.f  Research  and  Development   (ORD)  support,   the establishment  of  a
technology testing  center.  Federal capitalization funds are a critical  component
of financing for  point and  nonpoint source programs aimed  at  reducing  pollutant
discharge  levels.     In   1999,   the  Agency  is  requesting  $1,075,000,000  in
capitalization grants to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.   Combined with the
Drinking Water SRF  1999  funding (discussed in Objective 1  of  this  Goal)  and
outyear capitalization, this level enables both SRFs to meet the Administration' s
long-term  goals  for providing $2.5 billion per  year  in  funding assistance to
needy communities.  The CWSRF is expected to provide about  $2 billion of this
amount.   Also in  1999, the  Agency expects that 50 percent of state CWSRF programs
will meet  or exceed threshold  measures for the  appropriate pace of program
implementation  including  loan   issuance,   construction  progress,   and  loan
repayments,  in addition to the CWSRF program, the Water program is responsible
for managing  Water Quality Cooperative Agreements and the section 106  grants
program which directly support  efforts to  reduce point  source loadings.  The
Agency continues  to manage  the construction grants close-out process and expects
by the  end of 199:9 to have closed-out  all but 175 projects.

      As part of the Clean Water Action plan, the Agency will place special
emphasis on activities which will allow  us to meet  the  goal of restoring and
protecting America's  water  resources.    These will include  a multi-pronged  effort
to address sources  of nutrients and pathogens from animal  feeding operations; a
mining initiative which will provide a  comprehensive and consistent approach to
restoring abandoned resources extraction sites; an effort to establish management
programs for rural  or suburban on-site wastewater treatment systems; and work on
outreach and data collection for a proposed revision to  the NPDES regulations to
remove  or  modify  the  current  exemption of forest  roads  from NPDES program
requirements.    Other  high  priority  activities  during  1999 will include
implementation of  the pulp and paper rule;  development of proposed regulations
for  cooling  water  .intakes   (rules  currently  subject  to  court order);  a
revitalization of  the Whole Effluent Toxicity program;  and  support of special
.activities for Tribes  such as training in water quality  monitoring and  direct
implementation assistance  for  the NPDES program.

      Control of atmospheric deposition of pollutants is important because it is
a significant source of nonpoint pollution, and traditional land-based water
pollution  controls alone .may not be sufficient to meet the water quality goals
for some watersheds.  As part of the Clean Water Action  Plan,  EPA will  work with
other Federal,  State, and local agencies to better quantify the risks associated
with atmospheric  deposition of  nitrogen compounds and other pollutants to water
bodies.  EPA will  also work with .States and Tribes to  use both  Clean  Water Act
and Clean Air Act authorities to reduce air deposition of nitrogen compounds and
other pollutants  adversely  affecting water quality..  To address  air deposition,
the Agency has established a cross-media  team to plan  and implement strategies
to reduce  air deposition.  As  a result,  water quality protection has taken a
prominent  place in  regulatory  development  under the  Clean Air  Act, in air


research-,  and  in  the  focus  of partnerships  with  local  communities.   Air
deposition is being addressed Agency wide as an ecosystem problem with  health,
environmental,  and economic impacts.   Increased transportation demands associated
with urban sprawl  and  other land  development may increase air deposition loads.
In  1999,  the  Agency  will further  clarify the mechanisms  of  and  risks  from
airborne  sources  of  -persistent  bioaccuinulative toxics, nutrients, and  other
pollutants and link this cross-media effort with existing mercury and toxaphene
source  reduction  programs from  the Great Lakes and other Great Water  Bodies.
Activities will also include issuance of reports on the effects of air deposition
of mercury on aquatic  ecosystems and on air deposition of nitrogen to watersheds
and estuarine systems, along with the  initiation of coordinated studies of air
deposition  to  near shore ocean waters and  air deposition  contributions  to
drinking water  contamination.  Resources will also be devoted to incorporating
air deposition in  existing geographically-based models that states and tribes use
to develop TMDLs  and  calculate permit  limits.  Within this objective, $831,400
is requested for  air  deposition  activities.

      The Agency, through Office of General Counsel activities, supports  this
objective  through legal  counseling  and advocacy.   This may  include  advice,
participation  in  the  development of Agency actions,  document  review,   and the
conduct of defensive  litigation.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

             	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted 1999 Pres Bud

 Obj. 03    Reduce Loadings and Air  $1,469,856.6  $1,893,074.1  $1,486,519.5

      Environmental Program &          $113,023.8    $116,170.9     $127,453.8

      Science and Technology             $3,832.8      $4,278.2   '   $6,065.7

      State and Tribal Assistance    $1,353,000.0  $1,772,625,0  $1,353,000.0

    Total FTE                               847.8         859.8          885.7
1999 Annual PerformanceGoals

•    Another 3.4 million people will receive the benefits of  secondary treatment
     of wastewater,  for a total of  183 million.

«    More than 220 communities will have local watersheds improved by control  on
     combined sewer  overflows and storm water  (base  of zero).

*    All  of the current permits for  the  950 CSO communities will  be based  on
     EPA's  1994  CSO  policy.

•    All  storm water sources associated with industrial activity,  construction
     sites  over  5  acres, and designated storm  water  sources will be covered  by
     current NPDES permits.

•    -90% of major point  sources  discharging toxics will be covered by current
     NPDES permits.

•     An assessment of necessary elements of a comprehensive general permit will
     be developed to  aid Regions and states to  issue  permits to concentrated
     animal feeding operations.

•     30 states  are  funding  nonpoi.nt source and estuary projects  with  their

*     25 states  are  using  integrated priority setting systems to  make  CWSRF
     funding decisions.

•     Initiate operations at a total of 5000 CWSRF projects.

•     38 states meet or  exceed "pace of the program" measures for loan issuance,
     pace of construction, and use of repayments, in the CWSRF program.

*     All states and Puerto Rico conduct separate annual audits of their CWSRFs
     and utilize fund management principles

•     30 Colonias projects will have been completed or under construction.

•     All but  175 of the  remaining construction grants  projects will be closed

•     50% of biosolids are beneficially reused.

•     Take final action on two and propose one  effluent guidelines limitations
     for industrial categories that contribute  significantly to  pollution of
     surface waters.

•    ' 20% of pretreatment facilities audited per year.

•     Development of  a national  inventory  of AFOs and  estimates  of pollutant

•     Quantify the number of AFOs which are  currently permitted by EPA and states
     and the extent the permits include manure management requirements.

•     In support of the  Clean Water Action Plan,  10   additional  States will
     upgrade their nonpoint source programs  to ensure that they are implementing
     dynamic  and  effective  nonpoint source programs  that are  designated to
     achieve and maintain beneficial uses of water.

•     Issue  a  report  on  the  use  of atmospheric  and  bioaccumulation models to
     assess extent of air deposition in estuaries  and .effectiveness of potential

»     By FY 2003, deliver support tools,  such as  watershed models, enabling water
     resource planners to select consistent, appropriate watershed management
     solutions  and   alternative,   less  costly   wet   weather  flow  control

*     Initiate research into beach contamination from pathogens.

     A key  goal  for  the  National Water Program  in  1999 is  to have all of the
current NPDES permits for the 950 combined sewer overflow"  (CSO) communities be
based on EPA's 1994 Combined Sewer Overflow Policy.  The 1994 Policy addresses


a  significant water  pollution and public  health threat  in a flexible,  cost
effective manner that provides  for local discretion and negotiated,  site-specific
approaches  leading to loading reductions and the  achievement  of  water quality
standards-.  CSOs contribute to  shellfish bed closures, beach closures,  aesthetic
problems, and impairment  of designated uses.  Another key goal  for the National
Water  Program in  1999 is to  have  local watersheds in more than 220 communities
improved by controls  on CSOs  and storm water.   Controlling  CSOs  will  reduce
pathogens,, biological oxygen  demand (BOD),  total  suspended solids (TSS), and will
contribute  to the  overall  reduction  in  pollutant loadings.    The  Policy  is
implemented through  NPDES permit issuance,  which is  reflected by the  Annual
Performance Goal.

     Another 1999 program performance goal  is that all storm water  sources
associated  with industrial  activity,  construction sites over  five acres,  and
other  designated  storm water sources  will be  covered 'by current NPDES permits.
Urban  runoff, mostly comprised  of  storm water, has been  identified by  states  as
the source of water quality impairment in 46 percent of  estuaries,  19 percent  of
lakes, and 12 percent of  rivers assessed by  states.  By  assuring that  all storm
water  sources  are covered by credible,  effective NPDES  permits, EPA starts the
process by which facilities prevent pollutants from being introduced into storm
water, and  thus reduces  the  overall pollutant loading  to surface  waters.

     The Agency has also  established a performance goal  that 90  percent of major
point  sources  discharging toxics  will be  covered by current NPDES permits.  By
assuring  that  NPDES  permits  fully implement controls on toxics required  by new
pretreatment standards, effluent guidelines and water quality  standards, EPA will
ensure that facilities reduce  the overall pollutant loading to surface waters.

     Another key  program performance goal is that the  necessary  elements of a
comprehensive  general permit will be developed to aid  EPA and states to issue
permits  to  concentrated animal .feeding  .operations.    States   have identified
agriculture as a leading source  of  impairment  in 25 percent  of  rivers  and  19
percent   of lakes  assessed,  and have further  identified  intensive  animal
operations  as the  cause of 2.0 percent of the  impairment.    By  assuring that
concentrated  (mostly  large)  animal  feeding operations (AFOs) are covered  by
credible,   effective  NPDES  permits,   EPA  accelerates   the  process  'by  which
facilities reduce  the overall pollutant loading to surface waters.  EPA and state
experience show that general  permits provide the greatest scope of coverage for
concentrated animal feeding operations, and thus  developing a model comprehensive
general  permit will  facilitate EPA  and state  issuance of a  permit  for -these
sources.  In support of these efforts, the Agency will be developing an  inventory
of AFOs, preparing estimates  of pollutant  loadings from AFOs, and  analyzing the
AFO inventory to  determine  which feeding  operations  are  currently covered  by
permits  and the extent to which permits specifically address manure management

     One  of EPA's 1999 goals  is to ensure another 3.4 million people will receive
the benefits  of secondary treatment  of wastewater, for  a total of 183 million.
•Additional  program  performance  goals  address  the Clean Water SRF  program's
ability  to  address a  state's  highest environmental  priorities on  a  watershed
basis.  The Clean  Water Act requires states to  establish  priority systems for the
use of their CWSRF funds, but provides them broad discretion in the priority of
making loans.  Historically,  most  states have  used their CWSRF  funds to support
the construction  of municipal  wastewater facilities.   In 1997, the Agency,  in
close  cooperation  with the  states,  developed  a  funding  framework  which
encourages  the States to integrate  priority setting for municipal wastewater
treatment,  nonpoint  source management plans,  and estuarine management plans on
a state-wide or watershed basis.  The program has established a  1999 performance
goal that 25  states  will .be  using fully integrated priority setting processing


to align their funding decisions with  their  highest priority needs and that 30
States are funding nonpoint source  and estuary projects  as  well as traditional
municipal wastewater treatment  facilities„

     In the last few years, the Agency has established indicators to measure the
pace of the Clean Water SRF program and encouraged the states to exceed threshold
levels  of  loan issuance, construction,  and the  use of  repayments.   The  1999
performance goal  is that  38 states will meet  or exceed these threshold measures
for loan issuance, construction progress,  and use of loan repayments.

     Through June 30, 1997, over $24 billion in  CWSRF assistance has been made
available for CWSRF  loans.  By the end  of .1999, EPA expects  that 5,000 projects
funded with CWSRF loans  will be in  operation and achieving  their environmental

     EPA has encouraged all states to conduct more detailed audits than required
by the Single Audit Act.  These audits would include reviews of internal controls
of CWSRFs.   EPA's goal is that all States will conduct such audits by the end of

     Another performance  goal for the National Water Program  in 1999 will be the
construction  of  wastewater  projects  in  disadvantaged  communities,  called
colonias, on the  U.S. side of the U.S./Mexico border.   By  achieving the 1999 goal
of 30 projects completed  or under construction, the program will assist colonias
to  achieve   basic   sanitation  needs,  reducing   occurrences   of  hepatitis,
gastrointestinal  illnesses, and  other diseases.   Projects underway will provide
benefits to more than 282,000 people who have been living  in the U.S. without
modern wastewater facilities.

     EPA will also  continue to manage the timely and effective completion of the
construction  grants program  to  ensure that its high  standards  of fiduciary
responsibility are maintained with a goal  of  closing out  all but  175 grants .by
the end of 1999.  This program was largely responsible for  the past advances made
in effective pollution control.

     The beneficial  reuse of biosolids  will  continue as a program priority. For
1999,  the program has established a  performance goal that 50% of biosolids will
be  beneficially reused.   Efforts  in  this  area will lead  to a  reduction in
pollutant  discharges by effectively managing  the residuals  of  the wastewater
treatment process and ensuring  that a  valuable resource  is  used effectively.

     With  respect  to  evaluating  stream  system  indicator methods,  exposure
research will be done to  develop diagnostic tools  to characterize the key sources
and stressors in multi-stressed  ecosystems.  This  research will use the data from
a variety of biological and biochemical indicators to fully realize their source
diagnostic  potential.    This  research  will  also  develop source  and  stressor
signatures  using biological stream measurements, including fish and invertebrate
assemblage,  biological markers,  aquatic toxicity  data, and habitat information.
Exposure research will also be  done to develop and provide  the tools necessary
to make timely and informed decisions on beach advisories  and closures.  EPA will
develop models that can  be used to  predict when  beach closures or warnings are
needed.   EPA will  develop  faster, cheaper test  methods  and  indicators for
detection  and measurement of  human pathogenic  microbes, as there  is growing
evidence of the risk of infectious diseases resulting from exposure to microbes
in recreational  waters.

     With respect to improved watershed management and controls,  risk management
research will be done to  develop and validate -effective, less costly technologies
and approaches to treat high volume and toxic Wet  Weather  Flow (WWF) discharges.


     The focus of this program is to develop alternative, less costly WWF control
technologies  for  use  by  local  decision  makers involved  in community-based
watershed management and pollution control.  Risk management research will also
be done  to  develop and  validate  effective watershed management strategies and
guidance  for  communities to select the most  appropriate  subset from these  to
match  specific  watershed WWF  management needs.   This research  will  involve
development  of decision support tools to evaluate and verify improved watershed
management  strategies.   A  truly holistic watershed management approach will
include  practical  interaction  with   flood  and  erosion  control,   reuse  and
reclamation  techniques, and infrastructure  demands while protecting  the watershed
environment including  source waters.   A  major  public  health emphasis will  be
placed on WWF  management needs.   This program is  designed to promote  "community^
based" decisions  by developing decision support tools and alternative  WWF  control
technologies  and  strategies  for  use by  local decision makers  involved  in
community-based watershed management and pollution control.

     EPA's  research  program  will invest  in  a  stream  of  highly trained,
postdoctoral  scientists  who can  apply  current  state-of-the^-science  to  EPA
research issues.   This investment will  introduce  highly educated, energetic, and
innovative  researchers  to  EPA.    Postdoctoral  students  would work  in EPA's
National  Laboratories  and Centers.   These students would  make a  significant
contribution to strengthening EPA's in-house research program.

     Another  performance  goal  under this  objective  assures that effluent
guidelines limitations will continue to be developed and  promulgated for major
industrial categories.  As states and municipalities implement  these guidelines
through   NPDES  permits,  further reductions  in pollutant  loadings  will  be
realized.   The  Agency estimates  that in 1999,  the promulgation  .of the final
guidelines for the Centralized Waste Treatment  industry will result in an annual
reduction of 85 million pounds of toxic and conventional  pollutants from these
industrial discharges.  The promulgation of the  final guidelines for Industrial
Laundries will result in an annual reduction of 27 million pounds of toxic and
nonconventional pollutants.  The Agency will  support the Clean Water  Action Plan
goal  of reducing  nutrient  over  enrichment by  developing effluent guidelines
limitations  for animal feeding operations.  A proposed rule is  expected  in late
1999.  Further, the Agency will support existing technology-based standards  by
providing implementation guidance documents  and supporting appropriate legal
defense in instances where the guidelines are challenged.

     Working with the states to upgrade their nonpoint source programs to reflect
the  nine key elements  of the Agency's  1997  guidance  is a  key  component  in
achieving the objective  of  reducing sediment  and nutrient loads.    Some of the
elements in the guidance are: establishing explicit short and  long-term goals,
developing  objectives  and strategies  to protect  surface and  ground water,
developing  strong  working  partnerships  and  collaboration  with  appropriate
stakeholders,  maintaining a balanced approach that emphasizes statewide nonpoint
source  programs  and on-the-ground management  of individual  watersheds where
waters  are  impaired or  threatened,  identifying waters and watersheds that are
impaired or threatened by nonpoint source  pollution  and  a process to  address
these waters,  and developing a feedback loop whereby the state reviews,  evaluates
and revises its nonpoint source program at least every five years.

     In  the area of air  deposition,  the Agency has  committed to  producing a
report on its  assessment of atmospheric deposition to estuaries based on modeling
efforts.  The  report will provide crucial  data .regarding the effects  of airborne
mercury  on  aquatic ecosystems.  A  better understanding  of these effects will
increase the capacity of all stakeholders  to protect aquatic ecosystems  from the

effects  of  air-deposited mercury and  other  pollutants,   and will  support
attainment of reduction goals for airborne persistent toxics and nitrogen.

     The Annual  Performance Goals describe a  suite of program activities focused
on  gaining  control of  the  most  significant  remaining point  source problems
including wet  weather sources  (storm  water,  CSOs, and SSOs),  animal feeding
operations,  and mining activities.  Successful completion of the goals will add
controls that will result in great progress towards meeting the objective of a
20% reduction in point ajid nonpoint source loadings by the target date of 2005,

     Many of the environmental  benefits resulting from achieving  the Annual
Performance  Goals  will not be  fully realized  until  2005.   New  controls are
implemented  in NPDES permits as the permits expire, and this occurs over a five
year cycle.   Facilities  require time  to install  new  treatment technology or
revise their manufacturing process in order to comply with the new controls in
the permits.  Typically, facilities require  at least three years  to comply,
although with wet weather sources this may take up 'to 15 years.   Thus,  completion
of  the  Annual  Performance Goals will  not  always result in immediate annual
loading reductions, but will accelerate  the process that, over the following five
years,  will  help  achieve the desired 20  percent  reduction  goal for point and
nonpoint sources.

1998 Annual	Performance goals

•    80% of  the current permits -for the 950  CS.O  communities will be based on
     EPA's 1994 CSO policy.

»    All 854 phase I communities will be covered by current NPDES permits.

•    A targeting approach will be developed to aid Regions and States identify
     animal feeding operations that alone or in combination with other feeding
     operations pose .a substantial threat to water quality.

*    18  states  are funding  nonpoint  source  and  estuary projects  with their

*    10  states  are using  integrated priority  setting systems to  make CWSRF
     funding decisions

•    Initiate operations at a total of 4000 CWSRF projects

•    30 states meet or exceed "pace of the program" measures for loan issuance,
     pace of construction, and use of repayments,  in the SRF program.

* •   40  states and Puerto Rico  conduct separate annual audits  of their CWSRFs
     and utilize .fund management principles

•    20 Colonias projects will have been completed or under construction.

*    All but 322 of the  .remaining construction grants projects will be closed

-•    Take final action on two and propose five effluent guidelines limitations
     for  industrial  categories that contribute significantly to pollution of
     surface waters.

•    20% of pretreatment facilities audited per year.


     5 States upgrade their NFS programs to reflect the nine key elements from
     the 1996 EPA-ASIWPCA NFS Guidance.  (Base of zero)

     29 States/territories  with approved or conditionally  approved CKARA NFS
     programs. (Base of zero)

     Evaluate effects of air deposition on estuaries.

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	Dollars	FTE	

 03 Obj.   Total Change                          $(406,554.6)          25.9

       Environmental Program & Management           $11,282.9          23.3

       Science and Technology                        $1,787.5           2.6

       State and Tribal Assistance Grants         $(419,625.0)
      (+$95,000,000  STAG)  to nearly double  nonpoint source grants  under the
      Clean Water  Action Plan.   Additional  funds will  be  targeted to support
      implementation  of priority NPS and watershed protection activities called
      for in State Watershed Restoration Action Strategies.

      (+$2,000,000  STAG) for  a grant  to New  Orleans,  Louisiana  to support
      planning,  design, construction,  and other activities related to the unique
      storm water problems in the city's sewer system.

      (-$275,000,000, STAG)   for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund  (CWSRF).
      The President's Budget request supports the  Administration's long term
      goal for annual financial assistance.

      (-$50,000,000 STAG) from the Colonias program to reflect the completion of
      the Administration's commitment to this effort.   The colonias are still
      eligible to  receive  funding  from the  $100 .million  in Federal financial
      assistance from the U.S./Mexico border program  requested in 1999  (Goal 6) .

      (-$191,625,000  STAG) due to Congressional add-on funds received during the
      1998 appropriations  process,  but  not  included in the  1999 President's
      (+$4,000,000  EPM)  By .the  year  2000,  develop  a  model  linking Urban
      Stormwater Management Models and the Geographic Information System (GIS).
      to address threats  posed by animal feeding operations (AFOs), including
      development of a  national strategy targeted at AFOs addressing both point
      and  nonpoint  source  contributions.    1999  activities  will   include
      development of a national inventory of AFOs  and  estimates of pollutant


loadings, as well as an effort to determine the number of AFOs which are
currently covered by  permits and the extent  to  which manure management
requirements are included in those permits.

(+$4,000,000 EPM) to provide assistance to communities in reducing point
source pollution  in watershed restoration areas as part of the Clean Water
Action Plan.

(+$1,500,000 EPM)  for a mining  initiative aimed  at  characterizing and
remediating  surface .and ground water contamination resulting from mineral
extraction activities.

(+$745,000  EPM)  to  develop  effluent guidelines  limitations  of  which
$300,000 will  be for animal feeding  operations  in support  of the Clean
Water  .Action  Plan  goal  of  reducing nutrient  over enrichment  and the
impacts of polluted runoff.

(+$750,000 EPM) to assure comprehensive state implementation on nonpoint
source  controls  to achieve  water quality standards  and  development of
upgraded state polluted runoff programs.

(+$500,000  EPM)  to  support development  of regulations for cooling water
intakes  under  Clean  Water  Act  Section  316(b).   The rulemaking  will
establish requirements that  address  the location,  design, construction,
and capacity of cooling water intake structures and will reflect the best
technology  for minimizing adverse environmental impacts.  The rule is
being developed under court order.

(+$500,000  EPM)  for  implementation of the Pulp and Paper Rule.  Efforts
will  focus on  assisting permitting authorities with development of water
quality based permits for this sector.

(+$500,000 EPM) to enhance the Whole Effluent Toxicity  (WET) program.  The
investment   will  focus   on  developing   the  staff  and  laboratory
infrastructure  necessary to implement  the WET program and better integrate
program findings into the NPDES permitting program.

(+$450,000 EPM) for support to Tribes  related to water quality monitoring
and direct implementation of the NPDES program.

(+$1,646,700 and  +23.3 workyears EPM)  to  reflect a technical correction to
the distribution of Regional Management work years.

(14.6 workyears EPM) to be redirected  from Construction Grants to support
the increased workload in the Mexican  Border, Alaskan Native Villages and
needy cities programs.  The proposed  redirection will not jeopardize the
Agency's ability to achieve its 1999  performance target for construction
grant closeouts.

(+$500,000  EPM)   which will support the  establishment  of  management
programs for rural  or suburban on-site wastewater treatment systems in
accordance with the clean Water Action Plan.

(+$1,560,000 EPM) to provide cities with tools and information necessary
to develop community-based solutions  to pressing environmental problems.

(+$1,000,000   EPM)  for  the  Sustainable   Development Challenge  Grants

      (+$500,000  EPM)  for  data  collection  and  outreach to  support proposed
     revisions to remove  or modify the current exemption for forest  roads from
     NPDES requirements  as part of the Clean Water Action Plan.

      (+$500,000 EPM)  for  guidance and other tools to support implementation of
     the Storm Water Phase II regulations.

      (+$247,000  EPM)  to  promote enhanced CWSRF  fund  management at the State
     level and greater use  of CWSRFs for nonpoint  source projects in  support of
     water quality goals.

      (-$272,000  EPM)  from  the  Corps  of Engineers support of the Construction
     Grants Program which reflects progress toward the completion/close-out of
     the program.

      (-$85,000  EPM)  from  the Municipal  NPDES and  Sludge  Permit Application
     Rule.  The proposed reduction reflects promulgation of the .final rule in

      (-$42,700 EPM) from lower priority nonpoint source activities.

      (-$100,000 EPM)  from NPDES/Watershed activities which reflect  completion
     of the Biosolids streamlining rule.

      (-$11,989,000 EPM)  to reflect  Congressional add-ons received  during the
     1998 appropriations  process, but not part  of  the 1999 President's request.
      (+$1,800,000  S&T)  will be used to  fund  the new BEACH research program.,
     This  program  will enable  the Agency  to  develop and  provide  the tools
     necessary for local authorities to make timely and informed decisions o.n
     beach advisories and closures.

      (+2.3  workyears  S&T)  for  EPA's  Postdoctoral  research program.   This
     investment  will  introduce  highly  educated,  energetic,  and innovative
     researchers to EPA' s in-house research program.

      (+$29,200 S&T)  for increase to ORD S&T payroll costs to reflect increased
     workforce costs.
Key Performance Measures                   1998                 1.999

Facilities with current CSO           80% Facilities      100% Facilities

Communities with current NPDES         854 Phase I        100% Storm water

Major point sources with toxic                           90%  Point sources
loadings covered by NPDES

Completion of Animal Feeding            1 Document            1 Document
Operations documents

Inventory of Animal 'Feeding
Operations/estimate loadings

Quantify AFOs which are permitted

States funding nonpoint source
and estuary projects with CWSRFS

States using integrated priority
setting ..systems to make CWSR.F
funding decisions

Number of CWSRF projects where
operations are initiated

States meeting or exceeding CWSRF
loan, construction, and
repayments measures

States that conduct .separate
annual audits of their CWSRFs,
utilize .fund mgmt principles

Colonias projects completed/under

Number o.f Title II Construction
grants closed out

Effluent guidelines proposed or

Biosolids beneficially reused by

Pretreatment facilities audited

States that upgrade NFS programs
to reflect 9 key elements

States/territories with .approved
CZARA NFS programs

Assessment of effects of air
deposition on estuaries

Assessment of effects of mercury
air deposition.on aquatic
ecosystems, connections with
human health.

Complete needs assessment and
research plan for beach
contamination from pathogens.
Conduct peer review and publish
peer review comments on the
research plans
   18  States

   10  States

4,000 Projects

   30  States

   40  States

  2,0 Projects


   7  Rules
20% facilities

   5 states

   29 States

   1 Report
  1  Inventory

    ,1 List

  30 States

  25 States

5,000 Projects

  38 States

  51 States

  30 Projects


    3 Rules

50% Biosolids

20%  facilities

  10 States
                        1 Report

 By the year 2000, develop  a model                              9/30/00
 linking Urban Stormwater
 Management Models and the
 Geographic Information System
 (GIS) .

      Under the Clean Water Act, EPA  is  required to protect the Nation's water
.resources and achieve a goal of restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical.,
and biological integrity of the Nation's waters.   Further reducing both point and
nonpoint sources of pollution is essential  to meeting this goal.

      According  to  EPA's National  Water  Quality  Inventory  1996 Report  to
Congress, over 30 percent  of the waters assessed  in the U.S.. are top polluted to
meet their designated uses.  The report identifies urban and agricultural runoff,
storm sewers,  municipal and industrial point sources,  and contaminated sediment
.as leading sources  of impairment.  Pollutants in  coastal waters led to more than
3,600 beach closures in  1996,   Further reduction  of  point and nonpoint source
pollution and the development of an effective sediment  assessment and remediation
program are clearly needed to improve the quality of the Nation's impaired waters
and ensure that America's  citizens are protected from significant public health
risks.   In 1999, the National Water Program will focus its efforts on reducing
pollutant loadings  from some of the most pervasive sources,  including wet weather
sources, concentrated animal feeding  operations,  and mineral extraction sites.

      The deposition  of atmospheric-borne nitrogen and other pollutants, such as
mercury,  is  also a  significant   contributor   to overall  loadings  in  many
watersheds.   For example,  estimates  of the atmospheric contribution of nitrogen
for  the  CKesapeake  Bay and  Albemarle/Pamlico  Sounds  are  27%  and  44%,
respectively..   Projections  for the coming  decade  estimate that the atmosphere
will become a more  significant source of nitrogen loadings to coastal watersheds,
especially  with  the anticipated  increase  in population  and  land development
resulting in more mobile and agricultural sources and increased power generation
demands.  To achieve sustainable watersheds,  atmospheric deposition of nitrogen
must be reduced.  Building on work already conducted through the National Estuary
Program and   Great  Waters  Program,   the  Agency  will  continue  efforts  to
characterize  the threats  posed by airborne  pollutants and develop technologies
and strategies for control.

      In 1999, the Agency's nonpoint  source control  activities  will  build on
successes to date in working with communities, individuals, businesses, states,
tribes,  local  governments, and other  federal agencies to develop and implement
effective tools and programs to abate the effects of the greatest remaining water
•quality threats.   By supporting state efforts  through increased technical and
financial  assistance,  including  support for implementation  of  the  nine key
nonpoint source program elements agreed to .by E.PA and the states, the Agency will
continue the  establishment of partnerships  and  programs necessary to achieving
our long-term, load reduction target.

      Achieving the  pollutant loading reductions  called for in this objective
involves three  critical assumptions which,  if invalid, jeopardize the program's
ability  to achieve the objective.   First, states and localities are assumed to
be  able to continue'to  raise sufficient funds for  construction of 'necessary
wastewater treatment facilities, especially in newly regulated sources like storm
water  and  CSOs,  and to maintain  sufficient programmatic  funds  to continue to
effectively manage  point source programs.  In  this regard,  it is also assumed that


CWSRF  funding  will remain at  historical  levels.  Second, it is  assumed  that
individual  effluent  limitation  guidelines  will  be promulgated within  an
acceptable time frame to .be incorporated into. NPDES permits as they are issued
and renewed with sufficient time for facilities to come into compliance. Third,
it is  assumed  that states will effectively  strengthen  and implement improved
nonpoint source programs consistent with 'their commitments in this area.

      The  research in this objective  will aid local decision  makers by:  (1)
providing  new  and improved indicator methods to  describe  the  toxic inputs to
watersheds from WWFs;  (2)   developing  methods to use condition and diagnostic
ecological  indicators  to evaluate  wet weather flow  management  strategies in
preventing degradation  of water and sediments quality by contaminated runoff;
(3)  developing and  improving effective  watershed management  'Strategies  for
controlling wet weather flows—emphasizing those that are high volume and toxic;
(4)  developing and publishing methods for  diagnosing multiple  stressors in
watershed  ecosystems;   (5)  providing evaluation  of publicly  available water
quality simulation models to improve their capability in predicting  and  analyzing
characteristics,  impacts,  and control  technologies for wet weather flows in  a
watershed;  (6)  comparing risk associated with  various treatment scenarios; and(7)
providing  effective  tools  to  make timely  and informed  decisions  on beach
advisories  and closures following  wet  weather flow events into  public beach
      Achieving this objective will have a  significant impact on the achievement
of the other two National Water Program objectives.  All of the objectives  are
closely interrelated and rely on effective point and nonpoint source programs to
help  EPA and 'states ensure  that  watersheds meet  designated uses and healthy
aquatic  communities are  in place.   Similarly,  effective' point source controls
that incorporate the latest technological and  scientific knowledge  are  essential
to ensure that  effective drinking water treatment can occur. Effective nonpoint
source programs are also critical to the implementation of effective source water

Key Performance Measures Verification

      Performance  data related to NPDES permits will be tracked largely through
the  Agency's  Permit  Compliance System  (PCS) database which is managed by  the
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance  (OECA) .  Data entered  into this
system by  the Regions and states  is subjected  to data  entry  QA procedures to
verify that the information is consistent with facility-provided  information.  The
system includes additional QA features related to discharge data.  Performance
data  on  CWSRF management 'Will  be compiled  by  EPA's  Regional  offices through
interaction with the states.

      The  Agency's progress toward the goal of  clean  and safe  water  can be
measured .in part by the extent to which point source and nonpoint source  .(NPS)
pollutants  are  discharged into the Nation's  waters.  Our longer-term measurement
of NPS  discharges will  involve analyses  of current versus  baseline loading
estimates  conducted  by  the  U.S..  Geological  Survey and  the Department of
Agriculture.   Since states are the primary implementers  of NPS  programs  and
policies, the  extent to which states have upgraded their nonpoint source programs
to reflect  recent guidance will serve  as  an effective surrogate  for  measuring
progress toward  our NPS  reduction targets.   State program upgrades will be
measured by evaluating each  state's, explicit short- and  long-term goals  and
objectives and their associated indicators that demonstrate progress.

      Data on the promulgation of  effluent guidelines and support for existing
technology based  standards is collected through internal tracking processes in

the Agency  organizations  where the work is performed (no outside reporting is
involved for these measures).

      EPA has several strategies to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of  environmental science and research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment and risk 'management
as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews  to both evaluate the status and accomplishments  of  its research and
determine  planning  priorities.    To better  draw upon  the  expertise  of the
environmental  academic community, EPA created the  Science to Achieve Results
(STAR) program  of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants; the Agency is
also  working   with   the   National  Research  Council  to  identify  emerging
environmental issues  for  which we must begin  planning the necessary research.

      Chief  among  the  Agency's  validation and  verification mechanisms  is a
rigorous  peer  review  process.    In  a  July 1997  memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states  that  peer review will be expanded "to include  both the major
work products provided  in the past and...all  scientific and technical products
supporting Agency decisions..."   This expanded and strengthened focus on peer
review will help ensure that the performance  measures listed here are verified
and  validated  by  external organizations.    The  Agency utilizes  peer review
throughout the  research  planning and implementation process, both to ensure that
planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and
to assess  the  quality of scientific  research plans,  products,  and proposals.
This is accomplished  through the use of independent entities such as the Science
Advisory Board  (SAB)and the  Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC).  The BOSC,
established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, will even examine the way
the Agency uses peer review,  as well as  the management  of  its research and
development laboratories.

      EPA's external  research -program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for funding through grants or  cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests  for Applications (RFAs.)  under  the  STAR program  are often developed
jointly with outside  partners such as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA .has developed  a  mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The  Agency's  Management  Information  System  (OMIS)   will  be  another
accountability  tool  used  to  verify and validate performance measures.   The
recently  developed  GPRA  structure  will be  incorporated into OMIS  to ensure
consistent  maintenance  and  reporting,   resulting  in  greater  accuracy  and
consistency of  information to users.

Statutory Authority

Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f-300j-26)

[Other related  authorities, directives, obligations:  TSCA sections 4 and 6  (15
U.S.C. 2603 and 2605)]

Goal 3: Safe Food

Goal 3: Safe Food	  .  .111-1
      Reduce Agricultural Pesticides Risk  .....  	  III-4
      Reduce Use .on Food o.f Pesticides Not Meeting Standards	Ill—9

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Flan Request to Congress

                                   Safe  Food
Strategic Goal:   The foods Americans  eat will be free  from unsafe pesticide
residues.  Children especially will be protected from the health threats posed
by pesticide residues,  because they are among the most vulnerable groups in our

                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
Safe Food
Obj . 01
Reduce Agricultural
      Pesticides Risk

 Obj.  02    Reduce Use on Food of       $36,812.6     .$36,808.0     $38,626.2
      Pesticides Not Meeting

   Goal Total FTE:  Safe Food               687.2         681.0         682.3
     The abundance, affordability, and wholesomeness  of  America's food supply
depend  in part  upon  the  safe use  of  pesticides  during  food  production,
processing,  storage,  and transportation.   Before  any  pesticide can  be  used
legally,  the law  requires  EPA  to conclude  that  its  use will  not  lead  to
unreasonable adverse effects,  and that any food residues  resulting from its use
are reasonably certain to cause no harm.   EPA recognizes that older pesticides
with approved food uses  may sometimes lead to residues  which  could result in
adverse health effects.   EPA's priority is to minimize dietary exposure to these
potentially toxic pesticides, especially to children, by screening the pesticides
through  the  regulatory  processes  of  registration  and  reregistration/special
review,  thereby  eliminating those pesticides that  present a  danger  to human
health  and the  environment.  The  Food  Quality Protection Act  (FQPA)  of  1996
mandated a more stringent health standard for EPA's  pesticide reviews.  Through
these processes,  pesticides  found to be harmful will be removed from the market
or restricted in their use to ensure the continued safety of our food supply.

     The 1999 President's Budget provides  $63,552,400 and 682.3 workyears for the
Safe Food goal, an  increase  of $7,093,100 and 1.3  workyears over 1998.  EPA will
continue to focus its efforts on implementing FQPA,  which amends both of EPA's
principal pesticide regulatory authorities,  the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act  (FFDCA) .
In  1999,  the implementation of  FQPA  will continue  to  be- a priority  for the
Agency, with significant efforts going toward tolerance reassessments, periodic


reconsideration of  food-use  registrations,  effective management of  minor use
pesticides, and expedited  registration of reduced-risk pesticides.   EPA will
ensure that newly registered agricultural  pesticides  meet the  current,  more
stringent standards mandated in FQPA to ensure reasonable certainty of no harm
to human health and the environment.   Implementation of FQPA  is essential to
reducing dietary exposure to  potentially toxic pesticides by subjecting them to
the new,  more stringent health standard.

     The resources requested for the Safe Food goal  will  enable  the Agency to
meet a number  of  important performance goals.   The  most  significant of these
     Decrease adverse  risk  from agricultural pesticides from 1995  levels and
     assure that new pesticides that enter  the  market  are  safe  for humans and
     the environment  through such actions  as registering 17 safer pesticide
     chemicals and biopesticides, issuing 95 new tolerances  and approving 95 new
     pesticide uses.

     Under pesticide reregistration, EPA will reassess 19% of the existing 9,700
     tolerances  (cumulative 33%)  for pesticide  food  uses  to  meet the  new
     statutory standard of "reasonable certainty of no harm."

Reduce Agricultural Pesticides Risk

     The 1999  President's  Budget requests $24,926,200 and  282.7  workyears to
ensure that the risk from agricultural use of pesticides will be reduced.  FIFRA
and FFDCA authorize EPA to set terms and conditions of pesticide registration,
marketing  and use.   EPA  will use  these authorities  to  reduce  the  use of
pesticides with the highest potential to cause adverse effects, including those
which pose particular risks to children.   Under EPA's Registration program, new
food/feed-use pesticides are registered after extensive review  and evaluation of
human health  and ecosystem data.   The Registration program  includes special
registration activities,  tolerance setting, and permits for use  of pesticides for
emergency  situations,  and  experimental  use. In 1999, EPA will  continue to
emphasize  addressing children's  special  sensitivities  through  registration

     In  1999,  the Agency  will  decrease  the adverse  risk from  agricultural
pesticides from 1995 levels through the regulatory review and approval of safer
pesticides  (including new biopesticides} .   The registration  of safer pesticides
will increase the availability of safer alternatives to the  consumer, resulting
in a  reduction in the use of high  risk  pesticides.   Under  the  Reduced Risk
Initiative, which began in 1993, EPA will continue to provide expedited review
of pesticides which meet the criteria of  reduced  risk i.e.,  reduce the level of
acute toxicity, reduce exposure to humans  or non target organisms, and reduce the
environmental  burden.   These  expedited  pesticide review actions  provide the
incentive to industry to develop, register,  and use lower risk pesticide products

that result in reduced risk to human health and the environment when compared to
existing alternatives.

Reduce Use of Pesticides on Food Not Meeting Current Standards

     The 1999  President's Budget requests $38,626,200 and  399.6  workyears to
ensure that use on food of current pesticides that do not meet the new statutory
standard of "reasonable certainty of  no harm" will be substantially eliminated.
Implementation of FQPA is essential  to reducing dietary  exposure  to potential
toxic pesticides by subjecting them to the new,  more stringent health standard.
This new standard requires the Agency to revise its risk-assessment practices to
ensure  adequate protection  of  the  health  of  children  and other  vulnerable
subpopulations and to  reconsider some  9,700  tolerances for specific pesticide
residues approved before the passage of  FQPA.  To  meet  this  requirement,  the
Agency will complete approximately 1,850  tolerance reassessments in 1999.

     In 1999,  EPA will  continue to work on the following additional requirements
mandated by FQPA: (1)  develop a new program to reconsider registered pesticides
on a 15-year cycle, bringing them into compliance with contemporary standards;
(2) provide a  special  emphasis on management  of minor use pesticides;  and (3)
expedite registration  of reduced risk pesticides.

     In 1999,  through  the Reregistration  program,  the Agency  will continue to
regulate pesticides approved for food use, with particular emphasis  on those that
have  been  classified  as potential  human  carcinogens  or  neurotoxins.    The
reregistration process for pesticides registered prior to November 1984 is  in its
final phase which is the issuance  of Reregistration Eligibility Decisions {REDs)  .
The  issuance of a RED summarizes the findings of the reregistration review of
the chemical after examining  its  health and environmental  effects.  In 1999, EPA
will complete approximately 1,000 product  reregistrations, and 42 REDs for active
ingredients subject to reregistration.

Pesticide User Fees

EPA is proposing appropriations language to reinstate pesticide registration fees
to collect $16,000,000 in 1999.  The fee applies to pesticide manufacturers to
recover the  costs of  EPA's  review of  registration applications.   The Agency
continues to collect Tolerance and Maintenance Fees at $18,000,000 a year.  In
1999, EPA will promulgate the needed  rules to increase tolerance fees to ensure
that the tolerance setting process will be as self-supporting as possible.  EPA
expects these rules to take effect in 2000.

                       Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                                   Safe  Food

Objective #1: Reduce Agricultural Pesticides Risk

     By 2005, the risk  from agricultural use of pesticides will be reduced by 50
percent from 1995 levels,


     A large number of pesticides currently on the market with approved food uses
have been  classified as  potential human carcinogens,  neurotoxins,  endocrine
disrupters,  have  other developmental effects,  or present  risks to  children.
These pesticides  present potentially significant health  concerns  and require
action to minimize dietary exposure.

     Protecting  public health  and the  environment  from  the risks posed by
pesticides is  challenging and complex*   Pesticides,   inherently, are  risky to
humans or the environment because, by design,  they are biologically active and
have a detrimental effect on living organisms.  At the same time, pesticides are
beneficial to society because of their ability to kill potential disease-causing
organisms,  and to control insects,  weeds,  and  other pests.   Our challenge is to
allow the use of pesticides to increase production, without risking human health
or the quality of the environment.

     The Federal  Insecticide,  Fungicide,  and Rodenticide  Act (FIFRA)  and the
Federal Food,  Drug,  and Cosmetic  Act  (FFDCA)  authorize EPA  to set  terms and
conditions  of pesticide  registration,  marketing  and use.    The Food Quality
Protection Act  (FQPA)  of 1996 dramatically strengthened  both FIFRA  and FFDCA
requiring a new,  more stringent safety standard for pesticides  used on food with
special emphasis on protecting infants and children.   The  Agency will use these
authorities to reduce the use of pesticides with the highest potential to cause
adverse effects,  including those which pose particular risks to children.  Under
the  Registration Program, new  food/feed-use  pesticides  are  registered after
extensive  review and  evaluation  of health  data by  the Agency.   A  key new
component of the registration program is to identify and streamline the process
for bringing  safer pesticides onto the  market faster  to replace older riskier
products.  Existing food/feed use registrations are amended to add new uses and
new formulations.  The Registration Program also includes special registration
activities, tolerance setting, and permits for use of pesticides for emergency
situations, and experimental use.

     The FIFRA '88 Amendments also require the Agency to  review and reregister
all pesticides that were registered before November 1984.  The Agency has made
substantial progress in  implementing FIFRA '88 and met several statutorily set
deadlines/   such  as  listing  active  ingredients  (Lists  A-D), processing of
registrants'  declarations of  intent  to  pursue reregistration, and issuance of


guidelines  for determining  the  adequacy .of  previously  conducted  scientific
studies  on pesticides.   As  of  August  1997,  155  Reregistration  Eligibility
Decisions  (REDs) have been issued.
      The program activities under this objective include:
     a)    New Pesticide Registrations  -- EPA continues to emphasize  addressing
           children's  special  sensitivities   through registration  review.
           Through  the  registration process,   EPA will implement FQPA,  which
           requires  the  expeditious  processing  of  reduced  risk  pesticide
           registration  actions  and  apply  the  new, more  stringent  health
           standard  for  setting  tolerances.    Reduced  risk  pesticides  are
           characterized as  those expected to reduce risk to  human  health or
           nontarget organisms, groundwater,  surface water or other ecological

     b)    Special  Registration Actions  --  Prompt  action will  be taken  on
           petitions  for  temporary uses  of  pesticides  to  meet  emergency
           conditions and  for research purposes.   These actions   consist  of
           issuance of emergency exemptions (FIFRA sec. 18)  allowing the use for
           a  limited  time of a  pesticide  not  registered for that  specific
           purpose; special local needs (FIFRA sec. 24c)  allowing registration
           of products  by  states  for  specific uses not  Federally registered;
           experimental use  permits allowing  pesticide producers to  test new
           pesticides uses  outside  the laboratory;  amendments to  previously
           approved pesticides  (e.g.,  to  reflect label  revisions  or  changed
           formulations for products already registered); applications for new
           uses of a pesticide; and additional registrations  for  new products
           containing a pesticide already registered.

     c)    Reregistration of Existing Pesticides  --   Reregistering  existing
           pesticides  will  ensure  that  older  pesticides  already  in  the
           marketplace  either meet the current  standards, are taken  off the
           market, or are restricted in their use such that they do not present
           undue risk.   Reregistration  includes the reassessment of all existing
           tolerances to assure that they,  too, meet current standards.

     d)    Special Review Activities -- Through  the special review process, the
           Agency  determines whether the use of  a pesticide poses unreasonable
           risk.   Pesticides posing concerns are  rigorously reviewed  and a
           decision made as  to whether future  use  should  be eliminated  or

     Major tasks required to achieve this objective include the development of
new  science policies,  the  refinement of use  and  usage information  bases,
acceleration of  regulatory  reviews for safer pesticides,  and  the  adoption of
effective alternative tools for pest management-

     The Agency's  efforts  in this  objective  will be supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This  may  include  advice,   participation   in the
development of Agency  actions,  document review, and  the  conduct  of defensive


                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  01    Reduce Agricultural
      Pesticides Risk

      Environmental Program &

      Science and Technology

         Total FTE:
$22,952.3     $19,651.3     $24,926.2






1999,Annual	Performance Goals

»    Decrease adverse  risk  from agricultural pesticides from  1995  levels and
     assure that new pesticides that enter  the  market  are  safe for  humans and
     the environment through such actions  as registering 17  safer pesticide
     chemicals and biopesticides, issuing 95 new tolerances  and  approving 95 new
     pesticide uses.

     In  1999,  the Agency  will decrease  the adverse  risk  from  agricultural
pesticides from 1995  levels  through the regulatory review and approval of safer
pesticides (including new biopesticides) .  The registration of safer pesticides,
thus the availability  of safer  alternatives  to  the  consumer, will result in a
reduction in the use  of high risk pesticides.  Registration and the elimination
of the most hazardous pesticides from the marketplace through reregistration and
special review will reduce risk.

      Routine pore program activities within the  Registration and Reregistration
programs will continue in 1999 along with the implementation of FQPA.

     Reregistration  is  EPA's  primary regulatory  tool   for  furthering  use
reductions for older  riskier pesticides.  As such, it is an  essential element in
pursuing  this and other objectives  for  the  Pesticide Programs.   To  avoid
duplication in the "tallying" of REDs,  all REDs  are  listed under Objective 2 in
Goal 3, and none are listed under this objective.

     Pesticides meeting the  criteria for special review will either undergo a
thorough scientific review  or, through  negotiations, be restricted or phased out
to ensure that the pesticide does not pose undue risk.

     In 1999, under  the Reduced Risk  Initiative, EPA will  continue to provide
expedited review of pesticides which meet the reduced risk  criteria.  Expedited
pesticide review actions provide the incentive to industry  to develop, register
and use  lower risk  pesticide products that  result in reduced risk  to human
health and the environment when  compared to existing alternatives.  The  Reduced
Risk Initiative encompasses applications for initial registration, amendments,

and non-fast track new formulationsr  The criteria used to determine whether a
pesticide enters expedited review include pesticides which provide reduced risk
to human health or nontarget organisms; those which demonstrate reduced potential
for contamination of groundwater, surface water or other resource; and pesticides
which  broaden  the adoption of  integrated pest  management  (IPM) ,  and other
Pesticide Environmental  Stewardship  Program  (PESP)/Design  for  the  Environment
(DfE) strategies or make these strategies more available or more effective*

     By  2005,  the  annual number of registrations for  safer  new  chemicals and
biopesticides will  double and agricultural use  of pesticides classified as having
the highest potential to cause cancer or neurotoxic effects will be reduced by
50% from 1995 levels.  Annual activities contained in this budget, including the
re-evaluation  of existing  pesticides and the  registration  and  availability of
safer pesticides alternatives, are essential to accomplishing our long term goal.
19 9 8 ftnnual Performance Goals

•    Decrease adverse risk  from  agricultural  pesticides from the 1995 levels.
     Assure new pesticides  that  enter the market are  safe  for  humans and the
     environment  through  actions  such  as  registration   of  new  chemicals,
     hiopesticides, amendments, me-toos, new uses, inerts, special registrations
     and tolerance setting.
                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

 	^_	Dollars	FTE

 01 Obj.   Total Change                              $5,274.9     ,     1.2

       Environmental Program & Management            $4,034.9           0.2

       Science and Technology                        $1,240.0           1.0

 »      (+$1,490,000  ($1,039,900 S&T,  $450,100  EPM))   Increased funding for the
      consolidation  of  pesticides  laboratories  at  the  new  .Fort Meade,  MD

 •      (+$157,400 EPM)  Increased funding for the Working Capital Fund.

 •      (+$2,269,400   EPM)      increased  funding   in  the   Registration  and
      'Reregistration  programs to  produce  increased  tolerances  and  product

 »      (+1,000,000 EPM) Change attributable to increased workforce costs.

 Key Performance Measures                   1998                  1999

 Register Safer chemicals &                  16                    17

 Register new chemicals                      17                    17

 Amendments                                 2056                  2000

 Me-toos                                    639                  600

 New Uses                                    99                    95

 Inerts                                      41                    45

 Special Registrations                      366                  370

 Tolerance Petitions                         91                    95
      The performance  measures listed under this  objective  contribute to the
accomplishment of  another objective (Goal 4,  objective l) .   However, they are
.listed only under  this objective to avoid repetition.


      EPA will  ensure  that newly  registered agricultural  pesticides meet the
current, more stringent standards mandated in FQPA to ensure reasonable certainty
of no harm to human health and the environment.   Additionally,  EPA will continue
to  encourage reduced  agricultural use  of  older,  potentially  more hazardous
pesticides, through the  registration of  newer,  safer pesticides.

      Pesticide risk is  complex and depends not only on direct risk posed by a
specific pesticide, but  also, how, where, and how often the pesticide is used,
what happens after application, the level/method/frequency of  exposure,  and the
specific population exposed to it.  These variables make the  task of measuring
risk challenging,  however the .Agency is  committed to working  with stakeholders
to improve these measures.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      Indices of progress will include the number of safer chemicals registered,
and the number of REDs issued.  Another reference or indirect measure may include
the number of environmental partnerships in place or the number of IPM  programs
in effect.  As output measures, these will be readily counted  or recorded upon

StatTitggv Authority

FIFRA  (7 U.S.C. 136-136y)

FFDCA  (21 U. S. C. 346a)


                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                                   Safe Food

Objective #2: Reduce Use on Food of Pesticides Not Meeting Standards

      By  2005,  use on  food of  current pesticides that  do  not meet  the new
statutory standard  of  "reasonable  certainty of no harm" will be substantially


      Many  current  pesticides approved  for food use  have been classified as
potential human carcinogens or may cause serious adverse health  effects at high
levels  of exposure.   Our highest priority  is  to minimize dietary exposure to
these potentially toxic pesticides,  especially to children,  by screening them
through the regulatory  processes  of  registration  and reregistration/special
review, and  eliminating or severely restricting those  that present a danger to
human health and the environment.    Through these processes,  pesticides found
harmful will be removed from the market or restricted in their use to ensure the
continued safety  of our food supply.

      Under  the authorities of Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,  and Rodenticide
Act  (FIFRA)  and the Federal Food, Drug,  and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) , as amended by
the  Food Quality Protection  Act  (FQPA)  of 1996, the Agency  sets  terms and
conditions for pesticide registration, marketing and use.  Amendments to FIFRA
in 1988 require EPA  to review and reregister all pesticides first  approved before
November 1984; Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs)  have  been issued for
155  such pesticides to date, and as reregistration decisions are made for even
more of them, further reductions in potential dietary  risks will be realized.

      FQPA mandates a reassessment of all 9,700 existing tolerances in light of
a new,  more  stringent health standard.  Some of these existing tolerances are for
pesticides  for  which a RED  has  already been issued,  some are  for pesticides
subject to reregistration for which a RED has not yet been issued, and some are
for pesticides first registered since 1984,  Reassessment of existing tolerances
under the FQPA standard began in  1996 and is continuing.  Implementation of FQPA
is  essential to  reducing dietary exposure  to  potentially toxic pesticides by
.subjecting them to  the new, more stringent  health standard.

      To carry out  tolerance reassessment,  the Agency  must incorporate the new
FQPA requirements into  its existing procedures.  The  reevaluation of existing
tolerances will be  a significant workload  for the Program, since the statutory
criteria  require consideration  of  new  safety standards  for children,  the
potential to disrupt  endocrine system functions, cumulative risk from related
pesticides,  and from all avenues of exposure.  Priority for reassessment will be
given to those pesticides most likely to pose a dietary risk.  This "worst-first"
sequence will lead  to correction of noncomplying tolerances at  a quicker pace.


      Beyond tolerance reassessments, .FQPA mandates a variety of other reforms
to pesticide regulation under FIFRA and FFDCA, all contributing to significantly
increased Agency  workloads.   Among  these additional requirements  are  (l)  to
streamline review of antimicrobial pesticides,-  (2) to develop a new program to
reconsider  registered pesticides on a  15-year  cycle,   bringing them  into
compliance  with contemporary standards;  (3)  to  provide  special  emphasis  on
management of minor use pesticides; (4) to expedite registration of reduced-risk
pesticides,- and (5)  to develop and implement an Endocrine Disruptor Screening and
Testing strategy  by August  1998  and will  implement a screening  and testing
protocol by August 1999.

      The Agency's  efforts  in this objective will be  supported through legal
counseling  and advocacy.    This  may include  advice, participation in  the
development of  Agency  actions,  document review, and the  conduct of defensive

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                          	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  02    Reduce Use on Food of       $36,812.6     $36,808.0     $38,626.2
      Pesticides Not Meeting

      Environmental Program &           $36,038.8     $36,109.4     $37,174.4

      Science and Technology               $773.8        $698.6      $1,451.8

      Rereg. & Exped.  Proc,  Rev              $0.0          $0,0          $0.0

    Total  FTE                               404.0         399.5         399.6
1999 A"iual Performance Goals

•    Under pesticide rereg.istration,  EPA will reassess 19% of the existing 9,700
     tolerances  (cumulative 33%)  for  pesticide  food  uses to  meet  the  new
     statutory standard of  "reasonable certainty of no harm."

     In 1999, through the Reregistration  Program,  the Agency will continue to
regulate pesticides  approved for food use, with particular emphasis to those
classified as potential  human carcinogens  or neurotoxins.  A major concern will
be to minimize dietary  exposure  to  these  potentially toxic pesticides.  As we
continue  tolerance reassessment, revising risk assessment policies  will be
necessary  for  the  Agency,  ensuring  that  the  health  of  subpopulations,
particularly children, will receive adequate protection.

     Carrying out  of FQPA will continue to be a priority for the Agency, with
significant efforts going toward tolerance reassessment, periodic reconsideration

of food-use registrations,  effective management of minor use  pesticides,  and
expedited registration of reduced-risk pesticides.

     The reregistration process for pesticides registered before November 1984
is now in its  final phase, the issuance of REDs.  During this phase, EPA reviews
all studies that have been submitted for a chemical case. The issuance of a RED
summarizes  the  findings of  the reregistration  review of  the  chemical  after
examining  its  health and environmental  effects.   A pesticide  is  considered
eligible for reregistration if  its database  is complete and  it does not  cause
unreasonable adverse  effects on  human health or  the environment when  used
according to labeling and restrictions.  Many REDs  include provisions to reduce
risks to pesticide handlers, farmers, children, or the environment.   After the
RED is issued, reregistration reviews and decisions will continue at the product
reregistration level.   Products are  reregistered  only after  the last  active
ingredient in the  product is found eligible and product  specific data and label
revisions are submitted.

     As pesticides go through reregistration,  they may meet certain criteria that
will trigger a special  review,   These criteria  include (a)  acute  toxicity to
humans or domestic animals,  (b)  potentially chronic or delayed toxic effects in
humans, hazards to non-target organisms,  (c) risk  to threatened or  endangered
species, (d) risk  to  critical habitats of threatened or  endangered species, and
(e) any other unreasonable adverse effects to humans or the environment.   This
review subjects the pesticide to a more in depth analysis to determine reasonable
certainty that no  harm will occur when used.

     By 2005, active ingredient  and product reregistration will be completed for
all pesticides subject to reregistration under  FIFRA '88. Also, by 2005,  90 per
cent of the reassessments of pesticide residue  tolerances mandated by FQPA will
be completed.  Both efforts directly relate  and contribute  to accomplishing a
reasonable  certainty  of  no harm  for the pesticides  used  on  food/feed  use
1998 AnnualPerformance Goals

•    Through Reregistration (issuance of REDs,  product reregistration, tolerance
     reassessment) ,  assure no use on food of pesticides that do not meet the new
     statutory standard of "reasonable certainty of no harm."
                         1999 Change  from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	^___	,	Dollars	FTE

 02 Obj.   Total Change                              $1,818.2           0.1

       Environmental Program & Management            $1,065.0           0.1

       Science and Technology                          $753.2           0.0

    (+$1,200,000   ($750,000  S&T,  $450,000  EPM)  Increased  funding  for  the
   consolidation of pesticide laboratories at the new Fort Meade, MD Laboratory.

    (+$89,000 EPM)  Increased funding for the program infrastructure housed in the
   Working Capital Fund.
 Key Performance Measures

 Product Reregistration

 Tolerance Reassessments




   The  performance measures  listed under  this  objective  contribute  to  the
accomplishment of other objectives (Goal 3, Objective 1 and Goal 4, Objective 1) .
However, they are listed only under this objective to avoid repetition.

   The foremost objective of EPA programs is to preserve  the safety of the food
Americans consume.  The Agency will  ensure,  in  part, through reregistration and
tolerance reassessment, that  older  agricultural  pesticides now on the market,
meet the current,  more  stringent standards to provide reasonable certainty of no
harm.  Children will be protected usinij a  new standard for safety,  Additionally,
the Agency will continue to encourage reduced  agricultural use of these older,
more  potentially hazardous  pesticides,  through  replacement  by  newer,  safer
chemical pesticides  and biopesticides  as  they  become available  through  the
registration process and by using Integrated Pest Management and Environmental
Key Performance Measures Verification

   Through  the Reregistration  Program,  EPA will  ensure that  pesticides and
products  failing to  meet  current standards  will not  remain on  the market.
Reassessment of current tolerances will ensure that pesticide residues in food
do not constitute a health risk.

   Primary  indices of progress are completions of new REDs for food-use Active
Ingredients, completions of product reregistrations for food-use products, and
completions  of tolerance reassessments.   As  output  measures,  these  will be
readily counted or recorded upon completion.

   The registration of safer alternatives, which will encourage reduced use of
the potentially more hazardous older conventional  chemicals, will be used be an
indirect measure.

Statutory Authority

FIFRA  (7 U.S.C. 136-136y)

FFDCA Section 408  (21 U.S.C. 346a)

World Trade Organization Agreements

Goal 4: Preventing Pollution

Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities, Homes,
            Workplaces and Ecosystems ».......,	IV-1
      Reduce Public and Ecosystems Exposure to Pesticides ,.,,,..  IV-7
      Reduce Lead Poisoning	IV-13
      Safe Handling and Use of Commercial Chemicals
            and Microorganisms	IV-19
      Healthier Indoor Air.	  IV-30
      Improve Pollution Prevention Strategies, Tools, Approaches. .  .  IV-38
      Decrease Quantity and Toxicity of Waste ..... 	  IV-4.5
      Assess Conditions in Indian Country ...............  IV-53

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

 Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities, Homes, Workplaces and
Strategic Goal:   Pollution prevention and risk management strategies aimed at
cost-effectively eliminating, reducing, or minimizing emissions and contamination
will result in cleaner and safer environments in which all Americans can reside,
work and enjoy life,  EPA will  safeguard ecosystems  and promote the health of
natural communities that are integral to the quality of life in this nation.
                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Preventing Pollution and Reducing     $239,993.1    $240,466.0    $258,845.0
      Risk in Communities, Homes,
      Workplaces and Ecosystems

 Obj.  01    Reduce Public and           $50,789.4     $47,108.9     $50,626.1
      Ecosystem Exposure to

 Obj.  02    Reduce Lead Poisoning       $31,078.6     $30,453.7     $30,957,6

 Obj.  03    Safe Handling and Use       $31,646.7     $41,024.6     $41,272.5
      of Commercial Chemicals and

 Obj.  04    Healthier Indoor Air        $33,235.0     $30,292.2     $33,219.4

 Obj.  05    Improve Pollution           $27,074,1     $25,245.9     $26,865.5
      Prevention Strategies, Tools,

 Obj.  06    Decrease Quantity and       $22,327.2     $21,783.3     $25,053.2
      Toxicity of Waste

'Obj .  07    Assess Conditions in        $43,842.1     $44,557.4     $50,850..7
      Indian Country

   Goal Total FTE                         1,045.8       1,143.6       1,125.5
       EPA seeks  to manage  environmental  risks to  communities,  homes,  .and
workplaces, and to protect the environmental integrity of ecosystems, by a mix
of regulatory programs -with  alternative approaches  to achieve results .at less


cost and  .in more  innovative,  sustainable  ways.   Rather  than "end  of  pipe"
controls,  preventing pollution at the  source  is our  strategy of first choice.
Where pollution prevention at the source is not a viable alternative, the Agency
will employ risk management and remediation  strategies  in a  cost  effective
manner. These  efforts  will be  directed towards the  greatest  threats,  such as
those in our communities, homes,  schools, and workplaces that have significant
impact on our most sensitive populations:  children, the elderly, and individuals
with chronic diseases.

     The 1999 President's Budget requests $258,8 million and 1,125.5 workyears
for this goal,  an increase of $18.3  million and decrease of 18.1 workyears over
1998.  EPA will focus on pollution prevention and reducing risks by minimizing
the exposure from pesticide misuse, lead poisoning, and by targeting persistent,
bioaccumulative, and toxic pollutants.  The Agency will also enhance hazardous
waste minimization projects to  reduce wastes at their source.

     The resources requested in  this budget will enable the  Agency  to meet a
number of important performance goals  in 1999,   The  most  significant of these

•    850,000  additional  people  will  live  in healthier  residential  indoor

•    Reduce by 2% in 1999  (for a  cumulative total of 10%)  the quantity of TRI
     pollutants  released,  treated   or  combusted  for  energy recovery,  with
     emphasis on the use of Pollution Prevention practices.

•    Divert an additional 1% (for a  cumulative 29% or 64 million tons) of RCRA
     municipal solid waste  (MSW)  from landfilling and combustion,  an increase
     from the 1990 baseline of 17%.

•    Ensure that of the  approximately 2,500 new  chemicals and micro-organisms
     submitted by industry each year, those that are  introduced in commerce are
     safe to humans and the environment for their intended uses.

•    Complete  the  building of  a lead-based paint abatement  certification and
     training program in 5.0 states-to ensure significant  decreases in children's
     blood lead levels by 2005 through reduced exposure to lead-based paint.

•    15% of Tribal environmental baseline information will be collected and 3.0
     additional  tribes   (cumulative  total  of   90)   will   have  tribal/EPA
     environmental agreements or identified environmental priorities.

•    Protect  homes,  communities,  and  workplaces from  harmful exposures  to
     pesticides and related pollutants through improved cultural practices and
     enhanced public education,  resulting in a reduction of 10%  (1995 reporting
     base) in the incidences of pesticide poisonings reported nationwide.


Reduce Public and Ecosystem Exposure to Pesticides

     The 1999 President's  Budget requests $50.6 million and  241  workyears to
ensure that public and ecosystem risk  from pesticides  will  be reduced through
migration to  lower risk pesticides  and pest-management practices,  improving
education of the public and at-risk workers, and forming  "pesticide environmental
stewardship" partnerships with pesticide user groups*

     The objective to  reduce exposure to pesticides will be  achieved through
continued application of the Worker Protection Standards (WPS) and certification
and training programs.   The WPS for agricultural pesticides represents a major
strengthening  of  national efforts  to  safeguard agricultural  workers  from
occupational  exposure  to  pesticides on  farms,  in  forests,  greenhouses  and
nurseries.  Additionally,  EPA will continue to protect the nation's ecosystems
through the groundwater  program, Pesticide Environmental  Stewardship Program
(PESP),  integrated pest management (IPM), and endangered species programs.

     One of EPA's concerns  in  1999  will be  the  prevention of accidental or
deliberate pesticide misuse in urban and rural environments, particularly in poor
communities where significant  public  health  risks  to residents,  especially
children and other sensitive populations, are likely to occur.  In 1999, EPA will
support  a new initiative to prevent misuse and reduce exposure.  Pesticide misuse
prevention  activities  will  focus  on  the reduction of  risk in  residential
settings.    EPA  will  work  with  other Federal,  state, and local agencies;  the
private sector,-  and  communities to identify the  critical deficiencies and to
carry out effective solutions.   Also in 1999,  EPA will continue to carry out the
Pesticide Groundwater Strategy.  This strategy is based on cooperative efforts
with the states/tribes  and the Regions  to  develop  State Management Plans (SMPs)
to prevent groundwater pollution from pesticides.


     The 1999 President's  Budget requests $31,0 million and  121  workyears to
ensure that the number  of young  children with high levels of  lead in their blood
will be significantly reduced from the early 1990s.

     Beginning in 1999, EPA will start implementing a training,  certification,
and accreditation program for lead-based paint professionals  in approximately 15
states that do not administer their own programs.   Other regulations and public
outreach,  such as publication of a lead information pamphlets, will ensure that
parents have access to  information to make an  informed decision about lead-based
paint in their homes, with a special emphasis on children in low-income,  urban
areas.  Another important effort in 1999 will be a collaborative project with the
Centers for Disease  Control  (CDC)  to  assist  states and local  communities in
targeting resources by examining 50-75 metropolitan areas to identify the most
vulnerable  communities where  lead  poisoning  prevention  efforts  should  be
targeted.     The  identification  of  communities  will  be  followed  with  a
multi-pronged outreach program  to ensure awareness of the risk to children and
to ensure that steps  are taken to provide assistance to  the communities at risk.
Also  in 1999, EPA plans  to issue final rules  on  disposal of  lead-based paint


debris and standards for lead-based paint hazards in paint,  dust and soil.  In
addition, EPA  plans to  issue proposed  rules  on training,   accreditation and
certification  requirements  for renovation and remodeling activities  and for
lead-based paint activities in buildings and superstructures.

Safe Handling and Use of Commercial Chemicals and Microorganisms

     The 1999  President's  Budget  requests $41.3 million and 344  workyears to
ensure that,  of the approximately  2,000  chemicals and 40 genetically engineered
micro-organisms expected to  enter commerce each year, EPA  will significantly
increase the  introduction of safer or "greener"  chemicals that will decrease the
need for regulatory management,

     In  1999,  EPA  will focus on efforts  to  implement the Toxics Agenda.   An
important  part  of  the implementation  effort  will  center  on  persistent,
bioaccumulative, and toxic  (PBT)   chemicals  as part  of  a  coordinated Agency
effort.  One  of the key health issues facing our nation's children today is the
threat posed by exposure to PBTs.  These chemicals  also  imperil the health of
ecosystems as  they accumulate and biomagnify in the  food chain for years and
decades. To facilitate development of the Agenda, EPA will complete the Chemical
Use Inventory (GUI) amendment  to the Inventory Update Rule.  Promulgation of the
GUI rule, by identifying chemical uses of industrial, commercial,  and consumer
products,  will  facilitate risk  screening,  including identifying risks  to
children.   In 1999,  the completion of  testing actions on new and existing
chemicals will result in the development of test data needed to support adequate
assessments of chemical  risks  by government, industry, and  the  public.  Also,
EPA's Green Chemistry  Program will continue  to recognize  and promote chemical
methods that  reduce or eliminate the use or generation of toxic substances during
the design, manufacture and use of chemical products and processes and that have
broad application  in industry.

     A crucial element of EPA's approach is chemical information gathering and
testing  to provide EPA and others, including  the public, sufficient data for
screening,  assessing,  and  managing the risks.   EPA's research  program will
support this effort by generating scientific information used in improving the
test  methods  used to  generate the  data.    Research  seeks to  improve  our
understanding of both the risks to human health and adverse ecological effects.
To the extent that  this research supports testing guidelines  that relate to both
toxic substances in general  and to pesticides,  research under  this objective
additionally supports EPA's goal to reduce the risks to the nation's food supply
and the non-dietary pesticide risks posed to human health and the environment.

Achieving Healthier Indoor Air

     The 1999  President's  Budget  requests $33.2 million and 152  workyears to
accomplish its healthy indoor air performance goals.

     Indoor  air pollution poses  high  risks  to human health,  especially in
sensitive populations, and has ranked among  the top four environmental risks.
Radon, for example,  is the second leading cause of lung cancer and is responsible
for about 14,000 deaths per year.

     To help achieve healthier indoor air, EPA's priorities in 1999 include radon
testing, radon mitigation, and radon-resistant construction; implementing "Tools
for Schools";  increasing awareness of the harmful effects of children's exposure
to secondhand  smoke; completing the analysis of data from the Building Assessment
Survey and  Evaluation  (BASE) ,-  privatizing the radon  proficiency  program;  and
focusing on community-based risk reduction.  These programs support  the 1999 goal
of  having  850,000 additional  people living  in healthier  residential  indoor
environments,  including 530,000 people living in homes built with radon-resistant

     EPA's research program will produce the  scientific information needed to
understand indoor air effects.  Research will identify, characterize, and compare
the health risks associated with indoor exposures to air pollutants so that risk
managers can make informed decisions to protect public health.

Improve Pollution Prevention Strategies, Tools, Approaches

     The 1999 President's  Budget requests $26.9 million and 80  workyears to
ensure that the  quantity of toxic pollutants released,  disposed of, treated, or
combusted for  energy recovery will be reduced 10%  from 1992 levels.  Half of this
reduction will be, achieved through pollution prevention practices.

     Beginning in 1999, EPA will develop innovative, multi-media strategies and
tools (through inter-office and regional coordination)  to target 12-14 priority
persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic pollutants for pollution prevention  (P2)
at domestic levels.  The targeting will be done as a collaborative effort between
multiple offices and their regional components.  Also, obtaining 2% reductions
in reported Toxics Release Inventory  (TRI) chemical wastes  in 1999 and beyond
will be the result of the cumulative efforts of EPA's pollution protection, clean
technologies,  and green chemicals  programs  which encourage  the use  of source
reduction and integrated environmental management systems by American industry
and businesses,.

Decrease the Quantity andTgxicitv of Waste

     The 1999 President's Budget  requests  $25.1 million  and 133  workyears to
support the objective  of decreasing pollution in communities,  workplaces,  and
ecosystems by decreasing the quantity and toxicity of wastes.

     In 1999,  the Agency will emphasize helping generators prioritize and focus
their efforts to reduce the  volume and toxicity of  hazardous wastes,  EPA's
objective  is  to  reduce the  amount  of  waste  generated annually,  therefore
decreasing pollution or the risk  of pollution in communities,  workplaces,  and
ecosystems.  EPA will work together with state, tribal, and local governments,
business and  industries, and  non-governmental  organizations  to:   encourage
reduced generation of  industrial  (hazardous and non-hazardous) waste through
material substitution and manufacturing process  changes; encourage recycling of
wastes that must be generated;  and assure the safe recycling of any wastes.  'EPA
will also focus  on reducing the toxicity of wastes as states and regions begin
measuring and reporting reductions  of PBTs.   To accomplish this,  the Agency's
waste minimization program will provide tools and assistance to identify

hazardous wastes  containing the most  PBTs among  900  chemicals in  the  waste

Assess Conditionsin Indian Country

     The 1999  President's Budget requests  $50.9  million and  55 workyears to
continue its efforts to  improve  environmental  conditions in Indian Country in
this Goal.

     EPA places particular priority on working with Federally recognized Indian
tribes on a government-to-govemment basis to improve environmental conditions
in Indian country.  This is pursuant to our trust relationship with tribes and
the nation's interest in  conservation of cultural uses of natural resources.  In
1999,  the  Agency will  continue to  work  with the  tribes  to establish  an
environmental presence  in Indian country and produce substantial progress tpwards
developing Tribal capacity to implement their own environmental programs.   EPA
will complete  its design and begin  initiation  of  a framework for the baseline
assessment of environmental conditions on tribal lands.

     EPA will also improve health and environmental conditions  in Alaska Native
villages through training and education on  sampling and assessing environmental
quality conditions.   This investment will advance these villages capabilities to
correct  health   and  environmental  problems  through   the   development  of
Environmental Action Plans.

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

  Preventing Pollution  and Reducing Risk in Communities,  Homes, Workplaces  and

Objective #1:     Reduce Public and Ecosystem Exposure to Pesticides

      By 2005,  public and ecosystem risk from pesticides will be reduced through
migration to  lower risk  pesticides and pest management  practices,  improving
education of the public and at-risk  workers, and forming "pesticide environmental
stewardship" partnerships with pesticide user groups.


      EPA's  mission is  to  ensure  that  the use of  pesticides  results  in no
unreasonable adverse effects to human health or the environment.  In fulfillment
of this mission EPA will:  (1)  register new non-food chemicals,  (2)  review and
reregister existing non-food chemicals; (3) implement our field programs; and (4)
promote environmental  stewardship/integrated pest management (IPM)strategies.
The  Agency  will  continue  to work   in  partnership with  Regions,  states,
territories, tribes, and other stakeholders to accomplish this mission.

      This objective covers a wide-range of activities  encompassing non-food-use
reregistration  and  registration  activities,  worker protection,  endangered
species,  environmental stewardship,  IPM,  groundwater, and  certification  and
training programs.

      The Federal  Insecticide, Fungicide,  and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)  and the
Federal Food,  Drug, and Cosmetic  Act  (FFDCA)  authorize EPA to set  terms  and
conditions  of  pesticide  registration,   marketing and  use  of  non-food-use
pesticides and also food/feed-use pesticides.  Under the Registration program,
new non-food-use pesticides are registered based on data reviewed by the Agency
and  current non-food-use registrations  are amended  to  add  new uses  and  new
formulations.  Increased regulatory approval of  safer pesticides  which may be
used as alternatives to older,  higher  risk chemicals,  is essential to achieving
this obj ective.

      The cancellation, restriction or denial of registration  for dangerous non-
food-use pesticides through the regulatory programs will continue to reduce risk.
EPA will also .continue to encourage industry and pesticide users to .seek other
risk management approaches, such as developing safer chemicals or implementing
pesticide   stewardship  and IPM   strategies.    The  Pesticide  Environmental
Stewardship Program (PESP), began  in 1994.   PESP  is  a voluntary  program that
forms partnerships with pesticide users to reduce both health and environmental
risks  and  carry  out  pollution  prevention  strategies.   These  partnership
strategies will provide users alternatives  to conventional pesticides,  by that
enhancing EPA's ability to  achieve the risk reduction goals and objectives.

      The objective to reduce exposure  to  pesticides will be achieved through
continued  implementation  of  the   Worker  Protection  Standards  (WPS)   and
certification  and training  programs.    The WPS  for  agricultural  pesticides
represents a major strengthening of national efforts to safeguard agricultural
workers.  WPS requires agricultural employers to ensure that employees receive
basic pesticide safety training and to notify them when they apply pesticides.

      Whenever EPA designates some  or all uses of  a pesticide as "restricted
use, " the  pesticide  may only be  used by  or under the direct  supervision of
specially  trained and  certified  applicators. All  states  require  commercial
applicators to be recertified,  generally every three  to  five  years..   States,
territories, and tribes conduct certification and training programs according to
national standards set by EPA.

      These programs assure a better educated and therefore safer workforce of
pesticide handlers and users who  can better protect themselves from pesticide
exposure and prevent  ecosystem  contamination.  Additionally EPA protects the
nation's ecosystems through the groundwater,  PESP,  IPM and endangered species
programs.  In 1996 EPA issued a proposed groundwater protection rule based on the
adoption of  State Management Plans  (SMPs).  The  SMP approach  is  based on the
notion  that states  are knowledgeable  and  equal partners  in  designing and
implementing risk-reduction measures for pesticides  in ground water.  The PESP,
a voluntary program, was launched in December 1994 and i-s reducing pesticide risk
through cooperation with partners and supporters.   Another related program, IPM,
also  contributes  to  the careful  management of  risk through  the adoption of
available alternative pest management options, substituting mechanical, physical,
or biological pest controls for chemical controls whenever possible.

      The Agency's efforts  in this objective will  be supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This may include  advice,  participation in the
development of Agency actions,  document review,  and the  conduct of defensive
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                              	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Ofoj. 01    Reduce Public and           §50,789.4     $47,108.9     $50,626,1
      Ecosystem Exposure to

      Environmental Program &           $37,042.1     $33,355.7     $36,647.9

      Science and Technology               $632.7        $638.6        $863.6

      State .and Tribal .Assistance       $13,114.6     $13,114.6     $13,114.6

    Total FTE                               241.3         240.9         241.0

1999 Annual PerformanceGoals

•     Protect  homes,   communities  and  workplaces  from harmful  exposures  to
     pesticides and related pollutants through improved cultural practices and
     enhanced public education resulting in a reduction of 10% (1995 reporting
     base) in the  incidences of pesticide poisonings reported nationwide'.

     In 1999,  the Agency will continue carrying out the worker protection program
that protects the health  and safety of agricultural  workers  from occupational
exposure to pesticides .on farms, in forests, greenhouses and nurseries.  By 2005,
the number of workers with  adverse  health effects caused by acute pesticide
poisoning will be reduced by 50% from 1995 levels.  EPA will achieve this through
the  training   of   employers,   workers  and  handlers,  and   clear,   concise
communications to create  an environment of credibility and acceptance  in the
field by those most affected by the program.

     By 2005,  adequate protection  measures  against harm from pesticides will be
in place for all endangered species.   The endangered species program will enlist
the support of the agricultural community and other interested  groups to protect
endangered wildlife  and critical habitat  from pesticide use.  The  endangered
species program will enlist the support of  the agricultural community.  A well-
directed communications and outreach effort .is imperative for the success of this
voluntary  program.    EPA  continues to  work  with the  U.  S.  Department  of
Agriculture (USDA)  to maximize the impact and efficacy of the program.

     By 2005,  50% of pesticides with  high leaching and persistence potential will
be managed to protect  the groundwater  resource from pesticide contaminations.
The protection of our groundwater resources is a concern for both human health
and environmental reasons.  To this end, the Agency is continuing to carry out
the Pesticide  Groundwater  Strategy.  The strategy is based on cooperative efforts
with the  states and the  Regions  to develop State Management  Plans (SMPs)  to
prevent pollution of this valuable resource from pesticides.   EPA Regions will
continue  to  provide  guidance and  assistance  to  the  states  in  safeguarding
groundwater resources.

     By 2005,  consumer  and  commercial  non-agricultural  use  of pesticides with
significant neurotoxic effects will  be  reduced  by  50% from 1995 levels; the use
in  the  U, S.  of  pesticides  with high potential  to cause significant  acute
toxicity  to  fish or  wildlife will  be reduced by 50%  from  1995 levels; and
alternatives will be registered for  80% of the pesticide uses of methyl bromide.
These   efforts   will   contribute    to   the   annual   goal   through   the
reregistration/special  review and registration of pesticides.   Through these
regulatory programs,  pesticides found to cause neurotoxic effects or significant
toxicity  to fish  and wildlife will  be eliminated or restricted  in their use
resulting in reduced exposure.

     In  1999,  reregistration  activities,   including  issuing  Reregistration
Eligibility Decisions (REDs)  will  continue.  As  pesticides continue through the
reregistration process, those meeting the criteria for special review  will either
undergo this process or,  through  negotiations,  be restricted  or phased out to
ensure  that  the pesticide  does not pose  undue risk.   Additionally,  through


registration of  new pesticides or  the use of environmental  stewardship/IPM,
alternatives for methyl bromide may result.

     By 2005, all pesticide handlers and farm workers using pesticides will be
adequately trained in the safe handling, use,  and disposal of pesticides.  The
certification  and  training  program  provides  training,  certification  and
recertification  every five  years  of  private and  commercial applicators  of
restricted use pesticides.  EPA will continue to provide guidance and technical
assistance  to  the  states  through  the Regions  on pesticide  issues such  as
application techniques, toxicity and disposal.

     One major concern in 1999, is  the prevention  of  accidental  or deliberate
misuse of pesticides such as Methyl Parathion in urban and rural environments,
particularly  in poor  communities  where  significant  public  health  risks  to
residents, especially  children and other sensitive populations  are  likely to
occur.  EPA proposes a new initiative to prevent misuse and reduce  exposure.  EPA
will work with the Regions,  and other Federal, state, local agencies, the private
sector and communities to identify  the critical  deficiencies  and to carry out
effective solutions.

     Pesticide misuse prevention activities will  focus on the reduction of risk
in  residential  settings.    EPA  will  work  with  product  manufacturers  and
distributors to  develop  product stewardship programs and work with  states to
improve their certification and training programs.  Other activities will include
changes in pesticide product labels, packaging and distribution.  EPA will also
direct enforcement activities at the sales of agricultural pesticides to urban
and rural communities.   The  Agency will also  work  to  prevent pesticide misuse
through a public education campaign.  Public education  will include working with
low income and minority communities  in showing safe and effective pest prevention
and control.

     By 2005, EPA will carry out environmental  stewardship strategies through
agreements with 80 pesticide user groups to reduce pesticide risk through public-
private  partnership,  regulatory  relief,  research  and  demonstration,  and
education/outreach.   The program  will continue  to  enlist partnerships with
pesticide users and other interested parties.   Additionally, EPA and USDA will
continue  IPM practices,  including  the  managed use  of  an array of pest control
methods such as biological, cultural, and chemical controls that achieve the best
results with the least adverse impact  to  the environment.   PESP  and IPM are
closely related programs  -that seek to reduce risk by using safer alternatives to
traditional  chemical  methods pf pest  control.   These  programs  will continue
cooperative  efforts between EPA,   USDA,  FDA  and  pesticide  users  to  reduce
potential pesticide risk.

     Antimicrobial sterilants and disinfectants are used to kill microorganisms
on surfaces and objects in  hospitals,  schools, restaurants and homes.  EPA will
focus on emerging concerns  about whether products are  appropriately labeled and
whether they are effective in protecting the consumer as  claimed.

1998Annual PerformanceGoals

•     Protect homes,  communities and workplaces from exposure to pesticides and
     related pollutants through improved cultural practices and enhanced public
     education.. -
                        1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

0.1 Ob j . Total Change •
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
      (+$1,000,000 EPM)  Investment in pesticide misuse reduction.

      (+$100,000 EPM)  Investment in working capital fund activities.

      (+$225,000 S&T)  Investment in Fort Meade relocation activities.

      (-$100,000 EPM)  1998 Add on for DfE for Farmers-

      The remaining change in resources  does not represent  a change  in the
      program.  The application of  1998  carryover  funds  to this objective are
      not included in  this table.
 Key Performance Measures
 Reduce the Number of workers
 suffering from adverse effects

 Train labor population
 Percentage of pesticides with
 high leaching and persistence
 potential that will be managed to
 protect groundwater resources
 from contamination

 Complete environmental
 stewardship partnership
     Reduce  by 10%
(from 1995 levels)

    30% (from 1995

Reduce by 15% (from
       1995 levels)

     40% (from 1995



      Safer pesticides result in lower risks, so accelerating the pace of review
is critical.  Additionally, when appropriate, the approval of safer products, and
reregistration of existing products, consistent with contemporary standards, will
further enhance risk reduction.  The reregistration and field programs are the
key to  addressing  issues of  worker,  community,  and environmental  safety for
pesticides.  As we complete  the reregistration review  for more pesticides, we
will reduce the  risk to the  environment, workers,  homeowners,  and consumers.
Training and  outreach activities  through our  field programs will  inform and
educate  those who use or are  exposed to  pesticides.    Increased regulatory
approvals of safer alternatives and encouragement of pesticide stewardship and
IPM will also  contribute to risk reduction.  Finally, full  implementation of the
WPS means a better  educated and therefore safer workforce of pesticide handlers
and users.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      EPA will  measure incidents of  adverse  effects reported by  workers and
handlers, early identification of pesticide misuse, completion and implementation
of  SMPs,  lower  numbers of  poisonings reported through National  Pesticides
Telecommunications Network (NPTN) and poison control centers, number of improved
labels completed, and increased number of endangered species protected.

Statutory^ Authority

FIFRA (7 U.S.C> 136-136y)

FFDCA {21 U. S. C. 346a)

Endangered Species Act  (ESA)  (16 U.S.C. 1531-1544)

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

 Preventing  Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities/ Homes, Workplaces  and

Objective #2:     Reduce Lead Poisoning

      By 2005, the number of young  children  with  high levels  of lead in their
blood will be significantly reduced from the early 1990 's.


      Childhood  lead poisoning  is  a  serious,  yet preventable environmental
disease.  Blood  lead levels as  low  as 10  micrograms per deciliter (//g/dl) are
associated with  children's learning and behavioral .disorders.   High blood lead
levels  (25/^g/dl)  cause devastating health effects, such as seizures,  coma, and
death.  During past decades,  the U.S.  has  made great progress in combating this
disease by addressing a wide range  of sources of  lead exposures .   The Federal
government has phased out lead in gasoline, reduced  lead in drinking water, and
banned or limited lead use in consumer products, including toys, food cans, and
residential paint.  States and municipalities have set up programs to identify
and  treat  lead  poisoned  children  and to rehabilitate deteriorated housing.
Parents, too, greatly helped to reduc'e lead  exposures to  their children.   The
U.S. children's blood lead levels significantly decreased during the 1970 's and
1980 's-.  Data released  earlier  this year  by  the U.S.  Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS)  show during 1991-1994 average blood lead levels in children
dropped to about 3
      Although we have had great success,  many areas still need attention.  HHS
data show that almost one million children  under six still have blood lead levels
above 10/^g/dl,  with many of them living in inner cities.   Many children also are
living  in other  areas  that  suffer  from lead poisoning.   Lead-based  paint
continues to be the major source of childhood high-dose lead exposure in the U.S.
today.  A 1991 report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) shows that lead-based paint was used  in millions of older homes and housing
units in the United States .  EPA studies show that leaded paint has a tendency
of chipping when used to coat friction or impact surfaces (e.g. ,  windows, window
sills,  doors) .    Specifically,  children  exhibiting  pica behavior  (a  chronic
tendency of mouthing or  eating non-food objects)  would mouth or swallow these
chips and be lead poisoned,

      EPA,  under  the 1992 Residential  Lead-Based Paint Hazard  Reduction Act
[Title  X] ,  contributes  to solving  this   environmental  problem  primarily by
assisting in, and  sometimes guiding,  Federal  activities aimed at reducing the
exposure to children in  homes  with lead-based paint.   Other Federal agencies,
such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)  and the Department
of Health and Human Services  (HHS)  (via the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health and the Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention) , also play

                                     IV- 13

important  roles.    In  the  past four  years,  EPA  has  made  great strides  in
protecting  children from  lead  poisoning,  by  a  combination  of  rulemaking,
education, research, and partnerships.  EPA has promulgated regulations to set
up a federal infrastructure, including the lead assessment and abatement training
and accreditation rule, and the lead real estate notification and disclosure rule
(with HUD) . The Agency has also issued guidance  on  identifying hazardous levels
of lead in paint, soil,  and dust plus how to remodel  a home containing lead-based
paint  safely.   The public  education programs  and tools developed  include  a
national clearinghouse  to give the  public information on lead; grants to states
and tribes to establish  training programs; six  grants  to local  communities to
train  residents  of poor,  high-risk  communities in  lead abatement  skills  to
enhance  their  communities'  economic  and  environmental  well-being; and  six
regional university-based training centers for lead professionals.

      In  the applied. research  area,  EPA continues to search for more  cost-
effective ways  to reduce  lead hazards  (such as to investigate the effectiveness
of low cost lead repair and maintenance activity) and to  set up national criteria
for the private sector.

      Other uses of lead that may pose  risks  to the  general population have
undergone  review by EPA.   They include:  brass/bronze plumbing  fittings  and
fixtures, lead solder used to join water pipes,  lead in non-residential paint,
lead in batteries,  lead fishing sinkers,  and lead in ammunition (lead shot).

      Overall,  EPA  will continue to build the educational programs, and add a new
dimension by encouraging  these efforts at the community  level where the messages
can most effectively be tailored.  The U.S.  lead  poisoning prevention program is
a good example of  government  and others  being  poised essentially to eradicate
childhood lead poisoning.  EPA will also be encouraging state programs to train
and accredit lead  professionals, because when lead is  abated, it must be done
safely.   EPA  will  also  further investigate and implement programs  to  reach
children at highest risk no matter where they live and play.

      In  1999,  EPA plans to  issue  final  rules  on disposal of lead-based paint
debris and standards for lead-based paint hazards in paint, dust and soil.  In
addition,  EPA  plans to  issue proposed  rules  on  training,  accreditation and
certification requirements for renovation and remodeling activities and for lead-
based paint activities  in buildings and superstructures.  These regulations,
along with the training, accreditation, and certification  rulemaking promulgated
in August  1996,  will enhance  the  national  infrastructure to ensure the safe
reduction of lead-based paint  hazards.  Accompanying this  regulatory effort will
be  assistance  to  states and  localities  in identifying the most  vulnerable
communities to lead-poisoning risks.

      The Agency's efforts  in this objective will be  supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This  may include  advice,  participation in  the
development of Agency  actions, document review, and the conduct of defensive

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 'Pres Bud
 Obj.  02    Reduce Lead Poisoning       $31,078.6     $30,453.7     $30,957,6

      Environmental Program &           $17,366.4     $16,741.5     $17,245.4

      State and Tribal Assistance       $13,712.2     $13,712.2     $13,712,2

    Total FTE                               120.2         121.6         121.4
1999Annual Performance Goals

•     Complete the building  of a lead-based paint abatement  certification and
     training program in 50 states to ensure significant decreases in children's
     blood lead levels by 2005 through reduced exposure to lead-based paint.

•     Promulgate  final  rules  on  disposal of  lead-based  paint  debris  and
     establishment of  standards  regarding hazardous levels of  lead  in paint,
     dust, and soil.

•     Issue  proposed   rules   on   training,  accreditation  and  certification
     requirements  for  renovation  and  remodeling  activities  and  training,
     accreditation  and  certification  requirements  for   lead-based  paint
     activities in buildings and superstructures.

     Lead-based paint is the primary source of  lead-poisoning in  children in the
U.S. today.  For the past five years, the Agency has  been implementing a program
to establish a national infrastructure of  trained and certified professionals .and
hazard control methods and standards to ensure that homeowners and others have
access to safe,  reliable and effective methods to reduce children's exposure to
lead-based paint.   In 1999,  two additional rules will be promulgated to enhance
the existing infrastructure.  The effects  of the promulgation of these rules will
not be immediate.   Data collected through the fiHS's National Center for Health
Statistic's (NCHS) National Health and Nutrition and  Examination  Survey  (NHNES),
available in 2002  will be used to measure the effectiveness of this program.  In
1998, the Agency  began a public education grant program  aimed  at identifying
unique methods to  educate high risk populations about lead-based paint hazards.
In 1999, the public education grant  program will  continue.   This program will
help identify additional high risk populations  for the development of a program
to decrease exposure to these groups in 1999.

     In 1999, the Agency will continue to  support the implementation of State and
Tribal training and certification programs by providing ^$12.5 million in grants.
The Agency also plans to provide  approximately $1.2  million to Indian Tribes to
support broader lead poisoning prevention activities at the Tribal level.

     Another  important  effort will  be  a project  to assist states  and local
communities in targeting resources by examining up to 50-75 metropolitan areas
to  identify the most vulnerable  communities where  lead  poisoning prevention
efforts should be targeted.  This project will be a collaborative effort with the
CDC.  The  identification of  communities will be  followed with a multi-pronged
outreach program to ensure awareness of the  risk to children and to ensure that
steps are  taken  to provide  assistance to  the communities  at risk.   Other non-
regulatory activities  will  continue to target  areas where the HHS  data very
clearly identifies the risk of lead poisoning to be the greatest - low-income,
minority,  urban  areas.   In  addition,  other  specific high risk populations may
exist due to other exposure factors.  During 1998,  the "HHS .data was examined to
identify additional populations at risk of lead poisoning.  A program to target
public education and risk reduction methods for these additional populations will
be developed and implemented in 1999.
1998 AnnualPerformance Goals

•    Achieve significant progress  in  establishing a lead-based paint national
     infrastructure to  ensure significant decreases in.  children's  blood lead
     levels by 200.5 through reduced exposure to lead-based paint.

•    Promulgate renovation  information  rule  and fee rule establishing the fee
     charged by EPA to accredit training providers and certify lead-based paint

•    Issue  proposed  rules   on disposal  of  lead-based  paint  debris  and
     establishment of  standards regarding hazardous levels of  lead in paint,
     dust, and soil.

                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)


Obj . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
       {+$750,000 EPM)   Reflects an Increased investment to support EPA/CDC blood
      lead level screening program.

       (-$400,000 EPM)   1998 Congressional Add-on received.

 Key Performance Measures
 State programs approved
 for the training,
 accreditation and
 certification of lead-
 based paint

 A Federal training,
 accreditation and
 certification program
 will be established and
 administered in states
 which choose not to seek
 approval from EPA. to
 administer state

 Renovation Information

 Fee Rule

 Debris Disposal Rule

 Lead Hazard Standards

 Training, accreditation
 and certification
 requirements for (a)
 renovation and
 remodeling rule  (b)
 Lead-based paint
 activities in buildings
 and .superstructures rule





      By  1999,  a  national  infrastructure  will  be  in place  to ensure  that
homeowners and housing  occupants  have access to a qualified workforce  who is
properly trained to  reduce  lead hazards safely.   Beginning in  1999,  EPA will
start implementing  a training,  certification,  and accreditation program for lead-
based paint professionals in States that do not administer their own programs.
Other regulations  and public outreach will  ensure that parents  have access to
information to make an informed decision about lead-based paint in their home,
with a special emphasis on children in low-income,  urban areas.

KeyPerforittanee Measures Verification

      The accomplishment of EPA's lead-based paint program will be verified by
realizing a significant reduction of children's blood lead levels in. high risk
groups compared with  average  levels.   For the past two  decades,  the NCHS has
collected data on 'the general  health  of  the Nation's population through the
NHNES..  The collection and laboratory analysis of  children's blood for lead has
been part of this program since its inception and has become the standard  for the
estimation of national blood lead  averages.  It is also the only national survey
of children's blood  lead levels.  NCHS is preparing to begin another survey.  The
results, scheduled for release  in 2002, will be used to measure the success of
EPA's lead program.    The verification and validation of data from NHNES will be
conducted by NCHS through a rigorous quality assurance program to ensure that the
sample selected for examination is truly representative of the U.S.  population
and that laboratory analyses of collected blood samples are of known accuracy and
precision (NCHS has  more  than  20 years  experience  in conducting this survey and
these analyses).

      In addition, EPA will evaluate the effectiveness of regulations promulgated
over the next two years.  Through mechanisms including focus groups and surveys,
the Agency  will measure  the awareness  of  and  any changes in behavior  of the
regulated community due to these regulations.  For example, at the end of 1999,
EPA will have established a training, certification, and accreditation program
for lead-based paint professionals in states  that  do not  seek  approval from the
Agency to administer their own program {about fifteen states are not expected to
seek authorization).  In 2000,  following an outreach effort to increase awareness
of state residents on EPA's certification program, the Agency will measure the
success of  this regulation in certifying professionals.   The success will be
determined by the  degree of awareness of the program among professionals who are
likely to become  certified.   Similar evaluations will be developed for other
Statutory Authority

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)  section 6  and TSCA Title IV  (15 TJ.S.C. 2605
and 2681-2592)

Safe Drinking Water Act sections 1412 and 1417  (42 U.S.C. 300g-l, 300g-6).

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act  (CERCLA) (42
U.S.C. 9601-9675)

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

  Preventing Pollution  and Reducing Risk in Communities,  Homes, Workplaces  and

Objective #3:  Safe Handling and Use of  Commercial Chemicals and Microorganisms

      By 2005,  of the approximately 2,000 chemicals and 40  genetically engineered
microorganisms  expected to  enter  commerce each  year,  we will  significantly
increase the introduction by industry of safer or "greener" chemicals which will
decrease the need for regulatory management by EPA.


      The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) authorizes EPA to review a. chemical
or microorganism before commercialization to determine whether it  can be handled
and used safely.  If the review shows  that  an unreasonable risk may be posed to
people or the environment, control  measures are  in place  to ensure their safety
in the marketplace.  Since 1979, EPA has  reviewed more than 31,000 premanufacture
notices  (PMN)  and  taken actions to control risks for  10% of these chemicals.
While the New  Chemicals  Program has been extremely successful in meeting TSCA
goals, the Agency sees  tremendous opportunities  for  increasing the introduction
and use of safer or "greener" chemicals. These safer or "greener" chemicals are
less toxic, result in lower exposure,  are more energy efficient,  generate less
(or less toxic)  waste, or have other similar attributes.  The more  such chemicals
are available to replace those harmful chemicals currently in use, the greater
will be the opportunity to achieve safer workplaces and communities.

      A crucial element of EPA's approach for promoting industry's introduction
of  safer  chemicals  is  to  fulfill the mandate under  TSCA  to  control  the
unreasonable risks for the chemicals which are already in commerce.  Increased
scrutiny on existing chemicals that pose risks in their use or management forces
industry to look  for new chemical formulations or  processes that do  not pose
these risks. This  is done through chemical  information gathering  and testing to
provide EPA and others,  including the public, with sufficient data  for screening,
assessing and managing the risks.  In dealing with more than 75,000 chemicals,
EPA, in partnership with other Federal agencies, industry, and other customers,
has adopted innovative  techniques  and non-regulatory approaches.  Today, risk
management  controls are already in place or planned for many of  chemicals whose
risks are well-characterized (e.g., asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
and  many other chemicals through  Risk Management Actions).   The pace  for
gathering -scientific data needed to support risk assessment is also increasing.

      For those chelmicals whose significant risks  are well established  (such as
PCBs, asbestos, and  dioxin),  reductions in use and releases are important to
reducing exposure of the general population and also sensitive subpopulations.
Risk reduction efforts on these chemicals must continue to meet the mandates

under TSCA  and  fulfill  the  commitments  made in  domestic and  international

      While EPA will continue to assess and take action against unsafe chemical
usage, additional effort will focus on supporting development and/or use of safer
chemicals by industry and improved risk management for all chemicals.  The Agency
sees several ways to achieve this end:

      1)     Encourage industry to apply new or alternative  ways,  in designing
            and  developing  new chemicals and manufacturing new  and  existing
            chemicals that  will either avoid pollution entirely or  minimize
            risks to health and the environment.

      2)     Switch from an inefficient method of managing chemicals individually
            to concurrently  dealing  with  all chemicals within a  group (i.e.,
            chemical category or use  clusters), by streamlining the process for
            identifying safer substitutes and for managing the collective risk
            of the group.

      3)     Remove the regulatory barriers to innovation.

      There are ripple effects of these strategies.  First, the strategies will
drive and consequently bring about improved risk assessment capabilities,  both
within EPA and its  client communities.  For example, the "use cluster approach"
gives flexibility in applying risk mitigation techniques that will result in a
cumulative risk  reduction in  the  use sector  for  a  particular industry.   These
improved  risk  assessment  methods  can also be used for  supporting pollution
prevention activities, such  as Green Chemistry Programs,  that will produce safer
and  greener  chemicals.   With a  higher  proportion of  safer chemicals  being'
developed, EPA can  concentrate on  regulating a smaller  portion of  the  new
chemical substances that warrant risk management.

      Second,  EPA  will act as  an agent for  spreading  and  sharing  the  new
technologies  among  all  parties.    This   will   contribute  to  better  new
premanufacture submissions  by industry to EPA for review;  and to provide the
knowledge for better understanding EPA review decisions.

      Third, the category  and use sector approaches  will shift  both  new and
existing  chemicals  focus toward those areas of the chemical  marketplace that
would benefit from  a comprehensive risk management approach.  Overall this shift
is expected  to result in better targeting  of chemicals  for  risk reductions.
Further,  this shift in focus will minimize or eliminate regulatory burdens on new
chemicals if they replace riskier substances already in the marketplace.

      To assess the 75,000  chemicals  currently in commerce, the challenge is to
provide a streamlined program, while reducing administrative, record keeping, and
regulatory burdens  on the   chemical  industry, because it is  a vital  economic
sector that provides important products and services to the American people.  The
strategy  is  to move toward  a planned, broad screening  of  the potential risks
posed by the  75,000  chemicals  in commerce.   This systematic approach would
identify chemicals believed to be manufactured and used  safely as well as those
chemicals which  may  pose risks  to humans  and the environment and need further


attention.  This  screening will give the nation a  "Toxics  Agenda."   Chemical
risks will be screened and identified using procedures similar to those used in
EPA's New  Chemicals  Program and will result in  chemicals feeing classified by
hazard endpoint based on available information.   Experience gained in EPA's New
Chemicals Program has given  the Agency  the tools and scientific capability to
accomplish the risk screening of all commercial chemicals.

      This strategy will lead to both a focused national chemical  risk management
program and a major increase  in the amount of  information on chemical exposures,
hazards and risks that EPA can provide to the public.  This public information
can also incorporate innovative approaches, such  as  chemical classification and
labeling systems, to advise users and consumers of chemical hazards and risks.
Chemical testing  would  play a  fundamental role  in developing  data  for these
purposes, including chemical classification.   Information on toxic chemicals will
be made available to state and local governments in conducting risk assessment
and management activities.

      Underlying  the  success of all  these strategies is a critical  piece of
information --  chemical  use.   Without  use  information,  we cannot  screen out
unsafe use accurately, define the chemicals falling into specific  "use clusters,"
assess  chemical  hazards  to  reduce exposures, or  identify the  "universe" of
household chemicals.  EPA will develop a Chemical  Use  Inventory (GUI)  System
(through TSCA sec. 8) as an important tool for carrying out the strategies.

      EPA's PCB  control  efforts will shift  from enforcing PCB use standards
toward encouraging phaseout of PCB electrical equipment, ensuring proper waste
disposal methods and capacity, and fostering PCB site cleanups.

      EPA is committed to developing an Agency-wide dioxin strategy that would
respond to the new science of the reassessment and address dioxin  risk management
in a more  comprehensive  cross-media approach.  A draft strategy is now under
development and will be released concurrently with the final reassessment.

      EPA established the Endocrine Disrupter Screening and  Testing Advisory
Committee (EDSTAC),  to provide advice and counsel to the  Agency on a strategy to
screen and test chemicals and pesticides that may cause endocrine disruption in
humans, fish, and wildlife.  EPA must implement the  strategy by August 1999 and
report to Congress by August  2000.  In 1999, EPA will begin testing chemicals in
commerce for endocrine disrupting  potential.  It is expected  that by 2005 all
high volume chemicals will have been screened for  endocrine disrupting potential
and the resulting priority chemicals will have been tested or testing initiated,
using the approach and test methods developed from recommendations of the EDSTAC.

        EPA's research  program will support reducing  risks  posed  by toxic
substances  by generating  scientific  information used  in  improving  the test
methods  used  to generate  the  data used   to  screen  and assess  individual
substances,  both alone and  in combination.   Research  seeks  to  improve our
understanding of both the risks to human health and  adverse ecological effects.
To the extent that this research supports testing guidelines that relate to both
toxic substances  in  general and to pesticides,  research under  this objective
additionally  supports EPA's  efforts to reduce the  risks to the nation's food
supply  (Goal 3)  and the non-dietary pesticide  risks posed to human health and the


environment (addressed in Objective  1 of this goal). The efforts described here
represent an applied  research program  that is directly  responsive  to current
regulatory issues.

      This research will  help the Agency to: 1)  up-date  existing methods and
develop/validate new ones to  detect, characterize,  and quantify adverse human
health effects resulting from exposure  to  toxic substances, taking into account
various combinations of exposures;  2)  improve understanding of the underlying
mechanisms by  which toxic substances  adversely  affect human health,  and,  3)
strengthen the foundation for risk assessments, regulations, and test guidelines
development.   In  addition,   research  seeks  to  provide  state-of-the-science
measurements,   methods,  and  models  for  development   of  ecological  effects,
protocols,  guidelines,  and  strategies,   providing the  scientific  basis  for
credible ecological vulnerability assessments and evaluations of the impacts of
environmental stressors. Understanding the effects of exposures to environmental
stressors (chemical, biological, and physical)  and the uncertainties surrounding
risk associated with our current definitions of stressors on our environment is
an important long-term research goal.  Ecosystem risk issues are being addressed
through applied research to develop methods and models to evaluate the magnitude
and duration  of environmental exposures  and their consequences in  terms  of
effects on wildlife and plant species for both individual anthropogenic stressors
and combinations of anthropogenic and natural stressors,

      In  1999,  EPA will  focus efforts  to implement  the  Toxics Agenda.   An
important  part  of  the  implementation   effort   will  center  on  persistent,
bioaccumulative, and  toxic  (PBT)  chemicals  as  part  of a  coordinated Agency
effort.   To facilitate development of the Agenda, EPA will  complete the GUI
amendment to the Inventory Update Rule,  by that providing  information to improve
EPA's .understanding of chemical uses and  exposures to  consumers,  workers, and
children.  The Agency will begin screening high production volume chemicals for
safe use and testing needs and will  begin  testing actions on 50 chemicals.  New
chemicals  review  will  continue  its  steady  improvement  in  efficiency  and
effectiveness with a greater  focus on increasing the introduction by industry of
safer or greener new chemicals.

      The Agency will  work  towards amending  TSCA to eliminate the current
statutory cap on PMN fees and recovering the costs of running the program.

      The Agency's  efforts  in this objective will  be  supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This may  include  advice,  participation  in  the
development of Agency actions,  document review,  and the  conduct of defensive
                                     IV-2 2

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Qfoj.  03    Safe Handling and Use       $31,646.7     $41,024.6      $41,272.5
      of Commercial Chemicals and

      Environmental Program &           $31,646.7     $.30,492.9      $31,939.2

      Science and Technology                 $0.0     $10,531.7       $9,333.3

    Total FTE:                               263.2         357.2          343.6
1999Annual Performance Goals

•    Ensure that of  the approximately 2,500 new  chemicals  and microorganisms
     submitted by industry each year, those that are introduced  in commerce  are
     safe to humans and the environment for their intended uses.

•    Expand EPA's  ability to conduct safety  reviews of chemicals  already in
     commerce and implement a strategy for comprehensively screening,  testing,
     classifying and managing the risks posed by commercial chemicals,  with an
     emphasis on high production volume chemicals.

•    Reduce the industrial burden and cost of managing the safe  disposal of PCBs
     by implementing the PCB rule.

•    Begin testing chemicals in commerce for endocrine distupting potential.

•    Continue to stimulate development of new safe  ("green") chemicals and safe
     chemical processes through public recognition for outstanding achievements
     in this field*

•    Improve aquatic risk assessment methods with new population dynamic models
     that extrapolate biassays to community effects.

•    Extend SAR screening capabilities to include a systematic screening of the
     reactive pesticides and industrial chemicals.

•    Improve in vitro hazard identification methods for one-election mechanisms
     of toxicity among industrial chemicals.

     EPA's activities  on new and  existing chemicals focus on increasing the
introduction and use of safer and greener chemicals.  Timely completion of new
chemical  reviews  will  ensure  that  all  new  chemicals are   screened  before
introduction and needed actions taken.  New chemical reviews will identify green
chemistry  approaches and will  engage  customers  in  these programs  through
incentives indicating  benefits/gains  that might  accrue from  these pollution
                                     IV-2 3

prevention efforts.  New and existing chemical -programs will be better aligned
to remove barriers to innovation of new chemicals and to promote integrated risk
management and pollution prevention for new and existing chemicals.

     EPA' s Green Chemistry Program recognizes and promotes chemical methods that
reduce or eliminate the use or generation of toxic substances during the design,
manufacture, and  use  of chemical products  and processes and that  have broad
application in industry.  One component of this program is the Green Chemistry
Challenge, which  supports basic research  by providing recognition,  through an
awards program, for outstanding accomplishments  in chemistry  that  can lead to
substantial progress in the development of safer and greener chemicals.

     Completion of testing actions  on new  and existing chemicals will result in
the development of test data needed to support  adequate assessments of chemical
risks by  government,  industry,  and the public.   Steps  to  facilitate enhanced
public access to TSCA test data will be initiated, by that beginning a process
to meet the right-to-know needs  of  the public for basic toxicity information on
chemicals.   Promulgation of  the  CUT  rule,  by identifying critically needed
industrial, commercial, and consumer products  (e.g., household)  chemical uses,
will facilitate risk screening,  including identifying risks to children.

     EPA will implement the final rules issued in 1997/1998 which will enable the
regulated  community to  reduce  the  PCB concentration  of  their equipment  to
acceptable levels  and  clean up contaminated sites  under more flexible, self-
implementing equipment reclassification, decontamination and remediation options.
This should result in less administrative burden and costs  for both EPA and the
regulated community.

     In  1999,  research to  improve  health effects  measurements, methods,  and
models will focus on:  1}  development of mechanistically-based predictive models
for human health risk assessment, such as structure-activity-relationship models
to help  determine testing needs under Section 5  of TSCA,  which addresses new
chemicals, 2} development of methods to evaluate hazard of numerous human health
endpoints  (e.g., neurological, reproductive,  immunological), and 3)  development
of  data  on  chemical-specific  effects,  such  as  for  those  toxic  substances
identified as high regulatory priority.  Efforts in the area of effects research
will include: 1) developing and validating predictive models  {e.g., biologically-
based   dose-response,    structure-activity-relationship}  to  identify   and
characterize ecological hazard and risk  (e.g., improved methods for one-electron
mechanisms  of  toxicity), 2)  developing hazard identification  techniques for
numerous  ecological health end points for various wildlife  species (e.g.,
improved aquatic hazard identification and risk characterization methods with new
population dynamic models that extrapolate bioassays to community effects), and
3)  evaluating data  on  the direct  stressor effects  of toxic  substances  on
experimental ecosystems,  including  wildlife species, and on interactions of such
exposures with other anthropogenic and/or natural  stressors.

1998Annual Performance Goals

•    Ensure the approximately 2,500 new chemicals  and microorganisms considered
     for markets are safe for their intended uses  in commerce.


     Expand EPA's ability  to  conduct safety reviews  of chemicals already  in
     commerce  -and develop  a strategy for comprehensively screening,  testing,
     classifying  and managing  the  risks  posed by commercial  chemicals,  with  an
     emphasis  on  high production volume  chemicals.

     Reduce the industrial burden  and cost of  managing the safe disposal  of

     Develop,  on  a consensus  basis  with key  stakeholders,  a  strategy for
     screening and  testing chemicals in  commerce for endocrine disrupting

     Stimulate development of new  safe  ("green")  chemicals and  safe  chemical
     processes through  public  recognition for outstanding achievements in this
                        1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars  in Thousands)

03 Ob j . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
      The change in resources  does  not represent  a change  in the program.   The
      application of 1998 carryover funds to this objective are not included in
      this table.

      S&T reductions  represent a  move  away from  research  on point  source
      pollution effects on plants toward other higher risk areas, such as Global
      Change and the  need to  develop ecological  indicators for  terrestrial
      ecosystems.   Little adverse effect  is  expected since most of the planned
      research on the  effects  of toxic substances to plants will be completed.
 Key Performance Measures            1998                      1999

 Receive and complete      2,500  PMN annual  reviews  2,500  PMN annual  reviews
 safety reviews of  2,500
•TSCA PMHs,  with no more
 than 100 of these
 reviews concluding that
 regulatory management by
 EPA is required

 TSCA Chemical Use                  Proposed                 Promulgated
 Inventory Rule
                                    IV-2 5

Complete,  in 1998,            Toxics Agenda --
QPPT's Toxics Agenda              Completed
which will define how
EPA proposes
comprehensively to
screen,  test, classify
and manage the risks
posed by commercial

Screen high production                                        400
volume chemicals
Test high production
volume chemicals

PCB Rules                        Promulgated               Implemented

Complete,  in 1998, a         Endocrine Disrupter             Implement
strategy and .report to    .       Strategy --
Congress for screening            Completed
and testing commercial
chemicals for endocrine
disrupting potential and
begin testing chemicals
in commerce for
endocrine disrupting

Receive/review            50 or more viable         50 or more viable
applications for Green    applications evaluated    applications evaluated
Chemistry Challenge

Peer publication on the                             1 publication
in vitro screening
methods for one-electron

Computerized SAR system                             1 system
for rapid screening of
reactive chemical or
known metabolites of
pesticides and
industrial chemicals

Deliver watershed-scale                             1 -model
pollutant and aquatic
habit exposure
assessment model key for
pesticides and toxics
                                    IV-2 6


      EPA is committed to provide an enhanced, more efficient, and streamlined
program  for  screening,  testing,  and managing  chemical  risks.   The chemical
industry is a vital economic sector that provides important products and services
to the American people, therefore,  administrative, record keeping, and regulatory
burdens  must be kept to  a minimum.   The New Chemicals Program  reviews the
potential risks of chemicals before they are commercialized and regulates them
if there are significant risks.  Experience gained  in the New Chemicals Program
has  given EPA  the  tools  and  scientific  capability  to  accomplish the  risk
screening of all commercial chemicals.   This  screening will give  the nation a
"Toxics Agenda."  Chemical testing would play a fundamental role in developing
data  for  this screening.    In  addition, EPA  will  emphasize the right-to-know
ethic by making available to the public,  information about chemical hazards and
exposures developed during the  risk screening and testing programs on both new
and existing chemicals.

      Achievement of this  objective would represent a large advance in the state
of knowledge on  chemicals  in commerce and substantial progress  in ensuring that
chemical risks are properly managed.   The  ultimate outcome desired from these
efforts  is  a  situation  where  risks  from  all chemicals  can be  adequately
characterized and appropriate risk management steps are taken when unacceptable
risks are identified.

      In the area of health effects methods and models  research,  ORD  will be
developing methods  to  evaluate  hazard  on noncancer  human  health  endpoints
including  new/refined   test  methods  for  neurotoxicity,  immunotoxicity,  and
reproductive toxicity and  developing predictive models to improve the biological
basis for human health  risk  assessment  including chemical-specific studies to
determine long-term health effects of exposures during  development.   The Agency
will  incorporate these  test methods  into its collection of testing guidelines
under which manufacturers will  be required to submit data.

      The ecological effects research program will provide state-of-the-science
methods and model development by developing: (l) ecological hazard identification
techniques, and  (2) predictive  models to identify and characterize ecological
hazard and risk. Furthermore, data on  direct stressor effects of toxic substances
on    experimental    ecosystems/wildlife    and    on    interactions    with
anthropogenic/natural stressors will be evaluated.  The  development of these
methods and models to evaluate the  consequences of exposures to toxic substances,
in  terms  of effects   on wildlife  and plant  species  for   both  individual
anthropogenic stressors  and combinations of anthropogenic and anthropogenic and
natural  stressors will  further  EPA's ability to conduct a more scientifically
sound assessment of ecological  risk.
Key Performance Measures Verification

       Performance  will be measured by counting the number  of new chemicals
Pre-Manufacture Notice submissions (PMN's) that are determined by EPA to be safe
and not to require EPA management controls,  PMN' s submissions and determinations

                                     IV-2 7

are tracked under formal EPA document management and decision-making systems to
ensure compliance with statutory deadlines for Agency action.  The "greener" the
new chemical EPA  receives  for  review,  the  more success achieved in protecting
human health and the environment.  Performance will also be measured by how much
knowledge we gain in understanding the  risks of toxic chemicals to human health
and the environment.  EPA will gain this knowledge through required and voluntary
chemical testing by industry.  When EPA identifies  specific risks posed by toxic
chemicals, performance will be judged by its success to  mitigate through actions
such as labeling,  banning of the chemical or its use in  certain products.  These
counts will be drawn from formal regulatory action tracking systems maintained
by EPA that have thorough QA/QC procedures to ensure the integrity of the data
maintained  therein.   Last,  success  will be  judged  by lowering risk  through
preventing  pollution  and  achieving this  through voluntary compliance  over
regulated controls.

      EPA has several  strategies  to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental  science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process  to use risk assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria..  EPA  conducts  annual research program
reviews to  both evaluate the  status and accomplishments of its research and
determine planning priorities.

      Chief among the  Agency's  validation and verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer  review  process.    In a  July  1997  memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states that peer review will be expanded "to include both the major
work products provided  in the past and ... all scientific and technical products
supporting Agency decisions. This expanded and strengthened focus on peer review
will help  ensure  that  the  performance measures  li-sted here are verified and
validated by external  organizations.  The Agency utilizes peer review throughout
the research planning and  implementation process,  both to  ensure  that planned
research addresses'Critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission and to assess
the quality of  scientific  research plans,  products,  and proposals.   This is
accomplished through the use of independent entities.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System (OMIS)
will be  another accountability tool used  to verify and validate  performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA  structure will be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of information  to users.
Statutory Authority

TSCA section 4     (15 U.S.C. 2603)

TSCA section 5     (15 U.S.C. 2604)

TSCA section 6     (15 U.S.C. 2605)

TSCA section 8     (15 U.S.C. 2607)

TSCA section 12(b) (15 U.S.C. 2611)
                                     IV-2 8

TSCA section 13     (15 U.S.C.  2612)

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)  sections 3,  4, 5, 6,
      11, 18, 24, and 25  (7 U.S.C.  136a,  136a-l,  136c,  136d,  13"6i, 136p, 136v,
      and 136w)
                                     IV-2 9

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                        1999  Annual  Request to Congress

  Preventing  Pollution and Reducing  Risk in Communities, Homes, Workplaces  and

Objective #4:     Healthier Indoor Air

      By 2005,  fifteen million  more Americans  will  live  or work  in  homes,
schools, or office buildings with healthier indoor air than in 1994.

Overview                                                                ,

      Indoor air pollution poses high risks to human health, especially sensitive
populations,  and has ranked among the top  four environmental risks in relative
risk reports. In homes, radon is  the second leading cause of lung cancer and is
responsible for an estimated  14,000  deaths  per year. The Agency recommends that
all  homes  be  tested for  radon  and  mitigated if  levels  are at  or above  4
picocuries per liter of air; nearly  1 out of every 15 homes is  estimated to have
radon concentrations above this action level.  Environmental  tobacco smoke (ETS)
is a "class A" carcinogen and causes  about 3,000 lung cancer deaths in nonsmokers
annually.  A recent study reported in  the American Heart  Association Journal
concluded that constant ETS exposure in the workplace or at home nearly doubles
the  risk  of  having  a  heart attack (between  30,000 and 50,000  excess  deaths
annually).  It is responsible for many childhood respiratory problems including
150,000-300,000 cases of pneumonia and bronchitis each year  in  children under 18
months  of  age as well  as middle ear  fluid build up  in children.   Asthmatic
children are especially at  risk since ETS  exposure  increases the  number of
episodes and severity of symptoms for up to 1,000,000 asthmatic children.

      In schools,  the  General Accounting Offices estimates  that  9.9  million
students and 570,000 teachers and school staff suffer illnesses annually due to
poor indoor air quality. A World Health Organization Committee has suggested that
up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings, including schools,  worldwide may be the
subject of excessive complaints related to indoor air quality.

      Additionally, exposure to organic chemicals and biological contaminants in
the  indoor environment has been associated with adverse effects  on the human
immune, neurological and respiratory  systems as well as  sensory irritation.
Recently,  studies have also identified  a relationship  between expos"""
biological contaminants and the development or exacerbation of •*•"'
      The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is cc             the)
because scientific studies demonstrate individuals spe              T"i
of their time indoors where air pollutant concentratic
higher  than  outdoors.   The private  sector is  concern*
because of the  impacts  on worker productivity and  the
combination of these two factors is estimated to cost
billions of dollars per year.

                                     IV-30             \

      EPA has two major strategies to meet its human health objective for indoor
air quality.  First,  EPA  raises public awareness of actual and potential indoor
air risks so  that  individuals can  take  steps to  reduce exposure.   Second,  EPA
uses partnerships and technology transfer to  improve the way in which all types
of buildings,  including schools, homes, workplaces and other large buildings are
designed, operated, and maintained to bring about healthier environments indoors.
To support these voluntary approaches, EPA incorporates the most current science
available as the basis for recommended exposure reduction actions.

      To reach the objective, EPA focuses its efforts on outreach: an overarching
activity supporting efforts to increase awareness about indoor air quality and
to promote changes  in indoor air quality in homes  (with a focus on environmental
tobacco smoke), schools,  and workplaces.  Underpinning EPA's outreach efforts is
a strong commitment to environmental justice, community based risk reduction, and
customer service.

      EPA's   outreach  activities  center  around  a  network  of  cooperative
partnerships with organizations such as the National Association of Counties, the
American Lung Association,  the Consumer Research Council, the National Council
for  Negro  Women (NCNW),  the  American  Pediatric Association,  the  National
Education Association,   and  the  Real Estate  Educators Association.    These
partnerships position EPA to successfully reach and educate  its target audience
which  includes county and  local  environmental health officials,  susceptible
minority and  disadvantaged populations,  schools,  and real  estate  and building
professionals.  Through this national partner network of over 25 organizations
and  their  600 plus  local field  affiliates,  EPA  leverages  the  personnel,
expertise, and credibility of these groups and mobilizes hundreds of community-
based affiliates at the state and local levels.

      EPA also provides essential  information to the public and to professional
and research communities  about radon and other indoor air-related risks and takes
steps   to   reduce  them   through   educational   literature,   public   service
announcements, hotlines and clearinghouse operations.  These basic information
services to the public and to  our risk  reduction .network provide  the support
necessary for continuing to achieve our bottom line results such as home radon
tests  completed,  home mitigations accomplished,  new homes built  with radon-
resistant features,  implementation  of the Indoor Air Quality "Tools for Schools"
kit, and office buildings managed with good Building Air Quality practices.  EPA
Regions provide  information and assistance to the public,  other  governmental
agencies, and non-governmental organizations to help meet the program's objective
and sub-objectives.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
Obj , 04 Healthier Indoor Air
Environmental Program &
Science and Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance
Total FTE























1999 Annual Performance Goals

      In 1999,  850,000 additional people will be living in healthier residential
indoor environments, including:

•     530,000 people living in homes built with radon resistant features..

•     195,000 children age 6 and under no  longer exposed to ETS in their homes.

•     130,000 people living in radon mitigated homes.

•     In 1999, 1,600,000  students,  faculty and staff will experience improved
      indoor air quality in their schools.

•     Complete  development   of  baseline  information   (BASE)   on  building
      environmental parameters and occupant health symptoms.   This information
      will be used to assess exposure and devise risk reduction strategies for
      .office buildings.

•     Improve  understanding of the  effects of  indoor  contaminants  on  human

      Each year through 2005, EPA will take incremental steps to reach the indoor
air objective  with  a focus on EPA priorities  including:  children,  indoor air
quality,  environmental  justice,   and   urban  areas.  EPA's  activities  which
specifically address Agency priorities are:

•     Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools,

•     Asthma  Open  Airways  Effort  in  cooperation  with  the  American  Lung
                                     IV- 3 2

       •     Environmental Tobacco Smoke media campaign.
       •     Environmental  Tobacco Smoke Day Care Project  in cooperation  with the
             American Academy of Pediatrics.

       •     Environmental Justice efforts supported through cooperative partnerships
             with NCHW, AAPCHO, Self-Reliance Foundation, and COSSMHO.

       •     Tools  for Schools  pilot with  the District  of Columbia  Public School

       •     Sound Science.

             Through achievement of the annual performance goals, in 2005, 15 million
       more Americans will live or work in homes, schools, and/or office buildings with
       healthier indoor air  than in 1994.  Our  priorities  in  1999  include:  1)  radon
       testing, radon mitigation, and radon resistant construction; implementing "Tools
       for Schools"; increasing awareness  of the harmful effects of children's exposure
       to secondhand smoke; completing the analysis of data from the Building Assessment
       Survey  and Evaluation (BASE) ,-  privatizing the radon proficiency program; and,
       focussing on community based risk reduction.

              EPA's research .supports achievement of the objective for-healthier indoor
       air  by producing  necessary scientific  information  to  understand  indoor air
       effects.  Research will further identify, characterize,  and compare the health
       risks associated with indoor exposures to air pollutants so that risk managers
       can make informed decisions to protect public health.

             Effects  researchers  will  focus   on  controlled  clinical  studies  on
       biocontaminants  (house  dust mite  and other  allergens)  aiid their  effects on
       allergic, asthmatic,  and normal healthy  children.   Researchers will  use the
       animal  model  for evaluating biologic contaminants to characterize effects and
       dose-responses  of  various  biocontaminants.    (Animal  models provide  a  cost-
       effective tool for evaluating biocontaminant effects and aid in understanding the
       extrapolation of immunotoxicologic data  from animals to humans.)  Researchers
       will evaluate  the  health effects associated with exposures  to mixtures found
       indoors, particularly mixtures of biocontaminants  like house dust  mites  and more
       conventional pollutants  (e.g., nitrogen  dioxide,  ozone,  and VOCs),  This will
       augment research on susceptible populations (e.g.,  asthmatics and those reporting
       multiple chemical sensitivity symptoms) and improve our ability to extrapolate
       animal data to humans facilitating  the  evaluation  of the human risks from indoor
       air pollution.

             This research  will substantially  expand  EPA's ability  to evaluate the
       effects of pollutant  exposures and their impacts on both normal and sensitive
       subpopulations by validating risk assessment models developed using  animal data.

       1998 Annual Performance Goals

       •     In 1998, 850,000 additional people will be living in healthier residential
             indoor environments,  including:

                                            IV-3 3

 530,000  people  living in homes  built  with radon resistant  features.

 195,000  children  age  6 and under no longer exposed to ETS in their homes.

 130,000  people  living in radon  mitigated homes.

 In 1998, 960,000  students,  faculty and  staff will experience  improved
 indoor air  quality in their  schools.
                   1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                       (Dollars  in Thousands)

04 Obj . Total Change .
Environmental Program £ Management
Science and Technology
 (+$1,250,000)  In 1999, using investment resources of '$1,250,000, EPA will
 begin a cooperative project with the New York area  region to develop and
 implement an asthma program designed to reduce the health risk to children
 of  indoor contaminants.   As a  starting point, in 1999,  we will implement
 an  outreach campaign based on  data  from a proposed National  Academy of
 Science  (NAS)  study   "An Assessment of Asthma and Indoor Air Quality."
' The NAS study  will evaluate the science behind the current information on
 the role and significance of indoor air asthma triggers such as dust mite,
 cockroach allergens, .mold, animal dander,  and  environmental tobacco smoke.

 (-$1,000,000)  In 1999 we also expect  to benefit from efficiencies from our
 efforts to privatize the Radon Proficiency Program and other streamlining
 efforts  in  the  Indoor  Environments  Program thereby  accounting for  a
 disinvestment  of $1,000,000 total contract dollars.   This  disinvestment
 has been  redirected  to higher  priority work in the  homes  and  schools
 programs, specifically radon  risk assessment  and risk  prioritization and
 the Tools for  Schools program.

 (+$929,300)  Total  payroll costs  for  this   objective  will   increase  by
 $929,300 total dollars reflecting increased workforce  costs.

 (+$167,600)  Working Capital  Fund (WCF) resources for this objective have
 been increased by $167,600.
                               IV-3 4

 Key Performance Measures                   1998                 1999

 People living in healthier indoor  850,000 people       850,00,0 people

 People living in radon resistant   530,000 people       530,000 people

 People living in radon mitigated   130,000 people       130,000 people

 Children under 6 not exposed to    195,000 children     195,000 children

 Students/staff experiencing        960,000              1,600,000
 improved IAQ in schools       '     students/staff       students/staff

      Each year through 2005, EPA will take incremental steps to reach the indoor
environments objective through its annual performance goals. Through its research
efforts,  EPA  will produce  technical  reports,  methods,  models,  and  other
scientific information to  improve the 'understanding of the  effects of indoor
contaminants in micro-environments, their sources, and risk management options
to reduce exposure. Health research,  focused on  biocontaminants, will determine
health effects of indoor  air pollutants  (i.e., eye, nose, and throat irritancy,
central nervous system damage, sensory effects)? develop and test hypotheses"for
definition of multiple chemical  sensitivity.  Research will also develop better
methods and models to  quantify source emissions; and develop methods to measure

      With  a   consistent   level  of  resources  and   program  and  research
prioritization,  EPA will be on target to  reach  its year .2005  environmental
outcome.   In  the  future,  EPA will  also  need to focus  on  emerging  indoor
environment issues  such  as carbon monoxide poisoning,  the  impact of consumer
products use/misuse in the home,  the risks of volatile organic compounds used
indoors, and biological contaminants.

      The  achievement of the current objective is a bold response  to one of the
most serious environmental problems facing  the public, but it would leave much
to be done,  EPA'-s  focus in the future will be to address the remaining risks,
including such challenges as the millions of Americans yet to test their homes
for radon ('and fix,  if warranted) ,  the 15% of American households who would still
expose  their  children  to one  of  the  most  potent  sources of  pollution,
environmental tobacco  smoke, as well as the  additional schools  and buildings
which have not implemented sound building air quality practices.

      Indoor air research  supports achievement of the  objective  by producing
necessary scientific information to -understand indoor air effects.  Specifically,
EPA will by 2005, produce technical reports, methods, models, and other
                                     IV-3 5

scientific information to  improve the understanding of the effects  of  indoor
contaminants in micro-environments.

      Health research, focused on biocontaminants,  will determine health effects
of indoor air pollutants  (i.e., eye., nose,  and throat irritancy, central nervous
system damage,  sensory effects); develop and test hypotheses for definition of
multiple chemical sensitivity.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      In order to determine progress on  the  number  of  homes tested for radon,
homes fixed if levels are elevated,  and the number of children aged 6 and under
exposed to ETS in their homes,  the program utilizes the biennial survey conducted
by  the  Conference  of  Radiation   Control   Program Directors.  The  National
Association of Home Builders  (NAHB)  conducts an annual survey of home builders
which includes questions  concerning the extent to which they are employing radon-
resistant construction techniques.  This information is  made available to EPA
through an  agreement with NAHB.  We  also determine progress by  tracking the
number of kits distributed and kits analyzed, by conducting  follow up inquiries
with partners, and using lab  files for evaluations and tracking.

      The number of  schools  that implement the IAQ  Tools for  Schools kit are
tracked through a centralized  database where data are provided by program office
staff, the Government Printing Office,  national  cooperative partners, contractor
staff,  and the EPA  regional  offices.   In addition,  we access  the National
Association of Energy Service Companies  database  which tracks companies which
have performed  ventilation  work in schools  as well as public  school student
enrollment numbers.

      The  first  measure  for  large buildings,  which involves  completing the
measurement and characterization of 100  randomly  selected large buildings, is
performed by the program which is responsible  for conducting the BASE study.  The
second measure is reported on by the International Union of  Operating Engineers
as a condition of its continuing cooperative agreement with EPA under which it
trains  building  engineers and  then assesses  the  implementation of  good IAQ
management  practices.  The Las Vegas  laboratory also collects  and  tracks the
number of samples and analyses from buildings where measures are collected.

      EPA has several strategies to  validate  and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental science and research.   The Agency has implemented a
.risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment  and  risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews to  both evaluate the status  and accomplishments of  its  research and
determine  planning priorities.   To  better draw  upon  the expertise  of the
environmental academic  community,  EPA created the  Science  to Achieve Results
 (STAR) program of peer-reviewed,  mission-driven extramural grants;  the Agency is
also  working  with   the National  Research  Council   to  identify  emerging
environmental issues  for which we must begin planning the necessary research.

      The  Agency utilizes peer review  throughout  the research  planning and
implementation process, both to ensure that planned  research addresses critical

                                    IV-3 6

knowledge issues within EEA's mission, and to assess the quality of scientific
research plans, products, and proposals.  This is accomplished through the use
of independent entities such as the Science Advisory Board (SAB)  and the Board
of  Scientific  Councilors  (BOSC).    The BOSC,  established  under  the  Federal
Advisory Committee Act, will examine the way the Agency uses peer review, as well
as the management of its research and development laboratories,

      EPA' s external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for funding through grants or cooperative agreements.   In addition,
Requests for Applications (RFAs)  under the STAR program are  often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.
Statutory Authority

"Radon Gas and Indoor Air Quality Research Act" of Title IV of the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act  (SARA)

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA)section 6 and TSCA Titles II and III  (15
U.S.C. 2605 and 2641-2671)

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

Clean Air Act (CAA)

Safe Drinking Water Act  (SDWA)
                                     IV-3 7

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

 Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,  Homes, Workplaces and

Objective #5: Improve Pollution Prevention Strategies, Tools, Approaches

      By 2005,  reduce by 25%  (from 1992 level) the quantity of toxic pollutants
released, disposed of, treated,  or combusted for energy recovery.  Half of this
reduction will be achieved through pollution prevention practices..


      The goal  of "pollution prevention"  (P2)  is to prevent  pollutants from
entering into the environment (before the fact)  as opposed to "risk management
and remediations" that deal with pollutants that already exist in the environment
(after the fact) .  By reducing or eliminating toxic substances in the first place
(source  reductions),  the chances  for them  escaping into the  environment and
ecosystems will be avoided.  Based on this concept, this objective is aimed to
eliminate or reduce the applications of toxic substances from upstream chemical
manufacturing processes to downstream chemical use activities,- a practice that
can only be  carried out by  industry,  businesses  and consumers.   EPA devises
various strategies incorporating market incentives, technological innovation, and
direct assistance to facilitate the adoption of the practices.  Achievement of
this objective will lead to the reduction of toxic pollutant's entered into the
environment,  resulting in a cleaner and safer environment.

      Compared with the traditional environmental focus in controlling, treating,
or  cleaning up  pollution,  P2  is  most effective  iri  reducing  health  and
environmental risks because  it: 1) eliminates  releases  to the environment, 2)
avoids the frequent shifts of pollutants  from  one media (air,  water,  land) to
another,  and 3)  protects natural resources for future  generations  by cutting
wastes and conserving use.

      It is cost-efficient, especially to industry, because it reduces excess raw
materials and energy  use.  It  also trims the need for expensive "end-of-pipe"
treatment and disposal, cuts potential liability and conforms with quality and
continuous improvement incentives  already at work within facilities.  To EPA, P2
moves away from many of the limitations  of conventional, command-and-control
regulation;  for example, pollution transfers  due to single media regulation, long
lead time for promulgation, and fast changing technologies and processes.

      Under the Pollution  Prevention Act  of  1990,  it is the Federal policy of
United  States  "that pollution  should  be prevented  or  reduced at  the  source
whenever  feasible,"  as  the  nation's  preferred approach to  environmental
protection.     To  support  this  principle,  current EPA  strategies  are  to
institutionalize  preventive  approaches  in  EPA's  regulatory, operating,  and
compliance/enforcement programs and facilitate the adoption  of  P2 techniques by

                                     IV- 3 8

the states, tribes and private industry.  Underpinning these strategies is the
recognition  by EPA  that P2  can be  accomplished only  after  its  concept  is
understood,  firmly  grounded and put  into practice by stakeholders,  since  P2
represents new ways of doing business.   EPA is using various market incentives,
environmental  management tools and technologies  to induce and  facilitate  P2

      EPA  and stakeholders  have made  much  progress  in  carrying out  these
strategies, but there is still more work to be done.  Internally, many offices
within EPA have  increasingly become   aware  of  P2  opportunities  to play  a
substantive role in solving media-specific or cross-media pollution. Where state
and local governments are the principle  focus, mechanisms have been built  (such
as the Environmental Commissioners of the States  (EGOS) and the Forum on State
and Tribal Toxics Action  (FOSTTA))  to assist in their adoption of P2 programs.
EPA sees  the fastest  growing P2 opportunities in private sector partnerships, by
merging  EPA's knowledge  of  P2  principles/technicfues with  industry-specific
expertise in production/process design.  This will be the  strategy of choice for
incorporating P2 into basic business practices.

      For the  coming five to six years, EPA will  achieve  the  goals of the P2
programs through a coordinated set of initiatives:

      (a) Building strong,  operating  P2 programs  in each  of the 50 states --
States are the primary sources for businesses seeking assistance in identifying
and applying prevention approaches.   Building a strong P2 presence among states
is vitally important  since they are the major conduits for helping  educate their
communities in P2  methods.  Several states have become leaders in P2 efforts and
the Agency has provided  seed  money  to help states in promoting innovation and
developing state capacity.  The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, FOSTTA,
and state P2 and media programs have been able partners in developing training
and technical assistance.   EPA  will also foster technology  and information
sharing among the states through the existing network of governmental and non-
governmental bodies already active in this field.

      (b)  Institutionalizing  P2  in EPA's Core  Regulatory and  Programmatic
Activities  -- EPA sees  P2 as an important  tool for developing multi-media
solutions  to environmental problems.    The Agency  will continue  to provide
information and assistance to EPA media offices (air, water,  land) in devising
P2 options as they develop common sense regulatory approaches.     The value and
validity of this approach will be demonstrated in  the coordinated  efforts among
several  offices  to  reduce  the  serious  risks  of  priority  persistent,
bioaccumulative and  toxic pollutants  (PBTs).  This initiative  will serve as a
model for addressing  future environmental problems  with multi-media hazards. The
Agency's PBT  initiative  is  a multi-media approach to  bring the  full  range of
EPA's  tools,   especially prevention-based tools,  to bear  on   priority PBT
pollutants, by (1) unifying EPA's priorities for a set of  pollutants of greatest
concern,  and  (2)  applying all available tools  from seven EPA National Program
Manager Offices in an orchestrated fashion to 'achieve greater reductions than are
achievable by all seven offices working independently.

      (c) Informing Consumers about Environmentally Preferable Products -- EPA
is  moving  ahead  with  consumer product  programs to  provide  the  kinds  of

                                     IV-3 9

information consumers can use in making environmentally friendly choices.  The
Agency expects  this  will  improve the breadth of market  information  that will
subsequently influence the supply of products designed with P2 considerations.
The Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI) is  a program intended to  improve the
household product labels to better present environmental, safe use, health and
other  information that  can  be  easily understood  and  compared  by  average
Americans.   EPA has  been working cooperatively with other Federal  and state
agencies, industry groups and public interest groups to develop more effective
consumer product  labels,  analogous  to the new  food  nutrition labels.   Proper
labeling is especially important  for products used by or around children to help
parents prevent the unnecessary dangers of using toxic chemicals.

       (d) Leading by  Example in the Federal government -- The Agency  also has the
lead in  carrying out Executive  Order 12873, Section 503,  which requires the
Federal government to use its purchasing power to create a demand for products
and services  that have a reduced impact on  the  environment, environmentally
preferable products.   The Agency has developed proposed guidance that includes
seven general guiding principles to help executive agencies identify and purchase
environmentally preferable products  (EPP)  and services.   The EPP  strategy is
intended to drive up  the demand from public  sectors and production capacity for
products with less potential threat to public health and environmental damage.
There  is also a growing movement in  state government to  establish  "take back"
legislation  that would make  certain  producers responsible  for  taking back
products at the end of their useful life.  This would provide an incentive for
product design that minimizes environmental impact.

       (e)  Reforming  Business  Practices --   EPA is aggressively pursuing the
integration  of  P2 principles  into  social  choices  by focusing on  reforming
business practices.   EPA will  play a  strong  role in promoting business adoption
of  voluntary  Environmental  Management  Systems   (such   as  ISO  14000)  into
fundamental  business  decisions, and  in  encouraging businesses  to  modify
management  accounting systems  to  account  for  environmental  costs  fully and
explicitly.  These strategies are based on the beliefs that the current business
management  framework can be  enhanced  to help companies more easily  choose
prevention practices.  These systems  will foster  performance and compensation
decisions that reflect environmental goals and that will result in less waste,
increased  profitability,  enhanced  competitiveness  for  U.S.  businesses and,
ultimately, improved protection of public health and the environment.

       (f) Promoting Green  Product Design -- The Design for the  Environment  (DfE)
approaches are aimed at helping industry make informed decisions about the use
of  alternative  chemicals,  processes,  and technologies  to  prevent pollution.
Specifically  targeted  industries   will   include   dry   cleaning,   printing,
electronics, and textiles.  Projects to date have shown the

potential for willing partners to demonstrate reduced risk to human health and
the environment from using DfE approaches.

       Beginning in 1999 and  continuing thereafter,  EPA will  develop innovative,
multi-media strategies and tools (through inter-office and Regional coordination)
to target priority PBTs for P2  at domestic levels.  This initiative will target
pollutants  of  greatest concern  to  create strong programmatic  and compliance


       incentives for P2 at several levels  --  international,  domestic,  and regional.
\      The targeting will be done as a collaborative effort between multiple offices and
       their Regional components.  The initially targeted list  of  PBT's will  provide
       needed focus to the  effort,  and further joint prioritization  activities  will
       reach more deeply  into  integrating core regulatory and programmatic outcomes on
       a multi-media basis.   Multi-media  analysis and  P2 tools will  be  used  in  a
       mutually reinforcing manner.   Practical solutions may involve a combination of
       P2,  recycling,  and,  when appropriate,  treatment.   Operating and programmatic
       components are being identified,  specific industries that use or produce PBT's
       will be selected for particular focus, and  we will take  actions to  prevent or
       reduce the release of PBT's into the environment.

             The Agency's efforts in  this  objective will  be .supported through legal
       counseling  and  advocacy.    This  may  include  advice,   participation  in  the
       development of Agency  actions,  document  review,  and the  conduct of defensive

                                 Objective  by Appropriation
                                   (Dollars in Thousands)

       	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

        Obj.  05     Improve  Pollution           $27,074.1     $25,245.9     $26,865,5
             Prevention Strategies,  Tools,

\            Environmental  Program &           $21,074.6     $19,246.4     $20,866,0

             State and  Tribal  Assistance         $5,999.5      $5,999.5      $5,999,5

           Total FTE                                 85.1          79.6          80.2
       1999 Annual Performance Goals

       •      Continue to assure broad-based implementation and reporting of P2 measures
             by facilities required to submit Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)  data.

       •      Reduce by 2%  in 1999 (for a cumulative total of 10%)  the quantity of TRI
             pollutants released,  treated  or combusted  for  energy recovery,  with
             emphasis on the use of P2 practices.

       •      From the 1998 baseline,  expand P2 practices in  the  garment  and textile
             care  industries by achieving a  25%  increase  in  the  use  of  safer
             alternative cleaning technologies.

       •      Reduce risk  to  human health and  the  environment from exposure  to  PBTs
             through the elimination or reduction of PBTs produced or through managing
             PBT use.

      These goals will help achieve the objective by (for example) enabling some
facilities to drop below reporting thresholds  for targeted chemicals, fostering
increases in P2 practices as reported on the TRI Form R, etc.
1998Annual Performance Goals

•      Assure  broad-based  implementation  and  reporting  of  P2  measures
      facilities required to submit Toxics Release Inventory  (TRI) data.
      Reduce by 2% the quantity of TRI pollutants released,  treated or combusted
      for energy recovery, with emphasis on the use of P2 practices.
      From the  1997  baseline,  expand P2 practices in  the  garment  and textile
      care  industries   by achieving a  20%  increase  in  the  use of  safer
      alternative cleaning technologies.
                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

05 Ob j . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
       (+$1,632,000  EPM)  Investment  in  PBT  Initiative
      associated human health and environmental risks.
                               activity  to  reduce
 Key Performance Measures
 Number of TRI Form R
 submissions on which the
 facility reports having
 'undertaken at least one
 source reduction

 Cumulative reduction in
 the quantity of TRI
 pollutants released,
 treated or combusted for
 energy recovery, half of
 which is attributable to
 Pollution Prevention

 Percentage increase in
 the use of alternative
 cleaning -technologies by
 the garment care
(1996 data, which are
reported on Form R's
submitted in 1998)
129,000 (1997 data,
which are reported on
Form R's submitted in
2% additional reduction   2% additional .reduction
(8% Cumulative) (half
attributable to P2)
(Cumulative 1992-1996)
(1996 data are reported
on Form R's submitted in

(from 1997 end level)
(half attributable to
P2)  (1997 data are
reported on Form R's
submitted in 1999)
(from 1998 end level)
                                     IV-4 2

 PBT Chemicals                                       Risk reduction taken on
                                                     12-14 PBT chemicals

      Obtaining reductions in reported  TRI  chemical wastes in 1999 and beyond
will be the result of the cumulative efforts of EPA' s pollution prevention, clean
technologies,  and  green  chemicals  programs  to encourage  the use  of source
reduction and integrated environmental management systems by American  industry
and businesses.  The focus of these programs in 1999 will be on  specific sectors
(e.g., textiles), technologies [e.g.,  cleaning),  and chemicals (e.g., PERC, PBTs)
and will broaden in future years.  The  waste reductions that are the  focus of
this objective are indicators of improvements in institution practices and the
integration of environmental thinking into American industrial and manufacturing
systems.  Though the extent to which source reduction contributes to the overall
reduction in non-recycled wastes will not be known precisely, efforts  to .develop
source  reduction quantification  techniques  in the TRI  will contribute  to
development  of this  needed  information in  time  for   its use  in  assessing
attainment of the long range goals of  this objective.  In the interim,  reliance
on cumulative reported use of source reduction techniques by industry  will serve
as proxy  for the  impact such use  is having  on actual waste generation and
Key: Performance Measures Verification

•     A measurement matrix will be  established to quantify the changes in TRI
      releases which are due to source reduction activities.

•     The Agency will publish a guidance document  providing technical advice on
      using the measurement matrix.

•     Verification and Validation of the Toxic Release Inventory Program.
Statutory Authority

Toxic Substances Control Act  {TSCA) sections 4 and 6 and TSCA Titles II,  III, and
IV  (15 U.S.C. 2605 and 2641-2692)

Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide,  and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) sections 3,  4,  5, 6,
11, 18, 24,  and 25 (7 U.S.C. 136a, 13.6a-l,  136c,  136d,  13.61,  136p, 136v, and

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)

Clean Air Act (CAA) section 309  (42 U.S.C. 7609)

Clean Water Act  (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387)]                     :
                                     IV-4 3

Emergency Planning  and Community Right-to-Know Act  (EPCRA)  (42 U.S,C.  11001-

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)  (42 U.S.C.  6901-6992k)

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

  Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,  Homes,  Workplaces  and

Objective #6: Decrease Quantity and Toxicity of Waste

      By 2005, EPA  and its partners will  increase  recycling  and decrease the
quantity and toxicity of waste generated.


      This objective defines the Agency's efforts to:  reduce toxic chemicals in
industrial waste  streams;   reduce the  generation of  municipal  and industrial
solid waste; and  recycle hazardous and municipal solid waste.  Reducing toxic
chemicals in industrial waste streams  will result  in more  efficient  use of
natural resources, and contribute to less human exposure to toxic  wastes.  Source
reduction and recycling of municipal solid waste will divert waste from landfills
and combustors, reduce air and water pollution,  and  reduce  generation of global
warming gases, while also conserving energy and natural resources.

      Congress specifically declared in  the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
of 1984 that the reduction or elimination of hazardous waste generation at the
source should take priority over waste management.  In 1990,  Congress reaffirmed
the key role  of pollution prevention  in the nation's environmental protection
scheme,  by  passing the  Pollution Prevention  Act.    in  the   Act,  Congress
essentially  codified the  hierarchy of management  options that  mirror those
supported by EPA's  waste management  programs.   In addition  to the statutory
mandates to prevent  pollution, RCRA emphasizes a national policy  that focuses on
source reduction.  For example, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
calls for national leadership to reduce the  amount of waste generated and improve
the recovery and conservation of materials  through recycling.  Revisions of the
Definition of Solid Waste which governs hazardous waste recycling, and the Common
Sense  Initiatives  (CSI)  remain high priorities for the  RCRA  program in 1999.
Many of the regulatory reforms under CSI will greatly facilitate  hazardous waste
recycling.   The Agency requests $1,432,600 to  support the Definition of Solid
Waste effort and $1,782,400 for the Common Sense Initiative.

      EPA is developing a National  Waste  Minimization Measurement List which will
rank and list chemicals according to four factors; (1)  persistence once released
into the  environment;  (2)  tendency to  accumulate in  human and  animal tissues
(bio-accumulate),- (3)  potential for toxic  effects  in humans  (e.g.,  cancer) or
other life; and   (4) other factors, such as the prevalence of the chemical, or
the amount released  into the environment. The Agency plans to have developed the
list by the end of 1998.  This ranking system will allow the Agency to focus its
efforts on  the reduction of the most hazardous  chemicals in  industrial waste
streams. Reducing the most hazardous chemicals will eliminate some of the risk
that occurs  when  industries  mismanage and  release  waste into  the environment.
Based upon  the results of the Agency's efforts  to  identify and rank the most
hazardous chemicals, EPA will work to  reduce by  50 percent  the most persistent,


bio-accumulative  and  toxic  chemicals  in hazardous  waste  streams  by  2005.
$2,098,700 is requested for waste minimization activities.

      Further, the Agency is developing a Waste Minimization Prioritization Tool
(WMPT) software program,  based on the Waste  Minimization Measurement List,  so
that business and  industry can have a user-friendly computer application that
will reduce  the  large amount of hazardous waste  technical  information into a
format that is understandable by the general public.  Early test versions have
been very well received, and the WMPT is scheduled to be completed early  in 1999.
The Agency  will follow  up  by  conducting 2  training  sessions for  state  and
regional staff on PBT priority-setting software.

      Annual generation of municipal solid waste  (MSW) has grown steadily from
88 million to 208 million tons between 1960 and 1995.  National efforts to manage
MSW have focused on the integrated solid waste management  approach.  Integrated
waste management  requires a  coordinated mix of strategies  including:   source
reduction  (also  called waste prevention);  recycling;   combustion;  and  land
filling.  EPA gives priority  to strategies that maximize the diversion of waste
from disposal facilities,  with source reduction (including reuse) as the highest
priority, followed by recycling (including composting).   The Agency and other
stakeholders will work to divert more than 35 percent of MSW from landfills and
combustors, and reduce per capita generation  to  the  1990 baseline of 4.3 pounds
per day  each  year  through 2005.   The Agency  requests $5,253,500 for municipal
source reduction activities.

      Recycling itself is of  local and national economic importance and directly
impacts  global  commodity markets.   It  provides a  stable source  of secondary
materials for both domestic and foreign markets, reduces  dependence on foreign
resources, and provides new business and job opportunities at the local level.
MSW recycling programs are  well  established  at the local level.   The Agency
directs its efforts toward national leadership activities and the development of
tools, handbooks, case studies, and Internet  sites - for local decision-makers.
In  addition,  the RCRA program works to enhance  the market  for  recyclables,
through federal and state purchasing guidelines as well as outreach to industry.
The Agency requests'$5,399,000 for municipal recycling activities.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	1998 Pres Bud  1998Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj. 06    Decrease Quantity and       $22,327.2     $21,783.3     $25,053.2
      Toxicity o.f Waste

      Environmental Program &           $21,248.4     $20,704.5     $23,974.4

      State and Tribal Assistance        $1,078.8      $1,078.8      $1,078.8

    Total FTE                               131.9         127.5         132.9
                                     IV-4 6

199 9 Annual Performance Goals

•     In  1999,  issue  final guidance on  RCRA persistent,  bio-accumulative and
      toxic  (PBT) chemical identification.

•     In  1999,  develop RCRA hazardous  waste recycling training  and outreach

•     Divert an additional 1% (for a cumulative  29% or 64 million tons) of RCRA
      municipal solid waste (MSW) from landfilling and combustion, an increase
      from the 1990 baseline of 17%.

•     By 1999, reduce per capita generation of RCRA municipal solid waste  (MSW)
      to 4.3 pounds per day.

      In 1999,  the Agency will emphasize helping generators prioritize and focus
their efforts to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous wastes.   States and
regions  will begin measuring and  reporting reductions  of persistent,  bio-
accumulative, and toxic  (PBTs) chemicals.  EPA will develop guidance on how to
adapt the PBT  identification  method to  the  needs of  particular businesses or
geographical areas.   In addition,  the  waste minimization program will provide
tools and assistance  to identify  wastes containing the  most  persistent  bio-
accumulative toxics among 900  chemicals in hazardous waste  streams, including a
usable  and  accessible  software  program  based on  the  Waste  Minimization
Measurement  List.   This  aspect  of the program will  also help  to bring  a
multimedia  focus  to  RCRA  waste management  considerations and opportunities.
Efforts in 1999 support training for permit writers and operators of hazardous
waste  management facilities,  improving  their   ability  to conduct  site-wide
pollution prevention assessments and plans to reduce PBT constituents.

      The definition  of solid waste  represents the regulatory framework for
hazardous waste recycling.  Currently, both industry and states  find these rules
complex and difficult to understand-  These rules may create disincentives for
the safe  recycling  of hazardous waste.   To  clarify  these rules and eliminate
perceived barriers to  safe  recycling of hazardous wastes,  the Agency is revising
these regulations to include a focus on regulatory controls on materials that may
pose a  hazard to human  health  and the  environment; and  removing unnecessary
disincentives that cause industry to choose disposal over  safe  recycling.

        In 1999, activities will center  on characterizing  and estimating risks
from both regulated and exempt  hazardous waste  recycling facilities.  Several
•narrower  changes  to  the Definition of  Solid Waste  are  also  underway within
ongoing rulemakings,  for example,   recycling is encouraged under the Mineral
Processing Wastes rule to  be finalized in late 1998, under the  Wood-Preserving
Wastes exclusion  rule,  and under the Petroleum  Refining  Waste Listing.    The
Agency, through efforts at  regulatory reform such as the  Common  Sense  Initiative
and Project XL,  also is examining other opportunities  to eliminate disincentives
to safe hazardous waste recycling.   In fact, most of the Common  Sense  Initiative
regulatory work that the RCRA program has undertaken  focuses on improvements to
recycling  provisions, for  metal  finishers, electronics,  iron and steel, and the
automobile sectors.  Other activities support development  of training and
                                     IV-4 7

outreach to states and regulated  industries  to encourage  safe hazardous waste

      Careful balancing of risk, handling practices,  and recycling processes can
produce significant savings.   In  .1999,  EPA will implement the universal waste
rule  to  reduce the  management burden  for  selected  common wastes, known  as
"universal wastes."   This rule eliminates certain manifest  requirements  and
increases the flexibility of storage  standards  for these wastes.  EPA estimates
the new rule will  save $70 million a year while  still ensuring safe collection,
recycling, handling,  and treatment of low^risk items.

      A major EPA objective  in decreasing pollution in communities, workplaces,
and ecosystems is a reduction in  the  amount  of waste generated annually.   EPA
will  work  together  with  state,  tribal, and local  governments;  business  and
industries; and non-governmental organizations to: encourage reduced generation
of industrial (hazardous  and non-hazardous) waste through material substitution
and manufacturing process changes; encourage recycling of wastes  that  must be
generated; and assure the safe recycling of any wastes.  For example,  Region 5
is a partner in the Great Printers project which is  working with  the  printing
industry to promote pollution prevention and  waste minimization in that sector.
The aim of the project is to make pollution  prevention and waste  minimization
standard  operating  procedures within the Great Lakes lithographic  printing
industry  by creating  a  dynamic  partnership  among  business, government  and
environmental groups.  Four Great Lakes States are currently implementing project
recommendations through  the  production of  compliance manuals,  consolidated
reporting systems, and outreach to printers in their states.

      Annual generation of municipal  solid  waste (MSW) will  have grown steadily
from  88 million tons  to  an  estimated 219  million tons between 1960 and 1999,
Source reduction and recycling both reduce the quantity of waste, while providing
added benefits of natural resource conservation,  energy  conservation,  reduced
greenhouse gas emissions, and  reduced environmental  impact from raw materials
extraction and manufacture.   These benefits  will result  in:  (1)  reduced human
exposure to disease pathways associated  with  MSW dumped into landfills; and (2)
reduced human exposure to environmental  emissions associated with raw materials
extraction and manufacturing.

      The  Agency's  activities will  foster and  ease source  reduction  and
composting  efforts  as well  as   recycling  in business,  industry, and local
government.  The RCRA program's flagship source reduction project,  "WasteWi$e,"
is an  innovative  voluntary  partnership  to assist and encourage businesses in
taking cost-effective actions to reduce solid waste.  Companies  joining  the
WasteWi$e program set and  achieve  goals  in three  areas:  preventing waste,
collecting reeyclables, and  increasing  the purchase  or manufacture of'recycled
products.  As of November 1997, WasteWi$e has  nearly  641 participants, including
"Endorser" organizations that promote the program to their member businesses.

      The Agency will support Community-Based Environmental Protection  projects
and Jobs-Through-Recycling projects.  Jobs-Through-Recycling  projects   expand
markets for reeyclables,  through grants to state, tribal, and multi-state market
dependent programs.   Recycling provides  new business  and job opportunities that
contribute to their member businesses.

                                     IV-4 8

      State and local agencies are responsible for the management of MSW and must
decide what waste management system or mix of systems is appropriate for their
specific needs.  However, the cost of obtaining,  analyzing, and interpreting key
information  often  exceeds  the  resources  available  to many  state  and local
authorities.  The Agency will provide the key information and tools that state
and local authorities require to decide among MSW management alternatives.  In
particular,  projects  undertaken  in support  of this  objective  increase  the
efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and success of recycling initiatives implemented
at the state and local levels.

      For source reduction and recycling to be successful,  all sectors of society
must play a part.  The Agency will provide  information  and tools to all sectors
of society to encourage actions that, in the aggregate,  enhance source reduction
on a national level.  Initiatives will provide information to the general public
that clearly articulate  the role of source reduction  in both  conservation of
natural resources and waste management.   In addition, FY 1999 resources will be
used to interact closely with stakeholders to identify program areas that are
essential to advance source reduction and forge new partnerships  to address major
issues of concern.

      The Agency's efforts  in this  objective will be  supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This may include  advice, participation  in  the
development of  Agency actions,  document review, and the conduct  of  defensive
1998Annual Performance Goals

•      In 199'8, develop draft  guidance  on RCRA persistent,  bioaccumulative and
      toxic chemical identification.
      By 1998,  divert 28% (60 million tons) of RCRA municipal solid waste  (MSW)
      from landfilling and  combustion,  an increase from  the  1990  baseline of

      By 1998,  reduce daily per capita generation of RCRA municipal solid waste
      (MSW)  to 4.3 pounds per day.
                         1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                      Dollars          FTE

 OS Obj.   Total Change                              $3,269.9           5.4

       Environmental Program & Management            $3,269.9           5.4

•      (+$470,000 EPM) ,  and ($377,300, 3.0 FTE EPM) increase .and .redirection in
      the RCRA program will support efforts to evaluate and track trends
                                     IV-4 9

      analysis, implement  software  tool use, and refine  targeting  efforts of

      ($656,600, 1.0 FTE  EPM)  redirection to expand support  for Common Sense
      Initiative projects  in electronics, metal finishing and  auto industry

      {+$325,700 EPM)  will support  a survey and data analysis  in  support of
      revisions to hazardous waste recycling, reuse, and secondary industries.

      ($405,800,  2.0  FTE  EPM)  redirection  to  enhance  source  reduction
   Key Performance  Measures   1998                       1999

 Develop Guidance on PBT      „      ~»  , ,   ,.  >                     ,.= .,«
 _.  ,_.*.  ,_-.                 31-Aug-98  (draft           31-Dec-98  (final)

 Develop Hazardous Waste
 Recycling Training and       N/A                        30-Sep~99
 Outreach Program

 increase Proportion of MSW   60 million of  21.6 million  64 million of 219
 Recycled to MSW Generated    tons  (28%)                 million tons  (29%)

 Reduce daily per capita      „ „ ,,                       „ ,,
      '   .    *»,„„'            4.3 Ibs.                   4.3 Ibs.
 generation of MSW

      By 2005,  the Agency  and its partners  will reduce the  most persistent
bioaccumulative,  and toxic  chemicals  in .hazardous  waste  streams by  50% as
compared with a baseline  year of 1991.   Focusing on the most persistent, bio-
accumulative and toxic chemicals in waste streams allows EPA to develop processes
that reduce not only the quantity of industrial hazardous wastes, but also their
potential  to  pollute.  The recent "Great  Lakes Toxics Strategy  with Canada
Agreement"  underscores  the  effectiveness  and need  for this  approach  as a
cornerstone of any prevention effort.  Safe  recycling of  hazardous waste, while
applicable to a narrower range of generators, also reduces the amount of waste
entering the  system.   Both methods can  engender  significant cost  .savings  for
industry.  Also,  an emphasis on chemicals  as  opposed  to the traditional RCRA
waste streams focus  will  help EPA consider  multimedia implications associated
with waste minimization and waste management  efforts.  A growing body of evidence
indicates  that  the  priorities  established  by the  integrated  solid-waste
management approach  bring about major long-term  environmental  benefits.    For
example, waste reduction lessens the need to  extract, harvest, and process virgin
materials and further decreases energy requirements for manufacturing,  thereby
avoiding the adverse environmental .impacts of these activities.  Waste reduction
also decreases carbon equ.iva.lent emissions, thereby mitigating global warming and
contributing to the U.S.  commitment under the President's Climate Change Action


Plan.   Reuse and recycling also provide new business and job opportunities that
contribute  to  local  and national  economies.   The Agency's  WasteWi$e  program
assists businesses  and  state and local- governments  in implementing  source
reduction programs that are beneficial to the environment and that also reduce
their costs of doing business.
Key Performance Measures Verification

       The Biennial Reporting System (BRS) is a national database which supports
EPA's RCRA program.     BRS  is a biennial  compilation of information supplied by
entities which provides  data on  types and amounts of waste handled.   Data is
supplied or entered into the data bases by states and EPA regional offices.

       The BRS data system has validation/verification controls in place to help
ensure that data is complete and accurate.  The BRS data entry software includes
a series of basic and advanced edits which check for completeness and accuracy.
Additionally, while states and regions  submit essentially complete BRS databases,
Headquarters runs BRS data quality verification reports and then coordinates with
states and regions to  discuss potential data errors.  Analysis also is conducted
on significant changes which have occurred since the last biennial report.  Prior
to issuing the final BRS report,  a second set of BRS data quality verification
reports are run  and follow-on discussions are conducted for those states with
significant changes to verify/validate data.

       BRS  has  a suite of user  and system documentation  which  describes the
overall administration of the data  collection and management  activities.  The
documentation identifies which  information,  for example,  is  mandatory versus
optional and describes how to enter the data into the system.   All information
is provided to the appropriate state and regional user of the system.  Training
on use of the systems  is provided on a  regular basis, usually annually depending
on the nature of system changes  and user needs.

      The data used for measuring the  reduction of PBTs will come from existing
data sources or  modifications to them., if possible.  These include  the Toxics
Release Inventory, the Biennial Reporting System, the 1986 RCRA Generator Survey,
the National Hazardous Waste Constituent Survey (1996) ,  and information submitted
through current  internal Agency reports. Any additional reporting required by the
regions, states  or tribes will be  developed after discussion with all partners.
Data for  the  reduction of PBTs  is  available by using  the Biennial Reporting
System and a "Chemical-Waste Code  Crosswalk" developed by the RCRA program, which
identifies those waste codes most likely to contain persistent, bioaccumulative,
and toxic chemicals.

      The Agency will rely primarily on the Biennial Reporting  System to track,
monitor, and evaluate its efforts to increase safe recycling of hazardous waste
by 25% between  1993 and  2005. The Agency has identified several  measures that
will enable the Agency to track, monitor,  and evaluate  its  effectiveness in
achieving a 25%  increase in the  amount of hazardous  waste safely recycled in
2005, relative  to 1993.  These measures focus on who  is  recycling (numbers of
facilities, by industrial sector  and  size of firm),  what hazardous  wastes are
being  recycled   (metals, solvents,  acids,   etc),  how these wastes are being


recycled  (reclamation, burning  for energy recovery, etc.), how  much waste is
being recycled  as a percentage  of waste generated, and where they are being
recycled  (on-site v. off-site),   Moat importantly,  these measures also focus on
changes  occurring  over  time in these  areas,  as  well  as  changes  in waste
management behavior; i.e.,  shifts from treatment and disposal to .safe recycling,
or vice-versa.

      Municipal solid waste is waste from residences, commercial establishments,
institutions, and industrial  cafeterias and administrative offices.  It excludes
sewage sludge, construction and.  demolition waste, incinerator ash, auto bodies,
and industrial waste from manufacturing. Recycling percentage is calculated as
amount  (weight)  recycled  over  amount  generated.    Per  capita  generation of
municipal solid waste is  calculated as amount  (weight) generated over number of
people generating the waste.  The EPA report "Characterization of Municipal Solid
Waste in the United States" is the source of the recycling percentage as well as
the amount of municipal solid waste generated per capita.  The report is produced
by EPA and  is based on a materials  flow methodology; thus,  no reporting from
outside sources will be required.
.Stafeufcorv. Authority

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA)

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Flan Request to Congress

  Preventing  Pollution  and Reducing Risk  in  Communities, Homes, Workplaces  and

Obj ective #7: Assess Conditions in Indian Country

      By 2003,  60%  of  Indian Country will  be assessed for  its  environmental
condition and  Tribes and EPA will be implementing plans to  address  priority


      EPA has a trust relationship with 564 tribal governments and, under Federal
environmental statutes, the Agency is  responsible for assuring human health and
environmental protection in Indian Country,   Since  1984, EPA policy has been to
work with Tribes on a government-to-government basis and retain responsibility
for environmental programs in Indian  Country until a Tribe  demonstrates  the
authority and capacity to implement its own environmental programs.

      There  are  over  1.5 million people living in Indian  Country,  including
hundreds of thousands of children. Indian Country represents an area much larger
than all of New England--more than 4 percent of the Nation's land area.   While
we do not have comprehensive information on pollution threats to human health and
the environment in Indian Country,  we  do  know that many Tribes lack  basic
drinking water, wastewater, and solid waste infrastructure; that environmental
risks may be  much greater in some parts of Indian Country than  in other parts of
the U.S.;  and  that our  efforts to  mitigate these  environmental  risks  are
significantly behind our efforts in non-tribal communities.

      The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO)  works with all Federally
recognized Indian Tribes to help them develop the capacity  to protect  human
health and  the environment in  Indian Country.   AIEO directly administers a
program that  provides grants to tribal governments under the Indian Environmental
General Assistance Program  (GAP)  Act for developing the capacity to administer
multi-media environmental programs.  AIEO also strives to ensure that all offices
in EPA are working  with Indian Tribes on a government-to-government  basis to
build a strong  partnership for environmental protection in Indian country.  AIEO
facilitates  communication  between  EPA and  Indian  Tribes  and  coordinates
activities of the EPA Tribal Operations Committee  (TOG),  composed of 19 tribal
representatives and EPA's Senior Leadership Council.

      The Agency supports this objective  through legal counseling and advocacy.
This may include advice,  participation in  the development  of Agency actions,
document review, and the conduct of defensive litigation.
                                     IV-5 3

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  07    Assess Conditions in        $43,842.1     $44,557.4     $50,850.7
      Indian Country

      Environmental Program &            $5,255.7      $5,972.0      $8,255.3

      State and Tribal Assistance       $38,585.4     :$38,585.4     $42,585.4

    Total FTE                                54.5          66.6          54.6
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     25   (cumulative  total  of  162)  Tribes  will  have  delegated/approved
      environmental programs.

•     38  (cumulative  total  of  259)   Tribal  environmental  media/multi-media
      programs will be delegated/approved.

*     The  first ,15%  of  tribal environmental  .baseline  information will  be
      collected, and  30  additional  Tribes (cumulative total of  90)  will have
      tribal/EPA   environmental  agreements   or   identified   environmental

      EPA has made  a concerted effort in the last  several  years to build its
partnership with Tribes to improve environmental protection in Indian country.
Although much work  remains  to  be done to ensure Tribes  and EPA  have a strong
program for protecting human health and the environment in Indian country, the
resources  allocated in 1999 and in the  last  several years will  continue to
produce substantial  progress towards  developing tribal  capacity to implement
environmental programs  and in developing Tribal/EPA  Environmental Agreements
 (TEAs) or  similar  tribal  plans for  environmental  protection 'which  serve to
outline commitments by tribal  governments, EPA, and other Federal Agencies to
resolve environmental and human health problems in Indian Country.  Delegation
efforts in 1999 will emphasize water and air programs.

      AIEO will focus almost all of  its 1999 investment on ensuring that Tribes
and  EPA  develop and  implement a sound approach 'for documenting multi-media
environmental conditions in  Indian  country.   This  assessment of environmental
conditions will serve as a  baseline  for strategic planning  through TEAs and
similar plans and for tracking progress made to address environmental concerns.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•     8   (cumulative  total   of   .137)   Tribes  will  have  delegated/approved
      environmental programs.


     17  (cumulative  total  of  221)   Tribal  environmental  media/multi-media
     programs will be delegated/approved.

     Complete the  framework  for tribal  environmental baseline  information

     32  (cumulative   total  of   60)   TEAs  or  Tribes  will  have  identified
     environmental priorities.
                        1999 Change  from 1998 Enacted
                           (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                     Dollars          FTE

07 Obj.   Total Change                              $6,293.3        (12.0)

      Environmental Program & Management            $2,293.3        (12.0)

      State and Tribal Assistance Grants            $4,000.0

     (+$4,000,000 STAG)  Indian  General Assistance Program  (GAP)  grants will
     allow  Tribes  to  develop baseline  data  by  which future  environmental
     progress can  be measured.  The additional  resources  will  increase  the
     number of Tribes with TEAs or similar plans for environmental protection
     in Indian country; increase the number of Tribes with delegated/approved
     authority to administer  environmental programs;  and assist  Tribes that
     already have authority to administer  at  least one environmental program
     begin implementing additional programs.

     (+$1,600,000, EPM)  The increase  will  allow  EPA  to initiate  a baseline
     assessment of environmental  conditions on tribal lands.      In order to
     assure  that  Tribes  have  adequate  information  with  which  to  make
     environmental decisions,  basic monitoring  and assessment  capacity  for
     .measuring the environmental  conditions of  water and  air  resources  and
     potential waste problems should be established for each Tribe.  Specific
     plans, clean up  actions and monitoring strategies will be developed based
     on the analysis  of  data collected and potential human health risk posed by
     •pollution and pollution sources.  These plans, actions and strategies will
     be incorporated in formal TEAs.

     (+$250,000  EPM)  for  multi-media and  technical  assistance.   EPA will
     develop and modify training materials and conduct workshops for Tribes on
     multi-media programs.  Resources  will  also  fund  circuit  riders who will
     provide multi-media program and technical assistance to Tribes.

     (+$1,000,000 EPM)  for assistance to .Alaska  Native villages.   Resources
     will be  targeted to water quality sampling  and  monitoring,  air quality
     assessments, development  of tribal environmental actions plans, operation
     and  maintenance  for drinking  water and  wastewater  facilities,  and
     environmental education.
                                    IV-5 5

      (-$960,000 and -12 workyears EPM)  from Indian GAP grants management.   In
      the  development  of  the  1999 Operating  Plan,  EPA will  evaluate  the
      restoration of these workyears to ensure the effective use and management
      of these grants.
 Key Performance Measures                  1998                 1999

 Number of Tribes with                   8 Tribes             25  Tribes
 delegated/approved environmental

 Number of tribal environmental          17 Tribes             38  Tribes
 multi^media programs
 delegated/approved                                                    ,

 Percent of tribal environmental        1 Baseline          15% Baseline
 baseline information collected          Framework

 Number of TEAs or Tribes with        32 TEAs/Tribes       30 TEAs/Tribes
 identified priorities

      EPA will continue to build a sound program for environmental protection in
Indian  country  in  a  manner   consistent   with  a  government-to-government
relationship and the  Federal trust responsibility to Indian Tribes.  A concerted
effort to  document baseline environmental  conditions  in Indian  country will
provide a  basis for measuring  the environmental  outcomes  of  the  tribal/EPA
partnership  for  environmental  protection.   Continued progress  in  developing
Tribal/EPA Agreements  or similar  tribal environmental  plans  will provide  a
blueprint for future activities to address priority environmental concerns,
Key PerformanceMeasures Verification

      Twice each year, EPA updates an internal database on the number of Tribes
with   delegated/approved  environmental  programs,   the  number   of   tribal
environmental  programs that  EPA has  delegated/approved,  and  the number  of
Tribal/EPA Environmental Agreements  and the number of Tribes that have developed
similar plans for environmental protection.

      As part  of- the  Agency effort  to  develop a  strategy for  conducting a
comprehensive  environmental  assessment  of  Indian  Country,  EPA  will  develop
mechanisms  for measuring  the  amount of baseline   environmental  information

Statutory Authority

Indian Environmental General Assistance Program  (GAP) Act as amended (42 U.S.C.

                                     IV-5 6

Goal 5: Waste Management

Goal 5:  Better Waste Management and Restoration of Contaminated
            Waste Sites	    V-l
      Reduce or Control Risks to Human Health	  .    V-7
      Prevent Releases by Proper Facility Management	  .    V-27
      Respond to All Known Emergencies	    V-48

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                      1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

      Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Waste Sites,
                            and Emergency Response
Strategic Goal:  America's wastes will 'be stored,  treated, and disposed in ways
that prevent harm to people and to the natural environment.  EPA will work to
clean up  previously polluted  .sites,  restoring  them to uses  appropriate for
surrounding communities, and respond to and prevent waste-related or industrial

                                 Goal Summary
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Better Waste Management,            $2,254,977.3  $1,636,785.3  $2,251,327.7
      Restoration of Contaminated
      Waste Sites, and Emergency

 Obj .  01    Reduce or Control Risks  $2,096,061.5  $1,491,429.1  $2, 091.,457.3
      to Human Health
 Obj.  02    Prevent Releases by
      Proper Facility Management

 Obj.  03    Respond to All Known

   Goal Total FTE
$138,141.5    $126,471.5    $139,531.0

 $20,774.3     $18,884.7     $20,339,4

   4,348.1       4,373.6       4,304.1
     Improper  management  of  wastes  can  lead  to  fires,  explosions,  and
contamination of air, soil, and water.  A frequent result  of improper hazardous
waste disposal  is  the contamination of groundwater  --  the source of drinking
water for nearly half of all  Americans.  At  some waste sites, toxic vapors from
evaporating liquid wastes or chemical reactions contaminate the air. Pollutants,
such as  metals, organic solvents,  and  oil,  can damage  vegetation,  endanger
wildlife, and harm the health of people who  live  in nearby communities.  In some
cases,  toxic and hazardous .substances (including  radioactive waste) are  carried
far  from their  source  by air,  ground water, and  surface water runoff into
streams, lakes,  and rivers.

     EPA* s efforts to control and restore releases of waste center on protecting
human health and the environment by applying  the fastest, most effective waste
•management and cleanup methods available,  while involving  affected communities,
states, tribal governments, and municipalities in the decision-making process.
Different types of -waste require different means of treatment and  disposal--what


is suitable for one contaminant may be inappropriate for another.  Cleaning up
abandoned or under-used industrial land demonstrates that economic, environmental
and social goals can be integrated so that -economic growth can improve, rather
than diminish, environmental quality.

     EPA will use  its  statutory authority under the Oil  Pollution Act (OPA) ,
Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation,  and 'Liability Act (CERCLA),
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),  the Clean Water Act  (CWA),  Clean
Air Act (CAA) , and  Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act  (EPCRA) to
promptly monitor and respond to releases, accidents, or spills.  EPA will help
ensure that places  in America currently contaminated by hazardous waste no longer
endanger public health or  the  environment  and  are restored to uses desired by
surrounding communities.   State, local, and other Federal agency efforts will be
integrated  with   EPA  activities  to  reduce  cleanup  costs  and  revitalize
contaminated and abandoned private property for economic reuse.

     In addition,  EPA will focus on controlling human exposures and groundwater
releases at RCRA facilities designated as high  priority for corrective actions.
Support for radioactively contaminated Superfund sites will be continued.  EPA
research provides a technical foundation for decisions made in the environmental
cleanup programs.  The full spectrum of EPA's cleanup programs will respond to
priority sites and releases in a, fast and effective manner,  while maximizing the
participation of potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and other stakeholders
in the cleanup efforts.

     The 1999 President's Budget provides $2,251,327,700 and 4,304 workyears for
this strategic goal,  an increase of $614,542,400 and decrease of 70 workyears
from 1998.   To  meet this  goal, EPA  will continue  to  regulate  existing  waste
management practices at facilities defined under CERCLA, RCRA, OPA, CAA,  CWA, and

     The resources requested  in this budget will enable  the  Agency to meet a
number of important goals, the most significant of which include:

•    Accelerate the pace  of Superfund cleanups by  completing 136  cleanups in
     1999 and achieving 900 construction  completions by the end of calendar year

•    Address  cost  recovery at  all NPL  and non-NPL sites with a  statute of
     limitations on total past  costs equal to  or greater than $200,000.

•    Obtain PRP commitments for 70%  of  the work conducted at new construction
     starts at non-Federal facility sites on the NPL and emphasize fairness in
     the settlement process.

•    Fund brownfield site assessments in 100 additional communities, implement
     10 brownfield showcase communities and sign agreements with 100 communities
     to capitalize revolving loan funds.

•    Complete 22,000 Leaking Underground Storage Tank  (LUST) cleanups.

     Approve  2,080    hazardous  waste  management facilities'  (62 percent  of
     existing in the nation)  controls  in place to prevent dangerous releases to
     air, soil, and groundwater.

     Approve 1.53 hazardous waste management  facilities  (to approve a cumulative
     62 percent of such existing facilities  in the nation) to prevent dangerous
     releases to air, soil, and groundwater.

     Control human exposure to toxins at 127 RCRA sites  (to address a cumulative
     of 277 RCRA sites), and control  groundwater releases  at 69  high priority
     RCRA sites (to address a cumulative of 144 such sites) .

     Bring 400 new facilities into compliance with the Spill Prevention, Control
     and Countermeasure (SPCC)  provisions of the oil pollution regulations.

     Demonstrate and  verify  the  performance of  18  innovative  technologies  by
     2001,  emphasizing remediation and characterization  of  groundwater  and

     Complete prototype model for assessing  cumulative exposure-risk assessment
     integrating the environmental impact of multiple chemicals  through multiple
     media and pathways.

Reduceor Control Risks to Human Health

     The 1999 President's Budget requests $ 2,091,457,300 and 3,494 workyears to
reach  the  Agency's objective  of waste  management,  cleanup,  and control  of
releases.    This  objective  includes  the  following  resources:  Superfund,
$1,926,599,800;  Environmental  Program  &  Management,  $56,139,200;  Leaking
Underground  Storage Tanks,  $69,122,200;  State  and Tribal  Assistance Grants,
$32,700,600; Science and Technology, $5,935,600; and Oil Spills, $959,900.

     In  1996,  President Clinton  announced a national commitment to protect
communities from toxic pollution by  accelerating toxic waste cleanup.  In 1999,
the Superfund  program will support this initiative  by doubling the pace  of
Superfund cleanups.   This effort will  achieve  900  construction completions,
approximately two-thirds of the National  Priorities List (NPL),  by the  end of
calendar year 2001. This  initiative not only puts contaminated sites back into
productive use but protects our children  and our communities  from exposure to
uncontrolled toxic waste  releases.   EPA  seeks  to partner with  other Federal
agencies,  state,   local,  tribal  governments,   and  the communities to  more
effectively  address  and leverage  on-going cleanup efforts.      Through  this
investment,  the Agency restates its emphasis on  risk reduction by addressing the
growing  backlog of  site  cleanups   and  accelerating  the  pace  of  Superfund
construction completions.   The  Agency requests  a total  of  $1,630,679,800 for
Superfund .response.

     EPA  will  pursue  violators  and responsible  parties  to  maximize  PRP
participation in site cleanup*   Maintaining a  PRP participation rate  of 70%


preserves fund dollars  for sites where there is no viable PRP.  At the same time,
EPA will  promote  enforcement fairness,  especially for small  contributors  to
sites,  will  reduce  third  party  transaction  costs,   and  will  recover  the
government's cost for  site cleanup.  A total  of $164,725,500  is  requested for
Superfund enforcement.

     The brownf ield pilot program has demonstrated that  cleaning up abandoned or
under-used  contaminated land  and  supporting new  business  growth  can  have
significant payoffs.  Building on the pilot program, EPA will continue to combine
Federal, state, local and private sector efforts to restore contaminated property
to economic reuse and reduce cleanup costs.  In 1999,  EPA will  fund brownfield
site assessments in 100  additional  communities  in order to reach the Agency's
commitment of 300 communities by the year 2000,  support 10 brownfield showcase
communities, and sign  agreements with  100  communities  to  capitalize  revolving
loan funds.  In some cases, parties interested in developing such properties are
concerned  about  the presence  of  contamination and  the  attendant  potential
liabilities (including  Federal Superfund liability). EPA will address liability
barriers  in  the  brownfield  program  by  issuing comfort/status  letters  or
prospective purchaser agreements in appropriate  instances which will facilitate
sustainable  redevelopment  of  these properties.    The Agency is  requesting
$91,366,200 to fund brownfield activities.

      The Agency will assist in the cleanup of 22,000 Leaking Underground Storage
Tanks  (LUST)  in  1999.   States have  reported that  leaking  underground storage
tanks are the leading source of groundwater pollution, and petroleum is the most
prevalent contaminant.   Resources provided  by EPA  support oversight and cleanup
of petroleum releases from underground  storage tanks when the owner/operator is
unknown, unwilling, or unable to perform the cleanup.   EPA's  goal is  to ensure
rapid  and  effective   responses  to  releases  from underground storage  tanks
containing petroleum and to restore contaminated sites to beneficial use.  The
Agency requests a total of $69,122,200 for the LUST program.

      The RCRA Corrective Action Program will  take remedial action at operating
hazardous 'waste facilities in the  event  of an uncontrolled release.   The most
serious   contamination  problems   occur   when   releases  migrate   off-site,
contaminating public and private drinking  water supplies,  wetlands,  and other
sensitive ecosystems.   These sites are the program's highest priority.   Efforts
to help tribal governments develop hazardous waste management and municipal solid
waste programs will  expand  in 1999.   The  Agency  requests  $6,433,600 for RCRA
tribal activities.  Intergovernmental information and resource sharing will be
facilitated through a  range of mechanisms including  forums,  university-level
courses, professional training, Internet sites, and circuit riders in partnership
with other Federal agencies,  states,  local  communities  and of course the tribes

Preventing Releases by Proper Facility Management

      The  1999 President's  Budget  requests $139,531,000 and  686  workyears to
reach its objective for preventing releases by proper facility management.

      Dangerous releases to the environment  are responsible for causing illnesses
to the public,  especially to sensitive populations such as children, the elderly


and individuals with chronic diseases.   Dangerous releases to the environment are
also responsible  for  polluting soil,   air,  and groundwater which may lead to
costly cleanups and environmental  mitigation.   In 1999,  the RCRA program will
focus on reducing risks of exposures to hazardous  wastes using a combination of
regulations, permits and voluntary  standards and programs.  EPA will continue to
concentrate  on  minimizing  the quantity  and toxicity  of  waste,  reducing
administrative burdens on states and industry, and preventing accidental releases
of hazardous substances.

      The Underground Storage Tanks program will continue to focus on promoting
and enforcing  compliance  with  regulatory requirements  aimed at  preventing and
detecting US'T  releases.   EPA will   also   approve  additional states to operate
their own programs in  lieu of  the Federal  program.  Currently 24 states and the
District of Columbia have state program approval.

      As  the  Oil Prevention  Program   implements  a comprehensive  approach to
integrate prevention,  preparedness,  and response, efforts will be made to reduce
the risk of oil spills from facilities  which pose  human health,  ecological, and
economic risks.  In 1999,  the  number of facilities brought into compliance with
the  Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) provisions of the oil
prevention regulation will be doubled.  Also in 1999,  the Agency will increase
assistance to Indian Tribes by identifying problems and developing and improving
response plans in the event of oil spills.

      The Agency will also, using information from facility Risk Management Plans
(RMPs),  develop a  chemical risk information system  in coordination with industry
to prevent chemical  releases into the environment.   EPA will  also concentrate on
implementing the  RMP  program -at the  state level.   The Agency  assists  Local
Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs)  by  facilitating access and use of the RMP
information database and provide technical assistance grants to develop accident
preparedness and prevention programs.


      The  1999  President's Budget  requests $20,339,400 and 124  workyears for
promoting effective response to chemical and radiological accidents, terrorist
events and oil spills.

      Hazardous chemical  releases  have caused  billions  of  dollars in property
damage,  serious damage  to the  environment and  hundreds  of  deaths and injuries
during the past 30 years.   In 1999,  EPA will support efforts  to prevent, prepare
for and respond to  chemical accidents  and terrorist  events involving chemical
releases by providing  guidance  and assistance to state and local governments and
industry;  assisting  in  removing   immediate   health  threats;  and  providing
information on chemical hazards and risks to state and communities.  The Agency
is currently performing many of its  investigative  functions  concerning chemical
accidents.  The continuation  of these  activities  is -uncertain  with the recent
establishment of a Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.

      Each year over 12,000 oil spills  occur, with well over half of them being
in inland waters  (EPA's area of responsibility).  Working with state and local
governments and industry,  EPA is ensuring the effective and  immediate removal of


discharges (or substantial threat of a .discharge)  of oil..  The Agency will also
continue  to  work with  state  and local  governments  on oil  spill prevention,
preparedness, and enforcement  activities.   Of particular concern  in 1999 is
improving the area contingency plans,  especially those  for  environmentally and
economically important areas.  These plans .integrate prevention, preparedness,
and response  by' coordinating  regional resources with logistics.   The Agency
requests  $3,820,900  for contingency  planning  and improving the  quantity • and
quality of data used, resulting in a  more effective and efficient response to oil

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

          Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Waste
                         Sites,  and Emergency Response

Objective #1:     Reduce or Control Risks to Human Health

      By 2005, EPA and  its partners will  reduce or  control  the risks to human
health and the environment at over 375,000 contaminated Superfund,  RCRA, DST, and
brownfield sites.  (Total comprises 1,200  NPL and 480 non-NPL sites; 2,475 RCRA
facilities; 370,000 LUST cleanups initiated or completed; and 1,500 brownfield


      'This objective  ensures  that all Americans  are  safe from  exposure  to
hazardous  waste,  through  emergency removal  response  actions,  and  fast  and
effective cleanup of priority sites and releases.   The number of sites cleaned
up by Superfund response, RCRA corrective action, LUST corrective action, and the
brownfield program are added together  in the  site total for  this objective. The
Agency requests a total of $2,091,457,300 and 3,494 workyears.

The Super fund Program

      Contamination from uncontrolled releases at hazardous waste sites threatens
human health, the environment, and the economic: vitality of local communities.
Sites with contaminated soils and groundwater occur nationally in large numbers,
many of them  urban areas, where they are often accessible  to  children or present
exposure to disadvantaged populations.  Nationwide there are more than 200,000
sites with groundwater releases;  some plumes extend thousands of feet in length.
There  are  an  estimated  300,000  sites  with  releases into  soils.    Once
contaminated, groundwater and soils are extremely difficult  and costly to clean
up, and some sites will require decades to clean up.

      To reduce and control these hazards, the Superfund program:  (1) assesses
sites to determine whether they meet the criteria for Federal Superfund response
actions; (2)   prevents,  minimizes or mitigates significant threats at Superfund
sites through  removal actions;  (3) completes construction  at sites  (including
Federal facilities)  listed on the National Priorities List (NPL);  (4) maximizes
potentially  responsible  parties  (PRP)   participation  in  conducting/funding
response  actions while  promoting fairness  in the  enforcement  process;  (5)
recovers costs from PRPs when EPA expends funds from the Superfund Trust Fund;
(6) generates accurate risk assessment and  cost-performance data critical to
providing the technical foundation for decisions made in environmental cleanup
programs;  (7)  develops technologies  for  cost-effective  characterization and
remediation;   (8)  works with the surrounding communities to improve their direct
involvement in every phase of the cleanup process and their- understanding of

potential  site  risk;  and,   (9)  enhances  the  role  of states  and  tribes  in
implementation of the Superfund program.

      Priorities  for  this   objective   include  implementing  the  President's
initiative to accelerate the pace of Superfund construction completions and to
identify and reduce barriers to the beneficial reuse of brownfield sites.  The
Agency's  efforts  to  control Superfund  releases begin  when states,  tribes,
citizens, other Federal agencies,  or other sources notify  EPA of a potential or
confirmed hazardous  waste  site or  incident.   EPA  confirms  this  information,
places  sites  requiring  Federal  attention  in  the  Agency's  Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability .Information System  (CERCLIS)
database, and evaluates site data  to  determine whether  sites  need immediate
removal action and/or placement  on the .NPL for long-term cleanup.   If no further
Federal action is appropriate, the Agency removes the site from the inventory and
may refer  the site to  state  or tribal environmental  authorities  for further
attention if warranted.  In  the  case of  Federal  facilities, sites are placed on
the  Federal Facility  Hazardous  Waste  Docket  for  assessment.   Within  this
objective,  the  Agency is requesting a  total  of  $118,038,100 for  CERCLA Site

       Removal authority under CERCLA is used by the Agency to prevent, reduce
or  mitigate threats  posed  by  releases  or potential  releases of  hazardous
pollutants  in emergency and non-emergency  situations.    EPA continues  to use
removal response actions at:  (l) emergency incidents where response is necessary
within a matter  of hours (e.g., threats of fire or  explosion) ;  (2) time-critical
removals at NPL  sites  to make these sites safe  from immediate threats while they
await remedial action;  (3)  time-critical removals  at non-NPL sites posing major
public health and environmental threats; and  (4) non-time critical removals at
both NPL and non-NPL  sites  to promote  quicker and less costly cleanup.  Sites
known to pose the greatest potential risk to public health and the environment
receive priority.  The Agency is requesting a  total of .$307,694,300 for removal
action activities.

       Where Federal long-term cleanup response is warranted under CERCLA, EPA
ensures that the nature of the problem is understood, that the sites are being-
addressed,  that appropriate cleanup  alternatives  are  considered,   and that
affected communities and other stakeholders are provided meaningful opportunities
for involvement. To aid in understanding the risks posed by groundwater and soil
contaminants and the processes that govern  contaminant transport and fate, EPA
conducts:  (1) exposure assessment research to reduce uncertainties associated
with  sampling and  analysis and  reduce  time  and  cost   associated  with site
characterization; (2) .risk assessment research that  will evaluate the magnitude
of the risks posed,  multiply pathway exposures,  the bioavailability of adsorbed
contaminants and treatment residual, and toxicological properties of contaminant
mixtures;  and   (3)  risk management research  to develop  and  demonstrate more
effective  and less costly  remediation  technologies.   To help  understand air
contamination issues,  EPA continues to  focus on:  (1)  development  of Federal
guidance on assessments of  human exposure  to  radiation;  (2)  unique field and
laboratory expertise designed to measure, assess and test models, methodologies,
and sources of  data;  and (3)  assessment of existing and  proposed technologies
which can be used to cleanup sites  which  contain  radioactive waste or mixed

waste.   The  Agency requests $5,935,600 for science  and technology activities
within this objective.

      Site restoration work begins with site characterization and a feasibility
study to review site conditions and proposals for future land use.  This forms
the foundation for the Record  of  Decision  (ROD)  and  remedy selection.   Public
involvement is a  key component in selecting the  proper remedy at a site.   A
remedial action is performed upon approval of the remedial design and represents
the actual construction or other work necessary to implement  the remedy selected.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation assist
EPA in  implementing  most high-cost,  Trust Fund-financed remedial actions  and
provide on-site technical expertise.   EPA is committed to increasing the number
of performance based service contracting pilot programs in the Superfund program.

      Many sites have more than one operable unit and  each unit goes through the
process from study to cleanup.  Once the cleanup construction is completed at an
operable unit, operation and maintenance activities are maintained  to ensure
cleanup methods work  properly  and the site remedy continues to  be effective.
After construction completion, the  final  phase  in  long-term restoration  is
five-year performance  reviews  to  ensure the  continued protectiveness  of  the
remedy.   A total of $1,023,163,200 is  requested within this objective for long-
term remediation  work.   The various  cleanup  stages  and activities  allow  the
Agency  to  quickly  mitigate  immediate  threats  to public  health  and  the
environment,  develop and implement effective cleanup decisions, and eventually
remove sites from the NPL.

      The Agency maximizes potentially responsible party (PRP) participation in
conducting/funding clean up actions while promoting fairness in the enforcement
process.  In addition, EPA addresses cost recovery  at 100% of all NPL and non-NPL
sites with total past costs  equal to or greater than $200,000.  Those sites need
to be addressed prior to  expiration  of the  statute of limitations,  and  PRP
compliance with orders and consent decrees at Federal  and non-Federal facilities
must be ensured.   Liability  concerns are also  addressed by the  Agency  to
facilitate the reuse  of  contaminated properties.  Within  this objective,  the
Agency is requesting  a total of $79,701,700  for Enforcement Fairness activities.

       The Agency  is committed to involving citizens in the site  cleanup process.
Superfund community relation's  effort is based on two-way communication designed
not only to keep  citizens informed about site progress,  but also to  give them
opportunity to input  into  site decisions.   Through  outreach efforts,  such as
holding public meetings,  providing communities with financial assistance to hire
technical consultants to  assist them in understanding the problems and potential
solutions to  the  contamination problems,  and distributing site-specific fact
sheets,  the Agency strives to create a decision-making process to cleanup sites
that the communities feel is open and  legitimate,  and improves the communities'
understanding of  potential  risk  at the hazardous waste sites.   The  Agency is
requesting a total of $27,798,000 for community involvement outreach efforts.

       States and tribes  are key partners in the cleanup of Superfund hazardous
waste sites.  Under Superfund, EPA can  authorize the state or tribe to carry out
a Fund-financed response. Or, in some  cases, the state or tribe  may also operate
as a  support  agency.   In this  role,  they hold some key responsibilities  and


perform specific parts of the cleanup, but they do not take on a major portion
of the task for the response.  To support their involvement, the Agency provides
financial  support through  cooperative  agreements  to  conduct removal,  site
assessment, remedial, and enforcement projects and core infrastructure activities
that are  important  in administering  state  and tribal  programs.   A total of
$31,716,500 is requested for assistance activities to states and tribes.

      Other Federal agencies  (OFAs) contribute to this  objective  by providing
essential .services  in  areas where EPA  doe.s not possess  the  needed  Superfund
specialized expertise.  Contributors include the Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry  (ATSDR) , the National  Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(NIEHS),  the Department  of  Justice (DOJ), the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration,   the  National  Oceanic  and Atmospheric  Administration,  the
Department of Interior, the United States Coast Guard, and  the Federal Emergency
Management Agency.  Some of  the  essential  services  performed  by these Federal
agencies  include the following:  (1)  ATSDR conducts public health assessments
at NPL and non-NPL sites,- maintains  toxicology databases for chemicals found at
sites,- and provides health education to health care providers, local and national
health organizations,  and state and local health departments;  (2) NIEHS manages
a worker training grants program which  trains workers who are, or may be, working
with  hazardous  waste  and funds  a basic  research program  which focuses  on
assessing the impacts  of  complex chemical mixtures on humans; and (3)  DOJ plays
a critical  role  in Superfund's "Enforcement First"  strategy  and  continues to
litigate  and settle cleanup agreements and cost recovery cases as well as seek
civil and criminal penalties  if necessary.  A total of $150,683,200 is requested
for OFA activities.

      Implementing the  President's brownfields initiative is a top priority under
this  objective.    The Agency  encourages  assessment,  cleanup and  reuse  of
under-used and abandoned properties where expansion or .reuse is complicated by
real or perceived environmental  contamination.  Economic  changes  over several
decades have left communities with contaminated properties  and abandoned sites.
Concerns  about  environmental  cleanup,  infrastructure  declines and changing
development priorities  have worsened the situation.  The result  is the brownfield
challenge -- how  to  reverse  these trends  and bring properties back into use for
the benefit of their communities.

      The  Agency provides  grants  of  up to  $200,000  per community  for site
assessment, site  inventory, site characterization,  and planning.  The Agency also
performs  targeted site assessments in communities that are not successful in
competing  for an assessment pilot.   Communities  completing  their Brownfields
pilot  assessment activities  can  seek EPA  grants of up  to $350,000  each to
capitalize revolving loan funds for cleanup activities.  These pilots are being
used  to  develop  and  disseminate   information  on  cleanup  strategies  and
redevelopment.   EPA also  supports expansion of job  training and  workforce
development activities  as well as working with a number of other Federal agencies
to form a consolidated  approach to brownfields problems and highlight integrated
Federal brownfield efforts at showcase communities.

      Funding to  support  the expansion, enhancement and  development of State
voluntary cleanup programs (VCPs) is an important part of the Superfund program.
EPA  provides both  monetary  and technical  assistance to states and tribes


developing and enhancing VCPs, which are vital to address the contaminated sites
which do not require Federal action but need cleanup.  EPA believes that building
strong and effective state/tribal programs/  such as VCPs,  will also complement
efforts to address the cleanup of brownfields properties because their properties
will generally be cleaned up under state authority.  To assist this effort, the
brownf ields initiative is also providing additional funding for VCPs.  The Agency
is requesting a total of $91,366,200 for Agency brownfield activities.

      The Superfund Federal Facilities Base Realignment and Base Closure (BRAG)
program focuses  on EPA's ability  to  facilitate the reuse  and redevelopment of
property where the Federal government has decided that the property is no'longer
of use. The end of the cold war reduced the need for military bases and nuclear
production facilities;  consequently,  the Federal  government is disposing of
property  to  reduce operation  and maintenance  expenses  while protecting the
livelihood of the local  communities.  The  Federal facility program plays a key
role in these  efforts  through its review and concurrence finding that properties
are environmentally suitable for transfer, either by deed or lease.

The RCRAProgram

      Under  RCRA,  EPA  and  authorized  states  are  required  to  clean  up
environmental contamination at approximately 4,000 sites across the country where
hazardous  wastes  are  being  stored,  treated,  or  disposed.  The  scope  of
contamination varies at these sites,  but many are comparable in complexity and
environmental threats to Superfund sites on the NPL, and most require extensive
remediation activities,  Ensuring that releases are assessed and controlled at
these  sites   is  critical  in protecting  human health and  the  environment.
Discretionary cleanup authority under RCRA is being increasingly used to address
hazardous waste  releases at  sites  other than traditional  RCRA facilities.  In
addition, EPA strives  to ensure  public participation in all  aspects  of waste
programs and fosters  state implementation  of  both the solid waste and hazardous
waste  programs   by  facilitating  review  and  approval/authorization  of  state

      Basic RCRA cleanup standards, established by EPA, define waste management
practices  not only  at  RCRA corrective action sites but  also at  Superfund
cleanups. Controlling contaminant releases and human exposures is central to the
ongoing work of the RCRA corrective action program.  Efforts to streamline the
corrective action program continue through regulatory, policy, and implementation
actions.    In 1999,   the  Agency  will begin  implementing  a  major  program
improvement,  a contaminated media  rule finalized in 1998 which establishes a new
regulatory framework for managing  remediation wastes generated during hazardous
waste cleanups.   While actual cost  savings will depend on the particular approach
taken in the final rule,  EPA estimates  that  the total savings will range from
$1.2 billion  to  $1.5  billion a year.   In addition, in 1999, the  Agency will
finalize the Subpart S rule,  streamlining procedures using a performance standard
approach.   EPA  is  also identifying  impediments within  the RCRA  program to
brownfield cleanups.  The Agency is requesting $41,300,000  for controlling risks
at high priority facilities.

The liPST Program

      By the end of 1999, the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) program and
its partners will have  cleaned up a cumulative total  of  220,000 contaminated
sites.  Through the end of September 1997, approximately 178,000 cleanups have
been completed.  EPA expects approximately 20,000 additional LUST cleanups to be
completed in 1998 and approximately 22,000  LUST cleanups  will be completed in
1999.  Within this objective,  the Agency is requesting a  total of $69,122,200
for cleaning up UST contamination.

      In 1994, states reported  (under Section 305 (b) of the Clean Water Act) that
Underground  Storage  Tanks  (USTs) are  the  most  common source  of groundwater
contamination and that petroleum is the most common contaminant.   Nearly all UST
releases involve gasoline,  which contains,  among other things,  a known human
carcinogen  (benzene)  and sometimes contains  a possible human carcinogen (MTBE).
MTBE is highly soluble and mobile and,  based on existing knowledge, apparently
does not readily biodegrade.  Also,  because relatively low levels of MTBE make
water unpalatable,  MTBE  contamination damages drinking water supplies even when
it does not pose health risks.  Resources provided by the Agency to the states
support oversight and cleanup of petroleum releases from USTs when the owner or
operator Is unknown,  unwilling, or unable to perform the cleanup.  UST releases
sometimes have resulted in fires and explosions and entry of harmful fumes into
schools, homes,  and other buildings.

      Most of the Agency's  LUST resources are  provided directly to states and
Indian tribes primarily  to support oversight of cleanups by  responsible parties.
The Agency uses most of its remaining resources to support state LUST programs
with targeted training and technical assistance.  The Agency's  goal  is to ensure
rapid  and  effective  responses  to  releases from  underground  storage  tanks
containing petroleum and to restore contaminated sites to beneficial use-  The
Agency' s highest priority in the underground storage tank program over the next
several years will be to reduce the backlog  of  confirmed releases waiting to be
cleaned up.   To expedite reduction of  the  backlog and help  states  make more
efficient use of their resources (including  state  funds that reimburse some UST
owners and  operators  for a  portion of  their cleanup costs),  the Agency will
continue efforts  to  design and  implement risk-based  corrective adtion  (RBCA)
programs. The Agency will, in collaboration with other Agency programs, evaluate
the risks and identify techniques for cleanup of MTBE,  a gasoline  component found
with  increasing frequency at  LUST  sites.   EPA will  continue  to  promote and
investigate alternative site investigation and remediation technologies  (e.g.,
natural attenuation).  The Agency will provide  guidance on  cleaning up releases
in difficult remediation scenarios (fractured bedrock,  karst) and on determining
the maximum extent practicable  for removing free product.   Responsibility for
implementation of the corrective action program on Indian lands  remains primarily
with the Agency.

      The Agency's efforts  in this  objective will be  supported through legal
counseling  and  advocacy by the  Office  of General Counsel.   This may include
advice, participation in the development of Agency actions,  document review, and
the conduct of defensive litigation.

                         Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                   1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
Obj. 01    Reduce or Control Risks  $2,096,061.5  $1,491,429.1  $2,091,457.3
     to Human Health

     Environmental Program &          . $52,257.3     $49,107.3     $56,139.2

     Science and Technology             $5,227.1    .  $5,218.7      $5,935.6

     State and Tribal Assistance       $32,700.6     $32,700.6     $32,700.6

     Leaking Underground Storage       $59,156.5     $63,151.3     $69,122.2

     Oil Spill Response                 $1,015.1      $1,048.0        $959.9

     Hazardous Substance Superfund  $1,935,704.9  $1,340,203.2  $1,926,599.8

   Total FTE                             3,545.3       3,562.0       3,494.2
1999 Annual Performance Goals

*    In 1999, 22,000 LUST  Cleanups  will  be completed under the supervision of
    EPA and its State, Local and Tribal partners.

•    In 1999, 127 High Priority RCRA sites will have human exposure to toxins
    controlled for a  cumulative total of 277 (18%) .

•    In 1999, EPA and  its partners will conduct 335 Superfund removal response

•    In 1999, EPA  and its partners will make  final Superfund site assessment
    decisions on .530  sites.

•    In 1999, EPA will  complete construction at 136 Superfund NPL sites.

*    In 1999, EPA will  sign 100 brownfields Site Assessment Co-op agreements.

•    In 1999, EPA will  sign 100 Cooperative Agreements to Capitalize Revolving
    Loan funds.

•    In  1999,   69   High  Priority  RCRA  sites  will  have  toixc  releases  to
    groundwater controlled for a cumulative of 144  (10%).

•    In 1999, EPA will survey 25 additional state  and tribal communities  (for a
    total  of  50  surveys  in  1999)  to measure  the  effectiveness  of  EPA's
    Superfund community outreach program.


 •    In 1999, EPA will support 10 brownfields Showcase Communities.

 •    In 1999, EPA  will  continue to enhance  the  role of states and  tribes  in
     Superfund.   .States and tribes will conduct 210 site assessments, select' 5
     Fund-led remedies,  and lead cleanup at 7 NPL sites.

 •    Obtain PRP commitments for  70% of  the work  conducted  at  new construction
     starts of  non-Federal facility sites on the NPL and emphasize fairness in
     the settlement process.

 •    Continue to  make  formerly contaminated  parcels  of  land available  for
     residential,   commercial,  &  industrial  reuse  by addressing  liability
     concerns through the issuance  of comfort letters and prospective purchaser

 •    Ensure  trust  fund  stewardship by  recovering  costs  from  PRPs when  EPA
     expends trust fund monies.

 •    By 2001,  demonstrate/verify  performance  of  18 innovative  technologies
     emphasizing those  applicable  to  the remediation and  characterization of
     groundwater,  soils, and Brownfields sites.

 •    By 2005, develop and  evaluate risk management  options for remediation of
     sites,  including Brownfields  contaminated by  metals,  PAHs,   NAPLs  and
     chlorinated solvents.

 •    By 2002,  evaluate  applicability  of natural  attenuation  and  risk-based
     management goals to the clean up of contaminated sites.

 •    By 1999, develop risk assessment  methods, models,  factors and databases
     that describe key  exposure  parameters,  human  activity patterns, and dose
     response toxicity relationships.

      The overarching goal of EPA's cleanup programs  is  to protect human health
and the environment  through fast and effective cleanup of priority sites and
releases.   EPA tracks a  number  of  measures of  progress  in providing long-term
protection at contaminated Superfund sites including the  number of sites cleaned
up each year by EPA,  state and  tribal  partners,  and  PRP participation.   These
measures will bring  early  risk  reduction to  contaminated sites throughout the
nation.  Because site cleanup activities can take months or years to complete,
some 1999 accomplishments were funded,  in part or in full,  in prior years.  In
addition some of the activities  funded  in 1999  will count as accomplishments in
future years.

      In 1996,  President  Clinton  announced  a national  commitment  to  protect
communities from toxic pollution through accelerating toxic waste cleanup.  In
1999, the Superfund program will meet these aggressive goals by doubling the pace
of  site  cleanup construction.   This  effort will  result  in  900  construction
completions by  the end  of  calendar year 2001,  approximately two-thirds of the
sites on the NPL.   To accomplish this goal, the Superfund program plans to:  (1)
assess 530  sites to determine whether they require Superfund cleanup action;  (2)


conduct 335 Superfund  emergency, time critical, and non-time critical removal
response actions at both NPL and non-NPL sites; (3)  complete construction at 136
NPL  sites  in  a cost  effective  and  timely manner;  (4)  continue  to  measure
citizens' perception of whether the  cleanup  decision-making" process is open and
legitimate and citizens' understanding of the potential risk associated with the
site by administering 50 survey instruments;  and (5) continue to enhance the role
of  states and tribes  in  the  implementation of  the  Superfund program  by
encouraging their participation in assessing 210 sites to determine if the sites
require Federal Superfund cleanup actions,  selecting 5 remedies and assuming lead
at 7 operable units at NPL sites.

      Community outreach and participation address the need for citizens to be
educated and involved in decisions concerning their environment.  The Superfund
program will  continue  to  hold public meetings; provide communities financial
assistance to hire  technical  consultants  who assist  them in understanding the
problems at the sites and  the  proposed solutions to the contamination problems;
and distribute  fact  sheets on the sites.   The Federal Facilities program will
encourage citizen involvement by working with other Federal agencies to establish
100   Restoration   Advisory   Boards(RABs)    and   Site   Specific   Advisory
Boards(SSABs)within  the  Superfund program.   Within the  RCRA program,  public
opinion can impact the permitting process of new,  renewal and/or modifications
to  facilities  in  local   communities.    Similarly,  public  involvement  and
opportunities to comment on potential remediation measures are integral to the
corrective action process.   Activities  include  public  participation  during
regional and  state RCRA permitting  and  corrective action activities  -public
notices,  meetings,  outreach, handbooks  and  websites   -as  well  as  public
participation training and guidance development by EPA.

      The Agency will pursue violators and responsible parties to maximize PRP
participation  in  site  restoration.  Superfund. reforms  will continue  to  be
implemented to increase fairness, reduce transaction costs (especially to small
contributors) and promote  economic redevelopment.  Cost recovery wi'll be pursued
to recoup monies expended from the Trust Fund from viable responsible parties.
in addition,  EPA will encourage economic redevelopment by bringing contaminated
sites into productive use,  enhancing the roles of  states and Indian tribes, and
ensuring environmental justice.

      The brownfields pilot program  has demonstrated that cleaning up abandoned
or under-used contaminated land  can have significant'payoffs.  Building on the
pilot program, EPA will continue to partner with other Federal,  state, local, .and
private sector  efforts to restore contaminated property  to economic reuse.  In
1999, EPA will sign 100 site assessment cooperative agreements,  provide 30 cities
with targeted site assessment, implement 10 showcase communities, and sign 100
cooperative agreements to  capitalize revolving loan funds. The Ageney will also
provide information and tools and develop model practices  and policies to be used
by local governments, developers and transportation officials in their pursuit
to redevelop brownfiel.d properties,

      The  current  base  research  program   focuses  on   exposure  assessment,
characterization, risk assessment, .and risk management.  Under the  exposure area,
research is needed:  to reduce uncertainties associated  with ground water/soil
sampling and analysis; to develop methods and models of  contaminant transport;


and, to reduce the time and cost associated with site characterization and the
site remediation  activities that it  guides.   Subsurface  characterization of
ground water research will focus on the development and evaluation of surface-
based,  non-invasive, geophysical technologies.  In the area of field sampling and
screening,  analytical  methods  research  will  .continue  to  focus  on:  1)  more
effective technologies and  approaches that can  eventually  be  used  to perform
analysis  in  the  field;  2)  those  that  can  .determine pollutants  that  are
intractable by conventional EPA methods;  as well  as, 3}  those that improve risk
assessments by providing  specific  information on the most  hazardous forms of

      In the risk assessment area, research works toward producing credible and
scientifically defensible assessments  of risks from contaminated ground water at
waste sites.   To  estimate human exposure  and  delivered dose for contaminated
soils,  the Agency will develop methodologies and factors that will enable risk
assessors  to  develop  an  accurate  quantitative estimate  of the   amount  of
contaminant found in the soil matrix that is eventually toxicologically available
at the site of action to a human receptor.

      Risk management research works  to  develop  new methods to extract and/or
treat the contaminants in ground water and soil,  particularly for hard-to-treat
contaminants and  contaminated matrices.   Increasing effort is focused on low-
cost, in situ technologies to reduce exposure  to  humans  and  ecosystems.  Ground
water  research  is  focussed  on natural  .attenuation,  active  bioremediation
technologies, abiotic  treatment, and containment. Soils research covers the same
range of technologies as ground water, including active and passive biological
treatment processes, abiotic treatment, and containment.  Additionally, ORD also
provides technical support to EPA program offices in many of the aforementioned
areas.of research.

      EPA is required by  RCRA and the Indian Environmental General Assistance
Program ACT (IEGAPA)  to promote the protection of health and the environment by
providing technical and  financial  assistance  to states,  Federally  recognized
tribes,  and local governments  to  assure  that  solid  and  hazardous  waste is
properly managed.  EPA will  enhance the roles of states through authorization of
their  Subtitle C hazardous waste  management  programs  and approval of their
Subtitle D municipal solid waste permit programs. To do  so,  EPA will: implement
recently streamlined procedures for  state authorization  and continue  to explore
improvement options as well as  present authorization  training programs; issue
final .regulations and -updated guidance for approval  of state solid waste permit
programs; and continue to work with states to develop guidance for the voluntary
enhancement  of industrial  solid  waste  management  programs.  Within the STAG
appropriation, the Agency is requesting authorization to enter into  assistance
grants with Federally recognized  Indian  Tribes  for the same purposees as set
forth in RCRA Section 3011.

      Efforts to help tribal governments  develop hazardous  waste management and
municipal  solid  waste  programs  will  expand  in  1999.    Intergovernmental
information  and  resource  sharing  will   be  facilitated  through  a  range of
mechanisms  including  forums,  university-level courses,  professional training,
Internet sites, and circuit riders in partnership with  other Federal agencies,
states,  local  communities and of course  the tribes  themselves.  Technical and


financial assistance  will be  provided,  including assistance  agreements with
tribes for the same purposes  as set forth  in RCRA Section 9003(h)(7).  EPA will
develop and implement an alternative method of providing flexibility to owners
and operators of municipal solid waste  landfills in Indian lands similar to the
flexibility afforded in states  with approved permit programs.  The full range of
environmental problems is present on tribal lands,  from prior use issues such as
contaminated soil and water, to current use issues and planning, most prominently
solid waste management concerns.  Working with tribes offers real tests of the
Agency's new community-based, multi-media approach as the program consolidates
efforts and works to use limited resources efficiently.

      The most serious pollution problems at RCRA facilities  occur when releases
migrate off-site, contaminating public  and private drinking water supplies and,
in a  number of  cases,  endangering wetlands  and  other  sensitive  ecosystems.
Controlled human exposures and groundwater  releases are results  that  can be
achieved through interim measures,  such as stabilization activities, or through
a final remedy.   Although these results are  important milestones  for cleanup
programs,  achieving these results  does  not  imply  that  the  long-term  risks
associated with contamination at the  facility are controlled or that a facility
is cleaned up.  Even after achieving these milestones, facilities are required
to continue  with stabilization  and/or  remedy implementation until  the  final
cleanup standards have been met.  To increase flexibility and assist states in
corrective actions, EPA is working with states to promote the use of alternate
state authorities  (e.g.,  state Superfund programs)   at RCRA facilities,  where

      The .Agency's  corrective  action activities encompass  regulation reform,
streamlining and reinvention projects that will improve the implementation  of the
program.  The hazardous waste identification rule (HWIR), to be promulgated in
1998,  will establish common sense processes for handling the wastes to be removed
or treated as part of a cleanup.  The Subpart S initiative seeks to streamline
the corrective  action process  to  conduct faster,  more  appropriate cleanups,
saving resources for industry,  the states, and the Agency.  Activities will also
include a wide  range of  Community  Based Environmental  Projects  (CBEP)  and
technical assistance to the states.  Also in 1999, the Corrective Action program
will move into  the next phase  of participation in  the Agency's Environmental
Monitoring for Public Access  and Community Tracking (EMPACT)  initiative as a way
to  demonstrate   the   environmental   progress  facilities   have   made   in  a
user-friendly, but still scientifically valid, manner.  In partnership with the
State of New Jersey, the program is creating a system of computer-accessible maps
displaying corrective action  sites, the location of contamination and the extent
of cleanup to date..

      The Agency's LUST program, through the end of 1997,  has reported more than
341,000 releases.  Of  that number,.292,000 cleanups had been  initiated, of which
178,000 had been completed. The Agency expects a cumulative  total of 370,000 to
be initiated or completed by 2005.  Approximately 1,000 releases on  Indian lands
have been reported  and  the Agency  expects more than 1,000 additional releases
will be reported as owners and operators  come into compliance with  the 1998
requirements.  The Agency  anticipates,  however, that many owners and operators
on Indian lands  will  not  have  the .financial  resources to pay for cleanups and
additional funding will be needed to pay for cleanups on these lands. Within the


LUST  appropriation,  the  Agency  is requesting  authorization  to  enter  into
assistance agreements  with Federally  recognized Indian  Tribes for the  same
purposes as set forth in RCRA Section 9003(h)(7),
 1998 Annual Performance Goals

 •     In 1998, 20,000 LUST cleanups will be completed under the supervision of
      EPA and its State, Local and Tribal partners.

 •     In 1998, 150 (10%) High Priority RCRA sites will have human exposures to
      toxins controlled.

 •     In 1998, EPA and its partners will  conduct 300 Superfund removal response
      actions.                                                         >

 •     In 1998, EPA and  its partners will make  final  Superfund site assessment
      decisions on 630 sites.

 •     In 1998, EPA will complete construction at 87 Superfund NPL sites*

 •     In 1998, EPA will sign 100 brownfields Site Assessment Co-op agreements.

 •     In 1998, EPA will sign  100 Cooperative Agreements to Capitalize Revolving
      Loan funds.

 •     In 1998, EPA will support 10 brownfields Showcase Communities.

 •     .In 1998,  75  (5%)  High Priority  RCRA sites will have  toxin releases to
      groundwater controlled.

 *     In 1998, EPA  will survey 25 state and tribal communities to measure the
      effectiveness of EPA's Superfund community outreach program,

 •     Ensure  trust  fund stewardship  by recovering costs  from PRPs  when EPA
      expends trust fund monies.

 *     Obtain PRP commitments for 70% of the work conducted at new construction
      starts of  non-Federal  facility sites on the NPL and emphasize fairness in
      the settlement process.

 •     Continue  to  make  formerly  contaminated parcels  of  land  available .for
      residential, commercial,  and industrial  reuse by addressing liability
      concerns through Prospective Purchaser Agreements.

 •     Establish a baseline for evaluating perspective purchaser agreements and
      comfort letters.

 •     By  1998,  develop and  evaluate innovative  characterization,   and  risk
      management options for contaminated groundwater and soils under the SITE

By  1998,  develop  risk assessment  methods,  factors,  and  databases  as
described, and dose response toxicity relationships.
                   1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                       (Dollars in Thousands)

01 Obj . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
Science and Tech. - Reim
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Oil Spill Response
Hazardous Substance Superfund

 (+$5:94,051,400  Superfund)    Supports  the  President's  commitment  to
accelerate Superfund cleanups and achieve  900 construction completions by
the end of calendar year 2001.   This  initiative will protect our children
and our communities from exposure to uncontrolled toxic waste releases and
restore contaminated  sites  to productive  use.   The additional resources
requested support long-term media restoration, early action to remediate
'risk, engineering/technical 'analysis and response management .activities.
All of these activities are integral and essential to the cleanup of NPL

 (-$10,000,000  Superfund)   The   Agency's  request   reflects   the  1998
President's budget  level  for ATSDR and does  not sustain the $10,000,000
Congressional add-on in the  1998 enacted budget.   This request provides an
appropriate level of funding for 1999 given large number of NPL sites that
have  been  completed  or  are  entering  the  final   stages  of  cleanup

 (-$9,473,300  Superfund)     The  Agency's  request  reflects  the  1998
President's budget  level  for NIEHS and does not sustain the $9,473,300
Congressional add-on  in the 1998  enacted  budget.  Given the maturity of
the  Superfund program,  with cleanup decisions and actual  cleanup being
completed more and more sites, there are fewer sites that can benefit from
NIEHS's .ongoing  .basic research activities.   This request  reflects the
Administration's emphasis on completing cleanup construction and provides
an appropriate level of funding for NIEHS research activities in 1999.

The Agency is redirecting $1,100,000 in Superfund. programmatic resources
from OSWER to OAR to fund lab analysis which OAR performs in support of

     the Super-fund program.  This support is typically provided at mixed waste
     site and other complex sites where radioactive contaminants are present.

•     The Agency  is  redirecting Superfund resources into  two important areas
     which support our Federal  facility activities: (1) implementation of EPA's
     Munitions Rule and DOD's Range Rule  (5 FTE, $1,400,000);  and  (2) increased
     efforts to  involve Tribes  in  the environmental  restoration  process at
     Federal facilities  (5 FTE,  $1,400,000).   Resources are being redirected
     from the  early stages of the  Response pipeline  and RI/FS  oversight at
     Federal facilities.

•     The  Agency  is  redirecting  Superfund resources  to  OSWER's  Technology
     Innovation  Office  for   two  initiatives:   (1)   $750,000  to  establish
     Technical Support Centers for local community outreach; and (.2) $500,000
     for the Advanced Monitoring Initiative.

•      (-$2,767,800  Superfund)  Contracts  reduced  to   support  other  Agency

•      (+$2,400,600 LUST)  To assist tribes implement Leaking Underground Storage
     Tank  (LUST)  requirements.   The  Agency anticipates being able to conduct
     approximately 50 site assessments,  10 remediations,.and  provide 10 grants
     to assist  Tribes develop the capability  to address leaking underground
     storage tanks.

•      (+$2,400,000 LUST)   For  direct support to  states primarily  to oversee
     cleanups of responsible parties.  The Agency anticipates that states will
     be   able   to  complete   approximately  22,000   cleanups  and  initiate
     approximately 27,000 cleanups.

•      (-$373,000  EPM)   RCRA regional  decrease in Working Capital Fund support
     reflects cost savings in  this area.

•      (+$2,991,600 EPM)   Requested  for RCRA tribal support.  $556,800 and 6.0
     FTE will  be redirected to augment the  RCRA program's efforts to expand
     RCRA's technical assistance program providing tribal  solid waste managers
     with training and hands-on assistance.

•      (-$133,800  EPM) contracts will be reduced from the RCRA  Correction action
     program to  support  other  enforcement priorities.

Key Performance Measures		     	1998	1999

Human Exposures  Controlled at             150 Facilities   127 Facilities
high-priority RCRA sites

Groundwater Releases Controlled           75 Facilities      69 Facilities

LUST Cleanup Completions                  20000 USTs        22000 USTs

Number of Final  Site                      630 Decisions   - 530 Decisions
Assessment Decisions


Removal Response Actions

Construction Completions

Citizen Involvement in Superfund
State/Tribal Site Assessment

State/Tribal Remedy Selections

State/Tribal Lead at NPL sites

Coop. Agreements for Site Assessment

Showcase Communities

Coop. Agrmnts-Capitalize Rev. Loans

Section 106 Civil Actions

Orphan Share Offers

De Minimis Settlements

Address Cost Recovery ,at all
NPL and NON-NPL sites w/tot.
past costs =or> $200K

Eval Liability concerns -
Prospective Purchaser Agreement
Requests Assessed

Remedial Admin Orders

SITE report to Congress

Protocol for implementing monitored
natural attenuation of ground water
contaminated by chlorinated solvents.

Report on landfilled containment
system performance.

Exposure factors handbook available in
three formats  (including the Internet)..

Report on side-by-side pilot-scale
comparison of nine LNAPL extraction

Environmental research brief on
permeable  reactive barrier of
300 Responses

87 Completions

2.5 Surveys
200 Assessments

4 Remedies

6 RODs

100 Agreements

10 Communities

100 Agreements

40 Agreements

30 Settlements

23 Settlements

100% Cases

100% Requests

20 Orders



1 report


1 report
335 Responses

136 Completions

2 5 Surveys
210 Assessments

5 Remedies

7 RODs

100 Agreements

10 Communities

100 Coop. agrs.

38 Agreements

36 Settlements

23 Settlements

100% Cases

100% Requests

19 Orders


 groundwater contaminated with chromium
 and chlorinated solvents.

 Journal article on effectiveness of  -    1 report
 a range"of bioremediation processes.

 Publish compendium to the exposure                         9/30/99
 factors handbook containing additional
 peer-reviewed statistical distributions,


      Under  this  objective, EPA  ensures  that hazardous  waste sites  are  not
endangering human health or  the natural environment  and are being restored to
uses desired by surrounding communities.   EPA's cleanup programs  respond to
priority sites and releases in a fast and effective manner, while maximizing the
participation of PRPs and other stakeholders in cleanup efforts.   In addition,
EPA is  undertaking major efforts  to  develop  measures of progress  using risk
reduction as the primary indicator.

      The Agency  is committed to implementing the  President's  initiative to
protecting communities from toxic pollution. To do so, EPA will accelerate the
pace of completing construction cleanup at 900 Superfund NPL sites  by the end of
calendar year 2001.  Meeting this  goal  coupled with the Agency's  progress to date
will reduce risks to communities,  especially children.  The quality of life for
more than 27 million Americans, including over 4 million children who  live within
four miles of a Superfund site will be improved.

      The Agency has made significant progress cleaning up Superfund sites and
protecting human health and  the  environment. By  the  end of 1997,  all remedial
construction activities were completed at 498 non-Federal and Federal NPL sites.
Construction  is currently  underway at 470 sites.  Ninety-five percent of the
Superfund  sites  on the  NPL have  started  a phase of cleanup.   From program
inception through the end of 1996,  site security measures have been implemented
at  330  sites  on  the NPL  and 247  removal  sites.   To protect  human health,
alternate drinking water supplies have been provided to over 350,000 people at
121 NPL and 43 removal sites and more than 14,000 people have been relocated from
34 NPL and 37 removal sites to ensure their safety,

      Approximately  70% of  long-term cleanup  actions  are  now  financed  and
conducted by PRPs..   The  Agency's goal  is  to encourage  a high  level  of  PRP
participation  by  promoting fairness in Superfund cleanup  settlements,  and by
recovering costs from PRPs where EPA has conducted the work.

      EPA supports this objective by developing innovative methods  and techniques
to characterize, monitor, remediate and assess risks related to waste sites.  EPA
also  has  implemented a  risk-based  research  planning  process   to  use  risk
assessment and  risk management as principal priority-setting criteria.   This
research provides decision-makers with the tools and information required to make
scientifically sound remedial decisions.

      The  Agency's Brownfields  initiative  continues  to  expand outreach  to
states, tribes, and public,  private and nonprofit entities.  Developing strong
partnerships that encourage assessment, cleanup and redevelopment of abandoned
and under-used properties will be  continued by the Brownfield's program.   EPA
will also develop and provide the tools and technical assistance to a variety of
stakeholders  such as  the  National  Governors'  Association  (NGA) ,  the  U.S.
Conference of Mayors and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council to
facilitate brownfields  cleanup  and redevelopment, while  strongly  considering
environmental justice  issues.

      The  Agency has  had  many successes  in  the  Superfund Federal  facility
response program - the  issuance of the final Federal Facilities Environmental
Restoration Dialogue Committee report,  the signing of a record number of RODs,
and the shifting of the  program  from the  study into the cleanup phase.    EPA's
provision  of technical  assistance and  oversight of  response  activities  at
Federally owned or managed hazardous waste  sites, as well as review of property
transfer  documents,  is vital  to the protection  of  human  health  and  the
environment, and the productive reuse of property no longer needed by the Federal
government. To facilitate the reuse process, EPA expects to review and comment
or concur on 200 Environmental Baseline Surveys (BBSs), Finding of Suitability
to Transfer  (FOSTs) or Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSLs)  each year.   The
Federal facilities enforcement program supports the cleanup of Federal Superfund
sites by negotiating,  litigating,  and overseeing this environmental work.

      Like Superfund,  the RCRA corrective  action program  has made  significant
progress cleaning up sites and protecting human health and the environment.  Of
the approximately 4,000 sites in the RCRA corrective action workload universe,
over 3,200 have been assessed and prioritized for cleanup and over 1,500 are at
various stages in the  cleanup process.   Because there are so many sites, EPA's
main  emphasis  is  on  stabilizing  sites  to  control  potential  human  and
environmental exposure and to prevent further releases.

      Facilitating state authorization  and  .implementation of the RCRA hazardous
waste (including corrective  action) and non-hazardous waste programs will remain
a priority.   To date,   32 states  are  authorized to  implement  RCRA corrective
action, including  the most  heavily populated .states.   EPA  expects  that  this
number  will  continue  to  increase  in  1999.   The  municipal program  is fully
implemented by  the  states and EPA will work  to approve  state  municipal solid
waste landfill permit programs to control  existing and new facilities.  Extensive
public  participation is another ongoing goal  of  the program,  and  the Agency
strives  to  provide  greater  opportunities  for public  participation  during
corrective action and permit issuance.

      Environmental  indicators,   such   as  human   exposures  controlled  and
groundwater releases controlled,  represent  new ways of measuring  success in the
RCRA program.  There may be  additional  indicators such as ecological exposures,
non-groundwater releases, and final cleanup standards that  need to be achieved.
Performance  goals  concentrate on  controlling human exposure  at 95%  of  high
priority RCRA sites and  controlling groundwater releases at 70%  of high priority
RCRA sites by  2005.  In 1999, the  Agency expects  to control human exposure at
18%, or 277 of  the high priority sites and to control groundwater releases at
10%, or 144 of the high priority sites.


      Success of the LUST program is based on two external factors. One is the
extent to which states implement risk-based corrective action programs; EPA is
actively encouraging States to do so and is working with States and industry to
provide the necessary training and implementation support.  The other factor--
which EPA cannot control--is the relative number of simple cleanups  (where only
soil is contaminated) vs. complex cleanups  (involving groundwater contamination) .
To the extent  that States have been deferring  the more  complicated cleanups,
progress in the LUST program will be affected in the years to come.

Key Performance Measure Verification

      EPA is taking steps to ensure that all accountability data are rigorously
validated.  CERCLIS is the official database used by Superfund to help track and
store national site information.  CERCLIS was developed in accordance with Agency
Life Cycle Guidance which establishes criteria for software development, and it
adheres to Agency platform, software and  hardware standards.

      The Superfund program has defined the various roles and responsibilities
of key individuals who are responsible for  development, operation and maintenance
of  CERCLIS.  The  headquarters  sponsor  of  the  data is  responsible  for  (1)
identifying the data elements needed,  (2) defining the data elements,  and (3)
informing the appropriate people that the information needs to be  collected and
loaded into CERCLIS.   The regional person  who  owns  the  data (e.g., Superfund
remedial project manager) is responsible for reviewing, verifying, and validating
site data in  CERCLIS.   The Information Management/Program Measurement Center,
under the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response  (OERR, responsibility is to
ensure: (1)  there is a data element with an accurate definition for all data; (2)
the data element is accessible to searches and can be retrieved for reports; (3)
the source for the data is referenced in the system;  (4) the data  is accurately
entered or converted into the system,- (5)  data from other sources  is considered
draft until it has been checked against its source data, and is found acceptable;
and  (6) data integrity is maintained in all system applications and reports.

      To assure data accuracy and control, the  following administrative controls
are  in place:  (1)  Superfund/Oil  implementation Manual (SPIM) -- This is the
program management manual which details what data must be reported;  (2) Report
Specifications --Report specifications are published for each report detailing
how  reported  data are  calculated;  (3)  Coding Guide --It  contains technical
instructions  to  data  users  such as regional IMCs,  program  personnel, report
owners and data input  personnel; (4)  Quality Assurance (QA) Unit Testing --Unit
testing is an  extensive QA check made by the  report programmer to assure  that its
product is producing accurate data that conforms to the current specification;
(5) QA Third Party Testing --Third party testing is an extensive test made by an
independent QA tester to assure that the report produces data in conformance with
the report specifications; (6)  Regional CERCLIS Data Entry Internal Control Plan
-- The data entry internal  control plan includes:  (a)  regional  policies and
procedures for entering data into CERCLIS;  (b) a review process to ensure that
all  Superfund  accomplishments  are supported  by  source documentation;  (c)
delegation  of  authorities  for  approval  of data input  into  CERCLIS;  and (d)
procedures  to  ensure   that  reported   accomplishments  meet  accomplishment


      For  enforcement  measures,  EPA will  use the end-of-year  frozen CERCLIS
database to obtain the data to support these measures, and will conduct a quality
assurance audit on a representative sample of the data against actual settlement
documents  to  ensure  the accuracy  of the  data.   In addition, EPA  will  track
certain information manually until incorporation into CERCLIS.  This data will
also be subject to the  same  quality  assurance requirements  as the information
tracked through the CERCLIS database.

      The brownfields pilot program  is  intended to provide  EPA,  states,  local
governments, and Federally Recognized Indian tribes with useful information and
new strategies  for promoting a unified approach to  environmental assessment,
cleanup and redevelopment.  Funding will provide incentives and seed money for
assessments, planning,  and inventorying of brownfields properties.

      Superfund  research  supports  the GPRA  objective  of  reducing  and/or
controlling risks to  human health and  the environment at abandoned  sites by
developing innovative methods and techniques to characterize, monitor, remediate
and assess risks related to  waste  sites.   The  research  will  also  provide
decision-makers with the tools and information required to make scientifically
sound remedial decisions.  The research program is consistent with EPA's mission
to conduct research and provide technical support, and  is consistent with all
six goals enumerated in the Strategic  Plan:  (1) Develop Scientifically Sound Risk
Assessment Approaches;  (2) Integrate Human and Ecological Assessment Methods; (3)
Provide  Cost-Effective  Risk  Prevention/Management  Approaches;  (4)  Provide
Credible  Methods,  Models  and  Guidance,-   (5)  Exchange  reliable  technical
information; and  (6)  Provide Environmental Leadership & Develop Partnerships.

      EPA has several  strategies  to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental science  and research.   The  Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process  to  use risk assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting  criteria*   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews to  both evaluate the  status and accomplishments of  its  research and
determine  planning  priorities.    To better  draw  upon the  expertise of  the
environmental academic  community,  .EPA  created the Science  to Achieve Results
(STAR) program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants;  the Agency is
also working with 'various professional societies to identify research issues.

      Chief among the  Agency's  validation  and verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer  review  process.    In a July  1997 memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states that peer review will be expanded "to include both the major
work products provided in the past and...all scientific and technical products
supporting Agency decisions..."  This expanded and strengthened focus on peer
review will help ensure that the performance measures listed here are verified
and validated by external  organizations.   The  Agency utilizes peer  review
throughout the research planning and implementation process,  both to  ensure that
planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and
to assess  the quality of scientific research  plans,  products,  and proposals.
This is accomplished through the use of independent entities  such as  the Science
Advisory Board  (SAB)and the  Board  of Scientific Councilors  (BOSC).   The BOSC,
established under the  Federal Advisory Committee Act, will even examine the way
the Agency uses peer review,  as  well  as  the management of  its  research and
development laboratories.


      BPA's external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for funding  through .grants or cooperative agreements.   In addition,
Requests for Applications  (RFAs)  under the  STAR program are  often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the guality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System (OMIS)
will be  another accountability tool used  to verify and  validate  performance
measures.  The  recently developed  GPRA  structure  will be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of  information to users.

      RCRA data verification procedures ensure that the valid data collected at
the  field  or facility  level  are not  corrupted or  confused before they are
presented,   aggregated,   and analyzed   at  the   Federal  level.  Environmental
monitoring data  (such as measures of combustion  facility emissions)  will meet
standard Quality  Assurance/Quality  Control   (QA/QC)  procedures  for the  RCRA
program, as documented in the Office of  Solid  Waste Quality Assurance Management
Plan and the Guidebook  for QA/QC  Procedure for  Submission of Data for the LDR
Program.   These procedures,  in  part,  define requirements  for sampling and
analysis to assure data  quality.  Another common method of verification involves
examination of  data collected and evaluating the relationship of those data to
other data collected under similar circumstances.

      The  Resource  Conservation  Recovery  Information System  (RCRIS)   is the
national database which  supports EPA's RCRA program,  RCRIS contains information
on entities (generically referred to as "handlers.")  engaged in hazardous waste
generation and management activities regulated under  the portion of RCRA that
provides for regulation  of hazardous waste.  RCRIS has several different modules,
including a Corrective Action Module which tracks the status of facilities for
which potential needs for corrective actions have been identified.

      For validation and verification within RCRIS, controls include maintaining
a high degree of consistency in data elements over time as well as data screen
edits to help ensure  that key  data  is  entered for all facilities.   States and
Regions, who create the databases,  manage data  quality  control.   RCRIS has a
suite of user and system documentation which describes the overall administration
of the data collection and management activities.  Training on use of the systems
is provided on  a regular basis,  usually  annually depending on  the  nature of
system changes  and user needs.
Statutory Authority

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act  (CERCLA)
       (42 U.S.C. 9601-9675)

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)  (42 U.S.C. S901-G992k)


                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

      Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Waste Sites,
                            and Emergency Response

Objective #2:     Prevent Releases by Proper Facility Management

      By 2005,  over 282,000 facilities defined by RCRA Subtitles C,  D, and I, the
Oil Pollution Act (OPA), and the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know
Act (EPCRA) ,  and the  Clean Air Act, section 112(r) ,  will be managed according to
practices that prevent dangerous releases to the environment.


      The prevention of  dangerous releases to the environment forms the heart of
the waste management programs which address RCRA hazardous and non-hazardous
wastes, underground  storage tanks, chemical  and emergency preparedness,  oil
spills  and  radioactive  wastes.   Avoiding  the  need  for costly  cleanups  and
environmental mitigation, and preventing the health problems  that can occur from
exposure - ranging from short-term illnesses to permanent nerve, developmental
or respiratory damage,  especially among  children -   are  fundamental  to  the
Agency's work to protect human health and the environment. Strong partnerships
with states, tribes  and local governments as well  as  stakeholder involvement
ensure effective and  efficient program implementation.  The Agency is requesting
$139,531,000 and a total of 686 workyears for this objective.

      The Agency's Resource,  Conservation,  and Recovery Act  (RCRA)  program
accounts for about 13,900 of  the facilities  addressed  by this objective.   The
RCRA program reduces the risk of human exposures to hazardous, industrial non-
hazardous, and municipal solid wastes.   The amount of hazardous and solid waste
is significant: every year, municipalities and industries generate approximately
208 million tons of municipal solid waste, 270 million tons of hazardous waste
(including  wastewaters),  and  more  than  7.6  billion  tons  of  industrial
nonhazardous  waste.   A  combination  of  regulations,  permits, and  voluntary
standards and programs ensure safe management of  the various wastes.  Without the
RCRA program,  new Superfund  sites could  result from mismanagement  of  these
wastes, threatening communities near waste management facilities.  In addition,
greater  environmental  exposures  to  persistent and  bio-accumulative  toxic
chemicals would occur, endangering the nation's  food and water supplies.

      In 1999,  the focus of the RCRA program will  be  on risk and efficiency:
reducing risk and calibrating risk to regulatory standards, and streamlining .and
easing  implementation.   The  RCRA  program  reduces  the  risk  of  exposures to
dangerous hazardous wastes by establishing a  "cradle-to-grave" waste management
framework. This framework regulates the handling, transport,  treatment, storage,
and  disposal  of  hazardous  waste,  ensuring  communities are  not exposed to
dangerous chemicals through improper management.  The main vehicle for hazardous
waste program  implementation  is  issuance  of  RCRA hazardous  waste  permits.   In


1999, the Agency requests $24,013,700 for permitting activities.  Today,  47 of
50 states, Guam, and the District of Columbia are authorized to issue permits.
In the next several years, EPA and the states will emphasize reducing risks to
communities exposed to  hazardous waste combustion emissions   by updating the
permits  issued  to commercial  hazardous  waste  incinerators,  boilers,  and
industrial furnaces,  (e.g., cement kilns)  and on-site incinerators.   In 1999,
efforts to ease implementation will make a notable gain when the Agency issues
a final rule standardizing lower-risk storage facility permits.  This change will
offer efficiencies to  industry, and to state and federal implementors alike.  In
addition, it is expected to speed the pace of permitting.   The Agency and the
states have now permitted almost all operating landfills and land disposal sites,
as well  as most commercial incinerators.    Storage.and treatment facilities
comprise  the  largest  remaining  workload.    Integrating  the  Community-Based
Environmental Protection approach will be a continuing priority in 1999, as will
coordination and policy  review for RCRA permitting  issues in the Common  Sense and
Project XL initiatives.

      The  centerpiece  of the  Agency's efforts to  better calibrate  risk and
regulatory standards  is the  Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR).   The
proposal,  will identify  lower-risk  waste  currently  regulated  under Federal
hazardous  waste  requirements   (Subtitle  C)  that  could  be   regulated  under
alternative,  but protective, state regulatory  programs.   As  part of HWIR, the
Agency is developing a new, multi-pathway risk analysis tool that will greatly
enhance the ability to evaluate risk  and will be useful in other media contexts
as well.

      For this new HWIR regulatory approach, new research is needed to provide
the  scientific underpinnings  in  effects,  exposure,  risk assessment  and risk
management.  The exposure research area encompasses such efforts as multimedia,
multi-pathway exposure modeling,  and environmental fate and transport - physical
estimation.  Risk assessment research will develop provisional toxicity values
(reference doses,  reference concentrations,  cancer  slope factors)  for waste
contaminants  which do   not  currently  have  values  so  their  risks may  be
quantitatively  assessed for delisting  decisions and  risk assessment.   Risk
management research will be conducted  to improve ways  to manage  wastes, focusing
on treatment for hazardous waste  streams which are either difficult or expensive
to treat.

      Other recent program improvements will enter the implementation stage In
1999, providing regulatory relief to  industry  and local governments as well as
state and federal  programs.  For  example, the Agency  will implement the Mineral
Processing rule, finalized in 1998,  which establishes protective standards for
mineral processing wastes disposed on the land, but also revises the definition
of solid waste (which governs hazardous waste recycling)  to encourage  recycling
and recovery of these materials  at a  cost savings to industry.  In addition in
1999, ,.a final  rule  will  remove some of the requirements to use specific sampling
methods,  removing barriers to adopting  new and innovative  technologies and
providing  greater  flexibility to  industry.   The  Agency  will proceed with
streamlining  and  improving the  RCRA manifest system,  with the  intention of
reducing  aggregate reporting and record-keeping.   The Waste Information Needs
(WIN)  initiative,  conducted  jointly  with  the  states,  -will  continue  the
comprehensive analysis of the data,  process, and technology needed to  make the


data, .supporting the RCRA .hazardous waste management program,  of higher quality,
more usable, and more accessible.

      Current regulations for  hazardous waste combustors do  not fully address
potentially significant risks  of  exposure  through the food chain,  because the
regulations do  not reflect  important  and  emerging  scientific  information on
health risks.   In  addition to developing  the science  to support regulatory
reform, concerns have  also  been raised about  emissions  from waste combustion
facilities for  a number of  reasons, including:  (1)  the  large number of waste
combustion facilities,  (2) the facilities can emit significant amounts of toxic
contaminants such  as dioxin, furans,  mercury, lead,  cadmium, and  products of
incomplete combustion,  (3) the emissions become dispersed over large geographic
areas  that  often have  large populations  or produce important  food products
(crops, animal, and dairy products), (4)  exposure occurs over several pathways
and routes, and (5) high  levels  of contaminants  emitted from waste combustion
facilities (e.g., mercury) have been measured in environmental media surrounding
waste combustion facilities.  The combustion research is important for meeting
Clean Air Act as well as RCRA mandates, but also  is vital to protect children's
health because  so  many of the contaminants  -  mercury,  cadmium,  lead - in the
emissions are especially harmful  to children.  To reduce emissions of hazardous
air pollutants, EPA is  developing two rules.   The Phase I Waste Combustion rule
or Maximum  Achievable  Control Technology  Standard  (MACT)  addresses  revised
standards for hazardous waste incinerators  and cement -and lightweight aggregate
kilns  that  burn hazardous  waste.   The Phase  II rule will  deal with revised
standards for industrial boilers and other types of industrial  furnaces that burn
hazardous waste.  The Phase  I rule  will be finalized early in 1999.  Resources
in 1999 will  support the Phase II  rule making that will  be finalized and in
effect before  2005.    In  1999,  the  Agency  requests  $12,902,500  for  waste
combustion activities.

      In the  nonhazardous waste  program,  the  Agency will continue to develop
strong partnerships with  states  by: (1)  jointly developing  guidance for safe
management of  industrial nonhazardous wastes; and  (2)  helping  states attain
approval of  their municipal  landfill  permit  programs.    For municipal solid
wastes,  states  have the  lead in  permitting  landfills  under  approved state

      Industrial nonhazardous wastes,  including special wastes created from
mining  and mineral processing,   and  oil,  gas  and fossil-fuel  combustion,
frequently are generated in large volumes,  and include a  wide range of chemical
constituents.   Industrial nonhazardous wastes  fall outside the hazardous waste
universe yet  often cannot be appropriately  managed  in  common municipal solid
waste  facilities.    However,  as  with both  hazardous  and  municipal  wastes,
mismanagement poses risks to public health  and to local ecologies.  EPA and the
states are working  with industry and environmental groups to establish voluntary
guidelines that will be used nationwide.    These voluntary guidelines will be
implemented starting in 1999.  Resources in 1999 will support:  (1) outreach, and
training efforts to ensure  that industry and environmental groups are aware of
the  guidance and  have  sufficient understanding to  properly  implement  the
guidance; and (2) an assessment of  how the guidance  integrates into other RCRA
activities, such as the 5-year surface impoundment study, future listings and the
proposed HWIR.


      Although municipal solid waste  (MSW) management programs are implemented
by  the  states, EPA must determine minimum national standards which all states
must  meet.   EPA  also  reviews and  approves  state permit programs.   Improper
disposal has resulted in fire damage, uncontrolled proliferation of sources of
disease  transmission,  contaminated  surface  and  ground  water,  and  human
fatalities.  Application of the Agency's standards throughout the states provides
the waste  management   industry  with  fair competition  based  on  operational
efficiencies, not  on differential waste-management standards.  The Agency will
continue to work with the states  to  complete the approval of all state municipal
solid waste permit programs, including those with partial approval.  Each year,
beginning in 1998, EPA will  ask the  approved states to identify the total number
of  facilities  in  their jurisdictions and the  number in  compliance  with the
state's  requirements  implementing  the  EPA minimum  standards.   Also,  in the
municipal program outreach,  technical assistance and capacity building for tribes
remain a priorities and the  Agency will enhance its efforts in 1999.  The Agency
will  continue to seek innovative  and effective ways to support tribal efforts to
implement and integrate waste management programs.

      Chemical accidents  endanger human lives, and  harm the environment. EPA
recognizes that preventing an accident,  as opposed to mitigating its effects, is
a more  cost-effective approach to saving lives and protecting the environment.
EPA strives  to work in  partnership  with industry, states and local communities
to  prevent  chemical accidents.   An  important  part of  the  Agency's  chemical
accident preparedness and prevention program is development and implementation
of  a Risk Management Program. The Risk Management Program is designed to reduce
the potential for catastrophic accidental releases and mitigate  those accidents
that  do occur.  The Agency  is requesting additional resources for this program
in  1999 to allow more audits, reviews and sharing of  information about industry
safety  practices,  along with more  involvement of  state  and local entities in
making  use  of this information  at  the local level  for  risk management, risk
reduction, and emergency preparedness.

      Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act  (CAA) requires  industry to prepare  a
Risk  Management  Plan  (RMP)   for  their prevention and response  programs.   The
deadline for facilities to  submit an RMP is June  1999.   EPA is obligated under
the CAA to review .and audit the  plans  in lieu of  the  states if  states have not
established  a review-and-audit program of their own.   EPA's current strategy is
for states  to implement the RMP program,  however in 1999,  only a handful of
states  will  be able to implement the entire RMP program.  Because it is vital
that  the RMP program be  implemented effectively,  the Agency's 1999 budget request
includes  $5,647,900 additional  resources  for  this  program  to develop state
•capabilities and  to ensure  that  states  can meet this  statutory mandate.

      By  1999,  the Agency will  develop a  chemical risk information system in
coordination with industry,  using information from facilities' Risk Management
Plans (RMPs).  EPA also will help  states,  Local Emergency Planning Committees
 (LEPCs), and Tribal Emergency Planning  Committees  (TEPCs) by:  (1) facilitating
access  and  use of  the  RMP   information database;  and (2) providing technical
assistance  and technical assistance grants to develop accident-prevention and
accident-preparedness   programs.    The  Agency  estimates  that  in  1999,  five
additional states  will  start a prevention program, and 190 LEPCs will integrate
prevention  into  their  preparedness programs.   Reducing  risk and preventing


chemical accidents are the ultimate goals of .EPA's chemical emergency prevention,
preparedness, and response program.   The  Agency requests  $950,500  to assist
tribes in implementing their Emergency Planning activities.

      EPA also supports releases associated with radiation in several ways: 1)
the Agency has certification and  oversight responsibilities for Department of
Energy (DOE)  waste disposal activities at the Waste isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) .
When the certification is complete,  transuranic waste from weapons' production
will be disposed of  permanently.   The  Agency will set standards for disposal of
spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in the proposed repository
at Yucca Mountain;  will  coordinate  with other Federal agencies  and  states to
develop rules for recycling of other  industrial materials that have a radioactive
component; will develop rules to protect public health from the disposal of low
levels of radioactivity,-  will  develop guidance to protect public  health from
naturally  occurring .radioactive  materials;    and,  will  provide  technical
assistance and guidance on all Super-fund matters relating to radiation.

      The Underground Storage Tank program accounts for 264,000 of the facilities
addressed by this objective.  About  1,000,000 underground storage tanks (USTs),
regulated under Subtitle I of RCRA,  are in  use in the United States.  There are
USTs in virtually every city and  town and  many  rural  areas.  Nearly every UST
that is not  equipped to meet the  Agency's  technical  standards eventually will
contaminate soil and/or groundwater, including public and private drinking water
supplies.   As of September   1997,  more  than 342,000  UST releases  had been
confirmed, and by 2005 the Agency  expects another  70,000  will be discovered
as UST owners and operators comply with EPA's requirements to upgrade, replace
or close their tanks by December 1998.  The Agency anticipates that approximately
639,000 tanks (about 236,700 UST facilities) will be in compliance by December
1998, and that approximately 655,200  tanks (about 242,700 UST facilities) will
be in  compliance by December -1999.   In  1994, states reported  (under Section
305 (b)  of the  Clean  Water  Act)   that USTs  are the  most  common source  of
groundwater  contamination  and  that  petroleum is the most  common contaminant.
Nearly all UST releases involve gasoline, which contains, among other things, a
known human carcinogen (benzene) and a possible human carcinogen (MTBE).   MTBE
is highly soluble and mobile and,  based on existing knowledge, apparently does
not readily biodegrade.  Also,  because relatively low levels of MTBE make water
unpalatable, MTBE contamination damages drinking water supplies even when it does
not pose health  risks..  UST  releases  sometimes  result  in fires  and explosions
and,  entry of harmful fumes into schools, homes, and other buildings.  To prevent
or mitigate such occurrences, states have undertaken more than 9,000 emergency
actions during the past eight years.  The actual impacts of UST releases -- at
least in terms of deaths, injuries, and ecological damage -- have been modest in
recent years, primarily because of state/EPA regulatory requirements.

      States  have the  primary  responsibility for ensuring that  UST facilities
(except  those on Indian lands)  are  brought into  compliance.   The  Agency's
primary role is to provide technical and financial support to state UST programs.
Over the next several years,  the Agency's highest priorities are to promote and
enforce compliance with regulatory requirements aimed at preventing and detecting
UST  releases and to approve additional  states  to operate their  own UST/LUST
programs in lieu of  the Federal program.  Currently, 24 states and the District

of  Columbia  have  state  program  approval.    In  1999,  the Agency  requests
$17,246,000 for the UST program.

      The Agency will provide technical and financial  support to state UST/LUST
programs to help them promote regulatory compliance and achieve state program
approval,  Financial support will be provided through UST state grants.  EPA and
states  will work  together  to promote  and enforce  compliance  with  the 1998
deadline, which will  fall within the  first quarter  of 1999.   EPA funding will
support state UST inspections and enforcement by providing technical materials
and  training  programs  to  help  state   inspectors  assess  compliance  with
requirements  for leak detection, corrosion protection,  spill containment, and
overfill prevention. EPA funding also  will support state-EPA assessments of the
validity  of  third-party evaluations  of  leak  detection methods  and  state
development and start-up of  third-party service provider programs to supplement
state staff.  The Agency  will also assist states in overcoming barriers to EPA
approval  of  state  programs  and  in  developing  formal  applications  for EPA

      The Agency  has the primary responsibility for  implementation of the UST
program on  Indian  lands.  This responsibility requires the Agency's  regional
offices to  educate owners  and operators about the UST requirements, conduct
inspection and enforcement activities, and maintain a database of information on
USTs located on Indian lands.  Demonstration grants  under RCRA Section 8001, as
well as non-demonstration grants  (State and Tribal Assistance  Grants) under RCRA
Section 2007,  will continue  to help tribes develop the capability to administer
UST programs.  Within  the State and Tribal  Assistance  Grants appropriation, the
Agency  is  requesting authorization to  enter  into  assistance agreements with
Federally recognized Indian  tribes to  develop and implement  the Underground
Storage Tank program  as set  forth in RCRA  Section 2007  (f).

      The Oil Prevention Program accounts for  4,200  of the facilities addressed
by this objective.   Each year more  than 12,000 oil spills occur, well over half
of them within EPA's prevention or response  zone.    On  average,  one  spill of
greater  than   100,000  gallons occurs  every  month,  from  a  total  of 440,000
regulated  facilities  and  the entire  transportation  network.    Oil  spills
contaminate drinking  water  supplies,  cause fires and explosions,  and pollute
ecosystems  and also  jeopardize the commercial and  recreational  uses of water
resources.  Under  the Clean  Water Act,  the  Oil Pollution Act  (OPA) ,  and oil
pollution prevention  regulations,  the Agency  is  responsible for assuring that
•regulated facilities  implement  Spill Prevention,  Control, and Countermeasure
(SPCC) plans.   A 1995 SPCC  Facilities Survey  found a  statistically significant
difference between the amount of oil spilled  by facilities that implement SPCC
provisions and those that do not:   when facilities comply with SPCC provisions,
there  are  fewer oil  spills.  Bringing facilities  into  compliance  with SPCC
requirements  involves a variety of activities, including:  (1) site visits; (2)
SPCC  plan  review,   (3)   working  with  facilities  to   demonstrate  how  SPCC
requirements apply specifically to  facility design and operations,  (4) follow-up
checks  to  maintain  compliance;  and,  (5) enforcing cleanups  of  spills  by
responsible parties,  when necessary.    Facilities must  take  responsibility to
ensure quicker and more effective spill responses to reduce potential impacts to
the  environment.  Each  year,  starting  in 1999  through  2005,  the  EPA's Oil


Pollution Response and  Prevention Center will continue to .bring  at  least 400
additional facilities into  compliance with SPCC provisions.   The Agency will
implement the  revisions  to  the SPCC regulation with a  risk-based approach to
minimize  regulatory  burdens  while  maintaining   acceptable  environmental

      The Agency is required through an OPA mandate to conduct periodic reviews
and approvals of facility response plans.  Each year through 2005, 200 additional
facilities will be adequately prepared to respond to oil spills as measured by
the number of approved response plans prepared in compliance with statutory and
regulatory requirements, and to the maximum extent practicable.

      The Oil Prevention and Response program uses its resources to implement a
comprehensive approach to integrate prevention,  preparedness,  and response as
mandated and authorized in  Section 311  of the  Clean  Water Act,  and  the Oil
Pollution Act  of  1990.   The Agency is requesting $6,062,600  in  1999  for oil
preparedness and prevention activities under this objective.  These additional
resources will double the number of facilities brought into compliance with the
SPCC provisions of the oil pollution prevention regulations.  Ail expanded SPCC
program will  enhance  ongoing  efforts  to reduce the risk of  oil  spills from
facilities which pose a human health risk, ecological risk,  and economic risk.

      EPA brings  administrative actions  and referrals  against facilities for
failure to comply with oil pollution regulations and response plan regulations,
and enforces cleanups of spills by responsible parties.  EPA's actions promote
compliance with Federal requirements designed to protect the environment from the
devastating  consequences  of oil  spills.   The Agency requests $1,365,000 for
enforcement activities within the Oil Program.

                             Objective by Appropriation
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  02    Prevent Releases by        $138,141.5    $126,471.5    $139,531,0
      Proper Facility Management:

      Environmental Program &           $93,840.1     $81,977.1     $93,416.9

      Science and Technology             $5,943.4      $6,256.7      $6,589.8

      State  and Tribal Assistance       $31,826.6     $31,826.6     $31,826.6

      Oil Spill Response                 $6.,531.4      $6,411.1      $7,697.7

    Total FTE                               679.0         687.7         686.0

1999Annual Perfonaance Goals

•      By 1999,  2,080  (62%) of existing RCRA hazardous waste facilities will have
      approved controls in place  to prevent dangerous releases  to  air,  soil,
      groundwater, and surface water.

•      In 1999,  OSW will promulgate the Phase I rule for reducing hazardous waste
      combustion facility emissions  of dioxins,  furans and  particulate matter
      under RCRA.

*      in 1999,  the Agency will  conduct outreach/training on guidance, issued in
      1998, for management of RCRA-regulated nonhazardous industrial waste.

•      By 1999,  2,475  (70%) of existing RCRA municipal solid waste facilities in
      states will have approved controls  in place to prevent dangerous releases
      to air, soil, groundwater, and surface water.

•      In 1999,  33,000 facilities  will  submit  RMPs  under  the  Clean  Air  Act
      Section 112(r)  program.

•      In 1999,  5 additional  states  will  implement  the Clean Air Act Section
      112(r) chemical RMP-prevention program.

*      In 1999,  190 LEPCs  will integrate chemical accident prevention into their
      chemical emergency preparedness programs.

•      In 1999,  400 additional facilities will comply with  the SPCC provisions of
      the oil pollution regulations.

•      By 1999,  647,800 Underground Storage Tanks  (USTs), equivalent  to about
      240,000 facilities, will  meet  EPA/state  requirements  for  leak detection
      and upgrading.

•      In 1999,  200 additional facilities  will be adequately prepared to respond
      to oil spills.

•      By 1999,  refine multiple  exposure methodology so uncertainty analyses can
      be  conducted  using  probabilistic   techniques  such  as  Monte  Carlo

•      By 2000, produce improved version  of HW.IR site  exposure-risk assessment
      model, with emphasis on source-sink transformation processes and general,
      integrated modeling framework formatting and insertion.

•      By  2003,  complete  prototype  integrated,  multimedia,  multichemical,
      multipathway  ecosystem   and   human  health   cumulative  exposure  risk
      assessment model in framework context, suitable for regional assessments
      involving waste site and all other contaminant   sources.

•      By 1999, develop risk assessment methods,  models,  factors and databases
      that describe key exposure parameters,  human  activity patterns and dose
      response toxicity relationships.


•     Facilities will be managed so as to prevent releases into the environment.

      The Agency's hazardous waste management goals will be accomplished in part
through permitting activities conducted in regions and headquarters, and through
grants to states.   Significant progress has been made  in permitting,  with an
expected outcome of 95% of  controls in place by 2005.  The Agency will also work
with tribes that have hazardous waste concerns to build  capacity and ensure safe
management.  Ensuring that  permits  or other  approved  controls  incorporating
protective provisions are issued is the main mechanism for controlling releases
to the .environment.   The rulemakings  discussed in this objective will provide
additional controls for releases.

      The Agency is seeking to  streamline permitting processes for implementors
and for the  regulated community. The Agency' s RCRA program, in consultation with
the states,  is  targeting the development of  Standardized  Permits,  methods of
streamlining Permit Renewals, and an examination of the possibility of Electronic
Permitting.    A scheduled  1999 rulemaking  for Standardized  Permits  will be
applicable to storage and non-thermal treatment facilities that manage waste on-
site, and is intended to significantly reduce the burden of a facility applying
for a RCRA permit.   An improved process for renewals will provide real relief to
the states which face a  large workload over the next several years in this area.
Finally,  options  analysis for  electronic  permitting methods  will  proceed
following a  compilation of existing efforts  at the state or  regional level.
About 60% of the current Project XL applications involve RCRA requirements.  The
program  will  continue  to  work  to  ensure  the  success  of  these  potential
improvements to RCRA management  standards.   Another  approach,  Community Based
Environmental Protection will be used in expanding projects  in geographically
targeted areas with particular attention to children's issues.

      In  1999,  the  RCRA  waste  identification program will  seek  to  improve
scientific modeling  to  more accurately  assess  risk through  multiple-pathways,
pursue  the  results of  a   scoping  study  to  identify  gaps  in  the  tpxicity
characteristics  definitions,   follow up  on  an analysis  of  the  need  for
modifications to the toxicity characteristic for silver,  issue several listings,
and develop the proposal for the hazardous waste identification rule (HWIR) for
process waste  which will  reduce the management burden  for lower risk wastes.
Other  efforts  to  improve  the  Agency's  understanding  of  risk include RCRA's
portion of the larger effort to improve the Integrated Risk  Information System
 (IRIS)  database,  and the  development of methods  and  procedures  to  evaluate
leaching models that may improve testing protocols and reduce barriers to the use
of innovative waste treatment processes.  The Land Disposal Restrictions program
will pursue an exploration of mercury  treatment practices and alternatives with
an emphasis  on  identifying possible  streamlining revisions,  while maintaining
protective standards, especially toward children's health which can be heavily
impacted by exposure to mercury.

      The work  accomplished under this  objective will  lower  levels of risk to
human health,  especially  to sensitive populations and  fragile  ecosystems and
improve the  quality of  life, as well as limit the number of people and areas
exposed to releases from hazardous waste combustion facilities.  Two rulemakings
designed to reduce  the emissions of hazardous air pollutants, are being developed


under  joint  authority  of  the  Clean Air  Act,  as  amended,  and  the  Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended.  The Phase I combustion  rule will  be
finalized  in  1999,   and  addresses   revised  standards  for  hazardous  waste
incinerators and  cement and lightweight  aggregate kilns that burn  hazardous
waste.  The Phase II rule will deal with revised standards  for industrial boilers
and other types of industrial furnaces that burn hazardous waste and initial work
will begin in 1999..   It is  anticipated that the Phase  II rule will be finalized
and in effect before 2005.   The two rulemakings will include specific controls
to reduce dioxins,  furans,  particulate matter, and acid gases.  Since the rules
need to be promulgated  prior to achieving the target reductions,  there are no
annualized targets for this objective.

      An additional major streamlining effort that will continue in 1999 is the
WIN/INFORMED initiative.   Working jointly  with the  states,  the Agency will
screen and streamline existing and new data elements and identify opportunities
to make the data supporting effective implementation of the RCRA hazardous waste
management program higher  quality,   more usable,  and more  accessible.    In
addition, the Agency will continue to improve and expand public access as well
as  internal  communication  by creating  new Internet sites for permit policy,
sampling  methods,  and  environmental justice information  along  with ongoing
enhancements to the existing comprehensive RCRA materials available through the

      The universe of industrial non-hazardous waste and  special wastes (wastes
associated with mining,  oil, and gas  operations)  constitutes a  huge  mass of
materials, managed in an assortment of methods with  risks  ranging  from those
similar to hazardous wastes to those from wastes that are mostly inert.  A recent
scoping study of known and possible non-hazardous  industrial waste constituents
found that nearly half  the  total suspect  carcinogens identified  by the Agency
were included in these  wastes.   In addition, a number of mining  sites are on
tribal lands, increasing the  need for capacity building and technical assistance
in this area.

      In 1999,  the RCRA program will proceed with surveys and sampling to provide
data for the  statutorily mandated five-year surface impoundment study, which will
improve our  understanding of risk,  exposure and  potential  ecosystem stressors
associated with  wastewaters and  surface  impoundments.   An estimated  97% of
industrial  non-hazardous,   or   industrial D  wastes  are managed in  surface
impoundments, and the five-year study currently underway will provide information
on the risks of this large category of waste.

      Guidance for the safe management of  industrial non-hazardous wastes will
be  developed and  finalized in 1998.   The  voluntary guidance  will  address
groundwater  contamination,  run-on/run-off, and air  emissions  from landfills,
waste piles,  surface impoundments, and land application units, as well as such
topics as  corrective  .action, public participation,  and  alternatives  to waste
disposal.  Outreach and training efforts scheduled for 1999 will be necessary to
ensure  effective implementation  of  the  guidance,  which  will   also  include
simplified, workbook-style information on  ways to estimate risk of leachate or
emissions without expensive  site-specific modeling.   Attaining this objective
will depend on this joint state/Agency guidance for industries and states to

identify appropriate controls  to  prevent  dangerous releases to air,  soil, .and

      Although municipal solid waste  (MSW) regulatory programs are implemented
by the states, it is the Agency's responsibility to establish minimum national
standards with which  all facilities must comply.   The  Agency must review and
approve  state permit  programs.    Without proper  siting,  design,  operation,
closure, and  post-closure care,  MSW disposal facilities  can endanger public
health and the environment and in fact  a  number  of Superfund sites are former
municipal landfills.  Incorporation of proper controls increases the costs of MSW
disposal facilities.   In 1999,  states will begin  to implement a .1998 regulation
increasing flexibility  for  certain  types  of  municipal  landfills,  lowering
management costs for lower risk situations.   Recent years have seen the removal
of legal, economic, and administrative barriers to  long-distance waste hauling,
making it more feasible for transport of MSW to distant facilities that charge
lower  fees.    Without  the  uniform  application  of  minimum  safe management
standards, waste would flow  readily  from generators  to  the  least  costly
facilities (i.e., facilities with fewer or no controls to protect public health
and the environment),  even if these facilities were distant.

      Because states have implementation authority for MSW programs,  they know
best the extent of compliance within their jurisdictions.  To measure progress,
the Agency must rely on the ability and willingness  of state regulatory programs
to share this knowledge.  Measuring the number of facilities that have permits
or other forms of approval  issued  to them will provide the results  of the annual
targets, directly relates to the number of facilities with approved controls in

      For active waste management facilities,  research needs have been identified
for each of the four areas of the risk assessment paradigm.  Under  the exposure
area, multimedia,  multi pathway  exposure modeling is  intended  to facilitate
consistent and scientifically credible assessment of multimedia-based human and
ecological exposure to  chemical stressors at geographic scales.  Environmental
fate and transport (physical estimation) will focus on reducing the uncertainty
associated with  exposure assessment  model  predictions by providing improved
process  level  models  for quantifying pollutant  interactions in  a variety of
natural systems.   Waste characterization/sampling provides the new generation of
analytical technology/methods needed to characterize wastes, waste streams, and
waste contaminated media.  It  also provides  research on sampling/sample design
related to compliance with proposed waste exit levels (levels below which a waste
or waste stream is excluded from regulation under RCRA Subtitle C)  in support of
the proposed  HWIR.   In the  risk  assessment research area, EPA  will  focus on
developing provisional  toxicity  values  for contaminants.   This  research will
develop provisional toxicity values (reference doses, reference concentrations,
cancer slope factors)  for waste contaminants which  do not currently have values
so their risks may be quantitatively  assessed for delisting decisions and risk
assessments.  The primary use will be in support of the proposed HWIR. Under risk
management, waste management research will be conducted to improve ways to manage
wastes, focusing on treatment for hazardous  waste streams  which are either hard
to treat or expensive to treat.

      At the 1999 flanding levels, EPA anticipates that the cumulative number of
 USTs equipped to meet the requirements for leak detection,  corrosion protection,
 spill   containment,   and overfill  prevention   will   reach   647,800   (240,000
 facilities) by  the  end of 1999 as a direct result of state and EPA efforts to
 promote and enforce compliance.  Government  and industry are paying a high price
 to  clean up environmental contamination  caused by releases from USTs installed
 before  December 1988.   Ensuring that  new USTs comply  with EPA's  technical
 standards and that pre-1988 USTs are upgraded, replaced,  or closed prevents  the
 creation of another generation of leaking USTs.  With cleanup costs ranging from
 $100,000 to more than $1 million where groundwater is  contaminated, preventing
 releases clearly is  a cost-effective means  of reducing and, ultimately,  nearly
 eliminating the health and environmental  risks associated with UST releases.   In
 short,  resources  invested in  attaining  this objective are  solving  a  serious
 environmental problem,  not just  treating the  symptoms.

      By 1999,  the  Agency will  have designed and put in place an information
 system  for collecting chemical risk information through facilities' RMPs (which
 are required to be submitted by June 1999) .  EPA will analyze the data submitted
 to determine facilities and/or  industrial sectors with significant chemical risks
 resulting  from chemical  inventories,  industrial  processes,   and   chemical
 accidents.  Through focused outreach efforts to industry (including conferences,
 workshops, guidance,  etc.),  EPA will work with industry to reduce those  chemical
 risks.   Also by  the  end  of  1999,  an  information system  for analyzing risk
 information from  facilities  will be in place and baseline information  will be
 established on the number of RMP facilities and the chemical risks throughout  the
 country.  This  will  make it  possible for EPA  to  take  steps to reduce that' risk
 by  2005.   Additional resources   for this  program in  1999  will  develop state
 capabilities to take on this mandate and allow greater audit, review, and sharing
 of  information  about industry  safety practices.   EPA's current strategy is  for
 states  to implement  the RMP  program.

      By the  end of  FY 1999,  400 additional facilities  will be brought into
 compliance with the  SPCC provisions of the oil pollution prevention regulation.
 The Oil Prevention  program currently regulates approximately 435,000 facilities
'nationwide, and significantly enhances ongoing efforts  to reduce the risk of  oil
 spills  from facilities that  pose human health, ecological, and economic risks.
 This objective  documents progress in bringing facilities into compliance with
 SPCC provisions of the oil pollution prevention regulation.  The Clean Water  Act
 (CWA) states that U.S. policy is that no  oil shall contaminate U.S. waters,  and
 authorizes  the Agency  to  implement regulations toward  that goal;  the  oil
 pollution prevention regulation  was implemented in 1973.   The Oil  Pollution  Act
 of  1990 (OPA)  was   enacted,  in  part,  to  expand  prevention and  preparedness
 capabilities  and to  provide  an  economic incentive to prevent spills  through
 increased  penalties  and enhanced enforcement.   Under CWA,  OPA,  and  the  oil
 pollution prevention regulation,  EPA is responsible for assuring that regulated
 facilities have implemented spill prevention,  control and countermeasures (SPCC)
 plans,  which outline procedures  for preventing and controlling oil spills.   The
 major SPCC provisions include:  (a) a written SPCC Plan,  (b) certification of that
 plan by a registered Professional Engineer,  secondary containment  structures or
 drainage;  and  (c)  periodic  facility and equipment inspections.   A 1995 SPCC
 Facilities Survey showed statistically that facilities that  implement  the SPCC
 provisions of the oil pollution prevention regulation spill less oil than those


that do not.   Thus,  when facilities comply  with  those regulatory provisions,
there are fewer oil spills,
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•      By  1998,  a  cumulative  total  of  1,927  facilities  (57%)  of  existing
      hazardous waste management facilities, using  a  1996 baseline,  will have
      .approved controls  in  place  to prevent dangerous releases  to  air,  soil,
      groundwater,  and surface water.

•      In 1998, issue  industrial nonhazardous waste management  guidance under

•      In 1998, conduct 20 outreach  and technical assistance workshops to .inform
      and  educate  industry on  the Clean Air Act Section 112(r) RMP program

•      In 1998, 4  states will implement  the Clean Air Act Section  112 (r)  RMP
      prevention program.

•      In  1998,  EPA  will  provide  7  grants to  states  to   assist  LEPCs  in
      implementing a prevention program.

•      In 1998, EPA will complete draft and analysis for the final RCRA Phase I
      Waste Combustion Rule.

*      In 1998, 200  additional facilities  will be adequately prepared to respond
      to oil spills.

•      By 1998, 616,000  underground storage  tanks  (USTs),  equivalent  to about
      228,000 facilities, will  meet  EPA/state  requirements for leak detection
      and upgrading.

•      In 1998, 200  additional facilities  will comply with  the Spill Prevention,
      Control  and  Counter-measure  (SPCC)   provisions of the  oil  pollution
      prevention regulations.

•      Facilities will be managed so as to prevent releases  into the environment.

•      By 1998,  2,298  (65%)  of existing RCRA  municipal  solid  waste  disposal
      facilities in  states will have approved controls  in place  to prevent
      dangerous releases to air, soil, groundwater and surface water.

•      By 1998, complete development of prototype,  site   (generic)  multimedia,
      multi chemical,  mulitpathway  cumulative exposure and risk assessment model
      for human health and ecosystem screening, and apply to HWIR chemicals.

•      By 1998, develop a methodology to evaluate multiple  exposure pathways for
      emissions from combustion facilities.

                   1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                      (Dollars in Thousands)

02 Ob j . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
Oil Spill Response
(+$528,300  and 1.4 workyears EPM)  will be redirected in Headquarters to
expand R.CRA program's efforts to improve children's health issues through
a combination of-scoping  mercury treatment options and. expanding outreach

(+$1,354,700  and 12  workyears EPM)  to  regional  activities that  will
provide increased support for Geographically Focused Urban and Children's
Health projects.

(+$1,221,552 and 3.2 workyears EPM) will be redirected in Headquarters to
improve  alignment  with  risk,  and  scientific  basis   for  RCRA  rules,
including an examination of leaching procedures,  the surface impoundments
study, and  analysis of  issues" raised in regulatory petitions  from the
regulated community.

(-$702,440  and -4.0 workyears EPM)from development of new standards and
related  studies in Land  Disposal  Restrictions Program, and  from other
projects that will be completed.

(-$1,117,400  and -12.1 workyears EPM)  from regional permitting activities
to other  agency priorities within the regions,  from  regional resources
freed  up  as projects  or portions of  projects are completed,  and from
regional RCRA Permitting  due to   planned joint RCRA/CAA waste combustor

(+$250,000  EPM)   for  program-related  enhancements   to  the  Agency's
Integrated Risk Information  System database.

(+$131,700 EPM)   for Regional scientific and technical equipment needed to
support RCRA permitting and  corrective action activities.

+$444,200  redirection from the  Private  Sector  Initiative  within the
Underground Storage Tank program to promote compliance with the December
199.8  deadline  for upgrading, replacing,  or  closing underground storage
tanks  ($294,700 within STAG, and $149,500 within EPM).

      (+$5,647,900  EPM)  for the RMP program.  These resources will be used  to
      provide direct financial assistance to the states to develop and implement
      their own RMP program.

      (+$850,500 STAG)  to .assist  Tribes  implement  their  Emergency Planning and
      Community Right-to-Know activities,

      (+$562,300  Oil Spill)  for doubling the number of facilities brought into
      compliance with 'the prevention provisions of the Clean  Water Act and the
      Oil  Pollution Act.

      (+$500,000   Oil  Spill)  to support tribes' preparedness, prevention, and
      response activities related to oil spills.   The Agency  will increase its
      interaction  with  tribes by  assisting in  identifying and evaluating oil
      pollution  problems;   developing   oil  pollution  prevention  schemes;
      investigating possible remediation, options for existing oil  contamination;
      and  improving the planning  and preparedness  for responding  to  future oil
 Key Performance Measures             1998                      1999

Number of  Final  Permit
Determinations or Other
Approved Controls in         57% or 1,927 of 3,380          °      '
Place for  Universe of                                           '
RCRA Facilities

Promulgation of  Phase I       ^n „  *. nn ,*  f*.\            -^ ^
..*,'._'„,     •     ,          30-Sept-98 (draft)            31-Dec-98
Waste Combustion rule

Industrial Nonhazardous
Waste Management Guidance          30-Sep-98                30-Sep-99
Issued; training and
outreach on guidance

Number of  Municipal Solid
Waste Facilities with                 2298                      247.5
Approved Controls

Industry Specific Model             „ ,  n _„„                    .
                                  4  Model RMPs                   N/A
Assistance Workshops  to           20 Workshops                  N/A
industry  on RMPs

States  Implementing RMP
^                                   4 -states                 5 states

Grants  Issued to  States
for  LEPC  Prevention                 7 Grants                    N/A


 LEPCs Implementing
 Prevention Programs

 Facilities Submitting

 SPCC - Compliant

 FRP Plans Approved
 USTs Meeting EPA

 OPA Case 'referrals and
 Admin.  Enforcement

 HWTR screening model

 Beta version model
 framework for HWIR

 Multiple exposure pathway
 assessment document

 Support to risk
 assessors/permit writers

 Analysis of input for
 multiple exposure

 Media-specific assessment
 of exposure pathway

 Uncertainty analysis
 using Monte Carlo

 Technical support to OSW
 on HWIR

 Beta conversion for
 comprehensive modeling


    2-00  Facilities •

200 Facility Response

     616,000  USTs



      190 LEPCs

  33,000 facilities

   400 Facilities

200 Facility Response

     647,800  USTs






      The Agency must continue to maintain the appropriate level of human health
protection from hazardous and solid wastes,  chemical  accidents,  oil spills, and
leaking  underground  storage   tanks.     Yet,   avoiding  over-regulation  and

unnecessarily burdensome requirements is also  important.  Therefore, the Agency
is taking several steps  to streamline regulations.  EPA is working to allow low-
risk wastes to be managed as municipal solid waste or as industrial nonhazardous
waste, to reduce administrative  burdens  on  states and  industry.   All  RCRA
programs advance the Agency's goals for better waste management.  These programs:
(1) minimize the quantity and toxicity of waste,- (2) ensure environmentally sound
management of solid and  hazardous wastes; and (3)  prevent accidental releases of
hazardous substances, to protect  the  air,  soil,  and water from contamination.
The Agency  has set  longer-term targets for the  management -of  the  three waste
streams  (hazardous,  industrial  D,  and municipal).  By 2005,  90%  of hazardous
waste facilities, and 100% of  municipal  waste  landfills, will have approved
controls in place.   For  newly created industrial  D facilities, the level is set
at  90%.   For  waste  combustion  a  performance-based target to  reduce facility
emissions of dioxins  and furans by 90%, and particulate matter and acid gases by
50%, from levels emitted in 1994,  has been established.

      The Agency brings  administrative actions  and referrals against facilities
for  failure  to  comply with  oil  pollution  Spill  Prevention  Control  and
Countenneasures (SPCC) regulations and response plan regulations,  and enforces
cleanups  of spills  by   responsible  parties.     The  Agency's actions  promote
compliance with Federal requirements designed to protect the environment from the
devastating consequences of oil spills.

      The research described  supports the  objective of managing facilities to
prevent releases into the environment,  contained within the Agency's Better Waste
Management Goal.  This objective calls for, by 2008:  (1)  providing multimedia,
multi pathway  exposure  and risk models for estimating the risks  from wastes,
waste streams  and waste facilities;  (2)  developing  methods  and  models  for
predicting human exposures via  indirect or non-inhalation pathways associated
with combustion facilities,- and  (3) providing improved techniques to monitor and
to control and  prevent emissions from incinerators and industrial  systems burning
wastes.   In the current  program, information is lacking regarding the exposures
and risks associated with wastes  managed under RCRA Subtitle C --  both across
media and for  multiple  pathways of exposure.   EPA will continue its effort to
develop better cost effective data, ensuring more  efficient regulatory decision-
making .

      The Agency is  also requesting  additional  resources in 1999  to meet the
responsibilities under  the Clean  Air  Act to review and audit facilities'  Risk
Management Plans (RMPs). A successful RMP program, primarily at the .state level,
will reduce the risks associated with chemical accidents.
    Performance Measures Verification

      CERCLIS is the official database used by Superfund and Oil programs to help
track and store national site  information.   CERCLIS was developed in accordance
with  Agency  Life  Cycle Guidance  which  establishes  criteria for  software
development, and it adheres to Agency platform, software and hardware standards.

      The Agency  has defined  the  various  roles  and responsibilities  of  key
individuals who are  responsible  for  development,  operation and maintenance of
CERCLIS. The Headquarters sponsor of the data is responsible for  (a) identifying
the data elements  needed, (b) defining the data elements,  and  (c) informing the
appropriate people that  the information needs  to  be collected and loaded into
CERCLIS.  The regional person who owns the data  (e.g., Superfund remedial project
manager) is responsible  for reviewing,' verifying, and validating  his/her data in
CERCLIS.  The Information Management/Program Measurement Center under the Office
of Emergency and Remedial Response  (OERR) responsibility is  to  ensure:  (a) there
is a data element  with an accurate definition for all data;  (b) the data element
is accessible to searches and can be retrieved for reports; (c)  the source for
the data  is referenced   in the system;  (d)  the data is  accurately entered or
converted into the system,-  (e) data from other sources is  considered draft until
it has been checked  against its  source  data,  and is found  acceptable; and (f)
data integrity is maintained in all system applications and reports.

      To assure data  accuracy and control,  the following administrative controls
are in  place:   (1)  Superfund/Oil  Implementation Manual (SPIM)  --This  is  the
program management manual which details  what data  must be reported;  (2) Report
Specifications --Report  specifications are published for each report detailing
how reported data are calculated;   (3)  Coding Guide  --It contains technical
instructions to data users such as  regional  IMCs,  program personnel,  report
owners and data input personnel;  (4)  Quality Assurance  (QA)  Unit Testing --Unit
testing is an extensive QA check made  by the report programmer to  assure that its
product is producing accurate data that conforms to the current specification;
(5) QA Third Party Testing --Third party testing is an extensive  test made by an
independent QA tester to  assure that the report produces data in conformance with
the report specifications;  (6) Regional CERCLIS Data Entry Internal Control Plan
--The  data entry  internal  control plan  includes:   (a)   regional  policies  and
procedures for entering  data into CERCLIS;  (b) a review process to ensure that
all  Superfund  accomplishments  are  supported  by  source   documentation;  (c)
delegation  of  authorities for approval  of data  input  into  CERCLIS;  and  (d)
procedures  to  ensure   that   reported   accomplishments meet  accomplishment

      EPA will measure the validity of our measures by determining the extent to
which  achievement  of  those  measures  is   a  true indicator  of  successful
accomplishment of  our objectives.   This involves assessment of the objectivity,
consistency, simplicity, accuracy,  representativeness,   and timeliness  of  the
measures, in comparison  with the objectives in our annual plan.  Validation steps
are therefore more evident in the planning  stages than during data collection and

      Data verification procedures must  ensure that the valid  data collected at
the field or facility  level  are  not  corrupted  or confused before  they  are
presented,  aggregated,   and  analyzed at  the  Federal  level.    To  the  extent
possible, the Agency  conducts data verification through comparing results of data
collection with similar  collections or repetition.   Correlation  of results is a
strong mechanism for data verification.

      Environmental  monitoring  data  (such as  measures  of - combustion facility
emissions)  will  meet   standard  quality  assurance/quality  control   (QA/QC)


procedures  for  the RCRA program, as  documented  in the Office of  Solid Waste
Quality Assurance  Management  Plan and the Guidebook  for  QA/QC Procedures for
Submission of Data for the Land Disposal Restrictions Program.

      Because the RCRA statute provides 'for delegation of program implementation
to the states, the majority of data for the RCRA information system  (RCRIS) and
the Biennial Reporting System  (BRS),  originates  with and  is  received from the
states.   In addition the system architectures provide states with the ability to
use software  other than the national software managed by EPA for their data
management activities  provided that they supply the mandatory data to EPA in the
required quality and format.    The Agency consolidate data  from the  states which
is then used to construct  the  national databases used  for program oversight and
public information,

      The national RCRA software  provides a  range of functions to  ensure data
quality.  Both systems employ on-line data validation cheeks (e.g. , range limits,
mandatory data entry for required elements before  saving of a record) to assure
data type integrity as  well as batch edits (performed when  data  is extracted and
consolidated) to enforce program rules requiring associated consistency across
data components  for which on-line edits are impracticable  or inappropriate.
Beyond  the system enforced  data quality  controls,  states  and  regions who
implement the program  perform data  validation reviews to  ensure that the data
properly inventories the  essential  program  activities and is programmatically
correct.  During periodic program reviews,  EPA headquarters  also confirms the
timeliness  and  accuracy of key  data  elements  which  support  national program
status reporting.  Training on use of the  systems is provided on a regular basis,
usually annually, depending on the .nature of system changes and user needs.

      Non-hazardous waste management  is delegated  to the  states.   Federal
guidance is provided,  but  no actual federal program implementation  exists.  For
this reason,  individual states  collect  and verify data  on  waste management
practices for Industrial D and municipal  wastes in accordance with  local needs.
The Agency receives aggregate  data more indirectly than in  the  case  of hazardous
waste,  through reports, studies,  or statistical sampling rather than a national
data system.

      Facilities will  be required to submit information on  the  chemical risks in
their facilities and how they manage those risks (Risk Management Plans) in 1999.
This information will be placed into a  database accessible to Federal, state, and
local officials as well as the public.  The information will be verified through
regional  and state  facility  audits  and reports.    LEPCs  will be contacted
periodically to verify risk reduced in their community.  ERNS database will be
used to confirm releases reported in RMPs.

      States and LEPCs will be surveyed to determine the extension  and current
status  of  their chemical  emergency preparedness  and prevention  program.   A
database will be kept  on the status of States which have taken the  RMP program.
Regions and headquarters will  routinely enter information  on the status of each
states effort to manage the RMP program.   Regions will ensure quality of the data
through quarterly reviews of the states and random checks of LEPCs.

      This research program is consistent with QRD's mission and the enumerated
goals  to  (1)  Develop Scientifically  Sound Risk Assessment Approaches;  (2)
Integrate Human and Ecological Assessment Methods;  (3)  Provide Cost-Effective
Risk Prevention/Management Approaches;  (4)  Provide Credible Methods, Models and
Guidance; .and  (6)  Provide Environmental Leadership & Develop Partnerships.  The
science  conducted  in this  area  and  will  support  all  programs  conducting
multimedia, multi pathway exposure  and risk assessments and will provide data to
assist state and  local regulatory  officials  to  make informed decisions on the
most effective way to reduce releases from waste generating facilities.

      EPA has several  strategies  to validate  and verify performance measures in
the area of  environmental  science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment and xisk management
as principal priority-setting  criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews  to  both  evaluate the status and accomplishments of  its  research and
determine  planning priorities.    To better draw  upon the  expertise of  the
environmental  academic community,  EPA  created the Science  to Achieve Results
(STAR) program of  peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants;  the Agency is
also working with various professional societies to identify research issues.

      Chief  among the  Agency's  validation  and  verification mechanisms  for
research is  a  rigorous peer  review process.   In a July 1997 memorandum,  EPA's
Deputy Administrator states that peer review will be expanded Ato include both
the major work products provided  in the past  and...all scientific and technical
products supporting Agency decisions...®  This expanded and strengthened focus
on peer  review will help ensure  that the performance measures listed here are
verified and validated  by external  organizations.   The  Agency  utilizes peer
review throughout the research planning and implementation process,  both to
ensure that  planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's
mission,  and to assess the quality of scientific research plans, products, and
proposals.  This  is accomplished through the use of independent entities such as
the Science Advisory Board (SAB)and the Board of Scientific Councillors (BOSC).
The BOSC, established under the Federal  Advisory Committee Act,  will even examine
the way the Agency uses peer review, as well as the management of its research
and development laboratories -

      EPA's external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for funding  through grants or  cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests for Applications (RFAs)  under  the  STAR program are often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will  be  another  accountability  tool used to verify  and  validate performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA  structure will  be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency  of information to users.

Statutory Authority

Clean Water Act  (CWA)  .(33 U.S.C. 1251-1387)

Oil Pollution Act  (OPA)  (33 U-S-C. 2701-2761)

Clean Air Act

Energy Policy Act of 1992

Waste Isolation Pilot Project

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

         Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated Waste
                         Sites,  and Emergency Response

Objective #3: Respond to All Known Emergencies

      By 2005, EPA  and  its partners will have the  capability  to successfully
respond to  100 percent of known emergency actions at facilities defined under the
Oil Pollution Act (OPA)  and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act (EPCRA), to reduce the risk to human health and the environment.


      The President's Budget requests a total of $20,339,400 and 124 workyears
for the activities under this objective.  In this objective, the Agency improves
Federal and local governments' ability to respond to chemical releases, terrorist
acts,  radiological emergencies and oil  spills.  The Agency's Chemical Emergency
Preparedness and Prevention program and Oil Spill program are integral components
in preventing and responding to environmental and public health emergencies.

      Hazardous chemical releases have caused billions  of dollars in property
damage, serious damage  to  the  environment and hundreds  of deaths and injuries
during the past 30  years.  Thousands of  chemical  releases are  reported to the
National Response Center  each  year,   and  the Agency  estimates  nearly 1,000
severely toxic accidents occur annually.  The Agency supports nationwide efforts
to prevent,  prepare for and respond to  chemical  accidents by:  (1)  providing
leadership  and  assistance  to  state  and  local  governments  and  industry;
(2)reducing risks by removing immediate health threats;  (3) providing states and
communities  with  information on  chemical  hazards  and  risks  and information
management tools,- and (4) developing regulations and guidance to promote public
safety and health and environmental protection.

      Included among the Agency' s priorities has been development of the Chemical
Accident Investigation program.  Created in 1995 as a National Performance Review
initiative, EPA and  OSHA have jointly investigated and determined root causes of
major  chemical  accidents  and  releases.   Under  an interagency  Memorandum of
Understanding, our  agencies  have collaborated on a  number  of  investigations,
issued reports and disseminated critical information on accident findings through
special alerts to  stakeholders to inform them of potential hazards and preventive
actions.   EPA and  OSHA are  also considering changing regulations based on
information gathered from  accident investigations.  However, the future of the
joint program is uncertain. Language in the  1998 Appropriations Act establishing
the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board will change EPA/OSHA's role
and responsibilities. The Agency is currently studying its relationship with the
Board  and  evaluating a.  range  of  legal,  policy,  administrative and technical

      EPA's anti-terrorism program is designed to protect public health and the
environment from the threats posed by nuclear,  biological and chemical materials
released during terrorist incidents.  The Agency participates with other Federal
agencies  in  crisis  and  consequence management phases  of terrorist  incident
response exercises; prevents and prepares for deliberate release situations; and
coordinates its efforts with those of other Federal agencies to ensure that anti-
terrorism  programs  are  integrated  with other  state  and  local  emergency
preparedness  and response  structures,  programs  and systems  (such as  State
Emergency Response  Commission,  Local Emergency Planning Committees,  and the
National Response System).

      The Agency works to improve  and enhance national  emergency planning and
response  capabilities .at the Federal,  state, and  local  levels.    The Agency
participates in the government-wide initiative to assist the nation's largest and
most vulnerable  communities.in  preparing to respond to terrorist  attacks,   A
total of $7,388,000 is requested for federal response planning and coordination

      Under the National  Contingency Plan and the Federal Radiological Emergency
Response Plan,  the Agency assists the regions, states, and other Federal agencies
in responding  to radiological emergencies;  offers  field monitoring expertise,
mobile  radio  analysis,  and dose  assessment;  and,  develops  Protective Action
Guidance for use by state/local authorities.  EPA also has one of the nation's
top radiological labs with the  ability  to not only do lab analyses,  but also
provide data  analysis  in terms  of  dose and  risk  to the public.   The Agency
request  within this objective  a  total  of  $3,178,400 for  radiation-related

      Each year  more than 12,000 oil spills occur, well  over half  of them iri
EPA's prevention or response zone.  On average there is one spill of greater than
100,000 gallons per month from a universe of 440,000 regulated  facilities and the
entire transportation network.   Oil  spills contaminate drinking water supplies;
cause  fires  and explosions;  kill  fish,  birds, and other  wildlife;  destroy
habitats and  ecosystems; and  impact the  food chain.   There  are  also serious
economic consequences of  oil spills because  of  their impact  on  commercial and
recreational uses of water resources.

      The  Oil  Spill program  takes  a   comprehensive approach  to  integrate
prevention, preparedness, and response as mandated and authorized in the Clean
Water Act, section 311,  and the  Oil Pollution  Act of 1990.  The Agency responds
to and monitors oil  spills, and  improves  the quality and quantity of the data
provided in Area Contingency Plans, especially concerning environmentally and
economically important sensitive areas.   This  leads directly to improvements in
response preparedness.  The Agency also develops Geographical Information Systems
(GIS) and GIS-generated maps which  are vital in the event of an accident.

      The area contingency planning  process prepares industry  and government for
oil spill responses, focusing primarily on  large-scale  spill responses.   Area
contingency planning also assists facilities in  identifying key concerns as the
plans  are being  developed.    Area  planning includes,  among other  efforts:
gathering data on environmentally sensitive areas and other pertinent locational
data  (such as  locations  of  oil  storage facilities  and spill  responders) ,-


coordination  between  Federal, state,  and local  officials on priorities  for
planning,  considering issues  such  as highest  risk  locations  and  response
resources available; and coordination among the same officials on logistics .and
control  issues  during response  actions.   Within  this objective,  the Agency
requests a total of $8,120,500 for the Oil Spill program.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
Qbj . 03 Respond to All Known
Environmental Program &
Science and Technology
Oil Spill Response
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Total FTE





















1999 Annual PerformanceGoalg

•    In 1999, EPA will provide anti-terrorism training to 30 communities.

•    In  1999,  EPA  will  update  l  Area  Contingency  Plan,  lead 1  area-wide
     preparedness drill, and participate in 10 Coast Guard-led or industry-led
     preparedness drills.

•    In 1999, EPA will respond to or monitor all significant oil spills in the
     inland zone.  EPA typically responds to 85 oil spills and monitor 139 oil
     spill cleanups per year.

•    In  1999,  EPA  will complete  initial assessments  and  a  plan  for  anti-
     terrorism training in 70 more communities.

     In 1999,  the Agency's annual performance goals  focus  on  activities that
increase  protection of  public health and  the environment.    These  include
promoting effective response to chemical and  radiological accidents,  oil spills
and terrorist  events.   Because the  activities under this  objective can take
months or  years  to complete,  some  1999 accomplishments were  funded in prior
years.   In  addition,  some  of  the  activities  funded in  1999 will  count as
accomplishments in future years.

     The Agency's Chemical Investigations program protects the public  from being
exposed to dangerous chemicals by helping facilities improve chemical safety.
While establishment of the Chemical Safety and Hazard investigation Board will


affect the responsibilities of EPA's  joint  investigation program with OSHA, the
Agency will  take  steps to ensure  essential  work is completed.   In  1999,  the
Agency requests will complete investigations that are currently under development
and take  actions  in response to the  findings. We are also in the process of
determining  how  the Agency  can assist  with the  newly  established board as
necessary during its start-up phase.

     In 1999,  the Agency's anti-terrorism  program will focus on educating our
stakeholders  on   the  aspects  of  preparing  for and  responding to  acts  of
radiological, biological and chemical acts of terrorism.  The Agency will provide
appropriate training to response personnel for response to terrorist events.  The
Agency, in coordination with other Federal partners, will provide Federal, state
and local planners and responders training to understand the connections between
the National Response System and the  National  Domestic Preparedness Program for
terrorist events,  as well as the unique planning and response features associated
with nuclear, biological and chemical terrorist events.  Agency activities will
be conducted as part of the .Federal Government's initiative to ensure that state
and local emergency officials are adequately trained to effectively respond to
a  terrorist  incident-  These  activities  include:  conducting  anti-terrorism
training, participating  in exercises, and assisting  communities  in  upgrading
their emergency plans to address anti/counter-terrorism hazards,

     The  Oil  Spill  Response Program  will  in 1999 monitor and  respond  to oil
spills and provide specialized site support through the Environmental Response
Team  (ERT) .    The Agency will  improve  the quantity  and  quality of the data
provided  in Area  Contingency  Plans,  especially concerning environmentally and
economically sensitive areas.   Improved data will lead directly to improvements
in  response preparedness.    Although all  inland areas  have developed Area
Contingency Plans, they are at different levels of completeness and none' satisfy
all statutory  requirements.

     A major thrust, in 1999, will be  the development of Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) generated electronic  systems  and maps.  Data that is  collected can
be used during the planning process  to evaluate and prioritize potential response
activities  throughout  the  entire  area.   Much  of this  desired  data  is  not
available  to  the Agency in  one  location  or in  a usable  format.   The  GIS
electronic mapping will provide the vital information  needed in the event of an
incident and the necessary analysis of that  data to support an emergency response
and  quickly  identify  sensitive  areas  impacted.    This  investment  provides
significant returns, including reducing risk to human health and the environment;
supporting  response efforts;  and aiding  planning and  land use development
decisions  through collection and storage  of  environmental  data  and  other
response-related elements  (response contractors,  hospitals, emergency lodging,
etc.)  Also, this  system, although mandated by and developed under  the authority
of the Oil Pollution Act, could be used to support planning and response and for
other Agency programs, such as Superfund.
199 8 Annual Performance Goals

•    In 1998, EPA will provide 27 communities with counter-terrorism training,
     assessment, and exercises.


     In  1998,  EPA  will update  1  Area Contingency  Plan,  lead 1  area-wide
     preparedness drill, and participate in 10 Coast Guard-led or industry-led
     preparedness drills.

     in 1998, EPA will respond to or monitor all significant oil spills in the
     inland zone.  EPA typically responds to 85  oil  spills and monitors 139 oil
     spill cleanups per year.
                         1999  Change  from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

03 Obj . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
Oil Spill Response
Hazardous Substance Superfund
      (+$972,000 Oil Spills)  For improving the quantity and Duality of data used
      in  Area  Contingency  Planning  to  meet  the  detailed  and  extensive
      requirements of the program.  This increase in planning and coordination
      will result in faster and more effective responses, thereby reducing the
      damage caused by oil spills.    Resources  for this effort are redirected
      from the Superfund program.
Key Performance Measures
Oil Spills Responded to

Oil Spills Monitored by EPA

Area Contingency Plans Updated/yr.

EPA-led Area-wide Prep. Drills/yr

USGC or Industry-led Prep

Comm. Recvng. Anti-terrorism

Comm. Recvng. Initial
Assessment and Plans for
Anti-terrorism Training
85 Spills      85 Spills

139 Spills     139 Spills

1 ACP          1 ACP

1 Drill        '1 Drill

10 Drills      10 Drills

27 communities 30 Communities

0              70 Communities


      Under this objective,  the Agency will work with Federal and local partners
to protect the public and the environment from chemical accidents, oil spills and
terrorist  events,  including  events  and  accidents  involving  radiological

      Increasing threats and incidents of domestic and international terrorism
(such as the Oklahoma City bombing and the Tokyo sarin release),  have prompted
the  Federal  Government  to  strengthen  and expand  its  anti/counter-terrorism
programs.  As a result, a number of measures have been established to ensure that
the  United States  is  prepared  to  combat  terrorism.  They include:  reducing
vulnerabilities to  terrorism, deterring and responding to terrorist  acts and
having capabilities to prevent and manage  the  consequences of terrorist uses of
nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons.  As an Agency with significant
responsibility  for carrying  out crisis  and  consequence management  (threat
analysis, monitoring, sampling, hazard reduction, cleanup and restoration) during
responses, EPA has  an  important  role  to play  in implementing  this new policy.
To meet  our obligations,  it is  essential that we  concentrate  on  revising and
upgrading  our  emergency capabilities  to  enable us  to effectively  support a
terrorist incident should one occur.

      The  Oil  Pollution Act  was enacted in part,  to expand prevention and
preparedness capabilities and to provide an economic incentive to prevent spills
through increased penalties and enhanced enforcement.  Under the oil pollution
prevention  regulations  and  the National Contingency Plan  (NCP),  EPA  is
responsible for: (1) developing Area Contingency Plans to address the removal of
a worst case discharge  of oil and to mitigate or prevent  a substantial threat of
such a discharge  for  facilities  in  the inland zone, and  (2) responding  to or
monitoring oil spills in the inland zone,  as necessary.

      Under this objective the Oil program will continue to:  (l) publish updates
to area  contingency plans  in each of  the  13  originally-designated areas,  (2)
coordinate with other  Agencies participating in  the Area Planning Committee for
area planning,  (3)  lead one area wide preparedness drill,  (4) participate in ten
preparedness drills led by the U.S.  Coast Guard or by industry and (5) respond
as appropriate to all significant oil spills.

KeyPerformanceMeasure Verification

      CERCLIS is  the  official database used by  Superfund and the  Oil  Spill
programs  to  help  track and  store  national  site  information,    CERCLIS was
developed  in  accordance  with Agency  Life Cycle  Guidance which establishes
criteria for software  development.   It adheres to the Agency platform, software
and hardware standards.

      The  Agency  has  defined the  various  roles  and responsibilities of key
individuals who are responsible  for development,  operation and maintenance of
CERCLIS. The Headquarters sponsor of  the data is responsible for: (1) identifying
the data elements needed,  (2)  defining the data elements,  and  (3) informing the


appropriate people that the  information needs to be collected and loaded into
CERCLIS.   The regional person who owns the data (e.g., Superfund remedial project
manager)  is responsible for reviewing, verifying, and validating his/her .data in
CERCLIS.   The Information Management/Program Measurement Center under the Office
of Emergency and Remedial Response  (OERR) responsibility is to ensure;  (1) there
is a data element with  an accurate definition for all data;  (2)  the data element
is accessible to searches and can be retrieved for reports;  (3) the source for
the data  is referenced in the  system,-   (4)  the data  is  accurately entered or
converted into the  system,-  (5) data from other sources is  considered draft until
it has been checked  against  its source data,  and is found acceptable; and  (6)
data integrity is maintained in all system applications and reports. '

      To assure data  accuracy and control, the following administrative controls
are in place:    (1)  Superfund/Oil  Implementation Manual  (SPIM)  --This  is the
program management manual which details what data must be reported;   (2) Report
Specifications --Report specifications are published for each  report detailing
how reported data  are  calculated;   (3)  Coding Guide  --It contains technical
instructions to  data users  such as  regional IMCs,  program personnel,  report
owners and data input personnel;  (4)  Quality Assurance (QA)  Unit Testing --Unit
testing is an extensive QA check made  by the report programmer to assure that its
product is producing accurate data that  conforms to the current specification;
(5) QA Third Party  Testing --Third party  testing is an extensive test made by an
independent QA tester to assure that the report produces .data in conformance with
the report specifications;  (6) Regional CERCLIS Data Entry Internal Control Plan
--The data entry  internal  control plan  includes:  (a)  regional  policies and
procedures  for entering data into CERCLIS;  (b) a review process to ensure that
all  Superfund  accomplishments  are  "supported  by  source  documentation;   (c)
delegation  of  authorities for  approval of data  input into  CERCLIS;  and  (d)
procedures  to   ensure  that  reported  accomplishments  meet  accomplishment

      'Information on .incorporation of counter-terrorism planning will be obtained
through the survey to LEPCs.  In addition, the ORCA database will be reviewed to
determine if all  hazard plans include  a counter-terrorism appendix.  Regions will
conduct random checks with their LEPCs to verify information.  To secure accident
investigation information, EPA will conduct follow-up interviews with facilities
where accidents have occurred.
Statutory Authority

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act  (CERCLA)
(42 U.S.C. 9601-9675)

Clean Air Act  (CAA)  (42 U.S.C. 7601-7671q)

Clean Water Act  (CWA), Section 311

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act  (EPCRA)  (42 U.S.C.  11001-

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)  (42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k)

Oil Pollution Act  of 1990


Goal 6: Global and Cross-Border

Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks .  .  VI-1
      Reduce Transboundary Threats, Shared North American
            Ecosystems	VI-6
      Climate Change	,  VI-16
      Stratospheric Ozone Depletion	»	  VI-31
      Protect Public Health and Ecosystems From Persistent Toxics .,  VI-38
      Prevent Degradation of the Marine and Polar Environments . .  .  VI-45
      Achieve Cleaner and More Cost-Effective Practices	  VI-49

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
Strategic Goal:   The  United States  will lead,  other nations  in successful,
multilateral efforts to reduce significant risks to human health and ecosystems
from  climate  change,  stratospheric  ozone  depletion,  and  other hazards of
international concern.
                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Reduction of Global and
      Cross-border Environmental

 Obj.  01    Reduce Transboundary
      Threats;  Shared North
      American Ecosystems

 Obj.  02    Climate Change

 Obj,  03    Stratospheric Ozone

 Obj.  04    Protect Public Health
      and Ecosystems From
      Persistent Toxics

 Obj.  05    Prevent Degradation of
      the Marine and Polar

 Obj.  06    Achieve Cleaner and
      More Cost-Effective "Practices

   Goal Total FTE
$335,952.1    $236,144.4    $395,960.5

$122,113.7     $99,730.2    $122,172.8

$175,299.7    $109,218.1    $230,644.0

 $27,381.4     $17,321.8     $26,914.3
     Ecosystems  and  transboundary pollutants  do  not  respect  international
boundaries.  As a result, unilateral domestic actions of the U.S.  are  inadequate
to achieve some of EPA's most important environmental goals.  Reduction of global
and  cross-border environmental risk  is  important because  of  the significant
problems that  originate  in other countries and  may significantly impact U.S.
investments  in environmental protection.   Achieving  our environmental goals
requires us to  work with other countries to address external sources of pollution
impacting human health and  the environment of our nation.  Conversely, the U.S.
also  holds itself  responsible  for preventing or  minimizing  the  impacts of
transboundary pollution originating here.

     Efforts under  this goal demonstrate  EPA's  continued leadership to build
international cooperation and technical capacity that are essential  to prevent
harm to the global environment and ecosystems that we share with other nations.
A coordinated international  response  is  needed to confront the climate change
threat, depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, transboundary circulation of
toxics, and other environmental issues significant to the interests  of the United
states. Continued leadership by the U.S.  and EPA is necessary to successfully
address these issues in a manner that provides efficient and sustainable long-
term solutions.

     The President's Budget  requests $ 395,960,500 and 527.4 total  workyears for
the Reduction of Global and  Cross-Border Environmental Risks goal> an increase
of  $  159,816,100 and  78.7   workyears  over 1998.   In order to maintain U.S.
leadership role in this area, EPA will increase  its activities to address Climate
Change  by  focusing on  efforts to  achieve stabilization  of  greenhouse  gas
concentrations in the atmosphere, :as well -as focusing on minimizing  the global
impacts of greenhouse gas emissions originating in the U.S.  In addition, EPA's
activities will include programs that -reduce persistent organic pollutants and
selected metals that circulate in the environment at global and  regional scales.

     The  resources  requested in this budget will enable  the Agency to meet a
number of important performance goals  in 1999,  The most significant of these

•    Sixteen additional water/wastewater projects along the Mexican border will
     be certified for design-construction.

•    As part of the President's Climate  Change  Technology Initiative, reduce
     U.S. greenhouse gas emissions  in total by  4.0 million metric  ton carbon
     equivalent through partnerships with  businesses, schools,  state and local
     governments and other organizations.

•    Reduce U.S. energy consumption by 45  billion kilowatts.

•    Conduct preliminary assessment of consequences of climate  change at three
     geographic locations (mid^Atlantic, Gulf  Coast, and Upper  Great Lakes).

•    Ensure  that domestic   consumption  of class  II  hydrochlorofluorocarbons
      (HCFCs) will  be  restricted  to  below 208,400 metric tons  and domestic
     exempted production  and import of newly produced class I CFCs  and halons
     will be restricted to below 130,000 metric  tons.

•    Obtain international agreement on  criteria for selecting Persistent Organic
     Pollutants  (POPs)  to  be  covered  in  a  new global  POPs   treaty,  and on
     capacity building activities  to support the convention's implementation.

•    Deliver 30 international training modules; implement 6 technical assistance
     or  technology dissemination  projects;   implement  5  cooperative policy
     development  projects;  and   disseminate  information  products on  U.S.
     environmental  technologies and techniques to 2,500 foreign customers.

"'      Reduce Transboundag^ Threats;  g.s. -Mexico Border

           The 1999 President's Budget requests  $108,010,400 and 23.1 total workyears,
      of which  $100 million will be direct" federal grants, to reduce  transboundary
      threats to human health  and shared ecosystems along the  U.S.-Mexico border.

           Along  the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico border, communities live  side-by-side,
      sharing the benefits of  rapid  economic growth and the subsequent  environmental
      problems.  Today,  there are over 11 million border residents,  a population that
      has doubled in the last 15 years.    The effects of urban and  industrial growth
      have contributed to the problems of inadequate environmental infrastructure.  In
      the Mexico border area,  programs  are designed  to 1)  improve air  quality,  2)
      provide wastewater and drinking water services to underserved communities,  3}
      manage chemical accidents,  4)  support pollution prevention programs that will
      over the long term reduce the adverse health and environmental effects of toxic
      pollution, and 5)  reduce and effectively  manage hazardous and solid wastes.

           The Agency will also continue  to cooperate with its Mexican  counterpart
      agencies to implement  the provisions of the LaPaz agreement and the Border XXI
      Framework Document which provides a long term strategy to improve  public health
      and the environmental  and essential  natural resources in the  border.

      Climate Chang®

           The 1999 President's Budget requests  $230,644,000 and 331.1 total workyears
j      for Climate Change, of'which $205,407,600  and 251.6 total workyears  are for the
      Climate Change Technology Initiative.

           There is scientific consensus  that global change threatens human health and
      the environment; EPA must address  this problem to reduce adverse  environmental
      impacts.  In 1997,  the framework developed under the Kyoto Protocol  established
      significant targets  for  greenhouse gas reductions.  The agreements reached in
      Kyoto  provide an  important opportunity  to  achieve  meaningful reductions  in
    "  greenhouse gases with an environmentally sound and  economically strong strategy.
      EPA will play an integral role  in the President's Plan under the  Climate Change
      Technology  Initiative   (CCTI).    For  several  years,  EPA  has  been  building
      successful partnerships  to reduce  greenhouse gas emissions with businesses and
      other organizations in all -sectors  of the  economy.   Many  of these programs focus
      on the deployment of existing,  proven technologies  that reduce emissions but are
      underutilized.   These partnerships  will continue  to  be the foundation for
      achieving greenhouse gas reductions  beyond 2000.

           Under  CCTI,  EPA will expand  its  effort in each sector of the economy in
      order to  meet the targeted emissions  reductions that protect  the  environment
      while  promoting  economic growth.   In 1999,  there are key  areas where  EPA is
      expanding its effort.   These include: 1) Industry Initiatives *•  EPA will consult
      with key industries to develop greenhouse  gas reduction strategies,  promote -the
      deployment of clean technologies, and build a program that credits industry for
      early action;  2}  Transportation Initiatives - EPA will  accelerate  its efforts
      under the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV).  PNGV will develop

technology for delivery and long-haul trucks that achieve significant increases
in fuel economy, as well  as,  meeting stringent emission targets; 3) Buildings
Initiatives - promote GHG  reduction and improve energy performance of facilities
by increasing awareness of energy efficient  technology that is applicable for
both residential and  commercial buildings; and 4)  Domestic and  International
Outreach to State and local entities to integrate Climate Change  into programs
and policies and engage developing countries  in the implementation of Climate
Change protocols.

Stratospheric OzoneDepletion

      The 1999 President's Budget requests  $26,914,300 and 34.4 total workyears
to work towards recovery of ozone concentrations in the stratosphere.

      The United States has  signed  the  Montreal Protocol  on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer.   Through this international treaty, EPA will implement
and enforce  rules  controlling the production  and emission of ozone depleting
compounds,  and identify safer alternatives and promote their use to curtail ozone
depletion. In addition, EPA will continue  to provide financial support to the
Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund.

      EPA will focus on domestic and international production phaseout of five
ozone-depleting chemicals  and  chemical classes, promote more intensive recycling
programs in  the U.S.  and  abroad,  enhance environmental  data development and
public outreach aimed  at  informing the public of risks  of overexppsure to UV
radiation,  and encourage  earlier  voluntary  phaseout  of  CFCs   and HCFCs  in
developing countries.

grofcec.jb JB.ub.lig. Health and Bgosystems from Persistent Toxics

      The 1999 President's Budget requests $6,873,700 and 39.3 total workyears
to reduce the risks to U.S. human health and ecosystems from selected toxics that
circulate in the environment at  global  and regional  scales,  consistent with
international obligations.

      Selected toxics which can persist, bioaccumulate and move  long distances
pose serious risks  to human health and the ecosystem in the U.S.,  not to mention
in remote regions where  the substances may not be produced or used.  The actions
of  individual nations  to  control the  adverse effects  of  these persistent
bioaccumulative toxics  (PBTs)  often are insufficient because of  the long-range
transport of such substances.   Thus, it takes  coordinated international action
to reduce the risks posed by PBTs globally, let alone in the U.S.

      As part  of  the  Agency-wide, multi-media collaborative effort to reduce
risks associated with priority  PBTs, the Agency will work to reduce the risks
associated with priority PBTs through the Binational Strategy, the Commission for
Environmental  Cooperation, the Persistent  Organic  Pollutants   international
negotiations, and further national prioritization of chemicals for  coordinated
reduction strategies.

Achieve Cleaner and More Cost-Effective Practices

      The 1999 President's Budget requests  $  7,958,200 and 37.6 total workyears
to increase  the  application of  cleaner and  more cost-effective environmental
practices  and  technologies  in  the  U.S.  and  abroad through  international

      As part of the Agency's international technology and technical assistance
programs, EPA will provide access to microbiologically safe drinking water and
the protection of drinking water  sources in developing nations.  This priority
is consistent with the Administrator's interest in improving the environmental
health of children, who are most  vulnerable to water-borne diseases.  In 1999,
EPA proposes the  "Ensuring  Children's Health through  Microbiologically Safe
Drinking Water and Adequate Sanitation" initiative.  The specific focus area in
this initiative will be the improvement of children's health in less developed
countries through provision of  safe drinking water and adequate sanitation.  The
initiative will  include  environmental  technology transfer  and environmental
management capacity building components.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks

Objective #1: Reduce Transboundary Threats, Shared North American Ecosystems

      By 2005,  reduce transbouneiary threats to  human health and shared ecosystems
in  .North  America  consistent  with  our  bilateral   and  multilateral   treaty
obligations in these areas, as well as our trust responsibility  to tribes.


      EPA's activities  under this objective address transboundary environmental
threats  in  the Great Lakes as  well  as U.S.  border  areas  and in shared North
American  ecosystems.    Activities   focus on  the  Great  Lakes Program,  the
U.S.-Mexico Border,  the U.S.-Canada Border and the North American Commission for
Environmental  Cooperation  (NACEC) created under the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA).

      Within    this objective,   the  Agency  is  requesting  $100,000,000  for
activities  along the U.S./Mexico Border.  Along the  2,000  mile U.S.-Mexico
border,  communities live  side-by-side,  sharing the benefits of  rapid economic
growth and  the subsequent  environmental problems.   Today,  there are more than
11 million border residents, a population  that has doubled in the last 15 years.
The effects of urban and  industrial  growth has contributed to the problems of
inadequate environmental infrastructure.   In the Mexico border area programs are
designed to (1)  improve air quality,  (2)  provide wastewater and  drinking water
services to under served communities,  (3)  manage chemical accidents,  (4)  support
pollution prevention programs that will over  the long term reduce the  adverse
health  and environmental  effects  of  toxic  pollution,  and  (5)   reduce  and
effectively manage hazardous and solid wastes.    A significant  portion of
residents along the U.S.-Mexico border area are without adequate  basic services
such  as  potable water and wastewater treatment and the problem  has  become
progressively  worse in the  last few  decades due to expanding urbanization.
Identified  wastewater  infrastructure needs along the U.  S./Mexico border  are
estimated to be $2.8 billion.  The Agency has established a'goal of 32 total high
priority projects to have been certified  for design-construction by  the end of
FY 1999, 16 of which will be  certified in 1999. The  National Water Program has
established a.  Year 2000 goal  to increase by 7 percent  the  population  in  the
Mexico border area served by adequate drinking water -and wastewater treatment and
collection  systems.    This  goal  will  be achieved through  the  design  and
construction of  water  infrastructure.   Direct grants are also provided to the
Indian  Health  Service or  appropriate  tribal  organizations  to  support  the
construction of drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure on Indian
reservations and other  tribal  lands on the U.S. side  of the border region.  The
Agency will cooperate  with its  Mexican  counterpart  agencies to implement  the
provisions  of  the LaPaz Agreement and the Border XXI Framework  Document which
provide a long term strategy to improve public health and the environmental and


essential natural resources in the border.  Nine binatipnal working groups will
address key issues working closely with, state and  local agencies on both sides
of  the border.    EPA  will  also  work  closely with  the Border Environment
Cooperation Commission (BECC)  and the North American Development Bank  (NADBank)
to support the financing and construction of wastewater treatment and solid waste
facilities.  EPA is committed  in  1999 to supporting in  the amount  of  $1,000,000
the  U.S.-Mexico  Foundation for Science  in cooperation  with  the  programs,
activities and projects of the BECC, NADBank, International Boundary and Water
Commission and the Mexican Comision Nacional de Agua.

      EPA  will work  with Canadian counterparts  and the  International Joint
Commission to carry out obligations under the GLWQA, the U.S.-Canada Air Quality
Agreement  and numerous other binational agreements  supporting cooperation  on
transboundary and global issues of concern to the two countries.  EPA will also
work with Environment Canada and the Mexican Ministry of Environment,   Natural
Resources  and Fisheries  within NACEC  on important trilateral issues including
enforcement,  chemical management and protection of critical natural resources.
Oil the U.S.-Canada border,  both nations are directing  major attention to the
long-term  restoration of the  Great Lakes ecosystem.   During  next  few years
particular attention will focus on eliminating toxic pollutant discharges  (such
as PCBs  and mercury) into  the lakes.   Smaller  scale  activities will  address
transboundary watershed issues  in areas ranging from the Georgia Bay-Puget Sound
to the Gulf of Maine.

      At  the  trilateral  level,   EPA  is  working  through  the  North  American
Commission  for  Environmental  Cooperation  to  address common environmental
problems, especially those relating to NAFTA, among the United  States,  Canada,
and Mexico.   in this context, EPA is working  with counterparts in Canada and
Mexico to develop comparable approaches to air quality and emissions monitoring
in North America  as  well as procedures  for transboundary environmental impact
assessment.   We are also engaged in joint efforts  to examine the impact on the
environment  of trade and  the development of  trilateral plans  for  the sound
management of chemicals

      The  significant  benefit  of the programs  supporting  this objective is a
reduction  in environmental risks to  the Great  Lakes as  well as  the U.S.,
Canadian,  and Mexican population  in our shared border areas.  These programs will
result in an  improved  water  quality over  the long term,  expanded system  of
drinking and  wastewater infrastructure,  improved  air  quality,  a reduction  in
improperly managed waste aiid reduced levels of toxics.

      EPA's Great Lakes Program  brings together Federal, state, tribal, local,
and industry partners in an  integrated, ecosystem approach to protect, maintain,
and restore the chemical,  biological, and physical integrity of the Great Lakes.
The  Boundary Waters  Treaty of  1909  and the  1987 Great Lakes Water  Quality
Agreement (GLWQA)  with Canada provide the basis for our international  efforts  to
manage this shared resource.  Additional responsibilities are defined in Section
118 of the Clean Water Act, Section 112 of the Clean Mr Act Amendments, and the
Great Lakes  Critical Programs Act of 1990.  The  Great Lakes 5-Year Strategy,
developed jointly by EPA and its  multi-state, multi-Agency partners and  built  on
the  foundation of the  GLWQA,  provides the  agenda for  Great  Lakes ecosystem
management:  reducing  toxic substances;  protecting  and  restoring  important


habitats;  and  protecting human/ecosystem  species  health.   EPA's  Great Lakes
National Program  Office  (QLNPO) is  the principal U.S.  organization  for this
effort,  coordinating not only  with U.S.  partners,  but  also with  Canadian
counterparts.   The  program monitors Lake  ecosystem indicators;  manages  and
provides  public  access  to Great  Lakes  data,   helps communities  address
contaminated  sediments   in  their  harbors;  supports   local  protection  and
restoration  of  important  habitats, promotes  pollution  prevention  through
activities and  projects such as the 1997 Canada-U.S.  Great  Lakes Binational
Toxics  Strategy  (BNS),  and provides assistance to  implement community-based
Remedial Action Plans for Areas of  Concern and for  development  of Lake-wide
Management Plans  and the reduction  of  critical pollutants pursuant  to those
Plans.   The Agency's .1999  Persistent Bioaccutnulative  Toxics initiative will
augment  GLNPO's BNS  resources,  allowing  new projects  addressing toxaphene,
mercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls  (PCBs.)
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  01    Reduce Transboundary
      Threats:  Shared North
      American Ecosystems

      Environmental Program &

      State and Tribal Assistance

    Total FTE
                                       $122,113.7     $99,730.2    $122,172.8
                                        $22,113.7     $24,730.2     $22,172.8
                                       $100,000.0     $75,000.0    $100,000.0
3.999 Annual.
                       .. Goals
     Complete emissions  inventories  for  5  of the 7 non- attainment areas along
     the US /Mexican border

     Three of the 14 sister cities will have completed joint chemical accident
     contingency plans,

     Assess  the state of  Great Lakes ecosystem components and  make . current
     status  and  trend  information  available  to  Great  Lakes  environmental
     managers.  In addition we will finalize environmental indicators applicable
     to the entire Great Lakes Basin.

     Initiate projects to demonstrate reduction of persistent, bioaccumulative
     toxic chemicals and complete BNS reports.

     State/community clean-up of  contaminated sediments supported by sediment
     assessment  and characterization  (at  sites in  two new Areas  of Concern

      (AQCs), thus having visited 27 out of 31 US AOCs) and by  sediment  cleanup

*    Habitat protection and restoration projects will have positive ecological
     effects on 23% of the Great Lakes Basin's total land area (up from 20%  in
     1998).   Ecological  enhancements  will  occur  at the  14  US terrestrial
     biodiversity  investment areas.   Biodiversity  investment  areas  will  be
     identified for coastal marshes and coastal aquatic areas.

•    16 additional water/wastewater projects along the Mexican border  certified
     for design-construction

     The annual performance goals represent certain steps which must be  taken  to
support a reduction in trarisboundary threats.  In the U.S.-Mexico border area,
it is essential that  air emissions  data be collected,  that emissions inventories
be developed  and air modeling and interpretation be  done  in order to  put air
pollution  control programs in  place.   Once  such programs are  in  place, air
quality health standards can be met.  Similarly, wastewater treatment projects
must first be proposed to the BECC and certified before funding is made available
and construction can  begin.  Once construction is completed,  usually a few years
later, the population served by  drinking water and wastewater  collection and
treatment  systems  will increase.  In 1999,  chemical accident contingency plans
will be completed for three sister cities  moving toward the goal of 10 by the
year 2005.   Pollution prevention programs will be adopted by an increasing number
of maquila plants,  a step  toward  meeting  the long term goal of reducing the
generation of hazardous wastes by  8% (on a per employee basis) by 2005.

     Activities  undertaken In  1999 related  to  the  Great  Lakes Performance
measures focus largely on the assessment of the current status and trends in the
Basin's ecosystems.  These  data  will  be used to examine long term trends and  to
target efforts  to clean up contaminated sites,  to more effectively manage the
biological  resources  of  the area,  and to plan longer-term  toxic reduction
strategies.  Each of  these elements will help in the long term  to restore and
protect the integrity of the basin's ecosystem.

     The Agency will coordinate  implementation of the ecosystem approach in the
Great Lakes by its Federal, state,  tribal, and local partners, fully implementing
a •"community-based" approach.  EPA and its partners will act consistently with
goals of the Great Lakes Five Year Strategy and the Agency Strategic Plan.

     EPA will  lead collaborative efforts for air and water monitoring in all five
Great Lakes for  toxics and nutrient loadings  and biological health.  EPA will
report results  of modeling scenarios from the multi-media initiative  for the
first-ever intensive monitoring of Lake Michigan air, water, sediments, and biota
 (the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study, or "LMMB")/ supporting  the Great Waters
provision of the Clean Air Act and §118  of the Clean Water Act.  This will enable
the  Agency and  its  partners to determine how  to further  reduce Great  Lakes
pollutants.  The joint GLNPO/Canadian integrated atmospheric deposition  network
 (including air monitoring  stations on  each Great Lake)  will provide trend and
baseline  data  (with the exception of  metals)  to support  and target remedial
efforts and measure environmental progress under Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) and
Lake-wide Management  Plans  (LaM3?s).  GLNPO, with its Canadian counterparts, will


finalize,  and report on, Great Lakes core indicators at the biennial State of the
Lakes Ecosystem Conference  (SOLEC).  SOLEC brings together representatives of the
public  and private sectors  to facilitate  decision-making based  upon  sound
environmental information,

     EPA  will  work with  Environment Canada  and lead domestic  partners  in
implementing  the  1997  Great  Lakes Binational  Toxics  Strategy  (BNS.)    The
Strategy,  a  groundbreaking  international toxics reduction  effort,  targets  a
common set of persistent, toxic substances for reduction and virtual elimination
from the Great  Lakes.    The Strategy focuses on pollution prevention  efforts,
using voluntary and regulatory tools to achieve reductions and contains reduction
challenges for a targeted set of substances, e.g., mercury, PCBs, dioxins/furans,
certain canceled pesticides.   The Strategy outlines actions and activities which
states, industry, tribes, non-government organizations and other stakeholders may
undertake to  achieve these reductions.  Each targeted substance will be addressed
at  the  appropriate  phrase  of an analytical  framework  which  consists  of
information   gathering,    analysis   of   current   regulations/initiatives.
identification  of  options  and implementing  reduction actions.    Grants  to
stakeholders  (such as  the Great Lakes states, Tribes and environmental groups for
mercury or PCBs reduction projects, for example) will help to achieve some of the
reduction targets.  Implementation of the Strategy will  be  coordinated  with and
augmented through cross-Agency support and activities relating to its  FY 1999
Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics  Initiative.

     EPA,  with its partners,  will complete contaminated sediment cleanups through
demonstrations  at 2 sites of  the 31 U.S. and/or binational Areas  of  Concern
(AOCs) whose  contaminated bottom sediments pollute their  harbors.  In this, GLNPO
will  use  expertise  from  GLNPO's  Congressionally  mandated  Assessment  and
Remediation of  Contaminated Sediments program.  GLNPO  will do field  work and
provide funding for sediment assessments  and remedial design to .state and local
groups at five AOCs.  Of these, three are likely to be follow-up assessments at
a finer scale to provide communities with sufficient information to address their
contaminated  sediments.  Assessments will thus have been done at 27 of the 31
AOCs since this  program began.

     The Agency will support  the efforts of states, tribes, and local communities
to  protect  and  restore  important  habitats  identified  in the  Great  Lakes
biodiversity report of  The Nature Conservancy (TNC)  and SOLEC  habitat papers.
The  program   emphasizes habitats  important for  biodiversity  and  ecological
integrity  (such  as  those  necessary  for endangered  and threatened species).
Additional projects will be started in terrestrial biodiversity investment areas.
Continuing work begun in 1998 to identify important coastal  marshes  and aquatic
areas,  EPA  will initiate  projects that will positively affect  these  "aquatic
biodiversity investment areas"  at  strategic locations around the Great Lakes.

     EPA,  Regions, States,  and  local  communities will  strategically target
reductions of  critical  pollutants through Remedial Action Plans for  Areas of
Concern and  through  Lake-wide Management Plans for  Lakes Ontario, Michigan,
Superior,  and Erie.  The Agency will continue to meet  specific requirements for
reporting to  Congress and the International Joint Commission regarding  progress
under the Great  Lakes Water  Quality Agreement.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Certify 16 projects for  design-construction.   Construction will continue
     at Me.xicali, be completed  (Phase  I)  at the International Waste Treatment
     Plant and commence as seven additional venues already certified.

•    Complete emissions inventories  for  two of the seven non-attainment areas
     along the US-Mexican border.

•    Initiate government-industry partnership program to encourage adoption of
     pollution prevention/waste  minimization techniques by  facilities  in the
     U.S.-Mexico border area.

•    Assess the  state  of Great  Lakes  ecosystem components,  and  make current
     status  and trend  information  available  to  modelers  and  environmental

•    Initiate projects to demonstrate reduction of persistent, Moaccumulative
     toxic chemicals and complete BNS reports.

•    Support  State/community  clean-up of  contaminated sediments  by sediment
     assessment and characterization (at sites in 8 Areas  of Concern  (AOCs,)
     thus having visited 25 out of 31 US AOCs since the  program's inception) and
     by sediment cleanup demonstrations.

•    Habitat protection and restoration projects will have positive ecological
     impacts  on  20% of the  Basin's total  land area  (up  from 15%  in  1995) .
     Ecological enhancements  will  include the 14  US  terrestrial  biodiversity
     investment areas.  Biodiversity investment areas will  be identified for
     coastal marshes and coastal aquatic areas.
                         1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	Dollars	FTE

 01 Obj.   Total Change                             $22,442.6           0.0

       Environmental Program & Management          $(2,557.4)           0.0

       State and Tribal Assistance Grants           $25,000,0
      (+$25,000,000  STAG)  This  is  for high  priority  water and  wastewater
      treatment facilities along the U.S. Mexican Border.

      (+$290,000 EPM) This is part of the Agency's cross-media 1999 Persistent
      Bioaccumulative  Toxics initiative.    The  resource  increase  will  fund
      additional work in support of implementing the 1997  U.S.-Canada Binational
      Toxics Strategy, such  as following up  on assessment of pesticide use or
      release,  an alkyl-Lead assessment, and mercury reduction by States.


     (-$215,000 EPM) This reduction  from Great Lakes Environmental Indicator
     Monitoring reflects the progress made to date,

     (-$115,000  EPM)  This  reduction  from  Great  Lakes  Toxics  Reduction
     activities  is  offset  by  the  Agency's  cross-media  1,999  Persistent
     Bioaccumulative Toxics initiative.

     (-$100,000 EPM)  This reduction from Great Lakes integrated data management
     activities reflects the progress made to date.

     The 1999 request is -$2,622,000 below the 1998 Enacted budget level due to
     Congressional Add-ons received during the appropriations process but not
     part of the 1999 President's Request.
Key Performance Measures
Projects certified for design-
construction along the Mexico

Completion of Great Lakes
assessments of nutrients, toxics
and airborne pollutants

Core Great Lakes ecosystem
components with indicators

Lake Michigan mass balance data
sets available

Toxics reduction predictions from
Lake Michigan mass balance made

Great Lakes projects initiated in
support of toxics reduction

Assessments and characterizations
at Great Lakes Areas of Concern

Great Lakes sediment cleanup
demonstrations completed

Great Lakes terrestrial acres
ecologically enhanced

Set of targets for ecological
enhancement in Great Lakes
aquatic biodiversity areas
   16 projects
100% assessments
  30 data sets
   9 projects

  8  assessments

  1 completion

  6,000  acres
  16 projects
100% assessments
                          1  set
                     100% predictions
   10 projects
  6 assessments
  3  completions
   6,000  acres
                     1 set of targets

 Key Performance Measures
 Number of non-attainment areas
 along the border with emissions

 Industry partnership program

 US-Canada .1995 PRTR report

 NAFTA effects methodology

 Transboundary EIA negotiations

 Number of sister-cities with
 joint contingency plans

 NARAP developed for toxic
 substance previously selected

 Air monitoring projects completed

 CEC trade and environmental
 program established
2 inventories

  1 program

   1 report

  l project

5 inventories
                       3 cities

                     1 action plan

                       2 projects

                       1 program
      EEA's  cooperative  activities under this objective  will result  in the
construction of water and  wastewater  facilities for residents of colonias and
other under  served border  communities.   Over  the  long term key sister cities
should see an improvement in air  quality as work is completed and emissions and
management plans  are implemented.    As  a  result  of  the  government-industry
partnership program, maquila operations  in the border area will adopt formal
pollution prevention/waste  minimization programs, resulting in a decrease in the
amount of hazardous waste generated  . The increased number of sister cities with
joint contingency plans  will reduce the  risk due to chemical accidents in the
border area.

      Work within  the  NACEC will strengthen  environmental enforcement across
North America while  chemical management plans on PCBs, DDT, chlordane and mercury
will reduce risks these chemicals pose.

      The achievement of the 1998  and 1999 goals of  certifying  16  water and
wastewater projects for design-const ruction each year will meet the high priority
needs of the  U.  S.  Border area population  served by inadequate facilities while
meeting the intent of the bilateral cooperative agreement.  Over the  long term
key sister cities  should  see an improvement in  air quality as work is  completed

and emissions and management plans are implemented.  Cooperative activities  to
reduce air emissions will lead to continued improvements  in air quality.

      Meeting the objectives outlined requires  strong cooperative efforts between
the U.S. and Mexico, the U.S. and Canada and among all three  countries and the
Secretariat within the context of the NACEC.  These efforts depend on strong and
continuing political commitment as well as the provision  of adequate financial
and human .resources.  In addition,  success depends on high levels of support from
key stakeholders including industry, state and local governments.  EPA is but one
player among many.   Consequently,  there are inherent difficulties   in meeting
transboundary objectives that  require action by Canada and Mexico as  well  as
state and local authorities.

      The projected accomplishments of the Great Lakes program will significantly
advance  restoration and maintenance  of the  Great  Lakes  ecosystem.   GLNEO's
monitoring program is providing information on each of the Lakes, particularly
Lake Michigan,  to enable Great Lakes environmental managers to better understand
the 'magnitude  of the environmental problems of the Great Lakes.   At  the same
time,  modeling  and other  tools  are giving  those managers the  ability  to
appropriately  tailor remedial  actions to clean  up the  Lakes.    The  LMMB  is
providing an unprecedented picture of  the source of pollutant loadings.  GLNPO's
information management program will make the information  accessible.

      Because the  BNS  sets  targets and  time  frames for virtually  eliminating
targeted persistent toxic substances from the Great Lakes,  BNS achievements will
be the evidence to identify the Agency1 s ability to pursue non-traditiona,! and
cost-effective   solutions   to   the   intractable   problems   of   persistent,
bioaccumulative toxics.  The analytical framework, .and the participation of our
partners in the BNS ensures  that the projects which GLNPO funds will address the
greatest Great Lakes toxics problems.

      Contaminated  sediments  "have  long been  identified  as  one of the  most
important Great Lakes environmental problems.  Assessments proposed for 1998 and
1999 provide the basis for future" cleanup efforts as states and communities  do
the necessary planning for that work.   Concurrent on-the-ground cleanups proceed
from earlier assessment work.

        Great Lakes program  activities in 1998 and 1999 will continue to aid  in
the protection  and restoration  of  the terrestrial habitats and, for the  first
time, identify the important aquatic habitats. GLNPO's habitat achievements will
position the Great Lakes  community with additional tools to protect  the most
important Great Lakes habitats.  The 132 endangered or threatened species in the
Great  Lakes bear  witness  to the  need  to  protect these important  habitats.
Comprehensive  efforts  had not previously  been  completed  to  identify the
terrestrial  and aquatic habitats  most in need  of protection.   Under GLWQA,
eliminating discharges of persistent  toxics in the Great  Lakes should over the
long term improve water quality  in.the  Lakes.  Similarly,  cooperative activities
to reduce air emissions will lead to  continued improvements in air  quality.

Key Performance MeasuresL Verification

      The annual performance goals and measures identified under Objective 1 are
the completion of  explicit tasks  (e.-g. air monitoring stations fully functioning,
Number of  water projects certified  for design/construction, number of  border
states using Haztrak system.)    These measures will be verified as completed or,
if incomplete, what percentage of the task remains outstanding.  Verification of
these  measures does  not involve  any pollutant  database analysis, but is  a
straight-forward  determination of  tasks  completed and  outstanding.

      Performance measures for the Great Lakes program are derived from open lake
measurements taken by GLNPO and from annual  programmatic analysis  of activities
pursuant to  the Great Lakes  Water Quality Agreement'  (GLWQA) , the  Binational
Toxics Strategy,  and the GLNPO programs  for information management,  sediments,
and habitat,   individual projects which generate data are required to comply with
the Agency's standards for  quality assurance and  control  (QA/QC.)   A QA/QC
tracking system is in place to ensure that QA/QC requirements are  part  of  all
applicable GLNPO projects.   GLNPO uses its annual planning process as a  check on
performance from indirect performance measures.  Under the GLNPO structure, each
of the GLNPO programs conducts an  end of year  review of its  progress regarding
identified measures and activities, draws conclusions,  and makes recommendations
to management regarding the subsequent year's  activities and measures.
SjtaJmfcory Authority

Clean Air Act Title VI  (42 U.S.C. 7671-7671q)
19.87 Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances

Clean Water Act sections 112, 118  and 308  (33 U.S.C.  1318)

Toxic Substances  Control  Act sections 4, 5,  and 6 (15 U.S.C. 2603,  2604,  and

North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

•     The Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909
•     1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
•     1997 Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                        1999 Annual Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks

Objective #2:     Climate change

      By 2000 and beyond, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced to levels
consistent  with  international  commitments  agreed upon under  the  Framework
Convention  on  Climate Change, building on initial efforts  under the  Climate
Change Action Plan,


      In October  1997  President Clinton announced  a  new Climate Change  Plan,
which responds to the scientific  consensus  that global climate change  threatens
human health and  the environment.   According  to the  1996 findings  of  the
Intergovernmental  Panel  on  Climate  Change,  which  included   2,500  leading
scientists  from  the  U.S.   and  around  the world,  climate  change  is  already
happening and it is happening partly because of human activities.   If the problem
of climate change is not addressed now, the scientists concluded that "climate
change is likely to have wide-ranging and mostly adverse impacts on human health,
with significant  loss of life."

      The President's  Plan provides a set of actions  that  will help protect human
health and the environment  while growing the  economy.  By  working hand-in-hand
with  partners  from  the  American  business  community,  EPA's  Climate  Change
Technology Initiative  (CCTI) will:

•     Reduce, grjsenhouse gas jetnissjpns and help mitigate the impacts  of global
      climate change.

•     Improve I?.S..,,„air, quality by reducing emissions of  nitrogen oxides (NOx) ,
      particulate matter, mercury, and  other  air pollutants.

•     Improve ,tL S... water quality by reducing the deposition of  nutrients into
      water bodies and better managing  nutrients applied to  soils.

*     Preserve ..habitat by encouraging the  sequestration  of carbon in  forests.

•     Enhance  eeonomic productlvit.y.  and  reduce  the  nation's  energy bill  by
      removing  market  barriers  that  slow  the  penetration   of   efficient

      Climate  change programs  protect the  earth  from  adverse  environmental
impacts such as increased sea  levels, increased frequency and severity of floods
and droughts,  .and heat waves  in the U.S.  and around the world.   Ecosystem and
economic losses are thereby reduced or  avoided, protecting the  environment and
promoting the economy.   Related human health risks are also reduced, including,


for example, reduced adverse impacts on drinking water quality and quantity,  and
reduced occurrence and severity of ground-level ozone and its related respiratory
problems.   Air quality is also improved by reductions in air pollutants from
improved energy efficiency, which prevents pollution at the source  by reducing
the use of fossil fuels.

      Under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, industrialized countries have agreed to make
significant greenhouse  gas reductions by 2008-2012.   The decade preceding  the
reduction target  provides an important opportunity to develop and deploy  the
technologies that can enhance U.S. competitiveness and productivity.  The CCTI
is designed to make sure that opportunity is not wasted and will catalyze  the
deployment  of  highly efficient technologies throughout the economy as  today's
equipment  is  naturally replaced  through  normal  stock turnover.   Efficient
technologies offer large  energy  bill  savings  and can often enhance  .overall
productivity.  Without the  CCTI, businesses  and consumers will continue to invest
in less efficient  technologies, increasing U.S. emissions and increasing the cost
of  meeting  future  targets  for emissions  reductions.   The  budget requests
$205,407,600 for  this initiative, an  increase of $115,978,000  over the 1998
enacted levels.

      The  President's  Plan includes several key elements to  achieve  these
benefits.  These elements  .include:

(1)   .'Programs  to  expand the use  of existing energy-efficient technologies  in
      the U.S.
(2)   .Programs  to encourage the development of new technologies -that use energy
      more efficiently and utilize lower-carbon energy sources.
(3)   Industry-by-industry  consultations   to  develop   plans  for  reducing
      greenhouse gas emissions while increasing productivity.
(4)   Incentives  for  early  actions  to  reduce  greenhouse  gases,  based   on
      crediting these actions under future  caps on emissions.
(5)   Tax credits  targeted at key opportunities  for  reductions of greenhouse
.(6)   Programs to encourage greenhouse gas  reductions  by developing countries.
(7)   Economics and Science Reviews to  improve  the  information available  to
      policy makers.
(8)   Efforts to reduce energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions from  Federal

      Agencies  throughout the Administration will make significant contributions
to the  President's Plan.   For example,  the  Department of  Energy will  pursue
actions such as promoting the research, development, and deployment  of advanced
technologies (for example, renewable energy sources).  The Treasury Department
will administer newly proposed  tax incentives  for specific  investments  that will
reduce emissions.

      EPA's  CCTI  will play a  key  role  in the President's  Plan.  For  several
years, EPA  has  been building successful  partnerships to reduce  greenhouse  gas
emissions with  businesses and other organizations in all sectors of the economy.
Many of these programs focus on the deployment of existing, proven technologies
that reduce emissions but  are underutilized.   These partnerships will continue
to  be the  foundation for achieving  greenhouse  gas   reductions beyond  2000.


Administration-wide,  the programs launched in the 1993 Climate Change Action Plan
have the potential to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by over ,160 million
tons of carbon equivalent  (MMTCE) annually by the year 2010.   EPA's partnerships
are expected to reduce the United States' annual energy expenditures  by over $25

      Under its CCTI, EPA will  expand its  efforts in each sector of  the economy
in order to target tshe key opportunities for win-win emissions reductions  that
protect the environment  while promoting economic growth.  Key areas where EPA is
expanding its efforts include the following:

"     Industry,, Injtiat1 ves --  In  conjunction with the CCTI, the  President has
      invited entire industries to work with the Federal government  and develop
      greenhouse gas plans.   In addition to  its partnerships 'with individual
      companies,  EPA will consult  with key industries and develop  voluntary but
      aggressive strategies for further greenhouse .gas reductions that improve
      overall productivity. EPA will also work with industries to promote the
      .deployment of  clean technologies  such as the 'use of industrial combined
      heat and power, which can cut  the wasted  energy from power  generation in
      half.  EPA will further work with industry to build a program that credits
      early  action.  EPA will  seek  dialogue with  key stakeholders throughout
      industry and the NGO community.

"     Transpor.ta t ion	Ini t iat i ve s  --  EPA will accelerate its efforts under -the
      Partnership for a New Generation of  Vehicles  (PNGV) ,  and will develop
      enabling technology for   production  prototypes for delivery  and  long-haul
      trucks  that  would achieve  significant increases in  fuel   economy while
      meeting stringent emissions targets.    The National Academy  of Sciences
      has determined that EPA's renewable  fuels  application for 4-Stroke Direct
      .Injection  (SDI)  engines is  the lead  PNGV candidate  technology.    When
      complete,  EPA's  design  will provide  the basis for  a  viable and proven
      concept vehicle  for commercialization.   It will also provide  a strong
      technical base from which to initiate additional EPA research into similar
      technologies for light truck application.  EPA will also expand its  work
      with   state   and  local  .decision-makers  to   develop  and   implement
      transportation  improvements  that  encourage  "livable communities"
      compact, walkable and mixed use development -- while reducing the growth
      in vehicle travel, emissions,  and congestion.

•     Buildings  Initiatives.   The Buildings Sector.,  which includes both homes
      and commercial buildings, offers a large  potential for carbon reductions
      using  technologies  that  are on the shelf today.  However,   consumers and
      businesses continue to invest  substantial resources in equipment that is
      relatively  inefficient,  resulting  in  higher energy  .bills  and higher
      pollution levels.   One of the key  challenges over the next decade will be
      to overcome market barriers, such as the lack of reliable information, and
      improve  the  market for  energy-efficient products. EPA will  expand its
      partnerships with equipment  manufacturers  and building  owners  in order to
      provide reliable, easily understood information to a greater segment of
      the residential and commercial markets. EPA will also  expand  its 'work to
      support  other  Federal  agencies in  improving the  energy  performance  of
      their facilities,


      CarbonRemoval.   EPA will encourage the forest products  sector to achieve
      greater reliance on biomass fuels as an energy source and be a supplier of
      carbon  sequestration  credits  through afforestation  and  reforestation
      activities.  EPA will accelerate efforts to promote  the use of livestock
      based fertilizer  products and more efficient use of nutrients  from  all

      Engaglng_D_eveloplng Countries.  Although industrialized  nations currently
      produce  the majority of  greenhouse  gases,  emissions  from  developing
      countries  are  growing  rapidly  and are  projected  to   exceed those  of
      developed  countries  within the next fifty years.   To be effective,  any
      concerted effort to find a global solution to climate change must involve
      both  developed  and  developing  countries.     Recognizing   this,   the
      Administration and EPA will work to secure meaningful participation from
      developing country  Parties in the recently negotiated Kyoto  Protocol by
      assisting key developing countries  in  their efforts  to  reduce greenhouse
      gas emissions and address  global climate change.

      State	and	Local  Outreach:.   EPA will  expand its work with States, which  are
      key players in efforts  to reduce  greenhouse  gas emissions.   EPA will
      provide support  to states  to help:  (1)  create staff positions to integrate
      energy  efficiency,  clean  air,  and climate change  into energy  planning
      policies;  (2)  develop State advisory committees and networks to facilitate
      the expansion of successful projects and foster information  exchange;  and
      (3) implement and expand promising policy options  identified by States in
      the greenhouse gas mitigation plans.
  Overview of EPA's Contribution to the U.S. Global Change Research  Program

      The Global Change Research Program,  a component of the U.S. Global  Change
Research Program (USGCRP) ,  supports the emphasis the U.S. program is  placing  on
a  national  assessment of  the  consequences  of  climate  change  and climate
variability.   The  goal of the national assessment  is  to determine  the  local,
regional, national  and international implications of climate change and climate
variability  in  the  context  of  other existing and  potential environmental,
economic and social  stresses.  Of  particular  importance is understanding the
regional mosaic of  what has been and will be occurring as a result of the global-
scale changes that  are underway and will continue over the coming decades.  The
EPA research was reorganized in 1998  to  reflect  the  emphasis on the  national
assessments  and the  increase  requested   in  1999  continues  to  support this
emphasis.  The 1999 budget requests $20,501,000 for the Global Change  Research
Program .

           of Change
      .EPA will enhance  research in the development of ecosystem indicators  as
sentinels of  global change.   The focus will be  on terrestrial,  aquatic, and
coastal indicators that  can detect .and quantify the effects of climate change  on
ecosystems and will include research into indicators that  integrate  ecosystems
with human health.  Indicators  that diagnose ecotone  (the  boundary between two

                                     VI -19

ecosystems) stress will be emphasized.  Also, EPA will continue to monitor the
UV-B radiation in rural sites as an indicator of global change.

Ecosystem Services

      EPA is the lead Agency in the USGCRP for assessing the impacts of global
change  on ecosystem  services.   Ecosystem services  include  a wide  range of
ecological  functions  that are highly  regarded by society, and  yet  are often
difficult to value economically.  This  sector  includes evaluating the impacts on:
storage of water, nitrogen, and other nutrients, including carbon; mitigation of
floods;  air and water purification;  generation and renewal of  soil  and soil
fertility;  pollination  and  seed  dispersal;  and  maintenance of  biological
diversity.   There  is  little  information on  the  impacts of global  change on
natural ecosystems and associated services and the economic valuation of these
services.  This work needs to be advanced to better understand the full economic
impacts of lost or diminished ecosystem services.

Asgessment of Consequences,

      The  national assessment  of the  consequences of global  change  is being
organized by the USGCRP to help strengthen two of the five central purposes of
the USGCRP; in particular to support state-of-the-science assessments of global
environmental change issues,-  and to analyze the environmental, socio-economic,
and health consequences of global change.   These activities will complement and
build upon the USGCRP  efforts  to observe and document changes in  the earth
system, to  understand  why these  changes  are  occurring,  improve predictions of
future  climate change,  and  to  understand  how to  adapt  to  the  anticipated
consequences of climate change.

     'The national  assessment process will be designed to establish  and maintain
a  continuing,  interactive dialogue among government officials,  business and
industry,  planners and managers,  non-profit  organizations,  the scientific
research  and  education communities,  and the public.  A series of 18 regional
workshops  will  lead to a set  of  regional scale assessments led by the various
USGCRP member agencies.  EPA has the lead  for  three of the regions: Mid-Atlantic,
Gulf Coast and the Upper Great Lakes.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

. 02 Climate
Program &
Science and Technology

Total FTE





1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Reduce U.S.  greenhouse  gas  emissions  by 40  million metric  ton carbon
     equivalent (MMTCE)  per year through partnerships with businesses, schools,
     state and local governments,  and other organizations.

•    Improve national air  quality through reductions in criteria air pollutants,
     including annual reductions of over 90,000 tons of nitrogen oxides  (NOx) ,
     a major contributor to ground- level ozone.

•    Reduce U.S.  energy consumption by over 45 billion kilowatt hours per year,
     including annual energy bill savings to consumers and businesses  of over  $3
     billion.   Encourage more  widespread adoption of low greenhouse gas emitting
     technologies .

•    Work  with  representatives of  companies  and  industries interested  in
     developing roadmaps of actions in the public and private sectors that can
     lead to improvements in energy use and reductions in GHG emissions.

•    Conduct bilateral  dialogues with 10-12  key developing countries to bring
     them  toward meaningful participation under  the Kyoto protocol .   Reduce
     greenhouse gas emissions internationally.

•    Advance the understanding  and communicate  the risks of climate change  by
     working with  state constituencies  to  assess  economic  and environmental
     impacts,  develop  strategies  for   reducing   vulnerabilities,   build, the
     infrastructure  to  overcome  existing  impediments  to  mitigation,  and
     implement technology-based options.

•    Guide  the  development of the  rules  and  guidelines to operationalize
     emissions trading, the Clean Development Mechanism, joint implementation,
     and early reduction credits.

•    Assess greenhouse  gas  implications  of major sector-based policies  (e.g.,
     utility deregulation,  subsidy removal, revenue recycling,  land use policy) .

•    Assess  economic and  technological  advances  to  evaluate and establish
     domestic policies and measures to meet U.S. obligations -under the Framework
     Convention on Climate change and the December  1997 Kyoto Protocol.

•    Demonstrate  that an American family car can attain over 60 miles  per gallon
     (MPG)  on the Federal  Test Procedure  (FTP) without loss in utility, safely,
     and emissions  control performance.

•    Begin process  to optimize prototype vehicle and to apply knowledge gained
     through PNGV program to trucks .
     Develop  reports on  problem  formulation for  ecosystem  services  sector
     assessment and on the use of climate change indicators,

     Conduct preliminary assessment of  regional  scale consequences of climate
     change at three geographic locations {Mid-Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and upper
     Great Lakes).

     By  2000  and  beyond,  provide  the  capability to  assess ecological  and
     associated human health consequences of climate change.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•     Reduce U.S.  greenhouse gas emissions  in  total by 19 million  metric ton
     carbon equivalent  (MMTCE) per year  through partnerships with businesses,
     schools,  state and local governments, and other organizations.

•     Improve national  air quality through reductions in criteria air pollutants,
     including annual reductions of over 60,000 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx),
     a major contributor to ground-level ozone.

•     Reduce U.S.  energy consumption by over  30 billion kilowatt hours per year,
     including annual  energy bill savings to consumers and  businesses of over $2
     billion.    Encourage    more   widespread   adoption   of   energy-efficient

•     Work  with  representatives  of  companies  and  industries  interested  in
     developing roadmaps of actions in the public and private sectors that can
     lead to improvements in energy use and reductions in GHG emissions.

»     Conduct bilateral dialogues with 10-12 key developing countries to bring
     them toward meaningful participation under the Kyoto protocol.

•     Advance the understanding and communicate the risks of climate change by:
     working  with state constituencies  to assess  economic  and environmental
     impacts:  developing strategies for reducing vulnerabilities,  and building
     the  infrastructure  to overcome existing  impediments to mitigation,  and
     implement technology-based options.

•     Guide  the  development of  the  rules  and  guidelines  to  operationalize
     emissions trading, the Clean Development Mechanism, joint .implementation,
     and early reduction credits.

•     Assess economic   and  technological  advances  to  evaluate  and establish
     domestic  policies 'and measures to meet U.S. obligations under the Framework
     Convention on Climate Change and the December 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

•     Develop  a research and pilot program with  Department  of  Transportation
     (DOT)  that  demonstrates  the   feasibility  of  more  energy-efficient
     transportation system investments.

•     Carry out PNGV laboratory demonstration of practical four-stroke, direct
     injection alternative fueled engine.
                                     VI-2 2

                        1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                     Dollars          FTE
02 Obj.   Total Change                            $119,815.8          79.0

      Environmental Program & Management           $85,613.0          57.3

      Science and Technology                       $34,202.8          21.7
     (+$115,800,000 EPM  and 72.0 workyears) To  implement  the CCTI, EPA will
     build partnerships  through  all  sectors  of the economy,  targeting key
     opportunities  for   win-win  emissions   reductions   that  protect  the
     environment while enhancing economic growth.

     (+$30,700,000 EPM)  Industry Initiatives -- In addition to its partnerships
     with  individual  companies,  EPA will  consult  with key  industries and
     develop voluntary but aggressive  strategies  to achieve further  greenhouse
     gas reductions that improve overall productivity and credit  early action.
     EPA will  also work with  industries  to promote the  deployment of  clean
     technologies such as the use of industrial combined heat and power,  which
     can cut the wasted energy from power generation in half.

     (+$37,100,000 EPM)  Transportation, Inj.t^i§i$jLryea --  Through this increased
     funding,  EPA  will  accelerate   its  efforts  to  reduce  greenhouse" .gas
     emissions from the  transportation sector.  This increase will enable  EPA  to
     greatly accelerate  the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles  (PNGV)
     and expand  the process to  trucks.   EPA  will accelerate its program  to
     develop   an  optimized  renewable  alcohol-fueled  engine  that  can
     simultaneously achieve  high efficiency and low carbon, particulate, and
     nitrogen oxides  levels.   EPA also  will help initiate and participate  in
     the development of  a new generation of heavy truck  production vehicles,  to
     transfer  PNGV technology  to  petroleum fuels,  and to  initiate  work  to
     design and  build a combined-cycle demonstration engine.   EPA will also
     expand  its  work with  state  and local  decision-makers  to develop and
     implement transportation improvements that encourage "livable communities"
     --  compact,  walkable and mixed  use development  --  while reducing the
     growth in vehicle travel,  emissions, and  congestion.

     (+$39,300,000  EPM)   gaJJL.din.gs   Initiatives.    EPA  will  expand  its
     partnerships with equipment manufacturers  and building owners in order  to
     provide reliable, easily  understood  information to a greater  segment  of
     the residential and commercial markets.  EPA will also expand its work  to
     support other Federal  agencies  in improving the  energy performance  of
     their facilities,  and to  support  state and local  governments in  their
     efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

     (+$3,400,000 EPM) Carbon RemoyajL.   Through this  investment,  EPA will work
     with the  forest  products  sector  to achieve greater reliance on biomass

      fuels as an  energy source and to be a  supplier of carbon sequestration
      credits through afforestation and reforestation activities.

      (+$5,400,000 EPM)  DomesticandInternationalImplementation.  Emissions
      from developing countries  are growing rapidly and are projected to exceed
      those  of  developed countries  within  the next  fifty  years.    To  be
      effective,  any concerted effort  to find  a  global solution  to climate
      change must involve both developed and developing countries.  Recognizing
      this, EPA  will work to secure meaningful  participation from developing
      country Parties in the recently negotiated Kyoto Protocol by assisting key
      developing countries in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
      and address global climate change.   EPA will also expand its work states,
      which are integral players in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
      To accomplish our expanded implementation efforts, EPA will require this
      (+$900,000 S&T)  The Indicators of  Change program will  be  increased to
      evaluate indicators that integrate ecosystem and human health.

      {+$1,110,100  S.&T)  Research  in  ecosystem services  will be  enhanced to
      understand the  role of ecotones -  intersections  of different ecosystem
      types - in providing ecosystem services and how ecotones .are impacted by
      global change.

      (+$4,800,000 S&T)  The largest change  in 1999 is an increase of $4,800,000
      for  the  assessment program,  which  will  include  funding regional scale
      assessments in the Mid-Atlantic, Gulf Coast and Upper Great Lakes regions
      of the U.S.  Support for the synthesis of the regional scale assessments
      will also be provided from this increase.

      (-$500,000  S&T)  Funding  to  support the Tarleton  State University  -
      Livestock  and Pollution Abatement,  a Congressional earmark,  has been
Key Performance Measures
 Green	.Liahts and Energy Star Buildincrs
 • Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions
 • Annual Energy  Savings
• 2.4 mmtce        «  4.1 mmtce
• 12 billion kWh   •  20 billion kWh
 Energy Star Products
 • Annual Greenhouse  Gas Reductions
 * Annual Energy Savings
  3.7 mmtce
  20 billion kWh
 5.2  mmtce
 27 billion kWh

Methane Programs
* Annual Greenhouse Gas  Reductions
• Annual Methane  Savings.
   5.0 ramtce
   1  Teragram
  14.0 mmtce
  2.5 Teragrams
HFC7 PFC-Ecograms

* Annual Greenhouse Gas  Reductions
• Percent  of primary  aluminum
  production participating.
• Percent  of HCFC-22  producers

  15 mmtce

Climate Wise Prggrams

• Annual Greenhouse Gas  Reductions
•  2.0 mmtce
• 3.0 mmtce
Transportation Partnejgg

• Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions

• Analytical assistance
  Cooperation Agreements
  Project Design
• l.l mmtce
  Studies with 6
  countries to
  analyze growth
  targets and
  quantify co-
  Expand SNAPS
  and Tech.
  Program in 5
  "Design CDM
  projects in 6
• 1.9 mmtce
  Studies with 6
  countries to
  analyze growth
  targets and
  quantify co-
  Expand SNAPs
  and Tech.
  Program in 5
  Design CDM
  projects in 6

» Procedures and guidelines
• Analyses and assessments
* Project
  and reporting
• Report on GHG
• Methodologies
  and guidelines
  for emissions

• Technologies
  and policies
  that reduce
  GHG emissions
• Transfer of
  to developing
• Project
  and reporting
• Report on GHG
• Methodologies
  and guidelines
  for emissions

• Technologies
  and policies
  that reduce
  GHG emissions
• Transfer of
  to developing
• program design
  and assessment
  of  carbon
UScommitments tothe FCCC
  GHG  Inventory
  Evaluations  and analyses
• Represent US
  in internat-11
• Produce/review
  1997 US GHG
• Evaluation of
• Position paper
  on internat'1
• Draft
  guidelines of
  GHG emissions
  Represent US
  in internat'1
  1998 us GHG
  Evaluation of
  Position paper
  on internat'1
  2000 IPCC
  Guidelines of
  GHG emissions


Workshop and report on the identification       9/30/98
of indicators that integrate ecosystems
and human health.

Workshop on the identification and              9/30/98
prioritization of ecosystem services
likely to be impacted by climate change.

Regional scale workshops at Baton Rouge, LA     9/30/98
and Ann Arbor, MI.  Problem formulation
workshops in the Mid-Atlantic area.

Award up to seven peer-reviewed Science to      9/30/98
Achieve Results  (STAR) grants that develop
regional assessments that reduce the
uncertainties in watershed hydrology
as related to climate change.

Report on problem formulation for ecosystem                       9/30/99
services sector assessment.

Report on the development and use of climate                      9/30/99
change indicators.

preliminary assessment of regional scale                          9/30/99
consequences of climate change at three
geographic locations  (Mid-Atlantic, Gulf
Coast, and Upper Great Lakes).

      As the U.S. and the other Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate
Change  look beyond  2000  to the  important longer-term  goals  of  preventing
dangerous  interference with the  climate  system,  it is  necessary  to  fully
implement  win-win approaches  to  controlling  the  escalating  .growth  in U.S.
greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing economic growth-  There is now a clear
consensus  that  the key step to' reduce the costs of  climate protection  is to
accelerate the deployment of currently available, cost-effective technology to
reduce these emissions.   More than  2400 economists (including eight Nobel prize
winners) said in a statement this year that:

     "...there are many potential policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for
which the  total  benefits outweigh the total costs.   For  the  United States in
particular, sound  economic analysis shows that  there  are  policy options that
would slow climate change -without harming American living standards, and these
measures may in fact improve U.S. productivity in the long run"
            Economists' Statement on Climate Change, Feb. 13,  1997
                                     VI-2 7

      EPA  CCTI  activities contribute to overall  reductions  of greenhouse gas
emissions.   Partnership programs are successfully overcoming market barriers and
fostering investments in  technologies that reduce greenhouse gas concentrations.
These programs will  disseminate information on the eost-effective  opportunities
to reduce emissions on the sector  level and help protect the environment while
reducing the costs of complying with the Kyoto Agreement.

      With the  development of sensitive and accurate indicators of ecological
impacts in response to climate change, difficult policy decisions  regarding US
actions  to address  factors affecting  climate change  will  have  an improved
scientific  basis.  When  coupled  with  adaptation  and mitigation  research,
development of  indicators  of  change and  vulnerability to  change will allow
managers  to  classify terrestrial  systems  according  to  risk  and to focus
development and evaluation  of adaptation practices to limit the impacts.

      Assessments  of  how  climate  change  will   impact   other  environmental
protection strategies in  place for problems such as tropospheric ozone and waste
water treatment will directly influence future strategies developed by state and
local environmental  officials  to maintain compliance with emission standards.
Adaptation assessments conducted in concert with the ecological vulnerability
studies will support future decisions by Federal, state,  and local  environmental
officials on how to restore or manage sensitive ecosystems.

      Outcomes  and outputs are based on  a number of key  assumptions/external

•     Funding levels: Outputs are based upon fully funding the programs at the
      requested levels,
•     International negotiations - Future milestones depend upon progress made
      and  outcomes of continued international negotiations,  including the 4th
      Conference of Parties to be held in November,  1998.
•     Emission  factors  - The  primary objective  of CCTI is  greenhouse  gas
      reductions;  however,  certain variables  outside  Agency  control  effect
      pollution impact of programs.  For  example,  the  pollution prevented by
      reducing  the demand for electricity depends on the  type of electricity
      utility  plant that burns less  fuel.   The utility mix will change over
      time, especially as the industry is deregulated and other  environmental
      controls are put into place to address other air pollution problems.
•     Joint Implementation review - The JT pilot will undergo review by the end
      of FY  1999,  at which time  the parties  to  the FCCC will  decide  on the
      future  structure or mechanism of joint  implementation.   The results of
      this decision will ultimately be reflected  in "milestones" section for
Key	.Eeirfonpance M^aaurgg Verification

      EPA has several strategies to validate and verify performance measures  in
the  area of environmental  science and research.   These programs monitor and
evaluate  accomplishments  based  on  extensive  information  from partnership
programs.  For example, the Gre.en  Lights partners provide detailed information
on investments and energy savings from over fourteen thousand  completed  energy-

                                     VI-2 8

efficiency  projects  (e.g.,  the annual  kilowatt-hour  savings  from  completed
lighting upgrades).  These standardized reports on energy efficiency projects can
be easily translated into annual emission reductions by applying the appropriate
emission factor (Ibs/kWh) for each  pollutant  of concern. The voluntary programs
continually use the information collected to improve  the program's  performance
and more accurately assess its future potential.

     Another measure of progress for the voluntary programs is  obtained by using
the Voluntary  Reporting of  Greenhouse  Gases Program developed by the  Energy
Information Agency  under the 1992  Energy Policy which reports  the  results and
achievements of individual companies.   Through this program,  companies  submit
reports directly to  the Energy Information Agency  which reviews them for accuracy
and to ensure plausibility.

    For measures related to miles per gallon,  actual measurements are made using
set  test procedures,  the  FTP  (Federal Test  Procedure) ,  which has been  the
standard test for these  types of measurements since the mid-1970s.

     The Agency has implemented a risk-based research planning process  to use
risk assessment and  risk  management as principal priority-setting criteria.  EPA
conducts  annual research  program  reviews   to  both  evaluate  the  status  and
accomplishments of  its research and determine planning priorities.   To  better
draw upon the expertise of the environmental  academic community,  EPA created the
Science  to  Achieve  Results   (STAR)  program  of  peer-reviewed,  mission-driven
extramural grants; the Agency is also working  with various professional societies
on research issues.

    Chief among the Agency's  validation  and verification mechanisms for research
and development is a  rigorous peer review process.  In  a July 1997  memorandum,
EPA's Deputy Administrator states that peer review will  be  expanded  "to Include
both the  major work  products provided  in  the past  and...all  scientific  and
technical  products   supporting  Agency  decisions..."     This  expanded  and
strengthened focus on peer review will help ensure that the performance measures
listed here  are verified and validated by external organizations.   The  Agency
utilizes peer review throughout the research planning and implementation process,
both to ensure that  planned research addresses critical  .knowledge issues  within
EPA's mission,  and to  assess  the quality of scientific research plans,  products,
and proposals.  This is accomplished through the use of independent entities such
as  the  Science Advisory Board  (SAB)  and  the Board  of Scientific  Councilors
(BOSC).  The BOSC,  established  under the Federal Advisory Committee  Act,  will
even examine the way  the Agency uses peer review, as  well  as  the management of
its research and development laboratories.

     EPA's external  research  program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and  projects are then
selected for funding  through grants or  cooperative  agreements.  In  addition,
Requests for Applications  (RFAs)   under the  STAR program  are  often  developed
jointly with outside partners such  as the National Science  Foundation. In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which  to check  the quality and relevance
of its research program.
                                     VI-2 9

     The Office of Research and Development Management Information System (OMIS)
will be  another accountability  tool  used to verify and validate performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA structure will be  incorporated  into  OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting  in greater accuracy and
consistency of information to users.
Statutory Authority

Clean Air Act

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

Framework Convention on Climate Change

Global Climate Protection Act of 1987

Climate Change Research and Development Act of  1990

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks

Objective #3:     Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

      By  2005,  ozone  concentrations  in  the stratosphere will  have stopped
declining and slowly begun the process of recovery.


      The ozone  layer protects  people and  other  living  things  from hanriful
ultraviolet rays.  As the ozone layer depletes,  people become more susceptible
to  the  damaging  effects  of  ultraviolet   (UV)  radiation  from  the sun.   The
increased levels  of  UV radiation due to ozone  depletion are linked to higher
incidences of skin cancer, eye disorders, and other illnesses.    Skin cancers of
the most  dangerous  type,  malignant melanomas,  have  increased 1800%  since the
1930s, and some of this increase is related to increased UV radiation exposure
due to stratospheric ozone depletion.  Restoring the stratospheric ozone layer
will reduce the incidence of certain health effects, including  skin cancers of
all types, such as basal and squampus cell carcinomas, not only the much rarer
and often-fatal malignant melanomas.  Ozone  layer protection will also reduce the
incidence of cataracts,  a  leading cause of blindness worldwide,  and will reduce
UV-linked immune  suppression.   Since the American Academy of Dermatology now
estimates that one  American dies every hour  from  skin cancer,   public health
benefits likely to accrue from reduced incidence of this disease are high.  In
addition,  increases  in UV  radiation .from ozone depletion are linked to  damage to
the ocean's phytoplankton and other  parts  of the ocean's  food web, as well as
damage to the production of certain types of crops,

      The United  States has signed  the Montreal .Protocol on Substances that
Deplete  the Ozone  Layer.   The Administration has  repeatedly  affirmed  its
commitment  to  honoring this  international  treaty and  to  demonstrating world
leadership by phasing out U.S. ozone depleting chemicals as well as  helping other
countries find suitable  alternatives.  As a signatory to the Montreal Protocol,
the United States has a  positive obligation to domestically regulate to enforce
its terms.   In  accordance with this  international treaty, EPA implements -and
enforces  rules  controlling  the production  and emission  of  ozone  depleting
compounds, and rules requiring EPA to identify  safer alternatives and promote
their use to curtail  ozone depletion under the authority of  Title VI of  the Clean
Air Act Amendments of 1990..

      Even after program goals are met, the public in the  U.S.  will be exposed
to higher levels of radiation than existed prior  to  the use and emission of ozone
depleting chemicals, since  the process  of  ozone layer recovery is expected to
take about  50 years, according to current atmospheric research.   Recognizing
this, we  are informing the public  about  the  dangers of overexposure  to UV


radiation, so that we may further reduce risks attributable to ozone depletion
during the period of recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer.

EPA's approach to .achieving this objective focuses on six areas:

•     domestic and  international production phaseout of  five ozone depleting
      chemicals and chemical  classes: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),  halons, methyl
      chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and hydrobromofluorocarbons  (HBFCs), as
      well as controls on their import;
*     implementation   of   limitations   on   two   other   ozone   depleters,
      hydrochlorofluorocarbons  (HCFCs) and methyl bromide;
•     identification and information dissemination related to  safe alternatives
      for compounds being phased out;
•     more intensive recycling programs in the U.S. and abroad;
•     environmental data development and public outreach aimed at informing the
      public of risks of overexposure to UV radiation; and,
•     earlier voluntary phase-out of CFCs and HCFCs in developing countries.

      In addition,  EPA continues to provide support  to the Montreal Protocol
Multilateral  Fund.  Because the  ozone layer will  never be healed  unless all
nations act,  under the Montreal Protocol, the U.S. and other industrial countries
support the efforts  of  developing countries to convert to alternatives to ozone-
depleting chemicals.  This is done  primarily through programs supported by the
Protocol's  Multilateral Fund.   When  fully  implemented,  the .activities  will
annually  prevent emissions  of  over 90,000  metric  tons  of  ozone depleting
substances.    This  is  about one-third  of  developing country  use  of   these

      Our programmatic approach emphasizes pollution prevention.   For example,
our National  Emission  Reduction Program requires recycling of ozone depleting
chemicals,  primarily in  the air-conditioning  and refrigeration  sectors. In
addition, hydrofluorocarbons  (MFCs)  will be recycled due to their  global warming
potential, as required under  the Clean Air Act. The Significant New Alternatives
Policy (SNAP) program will oversee developing alternatives,  reviewing the health
and  environmental  effects of  alternatives,    including their  global warming
potential,  and restrict those that, on 'an overall  basis,  are .more risky than
other alternatives  for the  same  end-use-  The SNAP  program will increasingly
review substitutes and alternatives for the HCFCs and methyl  bromide.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                            	  1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999  E>res Bud

 Obj. 03    Stratospheric Oaone         $27,381.4    §17,321.8     $26,914.3

      Environmental Program &           $27,381.4    $17,321.8     $26,914.3

    Total FTE                                33.8         -33.8           34.4

1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Through  our contribution  to  .the Multilateral  Fund,  assistance  will be
     provided to at least  35 countries working toward achieving the  requirements
     of the Montreal Protocol.

•    Restrict domestic exempted production  and  import of newly produced class I
     CFCs and halons below 130,000 MTs.

•    Provide  assistance  to at least  30  developing countries  working toward
     achieving the requirements of the Montreal Protocol.

     Restrict domestic exempted production  and  import of newly produced class I
     CFCs and halons below 130,000 MTs.

•    Restrict  domestic consumption  of methyl bromide  by 25%  over baseline

     Achieving  these performance  goals  will  lead to  the attainment  of our
programmatic objectives by assuring that U.S.  HCFC consumption does not exceed
the cap  set by  international  agreement  through the Montreal  Protocol and by
assuring that U.S.  CFC, halon,  methyl  chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and HBFC
production and import includes only that agreed to by the  Parties  as essential
for domestic  use,  or is  under the 15% allowable  cap for export production to
satisfy  demand in developing  countries.     It will also  bring  the U.S.  into
consistency with the agreed-upon 25% phasedown of  methyl  bromide consumption
during 1999.  This will lower  the chlorine  loading  (Clx) and bromine loading in
the stratosphere, and encourage ozone levels to rise.   In addition, achieving
these goals will lead to our environmental objective that  by 2005, at least 75
developing countries comply with their obligation  under the Montreal Protocol
to achieve a 50% reduction in  their production and consumption of  CFCs.

     The Stratospheric Protection Program will use several indicators to measure
progress  toward its environmental goal  of returning  ozone  concentrations to
levels found prior to the  advent of the Antarctic ozone hole.  The  most important
environmental indicator will be the trend  in stratospheric ozone concentration
as measured by National  Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency   (NOAA) ,  the National
Aeronautics  and  Space Administration (NASA)  and  the World Meteorological
Organization.   Under the  auspices of United  Nations  Environmental Programme
(UNEP)  and  the  Montreal  Protocol,   atmospheric  scientists  and institutes
throughout the world monitor global concentrations of ozone.  Assuming U.S. and
worldwide control measures are  enacted, maintained, and enforced,  models predict
the rate  of ozone depletion will slow at  the  turn  of  the  century and begin a
process of recovery,  with complete restoration of the ozone layer around  the year

     The  Stratospheric Protection Program  will  monitor  other environmental
indicators  to  determine   progress in meeting  its  goal.    Measurements  of
atmospheric  concentrations of ozone  depleting  chemicals  (as well as their
reactive chlorine and bromine derivatives)  will help to determine  the success of
the program.  Decreasing atmospheric concentrations of these chemicals indicate
the effectiveness  of national programs  throughout  the world and will allow

stratospheric ozone concentrations to increase.  Lastly,  the total production of
ozone depleting chemicals, both in the U.S. and the world,  will  also  serve as an
environmental indicator.
               Eo.niiaiic@ Goals

     Provide  assistance  to  at  least 35  developing countries  working toward
     achieving the requirements of the Montreal Protocol.

     Restrict domestic exempted production and import of newly produced class I
     •CFCs and halons below 130,000 Mts.

     Restrict domestic consumption of class II HCFCs below 208,400 Mts.

     Restrict domestic exempted production and import of newly produced class I
     CFCs and halons below 130,000 MTs.

     We expect one major change in the domestic program between 1998 and 1999.
     The next major milestone  in the accomplishment  of the  program's goals
     comes  in 1999,  when  the  U.S.  must come  into compliance  with  the newly
     negotiated  25%  stepdown for methyl  bromide  consumption  and production.
     Following   this  milestone,  the program will  again  act  to control methyl
     bromide  in  2001,  when under the Clean Air Act, the U.S.  will  phase out
     production of methyl bromide, the widely used  ozone-depleting agricultural
     furnigant.   To recognize this change,  the  program's emphasis is shifting
     toward methyl bromide alternatives and  control measures.   Key areas of
     programmatic  change are listed below:

     *     Acceleration  of case study  development and  small  grants funding,
           working with  the United  States  Department of  Agriculture  (USDA),
           state  and university  agricultural  institutions  to  help identify
           promising  substitutes,  both chemical  and not-in-kind,  for methyl

     •     Increased  outreach  to the  farm  community,   particularly  in  the
           critical  production  areas of  California strawberries  and Florida
           tomatoes,  so  that technology  transfer is facilitated and problem
           areas identified and addressed.

                         1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                      Dollars          FTE
 03 Obj.   Total Change                              $9,592.5           0.6

       Environmental Program & Management            $9,592.5           0.6
      (+ $9,000,000 EPM)  Full  funding for the Multilateral Fund is requested at
      $21,000,000, an increase of $9,000,000.
 Key Performance Measures                  1998                  1999

 Domestic consumption of class     Below 208,400 Mts.     Below 208,400 Mts.

 Domestic consumption of methyl    Below 25,600 Mts,      Below 19,200 Mts.
 bromide -

 Domestic exempted production      Below 130,000 Mts.     Below 130,000 Mts.
 and import of newly produced
 class I CFCs and halons.

 Assistance to developing          30 Countries          50  Countries
 countries working under
 Montreal Protocol.

      Accomplishing  the  Stratospheric Protection  objective depends  upon the
process of continuing international negotiation under the Montreal Protocol, as
well as the  status  of the Clean Air Act.  While the U.S.  plays a key role in
international negotiations, and EPA plays a key role in  developing environmental
statutes,  neither are  within the  exclusive  control  of  EPA's Stratospheric
Protection program,

      Despite this caveat, restoring the stratospheric ozone layer will reduce
the incidence of skin cancers, which are now considered by the American Academy
of Dermatology to be in epidemic proportions in the U.S. population.  Over one
million new  cases of skin cancer are  expected to be  diagnosed in the United
States during this year,  and one  in  five Americans can now expect to get skin
cancer during their  lifetime.  Restoring the  ozone layer will also reduce the
incidence of cataracts, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, and reduce UV-
promoted suppression of the human immune system.

      A report released by the United Nations Environment Program in September
1994 found that the rate of build-up in the atmosphere of human-made compounds
that deplete  the  ozone layer  (chlorofluorocarbons) and  halons have slowed  in
recent years.   More recent  work by the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR),  an agency  of NOAA,  confirms  that  measured  concentrations  of these
compounds in the stratosphere are declining, .confirming the value of the Montreal
Protocol controls  and their domestic implementation through the stratospheric
protection program in the U.S.

      The  Montreal Protocol Multilateral  Fund (Fund)  is  supported by annual
contributions  from 34  donor countries totaling over $155 million per year.  The
U.S. makes approximately 25% of the total annual contributions^   The Multilateral
Fund promotes international compliance with the Montreal Protocol by financing
the incremental cost of converting existing industries in developing countries
to cost-effective ozone friendly  technology.

      Through 1997, the Fund has  approved approximately 2,000  activities in  95
countries.  These projects  have helped over 80 countries prepare detailed plans
to enable them to meet or significantly exceed the reduction requirements of the
Protocol.   When fully  implemented,  the projects  supported by the Fund will
eliminate  over 90,000  annual metric  tons  of emissions  of  ozone depleting
substances,  or  about  one-third of.  developing  country  consumption.  This
environmental benefit accrues  not only  to  the country in which the project  is
undertaken, but to the U.S.  as well,  since use of ODS in developing countries
depletes the world's ozone layer, affecting U.S. citizens.

      The  Fund has  helped  facilitate the  universal  participation  that   is
essential to protecting the ozone  layer.  Since the creation of the Fund in 1990,
the number of  developing countries ratifying the Montreal Protocol has grown from
about 20 to over 100.   The  Fund has helped to ensure ozone layer protection, the
protection  of public health,  and protection  of  the  investment  made  by U.S.
industry  to  comply with  the Protocol.    In the  absence of the  Fund,  the
unconstrained growth  in developing country use of  ozone depleting substances
would cause significant  ozone depletion and  related  health and environmental
problems.   This  expanding use  would,  over  time,   negate   the   significant
investments made by U.S. industry to protect the ozone layer.
      The restriction of domestic exempted production and  importation of newly
produced class I CFCs, halons, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and HBFCs
will be measured using atmospheric models and data provided by NASA, NOAA,  the
World  Meteorological Organization,  and  the UNEP  where  available.   Actual
measurements  of stratospheric ozone will be made by NASA's Upper Atmospheric
Research Satellite  and  the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer,  and also by  the
Solar  Backscatter Ultraviolet  Spectrometer(SBUV)-2  and  Operational Vertical
Sounder  instruments on  the NOAA Polar Orbiting Environmental  Satellite  and
subsequent National  Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite. Progress
on the restriction of domestic consumption of methyl bromide and class II HCFCs
will be tracked by monitoring industry reports of compliance with EPA's phaseout

       regulations.   The Allowance Tracking System results are compiled and published
\      in annual tMEP reports.
             The progress of international implementation goals will  'be measured by
       tracking  the number of countries receiving assistance, dollars allocated to each,
       and the expected reduction  in ozone-depleting substances in assisted countries.

       Statutory Authority:

       CAA Title I,  Parts A and D (42 U.S.C. 7401-7431, 7501-7515)

       Pollution Prevention Act (PPA)   (42 U.S.C.  13101-13109)

       Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA)  sections 3001-3006 and 3017  (42
       U.S.C.  €921-6926, 6938)

       The Montreal  Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
                                           VI- 3 7

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Flan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-border Environmental Risks

Objective #4:     Protect Public Health, and Ecosystems From Persistent Toxics

     By 2005,  reduce the risks to U.S. human health and ecosystems from selected
toxics  that  circulate  in  the  environment at  global  and  regional scales,
consistent with international .obligations.


      With a  request of  $6,873,700  and 39.3 total workyears, EPA's activities
under this objective address selected toxics which can persist, bioaccumulate and
move  long distances, thereby posing  serious  risks  to  human  health and  the
ecosystem in the U.S., not to mention in remote .regions where  the substances may
not  be produced or used.   The  actions  of individual nations  to control  the
adverse  effects of these persistent bioaccumulative toxics  (PBTs)  often  .are
insufficient because of the long-range transport of such substances.  Thus,  it
takes  coordinated international  action  to reduce  the risks  posed  by  PBTs
globally, let alone in the U.S.

      Reducing pollution around the  world brings benefits back to the  U.S.,  and
as a result,  EPA is committed to  reducing pollution globally.   Many human  health
and environmental risks to  the  American public originate outside  our borders.
Ecosystems and transboundary pollutants transgress international 'boundaries.  The
U.S.  can  aggressively  limit  PBTs  domestically  but  without  international
cooperation the problem will remain unsolved.

      EPA's international efforts 'in managing pesticides which are PBTs include
ensuring the  safety of  our  food supply and enhancing the protection  of  public
health and the environment from the  risks  resulting  from pesticide use, .both in
the U.S. and throughout  the  world.   Outside the U.S.,  EPA has accomplished this
through cooperation and information exchange with other nations and international

      The major benefits of the programs  supporting this objective are to:  (1)
reduce the release and particularly transboundary movement of PBTs of greatest
concern  (e.g., PCBs,  dioxins/furans,  DDT,  mercury, lead);  (2) reduce the  levels
of exposure to.,  and adverse .effects resulting from these PBTs,  particularly with
respect  to  highly vulnerable populations (e.g.,  children exposed to lead in
gasoline, coastal populations with diets  heavy in fish or marine mammals which
may  contain mercury, wildlife  which consume and biomagnify PCBs,  DDT or other
harmful PBTs);  (3) increase the number of countries around the  world  which can
monitor  domestic  environmental  releases and effects  of PBTs,  as well as  more
soundly manage their  own use of PBTs; and  (4) increase confidence among domestic
stakeholders  (especially industry) that they will be  subject to consistent PBT
obligations as negotiated by the EPA and  U.S. government.


      •One emerging initiative proposed for 1999 in support  of  this  objective is
an  orchestrated.  Agency-wide,  multi-media   collaboration  to reduce  risks
associated  with   priority PBTs.    The  initiative will  have  an  important
international component,  in recognition of the transboundary movement  of many
PBTs.   This  will assist the Agency in pursuing the  strategies  and major steps
outlined immediately above,  while minimizing the overall resource burden on the

      As part  of the Agency's  efforts to carry  out this  work, EPA  will:  (l)
support  and  lead to a  successful  conclusion  a number  of  regional and global
negotiations  (e.g.,  U.S.-Mexico,  U.S.-Canada, North American Commission  for
Environmental Cooperation (NACEC) ,  United Nations  Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE), United  Nations Environment Program  (UNEP)) of voluntary  and  legally
binding obligations to  control and more  safely produce,  use,  store and  dispose
of selected PBTs; and (2)  expand ongoing  programs  to  build the capacity of other
countries to reduce risks associated with PBTs,  consistent  with the obligations
of the international agreements  already in place or now  under  negotiation.  Key
near-term milestones  include:  (1)  the  conclusion of  a protocol  on selected
persistent organic pollutants (POPs, a subset  of  PBTs)  to  the UNECE Convention
on Long-Range Transboundary Air  Pollution (LRTAP), the  completion  of  a  legally
binding convention on Prior  Informed Consent (PIC)  outlining requirements for the
export and import of banned or severely restricted  chemicals among countries, and
the commencement  of negotiations on a global POPs convention under UNEP auspices;
and (2)   in 1999  the conclusion of a LRTAP protocol on selected heavy metals, and
the initiation of  a North American mercury deposition monitoring network..

      To reach the agreement on POPs and PIC,  EPA first must  be involved with
other Federal agenpies,  and external  stakeholders,  such  as  Congressional staff,
industry, and environmental  groups, to  convey   our concerns and develop the U.S.
negotiating approach.  EPA needs to ensure that  the initial list of chemicals and
the criteria and process for evaluating future  chemicals  are based on sound

      Pollutant Release  and  Transfer Registries  (PRTRs) is the international term
for emissions  inventories.   The Toxic Release Inventory  (TRI) is the United
States' version of a PRTR.  International attention focused on PRTRs in 1992 when
the Earth Summit  encouraged  all nations to establish these systems as an integral
role in the sound management of  chemicals.   All three North American Free Trade
Agreement  (NAFTA)  nations,  Canada,  the  United  States,   and Mexico,  have
established emissions inventories.  There are currently eight nations with PRTRs,
and many more that are in the process of  developing them.  Still, more  countries
have expressed an interest in developing  such an inventory.   Providing  technical
assistance to other countries who want to establish pollutant registries can help
reduce  pollution generated in these  countries, just as it has in the United

      EPA remains  involved  at all  levels of the PRTR effort.   This involvement
includes  country-to-country talks  and active  participation in international
meetings and workshops.   EPA works actively with  the Organization  for Economic
Cooperation  and  Development (OECD),  United Nations  Institute  for  Training and
Research (UNITAR), and the PRTR Coordination Workgroup on ways to facilitate the


public's right-to-know and the importance of collecting data on air, water,  land,
and off-site transfers.  As the OECD takes steps to integrate PRTR data with risk
assessment and risk management activities, EPA will participate  to ensure that
the resulting decisions  meet Agency objectives.  To  help foster  the  public's
right-to-know around the world, EPA will help nations develop PRTRs,  providing
financial or technical assistance.

       The goals of international harmonization of test guidelines are to expand
the universe of  available test  facilities for chemicals for which needed testing
increase  consistency  and  information  sharing  between  nations,  and  reduce
requirements for repeated testing by chemical companies to meet varying national
requirements.  For test guideline harmonization, EPA will  continue to cooperate
closely  with other Federal  agencies  and OECD  in  harmonizing  its  testing
guidelines.  Test guidelines are a collection of methods  for testing chemicals
and chemical preparations,  such as pesticides and Pharmaceuticals.   The purpose
of the testing  is to assess hazard or toxicity.   Each test guideline provides
instructions on how a specific  type of  test should be performed.   EPA serves as
a major  source  of scientific expertise and review in updating guidelines with

      The U.S.  is working with other  OECD member countries  to  implement  the
International  Screening  Information  Data Set  (SIDS)  Program,  a  voluntary
international cooperative testing program started in 1990.  The program's  focus
is on developing base level  test information (including data on basic chemistry,
environmental fate, environmental effects and health effects) for international
high production volume chemicals.  SIDS data will be used to screen chemicals and
to set priorities for further testing and/or assessment.  The Agency will review
testing needs for  50 SIDS chemicals in  1999.

      The Agency's efforts  in this objective will be supported  through  legal
counseling  and  advocacy.    This  may  include  advice,  participation  in  the
development  of  Agency actions, document review, and  the conduct  of  defensive
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud   1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj. 04    Protect Public Health
      and Ecosystems From
      Persistent Toxics

      Environmental Program &

    Total FTE

 1999 Annual Performance Goals

       Obtain  international agreement  on  criteria  for selecting  Persistent
       Organic Pollutants (POPs)  to be covered in a new global POPs treaty, and
       on   capacity  building  activities   to   support   the   convention's

 •      Evaluate the  domestic  suitability of  international consensus  testing
       decisions made in the OECD  SIDS program  and  obtain needed  testing as

       The annual performance goals outlined for 1999 represent incremental steps
 which support the fulfillment of the larger policy objective stated above.  The
 1999 performance goals  will initiate  long-term improvements in  domestic and
 international capacity  to safely manage and reduce the risks of selected PBTs.

       The fact that the policy objective has a time horizon of 2005 means that
 most of  the benefits  expected from  the 1999 performance goals and  related
 activities  will not be  realized until a future fiscal year.  To illustrate, if
 the U.S. can win international  agreement in 1999 to our proposal for  how the
 global POPs  convention would select additional substances for control, we would
 have secured a fundamentally important element (from both a risk and economics
 perspective) of the convention.  But the fact  that the convention will not be
 concluded until the year  2000 means that actual implementation of the selection
 process,  not to mention of the control obligations for selected substances, will
 not commence until  a later time.

       EPA has  published 97  guidelines  in  the  areas  of  physical  chemistry,
 ecotoxicity, environmental  fate,  and  human health.    OECD  has  published 77
 guidelines in the same four areas.  In the Pesticides Program a total of 170 test
 guidelines have been published which include guidelines  for  the above four areas
^and for  other  specific  requirements for the evaluation of pesticides  (e.g.,
 product identity, composition,  application exposure).

       Presently, all of  the physical/chemical properties and environmental fate
 guidelines,  30 health effects guidelines, and  six ecotoxicity test guidelines
 have been harmonized between EPA and OECD.  Ten health effects guidelines and 13
 ecotoxicity  guidelines have been harmonized between EPA's Toxics and Pesticides
 Programs.   Some of these test  guidelines incorporate  recent  and significant
 advances in  the  scientific knowledge  and  methodologies  compared with older
 existing  OECD  guidelines,  particularly   in  the   areas   of   neurotoxicity,
 developmental neurotoxicity, and developmental and reproductive biology.  EPA is
 currently leading the effort to harmonize these improved guidelines with OECD.
 1998  Anniaal Performance	Goals

 •      Evaluate the  domestic  suitability of  international consensus  testing
       decisions made in the OECD SIDS program,  harmonize test guidelines,  and
       obtain needed testing as required.

      Three CEE/NIS  countries  and two Latin American  countries  make national
      commitments to phase  out Pb gasoline use and make  progress in reducing
      global Pb use to 1993 levels or below.
                         1999  Change from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
 04 Obj.    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management


      (+$2,418,000 EPM) The increase will support the new Agency initiative on
      targeting PBTs.  Under this initiative the Agency will l) facilitate the
      fulfillment of  obligations  under the Canada-U.S. Binational Strategy, 2)
      develop Agency and U.S.  government positions  for  the intergovernmental
      negotiating conference on POPs,  3)  implement the Regional Action Plans,
      developed through NACEC, for  DDT,  chlordane,  PCB's,  and mercury; and 4)
      provide technical  assistance  to developing  countries  to eliminate lead
      exposure pathways.
 Key Performance Measures
Complete the review of testing
needs for chemicals processed
through the OECD sponsored SIDS

Complete harmonization with
OECD of ten additional test

Agreed USG policy on UNEP
selection criteria

Number of commitments to Pb

Agreement on USG selection
criteria proposal
Testing needs
Reviewed for 25
SIDS chemicals
ten guidelines
1 policy agreement
5 countries
Testing needs
reviewed for 50
additional SIDS

ten additional
4 countries
                        1 negotiations

      Environmental loadings of PBTs and the  resultant health and environmental
risks they pose in the U.S.  and other countries will increase over time with  the
expanded production,  trade,  and use of  these  substances unless controls are  put

in place internationally.  Yet many countries currently are unwilling or unable
to commit to such controls-as demonstrated by the continued need for DDT and the
absence of suitable and  affordable substitutes  as  a vector control in tropical
nations.  Thus, without  the  cooperation of  their neighbors,  the U.S..  and other
countries which  aggressively deal with PBTs domestically will not be  able to
control transboundary flows  of  these toxics..

      The regional  LRTAP POPs  protocol  may  result in banning  or restricting
manufacture and/or use of approximately 15  industrial chemicals and pesticides.
Also under discussion are export  and import restrictions/controls  and emission
release  restrictions,  micro contaminant issues,  and waste management  issues.
Non-pesticide  chemicals  under  consideration  include:  PCBs,   Polyaromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) , Short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP) ,  The global POPs
list initially covers  some 12 chemicals and pesticides,  and is almost identical
to those in the LRTAP POPs protocol.   Once  these agreements  are completed,  the
U.S. hopes to sign and ratify them.

      In this context,  it is  clear that the accomplishments in  1999  will help the
U, S. to lay the foundation for achieving — but not constitute in themselves — the
needed  international   risk  reductions associated with  selected   PBTs.    The
successful accomplishment of this  objective is based on several key assumptions
and external factors.   Domestically,  (1) all key EPA program .offices must engage
in negotiations and capacity building programs;  (2)  all. relevant U.S. government
agencies  must cooperate with  EPA in this  work;   (3) key U.S.  stakeholders
(especially industry and the agricultural  sector)  must support the development
and implementation of international agreements  and -risk reduction  efforts;  and
(4)  the  U.S.  demonstrates  leadership  in  negotiating,   complying with,  and
facilitating the implementation of international agreements.   Internationally,
(1) we reach agreement on the scientific basis  for determining which PBTs must
be controlled;  (2) key foreign countries which produce,  export and/or use certain
PBTs  (e.g.,  DDT)  agree to  global bans and/or severe  use restrictions;  (3)
substitutes for key pesticides and industrial chemicals are introduced and widely
used; (4) improved industrial processes and  integrated pest management practices
are widely used;  and  (5) monitoring and reporting regimes are established and

      The  achievement  of  this  objective  will   lead  to  simplified  testing
requirements  for  the  regulated  industry,   with  unified  guidelines that  are
acceptable to a wide spectrum of  Federal agencies  and countries.  This will in
turn 'result  in less confusion  regarding  testing  requirements  among regulated
industries,  increased  efficiency in collecting test data and in assessing risk,
avoidance of duplication of effort, reduce use of animals in testing, and reduced

      By 2005, EPA expects that all OECD  countries  will not only have developed
PRTRs,  but that these  inventories  will  be fully  operational.  Besides being used
for community right-to-know purposes, as they are currently used in  this country,
these registries  will be  used to monitor the progress countries make in complying
with international agreements, such as the Montreal  Protocol (CFC production)  and
Basel (waste transfer agreements).

Key Performance Measures Verification

      The annual performance goals and measures  identified under this  objective
are expressed as the completion of explicit tasks  (e.g. degree of implementation
of trilateral action plans  on DDT,  PCBs,  and  chlordane; national inventories of
obsolete  chemicals initiated,  delivery of  technical assistance,  success  in
negotiating strategy).    These measures will  require assessment by program staff
and management.  Verification of these measures does  not involve any  pollutant
database analysis,  but  will require objective assessment  of tasks completed and
the satisfaction of U.S. environmental negotiating objectives.
Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)

Federal   Insecticide,   Fungicide,   and  Rodenticide   Act   (FIFRA)   sections
3,4,5,6,10,11,18,20,23,24,25,30 and 31  (7 U.S.C. 136a, 126a-l, 126c, 136d,  136h,
136i, 136p, 136r, 136u, 13Sv,  136w,  136w-5 and  136W-6)

Emergency Planning and  Community Right-to-Know Act  (EPCRA)  section 313 (42 U.S-C-

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA) sections 4, 5,  6,  12, and 13  (15 U.S.C.  2S03,
2604, 2605, 2611, 2612)

Clean Water Act  (CWA)  (33 U.S.C.  1251-1387)]

Clean Air Act  (CAA)

Resource Conservation  and Recovery Act  (RCRA)

North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC)

1996 Habitat Agenda, paragraph 43bb

U.S./Canada Agreements on Arctic  Cooperation

1989 US/USSR Agreement on pollution

1991 U.S./Canada Air Quality Agreement

1978 U.S./Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

1909 Boundary Waters Agreement

World Trade Organization Agreements

North American Free Trade Agreement

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks

Objective #5: Prevent Degradation of the Marine and  Polar Environments

      By 2005,  the  United States will prevent  significant degradation of  the
marine and polar environments, consistent with U.S.  obligations  under relevant
international agreements.


       With  a  request  of $1,397,500 and  10.2  total workyears,  this  objective
captures those international  involvements of the Agency that seek to protect  the
marine and polar environments.   In 1999,  efforts will focus on  five  areas:  1)
progress in multilateral negotiations at the International Maritime Organization
(IMO)  addressing  vessel-based  pollution  and  ocean   dumping,   2)  regional
multilateral  efforts in the Wider Caribbean  (inclusive of the Gulf of  Mexico  and
Straights  of Florida)   to address land-based  marine pollution,  3)   continued
efforts to slow the loss of coral reef ecosystems, 4) project specific  work in
northwest Russia to  remove high-level sources of radioactivity that threaten  the
Arctic environment,  and 5)new initiatives in the Arctic  Council  and  the Arctic
Monitoring and  Assessment Program (AMAP) to  identify priority pollutants  and
associated risks to  the Arctic ecosystem. We also continue to work as  needed to
provide technical and policy support for environmental issues under the Antarctic
Treaty System.

      The most significant macro-scale benefit of programs in this objective   is
the  protection of  Arctic  populations,   arid resources  in  marine  and  polar
environments  that are important to  the United States  and  other countries.  More
specifically, the 1999 programs will reduce environmental damages associated with
tributlytin,  ballast water discharges, ocean dumping,  and improper storage of
radioactive wastes.   In addition, on-going efforts to address land-based  sources
of marine  pollution in the  Wider  Caribbean should  result  in improvements  in
regional water  quality and marine habitats that  include economic benefits  to
significant commercial interests in the Region.

      Our interests in  protecting  the  oceans  and polar environments  cannot be
achieved through unilateral or domestic  actions alone.   Consequently,  EPA's
international efforts  in  this  area are centered on a strategy that  focuses on
selected multilateral negotiations that: 1) -set explicit international standards
for specific  marine  pollution problems, and 2) establish  cooperative  mechanisms
for identifying, prioritizing, and -mitigating/preventing international  sources
of Arctic contamination.   Our negotiating efforts are focused on global standard
setting and regional water bodies that  the U.S. shares with other nations  (e.g.
the  Wider  Caribbean and  Arctic  seas).   Other efforts  are project  specific,
addressing significant  source problems or establishing programs to be  replicated
on a larger scale.

      Significant steps taken in 1999,  leading to accomplishment of the  objective
include concluding a regional treaty on land-based marine pollution in  the Wider
Caribbean,  global  agreement  on  a phase-out of  tributyltin  use on ships,
completion  of   prototype   containment   systems   for  high-level  sources  of
radioactivity in the Arctic, and enabling Russia to formally accept the amended
London convention banning ocean disposal for all radioactive materials.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                      	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  05    Prevent Degradation of       $1,318.2      $1,307.7      $1,397.5
      the Marine and Polar

      Environmental Program &            $1,318.2      $1,307.7      $1,397.5

    Total FTE                                 9.9           9.9          10.2
1999 AnnualPerformance Goals

•     Conclude  regional  treaty  on  land-based marine  pollution  including 2
      source-specific annexes  (domestic wastewater & agricultural run-off)

•     Complete construction  of prototype  for transportable containment system
      for spent & damaged nuclear fuel from decommissioned Russian submarines;
      and initiate design feasibility and  siting studies for dedicated storage.

      The 1999 performance goals address distinct activities relating to long-
term achievement  of the objective.   The  first pertains  to  the conclusion of
negotiations on a regional agreement  addressing land-based marine pollution  and
the second pertains to completion of  site  specific projects in the Arctic.   The
combination of these 1999 performance goals represent incremental components in
seeking to prevent significant degradation of the marine and polar environments
over the long-term.   Completion  of the regional protocol on land-based marine
pollution  will provide the  first  instrument    in the  Wider  Caribbean  for
establishing  international  norms  for  specific contaminants  and effluents.
Attaining our  1999  performance goals for  programs in the Arctic will complete
important  design and  engineering   steps necessary  for  us  to  achieve  risk
reductions between 2000 and 2005.
1998 Annual , Performance Goals

•     Complete  design of prototype  for transportable  containment  system for
      spent & damaged nuclear fuel from decommissioned Russian submarines.

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                      Dollars          .FTE
 05 Obj.   Total Change                                 $89.8           0.3

       Environmental Program & Management               $89.8           0.3
      (+$89,800 EPM)  Total  payroll costs for this  objective will increase to
      reflect -increased workforce costs.
Key Performance Measures   	 1998	1SJL§	

 Design prototype completed for       September 30, 1998
 containment system

 Number and types of source-                              2 annexes completed
 specific annexes completed

      Preventing significant degradation  of the oceans and polar environments
over the  long-term   is  important since  the environmental health  and socio-
economic well-being  of these resources are  critical  to the United States and
other nations.   Accomplishment of our 1998 and  1999 goals will put  us  in a
position to better protect  these resources in future years.  Risks reduced will
be specific  to those contaminants targeted for  international  action.   Risks
reduced may be reductions in  environmental risks that are currently resulting in
known  damages  or  may  be  reductions in   potential  risks  associated  with
foreseeable, but preventable releases to the environment.

      Achieving the Arctic environmental goals in 1998  and 1999 will result in
proper disposal of high-level radioactive waste sources, significant reduction
in future risk from these sources,  and establishment of monitoring and assessment
stations for priority pollutants to distinguish regional from long-range  sources
of transport.

      Achieving  1999 performance goal will  establish definitive international
legal  standards  for   significant marine pollutants  that are  applicable to
numerous nations  through  global or regional  agreements.  Some reduction  in risk
may occur in the near-term,  but most significant reductions in environmental risk
will occur only  in  later years  due to  the sequential nature  of multi-year
objectives and the  lag between agreement finalization and entry-into-force of the
relevant international agreements.

      To effectively achieve our performance goals, EPA must assume that other
U.S. departments and Agencies  as well as affected stakeholders, international
organizations, and foreign states work cooperatively  to advance our collective


interests in this area.  Specific countries and international organizations, most
notably the International Maritime Organization,  the United Nations  Environment
Program, and the Arctic and Barrents Councils must be able to adequately support
the relevant  negotiations if we are to  be successful in achieving  the  stated
KeyPerformance Measures Verification

      The annual performance goals and measures identified  are expressed as the
degree of completion of explicit tasks  (e.g.  completion of  legal  agreement,  and
complete testing and construction of a radioactive waste prototype containment
system)  and the satisfaction of  U.S. negotiation objectives.  These measures may
be verified as tasks completed or, in some cases  (such a treaty negotiation)  will
require  assessment  by program  staff and management.   Verification of  these
measures does not involve  any  pollutant database analysis,  but  will  require
objective  assessment  of   tasks  completed  and  the  satisfaction  of   U.S.
environmental negotiating objectives.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)  sections 3002-3005  (42 U.S.C. 6922-

Toxic Substance Control Act  (TSCA) sections  5  and 6  (15  U.S.C.  2604 and 2605)

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C.  13101-13109)

North American Agreement on Environmental  Cooperation  (NAAEC)
1996 Habitat Agenda, paragraph 43bb

Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries  Act  of 1972  as  amended

[other possible authorities,  directives, obligations--Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

           Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks

Objective #6: Achieve Cleaner and More Cost-Effective Practices

      By  2005,  increase  the  application of  cleaner and  more cost-effective
environmental  practices  and  technologies  in  the  U.S.  and abroad through
international cooperation.


      With a request of  $7,958,200  and 37.6 total workyears, EPA's activities
under this objective will:  (1)  protect human health and global,  regional and
local ecosystems through enhanced environmental management capabilities in other
countries;  (2)  reduce  costs of  environmental  protection  in  the  U.S. through
international  sharing  of information and  costs  in environmental  policy and
research  programs;  (3)  promote environmentally  sound  trade worldwide through
participation in multilateral environmental agreements,  including trade regimes,
and the strengthening of  global environmental institutions;  and (4) advance U.S.
foreign policy,  economic, national  security,  humanitarian and other  interests

      The most  important benefits  of the programs  supporting this  objective
include protection of our national  environmental investments by ensuring that
trade policies do not undermine bur ability to protect the environment,  increased
cost-effectiveness  of   U.S.   environmental  programs,   enhancement  of  U.S.
environmental  security  and foreign policy requiring  environmental  technical
assistance,  and support  of U.S.  environmental  goals  that  require   capacity
building in key countries.

      The Agency will employ the following strategies in carrying out  its work
under this objective:  (1)  cooperation through the World Trade Organization  (WTO)
and  other  multilateral  fora  to  ensure  that  domestic  and  international
environmental  laws,  policies   and  priorities  are  recognized  and,  where
appropriate, promoted within the  multilateral  trading system; .(2) cooperation
with other Federal agencies, states, business and environmental Non Government
Organizations (NGOs)  to ensure an appropriate balance between the promotion of
trade in  U.S. goods and the need to protect the U.S. domestic environment and
achieve global environmental policy goals;  (3)  cooperation with other Federal
agencies, states,  local groups,  and  the  business community  in  promoting the
worldwide  dissemination  of  environmental  technologies  and  services;  (4)
implementation   of  bilateral  agreements  with  key  countries  facilitating
scientific,  technical  and  other  forms  of  environmental  cooperation;  (5)
multilateral  collaboration  in  coordinating  policies  and  in  implementing
cooperative  research  and  development programs;(6)  international  technical
assistance,  training, information exchange and other capacity-building  programs;
(7) implementation of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Defense


and. the Department of Energy on  "environmental security"; and. (8)  implementation
of EPA's international visitors program.

      Providing  access  to  microbiologically  safe  drinking  water  and  the
protection of drinking water sources in developing nations is one of the Agency' s
priorities.  These goals have been further underscored by the Administration's
interest  in  improving  the  environmental health of  children,  who  are  most
vulnerable  to -water-borne  -diseases.   Ongoing and new  initiatives in  the  water
sector  include  projects in Latin America,  Asia,  Central  and Eastern  Europe,
Russia, and the Newly Independent  States of the former Soviet Union.   The Agency
will be working  in cooperation with the Pan American  Health Organization,  the
U.S. Peace  Corps, the Water and Environment Federation, UNICEF,  and many  other
domestic  and  international  partners  to  improve  drinking water  treatment
techniques, waste water collection and treatment,  watershed management,  and the
operation,  maintenance, and financing  of water distribution systems.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                          '	1998 Pres Bud   1998 Enacted   1999 Pres  Bud

 Obj. 06    Achieve Cleaner and          $5,684.1      $4,315.8       $7,958.2
      More Cost-Effective Practices

      Environmental Program &            $5,684.1      $4,315.8       $7,958,2

    Total .FTE                                41.6           41.6          37.6
19:9.9	Annual Performance.	.Goals..

•     During  FY  1999,  deliver 30  international  training modules;  implement  6
      technical  assistance or technology  dissemination projects;  implement  5
      cooperative  policy  development projects;  and  disseminate  information
      products to 2,500 foreign customers.   The purpose of  these  programs will
      be to reduce air, water,  and waste  problems  in at least  6  environmentally
      and  geopolitically  significant  countries  and  to  improve  the  cost-
      effectiveness of U.S. domestic  programs.

•     Develop a training  module  for improving  the  performance of  existing
      drinking water treatment facilities  without major capital investments.

•     Initiate two pilot projects  to demonstrate how communities can protect and
      improve their drinking water sources with low-cost measures.

      The annual performance goals outlined for 1999 represent incremental steps
to address larger policy objectives that will require many years to realize.  In
many cases, such as in trade and the environment,  the policy objectives are on-
going in character,  requiring continuous  participation  in selected policy fora.
Success in these venues can be best characterized as success- in maintaining U.S.


flexibility  in our  authority to  require  necessary levels  of  environmental
quality.   In 1999,  annual  goals for our technical assistance programs represent
step-wise programs  targeted to specific environmental issues and sectors that are
critical to protection of the U.S.  and global environment.
1998 jtonual Performance Goals

•      During FY  1998,  deliver 25 international training  modules;  implement 5
      technical  assistance  or technology dissemination projects;  implement 4
      cooperative  policy development  projects;  and disseminate  information
      products to 2,000 foreign customers.  The purpose of these programs will
      be to reduce air,  water,  and waste problems in at least 6 environmentally
      and  geopolitically significant    countries and  to  improve the  cost-
      effectiveness of U.S.  domestic programs.
                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                               	Dollars	FTE

 06 Obj.   Total Change                              $3,642.4         <4.0)

       Environmental Program & Management            $3,642.4         (4.0)
      (+$2,900,000 EPM)  for the International Safe Drinking  Water Program to
      support  the  new Agency initiative  Ensuring- Children's  Health through
      Microbiologically  Safe Drinking  Water and  Adequate Sanitation.   This
      Initiative would result in significant  and measurable risk reduction from
      exposure  to  water-borne diseases  in targeted developing countries.  It
      includes components on environmental technology transfer  and environmental

      •The additional  change in resources  does  not represent a change in the
      program.  The application  of  1998  carryover funds to this objective are
      not included in this table.
       Key Performance Measures             1998                  1999

       Number of training modules        25  modules            5 modules

       Number of technical           _    5 projects            6 projects
 assistance or technical
 dissemination projects carried

       Number of information           2,000 products       2,500 products
 products disseminated to foreign

       Development of                                          1 module
 microbiological SDW training

       Number of pilot projects                            2 pilot projects
 conducted in targeted countries

      EPA's activities under this objective will help move U.S. and international
environmental policies  and programs toward the desired "end state" in which:  (1)
proven and  cost-effective environmental technologies and services  are  readily
available  to those  who need  them,   (2)  countries possess  the  environmental
management and enforcement capabilities  necessary to reduce environmental  risk,
and  (3)   countries,  including  the  United States,  benefit  economically  and
environmentally from scientific  or technological advances achieved in  another
Key Performance Measures Verification

      The annual performance goals  and measures identified under Objective 6 are
expressed  as  the degree of  completion of explicit  tasks  (e.g. completion  of
environmental security action plans for priority areas, delivery and successful
application of information  and training materials, trade initiatives that do not
compromise domestic environmental standard ) .  These measures may be verified as
tasks completed or,  in  some cases  (such  a treaty  negotiation) will  require
assessment by program staff and management.  Verification of these measures does
not  involve  any  pollutant  database  analysis,  but  will  require  objective
assessment  of  tasks completed  and the satisfaction  of  U.S.  environmental
negotiating obj ectives.
Statutory Authority

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (section 313  (42 U.S.C. 11023)

Pollution Prevention Act  (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)

World Trade Organization Agreements

North American Free Trade Agreement

Goal 7: Right to Know

Goal 7: Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About Their Environment VII-1
      Increase Quality/Quantity of Education, Outreach,
            Data Availability	VII-6
      Improve Public's Ability to Reduce Exposure	  VTI-18
      Enhance Ability to Protect Human Health.	, .  VII-2 7

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

         Expansion of Americans'  Right: to Know About Their Environment

Strategic? Goal:   Easy access to  a wealth of information about the state of  their
local  environment will expand  citizen involvement  and  give people  tools to
protect  their  families  and  their  communities  as .they  .see fit*    Increased
information  exchange between scientists,  public health officials, businesses,
citizens, and all levels of government will foster greater knowledge  about the
environment and what can be done to protect it.

                                 Goal Summary
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted   1999 Pres Bud

 Expansion of Americans' Right to      $156,730.7    $140,371.4    $159,087.8
      Know About their Environment

 Obj.  01    Increase                    $76,246.5     $72,202.0     $75,343.7
      Quality/Quantity of
      Education, Outreach, Data

 Obj.  02    Improve Public's            $51,493.5     $47,120,6     $51,875.5
      Ability to Reduce Exposure

 Obj.'  03    Enhance Ability to          $28,990.7     $21,048.8     $31,868.6
      Protect Public Health

   Goal Total FTE                           774.4         771.7         757.0
      Providing all Americans with access to sound environmental information and
informing  and  involving the  public in  our work  are  essential parts  of  a
comprehensive approach to protecting  the environment.  All U.S, citizens have  a
"right  to  know"  about  the pollutants  in  their  environment -  including the
condition of  the air they .breathe and the water they drink, as well as  the health
effects  .of the chemicals used in the food and products they buy.  Increased
information is especially valuable for minority, low-income, and Native American
communities  that  suffer a disproportionate burden of health consequences from
poor environmental conditions.  As U.S. citizens, they need to receive adequate
knowledge  of and  representation  in  public  policy  and environmental decision--

      Access  to  environmental information  enables American  citizens  to  be
involved and  informed environmental decision makers.  Through the  dissemination
of  information, citizens are  given  the'ability to  create and promote lasting
solutions  to environmental problems.  The relative  severity of  environmental
risks,  the opportunities for  preventing  pollution,  and the uncertainties and
complex  trade-offs  that underlie  many  environmental   decisions need  to  be
understood and addressed.  Public awareness is critical to developing sustainable
solutions  that all  stakeholders — industry,  agriculture,' government, and the
public will support and carry  out,


      The 1999 President's Budget requests $159,087,800 and 757.0 total  workyears
for this goal,  an increase of $18,716,400 and a decrease of 14.7 workyears over
1998 Enacted,   The Agency will use a variety of .strategies to accomplish this
goal,   Critical to  the  success of  these  strategies will be  cooperation and
collaboration  with  all potential partners, including Federal,  state, tribal and
local  governments,  education  institutions,   nonprofit  organizations,  and
businesses.   In 1999,  the  Agency will  expand  Americans' • "right  to  know" by
improving  the quality and  increasing the  quantity of  general environmental
education  outreach and data  availability programs, and  improving electronic
access to information.

      The resources  requested  in this  budget  will enable the Agency to meet a
number of important  performance  goals  in 1999.   The most significant of these

»     Add 10 state participants to the One-Stop Reporting Program  (Total=30).

•     Provide  over 100 grants to assist  communities  with  understanding and
      addressing Environmental Justice issues,

•     Increase  compliance  with  right  to  know  reporting  requirements  by
      conducting 1300 inspections and undertaking 200 enforcement actions,

*     3,300 large and very large community water systems  (serving approximately
      185  million  Americans)  will  issue  annual consumer confidence reports
      containing information  about the systems'  source water and the level of
      contaminants in the drinking water.

•     Process  110,000  facility chemical  release reports,  publish the TRI Data
      Release  Report and  provide improved information  to the public about TRI
      chemicals, enhancing  community right  to know and efficiently processing
      information  from industry.

•     By 1999, EPA  will complete 5-7 monitoring pilot projects in EMPACT cities,
      and implement timely and  high quality environmental monitoring technology
      in 5-7 EMPACT cities.



      The 1999 President's Budget .requests $51,875,500 and 255.1 total workyears,
an increase of $4,754,900 over  1998 Enacted, to improve the public's ability to
reduce exposure.   Under the Emergency  Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
(EPCRA), EPA  is required  to provide  the public with valuable chemical release
data through the Toxic Release Inventory  (TRI).  EPA has recently expanded the
TRI by  adding seven new industry sectors and by nearly doubling the  number of
..reportable chemicals.  The goal of these actions is to provide a broader picture
of industrial  releases and transfers so the public  will have more  information
.about potential risks.

      In  1999, EPA  will  perform quality analyses of  at least two additional
industries  reporting to TRI  and process 110,000 TRI Form R'-s  as  part of the
operation.   EPA will  finalize the persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxics  (PBT)
rule to add more chemicals to the TRI.  To ensure that the public has  information
on chemicals  that  may be highly toxic but are manufactured, processed, or used
in lower volumes, the Agency will lower the thresholds 'for reporting PBTs.  The
Agency has  expanded the  TRI effort  and  will  propose a chemical use  reporting


rule.  Finally, 'to  ensure the efficacy of this information, five  focus  groups
will  be  conducted  to  determine how to  better serve those  who would use  TRi

      The Agency aggressively  seeks to integrate all  relevant sources of data and
information to support  comprehensive approaches to  environmental  protection that
include community-based environmental protection (CBEP) and ecosystem protection.
This information is  to  be  coordinated and integrated  across the Agency to provide
comprehensive views of environmental data based on increased availability and
accuracy  of  locational  and  spatial  data,  the establishment  of  the central
structure  required  to  support data standards, and  a registry of environmental

      The 1999 President's Budget requests $67,487,300  and  302.9 total workyears,
a  $3,150,200  increase  over  1998  Enacted,  to  enhance  American's  access  to
environmental  information.    In 1999, "the Agency  will  provide  environmental
information through a variety of initiatives.

      The Agency's One Stop Reporting .Initiative will provide  one-stop access to
and  reporting  of  environmental   information.    This  initiative  focuses  on
streamlining   reporting  by  regulators   and   improving  the  availability  of
environmental  performance  data for the  public and the educational  community,
information such as databases,  press  releases,  phone  numbers,  fact,  sheets,  and
regulations will be made available ,on the World-Wide  Web.

      In 1999,  the Agency' s Public Access strategic Initiatives  will  provide the
necessary infrastructure to integrate EPA data  electronically  so that the .public
has access to information on environmental requirements  and regulations,  and is
provided, an opportunity  to comment.    Under the  Enforcement and  Compliance
Information (ECi)  initiative, the Agency will provide the public access to  user-
friendly information on enforcement and  compliance  data policies, guidance and
interpretations.  This initiative will improve  citizens'  and small  businesses'
access to, and their understanding of, compliance and enforcement information-

      Lessons  learned  from  the  Regulatory  Information Inventory  and  Team
Evaluation Project (RIITE) will be made available nationally, providing a toolbox
of successful approaches, establishing a  web site of forms, and testing the use
of web sites for submission of  compliance data.   Collection, analysis,  and use
of data  are at  the  heart  of effective  environmental management.   Electronic
reporting  for  many o.f the  Agency's core  compliance reports  will  be available;
e.g., municipal water system laboratory reports,  some transactions  involving the
hazardous waste manifest, and reporting of annual emissions inventories in some
delegated  states-.   Additionally,  EPA is now  developing  a "second  generation"
approach  on  Internet/Web-based forms, which will be  much more appropriate for
small companies and for individuals.

      The  Agency  will ensure  that small business and other  small entities are
full  participants  in  Agency  regulatory  activities,   especially   regulatory
development  and compliance assistance.   Under  the requirements  of  the  Small
Business  Regulatory Enforcement  Fairness  Act of  1996,  the  Agency provides  small
entities  the  opportunity to participate in the development of proposed  rules
subject to the Regulatory Flexibility Act.  One of the  Agency keys for successful
small business participation in the environmental decision making process is a
well  informed and educated  small  business community.    A focal  point of  the
Agency's  small business information activities  is EPA' s Office of Small Business
Ombudsman  (SBO) .  This office coordinates over  12, 000 small  business inquiries
each  year,  supports an internet Web  page for small  business,  and  coordinates

                                     VII-3 '

agency  regional small  business activities.   .In  addition,  the  SBO provides
oversight  for  and  reports to Congress on small business compliance activities
'under §507  of the Clean Air Act,  Through this process the Agency and the  small
business community stay abreast of each other's needs and concerns.

      The  creation of the Center for Environmental Information and Statistics
(CEIS)  will  play  a crucial  role  in  our efforts  to  improve  delivery  of
environmental   information  to  the   public  and  ensure  a  cooperative   and
collaborative approach to  environmental decision making.  The CEIS  will provide
a "Master Atlas" that integrates various mapping software and provides multimedia
data on environmental quality, status  and  trends.  CEIS will also  have a web  site
for visitors to identify and contact  Agency representatives  so that they may
discuss the environmental data used and the Agency's interpretation.  The  CEIS
will also serve as  the Agency's source  of internal information on environmental
quality,  status and trends - informing  individuals, communities, businesses and
the  public  of environmental  information  which will  be  easily accessible,
objective,  and  reliable.

Ensuring Environmental Justice

       The  1999 President's Budget requests  $7,856,400 and 45.7  total workyears
to support  environmental justice.  In 1999,  the Agency will work to ensure  that
minority,  low-income,  and  Native  American  communities  will   be  able  to
meaningfully participate in environmental  decision-making and protect themselves
from undue  risks.   The Agency will hold National Environmental Justice Advisory
Council meetings to advise the Administrator on Environmental Justice concerns.

      The Agency will continue to develop the Environmental Justice program to
ensure  that all people,  regardless  of race,  national  origin,  or income,  are
protected from  a disproportionate impact of environmental hazards.  Environmental
programs do not always equally benefit all  communities or all populations.  To
remedy this  problem,  the  Agency will raise the awareness and understanding of
environmental  issues  affecting high  risk communities by  holding at least one
Enforcement  Roundtable  in an  affected  community.   To  facilitate community
involvement, EPA will provide grants to minority and low income communities to
address Environmental Justice issues.

      Through  the  Interagency Workgroup  meetings and joint projects, EPA will
work  to  ensure that all  Federal  agencies comply with  the  Executive Order on
Environmental Justice and  incorporate  environmental justice concerns into program
planning and implementation.  EPA will also integrate Environmental  Justice  into
its  own  program  operations,  Regional   Memoranda  of  Agreement, and   state
Performance Partnership Agreements.

Tools for Enhancing the Ability to ProtectHuman Health

      The 1999  President's Budget requests $31,868,600 and 153.3 total workyears,
an increase of  $10,819,800 over 1998 Enacted, to enhance American's ability to
protect human health.  In pursuing this objective, the Agency ensures that all
Americans have  easy access to sound environmental information.  Providing this
information  will allow  citizens to expand their involvement in protecting the

      The  President's Environmental Monitoring for Public Access and Community
Tracking (EMPACT) initiative is a cross-agency program established to provide the
public with  information  regarding local  environmental  conditions  (e.g.  toxic
pollutants,  water  and air quality).   This program will continue to report and
provide  access to selected  communities  throughout  the nation.   EMPACT  will
provide  at  least  75 of  the  largest  U.S.  metropolitan areas  with access  to


information  regarding  the quality of  their local environments,  and relevant
scientific and technical tools to interpret and evaluate potential impacts and
risks to these environments.  The Agency will expand EMPACT's effectiveness by
improving technological approaches to data management and communications and by
improving its discourse with the public regarding environmental risks.

      Citizen involvement in  protecting  the environment will also be expanded
through the  Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) .   IRIS is an EPA database
of Agency consensus health  information on environmental contaminants which is
used extensively by EPA Program Offices and Regions where consistent, reliable
toxicity information is needed for credible risk assessments.  Each of the 535
IRIS "files"  contains chemical-specific  information  on cancer  and noncancer
health  effects.  Each IRIS file summarizes a more detailed health assessment or
support .document.  IRIS is  heavily used  for risk assessments and other health
evaluations across the Agency.  The most frequent users are Regional and state
risk assessors,  but use has grown to include all levels of government, as well
as the public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally.

                        Environmental Protection Agency .

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

         Expansion of American's Right to Know About Their Environment

Objective 1:      increase  Quality/Quantity  of  Education,  Outreach,  Data

      By  2005,  EPA will  improve  the  ability  of  the  American  public  to
participate in the protection o.f human health and the environment by increasing
the quality and quantity of general  environmental education,  outreach and data
availability   programs,   especially   in  dj.sproportion.ally   impacted   and
disadvantaged communities.


      This objective supports  EPA's  efforts to  provide an   increasing quantity
of information  to the  public  so that the public is  able to  make informed and
educated  decisions  on  environmental  issues  affecting  their  communities.
Information    will  be  made  available  to  educators,  academic  institutions,
scholars,  industry,  state and  local  governments,  non-profit organizations, the
public,  and NAFTA partners.  Resources  within this  objective also help support
the  President's  Environmental  Monitoring  for  Public Access  and  Community
Tracking (EMPACT)initiative.   EPA's  role in EMPACT  is to develop approaches to
1) integrate monitoring  measurement technologies  with effective data management
and  communications  solutions  and  2)  to  research  to  facilitate  effective
communication  to  the  public  regarding  environmental  risk.   Major  program
benefits include  fair and equal protection under .environmental  laws for those
communities disproportionately affected by toxic  releases and hazards, a better
informed  public,  increased  involvement  of  citizens  in  adversely  impacted
communities in environmental decisions affecting  them, and  pollutant reductions
in high risk communities.

      In support of this objective, EPA will continue to  increase the amount and
quality  of publicly available  information on  environmental programs.   This
includes one-stop access to and reporting of program information.  The Agency's
One-Stop Reporting Initiative will focus on streamlining reporting by regulated
entities and ultimately improve the availability of environmental performance
data to the public.  A  central  component of the One-Stop  Reporting Initiative
is establishing a standard facility identifier for regulated entities.  EPA will
also provide an Agency-level framework to ensure  an  overall coordinated approach
to information collection, integration,  and access.   EPA will manage and support
Internet  activities such as managing  website  content and organization.   The
website  activity provides  world-wide electronic access to Agency information
such as  databases,  press releases,  locator tools,  fact .sheets,  regulations,
policies and guidance,  and other Agency information.  In  addition,  the Agency
will provide the Envirofacts data  warehouse to state and local communities and
Tribal governments.  Envirofacts allows the Agency to develop new software tools
for  conducting permit  reviews,  assessing  compliance  status and  trends,  and
conducting environmental assessments.  EPA will also work to develop and improve
existing tools to identify communities most disproportionately affected by toxic
releases   and  hazards.  This  objective   also  involves   collaboration  and
coordination  of the efforts  outlined to  address environmental  justice issues
within EPA and with other Federal agencies.

      Multimedia resources serve to educate students, individuals, tribes  and
communities  about  environmental and public health  protection.   EPA will  use
various media  resources to aid and increase public  understanding of public
health  and  environmental protection  issues.   Equally  important is advising
appropriate  program offices  in EPA on  the  various  outreach tools available.
This  will  increase the public's .awareness  of  environmental issues and  their
technological and  scientific  solutions,  as  well as apply standardized cross-
media  tools  to identify  communities  at  risk  of  potential   environmental
contamination.   This  objective  supports  educational  and  training  programs that
encourage replication of model  environmental education  curricula programs  and
materials for educators  and teachers.  It also supports  youth programs such as
the  President's Environmental  Youth  Awards and the Vice  President's  GLOBE
initiative - which will be used -to convene workshops and meetings to involve
scientists and  educators in  selecting appropriate  environmental observations
that will be  used to  coordinate  the work of  students, -teachers, and scientists
to study and understand the environment^

      An  integral  component  of  this  objective  is  the  environmental justice
program.  The goal of the environmental justice  program is  to ensure that  all
people,  regardless of race,  national  origin,  or income,  are  protected from
disproportionate impacts of environmental   hazards  and  that the  most affected
communities have adequate opportunities to participate in environmental decision
making. EPA  is  the lead  agency  for Executive Order  12898, which  requires each
Federal  agency  to  integrate environmental  justice  a part  of  its mission  by
identifying and  addressing,  as appropriate, disproportionately high  and adverse
human  health and  environmental effects  of its  own programs,  policies  and
activities  on  minority populations  and  low-income  populations.   Through
Interagency Workgroup meetings and joint  projects, EPA will work to  ensure that
-all Federal agencies  are aware of and incorporate environmental justice concerns
into  program planning  and  implementation.   EPA will  also  continue  to hold
National  Environmental  Justice  Advisory  Council   meetings   to  advise  the
Administrator on environmental justice  concerns.  The Agency will also integrate
issues  into  program operations,  Regional  Memoranda of Agreement/ and  state
Performance  Partnership Agreements.

      EPA is particularly interested in making sure that minority, low-income
and Native American communities receive adequate information  and representation
in  public  policy   and   environmental  decision-making  processes.    Although
significant  progress  has  been  made  in  achieving  healthier,   sustainable
environments, environmental  programs  have  not always  equally benefitted  all
communities or all  populations within a community.  In particular,  environmental
programs  do  not always  address the disproportionate exposures to  pesticides,
lead,  or  other  toxic chemicals suffered by certain communities  at home  or at
work.  To  raise  awareness and understanding of environmental issues affecting
these high risk communities,  at  least one Enforcement Roundtable -will be held
in such  a community.  To facilitate  community  involvement, EPA will provide
grants  to minority  and/or  low  income  communities  to  address  environmental
justice issues.

      Citizens  also  need  access  to  information  to  stay   informed   about
environmental issues and participate effectively in decisions affecting  their
communities.    The  maze of statutory and  regulatory  authorities  and policy
interpretations is daunting,  and  the public needs clear  information on  the
regulatory requirements  and contacts to  answer questions and resolve concerns.
EPA   will  provide  the  necessary  infrastructure  to  integrate  EPA  data
electronically  so  that  the public has access to information on  environmental
requirements.    The  Agency   will provide  public  access  to  user  friendly
information  on  enforcement  and  compliance  policies,  guidance,  site-specific
interpretations  and other information  relating to the Agency's  enforcement  and


 compliance assurance program.  This will allow the public to better understand
 the  environmental  conditions  in  their  local area  as well  as the broader
 accomplishments of EPA.   EPA will  make  information available  to  the public
 through the  Agency's Public  Access Strategic  Initiatives.   Activities and
 projects associated with this  initiative  include:  making Agency regulations,
 policies and guidance available  to the public and allowing the public to comment
 electronically; making key enforcement interpretations available, as recommended
 by the Enhanced Public Access Task Force; managing and organizing Agency 'records
 in  electronic  formats to enhance  both internal  and public access;  measuring
 citizen satisfaction with the information and access, thus allowing continuous
 improvement in services;  and enhancing design and organization of EPA's Homepage
 and  upper-level web pages.  To  support these activities,  the Agency requests

      EPA offices will use electronic communications such as the Enforcement and
 Compliance Information (ECI) initiative which will reengineer enforcement data'
 systems to  improve  the  Agency's,   states',  and the  public's access  to and
 understanding of compliance and enforcement information.  ECI will also relate
 these  data to  risk  and  other relevant information  for decision making.   The
 Index  of Watershed  Indicators   (IWI) is  another example  which  contains more
 environmental and health information than EPA has presented before -  combining
 15  indicators  of  aquatic resource  health  to characterize the  condition and
 vulnerability of 2,HI watersheds in the  continental  United  States.   Several
 Federal,  state and nongovernmental  organizations contributed to this Index.
 These same agencies share in our  past water quality successes and will continue
 to be  involved in overcoming the problems  IWI  brings  to light.   The IWI will
 also enable  managers and community residents to understand and take  action to
 protect the  watershed where they live.   The watershed information provided by
 IWI  can also  lead to more  specific information about  their  water,  how they
 compare to similar watersheds,  and what may be causing problems.

      Lessons  learned from  the Regulatory  Information  Inventory  and  Team
 Evaluation  Project  (RIITE) will' be made  available nationally,  providing  a
 toolbox of successful approaches, establishing a website of forms, and testing
 the use of websites for submission of compliance data.  Collection, analysis and
 use of data are at the heart of  effective environmental management.  Electronic
 reporting for many of the  Agency's  core  compliance reports will be  available
 (e.g.,  municipal water system laboratory reports, some transactions  involving
 the hazardous waste manifest,  and annual emissions inventories in some  delegated
 states).   Additionally,  EPA is 'now  developing a "second generation" approach
 based on internet/Web-based forms, which will be much more appropriate  for  small
 companies  and individuals.

      Creation  of the Center for Environmental Information and  Statistics  (CEIS)
 will  play  a  crucial  role  in  efforts to  improve  delivery  of   environmental
 information  to the public and ensure a cooperative and collaborative approach
 to environmental decision making.  The CEIS will provide a "Master Atlas" that
 integrates  the capabilities  of EPA's various mapping  software  offerings and
• provides multimedia data on environmental quality, status and trends as well as
 an  electronic  network that allows  website visitors  easy identification and
 contact with  Agency data  experts  to  discuss  questions  of  data  use and
 interpretation.  The  CEIS  will also serve as  the  Agency's point of internal
 focus and convenient point of external public access for integrated, multi-media
 information  on  environmental  quality,   status  and  trends  —   informing
 individuals,  communities,  businesses  and the public of environmental information
 that is easily accessible, objective, and reliable.  For example, -small entity
 outreach :and education will be augmented by making information on training and
 technical assistance available  through the .Small Entity  homepage.  The  CEIS will
 be customer-oriented, meeting the needs of the many audiences for  environmental


information.  For CEIS, the Agency is  requesting  a total of  $4,355,300 and  33

       In 1999, EPA will identify and  promote the development  of new policies
and  innovative approaches  to  environmental  management  through cooperative
partnerships  with  organizations and institutions outside of  EPA,.   EPA will
accomplish this  through  the National Advisory Council  for Environmental Policy
and Technology (NACEPT)  and its  standing  committees, and  statutorily-mandated
advisory  committees dealing  with North American  Free Trade Agreement  (NAFTA)
implementation and U.S./Mexico border  issues.  The  committees are:  the National
Advisory  Committee/Governmental  Advisory  Committee  and  the  Good Neighbor
Environmental Board.

      Providing public  access to information is  also a statutory requirement
under  the  Freedom of  Information  Act  (FOIA) .    The  Office  of  Executive
Secretariat controls an ever increasing  quantity of correspondence, and routes,
logs,  and tracks Agency  FOIA  requests.   This office  develops FOIA policy;
coordinates Agency FOIA and correspondence  policies;  guides  and trains Agency
personnel in FOIA and  correspondence activities; prepares a yearly FOIA report
to Congress;  provides policy and program oversight on  FOIA; and manages and
tracks executive correspondence.  To support this  process,  the  Agency requests
$2,268,400 and 29 workyears.

      The  regulatory  development process  ensures  compliance  with  various
statutes  governing  rulemaking,  and   promotes  an  improved  and streamlined
regulatory  process  including increased  public  information.   EPA  has  been  a
leader in the Federal  government in the  use of consensus building techniques and
will  continue to  develop negotiated  rulemaking,  policy  dialogues  and other
consensus based stakeholder involvement  techniques at the  national, regional,
local and international levels.   Involvement of  stakeholders  in crafting the
programs and rules by  which they will abide  promotes innovative, effective and
cost  effective  solutions  and fosters  earlier, more  complete  compliance with
environmental protection measures.

      The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act  (SBREFA) requires
EPA to establish -formal mechanisms for outreach to small entities for certain
significant  regulations.  EPA is committed  to the advancement  of outreach and
public  participation  in  the rulemaking process for  all  stakeholders  and
especially for small entities.  The Small  Business  Ombudsman was created by the
Administrator to assist small businesses in understanding and complying with new
legislative initiatives.  The Ombudsman  identifies  and  evaluates small business
problems  and recommends practices as  they  relate to small businesses.   The
Ombudsman provides  outreach  to small  business in a multitude  of ways-through
distribution of information,  the small business  homepage,  hotline, training,
conferences,  etc.-and is continually looking for  ways to improve outreach and
involve  the small  business community  directly  in the regulatory development
process.   The Agency requests  a total of  $987,100 and  3 workyears for this
obj ective.

      This objective  will be  supported through legal  counseling and advocacy.
This may  include advice,  participation in the development of  Agency actions,
document review, and  the conduct of defensive litigation.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                   1998  Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  01    increase
      Quality/Cuantity of
      Education, Outreach, Data

      Environmental Program &

      Hazardous .Substance

    Total FTE
$76,246.5     $72,202.0     $75,343.7
$75,489.1     $69,791.8     $72,915.2
1999 Annual Performstn.ce Goals

«    Continue to advise the Administrator on Environmental Justice  issues.

•    Continue to  ensure that all  Federal  agencies comply with the Executive
     Order on Environmental justice,  review performance measure, and conduct
     Environmental Justice project in coordination with other  Federal agencies.

«    Continue to make Enviro$sense more  user  friendly and  continue  electronic
     conversion of appropriate  enforcement documents and data to provide for
     enhanced public access.

•    'Continue to  improve public  access  to compliance  and enforcement  data,
     particularly  to high risk communities,  through multimedia data  integration
     projects and  other  studies,  analyses  and communication/outreach activities.

•    Continue to  develop tools  for data management programs integrating EPA

•    Increase availability  and  usage  of environmental information  on the EPA

•    Make 60% of the Agency's interpretive  Guidance available on  the Internet.

•    Add 10 State  participants  to  the  One—Stop Reporting Program (for a total
     of 30).

•    Make Electronic Data Interchange/Electronic Commerce  (EDI/EC)  available for
     Agency reports.

*    Make 5% of data reported to EPA available through EDI/EC.

•    Establish a National Facility ID file with accurate information for 95% of
     the facilities.

•    Continually improve processes to involve affected parties in  environmental
     decision-making to forma more collaborative and cooperative partnership.

*    Index of Watershed Indicators  (IWI)  report is updated.

•    Improve the consistency of Federal/State and  other reporting requirements
     through technological  advances  n information  generation combined with new
     approaches in environmental management.

     The Agency's goal  is to ensure that all people receive 'equal protection and
access  to  a ''healthy .and sound environment.   The  Agency will  ensure that the
President's Executive Order on Environmental Justice  is implemented in Federal
and non-Federal areas. The Agency will  provide  everyone with access  to user
friendly   information  on   enforcement  and  compliance  policies,   guidance,
interpretations  and other information relating to  the Agency's enforcement and
compliance assurance program.  EPA will also continue  to hold public NACEPT and
NAFTA Federal Advisory  Committee Act  (FACA)  meetings  to review current issues,
identify emerging issues, establish priorities,  and develop near-  and long-term
recommendations on environmental  issues.  The meetings will  culminate in the
issuance 'Of six  to  ten    reports  that  will  inform  the Administrator,  the
President,  and  Congress  of  these  independent committees'  recommendations  on
various environmental  issues.   These recommendations will empower the Agency,
the President,  and Congress  to make better  informed decisions  on  important
environmental issues.

     The.Agency also  estimates  that it will receive and respond to approximately
140,000 pieces  of executive correspondence and 30,000  FOIA requests in 1999.
By responding to these  public inquiries,  the Agency empowers the American public
with information that enables them to make informed decisions on  environmental
issues in their  communities.  In 1999, the Office of Executive Secretariat will
fully implement  the Electronic Freedom of Information  Act (E-FOIA)  by expanding
and enhancing availability of databases  to the public through a  user friendly
indexing system and an electronic "reading  room."

     The first phase  of the IWI  has been completed. . Updates  and refinements are
planned in 1999 that will  extend its use as both an analytic and an outreach
tool.   This will include data to show environmental change over more recent time
intervals,  and  prototypes  of the use of  data  in  innovative ways  for internet
presentations at finer  scales -of resolution in .selected  states.  Work will begin
to portray program response (a new category of data)  in the IWI  format.

     The Agency will  continue to manage and improve the regulatory development
process  so  that  our  informational  databases provide program managers,  the
Administration,  Congress,  and external  stakeholders with  timely  and accurate
information  on  the status  and history of individual  EPA rulemakings and their
compliance with  statutory mandates.    Continued use  of  consensus  building
techniques will  be used to  improve environmental rulemaking decisions, enhanced
guidance and training  will be provided,  and improved  databases  which provide
information  on  regulatory  development and identify facilitators  and mediators
will  be available,  EPA  will  expand efforts  to  reduce reporting burden and
streamline  reporting.     Key  activities  include  electronic  reporting  for
pretreatment program and Spill Prevention,  Control  and Countermeasure  (SPCC)
plans,  full-scale Internet-based  EDI for  Hazardous Waste Manifest,  updated
Agency policy on EDI  and  final report to OMB on information streamlining plan.

     EPA   will  continue   outreach  to  small  business,  establishing  formal
mechanisms and building partnerships  to advocate  small business involvement in
Agency rulemakings.   EPA  will complete Regulatory  Flexibility analyses for all
of its rulemaking that  may  have significant impacts on a substantial number of
small  entities,  initiate   a  small  communities  outreach  program   to  gather
information on impacts  of 'EPA rules on small communities, augment Small Entities
Homepage with specific information on rules for 20%  of the sectors identified


by the Agency,  and  improve small entity outreach through training and technical
assistance to Agency managers and staff.

     EPA  will  play  a  crucial  role  in  efforts  to  improve  delivery  of
environmental information through the CEIS.   The CEIS will serve as the Agency's
point  of  internal focus and  convenient point  of  external public  access  for
integrated, multi-media information on environmental quality,  status and trends
•—  informing   individuals,   communities/   businesses  and  the   public   of
environmental information that is easily  accessible,  objective,  and reliable.
The CEIS will be customer-oriented,  meeting the needs of the many audiences for
environmental  information,  and will  also serve as  an effective tool  in  the
Agency'svplanning and budgeting processes

1998 3tanu>3L Psirfozinajacc Goals

•    Advise the Administrator on Environmental Justice Issues.

•    Continue  to ensure that all Federal agencies comply with  the Executive
     Order on Environmental  justice, review performance measure,  and conduct
     Environmental  Justice project in coordination with other Federal agencies.

•    Make Enviro$sense more user friendly and continue electronic conversion of
     appropriate enforcement documents and data to  provide  for enhanced public

•    Improve public access to  compliance and enforcement data,  particularly to
     high risk communities,  through multimedia data  integration projects  and
     other studies, analyses and communication/outreach activities.

*    Make environmental  data/information available  to the public  in  a user-
     friendly manner.

•    Develop tools for data management  programs integrating  EPA data.

•    Make 30% of the Agency's  Interpretive Guidance available on the Internet.

•    Add 7 state participants  to  the One-Stop Reporting Program for a total of
     20 states.

•    Provide 1 Agency report on EDI/EC  available.

•    Complete the design for a National Facility Identifier  System.

•    Make Phase  II Index of Watershed Indicators (IWI) data and analyses on a
     watershed basis via Internet.

•    Implement priority  data quality improvements form partnerships to promote
     understanding and use of information.

•    Continually improve processes to involve affected parties in environmental
     decision making to  form a more  collaborative and cooperative partnership.

•    Improve the consistency of Federal/State and other reporting .requirements
     through technological advances in information generation combined with new
     approaches  in environmental .management.

                       1999 Change  from 1998 Enacted
                           (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                     Dollars          FTE
01 Obj.   Total Change                              $3,141.7         (32.5)

      Environmental Program & Management            $3,123.4         (32.5)

      Hazardous Substance Superfund                    $18.3            0.0

      ($2,439,200  EPM;  33 FTE)   An investment will- be redirected  from OPPE
     regional resources  to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to support
     GPRA and accountability.

      ($500,000  EPM)   An  investment  will  be  redirected to support economic
     analysis and sustainable industry sinall business  initiatives.

      ($-200,000 EPM)  A disinvestment in  the  level of National Environmental
     Education Act resources distributed  from  Headquarters,  including funding
     for the Environmental Education and  Training Foundation.

      ($-650,000 EPM) A disinvestment to reflect completion of certain Regional
     projects under the EMPACT/Right-to-Know  Initiative.

      ($-1,300,000  EPM)   A disinvestment due to  a 1998 Congressional Add-on for
     the Environmental  Justice Community/University Grant program.

      ($+3,340,000 EPM)  An investment to  support, under EMPACT,  enhancements
     of Surf  Your Watershed  and to  the  Index of Watershed  Indicators (IWI).

      ($+3,750,000  EPM)   Investment will provide for increased use of the EMPACT
     home page by the public, building increased local capacity in access  to
     the information, a  technology architectural  plan for the EMPACT program,
     and a data standards program for EMPACT.

      ($+496,000 EPM)  An investment to support  the Small Business Ombudsman and

      ($+947,700 EPM) An  investment  for increasing  the management,  integration,
     and volume of data/information offered on the EPA Website.
Key Performance .Measures	1998                  1999	
Environmental Justice Grants       100 Grants             100  Grants
CERCLA Environmental Justice       27 Grants              27 Grants
Documents included in              4,200 Documents        4,200  Documents
Hits to several Websites           67,400 Documents       67,400 Documents
Specialized .assistance and         100 Courses            100  Courses
Increase Usage on EPA Internet     140,000,000 Hits       180,000,000 Hits
Increase data/information on       25 Percent             10 Percent
EPA Website

Add new data system to
Interpretive Guidance on
Number of States with One-Stop
Availability of EDI/EC
EDI/EC Data Reported
Facility ID .file accuracy
Design facility ID system
Completion o.f analysis of

Phase II IWI with underlying
data publicly available on
watershed basis via Internet
3 Types

30 Percent

20 States

1 Report
100 Percent
1 Analysis
2 Types

60 Percent

30 States

4 Reports
5 Percent
95 Percent
Updated IWI Report

Small entity outreach and
Improve Federal/State
collaboration efforts
Hold 2 conferences

10 Meetings
1 Report

.Hold 2 conferences

10 Meetings
        Under  the  provisions of  the  Executive Order  on  Environmental
  Justice,  EPA provides grant funding to universities and  communities -to
  help  raise  awareness  of  environmental  and  public  health  issues in
  disproportionately exposed .and  .low income  communities.   Open dialogue on
  Environmental Justice concerns  will ensure that Environmental Justice is
  integrated into  the Agency's  inspection,  enforcernent,  and  compliance
  assurance  efforts.

        The  public  and  regulated   community  will  also  have  access to
  accurate,  timely,   and  comprehensive   information  about  regulatory
  requirements.  The Federal Facilities Program will  conduct environmental
  equity     profiles,     Federal    Facility     environmental     justice
  meetings/conferences,   and post   relevant  policies  and  guidance on
  Enviro$en$e.   The enhancement of the Agency's web sites  and uploading of
  material  will  enable all  stakeholders,  including the  public and the
  regulated community,  to have access to the major policies,  documents and
  interpretative guidance used to implement  the enforcement and compliance
  program.   The web  sites  also  provide  additional  information  (e.g.,
  pollution  prevention opportunities) that enable  the  public  to  develop
  community-based environmental protection programs and  strategies  and the
  regulated community  with opportunities  to  enhance   their  economic
  efficiency and thei.r compliance record.  The project will integrate data
  from   several  data   sources  into  a  single  system   allowing   both
  facility-level  and  sector analysis.

        The  Agency  is  committed  to improving  Americans'  knowledge  and
  understanding  of  environmental  issues  so that they will be  able to make
  informed and educated  decisions about environmental  issues affecting their
  communities.   To that end, the Agency is making a determined effort to

increase the quality and quantity of its general  environmental  education,
outreach and data  availability programs,  especially  in disproportionately
impacted  and disadvantaged comraunitie,s.   EPA's efforts will  directly
support  the President's "Right-To-Know"  goal  by providing up-to-date,
accurate pictures of the conditions and stressors in their communities.

      Accomplishments  under  this objective provide  key milestones  for
ensuring  the collection of environmental  information  in a manner  that
reduces burden while promoting integrity, accuracy,  and  supporting timely
access for communities,  regulators,  and scientists  to the data they  need
to make  sound decisions about human health and the environment.  EPA is
committed to  the  overall  effort of connecting the American people  more
effectively  with  the  decision making  structures  of  all  levels  of
government  and to  establishing a  more  cooperative  and collaborative
approach to environmental decision making.   To this end,  EPA will increase
efforts  to  involve  stakeholders   and  provide  information,   guidance,
technical assistance and evaluation with a  focus on small entities. Small
entity outreach programs represent EPA's continuing  commitment  to involve
affected parties in a collaborative environmental decision-making process.
These  partnerships will  result in  better,  more  cost effective,  more
implementable,  more   creative   solutions  to  environmental   problems,
Furthermore,  when the public  and EPA's  partners are  empowered  with
information,  they can act in ways beneficial to the environment.   As a
result, EPA  seeks to get  information  to the parties that need it in the
most efficient manner possible.

      EPA provides the  public with information which enables Americans to
participate in  the protection of public health  and the environment.  The
Agency's approach  involves  expanding the content  of EPA's data holdings,
improving the quality and useability of the data,  and ensuring  that these
data are widely available.  The dramatical'!y increasing availability of
public access to electronic media offers unprecedented  opportunities for
EPA  to  provide  citizens with the  information  necessary  to  effect
substantial  environmental  improvements.   EPA's  emphasis on  electronic
records management will enhance public access  to EPA records.   EPA  will
also focus on electronic rule-making to support  the right of citizens to
be  knowledgeable of,  and to  participate in,   decisions affecting  the
environment.  Additional efforts involve  EPA's  attempts to incorporate
state  participation in  the  voluntary One-stop Reporting  Program  and
continued  commercial  development   of  the  Internet  in a  manner  that
continues   to  support  public   outreach  and  access   to  the  Agency's

      EPA will also work to develop and improve  existing tools to identify
communities  most  disproportionately  affected by  toxic  releases   and
hazards;  reduce  such  releases and  hazards  by  targeting enforcement
activities  and  other specific activities  to reduce exposure and promote
cleanup;  continue  collaboration and coordination on  environmental justice
issues within EPA  and with .other Federal agencies covered by the Executive
Order; integrate  environmental  justice issues into program operations,
Regional  Memoranda  of Agreement,  and  state  Performance Partnership
Agreements;  and, enhance community participation in environmental programs
by increasing and  improving education,  technical assistance  and financial
support to high risk communities.

        The .dramatically  increasing  availability  of  public  access  to
electronic  media  offers unprecedented opportunities for EPA  to provide
citizens   with   the   information  necessary   to   effect  substantial
environmental  improvements.   Our  watershed-based  electronic  outreach


efforts,  .including  Surf Your  Watershed  and  the  Index  of Watershed
Indicators, will directly support the Agency's  efforts  to  implement  the
President's  "Right  To  Know"  goal  by  providing  up-to-date,   accurate
pictures of the conditions and stressors in their communities.

      Improving the ability of the American public to  participate in  the
protection of human health and the environment  will be facilitated through
continued improvements to the regulatory development process, electronic
systems,  burden reduction, electronic data reporting and the use  of public
advisory  committees.   Public  participation  will  also  be improved  by
expanding  outreach to  small  businesses,  and  through development  of  the
CEIS.  The CEIS will  improve the quality and integration  of  environmental
information,  improve  electronic access  to information,  and meet  the needs
of stakeholders to  determine their internal  and external  requirements  for
environmental  information.    The   CEIS  will also  provide  an  easily
accessible central  point which consolidates and reports  information that
the Agency or  others .hold on -environmental conditions and 'trends.   The
CEIS will enhance Agency  efforts  to  protect the  environment — providing
tools for  more fact-based  decision  making and providing customers with
information that is  useful to them,

      Efforts  to   reinvent  reporting  practices  track with  changes  in
information  technology  that  are taking   place  in the  commercial  and
industrial sectors, where there has been a phenomenal growth in electronic
commerce in recent  years.  Some industries  report large  savings  from  the
use of EDI - partly due to a  40-50%  reduction  in general  data error rate
compared to paper documents.  Based  on anecdotal evidence,  EPA  estimates
that EDI  can be expected to  reduce  burden by 15% on  average across  EPA
programs .
      The Agency maintains a FOIA tracking system that will be  used to
determine the number of FOIA requests completed each year.

      Staff within the  Office of Cooperative Environmental  Management are
responsible for publishing the NACEPT and  NAFTA reports.   At  the end of
the year, they will identify the  number  of reports  issued by  the' NACEPT
arid NAFTA FACA committees .

      The  Agency has  attempted  to  develop  measures  which  adequately
reflect  program  goals  and  objectives.     These  measures   emphasize
quantifiable aspects of program processes, incorporating realistic program
outputs and outcomes.   The Agency  recognizes the importance of verifying
the  validity  of  performance measures  and  indicators.    consequently,
efforts  are planned and currently  underway   to  ensure  that  measures
accurately reflect and  support our assumptions.  An  important  first step
in this process has been  the  undertaking  of a Customer  Service survey to
measure customer  satisfaction.  The  results of  this survey will provide
us  with  a framework  by  which  to  validate  and  revise many  of  our
assumptions. As  the process evolves,  the  program output and outcome data
provided will allow  us to refine both  our measures and  our  supporting
information management system.

      While the  planned performance measure for this  objective  is output-
oriented,  the availability  of refinements to the  Index of  Watershed
Indicators  will  provide  the   Agency   and  the  pifblic  significant
opportunities to better  understand the  extent  of the  health of  the


nation's ecosystems.   Working with a broad array  of  inter-governmental
partners,  we can  assure  the validity  of the  data presented  in  our
comprehensive assessments by continually refining data layers that  undergo
frequent change  and by ensuring that  the entire system is updated  and
refreshed on a periodic basis.   This will enable the  establishment of a
firm analytical footing for measuring progress in  the future..

      The success in improving the regulatory development process  will be
visible  through  the  number  of   stakeholders  participating  in  the
development  of Agency rulemaking through a variety of  consensus-based
forums  (i.e.,  negotiated rulemakings  and public  advisory  committees).
Success in outreach  to  small business will be measured  by identifying the
number of these entities participating  in regulatory  development,  using
compliance guides, and  requesting information and  clarification of Agency
rules, through the  Small  Business Ombudsman Homepage.   Verification of
CEIS performance  will be determined by the integration of multi-media
information and the  quality of products  available.   Surveys  will  measure
the user satisfaction with these activities.
Statutory Authority

Clean Air Act (CAA)  (42 U.S.C. 7601-7671q)

Clean Water Act  (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1251-  1387)

Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation,  and Liability  Act
(CERCLA) (42 U.S.C.  9601-9675)

Emergency Planning  and Community Right-to-Know Act  (EPCRA) section 313  (42
U.S.C. 110001-11050)

Environmental Education Act

Federal Advisory Committee Act  (FACA)  (5 U.S.C, App.}

Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide and Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA)  (7  U.S.C.  136-

Freedom of Information Act  (FOIA)  (5 U.S.C.  552)

Paperwork Reduction Act Amendment  of 1995  (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520)

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C.  13101-13109)

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)  (42 U.S.C.  6901-6992k)

Safe Drinking Water Act  (SDWA) section 1445  (42 U.S.C.  300f-300j-26)

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA) section  14  (15 U.S.C. 2601-2692)

North American Agreement on Environmental  Cooperation

                    Environmental Protection Agency

                  1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

     Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About Their Environment

Objective #2:     improve .Public's Ability to Reduce Exposure

      By  2005,  EPA will  improve the ability of the  public to reduce
exposure  to specific  environmental  and  human health risks by making
current,  accurate  substance-specific  information  widely  and easily


      The  full  and  active  participation  of the  American  public in
environmental priority setting, risk reduction and remediation  and  both
short  and long term environmental planning is an essential part   of a
comprehensive national  approach to environmental protection.   In  many
cases,  especially those  that  are  focused  in  a  specific  geographic
location,  informed citizens  in their community setting  can  better assess
the  relative severity  of  environmental  risks,  the  opportunities  for
prevention  or  remediation,  and the  tradeoffs and  uncertainties   that
underlie 'many environmental decisions.  Communities that have access to
the  information  and  data,  which  characterize  potential  risks   from
pesticide use and industrial facilities within their boundaries, are in
a position to make effective decisions about  their day-to-day activities:.

      To  be successful  in assuring that communities can protect  the
environment  .for themselves and their families, they need  to have rapid
and  convenient  access  to  environmental  information  that  is local,
relevant,  and comprehensive.  For relevance,  the Agency  must identify the
customers' information needs and tailor the data collection,  presentation
and dissemination accordingly.   For comprehensiveness,  a goal for EPA is
to continue  to identify information gaps  that reduce the ability of the
public to make sound environmental decisions.  Gaps could  be associated
with  specific  pesticides  and  chemicals;  drinking  water  contaminants;
specific  industrial  sectors  or specific  data elements  and reference

      The  Consumer  Labeling Initiative  (CLI) is  an  ongoing voluntary
partnership with  representatives of the cleaning products and pesticides
industries,  key  federal  agencies,  public  interest  groups  and other
organizations.  EPA and its  partners make  labels easier to  read  and  more
useful  to consumers.   The  Pesticide Consumer Brochure will inform the
public of risks and benefits from  using pesticides on  food,  particularly
risks  to  children,  and tips to reduce exposure.   The brochure will be
available in the local grocery stores by August 1998.

      The 1996 Amendments  to the Safe Drinking Water Act also emphasizes
the importance  of providing better information to consumers on the quality
and safety of their drinking water.  Under this statute, EPA is  required
to promulgate a regulation on the issuance  of annual right-to-know reports
to  all customers of  public water systems.   These consumer  confidence
reports,  which will be published by public water systems,  must contain
information  on the source  of  the water  system's  supply,  the  level of


detected contaminants, data on the  health  effects  of  contaminants  found
above the drinking water  standard, as  well  as  information  on  unregulated
contaminants in the water supply.   Furthermore,  EPA is  required  to have
a Safe Drinking Water  Hotline to provide consumers  with  more  information
on drinking water contaminants and  potential  health effects,  especially
in emergency situations.

      Under  the  Emergency Planning  and  Community  Right-To-Know  Act
(EPCRA),  EPA has provided the public with valuable  chemical release data
through  the  Toxic Release  Inventory  (TRI).  This data can be used as  a
pollution prevention  measure  and a risk reduction tool.   EPA can also
incorporate  this information into  enforcement  case  settlement, and  local
authorities  can prepare more effective  emergency response plans, training
programs  and notification procedures to protect  human health  and  the

      EPA has recently expanded TRI  by adding  seven new  industry  sectors
and by nearly doubling the number  of reportable chemicals.    The  goal of
these actions is to provide an expanded picture of industrial releases and
transfers so the public  is more informed about potential risks-.

      EPA is  aggressively  seeking to  .integrate all relevant  sources of
data and information to support comprehensive approaches  to  environmental
protection that include  community-based environmental protection (CBEP)
and ecosystem protection  on a facility  and location  specific basis.   This
information  is  to be  coordinated and  integrated  across  the Agency to
provide  comprehensive views of  environmental data based on increased
availability  and   accuracy  of  locational   and   spatial  data,   the
establishment of the central structure  required to support  data standards
and a registry of environmental-data.

      EPA  is  working  toward  streamlining  the  operations for   data
reporting, integration, processing, and dissemination by  taking advantage
of advanced  information technologies  and other  nonelectronic means  so that
quality  data are  provided in  a timely manner.   EPA's Internet site and
data  warehouse,  Envirofacts,  -have  begun to  increase  access to  an ever
broader user community.

      EPA will inspect and take enforcement actions against those in the
regulated community who  are  not in  compliance with the nation's  TRI
reporting requirements.   EPA is  targeting inspections and  enforcement
actions against companies with data quality'.and data  reporting violations,
focusing on  those chemicals which  present the  highest  risks.   The Agency
is also conducting compliance inspections to identify companies that have
failed to report releases.

      Providing information and data is just one component of an effective
strategy to  expand the public's right-to-know about  their environment. EPA
will assure  that training and education materials and  programs keep pace
with  the  information  and data that the Agency provides to  the  public.
Communities  will  be given not  only  data .but the  tools,  training,  and
assistance  to use  that data  in a way that "helps  every citizen make
informed environmental  decisions.    For example,  EPA  is developing  a
catalogue of tools,  resources, and programs that relate  to its extensive
base of information  on the characteristics  and effects of  pesticides and
industrial  chemicals.    These   "tools" include  databases,   access  to
information  hot lines,  and descriptions  of  programs and  initiatives that
may  affect  local  environments.    The  catalogue will be available  in at
least two formats:  a  printed  manual  and as a resource  on  the Internet.


These  formats  will be linked to other  EPA information sites.  EPA  has
data-gathering  authorities  available  in  its  statutes  —  the   Toxic
Substances Control  Act (TSCA),  the  Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide  and
Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA), and EPCRA,  among others  —  and the catalogue  can
make  the public  aware of the data  and its  availability.   Along with
information' on  data,  the  catalogue will describe  analytical  tools,
technical guidelines, and program information that can  assist communities
in learning about potential  risks, which can,  in turn,  iielp  them impxove
the local environment.

      EPA will  support  and encourage  the interdisciplinary environmental
education  programs  of   state   and  local  governments,   schools   and
universities,  and  nonprofit  organizations  through  grants,  teacher
training, internships,  and national  recognition of outstanding efforts  and
model  programs.    EPA will  build  stronger  partnerships   with   other
governmental  organizations and.with the  private  sector to improve  public
understanding of  the role of science in  environmental  decision-making.

      The successful implementation of the  TRI program,  building  on  the
concept  of  right-to-know,  has  greatly  expanded  the  availability  of
chemical release  information to the  public.   The program has encouraged
citizens and communities to become active  participants in environmental
decision-making.   Besides the national data  collection  and dissemination,
EPA will emphasize  the application of TRI data for local environmental
situations.   For example,  EPA  is  currently  implementing   a pilot  in
Baltimore,  where  TRI data are used in conjunction with other EPA,  state,,
and local  information, to establish  priorities among the  multitude  of
environmental challenges the community faces.  Factors .such  as volume of
local  releases  of  specific chemicals   and  location  of  such  releases
(proximity to schools, etc.) play a  significant ro.le  in the discussions
among the community's stakeholders.   EPA  will conduct  surveys among users
including  the  EPA  Regional Offices,   states,  industry,  environmental
groups,  community decision-makers,  and  the general  public   to  evaluate
whether EPA is meeting  their information  needs  and how they are using  the
data.  In communities, the national  Environmental  .Monitoring for  Public
Access and Community Tracking (EMPACT) initiative will  drastically  change
the focus for EPA in disseminating  information.  It sets a framework  for
EPA to assess  community  usage  of TRI information  and  at the same time,
speeds up the process  for the Agency to gather  community needs on other
chemical-specific information.   EPA will  help  communities  identify  the
needed information  currently not available within  the Agency and  devise
methods to collect the  data at the community level.  EPA will incorporate
other chemical  data and  health  effects  information into the TRI  Public
Data Release  reports and through  the  Web Envirofacts  Warehouse database.

      EPA will  take additional  steps to expand the  scope  and  depth of
information available  from TRI..  Examples  .include  .initiatives to  review
chemicals based on risk that presently are not  on the  TRI list, to  assess
the need to include  additional industrial sectors and to evaluate the need
for more in-depth chemical use data.   Specifically,  in 1999,  EPA will
promulgate a  rule lowering the reporting  threshold for certain chemicals,
such  as  persistent bioaceumulative  toxics (PBTs),  to assure  that  the
public has information on  chemicals that may  be  highly toxic but  are
manufactured, processed, or  used  in lower volumes.  These  refinements to
TRI will assure  the public has more  comprehensive  information.

      A  key component of improving  public access is the consolidation of
information provided to EPA under a  variety of  statutory  and regulatory
authorities.   EPA's one-stop access Envirofacts Warehouse  and one-stop


reporting  initiative  strives to fashion an unambiguous way  to identify
facilities;  to  consolidate EPA information collection on  environmental
uses and releases,  transfers, and emissions;  and to otherwise  re-engineer
reporting.   For  example, under the Enforcement  and Compliance  Information
(ECI)  initiative,  EPA will  re-engineer its  multimedia  compliance  and
enforcement data to increase public access and  understanding and enhanced
data quality.   EPA will ensure that enforcement  and compliance data is
consistent  across the Agency and that the public is able to .link such data
to demographic  risk information.   EPA  will  construct a warehouse of key
enforcement and  compliance data with consistent,  user friendly interfaces.

      EPA   will build  partnerships   with  state,  tribal,   and  local
governments and  nongovernmental organizations to ensure that environmental
information is   widely available <.    EPA will upgrade  the   electronic
distribution of  environmental  information by significantly expanding the
type and amount of information on  the Internet,  and by providing easy
access to data.

      In 1999,   EPA will  issue the  TRI Public  Data  Release  for  1997,
process  110,000 TRI  Form R's, and  finalize  the PBT  rule to  add more
chemicals to the TRI and lower the thresholds  for reporting  PBTs.

      EPA  will  work to improve the public's  access and use  of TRI  and
other information.  EPA will have completed documents which the public can
use to understand  the  TRI data and how that data may affect  them.   EPA
also  will  work  to  improve  Internet  access,  including  identifying
opportunities to improve  the  user-friendliness of the  on-line TRI  data.

      The Agency's efforts in this objective  will be supported through
legal counseling and advocacy.  This may include advice, participation in
the development of Agency actions,  document review, and the  conduct of
defensive litigation.

                       Objective Toy Appropriation
                         (Dollars in Thousands)

         	             1998  Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud.

 Obj. 02    Iitprove Public's            $51,493.5    $47,120.6     $51,875.5
      Ability to Reduce Exposure

      Environmental Program &           $51,493.5    $47,120.6     $51,875.5

    Total FTE:                               247.2          244.7         255.1
1999Annual Performance Goals

•    Process 110,000 facility chemical  release  reports,  publish the TRI
     Data Release Report and provide improved information to the public
     about  TRI  chemicals,  enhancing   community  right  to  know  and
     efficiently -processing information from  industry.

•    Increase compliance  with right to  know reporting requirements  by
     conducting  1,300  inspections  and  undertaking   200   enforcement

•    Continue  to improve  the public's  ability to  reduce  exposure  to
     specific environmental and public health  risks  by improving  public
     accessibility  to current  and  accurate  information  on  pesticide
     related issues.

•    Continue to  inform the public  about  the health  and environmental
     risks of PBTs and PBT releases  in their communities.

•    Have 1 million  locational values (an increase  of 500,000 from 1998)
     of  known  documentation  in  the  location'al  database  with  the
     Envirofacts Warehouse.

•    Develop,  document and communicate  key  data  standards  using  an
     Environmental Data Registry.

•    Continue  to  provide  outreach  to  inspect  and   use   appropriate
     enforcement tools to increase compliance with the chemical hazardous
     inventory and accident release notification requirements  under EPCRA
     and CERCLA.

•    3,300 large and  very large community water systems (serving  77%  of
     the 240 million Americans who receive water from  these systems)  will
     issue annual consumer confidence reports.

     EPA activities  related  to TRI  focus on  how to  increase the public's
access to and use of the data.  Documents which  help the public understand
TRI,  and steps to facilitate access to the data also  are integral  to the
goal of right-to-know. Expanding TRI, whether  through  lower  thresholds,
new chemicals or  new industry sectors,  will provide more comprehensive
information to the public.

     EPA will continue to work on the base TRI program,  processing  forms,
and providing  the  data to  the  public.   This  basic  work  provides  an
important  foundation  for  the public's ability to  understand and  reduce
risks  in their  communities.    EPA  will  perform  inspections and  take
enforcement actions  against  those in  the  regulated  community  who are not
in compliance with  the nations TRI reporting  requirements. EPA  will
propose expanding the information  available to the  public on PBTs,  and
will monitor the usefulness of materials provided  to the public.   While
EPA has accomplished much  in the area of  right-to-know, we believe it is
important to have a  clearer understanding  of  what  types  of information are
most useful and what  manner of presentation  is most  effective.

     EPA will  provide consumers of  public  water  supplies   their  first
annual confidence report by September 1999.   These reports will contain
information  on the  source  of the drinking water,  information on  the
quality of  that source, .information  on any  detected  contaminants  in the
drinking water,  and  a  plain language explanation of  the  health effects of
these contaminants.  Customers will  be able to find  out  information  on the
occurrence of contaminants, as EPA's National Occurrence Database and part
of the Envirofacts Warehouse becomes  operational by August 1999.   states
will be conducting  source water assessments of drinking water supplies,
the results of which  will be available to the  public.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Provide  improved  information to  the public  about  TRI chemicals,
     enhancing  community  right  to  know  and  efficiently processing
     information from industry.

•    Improve  the  public's  ability  to  reduce  exposure   to  specific
     environmental  and   public  .health  risks   by  improving  public
     accessibility  to  current  and  accurate  information  on pesticide
     related issues.

•    Inform the public about the health and environmental risks of PBTs
     and PB.T releases in their communities..

«    Have  500,000  locational   values  of  known  documentation in  the
     locational database in the Envirofacts Warehouse.

•    Provide outreach to inspect and use appropriate  enforcement tools  to
     increase  compliance  with the  chemical  hazardous  inventory  and
     accident release notification requirements under EPCRA and CERCLA.

«    Propose a regulation and promulgate a final  rule  for drinking water
     consumer confidence reports.

                     1999 Change from 1998 Enacted.
                         (Dollars  In Thousands)

__	Dollars	^	FT33  '

 02 Obj.   Total Change                             $4,754.9          10.4

       Environmental Program &. Management           $4,754.9          10.4

•     (+$4,000,000  EPM)  for *the   Environmental  Monitoring  for  Public
      Access and Community Tracking  (EMPACT) initiative.

•     (+$488,900 EPM) An investment in the  ECI activity under the ESC for

•     (+$106,000 EPM) to assist  public water systems in issuing consumer
      confidence reports.
 Key Performance                     1998                      1999

 Public Data Release             1996 Report               1997 Report
 available via the
 internet and CD ROM

 Form R's processed                110,000                   110,000

 PBT rule to add more
 chemicals and lower the
 threshold for reporting

 Update,  Publish and
 distribute to grocers,
 the annual consumer
 brochure on the health
 effects of pesticides.

 •Section 313 Inspections

 EPCRA Civil Referrals

 EPCRA APO Complaints

 EPCRA Compl. Orders

 Other EPCRA Inspections

 Availability of
 proposed rule and final
 regulation for drinking
 water confidence

 Community water systems
 that will comply with
 the regulation to
 publish consumer
 confidence reports

 Locational values with
 known accuracy

 Complete the design of

 .Implement key data
 standards using EDR

 Locational values
 within the 25 meter





 1 Rule




                       3,300 Lg. CWS



      EPA  is committed  to  providing  understandable,  accessible,  and
complete information on chemical risks to the broadest  audience possible,
EPA believes that an informed public is better able to make responsible
decisions about protecting  itself and the environment.  By providing the
public with the necessary information, the greatest environmental benefit
will be  achieved  at  the least cost and without  resorting to expensive
control regulations.

      The  President  and Administrator have made  commitments  through a
variety of initiatives to  give the public access to the information and

education necessary to develop an understanding of, and make knowledgeable
decisions about  their environment.  Information disseminated to the public
may be used by individuals or local groups  to make choices that could help
reduce environmental risks for themselves and their communities.   By -using
EPA  information,  individuals  would be  better  prepared  to  identify
opportunities to prevent pollution and  minimize  environmental  releases,
and to  identify potential  exposures and  the means  needed to  reduce  or
avoid them.

      The accomplishments in  1999 will move EPA further toward  providing
the necessary comprehensive  chemical risk information to the  public  by
improving  and increasing  education opportunities, identifying customer
information   needs, increasing  environmental information, :and  improving
access to  information.  Under EPCRA, the  Agency  will  focus  on  providing
compliance assistance to facilities  using, manufacturing, or processing
potentially  harmful chemicals.   EPA  will  focus  on  newly  regulated
facilities, monitoring the compliance of  regulated  facilities  'with both
community  right-to-know and  emergency planning  requirements,  and using
appropriate enforcement tools to promote increased compliance with EPCRA
requirements.  Through consumer  confidence reports,  public water .systems
will provide important information on the  source  of  their water system's
supply,  the  level  of detected  contaminants, information on the  health
effects  of   contaminants  found  above  standard,  and  information  on
unregulated contaminants.  Each of these  efforts will -contribute to the
ability  of the  public  to  reduce exposure to specific  environmental and
public health risks by providing information and  tools necessary to make
informed decisions about environmental  and health risk priorities.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      Verification and validation continue to be important  parts of the
right-to-know program.  Verification procedures  are built into the data
entry process both  at  the  facility level and when the data  are entered
into the national database.   Procedures internal to  the reporting form
check whether data entered are internally consistent.   If this is not the
case,  an error message is  generated.   Once data are entered  into the
national database, data are  compared to those previously submitted by a
facility to determine whether large increases or decreases at the largest
TRI facilities  have  occurred.   In cases  where  there .are large changes
relative to  previous  reports submitted, facilities are  called by staff
engineers  to  verify the .information.

      Verification of progress for the .right-to-know programs will include
the  development   of   pesticide  info.rmation,    dissemination   of  such
information,  the appearance  on the  Internet of  pesticide-specific risk
information,  and development of maintenance tools and quality  standards
for all Internet-resident pesticide  data.

      TRI,  the right-to-know  program, generates data so that individuals
will be informed about what occurs in their communities.  Data  collected
and disseminated as  part of TRI  has been assembled and used  by a wide
variety  of parties,  including  other Federal  agencies, state  and local
governments,  environmental,  labor and  community groups, and academics.
In  order  to  facilitate  appropriate usage  of the  data, EPA  publishes
various analyses as part of  the annual  data release.

      The Agency is  enhancing the  quality and presentation of enforcement
and  compliance  assurance  data  on  the Agency's Envirofacts  "Warehouse


Database which is located on the World Wide Web.   EPA is providing core
enforcement program data •* along with enhanced  report .capabilities -  to
assure greater access by the public.

      EPA will be  developing and implementing detailed system  specific
Quality Management Plans for all systems we  directly manage.   These  plans
will  include  development  of  Data  Quality Objectives   (establishing
measurable  criteria  for data quality);  Quality Assurance Project  Plans
(determine how QA activities will be  implemented through the  system life
cycle), and standard  Operating Procedures  (to provide a consistent and
routine process for assessing data quality measurements) .

      Central to  the ECI project is  the development and adoption of data
standards  for compliance  and enforcement  information.   The ECI  plan
includes developing and formalizing these  data definitions through the EDR
and making these standards available to encourage  widespread  adoption.

      EPA's  Enforcement  and  Compliance  Information Initiative  will re-
engineer  the Agency's  multimedia  compliance  and  enforcement  data  to
increase  public  access  and understanding  and enhanced data  quality  to
support EPA's mission.  EPA will ensure that data is consistent across the
Agency and give the public comprehensive  compliance and enforcement data
linked  to  demographic  and  risk  information.    EPA  will  construct  a
warehouse of  key enforcement and compliance  data  with .consistent,  user-
friendly interfaces.

      Each of the key  measures  is verifiable  through "quantitative means..
The measures  are output oriented and actual  outputs or products will  be
counted or verified.

      .Performance  data  regarding preparation  of consumer  confidence
reports will  be provided to EPA by  the states through existing  national
databases or other means.  States will collect the  data from public  water
systems and will  have  chief responsibility for validating the information,

Statutory Authority

Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act

Toxic Substances Control Act

Safe Drinking Water Act

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-.Know Act

Pollution Prevention Act

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

                    Environmental  Protection Agency

                  1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

     Expansion of Americans' Right to  Know About Their Environment

Objective #3:  Enhance Ability to  Protect  Public Health

      By 2005,  EPA will  meet  or  exceed  the Agency's  customer  service
standards in providing sound environmental  information to federal,  state,
local-,  and  tribal partners  to  enhance their ability to  protect  human
health and the environment.


      The  President's Environmental  Monitoring  for  Public Access  and
Community  Tracking   (EMPACT)  initiative  - is  a  cross-agency  program
established  to work  with communities  to improve their capabilities  and
capacity to  provide  the public with timely  information regarding  local
environmental conditions.  This  new program,  beginning in FY 1998, will
provide  near"~real-time measurement,  reporting  and access  to  selected
communities  throughout  the nation.   EMPACT  will provide at least 75 U.S.
largest metropolitan areas with access to information regarding conditions
in their local environment and relevant tools and guidance to interpret
and evaluate potential  impacts and  risks.   EPA will play a major role in
two related  research and development activities pivotal to the success of
EMPACT: (1)  development of approaches to integrate monitoring measurement
technologies with effective data management  and communications solutions,
and  (.2)  research to  .facilitate  effective  communication to  the  public
regarding environmental risk.

      Another  effort  under  this  objective  is  the  integrated  Risk
Information  System  (IRIS),  with  a request of $2,724,500,  that supports
EPA's community-based environmental  research.  IRIS  is an EPA database
of Agency consensus health information -on environmental  contaminants which
is used extensively by EPA pro.gram  offices  and Regions where consistent,
reliable toxicity information is needed for  credible risk assessments.

      Each of the 535  IRIS "files"  contains chemical-specific information
on cancer and noncancer health effects.   Each IRIS file summarizes a more
detailed health assessment or support document.  IRIS is heavily used for
risk assessments and other health evaluations  across the Agency.  The most
frequent users are Regional  and  state  risk assessors,  but use has  grown
to include  all  levels of -government,  as well as the  public and private
sectors, both nationally  and internationally.

      Also under this  objective,  guidance and support will be provided to
risk assessors through the provision of ris.k assessment  guidelines,  expert
consultation and  support,  and risk assessment training.   Included in this
effort is support for the Agency's Risk Assessment Forum.  The Forum is
a standing  committee  of senior EPA scientists which was established to
promote  Agency-wide  consensus  on  difficult  and  controversial  risk
assessment is'sues  and  to ensure that this  consensus is incorporated into
appropriate Agency risk assessment guidance.

      Improvements in health and environmental  risk assessment have little
or no benefit without an ability to communicate  such  information to  the         %'
public.   Few states have environmental risk assessment capability,  and       •  •
most are solely dependent on the U.S. EPA  in this regard.  ' Stakeholders,
including the public at large,  have  a right to know the results of  Federal
environmental research and assessments, since such  information can have
enormous  impacts on  their  lives  and  well  being.   It  is necessary  to
provide  the public  with  .adequate access to  timely  and  credible risk
assessment information.  Therefore, EPA research in this  area will:

•      Apply   new  and upgraded  technology  that   will   incorporate  a
      systematic approach to automated sampling, real-time analysis  and
      communication of environmental data.

•      Provide timely, reliable and consistent environmental  information
      in a meaningful format that is easily accessible by the public.

      The Agency includes comparative  risk projects to advance the goal
of providing more information about the  environment.  It enhances  the
ability  of  stakeholders  to articulate risks,  determine priorities,  and
develop  environmental management  systems that  balance flexibility  and
accountability.   Comparative risk projects support risk characterization
and development of  risk management  strategies for  environmental challenges
facing  states,  communities,  and  tribes.    Use  of  comparative   risk  is
critical as  the Agency continues to implement  the National Environmental
Performance  Partnership  Systems  (NEPPS),  Community Based Environmental
Protection (CBEP),  and its government-to-government  trust  responsibility
with  Federally   recognized  tribes.    Agency expertise  in  the  area  of
comparative  risk,  indicators, statistics and  consensus  building will help
communities use  environmental information in making choices  about their         \
environment.  Comparative  risk  projects  assist  state, local  and tribal          )
governments  in putting together environmental and  cultural  information in
a-way that helps build environmental programs and address the needs  and
priorities of these governments.

      In 1998, the Office of the Administrator  underwent a  reorganization.
As  a part  of the reorganization, functions from  the  old Office  of
Congressional and  Legislative Affairs  and the  state and local relations
functions from  the  old  Office  of Regional Operations and  State/Local
Relations were   joined to  create the  new office .of  Congressional  and
Intergovernmental  Relations  (OCIR).   In 1999,  OCIR and its regional
counterparts, with a request  of  $6,963,500,   respond to congressional
requests  for information,  written  and oral  testimony,   briefings,   and
briefing materials.   It  ensures that  Congress receives the  information
needed to -make decisions on environmental and public  health issues.   In
addition to working with Congress, OCIR works  closely with the Agency's
program offices  to  keep them informed  of  current activities that affect
their particular  subject  areas.  OCIR develops  legislative strategies on
behalf of the program offices and coordinates Agency  appearances before
congressional committees,   as  well   as  responses   to   congressional
transcripts and  questions and answers.

      OCIR also  responds to local government  and national associations'
requests for information,  issue resolution, .and/or assistance.  It  ensures
that  these  groups  receive the information  needed  to make  decisions on
environmental and public health issues,  and have  an appropriate level  EPA
person available to participate in meetings or  assemblies.   OCIR works
closely with the  Agency's program offices to  keep  them  informed of  current
activities at the  local level and of any  policies the local governments


and  national  .associations may  be advocating  that affect a  particular
program  office's  subject area.    Support  is  also provided to  the Local
Government Advisory Committee and the Small Town Advisory Subcommittee.

      OCIR  provides  regular,   timely  communication  by  preparing  the
Agency's leadership  to effectively address 'priority  issues  and develop
appropriate responses.   It designs and  manages meetings and  conference
calls for .Regional -managers, and works with states and  state  associations
to ensure that state concerns are considered in  Agency policies, guidance,
and regulations.   OCIR will implement policies,  .rules and procedures that
will enhance the execution of NEPPS,  PPAs,  and  PPGs.  Additionally, OCIR
functions as  the  lead  for negotiating with state issues relating to the
National Environmental Performance' Partnership System (NEPPS).

      The Agency' s Office of Small and pisadvantaged Business Utilization
(OSDBU), with a request  of $2,149,400,  provides technical assistance to
both Headquarters and  Regional  program office  personnel  to  ensure- that
small,   minority  and women-owned  businesses  receive  a  "fair  share"  of
Agency  procurement dollars.   This "fair  share" may be  received either
directly or  .indirectly  through  EPA  grants,  contracts,   cooperative
agreements,  or interagency agreements.  Pursuant to P.L.  No.  102-389,  the
Agency has a national goal of 8%  utilization  of minority and women-owned
businesses in the  total value of prime contracts and subcontracts awarded*
This activity enhances the ability  of  small/  minority  and  women-owned
businesses  to participate in the Agency's objective to  protect public
                       Objective by Appropriation
                         (Dollars in Thousands)

                              1998 Fres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  03    Enhance Ability to
      Protect Public Health

«      Environmental Program &

      Science and Technology

      'Hazardous Substance

    Total FTE
$16,716,4      $9,133.7     $18,648..3

   $266,1        $264.3        $385.8
     The  following  Annual  Performance  Goals  will  contribute  to  the
achievement of the  ends listed .above, ultimately leading to accomplishment
of the long-term objective.
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    By  1999, EPA will complete 5-7  monitoring pilot projects in EMPACT
     cities, implement timely  and high quality environmental monitoring
     technology in 5-7 EMPACT  cities.

•    By  2000,  develop monitoring  technologies and  tools  to interpret
     environmental data, and risk communication methods to provide time
     relevant environmental information to the public under EMPACT.

•    Publish Guidelines for Carcinogenic Risk Assessment, Neurotoxicity
     Risk  Assessment,  and  a  technical  report  on  the  health - risk
     assessment of chemical mixtures.

•    Add or update 28 summaries of the potential adverse health effects
     of specific chemical substances to the Integrated Ris.k Information

•    Develop documents  and "workshops 'to  transfer what has been learned
     from  completed  comparative  risk  projects  to  EPA  Regions  and

•    Respond to congressional requests for information.

•    Identify measure of success for the PPG program.

•    Pursue the Agency's 8% minority/disadvantaged business utilization

•    Negotiate annual Performance Partnership .core performance measures
     agreement with states.

     The EMPACT program will evaluate and  modify existing risk assessment
tools  for  use  by local stakeholders, and  deliver  these  tools into the
hands  of  the  users.   Data  necessary  for accurate  and  timely risk
assessments  will  also  be  delivered.   Thus,  EMPACT will  enhance the
capability  of  local  stakeholders  to perform risk  assessments.    In
addition,  EMPACT will: 1) evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness
of various systematic  approaches to delivering  environmental information
to the public; and 2} evaluate, modify, and deliver risk assessment and
characterization tools to the public in readily usable formats..

     Existing,   new,    and  improved   measurement,    monitoring,   and
communication solutions will play an important role in the  EMPACT program.
EPA will  support  the program through participation  in the comparative
analysis  that will be  conducted as part  of the EMPACT program.   The
program  will  determine  and  demonstrate  the  efficiency  and  cost-
effectiveness  of  chosen measurement, monitoring,  and communication and
delivery technologies.

     In addition to the  important functions  listed above, EMPACT research
will support the program to:

•    Develop   state-of-the-art  techniques  for  viewing  environmental
     information and evaluate their utility  for  communicating information
     to  a  range  of  customers  including  the  scientific  community,
     regulators, and the public;

•    Develop evaluation and assessment  methods to convey time-relevant
     critical information to the public about their environment;

•    Develop time 'relevant communication methods that will explain  to the
     public what the specific environmental information means;

•    Develop mechanisms  to deliver information  in  a timely and  easily
     accessible  format  (e.g.,  through  the  Internet,  over  radio  and
     television, in the newspaper, etc,);

•    Develop and validate  time relevant multi-media, integrated  models
     for predicting environmental effects; and

•    Support  the  work  of the  Agency  through  legal  counseling  and,

     The human  health  effects information in IRIS  is  widely used  for risk
assessments and other  health evaluations  at all levels  of government,  as
well as in the  public  and private sectors.  Up  to date and credible  health
effects information is critical for credible ris'k assessments.  As more
risk-based  decision-making takes  place at  the  state and local levels,
access to credible health effects information  is essential, but difficult
for individuals to find or generate.  Risk assessors everywhere look to
EPA to provide this information.

     IRIS values represent Agency consensus  positions  on health effects
of  hundreds of environmental contaminants and,  as  such,  are  used
throughout  the Agency as  the  scientific  basis  for addressing various
mandates,  including the establishment of  air and drinking water standards
and thresholds  for waste site  investigation and remediation.   EPA made
IRIS more easily and  widely accessible via EPA's home  page  on the World
Wide  Web  in  March,   1997,   This  greatly  improved accessibility  and
empowerment to users  at the state and local  levels.

     The 1999 investment will  focus on:

•    Producing, updating,  and maintaining health assessments on IRIS;

• '    Ensuring  appropriate  external peer  review of IRIS  summaries  and
     support documents;

•    Facilitating  Agency  consensus  and  resolving  issues   in  a  timely

•    Maintaining a  widely-accessible Internet version of IRIS, available
     at  the   local   level to support   community-based  environmental
     protection and;

•    Active outreach  and communication with  users.

     These  efforts  will assure  that  this widely 'used,  highly visible
Agency product  will be adequately maintained and will serve its customers
with the most up-to-date information available.

     The Agency' s Risk Assessment Forum will develop  a number of  products
to assist risk  assessors, including risk  assessment guidelines, technical
panel reports on special risk assessment  issues, and  peer consultation and
peer  review workshops addressing controversial  risk assessment topics.
The Forum  focuses  on  generic  issues fundamental to the risk assessment
process and related science policy issues.   In 1.999,  the Forum will focus
activities  on  completion of risk assessment  guidelines on  carcinogenic
risk, neurotoxicity risk,  and  chemical mixtures.

     Technical  assistance  on  comparative  risk,  environmental planning,
environmental  indicators and statistics,  and consensus building will be


made available  to  states,  local governments,  and tribes.,  enhancing  their
ability to  use environmental information as they  make decisions  that
affect the  environment.  Comparative risk projects will be completed  in
several states,  local communities and  tribes  and .new projects will  be
initiated.  A  pilot project will be underway to  demonstrate how issues
management can  be  used to help communities look .at the  long-term economic
and environmental impacts of various community  decisions.

     Development  of documents and workshops  will begin  to transfer what
has been learned from  completed comparative risk projects to EPA Regions
and communities.   Transfer of tools  is  crucial  to results-based planning
and evaluation,  an important objective  of the Agency,  particularly  as
articulated in GPRA, NEPPS and CBEP.

     In 1999, the  Agency will continue  providing information to Congress
in a timely and efficient manner.   OCIR will be the Agency's day-to-day
liaison with Congress  and  exceed  the Agency's customer service  standards
in responding to congressional requests.   Additionally, OCIR will support
legislative  activities  within   the  Agency  for  several environmental
statutes  that  are  ripe  for  congressional  reauthorization.    These
activities will assist Congress in making good decisions  to protect  human
health and the environment for all Americans.

     In .1999, -the  Agency will manage five Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA)  meetings for  the Local Government Advisory Committee and  its  Small
Town Subcommittee,   In addition,  it  will design and manage  quarterly
meetings of the Agency's ten Regional Administrators.

     The Agency will  enhance  QSDBU's  outreach  to communicate  with, and
educate, its customers.  An increase in  customer  knowledge, education, and
satisfaction will result  in greater use of  small, minority, and women-
owned businesses in  prime  contracts, subcontracts, and grants awarded  by
the Agency. In 1999,  the Agency proposes an increase in its efforts  in
this area.  As a  result,  this segment of the population will  be better
able to participate in the Agency's objective to protect public health.

1998 AnnualPerformance Goals

•     Conduct a  pilot project to demonstrate how environmental management
     can be used  to help  communities look at the long-term economic and
     environmental impacts of various decisions.

•     Respond to Congressional requests  for information.

•     Develop measure of success  for the  PPG  program.

•     Pursue the Agency's  8% minority/disadvantaged business utilization

•     Negotiate annual Performance Partnership  core performance .measures
     agreement with states.

                    1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                        (Dollars in Thousands)
                                              Dollars          FTE
03 Obj.   Total Change                            $10,819.8           7.4

      Environmental Program & Management           $1,183.7           3.0

      Science and Technology                       $9,514.6           3.2

      Hazardous Substance Superfund                  $121.5           1.2

      (+$1,307,200  S&T and  4.0 workyears, $1,000,000 EPM,  and  $94,000  SF
     and  1.0 workyears)   The  investment in  IRIS  will  significantly
     upgrade  the   content   of  the   IRIS   data  base,  improve , its
     accessibility, and provide better outreach  to users.  It  includes
     an   integrated  program   of   developing   and   updating   health
     assessments-,   facilitating a  strong  program  of peer  review and
     internal consensus review,  and making  the Agency's consensus  health
     information  available  to  communities  and  other  stakeholders  in
     environmental health protection.

      (+$8,326,100  EPM)  The increased  investment  in EMPACT will advance
     research  to  improve the  capabilities  of selected  environmental
     models to incorporate real-time  data streams, to run in real time
     and to provide visualization capabilities  that are  al.so  updated  in
     real  time.     The  increased  investment  will  als.o  support  the
     development  of risk  communication methods that are  linked  to the
     models  and  can  provide   communities  with  relevant and  timely

      (+$800,000 EPM and 3.0 total workyears)   An increase for  the  Office
     of Small  and Disadvantaged business  Utilization will enhance the
     delivery of service to small,  minority and women-owned businesses.
     The additional resources will  provide contractor assistance  to the
     Regions in performing audits and  various socio-economic  studies  to
     assist  them  in  meeting  the  changes   in the  Agency's  guidance
Key Performance Measures                     1998                 1999

Comparative risk projects         17 projects         21 projects
                                  cumulative          cumulative

Respond     to    Congressional   100 percent         100 percent

PPG report or program             1 report            1 measure

Add   or  update  to   IRIS   28                       28 Assessments
summaries   of   the  potential
adverse   health    effects    of
specific chemical substances,'

 Add/update     the    following
 assessments to  IRIS:   Arsenic,
 Bentazon, Beryllium, Chlordane,
 Methyl      Methacry1 ate,
 Diphenylmenthane  Dissocyanate,
 Napthalene, Vinyl Chloride.

 Award 2-10 Internal  EPA projects
 t o      develop     monitoring
 technologies,       data
 interpretation  tools,  and  risk
 communication methods in support

 Award   5-7  grants   to  EMPACT
 cities  to  implement timely and
 high    quality   environmental
 monitoring technologies.

 Revision   of    guidelines   for
 carcinogen   risk   assessment,
 neurotoxicity  risk  assessment,
 and  technical  report  on health
 risk   assessment  on  chemical
8 assessments
2-10 grants
2-10 grants
5-7 grants
12-16 grants
                    2 guidelines
                    1 tech report

      The Agency's  long-term objective is to meet or exceed its  customer
service  standards  by  the Year  2000  in providing  sound environmental
information to the American public.  Information provided by the Agency
may  enhance  the  public's  ability  to  protect  human  health  and the

      Through  the  EMPACT program,  EPA will  apply  new and  upgraded
technology  that will  incorporate a  systematic approach to automated
sampling, real-time  analysis  and  communication  of  environmental  data.
Research  in  this  area  will  provide timely,  reliable  and consistent
environmental  information in  a meaningful  fo.rraat  that can  be easily
accessed by  the  public.  EPA will coordinate the development of  approaches
to  integrate monitoring  measurement  technologies with  effective data
management  and  communications  solutions,  and  facilitate  effective
communications  with   the public  regarding  environmental  risk.    A
fundamental  concept  underlying the EMPACT  program is  the  building  of
partnerships with local communities.  EPA will coordinate efforts across
Federal agencies and work closely with local  stakeholders in determining
what environmental data and tools are needed-

      The 28 new revised IRIS health assessments per year will result  in
significant improvements to  risk assessments,  because the currency and
reliability of  IRIS health effects information is critical for  credible
risk assessments at all  levels of government, as -well as in the  public and
private  sectors.   Further, the Agency  will  have a stronger  scientific
basis for -addressing various mandates, including the establishment of air
and drinking water  standards and thresholds for waste  site investigation
and  remediation.   Finally,  IRIS users  will  have  easier access to more
health effects information via an .expanded delivery system.

      EPA will  complete the  development of  important risk  assessment
guidelines  for  use by  risk assessors  in the program offices and  the
regions as well  as the general public.   This will  include risk  assessment
guidelines  on  carcinogenic risk,  neurotoxicity risk,  and a  technical
report on the health assessment of chemical mixtures.

      Risk ranking is used as the  key  component  in setting the Agency's
environmental agenda.   This has proven  to be a valuable  tool in  these
times  of limited resources.   In some states, comparative  risk has been
instrumental in  developing consensus around environmental legislation  and
environmental strategic plans.   The comparative risk tool, as well  as
indicators,   will help  states  and EPA  set  environmental performance
measures  and,  thereby,  help  meet'  'the  objective  to  provide   sound
environmental  information to  our  state, local  and  tribal  partners,
enhancing their ability to  protect the environment.   EPA focuses  on
environmental risk  assessment and  comparative  risk  as a planning  and
priority setting  tool.   Risk is used to  determine  the  importance  of art
environmental problem and set environmental priorities.   All EPA Regional
offices have completed  comparative risk projects  or assessed risks  in
their  Regions  relative  to one  another.  Most  state,  local and tribal
governments  currently are not able  to fully use  the tools  of comparative
risk,  environmental indicators and  statistics, and  consensus building in
their  environmental planning,    A comparative  risk  project involves
gathering available information on a broad range of  environmental problems
facing the state, local  or tribal government,  and developing methods  for
characterizing and analyzing human health, ecology,  and quality of life
risks associated with each problem area..  The next  step constructs a public
involvement  process which includes  diverse representation  of government,
special interests, and the general public.

      The  Local  Government  Advisory  Committee  and  its  Small  Town
Subcommittee meetings will  serve to empower local governments and  the
Regions with information to make decisions regarding local environmental
issues. EPA will set up and manage five FACA meetings.  Liaison among  the
Regional Administrators  will  be facilitated via quarterly meetings,  as
well  as frequent  conference  calls  and other  meetings  for Regional

      The Agency has been very successful in providing information to  its
congressional constituents.   However,  we have  been less  successful  in
providing infojnriation to others, such as small, minority and women-owned
businesses.   During the next two years,  the Agency will place an increased
emphasis on  improving services to these  segments of  the population so they
will be in a better position to become  active participants in the Agency's
efforts to protect human health and the  environment.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      Performance  will  be  judged  by   the  number  of comparative risk
projects completed and the number of environmental actions taken by state,
local and tribal governments as a result of EPA's  assistance.

      EPA has  several  strategies to  validate  and verify performance
measures in  the area of environmental  science and  research.   The Agency
has  implemented a  risk-based  research  planning  process  to  use risk
assessment  and  risk management as principal  priority-setting  criteria.
EPA conducts annual research program reviews  to  both evaluate  the status
and accomplishments of  its  research and determine planning priorities:.

                                 VII -3.5

To better draw upon  the expertise of the environmental academic community,
EPA  created the  Science to  Achieve  Results  (STAR)  program of  peer-
reviewed,  mission-driven extramural grants; the Agency is  also  working
with  the  National Research Council  to identify emerging  environmental
issues for which we must begin planning the necessary  research,

      Chief among the Agency's validation  and verification  mechanisms is
a rigorous peer review process.   In a July 1997 memorandum,  EPA's Deputy
Administrator  stated  that peer  review will be expanded "to include both
the  iflajor work products provided  in the  past and...all scientific and
technical  products  supporting  Agency decisions"   This  expanded  and
strengthened focus  on peer  review  will help ensure that the performance
measures listed here are verified and validated by external organizations.
The  Agency utilizes  peer  review throughout the  research  planning and
implementation process,  both -to ensure that planned research addresses
critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and  to assess the  quality
of   scientific research  plans,  products,  and  proposals.    This  is
accomplished through the  use of  independent entities such as the  Science
Advisory Board (SAB)and  the Board  of Scientific Councilors (BOSC).  The
BQSC,  established under the  Federal Advisory  Committee Act,  will even
examine the way the  Agency uses peer review,  as well as  the  management of
its  research and development  laboratories.

      EPA's  external research program undergoes extensive  peer  review.
Proposals  from the  external  scientific community  are  peer-reviewed and
projects  are then  selected for funding  through  grants or  cooperative
agreements.  In addition, Requests for Applications  (RFAs) under the STAR
program  are often developed  jointly with outside  partners  such  as the
National Science Foundation.  'In this way,  EPA has  developed a mechanism
by which to check the quality and  relevance of its research program.

      The Office of  Research and Development Management  Information System
(OMIS) will  be another  accountability tool used to  verify and validate
performance  measures.  The recently developed GPRA structure will  be
incorporated into OMIS  to  ensure  consistent maintenance and reporting,
resulting  in greater  accuracy and  consistency of information to  users.

Statutory Authority

Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)  sections 3007,  3013, and
7003  (42 U.S.C. 6927, 6934, 6973)

Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation,  and  Liability Act
sections 104 and  106  (42 U.S.C.  6904 and  6906)

TSCA .section 14  (915  U.S.C. 2613)

CWA  section  308  (33  U.S.C.  1318)

SDWA section 1445  (42 U.S.C.  300J-4)

EPCRA sections 313,  325, and  326  (42 U.S.C. 11023,  11045,  11046)

PPA  (42 U.S.C.  13101-13109)

Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide,  and Rodenticide Act sections 3 and 10 (7
U.S.C. 136a  and 136h)

FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552)

Federal Advisory Committee Act

Goal 8: Sound Science

Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risks,
            and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems  VIII-1
      Research for Ecosystem Assessment arid Restoration. .	VIII-6
      Research for Human Health Risk Assessment	VIII-20
      Research to Detect Emerging Risk Issues	VIII-.32
      Pollution Prevention and New Technology for Environmental
            Protection 	  VIII-44
      Enable Research on Innovative Approaches to Current and
            Future Environmental Problems	VIII-57
      Increase Use of Integrated, Holistic, Partnership Approaches  .  VTII-61
      Increase Opportunities for Sector Based Approaches 	  VIII^SB
      Regional Enhancement of Ability to Quantify
            Environmental Outcomes	VIII-.6.9
      Science Advisory Board Peer Review 	  VIII-72
      Incorporate Innovative Approaches to Environmental
            Management 	  VIII-75

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
Strategic Goal:   An important  aspect of the Agency's mission  is  to ensure a
strong scientific  foundation  for  the process of identifying public health and
environmental  issues  and the  approaches taken to  address them.   EPA's 1-999
request continues to support this  commitment.   The programs proposed will allow
EPA to develop and apply the best available science for addressing current and
future  environmental  hazards,  as  well as  new approaches   toward  improving
environmental protection.

                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Sound Science,  improved
      Understanding of Env.
      and Greater Innovation to
      Address Env. Problems

 Obj.  01    Research for Ecosystem
      Assessment .and Restoration

 Obj.  02    Research for Human
      Health .Risk Assessment
 Obj.  03
Emerging Risk Issues
 Obj .  04    Pollution Prevention
      and New Technology

 •Obj .  05    Enable Research on
      Innovative Approaches to
      Current and Future
      Environmental Problems

 Obj.  06    Increase Use of
      Integrated, Holistic,
      Partnership Approaches

 Obj.  07    Increase Opportunities
      for Sector Based Approaches

 Obj.  08    Regional Enhancement of
      Ability to Quantify
      Environmental Outcomes

 Obj.  09    Science Advisory Board
      Peer Review
                           $403,644.3    $404,721.2
                            $85,172.3    $100,712.5
 $56,414.1     $47,744.4

 $51,435.0     $69,919.2

$120,875.0     $86,927.7
                            $18,049.3     $19,.386.3
                            $10,342.7     -$16,478.4










 Obj.  10    Incorporate Innovative
      Approaches to Environmental

   Goal Total FTE
     Among EPA's highest research priorities  is  our Assessing Health Risks to
Children research program  to  expand  information on exposure,  effects and risk
assessment to address  children's risk..   This  program will provide the data to
strengthen Agency risk assessments for children, both in the near and long-term.
Two important efforts will  produce much of this data, the Children's Health Risk
Centers, and EPA's participation in studies in the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey  (NHANES) being conducted by the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS).

     We will increase our efforts  in  the  Advanced  Measurement  Initiative  (AMI).
The focus of this program  is  to facilitate the application of technologies to
enhance individual monitoring  and measurement technologies, as well as to improve
coordination of .existing monitoring- research and programs such as the mapping of
waste sites,  the development of ground water and  surface  water transport models
and the .characterization of soils and surface  water vegetation quality and land
use.   AMI will  develop working  partnerships between  technology developers,
environmental policy makers, and environmental managers  to ensure that advanced
measurement technologies will  meet the needs of EPA, the regulated community, and
the public.

     Additionally, we will  strengthen our intramural research program through the
allocation of additional workyears to recruit  post-doctoral students to work at
EPA laboratories.

     The Agency has  requested  resources to support research within Goal 8, Sound
Science, as well as  Goals 1,2,4,5,6 and 7.  The research program areas requested
and described under Goal 8  represent  research  support that cuts across multiple

     The 1999 President's Budget requests $366,867,600 and 1,256.3 workyears for
this goal, a change of  -$37,853,600  and  +91.3  FTE  from 1998.

      The resources requested in this goal  will enable  the  Agency to  meet a
number of performance goals in 1999.  The most significant of these include:

•     In 2001,  complete and evaluate a multi-tiered ecological  monitoring system
      for the  Mid-Atlantic region and provide select land cover  and aquatic
      indicators for measuring status and trends.

•     In 1999, analyze existing monitoring data for acid deposition and UVB and
      implement  a multiple site DVB  monitoring system for  measuring status and

      In  1999,  provide  ecological  risk  assessment  case  studies  for  two
      watersheds, final guidelines for reporting ecological risk assessment and
      ecological risk assessment guidance and support.

      By 2008, develop and verify  innovative methods  and  models  for assessing
      the  susceptibilities  of populations  to  environmental agents,  aimed at
      enhancing risk assessment and management strategies and guidance.

      By 1999,  a total  of  50 Project XL  projects  will  be  in development or
      implementation, an increase of 15 over 1998.

      In 1999, produce first generation exposure models describing .residential
      exposure to pesticides.

      In 1999,  initiate  Field  Exposure  Study  of children  to  two  endocrine
      disrupter chemicals..

      In 1.999,  complete  and submit external  review draft of the  Air Quality
      Criteria Document for carbon monoxide.

      By 1999,  improve computational  efficiency of fine  particulate  model by

EcosystemProtection. Research

      The President's Budget requests $85,505,600 and 378 workyears to support
Ecosystems Protection  research.   The Environmental Monitoring  and Assessment
Program (EMAP) is one of the areas of investment in this objective.

      The EMAP Program  monitors  the condition  of  the nation's  ecological
resources to evaluate the cumulative success of current policies and programs and
to identify   emerging problems before they become  widespread or irreversible.
Policies and  programs  that promote, the  sustainable use of  resources  and the
preservation of ecosystem integrity must  be based upon our scientific knowledge
of the environment.  EMAP seeks to  improve  the quality of that knowledge and to
fill  in  any  gaps  in  that  knowledge through research  in two  primary areas:
developing  a  better understanding of the  mechanisms that  control  ecosystem
structure and function and  assessing the role of  human  actions in altering them;
and,  monitoring ecosystem characteristics and the human influences that change
them over time.

Research toImproveHuman Health Risk.Assessment

      The President's Budget requests $47,618,500 and 224 workyears to support
Human Health Risk Assessment research. One  key focus under this  objective is in
the area of Susceptible Subpopulations research.

      Research activities are designed and  implemented to provide insights into
subpopulations that experience higher than normal exposures or have underlying
biological factors  that place them at greater risk.  Research  on susceptible.


populations assumes that certain segments  of  the population may not be afforded
adequate consideration  in  current  risk assessment practices and/or sufficient
protection under ensuing risk management decisions.  Efforts associated with this
research activity will evaluate the adequacy  of current  approaches to identify,
characterize and explain the increased susceptibility of  various subpopulations.
This evaluation will  subsequently  direct  the evolution of  improved  tools and
approaches to assess  risk  to these populations.    A unique  dimension  of these
efforts will  be  the  incorporation of  risk  management  research as these key
parameters and populations  are defined (exposure or biologic)  so that appropriate
intervention strategies can be developed and applied in parallel.

    Ting Risk Issues

      The President's Budget requests $55,387,000" and 185 workyears to support
Emerging Risk Issues research.  The Endocrine Disrupters  (ED) research program
and the One Atmospheric•research program are  two key areas of investment within
this objective.

      The ED research program was established in response to  growing scientific
concern  and public  awareness  regarding  potential  effects .of  environmental
exposure to chemicals  that interact with  the endocrine  system, causing adverse
reproductive and  other health  and ecological effects.  Research on  endocrine
disrupters is being conducted according  to priorities described in the Endocrine
Disrupters  Research  Strategy,   which   is  targeted  at   addressing  the. major
uncertainties in this  important area.   In 1999,   the ED research program will
include integrated toxicology and exposure  studies in ecological systems or'human
populations with suspected contamination or exposure to ED chemicals.

      In 1999, the One  Atmospheric research  program is  intended to assess and
prevent  risks  from  air pollution  present  in mixtures, the  way people  and
ecosystems commonly experience  it.   EPA's focus  will be  on  understanding the
health and  ecological  effects associated  with exposures  to  air pollutants in
combination,  without  emphasis  on  a  particular  constituent, as well  as  the
interplay of source emissions transformation,  transport and fate,  and the  impacts
of multi-pollutant  controls  to  achieve balance in pollution control  and avoid
unnecessary costs,  EPA will  look  at multiple scales and at all environments,
thereby, focusing on the fact that all  air pollution merges in one atmosphere.

Pollution Prevention and New Technologies

      The President's Budget requests $46,387,800 and 188 workyears for pollution
prevention and new  technologies.   Research on Advanced Measurement Initiative
(AMI)  and Environmental Technology  Verification  (ETV)  are among the focus areas
for this objective.

      The purpose  of  AMI  is  to identify,  evaluate, adapt,  and  apply  new and
emerging  measurement  and  monitoring  technologies  to  facilitate  effective
environmental  risk  management.    Through  AMI,'  EPA  seeks  to meet  current
environmental measurement requirements more effectively,  to permit the collection
of  important environmental  data  that is  not  available' using conventional
monitoring methods,  and to  create opportunities for entirely new  and innovative
approaches to environmental measurement needs.

      ETV  was  created  to substantially  accelerate  the  introduction of  new
environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplace.  This
will be  done by  verifying the  environmental performance  characteristics  of
commercial-ready  technology  through the  evaluation of objective  and quality
assured data, so that potential purchasers and permitters are provided with an
independent and credible assessment of -what they are buying and permitting. EPA's
ETV research program began with a three to five  year pilot phase to test a wide
range of partner and procedural  alternatives in various pilot areas, as well as
the true market demand  for the  response to such a  program.   In 1999,  the ETV
program will -transition from  a  pilot phase to establishment of the particular
verification areas.

EnableResearch on Innovative Approaches  to  Current and  Future Environmental

      The President's Budget  requests  $88,745,500 and 97 workyears to Enable
Research on Innovative Approaches  to  Current and Future Environmental Problems.

      Resources requested in this objective  provide the support  required to
accomplish the science and technology program .at EPA.  The effectiveness of the
support provided  in  this  objective  is  integral  to the achievement of numerous
Agency goals, including Goals  1,2,4,5,6,7,and  8.  The implementation of a strong
science  and engineering  program requires necessary infrastructure  support,
operating expenses and other operational resources.  The staff support activities
include program  review,  health and  safety,  resource planning  and execution,
administrative  and  financial  contract and  grant  management,   equipment  and
facilities maintenance, and automated data processing.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                        1999  Annual  Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #1:  Research for Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration

      By 2008, provide the scientific understanding to measure, model, maintain
and/or restore, at multiple scales,  .the integrity and sustainability of highly-
valued ecosystems, now, and in the future,


      Most environmental laws require that EPA not only ensure that the ait is
safe to breathe, water is safe to  drink, and food is safe to eat, but also that
it protect the environment.   But because of direct and indirect  effects of'human
activity, ecosystems that provide valuable renewable resources and services such
as  food,  fiber, flood control,  and  cleansing the air,  water,  and  soil  are
disappearing or changing in ways  that concern  us: forest decline, fish kills in
estuaries,  reproductive failure  of  wildlife,   deformed  amphibians,  and  the
reappearance of vector-borne epidemic disease.

      Because  our  understanding of  the natural environment  is still  in  its
infancy  compared  to   our  understanding  of human  health,  opportunities  for
significant advancements in this research  area are enormous.  With considerable
debate about where to  target limited resources when investing  in environmental
protection, the focus  of this objective is on research that will better inform'
public decisions about how to best protect  ecosystems from irreversible harm, and
to avoid measures that are unnecessary or insufficient.

      To make cost  effective management decisions on the protection of ecological
resources, we must be  able to answer the following questions:

•     What is the current condition of the environment, and what stressors most
      significantly affect the condition?

•     What are  the biological., chemical,  and  physical  processes affecting the
      exposure and response of ecosystems to multiple stressors, both chemical
      and non-chemical?

•     What  is  the relative  risk  posed  by  these  stressors, alone and  in
      combination, now and in the future? and,

•     What  options are available to manage the risk  to,  or restore,  degraded
      ecosystems and .at what costs?

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

. 01 Research for Ecosystem
Assessment and Restoration
Science and Technology
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Total FTE
1999 Annual PerformanceGoals

•    By 1999 analyze existing monitoring  data  for acid deposition and UVB and
     implement a multiple site UVB monitoring  system for measuring status and

•    In  FY 1999,  provide ecological  risk  assessment  case  studies  for  two
     watersheds, final guidelines for reporting ecological risk assessment and
     ecological risk assessment guidance and support.

•    In 2001,  complete  and evaluate a multi-tiered ecological monitoring system
     for the  Mi.d-At.lant.ic region and  provide  select land cover  and aquatic
     indicators for measuring status and trends.

•    By 2002,  develop a prototype multimedia, effects and modeling framework for
     evaluating  the impact  of watershed management  practices,   at  multiple
     scales,  on stream and estuarine condition.

•    In 2003,  provide guidance for  development of  watershed  scale  and other
     ecological risk assessments,.

•    By 2002,  develop  and evaluate  cost-effective and reliable approaches for
     restoring riparian 'zones within watershed.

•    By 2004,  develop  protocols,  information,  and  tools  for  stakeholders and
     decision makers to select ecosystem risk management actions.

•    By 2008.,  develop models  to understand, predict, and assess the exposure and
     response of ecosystems to multiple stressors at multiple scales.


     EPA will  develop and  improve  upon  indicators and emerging  methods and
technologies,  monitoring  systems and  designs  for measuring  the  exposure and
condition of ecosystems to multiple  stressors  at local, regional and national

     This work continues research, already underway.   Emphasis will be increased
on the development and evaluation of indicators at multiple geographic scales and
levels  of  biological  organization.  This  work  will  lead  to  more  rapid
identification  of  the  extent  and  magnitude   of   hazards,  more  definitive
identification  of  causes,  better  measures  of  success and  the addition  of
landscape factors  in determining the  condition  of  the  environment  and their
response to alternative management strategies.  Significant activities are listed

     'The President's .Budget request includes a total  of 50 work years to be used
for  3-year   term appointments  of  postdoctoral  candidates to  work  at  ORD

In 1999, effects research will focus on:

*    Indicator, Development:  Indicators of ecological effects of anthropogenic
     stresses are needed to monitor the condition of the environment and track
     the cumulative  effectiveness  of  our management and policy actions.  This
     research  is  critical  to  determine the   ecological  effects  of  these
     anthropogenic stresses and their  regional extent.  Therefore, a significant
     research effort will  be  to develop  indicators of  effects/condition  at
     multiple scales and multiple levels of biological organization in aquatic
     and terrestrial ecosystems.

*    Geographic,   Regional   Initiatives:       Indicators    of   ecological
     effects/condition .of  anthropogenic  stresses will be developed to monitor
     the condition of the environment and track the  cumulative effectiveness of
     our management and policy actions.  Geographical initiatives  will result .in
     a  suite  of indicators of  ecological  effects  to assess regional scale
     problems.    The research  will test the utility of these  indicators  "in
     selected geographic  regions and  demonstrate  the efficacy  of  monitoring
     designs on large geographic scales  that  to  date have been too costly and
     complex to  be undertaken..  Research will be primarily conducted in the Mid--
     Atlantic and Pacific Northwest Regions.

.*    R-BMAP:  Monito.ring designs that provide defensible  answers  to regional
     scale questions are  critical  to the decision maker.  This project will
     demonstrate  the application  and  transfer  of  monitoring  technology  to
     facilitate  regional  comparative  assessments   to   those  who  must  make
     environmental management decisions; in this  instance the Regional Offices.
     It will provide  alternative monitoring .designs .in different parts of the

•    Determination of  the  wetland  structure  and function: Wetlands  serve  an
     important  role  within  the landscape.    This   research  includes  detailed
     studies  of  individual  wetlands  or complexes  to evaluate  the  major
     categories of' wetland functions:  water  quality improvement, habitat,  and
     hydrologic  functions.    Research  will  be conducted  in  a  number  of
     strategically chosen wetland types throughout the U.S.,' including prairie
     basin  wetlands,  bottom  land  hardwood  forest communities,   freshwater
     emergent  marshes,  Great  Lakes   coastal  wetlands  and coastal  seagrass
                                    VI IT-8

*    Pfiesteria:   Harmful  algal  blooms occur  when  certain  species of  algae
     multiply quickly and aggregate in a given coastal area.   Most microscopic
     algae are  not harmful,  but  a  few species  produce toxins  that  can  be
     transferred through the food chain, affecting and even killing zooplankton,
     shellfish,  fish, birds,  and mammals,  including humans.    Pfiesteria  is a
     colorless species that is believed to cause sores and nervous system damage
     to humans.   Outbreaks of  pfiesteria  are believed  to be  responsible for
     •recent fish kills, as well as lesions and nervous system problems  such as
     memory loss  among researchers, fishermen, and fish and wildlife workers who
     came into contact with contaminated water  in the coastal  waters of  North
     Carolina and the  eastern  shore of  the Chesapeake Bay.  EPA  will continue in
     1999 to  conduct  research to  better understand the causes  of  Pfiesteria
     blooms,   the  effects of nutrients and pollutants on the organism, and their
     effects  on  different types of nutrients,  as well  as for improving  upon
     techniques for detecting the organism in the environment.

In 1999,  EXPOSURE research will focus on:

*    Exposure Indicators:   A set of  indicators  is needed  to document  the
     relative magnitude .of  environmental  stresses  in  producing  ecological
     effects at multiple geographic scales.  The research needs focus primarily
     .on  improved  indicators   of  chemical   exposure,  indicators  of  habitat
     degradation,   and  indicators  of  landscape  quality.    It  is  a  direct
     counterpart to the effects  research listed  above.  Further, the success of
     ecological    risk   assessments   depends   upon   robust   methods    for
     characterization of  the  exposure  of  ecological receptors  to  particular
     stressors  (e.g.,  sensitive  aquatic   species  to   toxicants,  nutrient
     enrichment,   or habitat alteration).  This  research  will,  therefore,  also
     focus on the development of  indicator  methods  to  measure  environmental
     exposures for aquatic systems.

*    Geocfrapliic Initiatives:  Monitoring designs  for tracking  regional status
     and trends in ecological resources are  needed as well as approaches for
     using indicators in  weight-of-evidence  diagnosis.  This  project  Is  will
     demonstrate that the monitoring designs can  be used to  assess  ecological
     condition within a region, and track the  cumulative effectiveness of our
     management and  policy.   This work  is  .an  essential  counterpart  to  the
     preceding effects project.

•    R-EMAP:   A set of indicators is needed to document the relative magnitude
     of environmental stresses in producing ecological effects. Research  needs
     in exposure focus primarily on:  .improved indicators  of chemical exposure,
     indicators of habitat degradation, and indicators of landscape quality to
     provide proof of their soundness in different parts  of the country.

•    Index Sites:  Research is needed to determine the geographic variation in
     the .extent of these atmospheric stresses.  This research is critical to the
     design of a  national network.  It is research to determine how  best  to
     monitor  the  magnitude  and geographic  variation in  the  extent  of  key
     chemical contaminants introduced via atmospheric processes.

•    Multi-Resolution Landscape	Characterization  (MRLC)  :- Data are  needed  to
     document landcover  change  on a  five   year  basis.    This  research  will


     significantly   improve   EPA   ecological    monitoring   and   ecological
     assessments, and ecological risk management  decisions,  reduce uncertainty
     in other  high  priority ORD  research programs and  thus  would have broad
     applicability  and a large  user community.    The MRLC is  a multi^-agency
     effort with NOAA, USGS, FWS, and others.

*    Characterizing and ^Monitoring Wetlands Exposures:  Biological measures of
     wetlands must include both structural and functional measures.  Of critical
     concern is  the relative  stability of wetlands as functional units within
     the  landscape;  wetlands  are unstable  when  either  structure  or function
     deviate from their expected ranges.

*    R-EMAP and Geographic initiatives:  Assessing condition and the importance
     of stresses from environmental monitoring data is not simple.  Approaches
     for conducting assessments of this sort and the expertise to do so are of
     great  concern  to  the  Regions  and Program  offices.   This  project  will
     demonstrate the application of monitoring designs for hazard identification
     and trends assessments for large scale comparative risk analyses *  It will
     serve  as  case  studies for  the further development  of  ecological  risk
     assessment guidelines.

     In 1999, ORD's Environmental Monitoring Management Council  (EMMC) support
staff facilitates the efforts of an Agency-wide council of senior managers who
are responsible  for developing  sound monitoring  policy  designed to reduce the
cost and improve the quality of environmental data.  Specific  initiatives being
addressed  include:  reducing .barriers to  the use of Innovative  approaches to
monitoring  through  implementation of  a performance  based measurement system
(PBMS); developing a national  environmental  laboratory accreditation program in
partnership with the states; and developing a system for tracking the Agency's
measurement  needs  and  communicating those  needs  within the  EPA measurement
community and to the private sector technology innovation community.

     EPA will develop models to understand,  predict and assess the exposure and
•response of ecosystems to multiple stressprs.

     This research serves as the foundation for the ecological  research program.
It will  focus on developing  more realistic diagnostic  and  predictive models
relating to exposure and effects,  and  developing a user friendly architecture for
integrating multimedia exposure models with effects models at multiple scales.
The  intent is  to  develop  a  ~one-system-'  model that  accounts for  the  true
interactions in  the environment so  it  will benefit all Program  Offices.   By
significantly improving stakeholders'  ability to analyze,  assess and predict the
outcome of alternative management strategies before acting, EPA hopes to provide
a more reliable  foundation  for   cost/benefit analyses prior  to final decision
making.  Significant activities are listed below.

In 1999, effects research will focus on:

•    Ecosystem sustainabilitv;  This  research will  focus on  understanding the
     habitat   requirements   for   aquatic  ecosystems.      Research   on   the
     sustainability of ecosystems will  include evaluations  of the exchange of
     materials and  energy within and among ecosystems in watersheds.  Research
     will also be conducted to study these relationships  and the degree  to which


     landscape  patterns  and  usage  affect  the  sustainability  of  aquatic
     ecosystems, including a study  of  the nature of cumulative impacts at the
     watershed and regional scale..   Results from this  research- will improve the
     scientific   understanding   of   habitat    requirements   and   ecosystem
     sustainability leading  to the  development of ecological and biological
     criteria and  diagnostic methods  for determining  ecosystem health.   In
     addition,  this  area of  research  will  assist  in  the  development  of
     biological criteria  and lead to  the development of methods  to diagnose
     causes of ecosystem impairment.

•    Index Sites:   Index sites will be used as field laboratories to determine
     and monitor the .ecological effects of key chemical contaminants including
     endocrine  disrupters,  nutrient  loadings,  and  pesticides,  and  their
     interactions with DVB.  This research will determine the ecological effects
     of these stresses.

•    Landscape Interactions:  This growing research effort will evaluate the role
     of wetlands in the landscape  (e.g.,  impacts on water quality, habitat,'and
     hydrologic functions) and the effects of multiple stressors  and landscape
     factors  (e.g., regional hydrology, geomorphology) on wetland functions at
     the scale of  watersheds  and ecoregions.  Studies on selected wetland types
     will test hypotheses regarding the function of wetlands in the landscape,
     develop  and  field evaluate models  of landscape processes,   and evaluate
     various indicators of wetland function.  This research will  provide tools
     and data for biocriteria development and for prioritizing sites for wetland
     management activities.

•    Predictive Effects Modeling for Chemicals.; This continuing research program
    . will develop and validate models  (BBDR, SAR) to identify and characterize
     ecological hazard and risk.    The research will be applied to determine
     which chemicals pose  the greatest  threat to  the environment,  which effects
     are of greatest concern, and which mechanisms  are responsible for observed
     toxicity.  Models  developed in this research area  will help decision makers
     prioritize   testing   requirements,   interpret   data   obtained   from
     manufacturers,  and  determine  the   extent  of   needed   regulation  and

In 1999, exposure research will focus on:

*    Index Sites--  This research is a counterpart to the effects research aimed
     at  improving  our understanding  of  exposure   processes  including  dry
     deposition,  factors   affecting  UVB  exposures,  and  transport  and  fate
     processes for chemicals.

*    Watershed Exposure Models: Research will include refinement of models which
     characterize  the  impact parameters  and combinations  of parameters  (e.g.
     soil type,  temperature, plant type, surface permeability) have on watershed
     water quality. These models can be used to assist with landscape planning,
     such as, identifying the  appropriate building density to maintain water
     quality or identifying wetland restoration sites.

*    MultiMedia Modeling1:  Development of  multi-scale,  multi-pathway, multimedia
     cumulative exposure assessment models.  Modeling technology has been media-


     and problem-focused, in the past but  increasing concern is being seen for
     multi-pathway exposure.   Tools  and  technologies developed in this research
     area  will  address the  exposure  of  ecosystems  to  multiple  stressors
     (chemical, biological, physical)  through multiple  pathways  (atmospheric
     deposition,  nonpoint  and  point  sources in  water, soil  contamination,
     .biomagnif ication) across  media  boundaries..  These 'techniques are critically
     needed to evaluate the significant interactions among stressors in larger
     systems  and  develop  priorities  for  addressing  the  .most  vulnerable

•    'Ecosystem   Screening   Models:     Develop   screening  risk   assessment
     methodologies that take  existing information  on  exposure  and effects and
     determine whether a chemical Is a candidate for a more thorough assessment.
     The primary focus will be on terrestrial systems.

     EPA will develop and apply assessment methods, indices and guidelines for
quantifying risk  to  the -sustainab.ility and vulnerability of  ecosystems from
multiple stressors at multiple scales.

     This research is a continuation of current  research and is the essential
synthesis element of  the program, ultimately aimed at properly targeting limited
funds.   The research will be  refocused from individual chemical assessments to
developing methods and  indices  for  evaluating the comparative  risk associated
with   multiple  stressors  at   larger  scales   (Place  Based)    to   ensure
stakeholders/.decision makers at all  levels have the tools to make the most cost
effective and  environmentally sound management decisions.   ORD will directly
benefit because the assessments  conducted will ensure  that research  is directed
to the highest priority problems where uncertainty is  greatest.   Significant
activities are listed below.

In 1999,  risk assessment research will focus'on:

*    Guidance  on  Ecological Risk Assessment.  In-depth  analyses -o.f particular
     issues, these reports  supplement general guidance documents. They assist in
     the analytical  process of  risk assessment by providing a ready source of
     background  material   and   examples  of  the  application  of  relevant
     information.  They will provide state-of-the-science considerations used at
     the beginning of the assessment process.

•    Ecological Risk^Assessment _in ^practice.  The practical application o.f the
     EPA's  ecological risk assessment framework  will   establish  its  general
     utility  and  illuminate  its shortcomings.    This   will  be  done  through
     completion of a variety of  assessments, including problem  formulations for
     shrimp virus  in coastal waters,  specific watersheds  located  around the
     United States,  and the  initial  phases  of  the  longer  term  Mid-Atlantic
     Integrated Assessment.   In addition, a special analysis of dioxin impacts
     on aquatic life and associated wildlife  will be completed from published
     information.  Creating useful  data  sorting and  cataloguing  will  provide
     more  efficient  access  to scientific  information  used  in  support  of
     environmental risk evaluation  and  regulation,

•    EcologicalRisk Assessment in the Federal Government. This is a report to
     the  CENR  on  the  use  of  ecological  risk assessment   in  the  Federal
     government.  A synthesis of the applications of ecological assessment, this
     report  will   illustrate  common  principles and  identify  the  range  and
     disparity of parameters used across  Federal agencies.  This may be used as
     a focal point for harmonizing approaches across agencies and to determine
     research needs and their priority for future work.

•    Ecological Assessment Methods.   A variety of new methods  that  facilitate
     ecological  risk  assessment  are being  developed.    These  include  an
     Environmental Information Management System, which will provide electronic
     access to a  large  array of data and  information useful  in environmental
     modeling and  assessment.  As a model  for  other community based initiatives,
     it will serve as  a  measuring stick for the  integration of complex data and
     information  across multiple ecological  resources and geographic  scales.
     New analytical tools for large-scale ecological  risk assessment  (a model
     for the Columbia River Basin) will  be developed in  cooperation  with other-
     parts of EPA  and  outside agencies. These innovative methods for monitoring
     and evaluating ecosystem condition will  be useful for conducting state of
     the science assessments and making informed management decisions,

•    iff e c t s As s essment "tools•; Systematic and high quality databases for aquatic
     life,  wildlife  and  terrestrial  plants  are also needed  to develop  and
     validate  chemical   effect,   toxicokinetic,  dose-response   and  species
     extrapolation models.  Use  of  these knowledge bases  in  coordination with
     modeling exercises will assist in identifying  significant knowledge gaps
     for future research.   ECOTOX will  provide  the means  to  cost-effectively
     collect standardized  and critically  needed effects data for a wide variety
     of ecological risk assessments.

•    Regional Vulnerability  Exposure  Assessments:  This  research  will  develop
     computer  models  that  juxtapose  current  and  projected future  physical,
     chemical, and biological stressor patterns,  the geographic distribution of
     vulnerable .receptors, and mathematical  functions that link the resulting
     exposures to direct  and indirect•effects  on critical ecosystem structure
     and function.  In 1999,  this will  be accomplished by utilizing  existing
     data on stressor sources and ambient concentrations and on the  geographic
     distributions of potentially 'susceptible receptors and their  associated
     ecosystems. Transport, transformation and fate models or statistical models
     then  are  used  to  simulate  the   resulting  ecological  exposures  (the
     occurrence of a stressor .and receptor in space and time) at time .and space
     scales appropriate to available models  that link exposures  to  effects in

•    Probabilistic Methods:   New research in  risk characterization will develop
     probabilistic methods for  risk assessment of ecosystem risks beginning with
     pesticides and toxics as the primary focal point.

     EPA  will  develop prevention,  management, adaptation,  and  remediation
technologies to manage, restore,  or rehabilitate ecosystems  to achieve local,
regional, and national goals.

     The focus will be on .demonstrating reliable and cost-effective treatment or
containment of contaminated sediments, restoration of riparian habitats and other
critical watershed ecosystems,  and guidelines for watershed and larger scale
adaptation and mitigation technologies.   This research will provide tools and
technologies that may lead to improved capabilities to achieve desired results
from actions .taken, and at lower costs.  Significant activities are listed below.

     In 1999,  Risk Management research will focus on:

• '   .Ecological RiskAssessroent/Restoration  (ERA/R)  technologies;  This research
     will develop  restoration technologies and tools for  ecosystem  managers
     focused on three broad  approaches.   These are:  (1)  reconstruction of, to
     the extent  possible,    the physical structure  of the  ecosystem,  (e.g.,
     creating  a  riparian zone);  (2)  reduction of the  perceived stressor(s),
     (e.g.,  cleaning up  contaminated sediments); and (3)  allowing the natural
     restorative capacity of  the system to bring about the needed change.  This
     research  will  incorporate  the  knowledge developed   from  research  on
     restoration technologies, the appropriateness of their use for a. specific
     situation,  and  tools   for  measuring  the  effectiveness of  restoration
     technologies into  decision support  systems to be  used in planning .and
     implementing ecosystem  restoration.  This approach  will also minimize the
     potential for unanticipated consequences such as  introduced  species and
     water quality degradation.

•    ERA/R  restoration  assessment  technologies.,:. This  research will  develop
     assessment tools to measure the progress  and effectiveness, as well as the
     cost,  of  candidate restoration technologies.  The emphasis will be on" tools
     that can be used while restoration activities are in progress, rather than
     steady state or  long term measures  of ecosystem health.   In  many cases
     these are expected to be indirect measurements that can  be made quickly and
     at low cost.  An important part of the effort will be  to develop methods
     for evaluating negative or unexpected  impacts of the restoration efforts.
     These assessment technologies will measure the effectiveness of ecosystem
     restoration  (e.g.,  cost/benefit  tools, stressor  reduction tools).   These
     capabilities will  help  quantify the  improvements  that are realized by
     applying  scientific  and  systematic   approaches  to  restore   damaged

     In 1999,  the Regional Methods program will emphasiize the development of high
priority monitoring methods needed by EPA Regions and states  to establish permit
conditions that are better tailored  to site-specific  situations  (i.e.,  reduce
both over  and under regulation)  as well as  to more cost  effectively assess
compliance with permit conditions.
1998 Annual Performance Soala

•    Develop  reliable,   scientifically  defensible  indicators  for  measuring
     change, specifically indicators for measuring change of ecosystem stability
     or integrity, and methodologies for multi-scale regional assessments.

                        1999  Change from 1998  Enacted
                           (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                     Dollars          FTE
01 Obj.    Total Change                           $(15,206.9)          23.5

      Science and Technology        •             $(15,825.8)          23.5

      Hazardous Substance Superfund                   $618.9           0.0
     (+11.8 workyears) This request includes 11.8 work years for postdoctoral
     scientists  and engineers  to enhance  the intramural  research program.
     These  3-year  term  appointments  will provide a  constant   stream  of
     highly-trained postdoctoral candidates who can apply state-o.f-the-science
     training to EPA research issues.

     (-$1,500,000) Resources will be shifted out of research on EMAP  due to the
     conclusion of  funding  for  ecosystem risk  assessment research associated
     with the Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Management Research Consortium.

     (-$2,000,000) Resources will  be  shifted out  of EMAP,  which could impact
     the number of index sites that will be included in the monitoring network.
     However, data  collected from  fewer sites  could be  extrapolated to other
     regions not directly monitored..

     (+$435,000 and +6.3 workyears)  Resources will be shifted  into research to
     determine  ecosystem sustainability. Efforts will be  shifted from research
     to  characterize  the ecotoxicity  of chemical stressors  to research for
     developing methods  and models  for determining the  environmental factors
     that influence the sustainability of  aquatic ecosystems.   The increase
     reflects  a   growing   emphasis   on  understanding   factors  influencing
     ecosystems  and  the need   to  incorporate  a  watershed  perspective  in
     approaches to ecosystem health. Methods and models that are  developed will
     help  improve the  scientific  understanding  of  the factors  influencing
     ecosystem sustainability leading to the  development  of  watershed level
     criteria  for  protection  of  ecosystems  and  diagnostic  methods  for
     determining ecosystem health.

     (-$1,500,000  and  +1  workyear)   Resources  are being  shifted  out  of
     ecological risk  assessment and management.  $1,300,000  of this  will be
     redirected into more basic  research oil how to conduct modeling  efforts on
     multimedia stressors.

     (-$2,900,000)  Funding  to  support  the  National  Decentralized  Water
     Resources -Capacity Project, a Congressional earmark, has been eliminated.

     (-$2,900,000)  Funding  to  support   the Water  Environment  Research
     Foundation, a Congressional earmark, has  been eliminated.

     (-$5,800,000)  Funding  to  support  Salton  Sea Research,  a Congressional
     earmark, has been eliminated.


      (-$.975,000)  Funding  to  support  Center  for  Estuarine/Caastal  Ocean
      Environment, a congressional earmark, has been eliminated.

      (+$209,000) Increased resources will be directed to EPA's participation in
      the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference  (NELAC), a
      state-EPA  partnership with the goal  of achieving  a uniform national
      program for accrediting environmental testing laboratories.  This national
      program     provides  baseline   quality  assurance  oversight   in  all
      environmental monitoring conducted  for EPA programs, and  the  basis for
      promoting reciprocity among existing state programs.
Key Performance Measures
 Develop new analytical
 tools for large-scale
 ecological risk assessment:
 A model for the -Columbia
 River Basin.

 In partnership with NOAA,
 award up to six peer-
 reviewed STAR research
 grants emphasizing
 Pfiesteria, particularly
 factors which influence the
 induction of toxic forms.

 Award up to 3 peer-reviewed
 /STAR research grants to
 .develop ecological
 assessment techniques for
 regional scale analysis and

 Award up to .12 peer-
 reviewed STAR research
 grants that focus on
 indicators of
 sustainability that
 integrate among resource
 types and address multiple
 spatial scales.

Publish a landscape atlas
for the Mid-Atlantic

Provide a draft analytical
protocol for chemical
screening at Index sites in
multiple media for review.

Complete installation of UV
radiation monitors at 10
National Index Sites.
Report out a suite of
watershed models that
integrate ecological,
physical, and social

Report to CENR on use of
Ecological Risk Assessment
in the Federal Government.

Develop final guidelines
for Ecological Risk
Assessment(specific issue

Development and use of
ecological information
management system.

Publish an evaluation of
the applicability of
estuarine indicators as
indicators of the condition
of estuaries.

Publish Mid-Atlantic region
stressor profiles for
ozone, acid deposition,
pesticides,  nitrogen and
other stressors.

Provide baseline landscape
indicators for the Mid-
Atlantic Region.

Complete simulations for
multiple years and 5
stressors in the Mid-
               • 09/30/99

 Develop a GIS-based                                               09/30/99
 modeling platform for
 landscape ecology and
 regional biodiversity.

 Report on use of ecological
 risk assessment framework   "                                      09/30/99
 for shrimp virus

 Develop a problem                                                 09/30/99
 formulation statement for
 the Mid-Atlantic Integrated

 Assess dioxin impacts on                                          09/30/99
 aquatic life and associated

 Initial data and modeling                                         03/30/99
 results from a paired
 watershed study of
 hydrogeologic,  geochemical,
 and geomorphic processes
 determining reparian zone
 controls on subsurface
 nitrate transport into
 Chesapeake Bay.

      The EPA  has  restructured its strategy for  protecting  and restoring the
nation's ecological  resources  to use a new  "integrated ecosystem management"
approach.  Rather than focusing solely on regulatory command and control based
,on individual  legislative mandates,,  the  new strategy  recognizes  the  need to
adequately accommodate the interactive nature of ecological systems by replacing
approaches involving single species and single  stressors to approaches based on
systems-level management.

      The end result of this research and  incrementally al-1 along the way, will
lead the Agency to an increasingly better  understanding of  our environment, the
options available for protecting it, and the tools to do both, including:

*     Better .measures  of the success or  failure  of  regulatory and management
      policies--more  definitive,  more  responsive,  more diagnostic,  and less
•     Improved models to predict the response of ecosystems to alternative risk
      management strategies--more  realistic, more flexible,  more useable, and
      more accurate,
•     More techniques for restoring degraded systems when protection has failed,
•     Rigorous risk  assessments to make decisions on  where  to invest limited
      resources for maximizing protection,


Performance MeasureVerification and Validation

      EPA has several strategies to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental  science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process to use  risk  assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews to  both evaluate  the status and accomplishments of  its  .research and
determine planning priorities.    To better  draw upon  the  expertise  of the
environmental academic  community,  EPA created the  Science  to Achieve Results
(STAR) program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants;  the Agency is
also working with a number of professional societies and scientific organizations
to identify emerging environmental issues for which" we must begin planning the
necessary research.

      Chief among  the -Agency's  validation and  verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer   review process.    In  a July  1997  memorandum,   EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states that peer review will be expanded "to include both the manor
work products provided in the past and...all scientific and technical products
supporting Agency decisions.,."  This  expanded and strengthened focus on peer
review will help ensure that  the performance measures listed here are verified
and validated  by  external  organizations.    The  Agency utilizes  peer  review
throughout the research planning and implementation process,  both to ensure that
planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and
to assess the quality of scientific research plans,  products,  and proposals.
This is accomplished through the use of independent entities  such as the Science
Advisory Board  (SAB)and the  Board  of Scientific  Councilors  (BOSC).   The" BOSC,
established under the Federal Advisory Committee  Act,  will even examine the way
the Agency  uses peer  review, as well  as  the management of  its  research and
development laboratories.

      EPA's external research program 'undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific  community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for funding through grants -.or cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests for Applications  (RFAs)  under  the STAR program are  often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System (OMIS)
will be  another accountability tool used  to verify  and validate performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA  structure  will be  incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of information to users.

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA) section 4 and 5  (15 U.S.C. 2603 and 2604)

Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA)  (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)

Clean .Water Act (CWA) Title 1  (33 U.S.C. 1251-1271)


                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #2:  Research for Human Health Risk Assessment

      By 2008, improve the scientific basis to identify, characterize, assess,
and manage environmental  exposures  that  pose  'the greatest health -risks to the
American public by developing models and methodologies  to integrate information
about exposures and effects from multiple pathways.


      During .much of its history,  EPA has focused its risk management decisions
and regulations on  single environmental  pathways and individual contaminants.
Often, this approach has been mandated by environmental legislation.  In recent
years., advances in the state of environmental  science have illustrated  that new
risk assessment methods are needed to investigate complex environmental and human
health issues  that  were not contemplated by  early environmental legislation.
Perhaps of equal importance, these advances illustrate  the significance of new
risk management options for EPA -- replacing,  where appropriate, the "one-size-
fits-all" approach to risk management with a more population/geographic-specif ic
approach  where  risk management  options  can be  developed  -for the  general
population,  specific  age  groups  (e.g.,   infants and children),  or  other
susceptible subpopulations.

      Today,  the practice  of  risk  assessment and risk •management  helps to
identify scientific issues that cut across  the elements of the risk assessment
paradigm  (exposure, dose -response, effects, risk assessment).  Risk assessment
plays  an essential  role  in guiding  and  focusing human exposure  and health
research  in  an interactive and iterative process  to  improve the prevention,
mitigation,  or management of  environmental health risks.   Creating  a strong
scientific foundation for risk assessment  and  for subsequent risk management
decisions requires research to .reduce significant areas of scientific uncertainty
and to develop the methods, models,  and data needed to  support EPA's scientific
and  regulatory programs.    In recent years,  a number  of  national  scientific
advisory   groups   have  developed  specific   recommendations   to  assist  in
strengthening  this  foundation.

      In consideration of  those recommendations and the needs of EPA's regulatory
programs  and  Regional Offices,  EPA has  identified  three major  areas  of
uncertainty  as 'the focus  for  its  1999 Human Health  Risk Assessment  Research
Program:  1)  reducing uncertainties in exposure  measurements and measurement-
derived  models,  2)  applying mechanistic-based methods  and  models and data in
hazard  identification/characterization and dose-response assessment,  and 3)
characterizing and  assessing variation in  human exposure and susceptibility to
disease.   Because substantial  uncertainties  are  associated with these areas,
resolution will greatly advance the science of human health risk assessment.


      A number of projects are anticipated in pursuing these efforts.  Efforts
to improve human exposure assessment will include: 1.)  development and evaluation
of methods for measuring total human exposure, 2}  incorporation of  those methods
into  ongoing efforts  to  establish/validate  multi-pollutant,  multi  pathway
surveillance protocols  that  will contribute to  human  exposure  data bases and
model development, and 3) development and application of measurement-based models
that include time-activity patterns and represent prospective and retrospective
source-pathway-exposure-dpse relationships.

      Given the  challenges raised to current  approaches  to estimating cancer
(e.g., linear extrapolation)  and noncancer (application of uncertainty factors)
risks, greater emphasis will be given to obtaining fundamental pharmacokinetic
and  mechanistic  data  and  tools  for  their  application  in  deriving  more
biologically defensible risk assessments.  The pharmacokinetic data and .models
will serve as the lynchpin  for linking exposure and effects and include research
to address route-to-route and cross-species extrapolation and validation "of dose
biomarkers to serve as actual indices  of  exposure.   The mechanistic data will
allow for  clarification of the  relevance of  animal models  (e.g. ,  for ha'zard
identification  methods,  cross-species  extrapolation)  and  the validation  of
biomarkers of toxic  effects that may serve as  disease surrogates and.be used as
the basis  for low  dose extrapolation.   Special  attention will  be  given  to
quantifying  near  and  long-term  risks  associated  with  less-than-lifetime

      The  exposure  and effects  research  activities  will be  designed  and
implemented  to  provide insights  into  subpopulations which  experience higher
exposures or have underlying biological factors  {e.g., genetic predisposition,
children, elderly.,  pre-existing disease, etc.)  that place them at  greater risk..
Research  on susceptible  populations  assumes that  certain  segments  of  the
populations may not be afforded adequate  consideration in current risk assessment
practices and/or sufficient protection under ensuing risk management decisions.
Efforts associated with this research activity  will  evaluate  the adequacy of
current  approaches  to  identify,  characterize  and  explain  the  increased
susceptibility  of  various  subpopulations.    This  evaluation  will  direct
subsequently the evolution of improved  tools  and approaches to assess risk to
these populations.  A unique dimension of these efforts will be the incorporation
of risk management research as these key parameters  and populations are defined
(exposure  or biologic)  so that  appropriate   intervention  strategies can  be
developed and applied in parallel.

      In addition to supporting the GPRA goal of•conducting sound science, the
work here will also support efforts to reduce the use of pesticides on food that
do not meet the new Food Quality  Protection Act statutory standard of "reasonable
certainty  of  no harm"  {GPRA Goal  3)  by developing  improved  risk assessment
methods to provide state-of-the-scienc.e guidance  for addressing susceptibility,
variability,  aggregate exposure, exposure to mixtures,  and how these sources of
variability  can be factored  into risk assessments.   Also supported  will  be
efforts to improve pollution prevention  strategies, tools,  and approaches needed
to protect human health from unreasonable adverse  effects of pesticides and toxic
chemicals  (GPRA Goal 4) by the production of first generation exposure models for
assessing residential exposure to pesticides.  The new improved data, methods,
models,  and guidance resulting  from efforts under the Sound Science Objective
will  support more effective  Agency .implementation of a variety of legislative


mandates, particularly the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA),  the  Toxic  Substance Control Act  (TSCA),  the  Federal Food,  Drug, and
Cosmetic Act  (FFDCA),  and the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996.

      The Agency supports this objective through legal counseling and advocacy.
This may include  advice,  participation in the development  of Agency actions,
document review, and the conduct of defensive litigation.

                          dbj.ecti.ve by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                     ;        	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

Obj.  02     Research for Human          $52,631.1     $49,006.9     $47,618.5
      Health Risk Assessment

      Environmental  Program &               $18.8         $17.5         $18.8

      Science  and Technology            $52,261.1     $48,639.7     $47,556.1

      Hazardous Substance Superfund        $351.2        $349.. 7         $43.6

    Total FTE                                216.8         207,0         224.1
1999 Annual Performance Goala

•    By 1999, produce  first  generation  exposure models describing residential
     exposure to pesticides.
•    FY 2000: Generation of mechanistic  data  to strengthen the biologic basis
     for low dose and species extrapolation in building quantitative health risk
     assessment models.
*    FY 2001:  Providing methodologies suitable  for  quantifying  exposures and
     .effects for targeted subpopulations, especially children.
•    By 2008., develop and verify innovative methods and models  for assessing the
     susceptibilities of populations to environmental agents,  aimed at enhancing
     risk assessment and management strategies and guidance.
•    Define   and  identify   factors   and  conditions  that  place   various
     subpopulations at high risk.

     As stated earlier, this  objective calls for improving the scientific basis
to identify, characterize,  assess,  and manage  environmental exposures that pose
the  greatest health risks  to the American public  by developing models and
methodologies to integrate information about exposures and effects  from multiple
pathways.    In pursuit  of this  objective,  research is supported:  1)  to develop
multimedia/multipathway exposure models, 2) to develop biologically defensible
health risk assessments, and 3)  to develop improved  approaches  to  assess the
health risks of sensitive subpopulations.

.Research on Multimedia/Multipathway Exposure Modeling

     By 2007,  EPA is committed, to demonstrating a model  to assess, predict, and
diagnose the population distribution of multi-media, multi-pathway .exposures to
major classes of environmental agents.   A number of exposure related activities
will be undertaken in achieving this objective.   They have been chosen to address
substantial uncertainties that exist in human health risk assessment and thereby
improve the scientific basis  for assessing and managing risks.   They include: 1)
research to develop/improve methods for measuring total exposure; 2) measurement
research to develop/improve surveillance and measurement protocols and provide
input  into  the  development  and  validation  of  models;   3)   development  of
measurement-based source-pathway-exposure-dose models; and 4) research'to improve
risk assessment techniques,   databases,  and models.   This research  seeks to
improve the core .science in this area and will do so by  focusing on multimedia,
multipathway  exposures to pesticides  and other  consumer products  and  major
exposure venues, including residential.

     Methods and indicators research will  develop  and demonstrate methods for
measuring total human exposure:   immunoassay methods,- dermal, oral, and dietary
methods; and phase-distributed semivolatile organic compounds  and aerosols.  Of
these,  methods for measuring the low levels of pesticides and toxics in foods are
especially needed to perform  measurement studies in support of  the Food Quality
Protection Act.

     Surveillance,  measurement  and  epidemiologic  research   will  focus  on
developing,  demonstrating,  and  evaluating  human  exposure  measurement  and
surveillance/assessment  protocols through  evaluation  of  the  National  'Human
Exposure Assessment Survey  (NHEXAS)  program,  research under  the Border  XXI
program, and  improving  protocols  to  communicate  exposure risk  and  exposure
mitigation  data at  community to  regional  scales.    The latter  will  include
extension  of  pollution prevention  options driven  by the  surveillance  and
assessment data. Part of this effort will involve collaboration with local, state
and  federal  agencies  to  identify,  prioritize  and  address  environmental
health-risk problems in communities along the U.S.-Mexico Border.

     Exposure  models  research  will  focus  on   developing,  demonstrating,  and
evaluating  measurement-based  models  that  represent   exposure-biomarker-dose
relationships and the  physical and chemical factors  that  affect doses to the
target, and developing, demonstrating,  and evaluating measurement-based models
that  represent  prospective  and  retrospective  source-pathway-e.xposure-.dose
relationships.   For example,  if  unacceptable  exposures -are  detected,  it is
important  to  be able  to  identify the source  to enable effective mitigation.
Also., it is essential to be able  to predict whether a regulatory-induced change
in a source would   likely  have the desired outcome of  actually reducing human
exposure.  This area of research will also develop and  demonstrate statistical
techniques for  investigating  exposures and time-activity patterns.

     Research to improve risk assessment  techniques, data bases, and models will
1} analyze exposure information developed by the NHEXAS survey, and 2) analyze
data and develop risk assessment approaches   to  address variation  in  human
susceptibility  to pollutants  caused  by various  factors  (e.g.,  gender,  age,
ethnicity,    genetic   polymorphism,   activity   patterns,-  concentration-time


Biologically Defensible Health Assessments

     By FY 2008,  EPA is  committed to  reducing reliance on current methodologies
that rely on .default assumptions  by providing mechanistically-based data, tools
and approaches for  more quantitative and  biologically defensible  human health
risk -assessments.  EPA will achieve this objective through research in areas that
collectively represent a focused program to reduce  significant uncertainties in
EPA's ability to 1)  identify and characterize health hazards and 2) subsequently
quantify, model and assess exposure-dose-response relationships.

     Hazard identification/characterization research will develop and validate
tests  for hazard  identification  and characterization that  have a  .stronger
mechanistic foundation with a special  emphasis on noncancer end points.  Advances
in molecular  biology and  in vitro  cell  culture"  techniques  will be  used to
establish laboratory models for examining selective biological events that may
serve as  the substrates for specific,  adverse health outcomes.  Other approaches,
such as computational chemistry and structure-activity relationships (SAR) will
improve the ability to conduct screening on a large number of agents for which
there is little or no health effects  information.  The computational chemistry
and SAR approaches will complement ongoing experimental studies involving hazard
identification and  mechanisms-of-action  for important pollutant classes.  ORD
will  use  this research  information to  support  the  process  of  guideline
development,  especially  for emerging  areas of  health risk  assessment  (e.g.,
health  risks  associated  with  short-term  exposures and complex  mixtures).
Moreover, validation of  these "cutting edge" approaches will provide the agency
with a new generation of test methods that are more  accurate and  cost-effective
and greatly reduce  the time required  currently for most testing regimes.'

     Although  benchmark  dose and  other  empirical  approaches  are   seen  as
improvements over traditional noncancer risk assessment approaches through the
use of more of the dose-response data, these approaches do not fully incorporate
mechanism-of-action data.  The continued development of biologically-based dose-
response models is needed  to support  extrapolation of laboratory  data to humans.
Research on dose-response models  will include elucidating underlying mechanisms
of pollutant  toxicity and the repair or adaptation of damaged tissues using
animal models and human studies.  Special attention will be placed on elucidating
the role of receptor-mediated events  in the expression of toxicity, especially
as applied to deriving the dose-response of related toxic  chemicals and mixtures.
Research  will  include  evaluating the utility of  the toxic  equivalency factor
(TEF) technology to predict biochemical and toxicologic responses for mixtures
in animal models.   The receptor-mediated approach will also be applied  in human
studies  to delineate the  contribution of genetic  background and age in the
expression of adverse health effects.  The  research in this area  will also shift
the focus from risks associated with chronic exposures to  addressing less-than-
life-time exposures; a paradigm that is especially appropriate for many noncancer
health effects. Data from these methodologies will contribute to  the development
and demonstration  of more biologically  defensible  models that  represent more
accurately the exposure-dose-effect relationships' upon which risk assessments are

Hesearch on Susceptible Subpopulations

     By 2008,  EPA is committed under the Government  Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) to developing and verifying innovative methods and models for assessing
the susceptibilities of populations to environmental agents, aimed at enhancing
current risk assessment and management  strategies and guidance.   The research
described below is essential to successfully meeting this GPRA commitment.

     Research on susceptible subpopulations,  particularly infants and children,
has  strong  support  from  national  scientific   advisory organizations,  the
Administration, and  Congress,.  In 1993,  the National Academy  of  Science  (NAS)
issued its report, Pesticides in the .Diets of Infants and Children, which drew
attention  to   health effects  and  exposure  research  needed  to  improve  our
understanding of the impact of pesticides on children's development and overall
health. In 1996,  Congress enacted the Food Quality Protection Act  (FQPA).  Among
its many provisions the Act mandates a single,  health-based  standard for all
pesticides  in all  foods  and  provides  special   protections  for  infants  and
children;.  Also in 1996,  the Administrator issued a report  entitled Environmental
.Health Threats to Children  and established  a children's Agenda for EPA, calling
for consideration of children's  risks  in  all Agency actions and  a greater
emphasis on  research to support  children's  risk assessments.   In  1997,  the
President  issued an Executive  Order addressing  protection  of children from
environmental health risks.

     In response to the heightened awareness  and concern  over children's health
risks and the provisions of the new legislation on food safety, EPA established
the  Children's Health  Research  Program and  a   research  program to  support
implementation of FQPA..

     Ciiildren'.s Health Research Program

     Much of  the effort under  the Children's program is  based on the Risks to
Children Research Strategy, which  provides the framework for  working toward a
risk assessment methodology for children that will address  age-related exposures,
physiology, and biological  responses that result in increased risks, and provides
a  framework   for  improved  risk  characterization   and  identification  of
Opportunities for risk management and reduction.   In FY 1999,  Children's Health
Research will  continue providing the data to strengthen Agency risk assessments
for children,  both in the near and long term.  The program will emphasize:

     1)     child-centered research applicable to  a broad  range of programs  that
           will contribute  to  the  development of more accurate risk assessments
           throughout all EPA Program Offices and Regions;

     2}    development of methods  for assessing  and characterizing children's
           risks  that  can be  used  as  a  framework  for  coordinating  risk
           assessment research both in the Children's risk program and in other
           ORD research programs  with  the objective of providing consistent
           methods for EPA risk assessors, and developing data and methods for
           risk assessment with wide application  in Agency Program Offices and

    3)      development of improved testing guidelines for predicting the effects
           of  pre-  and  perinatal  exposures  on  development  in  infants  and

    4)      investigation of not only how children are different from adults, but
           also why they are different,  including  -studies  of mechanisms  of
           action for effects in children and quantification of biological and
           physiological characteristics of different age groups, investigation
           of activity patterns  and pathways  of exposure specific to children,
           and identification of sources of  exposure  that are of  particular
           concern for children;

   5)       development of exposure,  physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
           .and biologically-based dose response (BBDR)  models for quantitative
           risk assessment  with the  objective  of  developing improved  risk
           assessments  methods   for  application  on a  routine basis  in  EPA
           programs ;

     6)     aggregate  exposure and cumulative  risks for children experiencing
           multiple chemical and multiple pathway exposures;

     7)     variability within an age group because of differences in exposures
           and susceptibilities  compared to differences between age  groups;

    8)     better communication  of  risk assessment information.to stakeholders,
           including parents, schools, medical personnel  and other  members of
           the community,- and

    9)     identification, development,  and communication of  risk reduction and
           risk prevention measures.

     In collaboration with  the  National  Institute for  Environmental  Health
Sciences (NIEHS),  EPA will continue to support specialized academic  centers of
research in pediatric environmental health. These centers emphasize  coordinated
programs that incorporate exposure assessment and health effects research with
development and validation of risk management and outreach,  prevention,  and
intervention strategies.   EPA will also  continue to participate in the National
Health and  Nutrition Examination  Survey (NHANES-4) .  This study,  conducted by the
National Center for Health Statistics,  involves collecting information on health,
nutrition,  and exposure,  in a nationally representative  sample,  in which certain
groups and  age ranges  of  children are oversampled:   EPA is  supporting studies to
obtain blood  and urine  levels  representative of  age  ranges  in the  national
population  for selected pesticides, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and metals,
and in the  results of accompanying questionnaire items aimed at potential sources
of exposure.   These data will be  used to characterize  and  quantify national
exposure levels in  children, to  supplement and interpret the special  exposure
studies ORD  is currently conducting,  and to provide information on trends in

     FQPA Implementation

     As previously noted, Congress enacted the Food Quality Protection Act  (FQPA)
in 1996, mandating a  single, health-based standard for  all  pesticides  in all


foods  and   providing  special  protections   for  sensitive  subpopulations,
particularly infants and children.   Titles III and IV of the Act  identify clear
.science needs consistent with evaluation of all potential routes and pathways of
exposures  and effects  to  pesticides,  inclusive of  aggregate  exposures  to
pesticides, and the need to review more complex factors (e.g. ,  cumulative effects
and exposures).   Uncertainties associated with our ability to assess risks from
aggregate/cumulative exposure to mixtures of chemicals can be articulated in such
scientific  questions  as:  What  are the human health effects  associated with
multiple,  short-term  exposures to pesticides  and other  toxic chemicals that
differ from those resulting from chronic exposures?  What are  the human health
effects  associated  with exposures to  mixtures of pesticides  and  other toxic
chemicals with similar modes of action that differ  from those associated with the
individual chemicals?  What cumulative exposures result from multiple, short-term
exposures from various sources?  What are  the  characteristics of toxic chemical
mixtures in the environment that are important for assessing risks to humans?
What are  the dose-response characteristics of  low-concentrations  of mixtures
found in the environment?   Will a Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF)  approach be
applicable?  How  can  unreasonable risks  associated  with multiple,  short-term
exposures and multiple chemical exposures (mixtures) be effectively managed?

     To address these  and other issues of cumulative risk,  research in 1999 will
focus on:  1)  development of methods  to evaluate the human  health  effects of
cumulative exposure to pesticides and other  toxic  substances  including multiple
acute exposures, mixtures of chemicals with similar modes of action from the same
source,  mixtures  of  chemicals with similar  modes  of  action from  different
sources; and 2) development of methods to enable measurement of pesticides and
toxics in food, the conduct of targeted field studies, and models to evaluate and
assess cumulative/aggregate exposures to pesticides and toxic chemicals including
multiple  acute  exposures,  mixtures  and  multiple  chemicals  from common  and
different sources.

     The major uncertainties in  the  area  of sensitive subpopulations (such as
infants and children and the elderly) relate to the degree to  which current risk
assessment practices provide them .adequate protection. Estimates of variability
in human susceptibility to  cancer range from a  factor  of 36 to a factor of 50,000
(Hattis,  1986  and Finkel,  1987).  This wide  range  introduces a  great deal of
uncertainty in our risk assessments, making it very difficult  for risk assessors
to establish susceptibility factors for  subpopulations  such as  children,  the
elderly, and persons with pre-existing disease.

     To address risks to sensitive subpopulations under FQ'PA,  research in 1999
will focus  on:  1)  improved and  validated methods and measurements to detect/
characterize/quantify pesticide exposures in infants and children (including age^
related differences and activity patterns/behavior unique to children) and other
susceptible .subpopulations  (elderly,  predisposition to  disease,  and high-end
exposure groups;  2)  development of  exposure models for children that include all
relevant pathways and media (especially those related  to child  behaviors and
activity patterns) and are capable of source-pathway-exposure-dose modeling in
a predictive and diagnostic way;  and 3)  using  existing exposure, effects, dose-
response, and physiological data to assess exposures,  doses, and risks to infants
and children,  including developing risk assessment tools and  communication of
children's  risk that will directly support implementation of FQPA.,

     The President's Budget Request  includes a total of 50 work years to be used
for  3-year  term appointments  of  postdoctoral  candidates  to  work  at  ORD
1998Annual Performance Goals

•    Research to .assess  the susceptibilities of populations  to  environmental
     agents by  developing methods and models  to enhance risk assessment  and
     management strategies.

                         1999  Change from  1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
 02 Obj.    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management

       Science and Technology

       Hazardous Substance Superfund






      (-$1,777,300)  Research  priorities  under the Human Health  Objective are
      based on  the  objectives  of  the Human  Health Risk Assessment  Research
      Strategy and decisions  resulting from ORD's  annual  risk-based  planning
      process.     Within  the   overall   dollar   reduction,   research   on
      multimedia/multipathway exposure modeling will decrease by $1,777,300 in
      total dollars.   Part of  this reduction  (-$750,000) results from a scaling
      back of  efforts under  the  U.S. Mexico  Border Program  (a.k.a.  NAFTA),
      reducing  our   efforts   in  exposure   surveillance,   measurement,   and
      epidemiologic research  in Border  communities,  such  as  the ability to
      conduct  concurrently research  in  more  than  one community or  support
      multiple  border institutions  in  implementing  education  and  training
      activities.   Resources  will remain to continue support  for most  of the
      Agency's primary NAFTA research .needs.  Another part of the reduction to
      the  multimedia/multipathway  exposure  modeling  research  (-$1,042,500
      extramural)  will impact work on exposure methods and indicators  designed
      to .develop models and protocols  for  reducing  uncertainty in determining
      total human exposure. While this will have some impact on our ability to
      develop improved methods  for  ascertaining routes of total exposure, the
      Agency  will  continue  to support  a  strong program  of human  exposure
      research in closely related areas,  such as cumulative exposure.

      The pilot ORD portion of  the  Agriculture-Health Study,  which  focuses on
      measuring and evaluating exposures of farm families to  pesticides, will be
      completed in FY  1998.  However, ORD will continue the main epidemiological
      portion  (under  National  Cancer Institute  and.  National  Institute  for
     "Environmental Health Sciences) .

      (+$750,000)  ORD will provide increased support to investigator-initiated
      research, focusing  on priority  issues  in human  exposure  as  determined

      through the  Agency's  risk-based planning  process,  such as  exposure to
      complex chemical mixtures.

      (+13.7 workyears) The increase  in  workyears  includes  a request for 13.7
      workyears  for  postdoctoral  scientists  and  engineers to  enhance  the
      intramural research  program.  These 3-year term appointments will provide
      a constant stream of highly-trained postdoctoral  candidates who can apply
      state-of-the-science training to EPA research issues.
 Key Performance Measures                  1998                 1999

 Award up to 10 peer reviewed STAR       09/30/98             09/30/99
 research grants that support
 studies to quantify the exposure
 of children -to organophoss,
 trazines and pyrethroids that
 treat children as unique and
 sensitive subpopulations.

 In partnership with NIEHS,  award        09/30/98
 up to five peer -reviewed STAR
 research grants to centers that
 will study the causes and
 mechanisms of children's
 disorders having an environmental

 Development of a pharmacokinetic                             09/30/99
 model for YOG's alone and in

 Complete preliminary analysis of                             09/30/99
 pilot scale multipathway NHEXAS

 Develop first generation multi-                              09/30/00
 route human exposure-dose models.

 Develop First Generation                                     09/30/99
 Residential Exposure Models.

 Develop pharmacokinetic model for                            09/30/99
 dioxin that can cross species,
 sex, and address C x T.

      During much of  its  history,  EPA has focused its risk assessments,  risk
management  decisions,  and  regulations on  individual po'llutants and  single
environmental pathways.  In recent years, increasingly complex environmental and
human  health issues  have challenged  EPA  to pursue  a more relevant,  multi-
pollutant, multi pathway  approach  and to  develop more sophisticated tools and


scientifically defensible  models  for  human health  risk assessment.   Recent
changes in EPA's  national regulatory agenda --  from the historic "one size fits
all" command and  control approach to population-specific approaches wherein risk
assessments may  be needed  for the general populations as  well as susceptible
subpopulations -- have also underscored the need for such research.

      Successfully accomplishing the research described in this plan will produce
products that will dramatically alter the way in which the Agency conducts human
health risk assessments.  As part of this undertaking, it is anticipated that the
data, methods and modeling  approaches from these efforts will  be fed into either
"prototypic" risk assessment exercises on pollutants of broad Agency interest,
or ongoing program-specific risk assessments.  As such,  the efforts under this
objective  will   advance  the  overall  science  of  human  risk assessment  and
contribute to high priority risk assessment activities of client offices.  The
feedback from those efforts will serve to guide future directions.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      EPA has several strategies to validate  and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental  science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process  to use risk assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria..   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews to  both  evaluate the status and  accomplishments of  its  research and
determine  planning priorities.    To  better draw  upon the  expertise of  the
environmental academic community,  EPA  created the Science  to Achieve Results
(STAR) program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants,-  the Agency is
also  working  with  the   National   Research  Council  to   identify  emerging
environmental issues for which we must begin planning the necessary research.

      Chief  among the Agency's  validation  and  verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer review process.    In  a  July  1997  memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states  that peer review will  be  expanded "to include both the manor
work products provided in the pas.t and. . ..all scientific and technical products
supporting Agency decisions..."  This  expanded and strengthened focus  on peer
review will help ensure that the performance measures listed here are verified
and  validated by  external organizations.   The Agency  utilizes peer  review
throughout the research planning and implementation process,  both to ensure that
planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and
to assess  the quality of scientific research  plans,  products,  and proposals.
This is accomplished  through the use of independent entities  such as the Science
Advisory Board (SAB)and the Board  of Scientific Councilors  (BOSC).   The BOSC,
established under the Federal Advisory  Committee Act, will even examine the way
the Agency uses  peer  review,  as well as  the  management of  its  research and
development laboratories.

      EPA's external  research program undergoes  extensive peer review.  Proposals
from the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for  funding through  grants or cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests for  Applications  (RFAs) under the  STAR program are often developed
jointly with outside  partners  such as the  National  Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.


      The Office .of Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will be  another accountability  tool  used to verify  and validate performance
measures*  The recently developed GPRA structure will  be  incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of information to users.
Statutory Authority

CWA Title I :(33 U.S.C. 1251-1271)

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #3: Research to Detect Emerging Risk Issues

      By 2008, establish capability and mechanisms within EPA to anticipate and
identify environmental or other changes that may portend future risk, integrate
futures planning into ongoing programs,  and promote 'coordinated preparation for
and response to change.


      A clear  vision of  future  environmental risk will enable  EPA to manage
strategically for tomorrow and tactically for today.  Benefits will include an
improved framework  for decision-making,  increased  ability to anticipate and
perhaps deter serious environmental risks, and enhanced communication with•the
public  and   other   stakeholders.     This   objective   responds   directly  to
recommendations of numerous external advisory panels, including  the Committee on
Research Opportunities and  Priorities for  EPA tinder  the National  Research
Council, the Carnegie •Commission, the National Academy of Public Administration,
and EPA's  Science  Advisory Board,  that  EPA improve its  capacity  to identify
emerging -environmental risks, the respective long-term trends  that would shape
such  environmental  risks, and major  planning  and  policy issues  related to
associated research,  monitoring,  and  intervention.   This objective provides the
basis to:

«     stretch existing institutional  capacity by using  current  work on a number
      of complex, multi-pathway  problems to learn  how  to  identify and assess
      risks across, species, time, and space.  Lessons  from these efforts .will
      have broad and significant impacts on the conduct of risk assessments in
      all media and  in  all EPA programs,  as  well as  inform our  understanding of
      potential future risks;

•     enhance the Agency's capacity to report on the  economic costs and benefits
      of  environmental  policies and  effectively  communicate  the  economic
      implications of  regulatory programs.   Economic  analyses  will  become a
      regular  component  of  the  AgencyJs  efforts  to  fully  describe  the
      consequences of changes in human as well as ecological risks attributable
      to programs.   Economic information  will be  one  of  the several  risk
      management inputs  used to identify priorities,  assess  programs,  and
      evaluate  the  efficiency of Agency and social resources devoted to the
      protection of the environment.  Economic tools will themselves be assessed
      and continuously improved,  so as to enable the Agency to  provide the best
      available  information  on  economic  questions  that arise  within  the
      regulatory,  legislative and   other policy  development  processes  that
      involve Agency concerns..

      Once established, the mechanisms to identify and respond to changes that
indicate future environmental risk must be maintained and used.  This objective
is not one that will be "achieved" in the sense that there is no residual risk
remaining to address.  The entire objective is early identification of unknown
areas requiring attention.   To benefit,  EPA will need  tp  retain this future-
oriented capacity as the future continues to unfold.

      Risk reduction is also facilitated by expanding the limited information on
cumulative exposures of multiple pollutants from multiple sources to different
demographic groups.   There is a .need to use existing data and methods to estimate
a  national  distribution  of  cumulative  exposures  across  communities  and
demographic groups for air,  food and drinking water exposure.  The. end product
of  such  activities  will  enable EPA  to  consider other important  factors  in
development of policy issues, including: 1)  strategies to target environmental
policies  at populations  experiencing  the  greatest  exposures;  2)  national
•distribution  of  cumulative   exposures  and  data to support  community-based
environmental protection;  and 3) go a step beyond previous analyses of pollution
and demographics by incorporating more sources and more pollutants.  The specific
sensitive populations that will .be addressed are  children,  minorities and low
income populations.   The  Science  Advisory Board  (SAB)  has  indicated that the
conceptual  framework  for  the  Agency's  efforts on cumulative  exposure  is
scientifically sound and provides a strong basis for a more .integrated assessment
of population  exposures  to toxic  pollutants,  the underlying  contributors  to
exposure and ultimately .a basis -for comparisons of exposures across geographic
and demographic groups.

      The Agency's efforts in this objective will be  supported  through legal
counseling  and advocacy.    This  may  include  advice,   participation  in  the
development of  Agency actions,  document review,  and  the conduct  of defensive

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	199B Pres Bud  199B Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  03     Emerging Risk  Issues        $56,414.1     $47,744.4     $55,387.0

      Environmental  Program &            $5,854.5      $5,299.6      $5,760.9

      Science and Technology             $50,559.6     $42,444.8     $49,591.1

      Hazardous Substance  Superfund             $             $         $35.0

    Total FTE                               128.5         143.5         184.7
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    By 1999.,  initiate field exposure study of children to 2  Endocrine Disruptor
     Chemicals  (EDCs).

•    By 1999 and beyond produce data, models, technical  information which can be
     used by  Federal,  state and  local  air pollution  regulatory officials to
     understand the processes which lead to the formation of organic and metal
     compounds  in  combustion systems  and to  quantitatively  evaluate  the
     viability  (cost  and performance)  of  various  technologies to  control or
     prevent these emissions.

•    .By 2005, provide  a  strong scientific  basis for understanding  the health
     effects of air pollutant mixtures.

•    In 2000,  complete the carbon  monoxide  Air Quality Criteria Document (AQCD)
     as the basis for the OAR carbon monoxide staff paper risk assessment which
     supports the carbon monoxide .NAAQS.

•    Integrate air toxics modeling into Air Office programs.  Complete update of,
     air toxics modeling to take into account changes in emissions  since 1990.

•    In 1999,  complete and  submit  external review draft  of the Air  Quality
     Criteria Document for carbon monoxide.

     This objective  contributes  to EPA's  capability  to identify and  address
emerging -environmental issues. Tasks related specifically to capacity-building
and  mechanism-development  are  contained  in   this  objective.    Substantial
capability to discern "early warnings" and  patterns of change will !be developed
through work  undertaken  on endocrine  disrupters and the investigation of the
effects of multiple pollutants in the atmosphere.  This new understanding will
help  to  develop  a  process  for identifying   and  conveying  recommendations
concerning potential risks in the future.

     The President's Budget Request  includes a  total of 50 workyears to be used
for three-year term appointments of postdoctoral  candidates to work at the Office
of Research and Development laboratories.

     A blue  ribbon panel of  the  Science  Advisory Board recommended that EPA
enhance its environmental education programs for training the next generation of
scientists and  engineers (Fellowships/Environmental Education. - The graduate
fellowship program ($10,076,800 and  1 total workyear) was initiated in 1995 for
that purpose.   This graduate  fellowship program, competitive and peer-reviewed,
is designed to attract some of the brightest and most dedicated students in the
Nation  to take  advanced training  in  scientific and  engineering  disciplines
relevant to protection of public health and the environment and,  ultimately to
careers in environmental  science  and engineering  -- not  only for EPA,  but for
states, localities, and  industry.   Thus,  by providing  support for  masters and
doctoral students in environmental sciences and engineering, EPA helps to develop
the Nation's environmental and technology base for addressing the environmental
concerns into the next century.

     Beyond developing young  minds  for  future  needs, fellowship studies bring
fresh  ideas to  bear  on EPA  science  issues.    Also, the work done under the
fellowship  program helps  resolve  uncertainties associated with  particular
environmental problems and focuses graduate research on  priority research areas.

     Fellowships  are announced  nationally,  allowing  many  opportunities  for
applicants to apply.  The applicants are judged by external peer reviewers, and
are selected according to specific criteria:  1)   evaluation of the applicant's
demonstrated dedication  to  their  career goals;  2}  evaluation of the student's
organizational, analytical, and written skills;  3)  evaluation of  the proposed
course of study or curriculum; and 4) how the proposed research can be applied
to  technical  environmental  problems.    The  spread of  awards is  calculated
carefully by EPA to students of various graduate experience.  In 1999, the Agency
expects  to   support  fellowships  across multiple  disciplines, including  the
biological  and  physical  sciences, mathematics and  computer  science,  and

     In 1999, the Exploratory Grants research program ($14,674,200 and 3 total
workyears) will generate new ideas and produce  new scientific information by
encouraging  creativity  and  innovation  in  scientific  research.    Through
publication of an annual  general solicitation, the -program .defines general areas
in which there exist  significant gaps in scientific knowledge and understanding,
and allows  individual investigators from  the  academic  research  community to
conceive, define,  and propose  research projects-   Topics from a broad variety of
areas, such  as  environmental chemistry and physics, health and ecological effects
of pollution can receive attention under the Exploratory Grants program.

     Proposals are competitively reviewed by peer panels of predominantly outside
Agency researchers,  with  only the most scientifically sound proposals ultimately
receiving support.  The major program outputs are scientific articles published
in  the  peer  literature •.    The   scientific  information  shared through  such
publications  is  intended  to broaden   and  enhance  scientific knowledge  and
understanding  and to .be used  as  inputs  into  more  targeted,  more  applied
environmental research programs.

     Research  on  endocrine  disrupters  chemicals (EDCs)  ($14,336,600  and 70.8
total workyears in 1999)  is being -conducted according to priorities described in
the Endocrine Disrupters  Research Strategy, which is targeted  at addressing the
major  uncertainties  in  this  important  area.     The Agency is committed to
identifying and evaluating strategies to manage risks from exposure to endocrine
disrupting chemicals capable of  inducing adverse  reproductive  and other effects
in humans and wildlife.

     In moving toward fulfilling this commitment,  for 1999, developing screening
and testing protocols, research needs have been identified for each of the four
areas of the risk assessment paradigm (i.e., effects, exposure,  risk assessment,
and risk management) . Research in the area of effects is needed to determine the
nature and extent to which environmentally relevant exposures to chemicals are
producing adverse effects in humans and  wildlife species.  Efforts will focus on:
1) conducting  integrated toxicology and exposure .studies in ecological systems
or human  populations with suspected contamination  or exposure to  EDCs  (joint
effort  with  exposure) ;  2)   assessing  the  effects   of   E'DC   exposure  on
neuroendocrine, immunological, and reproductive function in developing and adult
animals  in  support  of  pharmacokinetic  and  biologically based  dose-response
models, with emphasis on animal models   of EDC-induced diseases in wildlife and
humans; and  3) translating results from measurement end points at lower levels
of biological organization to  impacts on populations  and communities through the
use of microcosms and mesocosms.


     Exposure  research is needed  to  identify  and understand  major exposure
routes and processes and develop predictive models for estimating the extent and
magnitude  of  exposures  of  humans  and ecosystems  to  endocrine  disrupters.
Research-will focus on  developing new methods, and refining existing ones  (e.g.,
analytical  chemistry,  sample  extraction,  biomarkers)  to  acquire  data  for
compartmental  models,  with emphasis  on the  transport and  transformation  in
sediments and tools for assessing exposure  in individuals.  (A joint effort with
risk ..assessment researchers) .

     Risk assessment research will develop an analytical framework for evaluating
impacts  of reported endocrine disrupters phenomena  from a  risk assessment
perspective.    Research   is  needed  to  construct  a   framework to  identify,
characterize, and prioritize potential exposure to EDCs and provide a database
for preliminary risk characterization  (joint effort with exposure).

     As specific EDCs are clearly identified and their potential environmental
and human health consequences are quantified,  research will be needed to identify
major sources  of EDCs  entering the environment;  and to develop tools for 'risk
management such as  biodegradation processes or pollution prevention strategies.
The development of  new and improved  methods  and models to assess exposure and
effects will lay the groundwork for effective and reliable risk assessment and
risk management decisions.  In support of  finding solutions to identified EDC
problems, risk management research will also begin to examine technologies and
approaches to prevent,  control, and,  if appropriate," remediate EDCs.

     Regulators and scientists are  realizing  that preventing  risks  from air
pollution using a  one-pollutant-at-a-time approach is  inefficient and 'raises
frequent questions  on effects of mixtures and co-pollutant control impacts 'which
cannot be  answered.  For example, we  cannot characterize the  synergistic or
additive  (or  antagonistic)  health  effects  of  hazardous  air  pollutants  in
combination with ozone,  nor  can we compare the benefits  of  reducing nitrogen
oxide emissions to meet both tropospheric ozone and  PM goals.  To date* EPA has
been successful in  protecting  public health  and the environment from the most
serious risks of air pollution by" focusing on individual pollutants,  e.g., ozone,
sulfur dioxide, particulates,  and a  limited  number of  toxic chemicals.   While
there  is  still a lot  of  work  to be  done to  solve these problems,  as proposed
under their research plans, even more must be done to cost-effectively achieve
current air quality goals and to be sure  they are sufficiently protective in the
future.  Three concerns in particular need to be addressed in addition to ongoing
work:  (I)  the health  and ecological effects of  air pollutants mixtures,  (2)
integrated modeling and measurement of exposure,- air quality  characterization,
and  fate-transport-and-transformation  of pollutants,  and  (3)  optimization of
tnulti-pollutant risk management approaches.

     To assess and  prevent risks  from air pollution present in mixtures, the way
people  and  ecosystems commonly  experience  it,  we must  look  beyond  single
pollutants.  We must understand the health and ecological effects associated with
exposures  to  air pollutants  in  combination, without emphasis on a particular
constituent.  We -must look at multiple  scales and at all  environments  combined,
outdoors and indoors, in  cities and industrial areas, and over sensitive forests
and watersheds.  To achieve balance in pollution control,  and avoid costs that
are  unnecessary,    we  must  understand  the  interplay  .of   source  emissions
transformation, transport and fate, and the impacts of mult.i-pollutant controls.


The research in this  initiative will focus on what scientists and regulators are
truly attempting to deal with - the fact that all air pollution merges in "one
atmosphere".  Specifically,  in 1999, EPA will initiate the following research to
support the One Atmosphere Research Program ($5,470,000;  47.7 total workyears).

     Researchers will  initiate  clinical and  animal studies  to determine the
health effects of exposure to combinations of pollutants,  especially those common
to urban  environments  (e.g. PM  exposure simultaneously  with ozone,  volatile
organic compounds simultaneously with particulate and ozone) .  This research will
allow for a better understanding of  the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects
of combined exposures to air pollutants.  The data -will help  risk  assessors to
better assess the effects observed  in epidemiological studies.  The results from
this  research will  be  very helpful  in  providing an  understanding of  the
mechanisms by which mixtures .of priority air pollutants produce adverse health
effects.   Since lack of  understanding  of biological  mechanisms  has been a
critical uncertainty with respect to the  current  PM  review,  this work will help
address  these uncertainties and be  highly complementary to  the ongoing work
specific to .PM.

     Health   endpoint.s,    such   as   respiratory   toxicity,   immunotoxicity,
neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity, will be evaluated, as well as chronic
mortality and morbidity.  Risks to potential sensitive sub-populations will be
evaluated to determine if urban mixtures  induce or exacerbate sensitivity..  The
biological processes underlying the health effects of combined exposures and the
dependance of these effects on exposure dynamics,  such as timing,  frequency, and
magnitude, will be  studied.  Since epidemiological research,  by .its nature, must
consider  important  co-pollutants,  this  research   will  allow   for  coherent
evaluation of  the  combined influence of criteria and air pollutants  on human
health. The results of this research may provide an improved understanding of the
observations that air pollution is associated with  increased  illness and death
in humans.

     Integrated air quality assessments', specialized field studies, and review
of measurement improvements will  determine the capability  of  current monitoring
approaches to fully characterize ambient constituents, transformation products
and 'precursor species  on all scales of  importance.    Understanding of  the
relationship between environmental monitors and actual human exposure, especially
for mixtures (e.g., urban toxics in the presence of criteria pollutants) and the
spatial  relationships   (e.g. indoor-outdoor,  inner city-suburban-rural)  of
susceptible sub-populations will be increased.  Continuous ntulti-pollutant in-
stack monitoring and multi-pollutant source modeling will be  developed for use
by the regulatory community in allowance and trading programs.

     The Risk Assessment Guidelines will  be updated  for air pollutant mixtures.
Regression  models  will  be  used   to  study the  interaction  of PM and  other
pollutants with regard to mortality and morbidity.   Comprehensive  environmental
impact  assessment   approaches  will  be  developed  and  applied  to incomplete
combustion products from incinerators.  AQCDs to support the development of other
NAAQS ( S02,~ CO, and NOx) will be  completed as required by the appropriate 5-year
NAAQS cycle.   In 1999, the Agency  will  support  the development of  other AQCDs
other than  PM and  ozone (e.g.,  S02, CO, and NOx),  but  completion will not be
realized until future years.

      Integrated control and pollution prevention approaches will be developed for
source  categories  (e.g.  utilities/  chemical manufacturing facilities, various
industrial production processes, waste corabustors and industrial  boilers)  which
are having the greatest impact on air  quality.   All the  technologies  chosen for
investigation will have  the  potential to  simultaneously  reduce multiple  air
pollutants.    Examples of  technologies include  new coating  processes  which
simultaneously reduce  ozone precursors and toxic air pollutants and sorbents
which can  simultaneously  capture criteria  air pollutants and toxic   compounds
emitted from combustion systems. The ultimate goal of this research is to ensure
future  air  pollution  emission reduction  systems  used to  comply  with  EPA
regulations  provide  the   maximum   risk  reduction  possible while   minimizing
compliance  costs and  multi-media   impacts.   This  research  directly supports
efforts by EPA,  state and local regulatory officials and industry  to develop
integrated  strategies to  comply with the  PM  and ozone NAAQS.  .In  addition,
outputs from this research would support EPA efforts to develop  strategies  which
will .reduce the  risks posed by the  multitude of air pollutants present in many
urban areas across the U.S.

      Empirical analyses of the costs and benefits of regulatory  programs will be
conducted,  and advancements in  economic  benefit  and  cost  assessment methods
across  the Agency will be supported.   Research on benefit-cost techniques  and
analyses on the benefits and  costs o.f proposed environmental  legislation  and
regulations, with emphasis placed on assessing cumulative sets of  regulations or
total programs,  will assist in-planning for ongoing programs.  The Agency will
support economic analyses on  the effects  of environmental  regulations on  the
size, structure, and performance of  domestic and international economic markets.
Projects will  be conducted to measure the influence of environmental costs on
individual  plant and industrial sector performance,  and develop national  and
regional  economic models  to   measure  the  relationships between  economic  and
environmental  policies on  economic performance  measures..   The  research  and
analyses will advance the state of knowledge  in benefit estimation  and  valuation,
and aid in the cost-effective  use of Agency and societal resources. The analytic
capacity of program offices will be augmented by  focusing on applied research,
information provision and technical assistance.  Centralizing the management of
economic analyses  will achieve  economies of  scale.   The Agency  will act  as a
.clearinghouse  and technical  assistance service,   including  assistance  in  the
coordination .and adoption of technical peer reviews of social science products.

      The cumulative exposure project will continue previous work on  estimating
cumulative  exposures from  air,  food  and  drinking water.   The  project   will
finalize -the .exposure estimates  for each pathway for the baseline year of  1990,
provide a  public release  of  the data,  and  focus  on integrating exposures  from
food  and drinking water.  .Following peer-review of these products, the exposure
estimates will be updated to include exposure estimates for the  years  1990-2000,
and  protocols  for annualized updates  and public  release of  data  will be
established.   Results  of the cumulative  exposure  project will  further  the
objective to establish the capability and mechanisms within EPA to  anticipate and
identify environmental changes that may pose future risks, and provide solutions
for change.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

*    Investigate molecular  and genetic  methods as  part of  a new  screening
     battery to detect compounds that interact with the endocrine system.

•    Improve consistency and quality of technical analyses and policy guidance
     on economic benefits and costs of EPA programs.
                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
 03 Obj .    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management

       Science and Technology

       Hazardous Substance Superfund






      This request includes 0.7 total workyears for postdoctoral scientists and
      engineers to enhance the  intramural research program.  These  three-year
      term  appointments  will  provide  a constant  stream  of  highly-trained
      postdoctoral candidates who .can apply state-of-the-science training to EPA
      research issues.

      Increasing resources ($2,22.2,800)  in the Exploratory Grants program will
      focus on producing new scientific  information by encouraging  creativity
      and innovation in scientific research.

      Research priorities under the Endocrine Disrupters (ED)  program,  such as
      assessing the effects of  exposure  on immune and reproductive functions in
      developing and adult animals, are based on the Federal Research Strategy
      on  Endocrine Disrupters,  and  decisions resulting  from  ORD's  annual
      planning process, in which ORD has developed a high priority program for
      FY 1999  based on human health and  ecological risk.   Additional  efforts
      will be enhanced slightly 'to identify,  characterize,  and evaluate risks
      from  exposure  to  endocrine  disrupting chemicals  capable of  inducing
      adverse effects in humans.

      There are also  some  significant shifts  for FY 1999 ($5,127,640 and 32.3
      workyears),  reflecting a combination of planned coordination between the
      effects  and  exposure  components  of  the  program  and   completed  work.
      Ongoing   effects  research  focuses  on  the  development   of   hazard
      identification  and  characterization  methods  will be   integrated  with
      efforts  to  develop  exposure  methods  and- models.   This proposed shift
      ($977,560 and 3.7 workyears) will meld these projects,  resulting in more
      valuable  outputs  and  outcomes,  and  is consistent  with  the  guidance
      provided in the Endocrine Disrupters Research Strategy.

      Another part  of  the proposed  shift  ($4,150,080  and 28.6  workyears)
      represents a  progression of research  that  reflects the success  of the
      initial research to enhance existing test methods.   In accordance with the
      Endocrine  Disrupters  Research Strategy, more emphasis will now be given to
      the effects of EDCs on adult and developing animals.  As a planned follow-
      up to  an  initial evaluation of  available methods to  detect  and  assess
      activity  of  endocrine  disrupters,  this  research  will  focus  on  the
      evaluation of  specific endpoints  of toxicity and the relationship between
      physical maturation of  the exposed organism and magnitude  of effect.

      Another shift  ($3,119,500 and  26.7 workyears)  will  initiate  the  One
      Atmosphere research  program,  which will  initially focus on  integrated
      systems for controlling  multiple air pollutants and studies  to determine
      the effects of .air pollutant mixtures.

      A total of $408,600  and 4.0 workyears  under  the One Atmosphere  Research
      program will  augment EPA's ability to  meet the statutory mandate  in the
      Clean Air  Act that requires periodic revision  (every five years)  of the
      National  Ambient  Air Quality  Standards.    The Office  of  Research  and
      Development will  prepare and  have peer  reviewed  Carbon  Monoxide  Air
      Quality Criteria Document.
Key Performance Measures
 Provide information on integrated
 technologies which have the
 capability to control multiple
 air •pollutants from combustion
 systems (industrial and utility).
 .By 1999,  produce a report
 defining research approaches
•needed to define the effects of
 combined air pollution exposures
 on human health.

 Submit carbon monoxide AQCD
 external review .draft to CASAC.
                          1 Report
 Integrate methodologies into
 Agency practices
- complete work
with OAR to
integrate air
modeling into
evaluation for air
- initiate
with the OW and


      The  programs  under  this objective  contribute to  EPA'3  capability to
identify and address emerging environmental issues.   We expect that substantial
capability to discern "early warnings"  and patterns of change will be developed
through work  undertaken  on endocrine disrupters and the  investigation of the
effects of multiple pollutants in the atmosphere.  This new understanding will
help  to  develop  a  process  for  identifying  and   conveying  recommendations
conce.ming potential risks in the future.

      The  various  Science  Quality  and  Infrastructure  programs within  this
Objective allow for  science to be done in  order to  better anticipate various
changes that portend future risk. For example, Fellowships and Exploratory Grants
seek to perform both basic and applied science to various unknown issues  in order
to  identify  environmental  problems posing  risks  to  both  humans   and  the

      Evidence is accumulating in relation to  the hypothesis  that  humans may
experience  adverse   health  and  reproductive  consequences from exposure  to
environmental  chemicals  that .interact  with the endocrine  system.  Research is
needed  to  determine  the .nature  and extent to  which environmentally-relevant
exposures to chemicals may  produce adverse effects in  humans and animal  species,
to identify and understand major  exposure  routes and processes and  to develop
predictive models  for estimating the  extent and magnitude of human and ecosystem
exposures,  to  develop an analytical framework  for  evaluating the  impacts of
endocrine  disrupters  from  a risk assessment  perspective, to understand the
synergistic effects  of EDCs when exposure to  multiple chemicals  occurs,  to
understand the shape of the  dose-response curve in the low-dose region, and to
identify effective risk management strategies.

      Research under the One Atmosphere  program supports  the  Agency's goal of
providing sound science to improve our understanding of environmental  risk and
develop and implement innovative approaches for current and  future environmental
problems. Under this goal,  multi-pollutant air research supports the objective
of establishing capability and mechanisms within EPA  to anticipate and identify
environmental or other changes that may portend future risk, integrating futures
planning into  ongoing  programs, and  promoting coordinated  preparation for and
response to change.

      The research supports achievement of this objective by setting up a program
to assess and  prevent  risk from air pollutants present in mixtures -  the way
people and ecosystems experience it.  Specifically, this program  calls  for EPA,
by 2005, to  provide a strong scientific  basis for understanding of the health and
ecological effects of air pollutant mixtures, and develop measurement, modeling,
source  emissions,  and  control information to  guide  integrated risk  management
options for multipo Hut ants  regulated under the CAAA.

      The health and  ecological effects research will evaluate  the degree to
which synergistic, additive and separable health and ecological effects occur for
air pollutants taken in combinations  typical of total  urban  and rural exposures.
For  example,   results  of  studies  continue to  identify  -air  pollution  as  a
significant factor in mortality and morbidity in this country and suggest that


the cause and effect circumstances are more complex than those associated with
exposures  to single  pollutants. .Advances in  toxicology/   epidemiology,  and
computational power have made  it possible to develop new methods that can enable
EPA to address air pollution problems  in an integrated, multi-pollutant manner.
Ecological effects research will address uncertainties such as interaction of the
harm due to elevated ozone exposures to trees and nutrient effects from nitrogen
deposition to soils.

      Risk assessment  research will work to develop AQCDs to  support revision of
other NAAQS  {e.g., S02, CO,  NOx).

      Exposure,  modeling,  and risk management  research will work  to develop
measurement  and  observation  approaches  to  characterize  urban  and  rural
atmospheres  and  exposures to  air pollutant mixtures.   Emission  inventory and
modeling approaches will be developed to  tie  observed mixture levels to their
contributing sources and allow'the projection of changes in exposures to mixtures
resulting  from source  controls.   Risk management research  will also  work to
address  the need  for  cost-effective  emission  reduction approaches  that are
demonstrated for multiple pollutants.  Addressing such uncertainties is important
at multiple  scales, from national to regional to urban  area to  an individual
source.  Pollutant control optimization is currently limited by the demonstration
of cost-effect multi-pollutant approaches and the availability of multi-pollutant
in-stack emissions monitors.

      The ability to anticipate,  identify,  and  propose solutions for possible
environmental risks is facilitated by the Agency's capacity  to provide credible
reports on the costs and benefits of  environmental policies.  At present,  most
economic analyses  produced by  EPA exhibit a mixed degree  of consistency in
content and format of  presentation.   To achieve a greater degree of consistency
in format and effectiveness of presentation, OPPE will be more involved in the
development  of  Agency  economic  work  products.   Important  motivating factors
behind this action include requirements and policies to submit more materials to
a wider and  more  sophisticated review of  economic  information used to support
Agency decisions.  Failure to attain  an acceptable degree of consistency will
subject  EPA regulatory actions  to critical negative challenges in  legal and
public  spheres,  either of  which may  constrain  EPA's  ability to  achieve its
environmental goals  and objectives.  The use of economic tools in the design and
assessment of management solutions to  environmental issues will aid in the cost-
effective use of Agency and societal resources.  The  cumulative exposure project
will provide the first  national estimates of cumulative exposures  from air, food
and  drinking  water.    In  addition,   this will  be  the first  comprehensive
information on cumulative exposures to different demographic groups, including
children and minorities.
Key IPerformaiiee Measures Verification

      EPA has several strategies to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of" environmental  science  and  research.   The .Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA conducts annual research program
reviews to both evaluate the  status and accomplishments of its  research and
determine  planning priorities.    To  better  draw upon  the  expertise  of the


environmental  academic community, EPA  created the Science to Achieve  Results
 (STAR)  program of  peer-reviewed,  mission-driven extramural  grants.   The Agency
is  also working with various  professional  societies  on  research  issues-

       Chief  among the  Agency's  validation  and verification  mechanisms is  a
rigorous peer  review  process.    In  a July  1997  memorandum,   EPA's  Deputy
Administrator  states that peer review will be expanded "to include both the major
work products  provided in the past, and...all  scientific, and technical products
supporting Agency  decisions..."   This expanded and  strengthened focus  on peer
review will  help ensure that  the  performance  measures listed here are verified
and validated  by  external organizations.    The Agency utilizes  peer  review
throughout the research planning and  implementation process, both to ensure that
planned research addresses critical  knowledge issues within EpA's mission, and
to  assess the quality  of  scientific -research plans, products, and  proposals.
This is  accomplished through the use  of  independent entities such as the  Science
Advisory Board (SAB)  and the  Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC).  The BOSC,
established  under  the Federal Advisory Committee Act, will  even examine  the way
the Agency  uses -peer review, as well  as  the management of  its  research and
development  laboratories.

       EPA's  external research program undergoes extensive peer review. Proposals
from the external  scientific  community  are peer-reviewed and projects are then
.selected for funding through  grants or cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests for Applications  (RFAs)  under the  STAR  program  are often developed
jointly with outside partners  such as the National Science  Foundation.   In this
way, EPA has developed a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of  its research program.

       The Office of Research and Development Management Information System (OMIS)
will be .-another .accountability  tool used to verify and -validate performance
measures.    The  recently developed Government  Performance  Results  Act  (GPRA)
structure will be incorporated into OMIS to  ensure  consistent maintenance and
reporting, resulting in greater accuracy and consistency  of information to users.

       Performance  will also be verified by identifying customer usage of economic
.resources within OPPE and by surveying customers to determine their satisfaction
with and the adequacy of economic information available and provided; the  number
of  economic  issue  papers produced; economic analysis assisting the  regulatory
development  process; improved  economic models, analytic  methods,  and  databases;
completion   of  paper  outlining  5-year  social  science research  agenda; and
development  of new methods to assess demographic distribution  of exposures.


TSCA sections  4, 5,  and 6  (15 U.S.C. 2603, 2604,  and 2605)

CWA sections 304 and 308 (33  U.S.C.  1314,  1318)

Safe prinking  Water  Act (SDWA)  section  1412  (42  U.S.C..  300g-l)

PPA (42  tT.S.C.  13101-13109)

Federal Technology Transfer Act

Patent Statute


                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                        1999  Annual  Request  to  Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
Objective  #4:   Pollution  Prevention  and  New  Technology  for  Environmental

      By 2006, develop and verify improved tools,  methodologies, and technologies
for modeling, measuring, characterizing, preventing, controlling,  and cleaning
up contaminants associated with high  priority human health and  environmental


      Pollution prevention has been widely recognized (by EPA, Congress, and the
Science Advisory Board  (SAB)  as  the preferred option for reducing risk.   In a
preventive approach to protecting both human and ecosystem health, it is critical
to detect, describe, evaluate, and mitigate or eliminate stressors before damage
occurs.  For pollution prevention to be a success,  EPA must address  three key

      First, adequate  systems  must  be in  place for  gathering  and  managing
necessary monitoring and modeling information,  particularly on large temporal and
spatial scales,  to deliver critical data for risk assessment and risk management
in real time or near-real time.   In addressing this area, EPA research will work
to: 1)   improve  capacity and technology  for broad scale monitoring and modeling
of stressors and effects, both temporally  and geographically; 2) manage and use
multimedia,    multipollutant   information   and  models  to   improve   risk
characterization and  emergency response  capabilities; and 3) improve results of
risk .management  actions by  enhancing  our ability  to  measure changes  in the
environment and make information widely available.

      Second, all stakeholders must have  access to scientifically sound pollution
prevention  technologies  and  approaches.   Also,  credible  techniques must  be
available to measure  and  objectively  evaluate  the viability -and comparative
environmental performance of these technologies and approaches.  Currently there
is a need for proven pollution prevention technologies and approaches to prevent
pollution from many pollutant  sources in a number of  economic sectors.  There is
also a need for user-friendly tools and methods  to assess and design pollution
prevent  ion solutions as alternatives to  end-of-pipe treatment.  Research must
be undertaken to address fundamental knowledge gaps  in  both of the above areas.

      Third, EPA must  facilitate the  development  of  independent,  credible
performance  data, which is a major impediment 'to the  development and  use  of
innovative environmental technologies.   Without  credible performance data, the
producers of innovative  environmental technologies  find it difficult to enter
into and compete in the environmental marketplace.  If these data and competitive
opportunities are not provided,  the U.S. runs the risk of missed opportunities
for advancing environmental protection.  Evaluation of environmental technologies
is needed to determine the effectiveness of  their  performance in monitoring,
preventing,   controlling,   and cleaning  up  pollution.    Similarly,  objective,


authoritative  information  on the  cost-effectiveness of  prevention,  control,
mitigation, and remediation methods is needed to determine preferred choices for
risk management options.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	;	   1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  04    Pollution Prevention        $51,435.0     $69,919.2     $46,387.8
      and New Technology

      Environmental Program &              $373.6        $847.9        $374.2

      Science and Technology            $49,74.9.5     $65,682.1     $44,657.0

      Hazardous Substance Superfund      $1,311.9      $3,389.2      $1,356.6

    Total FTE                               132.3         185.1         187.8
     Although pollution prevention  is 'now recognized as a logical response to
high-risk  human   health  and   environmental   problems,  its   adoption  and
implementation have  reached a  point where  the  next advances  will  represent
fundamental changes in lifestyle,  industrial  process  design, consumer products •,
and  land  uses.    A new  generation of  tools and  technologies  that are more
quantitative  in  nature and  easier  to  use  need to  be developed to  provide
stakeholders with the information they need to make decisions about the cost and
variability of future pollution  prevention options.   Therefore., EPA research in
the area .of Pollution  Prevention and New Technology for Environmental Protection•

•    Enable  decision  makers to  incorporate risk  and pollution  avoidance as
     quantifiable, measurable components of alternative management scenarios.-

•    Develop, test,   and  demonstrate technologies  and  approaches  applicable
     across  economic  sectors, especially  those  involving chemical science and
     engineering  or   characterized  by  high TRI releases  or  low  regulatory

«    Develop measurement,  computing, modeling, and data management technologies,
     and  integrate them  into an effective  system for  real-time delivery of
     multi-media,  multi-scale,  multi-parameter  information  on environmental
     status and risk.

•    Provide  a   comprehensive   assessment   of   12  environmental  technology
     verification  projects  and  make recommendations  .for institutionalizing a
     long-term public-private  capacity' for technology performance and cost

•    Develop  and  apply  engineering economic  principles  to  guide  research
     investments  in  technology  and- to_  improve  public  and private  sector
     decisions  on  prevention,    control,   and  remediation  technologies  and


     The following Annual Performance Goals will allow the Agency to achieve the
ends  listed above,  ultimately  leading  to  accomplishment -of the  long-term
199 9 Annual Pjerfgrmance Goals

•    By 2003,  provide a full range of multimedia pollution prevention decision-
     support tools to regional, state,  tribal and community decision-makers..

•    In FY 2000, develop computer-based tools for process and product designs..

•    By 1999 and beyond, produce  data, models  and technical information which
     can be used  by other  researchers;  federal,  state, and  local government
     officials; and private industry to quantify emissions of Indoor pollutants
     from  building  materials  and products   used  indoors  and  to  evaluate
     potent ial.

•9    By 1999,   implement two beneficial measurement technologies  developed in
     1997 and 1998.

•    By FY 1999, improve computational efficiency of fine particulate model by
    • 25%>

9    In FY 1999, use a pilot program to 'verify environmental technologies...

»    By  2004.,  provide  improved engineering cost  assessment  models  for air,
     water, waste management  and  control,  remediation,  ecosystem restoration,
     and pollution prevention technologies.

•    In FY 2001, provide ,a  generic clean oxidation technology for the synthesis
     of organic chemicals

     Pollution  prevention  is  specifically designed  to seek  risk management
alternatives that prevent rather than create pollution.  By not creating human
health or environmental problems in the first place, there are both short-term
and long-term  cost savings  and an increased   likelihood  that environmental
sustainability  will  be  realized in  the  future.   In  many cases,  pollution
prevention  tools  and  methodologies   that   would   assist  individuals  and
organizations in making decisions on various pollution prevention options, and
other options as well,  are  lacking  or  in a rudimentary state.   This situation
prevents the broader adoption of  pollution prevention in a number of economic
sectors. Also,  there are situations where the champion of a pollution prevention
technology or  approach does not  exist.   Small companies do not have the resources
to address  pollution prevention research  and development in  a material way, and
large  companies,  unless offered  incentives,   prefer  to keep  their  pollution
prevention approaches  proprietary to  gain a competitive  advantage.   In these
cases  it is .necessary fox government to  verify  the .environmental performance
characteristics  of  commercial-ready  technology  through  the  evaluation  of
objective  and  quality  assured- data,  so  that  potential purchasers  and .state
environmental  officials who review permit applications are provided with an
-independent and credible assessment of what they are buying and permitting.

Tools and Methodologies for Pollution Prevention Decision Making

     Attributes of  such advanced  tools 'an technologies for  future pollution
prevention  include  the  ability to characterize  and  compare the environmental
impacts of alternative processes and decisions and to measure the benefits of up-
front  interventions.    Currently,  there  are few  tools  that provide  these

     EPA will work to  critically examine the efficacy and effectiveness of using
pollution prevention  alternatives at an early stage  when  addressing emerging
human health or environmental problems.   If less polluting  or non-polluting
alternatives  .(i.e., pollution prevention)  are available and  make  sense  both
environmentally and economically, then prevention  can be employed and  scarce risk
assessment  resources   can be focused  on  other pressing human   health  and
environmental problems.

     EPA will also develop tools and methodologies to support quantitative risk
management decisions about the most preferred pollution prevention options.  This
research will accelerate the use of pollution prevention alternatives  by enabling
decision makers to  quantify  the relative benefits of  using these  alternative
pollutant management scenarios.  Research will focus on providing quantitative
information for selecting preferred pollution prevention options, with emphasis
on:  (l)   utility  and  ease  of use  of  life  cycle  assessments  and  process
simulations;  (2) ability to measure and objectively evaluate the viability .and
comparative environmental performance of alternative technologies; and (3) impact
assessment  tools,   including  tools to address  such  non-chemical   impacts  as
resource depletion, habitat alteration, and lessened biodiversity.

     The types of research to be conducted include:

»    Improving Life Cycle Assessment Tools,
*    Developing   and   enhancing  computerized   databases   on  less-polluting
*    Developing a framework for life cycle design and framework testing,
»    Developing computerized decision tools for process simulation and chemical
*    Creating tools for the assessment and reduction of chemical impacts,
•    Enhancing and  refining tools for measuring pollution prevention progress,
«    Developing decision tools associated  with sustainable development (e.g.,
     industrial ecology decision making tools).

     In 1999, EPA  is launching an initiative to address problems associated with
persistent,  bioaecumulative,  and  toxic pollutants  (PBTs),  which cause adverse
health effects in unborn children and sensitive populations, such as the urban
poor, tribes, and some ethnic groups.  These PBTs can have detrimental effects
on the environment as well as effects  on human health.   To protect public health,
especially children's health, and the  environment,  aggressive and  coordinated
actions will be taken,  using  the most effective tools in a systematic way across
the  Agency.' This  initiative will  target risks of  greatest concern to  create
strong programmatic and compliance incentives  for pollution prevention at several
levels -<- international, .domestic, and regional.  The targeting will be done as
a collaborative effort among multiple EPA offices  and their Regional components.

     Work under this  objective will  improve decision making  using pollution
prevention tools  (e.g.,  Life  Cycle Assessment, measuring pollution prevented,


cost assessments). This effort will be  targeted at  industrial sectors  that are
identified  as producing PBTs.   EPA will  also investigate improved methods to
prevent, and if not preventable,  to control releases of  PBTs  (including metals)
from  combustion and other  high temperature  industrial sources.   Under this
effort, work will focus on low cost options for reducing mercury  emissions from
industrial  sources including utilities  and understanding how organic  PBTs and
metals  (e.g., PAHs, mercury) are formed in combustion systems.   An effort will
also be undertaken to establish atmospheric deposition monitoring sites to obtain
a  spatial pattern, distribution of mercury deposition,  and measure deposition
patterns on long range mercury transport to fully .quantify the contributions of
mercury to  surface waters at distant sites.

     EPA will also organize and conduct a multi-day "State-of-Science"  Workshop
to address the current knowledge and future research needs  relating to  targeted
PBTs.  The  meeting will focus on .recent and ongoing research conducted by EPA,
but RBT research  activities by others in  academia,  government, and the private
sector will also  be presented,

Technologies and  Approaches for Pollution Prevention

     Few resources currently are devoted to improving generic chemical design
processes or  developing methods  to measure and assess pollution prevention in
process operations.  To promote environmentally benign  technology, research is
needed  to  identify .and  test' new  industrial  manufacturing  and  processing
technologies  capable  of enhancing productivity  without sacrificing long-term
resource viability.

     EPA will target a  number of economic sectors where research and development
is needed on  pollution prevention  technologies and approaches.   This  research
will  accelerate  the  adoption  and incorporation  of pollution  prevention by
developing, testing, and  demonstrating technologies and approaches applicable
across  economic  sectors,  especially  those  involving  chemical science  and
engineering or characterized by high risk Toxic Release Inventory  (TRI)  releases
or low  regulatory compliance.   Research will focus on:  (1) improving  chemical
design practices to reduce negative impacts on human health; (2) testing  improved
•oxidation pathways;  (3) identifying, novel  engineering approaches for equipment
modifications, product redesign, material  substitutions,  and in-process  changes;
and  (4)  predicting the  performance  of  "intelligent"  controls  for process

     Under this research area,  EPA will  work cooperatively-with other government
agencies, academia, and the private sector to:

•    Develop  improved separations  techniques  for  the  removal  and  reuse of
•    Assess and evaluate  alternatives which significantly reduce or eliminate
     the  amount of toxic  or volatile  organic compounds  used  in solvents and
•    Assess and evaluate  reductions  in releases of  halogenated compounds and
     metals   (e.g.,  persistent,  bioaccumulative,   and  toxic   materials)  in
     processing and use,
•    Assess  releases  to  the indoor  environment from  building  materials and
     consumer products and identify potential  source management  (P2) options,
•    Improve process controls to enhance  efficiency and reduce wastes,

•    Examine  and  develop green chemistry and  green engineering approaches to
     prevent pollution,
*    Support Agency-wide initiatives in pollution prevention (e.g., Common Sense
     Initiative),  and
*    Support  research on  pollution prevention  technologies  under  the Small
     Business Innovative Research Program .(SBIR) .

Advanced Monitoring and Modeling Technologies

     The Advanced Monitoring  and Modeling Technologies program is  the  EPA's
program to facilitate the identification, research,  and application of advanced
environmental monitoring .and modeling tools  and enabling technologies needed to
support the Agency's mission to protect the environment and public health. The
primary objective of this program is to develop and demonstrate scientifically
defensible environmental monitoring and modeling tools and to facilitate their
eventual use by the broader environmental management  community.   The research
leverages technology advancements from other agencies  and research institutions
with  EPA  leadership   to  develop  a  framework for multimedia  environmental
monitoring, modeling,  and assessment at community-to-regional scales.

     The Advanced Monitoring and Modeling Technology program is comprised of two
primary research areas:  High Performance Computing and Communication  (HPCC) and
the Advanced Measurement Initiative (AMI).   Each of these programs contributes
to the .overall objectives of the program which include: (1) development of new
measurement tools  and techniques,  particularly for  measuring  pollutants and
subsequent environmental changes remotely and in real time or near-real time; .(2)
improved  modeling,   data  analysis,   data  management,  and  telecommunication
capabilities; and (3) improved  scientific  understanding of  the  multi-media,
multi-scaled  and  cross-disciplinary approaches  required  for  environmental
monitoring and modeling (4)  facilitating the effective adoption and utilization
of technologies and tools for operational use,

     Technologies such as remote sensing,  data analysis and telecommunications
have created new opportunities for approaching the management of environmental
threats to public health and  to natural  resources.   The  focus of AMI is to
facilitate the application of these technologies to enhance individual monitoring
and measurement technologies,  as well as to improve  coordination of existing
monitoring research  and  programs  such  as the  mapping of waste  sites,  the
development  of  ground water  and  surface  water  transport  models  and  the
characterization of soils and vegetation quality and land use.  AMI will develop
working partnerships between technology developers, environmental policy makers,
and environmental managers  --  to  ensure  that  advanced monitoring technologies
will meet  the needs of EPA, the regulated community, and the public.

     Under AMI,  EPA will establish effective working partnerships with technology
developers to identify and develop, and test new monitoring technologies.  EPA
will partner with NASA and DOE to further develop and apply remote sensing and
in-situ technologies  for  environmental  measurements.   EPA  will  conduct pilot
projects to demonstrate and evaluate  the effectiveness of  advanced  monitoring
technologies .for a range of environmental  applications,  such as air and water
quality monitoring,  ecosystem evaluation, and site assessment.  EPA will involve
federal agencies  other than NASA and DOE  and will work,with  private sector
technology developers.  This will not only validate the use of the technology for
EPA and the Federal government, but will facilitate adoption by private industry
as well.


     .AMI research will:

•    develop and adapt selected methods  and measurements  (synoptic and .sampled)
     for chemical,  radiological,  physical  and biological measurements in water,
     .soils, and air for specific Agency needs;

•    identify and prioritize the Agency's  measurement  and monitoring needs to
     ensure that AMI  supported  research is relevant to Agency needs and mission;

•    participate with other EPA  Offices   to identify  and address  technology
     policy and  institutional  barriers to the  application and  acceptance of
     advanced measurement technologies;  and,

•    support  the  application  of  remote  sensing  technologies  to  improve
     monitoring and measurement capabilities.

     Currently, AMI is focusing on a  set of demonstration projects to provide a
vehicle  to evaluate the  utility of  several  technologies,  their  potential
application in an operational setting and address the technology policy barriers
to their use by EPA and our partners.  These projects include: Open-path Fourier
Transform Infrared Technology for Air Quality;  Thermal Remote Sensing of Water
Temperature; Predictive  Emissions Development and Testing in Lime Kilns; Landsat
Thematic Mapper  Data for  Wetlands Change Detection;  and Hyper  spectral  and
Thermal Imaging for Mine waste Characterization.

     HPCC work  will  respond to  the  need  for research that will enhance  the
scientific  credibility   of   predictive  exposure  models  by improvements  in
computational efficiency.   Such improvements will enable incorporation of better
science into practical assessment tools.   In order to address this need, EPA will
develop efficient scalable  high performance computational methods  to: 1)  handle
the complex non-uniform grid meshes required in water body simulations; and 2)
keep pace with increasing computational  demands  necessary to resolve multimedia
scale  and  resolution mismatches.   In  addition,  research will  focus on  the
development of high performance data assimilation methods supported by scalable
parallel I/O for incorporation of  remotely-sensed data into predictive models.
These  models  will  reduce  uncertainty in  predictions   and  will facilitate  the
diagnosis of model  inaccuracies.

      EPA will  extend fundamental modeling  framework technologies to enable
integration of multi disciplinary science and  risk components to form a more
comprehensive multimedia, multi pollutant risk assessment framework.  The Agency
will develop  a  robust data model  that  encompasses geo-spatial information and
complex topologies  of irregular data structures prevalent in hydrology/ water,
sedimentation  ,  and ecosystem  models.   Research  will  also   focus  on  the
development of methods for  intercommunicating, interchangeable software modules
across key  multimedia scientific  disciplines  to  facilitate  incorporation of
community developed science improvements for integrated assessments.

      Additional work under the HPCC  Program  will improve  the  environmental
management community's ability  to access and use data, environmental models, and
graphical/analytical  tools  for  informed decision  making  on  environmental
problems.   Numerous   independent  models and software  tools are  available to
separate aspects of  environmental  assessments,  such as air  or water  quality,
hydrology, hydrodynamics, sedimentation, bioaccumulation,  and risk assessment.


This research will facilitate the development of more comprehensive, cross-media
assessment tools made of integrated and interoperable components.  Research will
focus in three areas:  1)  Problem solving environments; 2) parallel algorithms;
and 3)  data access and analysis techniques.

Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)

      The Environmental technology Verification  Program  (ETV) is  a  five year
pilot program  to determine  if testing and  verification of  commercial  ready
environmental technologies by EPA and its private sector verification partners
will speed the deployment of improved environmental protection technologies in
the United States and abroad.   Under ETV, verification statements are issued by
EPA  that  outline  the  performance  characteristics  of  evaluated  monitoring,
prevention,   and control  technologies  in  all  media.   The  pilot phase  will
determine if these evaluations and public statements can make a difference in the
ability of  improved environmental technologies to penetrate  markets  and gain
wider acceptability  by stakeholders.   The  goal of  the program  is to  make
objective performance information available  to all  of  the stakeholders  in" the
environmental marketplace  for their  consideration and decision making.  In order
to  test  program  effectiveness,  twelve media  and  industry  specific  pilots,
operating under the guidance of individual stakeholder groups, develop protocols
and generic test plans, test technologies under quality controlled  conditions,
and  widely  disseminate   results.    EPA will  evaluate  verification  process
efficiency,   and the effectiveness of each pilot on a yearly basis, and will use
this information to make recommendation to  the  Congress on program continuation
by 2001'.

      By 1999,  private  sector verification  partners will  have been selected for
all twelve pilots and  all  will  be in full scale operation.  In 1999, several of
the older pilots (selected in 1995 and 1996)  will have completed a substantial
number of tests  and  issued  verification  statements  to a  wide  spectrum  of
technology developers.   Data can be  collected in this year on the effectiveness
of the EPA verification program in influencing states, consultants, and ultimate
purchasers to consider improved technologies.  Also in 1999 development of the
outreach  strategy  will be  underway.    State  permitter  training,  a  national
conference,   and  Internet  connectivity will  be used to  maximize  the  outreach
effort.   Verified data on the performance of 50 technologies in a wide variety
of environmental areas will be provided under the ETV Pilot Program by the end
of 1999.   Numerous consensus protocols and generic test plans will be added to
the environmental engineering field.

     ' The  evaluation   of  various  models  for  verification  of  environmental
technology  under  the  pilot   program  will  result  in  reports  to  the  EPA
Administrator and a Report to Congress on the efficacy and effectiveness of the
EPA-sponsored ETV pilot program, along with  recommendations on future directions
for a full-scale ETV program.

Risk Management Technology Costs

      As  long  as  EPA  is  charged with  protecting public health  and  the
environment, -there will be a continuing Agency need to evaluate and reevaluate
environmental risks and develop and/or evaluate cost effective technologies or
pollution prevention alternatives to deal with those risks.   EPA is frequently
called  upon  to  provide  cost-effectiveness  information  or  cost-effective
technologies  to  be  used  in  regulatory  impact  analysis,  rulemaking,  or


negotiations  with  affected  parties.    The  better  the  quality  of  the  cost-
effectiveness information, the more help is available to the decision maker to
make  informed  regulatory  and  technology   selection  decisions.    A  strong
environmental  engineering economic  analysis program  will  also guide  EPA's
internal  research  program  to  focus  on  the most  cost  effective  areas  for
technology advancement.

      The types of research to be conducted include:

*   .  Improving life cycle assessment  tools  by integrating cost effectiveness
      analysis and life cycle costing into the decision framework,
*     Developing computerized decision tools for process simulation and chemical
      replacements and  incorporating  technology and operating  costs  into  the
      simulation algorithms,
•     Enhancing and refining tools for measuring pollution prevention progress
      by 'incorporating total cost accounting,
•     Working cooperatively  with the in-house research staff to evaluate  the
      potential cost  effectiveness of  technologies under development and to
      guide  researchers  in  focusing  on the  most critical  aspects  impacting
      economic viability,
•     Conducting in-house  training on  engineering  cost  analysis so  that  the
      research staff develops  independent capabilities  to evaluate  technology
      cost effectiveness,
*     Actively work with the  program and regional offices to provide needed cost
      effective  technologies,   methodologies  or  information to be  used  in
      negotiations, rule making, or regulatory impact analysis,
•     Developing costing methodologies for  the  cost effective  evaluation of
      alternatives in high priority risk areas  such as  indoor  air  pollution

      The President's Budget Request also includes a total of 50 work years to
be used for 3-year term appointments of postdoctoral candidates  to  work at ORD
1998 Annual PerformanceGoals

•     In 1998, use a pilot program to verify environmental technologies.

•    . By 1999 and beyond, produce data, models and technical information which
      can be  used  by other researchers; federal,  state,  and local government
      officials; and private industry to quantify emissions of indoor pollutants
      from  building  materials and  products  used  indoors  and  to  evaluate

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                      Dollars         , FTE
 04 Obj.   Total Change                           $(21,921.3)           2.7

       Environmental 'Program & Management   •         ${473.7}           0.0

       Science and Technology                     $(19,415.0)           2.7

       Hazardous Substance Superfund               $(2,032.6)           0.0

      The  redirections  for 199.9  -are largely  based  on  a  risk-based priority
process  and  reflect a  consideration  of the Agency's  statutory requirements,
technical  assistance  requirements.,  and the need  for  scientific and technical
transfer of knowledge and expertise.   .Reductions related to the  discontinuation
of the following Congressional earmarks accounted for the  significant shift of
resources under this objective: 1) EPSCOR, 2) Louisiana  Environmental Research
Center, 3)  Center for Air Toxics Metals,  4) Mine Waste Technology, .5)  Urban Waste
Management (U.  Of New Orleans), 6)  Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium
Project, 7) Texas Regional Institute  of  Environmental  Studies, 8) Institute for
Environmental  and  Industrial  Science, and the  9) Great Lakes Small Companies

•      (+$.930,0.00)  In  1999,  EPA is launching an initiative to address problems
      associated with persistent,  bioaccumulative, and toxic pollutants  (PBTs),,
      which  cause adverse  'health effects  in  unborn children and sensitive
      populations,  such as the  urban poor, tribes,  and  some  ethnic groups.
      Research  will be  in collaboration with, the private sector  and other
      stakeholders  to reduce  those PBTs that pose the  greatest risk to human
      health and the environment.

•      (+$.2,000,000) An  increase  in AMI in  1999  will  support three additional
      demonstration  projects,  selected in  response to the measurement  and
      monitoring needs  identified and prioritized in 1998.  The increase also
      reflects  additional efforts in the  STAR program and  .directly support
      research and development of new and promising monitoring and measurement

«     EPA  will  increase  its  efforts  associated  with•  the   technology  for
      Sustainable Environment .grants  program.   The program  supports  research in
      Green Chemistry,  novel  engineering  for preventing or reducing pollution
      from industrial manufacturing and processing activities,  and  measurement
      and assessment techniques for pollution prevention.

•      (+3.4 workyears)  Additionally,  this request includes 3.4 work years for
      postdoctoral scientists and engineers to enhance the  intramural research
      program.  These 3-year term appointments will provide a constant stream of
      highly-trained postdoctoral candidates who can apply  state-of-the-science
      training to EPA issues.

•      (-$2,400,000) As  stated in the  ETV Strategy sent to  Congress  in February
      1997, ETV begins  a gradual decline- in Federal funding.  The reduction of
      $2,400,000 to the  Environmental  Technology Verification Program (ETV) will


      mostly affect the newer ETV pilots.   ETV currently operates twelve pilots
      that  are  in various stages of the verification  process.   The reduction
      will remove funds only  from pilots that are in the organizational phase
      and will be the least affected by the reduction.  These  pilots  do not have
      the same requirements as the  other six pilots  that are further along in
      the  verification process.    Reducing  ETV  will  lower  the  number  of
      technologies verified in out years by a small percentage.

      (-$506,500) Advancements in technologies and methodologies which prevent
      pollution will be delayed due  to this reduction.  Efforts to introduce new
      pollution  prevention approaches  will be stretched  out  into future years
      and the use of these new technologies  to prevent  air,  water, and waste
      pollution will not proceed as quickly.
Key Performance Measures
 Computerized tool to assist
 industry with the replacement of
 industrial solvents will be beta
 tested and commercially available.

 Produce a standard test method
 which can be used to measure
 emissions from office equipment
 and provide results from an
 evaluation which used this method
 to estimate emissions from dry-
 process photocopiers.

 Establish a bench level proof of
 principle for alternative
 oxidation process.

 Produce 12 verification pilots
 that will be operational.for major
 environmental technology sectors.

 Prepare critical review of sources
 of cost information for Superfund
 remediation for submission to a
 per-reviewed journal.

 Develop computerized algorithm for
 waste reduction including costs
 and impact analysis developed for
 commercial availability.

 Complete prototype decision
 support software for alternative
 municipal solid waste management

  Computerized tool  to assist               09/30/98
  industry with the  replacement of
  industrial solvents will be beta
  tested and commercially available.

  Complete new emissions model which                            09/30/99
  can be used to predict indoor
  emissions of volatile organic
  compounds from solvent based
  paints and coatings based on
  formulation data.

  Implement one or more new                                     09/30/99
  measurement technologies.

  Complete parallel  algorithms for                              09/30/99
  aerosol dynamics.

  Provide verification data on 50  or                            09/30/99
  more technologies.

       In order to achieve this objective, EPA will develop tools and methods  to
 scientifically and  systematically "assist  in  the assessment  and  design  of
 preferred pollution  prevention options.  EPA will target a number  of  economic
 sectors  where  research  and development  is  needed  on  pollution  prevention
 technologies and  approaches,  aiming  to facilitate  integration  of pollution
 prevention  into   regulatory  decision-making  for  specific   industries  and
 situations,  and pursuing development  of generic technologies applicable  across
 a number of  industries and  pollution  problems.

       Partnerships with other public  (Federal,  state and community)  and private
 organizations will advance the development of pollution prevention approaches and
 engage in state-of-the-art electronic  delivery  of research  information and
 products related  to  pollution  prevention.   New approaches  to link quantitative
 risk assessment  with  risk  management analysis  will  critically  examine the
 effectiveness of pollution  prevention  alternatives and the potential impacts  of
 using  those alternatives  early  when  addressing emerging human  health  or
 environmental problems.  Additional research will  develop  baseline  information
 on  economic,   social  and   behavioral  reasons  which   lead  individuals  and
' organizations to use pollution prevention approaches as opposed to  other  risk
 management alternatives.

       EPA will develop methods for measuring, monitoring, and communicating real-
 time information about major exposure  routes and processes.  Advanced monitoring
 technologies will be evaluated and predictive models will be refined to  estimate
 the  extent  and  magnitude  of  human  and  ecosystem  exposures  to  stressors.
 Increased computational capacity and efficiency will enhance the credibility  of
 the predictive models.  'Real-time exposure data, advanced monitoring information
 systems,  and predictive models will be integrated to enhance overall  exposure

      Achievement of  this objective will  also develop capability  to provide
objective   and  authoritative   information   on  the   cost-effectiveness  of
environmental technologies and risk management methods.  This information will
be  used  to provide  critical  support  to  EPA's  Programs  and  Regions  for
environmental cost-effectiveness analysis  and  to  develop  appropriate links to
benefit/cost analysis throughout the Agency.
Performance Measure Verification and Validation

      EPA has several strategies to validate and verify performance measures in
the area of environmental science  and  research.   The Agency has implemented a
risk-based research planning process to use risk assessment and risk management
as principal priority-setting criteria.   EPA  conducts annual research program
reviews to both  evaluate the status and  accomplishments of  its  research and
determine planning  priorities.    To  better  draw upon  the  expertise of  the
environmental academic  community,  EPA  created the Science  to Achieve Results
(STAR) program of peer-reviewed, mission-driven extramural grants; the Agency is
working with various professional societies to identify research needs.

      Chief among  the  Agency's  validation and  verification mechanisms  is  a
rigorous  peer review   process.     In  a  July  1997  memorandum,  EPA's  Deputy
Administrator states that peer review will  be expanded "to include both the major
work products provided  in the past and...all scientific 'and technical products
supporting Agency decisions..."  This  expanded and strengthened focus on peer
review -will help ensure that the performance measures listed here are verified
and validated by  external  organizations.   The  Agency utilizes peer review
throughout the research planning and implementation process,  both to ensure that
planned research addresses critical knowledge issues within EPA's mission, and
to assess the quality of scientific research  plans,  products,  and proposals.
This is accomplished through the use of independent entities  such as the Science
Advisory Board  (SAB) and the  Board  of Scientific Councilors  (BOSC).   The BOSC,
established under the Federal Advisory  Committee Act,  will even  examine the way
the Agency uses  peer review, as  well  as  the management of  its  research and
development laboratories.

      EPA's external research program undergoes extensive peer review.  Proposals
from .the external scientific community are peer-reviewed and projects are then
selected for  funding through grants or cooperative  agreements.   In addition,
Requests  for  Applications  (RFAs)  under the  STAR program are often developed
jointly with outside partners such as the  National Science Foundation.  In this
way, EPA has developed  a mechanism by which to check the quality and relevance
of its research program.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will  be  another accountability tool used to  verify  and validate  performance
measures.  The recently developed GPRA  structure will  be  incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting,  resulting in greater accuracy and
consistency of information to users.

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                    FY  1999  Annual  Plan  Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
Objective #5:  Enable Research  on  Innovative Approaches to Current and Future
Environmental Problems.

      Provide  services   and  capabilities,   including  appropriate  equipment,
expertise, and intramural support necessary to enable ORD to research innovative
approaches to current and future  environmental problems and improve tinderstanding
of environmental risks.

     Sound  management  principles,  fiscal  accountability,  quality  customer
service, rational policy guidance and careful stewardship of our resources are
fundamental to the implementation of a strong science and engineering program at
EPA.  It is  critical  the EPA scientist, engineers and operational staff ha.ve the
necessary  support to  accomplish  the  science  mission  of  the Agency.    The
effectiveness  of  the support provided  in this  objective  is  integral  to the
achievement of numerous agency  goals  supported by this objective  beyond Sound
Science  as  well:  Clean  Air; Clean  and  Safe Water;  Decreased  Pollution  in
Communities,  Homes,  Workplaces   and  Ecosystems;  Better Waste Management and
Restoration of Abandoned Waste Sites,-  Reduction of Global  and  Cross-border
Environmental  Risks;  and Expansion  of  Americans'  Right to .Know About  their

     The  support required  to accomplish  the science  mission of the  Agency
includes  necessary infrastructure, operating expenses  and  other operational
resources, which provide  facilities and other  support to the overall science and
technology  program at EPA.   These staff  support  activities  include program
review,  health and safety,  resource  planning and  execution,  administrative,
financial contract and grant management, equipment and facilities maintenance and
automated data processing (ADP).

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj. 05    Enable Research on         $120,875.0     $86,927.7     $88,745.5
      Innovative Approaches to
      Current and Future
      Environmental Problems

      Science and Technology           $116,671.5     $85,013.4     $86,614.3

      Leaking Underground Storage            $6.5   '       $6.5          $6.5

      Oil Spill Response                     $2.1          $2.1          $2.1

      Hazardous Substance Superfund      $4,194.9      $1,905.7      $2,122.6

    Total FTE                               449.1          89.6          97.3
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    In  FY 1999, to  ensure adequate  support  staff and  resources  to support
     implementation of a strong and vigorous science and engineering program at

     The Agency plans to support its research and development workforce through
such means as  operating expenses and other .intramural costs.   These operating
expense  resources 'are for  operational expense's  pertaining to  scientific and
technical equipment, automated data processing support and  services, Agency-wide
data systems,  facilities operating expenses, facilities repair and improvement
projects lander $75,000,  human resources  development training,  training for
scientists and engineers, administrative printing and reproduction, and various
other miscellaneous support services.

     Producing sound  science requires  an operations  support staff.  This staff
is  .necessary  to implement  the  Agency's   research program.     Staff  support
activities   include  program   review,   resource  planning  and  execution,
administrative,  and  financial  contract and grant  management,   equipment and
facilities management and automated data processing  (ADP)'.

     The Agency will use these  resources to  fund data processing  services.  Data
•processing and telecornmunication services are classified into four cost centers,-
Enterprise Computing  Services,  Desktop Computing/Telecommunications Services,
Technical  Support  and  Consulting  Services, and Headquarters-Only Services.
Resources will provide  the  program's  share of depreciation of capital assets,
increased service costs, additional mainframe capacity, investments in network
services, and  investments in technical consulting services.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    In  FY  1998,  to ensure  adequate support staff  and resources  to  support
     implementation of  a strong and vigorous science and engineering program at
                         1999  Change  from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                      Dollars          FTE
05 Obj . Total Change
Science and Technology
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Oil Spill Response
Hazardous Substance Superfund
      (+$599,600 S&T,  +$216,900 SF) A marginal increase in operation expenses to
      support scientific and technical equipment needs as  well  as support for
      EPA's new Postdoctoral program.
 Key Performance 'Measures                  1998                 1999

 Perform an annual review of              9/30/98              9/30/99
 programs and activities to
 identify Presidential Material
 Weaknesses under the Federal
 managers'  Financial Integrity Act
 (FMFIA).  In prior years,
 resources associated with this
 objective were identified as
 Presidential Material Weaknesses,
 further underscoring the
 importance of these resources to
 our program.  Past examples
 include inadequate funding for
 operating expenses, capital
 equipment, and supplies.  Given
 this past vulnerability,
 continued vigilance and review in
 this area are a high priority for
 our research program managers.

     . The resources  in this objective  are critical to  the  strong management
support  of   our  science  mission..    The"se  resources  provide EPA  scientist.

engineers,  and technicians with the necessary infrastructure to support research
and development across the various goals.
Performance Measure Verification and Validation

      The Agency  has attempted to  develop measures  which  adequately reflect
program goals and objectives.   These measures emphasize quantifiable aspects of
the program processes, incorporating realistic program outputs and outcomes.  The
Agency  recognizes the  importance  of  verifying the  validity of  performance
measures  and indicators.   Consequently,  efforts  are  planned  and  currently
underway  to ensure  that these measures accurately  reflect  and  support  our

      The  Office  of   Research  and   Development   uses   management   reviews,
organizational surveys,  skip level  meetings and  etc... to evaluate the adequacy
of resources and the  success of the program in utilizing resources to accomplish
the research and development mission throughout the various Agency goals.

      The Office of Research and Development Management Information System  (OMIS)
will be  another accountability tool used to verify  and  validate  performance
measures.  The recently  developed GPRA  structure will  be incorporated into OMIS
to ensure consistent maintenance and reporting, resulting in greater  accuracy and
consistency of information to users.
Statutory Authority

      Does not apply to this objective.

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective f6: Increase Use of Integrated, Holistic, Partnership Approaches

      By 2'005,  EPA will  increase the number of places using integrated, holistic
partnership approaches,  such as community-based environmental protection  (CBEP) ,
and quantify their tangible and sustainable environmental results in places where
EPA is directly involved.


      Community  Based  Environmental Protection  (CBEP),  with  a request  of
$4,603,100,  is  a main  tenet  of the  Agency's strategy for  "reinventing"  its
approach  to environmental  protection  by  addressing  environmental  problems
holistically.  CBEP  is a multimedia approach that furthers the identification of
environmental problems,  sets priorities and forges solutions through an open and
inclusive process driven by places  and  people who  live  in them.   The program
integrates  environmental protection with  human  needs,   considers  long-term
ecosystem health, and fosters linkages between prosperity and environmental well-
being. •'  CBEP encourages communities  to  create their  vision of environmental
health and quality of  life and to encourage human activity compatible with that
vision.  The Agency  will also  implement CBEP in  specific communities where risk
to human health is considered .high.  CBEP fosters capacity building for Regions,
states and  local communities and  promotes  entities  to  implement innovative,
cross-cutting approaches in high priority areas.

      The Regional Geographic  Initiatives (RGI),  with  a request of $12,045,000,
further  CBEP-'s  aim  by providing  resources  to projects, identified  as  a high
priority by an EPA Region, state or locality that pose a high human or ecosystem
risk  and have  significant  potential for risk  reduction.   RGI  projects  are
different from  other traditional EPA activities in that they are designed for
particular  places,  in  response to  Regional  comparative environmental  risk
assessments and other Regional environmental problems.   The projects are tailored
to:  1)   implement Regionally unique multi-media  geographic  solutions  using
integrated,  holistic partnership  approaches to 'air,  water,  toxics,  community
involvement, and  living resource  protection,  and  2)  promote  state-of-the-art
environmental management and serve to illustrate EPA's transition from a single-
media to a multi-media focus,  based on consensus-building, science and risk.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 pbj.  06    Increase Use of
      Integrated, Holistic,
      Partnership Approaches

      Environmental Program &

    Total FTE
$18,049.3     $19,386.3     $16,810.5
$18,049.3     $19,386.3     $16,810.5
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    The Agency  will implement CBEP  strategy in 10 priority places  that are
     exceptional risk.

•    Document and  assess  the progress, accomplishments, and  effectiveness of
     completed Regional Geographic Initiatives.

     For 1998, the program's emphasis on developing a baseline of information,
infrastructure,  and policy  for  CBEP  will lay the groundwork  for  the  Agency's
coordinated work in this  cross-cutting strategic approach.   Headquarters will
provide leadership as a change  agent  for  CBEP work within  EPA by coordinating
CBEP policy and planning,  and improve  local  practitioners' ability to implement
CBEP through EPA's capacity-building work (tools, clearinghouse, etc.).

       The  CBEP  framework will provide  staff and  management with a  clearer
guidance  on  how to  apply  CBEP  with the  Agency's programs  and  policies.
Activities in 1999 will strengthen the analytical and scientific bases for CBEP
in several cross-media areas such as ecology, economics, socio-cultural aspects,
goal setting,  indicators, etc.   There will  also be an emphasis  on  building
partnerships with other entities,  such as national associations and agencies, to
advocate the CBEP approach and to learn from their CBEP experience.

     Assessment of EPA's implementation of the CBEP approach will be another area
of  the program's  focus  in  1999, providing a  feedback loop  to -EPA  senior
management.  The Agency will foster implementation of CBEP with its partners at
the federal, state and local levels,  and will work directly with high priority
places to carry out the CBEP approach..

     EPA Regional  offices will  continue  to  implement state-of-the-art,  multi-
media,  geographic-based solutions  to specific priority environmental problems in
1999.  Ongoing RGI projects and other efforts are scheduled to be completed in
1999 and new projects are expected to  be started.  The Agency plans to document
and assess the progress,  accomplishments, and effectiveness of'the RGI.
1998 AnnualPerformance Goals

•    The Agency will begin to identify priority places that face exceptional
     environmental risk.

     Document and assess the progress, accomplishments, and effectiveness of
     completed regional geographic initiatives.
                         1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
 06 Obj.    Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management


      (-$2,000,000 EPM) decrease to the 1998 Enacted budget level due to a
      Congressional Add-on received for the Highland, California Environmental
      Education Center during the appropriations process, but not part of the
      1999 President's Request.

      (-$709,700 EPM) will be reduced from the Regional Geographic
 Key Performance Measures
 Implement CBEP strategy
 Identify priority places

 Annual Regional Geographic
 Initiative Report
Implement in

10 places

1 Report
10 places

10 places

1 Report

      The work performed under  this  objective  is  a key piece of EPA's overall
effort in CBEP.  The CBEP approach represents a major shift in the way EPA does
business: from the current,  primarily single-media regulatory  approach,  to a
multi-media, .holistic, place-focused approach  that considers a broad range of
environmental issues, as well as related economic and social issues leading to
sustainability.  The achievement of annual performance goals will move the Agency
towards a community place-based,  holistic approach to environmental protection.
Moreover, the regional geographic initiative provides multi-media funding so that
EPA  Regions may  have maximum  flexibility in  tackling  unique environmental
problems  that  are  not- adequately addressed by  large  national environmental

     . EPA's  goal in this  program  is to help  states,   local  governments,  and
communities protect and restore the environment  by  building capacity at the local
level in order to provide :sustainability beyond EPA involvement..   CB.EP's purpose
is to achieve environmental protection by distributing the  responsibility evenly
across environmental, community,  and  economic interests and across all levels of
the  government  and  the  private  sector.    EPA's place-based  environmental
protection  approach tailors environmental programs  to address  problems  of a


particular  locality,  watershed,  ecosystem,  or  other  area.    Place-based
initiatives are designed to achieve environmental protection by addressing high
risks to human health or ecosystems,  maximize the use of scarce resources, foster
local cooperation, and  consider the economic well-being  of communities.   The
achievement of objective depends on adoption and implementation of CBEP policies
and guidance by Regional,  state, and local communities.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      Regions  will  identify  priority  places  for  implementation  of  CBEB
approaches, delivery  of tools  and  technical assistance.   In 1999,  the CBEB
strategy will be implemented in 10 priority places nationally.
Statutory Authority

The Economy Act of 1932

The National Environmental Policy Act

CWA Title I (33 U.S.C, 1251-1271)


                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #7: Increase Opportunities for Sector Based Approaches

      By 2005, EPA will increase the number of opportunities for and applications
of sectors-based approaches to  environmental management by 150 percent over 1996


      Project XL, with a request of $2,664,100,  was  created in March 1995 as part
of  President Clinton's  Reinventing'  Environmental Regulations.   Under  this
initiative, projects will provide regulated entities and other stakeholders with
the opportunity  to  develop and implement alternative environmental  management
strategies that  achieve superior environmental performance  in lieu of otherwise
applicable rules and regulations.   This objective also  supports  the Agency's
commitment to pursue common sense  approaches  and sector-based environmental
management.   The  Agency has  called  the  Common  Sense  Initiative  (CSI)  the
centerpiece of a new generation of environmental protection.  EPA's sustainable
industry programs provide a strong foundation for the Common Sense Initiative and
other programs similar in orientation and direction.

      In the process o.f developing sectoral approaches,, EPA has  added greatly to
the set of tools it  uses to  effectively and efficiently deliver environmental
quality, promote pollution prevention, and increase risk reduction.   While EPA
continues  to rely  on  standard setting,  permitting  and  enforcement,  these
traditional  tools are  now  often augmented by  compliance assurance,  voluntary
programs, stakeholder involvement and many new sector based processes.  Further,
many of the emerging environmental  issues are simply not  subject to or amenable
to traditional regulatory approaches (e.g. commuter choices  for transportation).

      Sector strategies, with a total  request of $4,28:9,30Q,  complement current
EPA activities by allowing the  Agency to approach issues more holis.tically, with
integrated  strategies  for  each  sector;  tailor  efforts  to   the  particular
characteristics  of  each sector; identify related  groups  of stakeholders with
interest in a set of issues;  link EPA's  efforts with those of other agencies; and
craft new approaches to environmental protection.  Sector  strategy groups relate
sets  of economic activities  together  as a  basis for  solving environmental
problems which affords EPA the opportunity to examine an industry or sector of
the economy holistically.  Sustainable industry programs serve as incubators and
developers of  innovative approaches  to environmental policy  making,  testing
alternative regulatory and programmatic approaches through regional projects, and
multi-stakeholder processes.  Sustainable industry approaches will offer valuable
supplements  to traditional environmental policy and may become the predominant
means for environmental protection in the 21st  century.

      EPA has made  progress  in reinventing its programs  in recent  years.   It
continues to be critical for EPA to  reform the  environmental  regulatory system,


to achieve better results at less cost, and without sacrificing public health or
environmental protections.   In order to have a consistent fo.cus on these efforts
and to achieve  effective  results across the  entire  Agency,  the Administrator
created,   in  1998,  a  new  Office  of  Reinvention within  the  Office of  the
Administrator.   The  new Office of Reinvention  consolidated  the full  range of
Agency  reinvention  efforts  within   one   office.    It  oversees  Agency-wide
initiatives such .as the Common Sense  Initiative and Project XL.  The Office has
primary responsibility for meeting the commitments in  the March 1995 Reinvention
Environmental Regulation report issued by President Clinton and Vice President
Gore.   The new organization is available to assist regulated entities in seeking
innovative and flexible ways  to meet  strong  environmental  standards,  and will
cooperate with the new Center for  Environmental Information  and Statistics to
meet the Agency's burden reduction goals.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

             	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  07     Increase  Opportunities       $10,342.7     $16,478.4      $11,496.8
      for Sector Based Approaches

      Environmental Program &            $10,342.7     $16,478.4      $11,461.8

      Hazardous  Substance  Superfund          $0.0          $0.0          $35.0

    Total FTE                                79.7         100.7          100.7     •   )
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Achieve approved environmental protection through sector based strategies.

•    Initiate three sector based initiatives.

•    By the of 1999 a total of 50 Project  XL projects will be in development or
     implemented, an increase of 15 over 1998.

•    Adopt and implement CSI Council recommendations.

     Meeting  the 1999 annual performance goals will move  the  Agency towards
meeting the objective of developing new approaches to environmental management
and  greater  innovation in dealing  with  environmental  problems.    The Agency
proposes to expand  its  Sustainable Industry Program  in  FY 1999  beyond the six
industry sectors established in FJ 1997-1998, by adding three additional small
business-oriented industry sectors.  Sustainable Industry selects, develops, and
implements industrial sector-based policies, programs, and reforms.  The Program
has  shown  considerable  success in sectors  already underway,  most  notably the
Metal Finishing Sector.  The Agency also has  used the Sustainable  Industry sector
"life-span" process successfully with other small business industries that are
not  a part of CSi,  such as the Batch Chemical Manufacturing Sector, the Photo
Imaging Sector, and the Thermoset Plastics  Sector,

     Sustainable Industry sectors feed easily into larger Agency initiatives such
as  C.SI  and  Project XL,  because  they  benefit  from a  strong  foundation  of
analytical insight, stakeholder support, and project testing.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

.«    Develop a pipeline for evaluating, developing, supporting and maintaining
     a  constant flow  of sector-based  initiatives for  broad sectors  of the
     economy as well as narrow industrial sectors.

•    Achieve approved environmental protection through sector .based strategies.

••    By the end of 1998 a total of 35 project XL projects  will be in development
     or implemented.
                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
 07 Obj.   Total Change

       Environmental Program & Management

       Hazardous Substance Superfund




       (-$4,975,900 EPM) The 1999 request is below the 1998 Enacted budget level
      due to a Congressional Add-on received during  the appropriations process,
      but not part of the 1999 President's Request.
  Key Performance  Measures
 Add sector based           3 sectors

 Add industrial sector      2 Partners

 Distribute tools to users  25 users
 Implement proposals to
 improve regulatory

 Adopt and implement CSI
 Council recommendations

 Complete XL project
Implement by 09/30/98
Adoption by 09/30/98
35 projects
2 sectors

4 Partners

100 users

1 proposal
Implementation by

50 projects


       EPA demonstrates four years of progress in this collaborative approach to
 environmental protection.    Many  projects  are based  on  the  premise  that
 environmental policies in the next  century must be developed from a  thorough
 understanding of the complex set  of corporate  traits and decision making factors
 that  are  unique  to  individual  industries,  types  of companies,  or  sectors.
 Stakeholder involvement  in concert with the leveraging of  resources as well as
 information on environmental and economic trends, drivers, barriers and leverage
 points have yielded new Agency policies, programs  and demonstration projects.
 Efforts  have led  to  new  partnerships  with  industries,   state and  local
 governments,  and cultivated our relationships  with  other  federal agencies,
 fostering systemic and technological  changes.  Looking past the year 2000,  these
 activities  will  collectively  yield  a  cultural   change  within,  the   Agency.
 Sustainable industries will provide a constant "pipeline" of sectors .at different
 stages of development..  Some sectors will be setting goals  and objectives  while
 others will be in the midst of projects which test new  ideas.  Still others will
 be  evaluating successes and  failures  while some are  in  a maintenance phase.
 Success in moving toward a  more sector's based approach is clearly dependent upon
 the Agency's commitment  to the establishment  of  environmentally sustainable
 Key.Performance Measures Verification

       Performance targets for CSI -will be verified by actual completion of each
 phase  of  CSI,  development  of  national  performance  goals,  and  plans  for
 implementation of lessons learned from the  Metal Finishing Sector.  Selection of
 additional sectors will validate expansion of sustainable  industries program.

 Statutory Authority

 National Environmental Policy Act

.The Economy Act of 1932

 TSCA sections 4,  5,  and 6  (1.5  U-S.C.  2603,  2604,  and 2605}

 PPA (42 U.S.G.  13101-13109)

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                        1999  Annual Plan Request to OMB

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #8:  Regional Enhancement of Ability to Quantify Environment

      By 2005, Regions will have demonstrated  capability to monitor and measure
environmental conditions in their Regions, compare the relative risk of health
and ecological problems, and assess the environmental effectiveness of management
actions in priority geographic areas.


      The major activities within this objective are supplying field, analytical,
technical, quality assurance and data management support to base program needs;
developing  and sharing new  source  sampling and analytical  approaches;  and
converting environmental data into useful decision-making information.  The total
requested for this objective is $7,995,100 and 5 work years.

      The Regional  Science and  Technology program functions  are  involved in
monitoring environmental data, responding to environmental emergencies,  sample
collection,  transport,  laboratory analysis,  and data review  and  evaluation.
Scientific and technical services provided-will include:  improved state-of-the-
art  sampling,  analysis  and  assessment  methods,-  establishing networks  with
private, .state,  and .academic  institutions;  ecosystem and pollutant  modeling
capabilities; as well  as field investigations,  quality assurance, and Geographic
Information Systems.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

	1998 Pres Bud1998 Enacted1999 Pres.Bud

 Obj.  08    Regional Enhancement of      $6,306.5      $5,969.0      $7,995.1
      Ability to Quantify
      Environmental Outcomes

      Environmental Program &            $2,925.8      $2,912.3      $4,613.7

      Hazardous Substance  Superfund      $3,380.7      $3,056.7      $3,381.4

    Total FTE                                 4'.6           4.6           4.6
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Upgrade regional scientific equipment  and  access  to  external peer review


     The Regional Science and Technology programs will continue to supply field,
analytical,  technical,   and  data  management  support to  base  program  needs
operating  within the Regions in  1999.    Serious top-priority  environmental
problems  will  be  identified and  risk-reduction  solutions  developed by the
Regions.   The advanced field technology for the Regions and technology transfer
to the states will enable field components, within all ten EPA Regions, to make
"real time" decisions in field studies supporting assessments of human health and
environmental risk.   The Regions  will procure  external peer review services and
enhance the science behind Regional geographic and site-specific projects.
1998 Annual PerformanceGoals

•     Upgrade regional scientific equipment.

                         1999  Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                              	Dollars          FTE

 08 Obj.   Total Change                              $2,026.1           0.0

       Environmental Program. & Management            $1,701.4           0.0

       Hazardous Substance Superfund                   $324.7           0.0
       (+$1,701,400 EPM)  Increase support  for the acquisition of advanced field
      technology for the Regions to enable field components within all ten EPA
      Regions  to  make  "real  time"  decisions  in  field studies  supporting
      assessments  of  human health  and  environmental risk.  Regions  will,  in
      turn, pass information concerning application of advanced field technology
      to the  states.   Regions will procure  external peer review services and
      enhance the science behind Regional geographic and site-specific projects.
 Key Performance Measures                   1998                  1999

 Scientific Equipment                  100%  inventory       100%  inventory
                                       and assessment       and assessment

      The Regional  Science and Technology Programs will  continue  to support
national programs, including field, analytical, technical,  quality assurance and
data management support.  This support will include increased participation in
Regional  geographic and  site-specific  projects and  the-ability  to quantify
environmental results.  Development of data and information management systems
to allow access and sharing of environmental data among various federal, state,
and local entities will continue.   Advanced technology will be applied to field


measurements to support "real time" decisions in field studies assessing human
health and  environmental risk  across  all ten  Regions.    Increased  access to
external peer review services will further enhance the quality and recognition
of the scientific underpinnings of Regional decision-making.
KeyPerformance Measure Verification

      Regional  scientific equipment  inventory  will be  maintained.    Annual
assessment will be made to determine Regional  needs  to further upgrades and new
Statutory Authority


                        Environmental Protection Agency

                        1999  Annual Plan Request to OMB

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #9:  Science Advisory Board Peer Review

      Conduct peer reviews and provide guidance on the .science underlying Agency


      The Science Advisory Board  (SAB),  with a request of $2,586,700 and 22.3
total  workyears,   provides   independent  expert   advice   to   Congress,   the
Administrator, and the Agency  on scientific and engineering issues  that serve as
the underpinnings for Agency regulatory decision making.  Congress established
the SAB  in  1978  and gave it  a broad mandate to advise the Agency on technical
matters.  The SAB'.s 100 members and more than 300 consultants  include .scientists,
engineers,  and other specialists drawn  from  a broad range of  disciplines  --
physics,  chemistry,  biology,  mathematics,  engineering,  ecology,  economics,
medicine, and other fields.   The men and women of the SAB come from a variety of
organizations  doing scientific  work --  academia,  industry,   and independent
laboratories.  The variety of backgrounds in this diverse and technically well-
qualified group helps to ensure a balanced range of outside  views  on  the Board.

      Each  year,  the Administrator  and  EPA program offices nominate numerous
issues to the SAB for peer review.   The  SAB selects  at least 30 of these issues
for review each year, culminating in reports that help the Agency make better use
o.f science  in its decision-making process.   The approximately 30 other issues
that are not selected for review can be nominated again the following  year.  The
SAB's broad,  objective  review  of  important  .scientific and technical  issues
promotes sound science within the Agency's scientific and technical programs.

      In addition to peer reviews, the SAB is occasionally tasked with conducting
major studies (e.g., the 1995 "Beyond the Horizon" report which discusses the
importance  of employing methods to  anticipate  environmental risks  that might
emerge over the next  20 years).  The timing of these studies  is not predictable.
Major studies typically  take multiple years  to  complete,  and  are  extremely
resource intensive.  For example,  during the  past  two  years,  the SAB has been
conducting  the Integrated  Risk  Project,  a major  study on ranking relative
environmental risks.

      During  years in which the SAB is not  involved in a major study,  the Board
is able to"dedicate  more resources  to peer reviews,  and may complete up to 40
peer review reports.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

. 09 Science Advisory Board
Peer Review
Environmental Program &
Total FTE
$2 , 586
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     The SAB will complete peer review reports within 4 months

•     The SAB will conduct meeting and prepare reports

     The SAB will peer review at least 30  issues.   The  SAB's  long-term goal for
the year 2005 is 'to complete 75% of its peer review reports within four months
after the final peer review meeting is held.  In 1999,  we will hold 40 meetings
and produce  30  reports.   The results  of  SAB peer reviews 'will help the Agency
make better use of science in its decision-making processes.

1998 .Annual Performance Goals

*     The SAB will complete peer review reports • within 4 months

•     The SAB will conduct meetings and prepare reports

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	Dollars	FTE	

 09 Obj.   Total Change                                $170.9

       Environmental Program & Management              $170.9

•     Total  payroll and  travel  costs for  this  objective  will  increase  by
      $170,900 to reflect increased workforce costs,

 Key Performance .Measures                   1998                  1999

 Report Time to Completion            40% in 4 months        50% in 4 months

 Number of Reports                           30                    30



      Congress established  the  SAB  and gave it a  broad  mandate  to advise the
Agency on  technical  matters.   The  Board consists of  independent  experts who
provide advice ,on scientific, economic,  and engineering  issues.   For the most
part,  the  SAB^'s  agenda  is  set  by  specific  requests  from  EPA  and  by
recommendations of the members themselves.  Some of the Board's activities are
specified in various environmental laws.  For example,  the Clean Air Act and the
Safe Drinking Water Act direct that the SAB review technical support documents
upon which EPA regulatory actions will be based.  On occasion, Congress or the
Administrator asks for a special review by the Board  (e.g., the Integrated Risk
Project).    These special  • reviews  are  unpredictable  in  timing  and  are  very
resource intensive.   Therefore,  during a year when the Board is  involved in a
special review, it is not able to conduct as many peer reviews as usual.

      The Board's principal mission includes:

»     Reviewing the  quality and  relevance of information being used or proposed
      as the basis for Agency regulations.

•     Reviewing research programs and the technical basis of applied programs.

•     Reviewing generic approaches to regulatory science, including guidelines
      governing the use of scientific information in regulatory decisions, and
      critiquing such analytic methods as mathematical modeling.

•     Advising the Agency on broad strategic matters in science and technology.

•     Advising the Agency on emergency and other short-notice programs.

      The variety of backgrounds found  in the  diverse  and  technically well-
qualif ied members and consultants of the SAB helps to ensure a balanced range of
dutside views in the Board's peer review products.

      As an independent science advisory board,  the SAB's  value  derives from its
independent, publicly stated support  for  the proper  use  of  science by EPA,  as
well as its independent, publicly stated concern over apparent deficiencies in
the Agency's  use of  science.   An  additional,  but harder to  quantify,  value
provided by the SAB  is  that its findings assist-not only EPA, but  also other
government and non-government organizations.  The SAB will  qualitatively document
its successes in this regard.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      The  SAB will maintain  records on  report time  to completion  and will
summarize its findings at the end of each fiscal year.
Statutory Authority

Federal Advisory Committee Act  (5 U.S.C. App.)

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

   Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental Risk, and Greater
                 Innovation to Address Environmental Problems

Objective #10:  Improve the Agency's Core Business Practices

      Incorporate innovative  approaches to environmental management  into EPA
programs, so  that EPA  and  external partners achieve  greater and  more cost-
effective public health and environmental protection.


      In 1998, the Administrator established a new Office of Reinvention within
the Office of the Administrator.  The new office consolidated the full range of
Agency reinvention efforts within one office.   The  Office  of Reinvention will
serve as .an  important gateway for stakeholders/customers to interact with EPA on
reinvention.  The  office  will build relationships needed to make reinvention
successful,  broker participation in  reinvention programs, and amass ideas on new
approaches to the way EPA does  business..  The 1999 President's Budget request for
the Regulatory  reinvention  effort  within  the  Office of the  Administrator is
$4,334,100 and 20.0  total workyears.

      The Office of Reinvention will track  and measure reinvention progress and
ensure that reinvention activities  are evaluated.  The evaluation will look at
both what's  working and what's not working,  focusing on a wide range of criteria,
including: meeting goals  and  objectives,  achieving  environmental results more
efficiently and effectively,  better serving customers and stakeholders, improving
the management of programs and resources, and fulfilling  statutory mandates.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 .Pres Bud
 Obj,  10    Incorporate Innovative
      Approaches to Environmental

      Environmental Program &

    Total FTE
1999 Annual Performance Goals

*    Implement proposals to improve regulatory flexibility.

     The Office  of  Reinvention will promote innovation within  EPA to achieve
greater and more  cost-effective public health and environmental protection.  The
office's principal functions include:

•    Serving as the primary gateway  for stakeholders/customers to interact with
     EPA on  reinvention.   This will be  accomplished by building relationships
     needed  to  make   reinvention   successful;   brokering'  participation  in
     reinvention programs  inside  and outside EPA; and gathering ideas  on new
     approaches to the way EPA does business.

•    Defining the vision, strategy, ground rules,  and principles for reinvention
     by engaging stakeholders  (e.g., EPA leadership, .management,  and  staff;
     Congress,- organizations,- industry;  and other external groups) .

«    Ensuring new approaches are identified, designed and piloted by fostering
     program-specific approaches in other EPA offices.

•    'Ensuring new approaches are identified, designed, and piloted by managing
     Agency-wide approaches within the Office of Reinvention.

•    Integrating and coordinating  new  approaches  across the  Agency  into  a
     coherent strategy for change by:

     •     Setting priorities across reinvention activities.
     •     Coordinating  reinvention activities  in  headquarters and regional
     •     Ensuring consistency/fostering synergy across reinvention activities .
     •     Establishing communication networks for reinvention activities.

•   ' Tracking progress and evaluating 'Success;

     •     Tracking reinvention commitments.
     •     Evaluating  new approaches,  soliciting/collecting lessons  learned
            (both what has worked' and what hasn't) ,
     •     Measuring reinvention  progress,  sharing the results,  and ensuring
           results are used in making improvements.

•    Ensuring that successful new approaches are incorporated into the way EPA
     does business by promoting reinvention and building  reinvention capacity
     across the Agency.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    .Develop proposals to improve permitting, voluntary partnership/leadership
     programs and regulatory flexibility.

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                      Dollars          FTE
 10 Obj.   Total Change                            $(1,826.9)           0.0

       Environmental Program & Management          $(1,826.9)           0.0

•      (-$2,000,000 EPM)The  1999  request is $2,000,000 below the 1998 Enacted
      budget  level  due   to   a   Congressional  Add-on  received  during  the
      appropriations process,  but not part of the 1999 President's Request.

•      (+$173,000 ,EPM)Total payroll,  travel, and administrative expenses for this
      objective will increase by $173,100 to reflect  increased workforce costs.
 Key Performance Measures                   1998                  1999

 Number of proposals developed          3 proposals

 Number of proposals implemented                              1  proposal


      The Office of Reinvention will ensure reinvention progress  is continuously
tracked, measured, and evaluated within the office itself, within other Agency
offices  for  their reinvention  activities,  and across EPA.   The  office will
communicate the results and ensure that action is taken within the Agency  (e.g.,
changing direction where needed and adoption of new approaches) ,  based upon the

Key Performance Measures .Verification

      Records will be maintained on reinvention initiatives and  changes to the
Agency's core busines.s practices.  The results will be reported at the end  of the
fiscal year.

Statutory Authority


Goal 9: Credible Deterrent

Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
            with the Law	  IX-1
      Enforcement Tools to Reduce Non-Corapliance 	  IX-4
      Increase Use of Auditing, Self-Policing Policies 	  IX-11

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

    A Credible Deterrent to  Pollution and  Greater Compliance with  the  Law

Strategic Goal:  EPA will ensure full compliance with laws intended to protect
public health and the environment.
                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                          	1998 JPres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 A Credible Deterrent to Pollution     $320,827.7    $315,828.2    $330,951.3
      and Greater Compliance with
      the Law

 Obj.  01     Enforcement Tools  to       $275,311.8    $268,534.7    $281,743.1
      Reduce Non-Compliance

 Obj.  02     Increase Use of             $45,515.9     $47,293.5     $49,208,2
      Auditing, Self-Policing

   Goal Total FTE:                         2,538.3       2,537.8      -2,535,9
     Protecting the public and -the environment from risks posed by violations of
environmental requirements is, and always has been, basic to EPA's mission.  Many
of'America's environmental improvements over the  last 25 years are attributable
to a strong  set of environmental laws and an expectation of compliance with those
laws.  EPA' s strong and aggressive  enforcement program has been the centerpiece
of  efforts   to   ensure compliance,  and  has achieved  real  and  significant
improvements in public health and the  environment.  The Agency will continue to
aggressively punish violators and  deter future  violations,  level  the economic
playing field for law-abiding companies, and ensure that  the price of goods and
services reflects true costs.

     However, to meet the challenges presented by the continuing,  serious, and
complex  environmental problems  and  the  changes in  the types  and  scope of
activities and entities regulated,  EPA must seek a broader range of solutions.
To this  end, EPA is developing  additional tools and capabilities  for ensuring
compliance  through  assistance and  incentives to the regulated  community.   By
ensuring compliance through an array of traditional and innovative approaches,
EPA is working to mitigate and avoid risks to human health and the environment.

     The 1999 President's Budget requests $330,951,300  and 2535.9 workyears for
deterrence and compliance  in this go.al, an increase of $15,123,100 and a decrease
of 1.9 workyears from 1998.  These resources will support the use of enforcement
and compliance tools to ensure deterrence and compliance including inspections


to target violators, assistance to help the regulated community understand its
responsibilities, and incentives to make  it  economically beneficial to comply
with the law.  EPA will also continue to provide technical assistance and grants
to states and Tribes to help them Build effective and well targeted compliance
and  enforcement programs,.    'EPA  will   support  international  environmental
commitments,  especially along U.S. borders, and work with  other Federal agencies
to promote environmental protection abroad and encourage a  level economic playing
field in an increasingly global trading system.

     The resources  requested in  this  budget will enable the Agency to meet a
number of important performance goals.  The most significant of these are:

•    Target high priority areas  for  enforcement  and compliance assistance and
     complete baseline  data needed  to measure  changes  in key  indicators  of
     compliance-  The Agency will identify five high priority areas and improve
     3 of their data systems.

•    Deter  non-compliance   by   maintaining  levels   of   field  presence  and
     enforcement  actions,   particularly  in  high  risk  areas  and/or  where
     populations are  disproportionately  exposed.   In 1999, EPA  will conduct
     15,000 inspections and undertake 2,600 enforcement actions.

•    Increase the regulated community's use of compliance incentives and their
     understanding of,  and ability to comply with, regulatory requirements.  EPA
     will offer  20  small  entities relief under  the Small  Business  Policy,  an
     increase of 100% over the 1998 levels, and obtain  400 self disclosures. The
     Agency will also continue to operate 8 Compliance Assistance Centers, and
     provide compliance assistance tools such as 7 sector  notebooks and 4 sector

•    Assist states  and Tribes with  their enforcement  and compliance assurance
     and  incentive  programs.    EPA  will provide  specialized assistance and
     training, including 100 courses, to state and tribal officials to enhance
     the effectiveness of their programs.

•    Review 100% of  significant proposed Federal actions subject to the National
     Environmental  Policy Act  (NEPA)  which require EPA follow-up to determine
     their likely environmental  effects  and  remedy 70%- of EPA'.s concerns with
     these proposed actions.


TargetHigh Priority Areas for Enforcement:andCompliance Assistance

     The 1999 President's Budget  requests $281,743,100 and 2,055.6 workyears to
address the most significant environmental problems through improved targeting
of high-risk portions of the  regulated community,  and increased monitoring.  The
foundation of this  effort  will  be  the   completion by EPA's  enforcement and
compliance assurance program of baseline data improvements that began in 1998,
the  selection  of  the most appropriate  compliance  indicators  and  types  of
facilities to be addressed,  and the setting of challenging but realistic targets
for compliance.


ImproveCompliance  by Providing  Assistance andIncentivesto  theRegulated

     The 1999  President's .Budget  requests $49,208,200 and  480.3 workyears to
provide more sophisticated and targeted compliance assistance to the regulated
community using compliance baseline data developed for selected sectors, and the
Agency's analysis of  the root causes  of  compliance problems.    EPA will also
increase the regulated community's use  of  compliance  incentives and programs by
10%  over 1998  levels/  by  encouraging communities  to voluntarily discover,
disclose, and correct violations.

Assist States and Tribes  withTheir Compliance Assurance and IncentivePrograms

     Included  in the  1999  President's Budget  is  $2,000,000  for  Pesticides
Enforcement grants to help prevent future misuses of pesticides in communities
and workplaces.  EPA  also requests $500,000  to  help states  protect vulnerable
children from lead poisoning by increasing enforcement of the lead-based paint
provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA).  A requested increase of
$100,000 will provide compliance assistance to Tribes.

                       Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

    A  Credible  Deterrent  to Pollution  and Greater Compliance with the Law

Objective #1: Enforcement Tools to Reduce Non-Compliance

     Identify and  reduce  significant non-compliance in  high priority program
areas,  while maintaining a strong enforcement presence in  all regulatory program


     A strong and vital enforcement program  is critical to the success of EPA's
environmental   programs.     By  identifying  and  addressing   violations   of
environmental  statutes  and  regulations,   the  enforcement  program  ensures
compliance with standards,  permits and  other requirements established by EPA to
mitigate and avoid environmental  problems and  the associated  risks.   A strong
enforcement program  achieves  environmental  protection .by deterring  potential
violators, bringing actual violators into compliance, rectifying damage to the
environment, and maintaining a level  playing field by protecting companies that
comply  with environmental retirements  from  being placed  at  an  economic
disadvantage relative  to  those who do not.   EPA's enforcement  and  compliance
responsibilities are  outlined  in the provisions of 15  environmental statutes and
seven international agreements.

       EPA has  a broad scope of responsibility and a  large and diverse universe
of private,  public  and Federal facilities to regulate under the various statutes.
EPA will  use the  most appropriate  approach --  whole  facilities,  industrial
sectors, geographic areas, or media-specific authorities  --to ensure compliance
with environmental requirements and thus address environmental problems.   EPA
uses inspections and civil and criminal  enforcement  actions to  address a wide
range  of environmental  regulations.    EPA maximizes   its  effectiveness  by
strategically  targeting  its  civil  and criminal   investigations  and  other
monitoring and enforcement activities to address the most significant risks to
human health and the environment and to address the disproportionate burden on
certain populations in keeping with its environmental justice responsibilities.
EPA relies to .-a large extent on the active involvement of all  our partners and
a mix of tools to encourage appropriate  behavior by the regulated  community.  EPA
supports  the  states  in  building effective  and  well-targeted  compliance  and
enforcement programs  and uses prevention  and deterrence  as  key criteria in
setting priorities and negotiating state grant programs. In addition to providing
specialized assistance and training,  EPA will work with states to improve joint
planning and priority-setting  processes and to better  define  and analyze results
of enforcement and compliance assurance efforts.   Also,  through implementation
of international commitments,  particularly those with bordering countries,  EPA
works with other Federal agencies to promote  environmental protection abroad and
to ensure  a level economic  playing field  in  an increasingly  global trading

       The Agency will use targeting tools for improving compliafi.ce  including an
 analysis of such information as base rates of significant noncompliance, repeat
 violators,  timely  and  appropriate  enforcement  actions,   economic  benefits
 recovered, and pollution reduction in high risk areas.  By 1999, EPA will  use
 information from risk models to target monitoring efforts.  The Agency will also
 complete baseline data for measuring changes in key indicators of compliance with
 high priority  regulations.    EPA will  use  risk-based  and  related criteria,
 including potential burden on  specific  populations,  during program planning,
 implementation and  evaluation.  EPA will consult with states  on the portions of
 the regulated  program selected and the development of the baseline  data.   Ideas
'generated through EPA's  National  Performance Measures  Strategy will be used to
 assess the  effectiveness of  enforcement and  compliance assurance efforts  in
 gaining compliance  and  attaining desired  environmental results.  Continued
 improvements in the comprehensiveness and quality of information collected on  the
 environmental  results  of enforcement cases  concluded  will  give EPA a clearer
 picture of  the relationship  between  enforcement efforts  and environmental

       EPA also intends to increase the use of injunctiye relief provisions  and
 Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) to achieve environmental restoration
 and cleanup.   EPA has used SEPs to gain significant environmental benefits in
 conjunction with  the settlement of enforcement cases.  The majority of the  266
 SEPs finalized in 1997 addressed risks posed to humans  in either a work-related
 or non-occupational context  (54%)  or  involved ecosystem protection  (24%).

       The Agency's  efforts in  this objective will be supported through  legal
 counseling  and  advocacy.   This  may  include  advice,  participation  in  the
 development  of Agency actions, document review,  and the conduct of defensive
                           Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars  in  Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj. 01    Enforcement Tools to
      Reduce  Non-Compliance

      Environmental Program &

      Science and Technology

      State and Tribal Assistance

      Hazardous Substance Superfund

     Total FTE:
$275,311.8    $268,534.7    $281,743.1
$185,047.7    $178,418.7    $189,300.0










1999 Annual PerformanceGoals

•    Target high priority areas for  enforcement  and compliance  assistance and
     complete baseline  data needed  to  measure  changes  in key indicators  of
     compliance.  The Agency will  identify five high priority areas and improve
     3 of their data systems.

•    Deter  non-compliance  by  maintaining  levels  of   field  presence  and
     enforcement  actions,  particularly  in  high  risk  areas  and/or  where
     populations are  disproportionately exposed.   In  1999,  EPA will  conduct
     15,000 inspections and undertake 2,600  enforcement actions.

•    Implement  international  commitments and  U.S.  Government priorities  for
     enforcement compliance cooperation with other countries,  especially along
     U.S. borders (Mexico and Canada).

•    Assist states and Tribes with their enforcement and compliance assurance
     and  incentive  programs.   EPA  will provide  specialized assistance  and
     training, including 100 courses, to state and tribal officials to enhance
     the effectiveness of their programs.

     In  1999,  the Agency  will  improve  its  ability to  define high  priority
segments of the regulated community,  develop comprehensive baseline data on the
nature and  extent  of compliance problems in  those portions of the regulated
community, and deter non-compliance by maintaining levels of field presence and
enforcement actions, particularly in high risk areas and/or where populations are
disproportionately exposed.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Identify high priority areas  for enforcement and compliance assistance and
     begin development of baseline data to measure changes in compliance.

•    Deter  non-compliance  by  maintaining  levels  of   field  presence   and
     enforcement  actions,  particularly  in  high  risk  areas  and/or  where
     populations are disproportionately exposed.

•    Implement international commitments and U.S. Government priorities through
     jointly-agreed  upon  annual  workplans  for  enforcement  and  compliance
     cooperation with other countries,  especially along U.S.  borders.

•    Assist states and tribes with their enforcement and compliance programs.

                   1999 Change from 1998  Enacted
                       (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                Dollars          FTE

Obj . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Hazardous Substance Superfund



(+3,1 FTE and +$250,000 EPM)  Regional workyears shifted from Project XL
to support civil enforcement case development,  settlement, and litigation.

(+$800,000 EPM)   Reflects a partial restoration of  reductions  taken in
199.8 to  the  Regional programs  that perform RCRA  and Stationary Source
inspections and civil enforcement actions.

(+$400,000 EPM)    Supports  the Persistent,  Bioaccumulative and  Toxic
Pollutant (PBT) Initiative for case development and  enforcement targeting.

(+$100,000 EPM)    Supports  the Agency's  tribal  compliance  assistance
efforts in the Regions.

(+$2,000,000 STAG)  Pesticides state grants to support the prevention of
future misuses of pesticides in communities and workplaces, ,'

(+$500,000 STAG)   Toxic state grants to enforce the lead provisions of

(+$9,148,700 EPM)  Resources provided to support increased payroll-related

(+$540,000 S&T) Resources  provided  to  support increased payroll-related

(-$707,000 SF)  A reduction in systems development is due to  the completion
of data systems enhancements.

Key Performance Measures
Lab Integrity Inspections
Lab Integrity Audits
Import/Export Notifications
Multimedia Inspections - HQ
Multimedia Inspections - RT
Federal Facility Inspections
Mobile Sources Inspections
NPDES Inspections
UIC/PWSS Inspections
Stationary Source Inspections
FIFRA Inspections
TSCA Inspections
NPDES Civil Referrals
State Pesticides Inspections
State Toxics Inspections
Single Media Inspections •* FD
Multimedia inspections - FD
RCRA Inspections
Sector Inspections
Administrative Orders Issued
Administrative Cases Concluded
Civil Judicial Cases Concluded
Non-Penalty Actions
UIC/PWSS Civil Referrals
Stat. Source Civil Referrals
FIFRA Civil Referrals
Toxics Civil Referrals
RCRA Civil Referrals
NPDES APO Complaints
UIC/PWSS APO Complaints
Stat. Sources APO Complaints
FIFRA APO Complaints
Toxics APO Complaints
RCRA APO Complaints
NPDES Compliance Orders
UIC/PWSS Compliance Orders
Stat. Sources Compl. Orders
FIFRA Compliance Orders
RCRA Compliance Orders
Wetlands Compliance Orders
Criminal Cases Referred
Specialized Asst. & Training
Annual Wkplns under BorderXXI & CEC
High priority areas identified
Data systems improve. to capture
 chgs to 98 base
        86 Inspections    86 Inspections
       230 Audits        230 Audits
     2300 Notifications 2300 Notifications
        15 Inspections    15 Inspections
       120 Inspections   120 Inspections
        28 Inspections    28 Inspections
      2250 Inspections  2250 Inspections
      2400 Inspections  2400 Inspections
      5700 Inspections  5500 Inspections
      2100 Inspections  2030 Inspections
       125 Inspections   125 Inspections
      1100 Inspections  1060 Inspections
      50 Case Referrals  5.0 Case Referrals
     53800 Inspections 60300 Inspections
      1000 inspections  1000 inspections
        14 Inspections    14 Inspections
        15 Inspections    15 Inspections
      1100 Inspections  1060 Inspections
                         390 Inspections
        90 Admin.Orders  100 Admin.Orders
        80 Admin.Cases    80 Admin.Cases
         2 Civil Cases     3 Civil Cases
       225  NONs/NOVs    250 NONs/NOVs
      20 Case Referrals  20 Case Referrals
      70 Case Referrals  70 Case Referrals
       3 Case Referrals   3 Case Referrals
       2 Case Referrals   2 Case Referrals
      12 Case Referrals  13 Case Referrals
     150 APO Complaints 150 APO Complaints
      60 APO Complaints  60 APO Complaints
      90 APO Complaints  90 APO Complaints
      80 APO Complaints  80 APO Complaints
     185 APO Complaints 185 APO Complaints
      64 APO Complaints  72 APO Complaints
     505 Compli.Orders  505 Compli.Orders
     300 Compl.Orders   300 Compl.Orders
     155 Compl.Orders   155 Compl.Orders
      10 Compl.Orders    10 Compl.Orders
      2 0 Compl.Orders    2 2 Compl.Orders
      40 Compl.Orders    40 Compl.Orders
     310 Cases          310 Cases
                        100 Courses
Agree. 2 Workplans        2 Workplans
                          5 Areas

                          3 Data System
                                     IX -8


      In its commitment to enforcing compliance with environmental laws, EPA will
continue  in its  efforts  to  identify .and  take  action  against environmental
violators, deter would-be violators,  and  ensure  a  level playing field so that
violators do not gain an unfair competitive advantage over law-abiding members
of  the regulated  community.   EPA also  will  improve  its effectiveness  in
addressing the most significant environmental problems through improved targeting
of high-risk portions of the regulated community and increased monitoring.   The
foundation of this effort will be  the development  of sound baseline data,  the
selection of the most appropriate compliance indicators  and types of facilities
to  be  regulated, and the setting  of challenging  but  realistic  targets  for
compliance in 1999.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      EPA's  enforcement and  compliance assurance  data are  contained  in 14
database systems across the Agency.  While specific data entry/quality control
practices may vary by individual  system,  each current system has been developed
in accordance with the Office Information Resources Management  (OIRM) Life Cycle
Management Guidance which  establishes  the  Agency's processes  for development,
implementation and maintenance of the Agency's data systems throughout their life
cycle.  The systems incorporate data validation processes and include internal
screen audit checks and verifications; development of detailed system and user
documentation (include training guides, data element dictionary, security plans);
data quality audit reports  (available"to Regional and Headquarters staff); third
party  testing   protocols   for  system  enhancements;   and   detailed  report
specifications for showing how data are calculated.

      EPA has prepared a Strategic and Tactical Automation Management Plan which
will significantly impact  the quality  and  .reliability  of nine of the Agency's
systems.   This plan  will  integrate  the Agency's enforcement  and compliance
mission,  priorities  and goals  into  a  comprehensive  -strategy  for improving
information management  for the National Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

      EPA is also developing and implementing detailed system specific .Quality
Management Plans for  all systems it manages directly.  These plans will include:
development of Data Quality Objectives  (.establishing measurable criteria for data
quality); Quality Assurance Project Plans  (to determine how QA activities will
be implemented through the  system life cycle) ,-  and Standard Operating Procedures
(to  provide  a  consistent  and  routine process  for  assessing data  quality

Statutory Authority

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act sections 3007,  3008,  3013, and  7003  (42
U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973)

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act  sections
106, 107, 109, and 122  (42 U.S.C. 9606, 9607, 9609, 9622)

Clean Water Act  (CWA) sections 308, 309, and 311  (33 U.S.C.  1318, 1319,  1321)

Safe Drinking Water Act  sections  1413, 1414, 1417,  1422, 1423, 1425,  1431,  1432,
1445  (42 U.S.C.  300g-2,  300g-3,  300g-6,  300h-l,  300h-2, 300h-4, 300i,  300i-l,

Clean Air Act sections 113, 114, and 303  (42 U.S.C. 7413,  7414,  7603)

Toxic Substances Control Act  (TSCA) sections 11,  16, and 17  and TSCA Titles  II
and IV (15 U.S.C. 2610, 2615, 2616, 2641-2656, 2681-2692)

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act sections  325  and 326  (42
U.S.C. 11045, 11046)

Federal Insecticide,  Fungicide,  and Rodenticide Act sections 8,  9,  12,  13, and
14  (7 U.S.C. 136f, 136g, 136j, 136k, 1361)

Ocean Dumping Act sections  101, 104B, 105, and 107 (33 U.S.C.  1411,  1414B,  1415,

North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

1983 La Paz Agreement on US/Mexico Border Region

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

     A Credible Deterrent to Pollution  and  Greater Compliance with the Law

Objective #2: Promote Voluntary Compliance

      Promote the regulated community's voluntary compliance with environmental
requirements through compliance incentives and assistance programs.

Overview           .                                                    •

      While much  of the  environmental improvement realized over the past several
years is attributable to the use of traditional civil and criminal enforcement
activities, the continuation of serious  environmental problems and changes in the
scope and types of activities and entities regulated present new challenges.  EPA
is working to integrate more traditional  approaches with well-designed  and
carefully-managed  efforts  to identify  and  implement   new ways  to  achieve
compliance, environmental protection, and reduction in the risk to human .health.

      EPA  uses compliance assistance  -to  assure  that the regulated  community
understands its obligations  by providing  clear and  consistent  descriptions of
regulatory requirements. Compliance assistance can also help regulated industries
find cost-effective ways to comply through the use of pollution prevention and
innovative technologies.   For 1998 and  1999,  EPA will  target  its  compliance
assistance to key program areas, sectors or geographic areas based on the nature
of the compliance problems noted,  the newness or complexity of the regulations,
or other relevant factors.

      EPA  is  also working to  improve its  effectiveness through  compliance
incentives which  motivate and enhance the capacity and the will of the regulated
community  to  promptly and  fully  comply  with the law and to voluntarily  and
promptly disclose violations before they come to the attention of the government.

      This objective also  addresses EPA's  responsibilities  under the National
Environmental Policy Act  (NEPA).  NEPA requires that Federal agencies consider
the environmental consequences of  their activities.  EPA' s NEPA program reviews
major actions taken by other Federal agencies and by EPA  to ensure that adverse
effects are identified  and are either eliminated or  mitigated.   The Agency's
efforts may include technical  advice, participation in the development of Agency
actions, document reviews, and follow-up on comments.

      The Agency's efforts in this objective will be supported through legal
counseling  and   advocacy.    This   may  include  advice,   participation  in  the
development of Agency actions,  document  review,  and  the conduct  of  defensive

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  02    Increase Use of             $45,515.9     $47,293.5     $49,208.2
      Auditing, Self-Policing

      Environmental Program &           $42,592.3     $43,469.2     $45,388.3

      Science and Technology               $328.7         $98.3         $97,9

      State and Tribal Assistance        $2,214.2      $3,333.4      $3,333.4

      Hazardous Substance Superfund        $380.7        $392.6        $388.6

    Total FTE:                               480.8         4.85.3         480,3
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Increase the regulated community's use of compliance incentives and their
     understanding of,  and ability to comply with,  regulatory requirements.  EPA
     will offer 20  small  entities  relief under the Small  Business  Policy,  an
     increase of 100% over the 1998 levels, and ^obtain 4.00 self disclosures. The
     Agency will also continue to operate 8 Compliance Assistance Centers, and
     provide compliance assistance tools such as 7 sector notebooks and 4 sector

•    Review 100% of  significant proposed Federal actions subject to the National
     Environmental Policy Act  (NEPA) which  require EPA follow-up to determine
     their likely environmental effects and remedy 70% of  EPA's  concerns with
     these proposed actions.

     This  objective will be  met   through  the  Agency's  efforts  to  improve
compliance by using compliance incentives and the continuation  of  compliance
assistance activities.    By  providing incentives for  companies to  undertake
environmental audits or other environmental  management practice, EPA encourages
internal corporate mechanisms to detect and prevent  future violations.   These
mechanisms could result in significant environmental  improvements.   The Agency
will encourage the  regulated community to voluntarily discover,  disclose, and
correct violations before they are discovered  by the government for enforcement
investigation or response.  In appropriate and specific situations-,  the policy
provides incentives, such as reduced penalties and reduced criminal liability,
for companies meeting established conditions for finding, disclosing and fixing

     EPA's small business policy is intended to promote compliance among small
businesses by providing incentives  for participation  in compliance assistance


programs and  prompt correction of violations.   In addition,  the  Agency will
provide compliance assistance to assure that environmental standards are clear
and understood  by the regulated  community.   By defining  compliance baseline
information for targeted sectors of the regulated community and continuing its
analysis of the  root causes of compliance problems, the Agency will develop tools
appropriate to  the  particular circumstances of the regulated community.   For
example, in partnership with  industry, academic  institutions,  environmental
groups  and other federal  and state   agencies,  EPA  is  sponsoring national
compliance assistance centers for specific sectors.   Centers are operational for
printing, automotive, metal finishing and agricultural services. Transportation,
municipalities,  printing wiring board, and chemical  industry sector centers will
be in place in 1999.
1998 Annual Performanee.Goals.

•    Increase the regulated community' s understanding of regulatory requirements
     and policies through training and outreach.

•    Increase the regulated community's and Federal  facilities use of incentive
     policies and programs by 10% over 1997 levels.

•    Review 100%  .of  major Federal actions  subject  to NEPA  which  require EPA
     .follow-up to -determine  their likely environmental effects and remedy 70% of
     EPA's concerns with these proposed actions.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

Ob j . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Science and Technology
Hazardous Substance Superfund
       (-4.0 FTE and -$300,000 EPM) Regional resources shifted from Project XL to
      support civil enforcement case development,  settlement, and litigation in
      Objective 1»

       (-1.0 FTE and -$,81,600 EPM)  Resources transferred to support the Agency's
      Office of Reinvention.

       (+$2,287,600 EPM) Increased payroll-related costs.

Key Performance Measures
Number of small entities receiving
relief under Small Business Policy

Compliance Assistance Centers in Operation

Compliance Tools Development

Compliance Tools Development

NEPA Compliance

EIS Filing and Data Reporting

Major Federal Actions Requiring Follow-up

Concerns Resolved on Major Federal Actions

Number of disclosures resulting from
targeted Agency action
10 Entities

8 Centers

7 Sector

4 Sector

30 Actions

650 Federal

300 Actions

294 Concerns

75 Disclosures
20 Entities

8 Centers

7 Sector

4 Sector

30 Actions

650 Federal

300 Actions

294 Concerns

75 Disclosures
Number of  Self Disclosures
Federal Facilities Management Reviews
330 Disclosures   400 Disclosures
15 Reviews        15 Reviews

      By supplementing traditional  enforcement  approaches  with tools aimed at
improving the capacity and the willingness of the regulated community to comply
with environmental requirements, EPA will increase the rates of compliance and
the environmental performance of facilities.  Compliance assistance will promote
greater understanding of regulatory requirements and help the regulated universe,
especially small businesses, achieve environmental compliance.

      Compliance  incentives will  encourage the regulated community  to  take
responsibility for their compliance statutes and pollution practices.  Further,
EPA work with the states to adopt policies  that provide appropriate incentives
and require adequate safeguards for systematic discovery, prompt disclosure, and
timely correction of environmental violations.
Key Performance Measures Verification

      Through  the Agency's  Enforcement  and Compliance  Assurance's  National
Performance Measures Strategy and other efforts,  EPA is improving its ability

 to  identify measures to assess the effectiveness of compliance  assistance  and
 compliance  incentives  efforts.  Compliance assistance  data  are  or  will  be
 collected through a  number  of sources,  including the end-of-year  reporting on
 accomplishments under the Regional Memorandum of Agreement process,  the Docket
 (a  national  database  for  tracking EPA  civil,   judicial,  and  administrative
 enforcement actions) , manual reporting by the regions and the. states, and through
 OMB-approved  surveys on the  effectiveness of compliance assistance.   Information
 on  the  regulated  communities'  use of  voluntary  approaches,  such  as  ithe
 Environmental Leadership Program and  Project  XL,  will be  collected at  the
 Headquarters  level,  although as these programs mature  over the next  few years,
 EPA regional offices will collect information on participation in these programs.
 Regions  and  Headquarters'   offices enter  audit policy  case data  on  self-
 disclosures into the DOCKET database.

      The Environmental Review Tracking System  (ERTS)  is the  national  database
 that serves as the official filing system for environmental impact statements and
 other actions,  as required  under  regulations  of the Council  on Environmental
 Quality  implementing the  National Environmental Policy Act.   ERTS also tracks
 EPA's review  responsibilities under Section 309  of  the Clean  Air Act.

 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  sections  3007,  3008,  3013,  and 7003 (42
 U.S.C. 6927,  6928, 6934,  6973)

 Comprehensive Environmental  Response, Compensation,  and Liability  Act sections
 106, 107, 109,  and 122  (42 U.S.C.  9606,  9607,  9609,  9622)

 Clean Water Act (CWA) sections  308,  309,  and 311 (33 U.S.C.  1318,  1319,  1321)

 Safe Drinking Water Act sections 1413, 1414,  1417, 1422, 1423, 1425, 1431,  1432,
'1445  (42 U.S.C. 300g-2,  300g-3, 300g-6, 300h-l, 300h-2, 300h-4, 300i,  300i-l,

 Clean Air Act sections 113,  114,  and 303  (42 U.S.C.  7413,  7414,  7603)

 Toxic Substances  Control  Act (TSCA)  sections 11, 16, and 17  and TSCA Titles II
 and IV  (15 U.S.C. 2610, 2615, 2616,  2641-2656, 2681-2692)

 Emergency  Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act sections  325  and 326 (42
 U.S.C. 11045,  11046)

 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,  and Rodenticide  Act  sections 8,  9,  12,  13, and
 14  (7 U.S.C.  1.36f, 136g,  136j,  136k,  1361)

 Ocean Dumping Act sections 101,  104B,  105, and 107 (33 U.S.C.  1411,  1414B,  1415,

 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Goal 10: Effective Management

10: Effective Management.	-  ,	X-l
 Executive Leadership ...  	  .........  X-6
 Management Services, Administrative, and Stewardship 	  X-12
 Building Operations, Utilities and New Construction	X-23
 Regional Management .Services and Support ............  X-29
 Provide Audit and Investigative Products and Services,  ....  X-.33

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management
Strategic Goal:   EPA will establish a management infrastructure that will set
and implement the highest quality standards for effective internal management and
fiscal responsibility.

                                 Goal Summary
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Effective Management

 Obj.  01    Executive Leadership

 Ob j .  02    Management Services,
      Administrative, and

 Obj.  03    Building Operations,
      Utilities and New

 Obj.  04    Regional Management
      Services and Support

 Obj.  05    Provide Audit and
      Investigative Products and

   Goal Total FTE
$716,580.2    $668,857,3    $659,860.5

 $26,003.4     $27,897.8     $30,895.9

$175,284.8    $165,331.7    $180,937.4

$367,90.5.0    $331,959.5    $299,921.3

$110,769.2    $107,103.7    $108,189.1

 $36,617.8     $36,564.6     $39,916.8
     Efforts under this goal support the full range of Agency activities for a
healthy and  sustainable environment.    Agency management provides  vision and
leadership within the Agency,  and conducts  policy  oversight for  all  Agency
programs.   The  effectiveness of  EPA's management  will determine,  in large
measure, how successful we will be in pursuit of the other goals identified in
the Agency's annual plan.  Sound management principles, practices, results-based
planning and budgeting, fiscal accountability,  quality customer service, rational
policy guidance and careful 'Stewardship of our resources  are  the foundation for
everything  EPA  does  to  advance  the  protection  of human health  and  the
environment.   Agency  management  .systems and  processes  will be  supported by
independent evaluations that promote efficient and effective programs, so that
we can obtain the greatest return on taxpayer investment.

     The 1999 President's  Budget requests $659.9 million and 2,975 workyears for
the Effective Management  goal,  a  decrease of  $9.0 million and  increase of 55
workyears over 1998.   Managerial accomplishments will include implementation of

automated and streamlined human resources  and financial  management processes,
construction  of  new   facilities,   and   establishment   of   state-of-the-art
laboratories.  The Agency will also honor  its obligations to protect children
from environmental hazards by working to make the protection of children's health
a fundamental goal of environmental protection in the United States.

     The resources requested  in this  budget will enable the Agency to meet a
number of important performance goals.  The most significant of these include:

•    By the end of 1999,  continue renovation of the new Headquarters complex by
     completing 100% buildout of the Ariel Rios  north building and 50% of the
     Interstate Commerce  Commission/Customs  building, and moving 47%  of EPA
     personnel from vacated spaces to the new consolidated complex.

•    By  the end  of  1999,  complete  at  least  50%  of  construction  of  the
     consolidated research lab at  Research Triangle Park in North Carolina.

•    By the end of 1999, implement performance-based contracting for 10% of  EPA
     contracts awarded to improve  quality and timeliness.

•    By the end of 1999,  implement Phase I of the Integrated Grants Management
     System  (IGMS) award module in all regions.

•    By the end of 1999,  evaluate  5  EPA standards to ensure they are protective
     of children's health.

•    By March,  1999, 100% of EPA category  1 & 2  systems  tested will calculate
     the Year 2000 correctly.

•    By  the  end of  1999, the Agency can  plan and  track  performance  against
     annual  goals and  capture 100% of costs  through the  new  PBAA structure,
     based  on  modified  budget  and  financial  accounting  systems,   a  new
     accountability process and new cost accounting mechanisms.

•    In 1999, the OIG will provide objective,  timely,  and independent auditing,
     consulting, .and investigative services through such actions as completing
     15 construction grant closeout audits.

Protecting Children'sHealth

     The 1999  President's  Budget requests $30,9 million and  265  workyears to
provide  vision and  leadership,   as  well  as executive  direction and policy
oversight, for all Agency programs, including Children's Health.

     The Agency will honor  its obligation to protect children from environmental
hazards  by  targeting  resources  toward the  Agency's many diverse children's
activities.  Children  today  face significant and unique health threats from a
range of environmental hazards.   They are often more heavily exposed and more
vulnerable than adults  to toxins in the environment, from asthma-exacerbating air
pollution and lead-based paint in older homes, to treatment-resistant microbes


in drinking  water,  to persistent  chemicals that may cause cancer or  induce
reproductive or developmental changes.  Children's developing immune and nervous
systems can be highly vulnerable to disruption by toxins  in the environment, and
the consequences may be lifelong.

     In 1999,  major activities include  establishing,  with the Department  of
Health  and Human  Services,  six  Children's  Environmental  Research  Centers,
ensuring that EPA's public health  regulations  consider  children's health, and
providing  information  to parents  to   better protect  their  children  from
environmental hazards.

Improving Management Services,  Administrative Support, and Stewardship

     The 1.999 President's  Budget requests $289.1 million and  2,154 workyears for
management services, administrative support, and stewardship.  EPA will provide
the management services and administrative support to achieve its environmental
mission and to meet its fiduciary and workforce responsibilities.

     The Agency wants  to ensure that its workforce is of  the highest caliber and
is fully prepared to deliver national leadership and expertise in environmental
protection.  To do so,  the Agency will invest in its employees through training
and education.  The Agency is .also striving toward  increasing ..efficiencies in
hiring and placement of staff with the necessary scientific and technical skills
to sustain effective  environmental  protection programs.    By  implementing  an
automated and streamlined human resources process,  the  Agency will take major
steps toward achieving these goals.

     Previously, the Agency has relied on cost-plus, level-of--effort contracting.
In an  effort to enhance the timeliness  and quality of contract  products and
service,  the Agency  will be transitioning from this more  costly and  less
efficient  method of contracting to  the more  programmatic  and  cost effective
method of performance-based service contracting.   Furthermore, by improving the
Agency's contract management information systems, the Agency will improve the
quality and  availability of information on the status and use  of resources,
thereby assuring that  the  Agency acquires the best quality goods and services in
support of Agency objectives.

     The Agency is  also taking steps toward reducing  reporting burdens by the
Agency's  highest  volume submitters  by encouraging and supporting electronic
reporting.  These efforts will facilitate EPA's acquisition of key information
about environmental conditions across the country.

     In 1999, upon correction of grants management vulnerabilities, emphasis will
be placed on all  aspects of post award grants  management to  ensure  fiscal
integrity.  This will be accomplished by supporting and maintaining an Agency-
wide Integrated Grants Management System that will provide for significant and
immediate  customer  service and communication,  as well as substantial time and
resource  savings,  increased  integrity  of  data  quality,  and  post  award
management/closeout support.

     Improving  the Agency's ability to focus  on  environmental  results and
ensuring effective  stewardship of  Agency resources  is a high priority for the
Agency.  To strengthen the Agency's  accountability through a performance-based


management system,  EPA will continue development  of  its integrated planning,
budgeting, and accountability process, and will further its achievement of the
substantive statutory requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA),  Chief Financial Officers Act  (CFO Act),  and related legislation.  The
Agency will also focus on development of effective financial management systems,
and greater  efficiency through streamlining, customer  service,  and automated
sys terns development.

Maintaining and Improving Agency Infrastructure

     The Agency  is  requesting  a total of $299.9 million  and 155 workyears to
provide a quality work environment  that considers employee safety and security,
building  operations,   utilities,  facilities  repairs,   new  construction,  and
pollution prevention throughout the Agency's  ten Regional  offices, research and
development laboratory complexes, field stations, and Headquarters locations.

     In support of effective management, the Agency will provide for construction
and establishment of state-of-the-art laboratories, providing the tools essential
to researching innovative solutions to current and future environmental problems
and enhancing our  understanding of  environmental risks.    The consolidated
laboratory  office  complex  at  Research  Triangle Park,  North Carolina  is an
excellent example.   For 1999,  the Agency is  requesting $32.0 million for the
continued construction of this complex. This  facility will consolidate several
locations that .EPA currently leases, saving taxpayers over $100 million over the
facility's life.  Also,  EPA is requesting and advance  appropriation  of $40.7
million in  fiscal year 2000 to .complete the  project.

     The  Agency's goal of  consolidating its Headquarters personnel  into one
central location  is closer to being realized.  In 1999,  EPA is  requesting $16.0
million for  relocation to  and continued construction of  the new Headquarters
buildings.    The  single   largest  component of  this   request  is  for  the
telecommunication costs to conform  to EPA's Integrated Services 'Digital Network
(ISDN) and local  area  network standards.  Significant accomplishments for 1999
include completion  of the  buildout in the Ariel Rios North  building,  and 50%
completion of  the Interstate Commerce Commission  building.   Furthermore, lab
construction at Ft, Meade,  Maryland will be completed.

     EPA's employees are a major asset and the  Agency will continue to take steps
to  provide a  wide  range   of  facilities  management  and safety, health and
environmental  management  policies,  procedures  aiid  services.    Facilities
operations include rent; preventive maintenance  of  existing space; security and
property management;  printing  services;  postage and mail management services,-
transportation services,- Agency recycling;  and health, safety and environmental
compliance activities, including medical monitoring and training.

Assisting  EPA inReaching1  ItsMissionby Providing Audit  and Investigative
Products and Services

     The Agency is requesting $39.9 million and 401 workyears to provide audits
and investigations of EPA's program, administrative,  and financial activities by
the Office of  Inspector General.  This will  ensure that the Agency's programs are
delivered  in  an  effective,  efficient,  and economical manner and in compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations.   Audits and investigations assist the
Agency in identifying areas of potential risk and necessary improvements that can
significantly contribute  to  EPA's fulfillment of its mission.   Services also
include working in partnership with Agency management to find more effective and
efficient solutions to environmental problems.

                       Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management
Objective #1: Executive Leadership

     EPA will establish a management infrastructure that will set and implement
the highest  quality standards  for effective  internal  management and  fiscal

     To meet the challenges of the 2lst century,  Americans are calling for a new
generation of environmental protection •--  one that  is based on common sense and
partnership.  They are challenging their leaders to adopt tough but achievable
goals for the environment and to offer people and institutions the -flexibility
to find cost-effective ways to achieve those goals.

     Major activities within this objective are vision and leadership; children's
health protection; regional vision and leadership;  EEO/.Civil  Rights/Diversity
Policy Guidance;  Environmental  Appeals Board actions;  and Administrative Law
Judge actions.

     In 1999, the Agency will honor its obligations to protect children from
environmental hazards by targeting resources towards the Agency's many diverse
children's activities with a request  of $6,716,200 and 15.5 total workyears for
the Office of Children's Health Protection.   Children today face significant and
unique health threats from a range of environmental hazards. They are often more
heavily exposed and  more  vulnerable  than  adults to toxins in the environment,
.from asthma-exacerbating air pollution and lead-based paint in older homes, to
treatment-resistant microbes in drinking water, and to persistent chemicals that
may cause  cancer  or  induce  reproductive or  developmental  changes.  Children's
developing immune and nervous  systems can be highly vulnerable to disruption by
toxins  in  the environment  and the  consequences may be  lifelong.   EPA will
continue to work  with all EPA headquarters  and regional offices -- as well as
with   Congress,   other   federal   agencies,  academic   institutions,   health
professionals, community groups, parents, and others --to implement the Agency's
Children's Agenda.

     Policy direction and guidance will be provided within the Agency on equal
employment  opportunity,  civil rights  and  diversity issues with  a request of
$4,104,700 and 41 total workyears.  EPA will process  discrimination complaints
and develop, administer and monitor the implementation of affirmative employment
programs.   Furthermore, EPA will manage special emphasis programs  designed to
improve the representation and utilization  of minorities and women  in the
Agency's workforce.   Finally, administration of the  external compliance program,
including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, will be conducted since it
requires  nondiscrimination in programs  and  activities  receiving  financial
assistance from EPA.


     The Environmental Appeals Board (EAB),  with a total request of $1,360,300
and 13 total workyears,  will  issue  decisions  on administrative environmental
matters. These  decisions  are  the end  point  in  the Agency's  administrative
enforcement and permitting programs.  The right  of  affected persons to appeal
these decisions to the Agency is  conferred by various statutes, regulations and
constitutional due process rights.

     The Administrative Law Judges (ALJs),  with a request of $2,124,300 and 31
total workyears,  will preside over  and issue  decisions in cases initiated by
administrative  complaints  filed  under  EPA's  enforcement  program. The  ALJs
provide hearings  to those accused of  environmental violations  under  various
environmental statutes.   In addition,  the ALJs have increased  use,  in recent
years,  of  alternative  dispute  resolution  techniques  in  bringing cases  to
settlement and,  thereby,  avoiding more costly litigation.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                          	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj .  01    Executive Leadership        $26,003.4     $27,897.8      $30,895.9

      Environmental Program &           $25,914.7     $27,809.7      $30,806.5

      Hazardous  Substance Superfund         $88.7         $88.1          $89.4

    Total  FTE:                               257.0         268.8          265.0
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Close EEO discrimination complaints.

»    Evaluate existing EPA standards to ensure they are protective of children's

•    Resolve Title VI and other external compliance program complaints.

     The Agency will engage in EEO/Civil Rights/workforce diversity activities
at both Headquarters and in the Regions.  EPA will  resolve 80 EEO discrimination
complaints.   In  addition,  enhancements  will be made  to the Agency's external
civil rights compliance program, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964.  These enhancements will enable the Agency to resolve 12 Title VI and other
external compliance program complaints.  Title VI prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, and national origin in any program or activity receiving
federal financial assistance.  Since the fall of 1993, the Agency has received
41 Title VI complaints raising environmental justice claims.  Of these, 21 are
still pending.   Increased resources will  be used  to  collect and analyze data
needed to make decisions on pending Title VI complaints.

     As a  national policy,  EPA will  ensure that  its standards  address  the
heightened risks  faced by children.   The most significant  standards  will be
reevaluated to provide  greater prevention of environmental  health threats to
children.   In  1999, EPA will reevaluate up to five of its most  significant public
health and environmental standards to be reissued on an expedited basis.

     The EAB  will issue  administrative environmental  decisions in a timely
manner.  In 1999, the EAB will  complete  at least  80%  of its  active permit and
enforcement cases  within 12 months  of receipt.   Comprehensive Environmental
Response,  Compensation,  and Liability Act (CERCLA)  section 106(b) petitions, on
the other hand, typically are more time  consuming and resource intensive. In the
Year 2000,  EPA will establish  a baseline to determine the time frame in which
CERCLA section 106(b)  petitions are completed.  The EAB's long-term goal is to
complete 80% of its active CERCLA section 106(b) petitions within 18 months of
receipt.   The   EAB's disposition  of cases  serves  an oversight  function by
applying the environmental laws fairly to all parties.

     The ALJs will adjudicate administrative  complaints in a  timely manner.  In
1999, the Office of the Administrative Law Judges will identify opportunities for
improvements in their  alternative dispute resolution program and case management
efforts, which will enable it to complete actions brought  before them within 18
months of 'receipt.   Completion  of cases depends in large part upon the parties'
settlement efforts, and  the  ALJs  are in the process  of reducing a backlog of
cases.  The disposition of cases serves an oversight function  by encouraging the
Agency's programs to fairly apply the environmental laws  to all parties.

1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Close EEO discrimination complaints.

•    Evaluate existing EPA standards to ensure they are protective of children's

•    Resolve Title VI and other external compliance program  complaints.

                         1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

	i	Dollars	FTE

 01 Obj.   Total Change                              $2,998.1          (3.8)

       Environmental Program & Management            $2,996.8          (3.8)

       Hazardous Substance Superfund                      $1.3           0.0

•      (+$2,460,000 EPM)  Implement the Agency's  Children's Health Initiative.
      Additional funding  will  be used for programs  to include development of
      Risk Assessment Protocols for Children; Benefits Analysis for Preventing
      Disease in Children from Environmental Toxins;  and activities targeting

      communities where EPA can combine the expertise of other Agency programs
      to eliminate and/or minimize health threats to children.

      (+$500,000 EPM)  Enhance the Agency's  external civil  rights  compliance
      program  to  resolve complaints,    This  investment would  provide  for
      contractor support in four areas: guidance  and technical assistance for
      recipients of EPA assistance; develop and administer post-award compliance
      reviews; assistance in investigating administrative complaints filed under
      EPA's Title  VI regulations; and  to develop and  conduct  data  gathering
      analysis to investigate administrative complaints that raise environmental
      justice issues.

      (-$300,000 EPM,  3.0  total  workyears)   Reduction from  the
      Administrative Law Judges.  The ALJs have been successful in
      reducing their backlog of enforcement cases.

      Based upon a  review of actual workforce costs. Regional payroll and travel
      was reduced by  $241,300, and Headquarters payroll and travel was increased
      $544,500 to more accurately reflect the cost of workyears.
 Key Performance Measures                  1998                 1999

 Close EEO Discrimination                   72                   80

 Resolve Title VI and Other                 10                   12

 Select standards for evaluation             5
 to ensure they consider the
 children's special health needs.

 Reevaluate standards to ensure  "                              up to 5
 they consider the children's
 special health needs,


      Within EPA high standards for effective internal management  will be set
and implemented.   The Agency's topmost managers will provide vision, leadership,
and direction to ensure that the Agency is  able to provide better environmental
protection at less cost at the turn of the century and beyond.  Resources will
be used for a 'wide variety of activities intended to ensure strong and effective
vision, leadership,  and direction at the Agency.

      The Agency will  review and set in place systems to assure child-protective
environmental  standards.    It  will  support  development of  new policies  on
children's unique susceptibility and  exposure to pollutants by  working with
researchers at other Federal agencies and academic institutions to identify and
expand research on children's health,  and  develop new,  comprehensive policies
that address  preventing children's  simultaneous  'and cumulative  exposures  to


environmental health threats.  Finally, EPA will enhance community right-to-know
and education on children's health by expanding information for families,  and
provide  parents,  teachers,  and  health  practitioners  with  education  and
information about protecting children  from environmental health threats in their
homes, schools, and communities.

      This  mission will  be  accomplished by  coordinating children's  health
protection across the Agency,  ensuring strong standards that protect children's
health, using the best scientific research to protect our children's futures, and
increasing public education and community outreach on children's issues.  EPA and
its  stakeholders will  benefit  from   this  coordinated  approach to  reducing
environmental risks to children, by making the  reduction of  environmental risks
to  children a priority  of our  administrative, programmatic,  and  scientific
efforts; ensuring ,a central point of contact for our stakeholders on children's
environmental  health issues;  and increasing  public  awareness of  children's
environmental health risks.

      Policy  direction  and guidance  on  equal employment  opportunity,  civil
rights, and diversity  issues  will be provided within the Agency.   EPA  will
process discrimination complaints; develop,  administer, and monitor the Agency's
affirmative  employment program;  manage  the   special  emphasis programs;  and
administer the Title VI external compliance program.  The last of these efforts
is designed to help ensure nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving
financial assistance from EPA.

      The EAB and the ALJs  will issue decisions on cases brought before them.
These  decisions  will  ensure  the impartial treatment of  all parties  by the
Agency's  program  offices  by providing .a  fair  and  independent  review  of
administrative environmental matters.   These efforts will help ensure the fair
application of environmental laws, regulations, and programs to al.l parties.

KeyPerformance Measures Verification

      EEO Complaints Closed:  The Office of Civil Rights  will maintain records
on the number of complaints closed during the year.

      Title  VI Complaints Closed: The  Office  of  Civil Rights  will maintain
records on  the number of complaints closed  during the year.

      The Office of Children's Health Protection will  select and evaluate up to
five standards to ensure they consider the  special needs of children's health.
Records will be maintained.

      The  EAB will  maintain  records  on the  number  of completed  permit and
enforcement cases reviewed annually.

      The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)  will  maintain records on the number of
completed actions brought before them.

Statutory Authority

Administrative Procedures Act

Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI

Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

                       Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management

Objective #2: Management Services, Administrative, and Stewardship

      The Agency will provide the management services, administrative support and
operations to enable the Agency to achieve its environmental mission and to meet
its fiduciary and workforce responsibilities.


      This  objective  provides  for management   of an  integrated  planning,
budgeting, financial management, and accountability  process to ensure effective
stewardship of  Agency  resources.   This process  will,  at a minimum,  meet the
substantive statutory requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA),   Chief Financial  Officers  Act  (CFO), Clinger-Cohen  Act and related

      Accomplishment of this objective  will  help to  promote timely programmatic
and resource allocation decisions based on clearly articulated goals,  priorities
and strategic approaches;  instill  the  use of sound scientific,  technical and
financial  analyses  in  those decisions,-  incorporate effective  financial and
management integrity principles into the day-to-day operations of the Agency's
environmental programs;  provide Agency managers  and external  customers  with
information about program results and service quality; and support the workforce
with timely and high quality financial services.

      The  Agency will  continue  to implement  a  strategic  planning process
including the development of long term goals and general strategies for attaining
these goals,  and develop  and manage  the Agency's  accountability  system for
identifying and reporting performance and resource  information.   EPA will also
manage  the Agency  annual planning  and  budgeting  process,  which  includes
overseeing the development of annual performance plans,  budget formulation and
execution, and provide financial accounting and fiscal services to the Agency.
In  addition,  EPA will  conduct analyses  to  incorporate scientific  data and
information into the Agency's planning, budgeting,  and accountability process.
The Agency will  also coordinate the implementation and management of the Working
Capital   Fund,   support   for  the  development   of  environmental   financing
alternatives, and performance of  all  budgetary  and administrative functions
specific  to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer  (OCFO).   EPA will also
support the resource management analysis, accountability and management integrity
responsibilities  of the  Senior  Resource Official  and Responsible Planning and
Implementation Officers;  and provide required cost  documentation of the Superfund
Cost Recovery program.  The Agency is requesting a total of $74,567,100  for  these

      EPA's vision for the delivery of  management  services in this objective is
fundamentally simple but  important -- providing environmental funds to people who
can turn it into environmental results in a straightforward and efficient manner.


The Agency will accomplish this by:  collaborating with the regions and states
on systems development through the Partnership 2000 team; aggressive streamlining
of  processes; providing user-friendly,  innovative technology; implementing the
General Accounting Office's information resources management's best practices in
support of the goals  of  the Information Technology Management Reform Act  (ITMRA)
(Clinger-Cohen Act); and strengthening post award and close-out management.

      Specifically, EPA is committed in 1999 to  improve performance in a number
of areas, and we  have  established specific performance goals  for  each of our
management services.   EPA intends to speed up  the  contract  processes through
fast-track system enhancements and automation efforts.  For each contract action,
the Agency will have  established stringent time frames for completing work.  For
example, purchase orders will be processed in 20 working days versus a current
average of 45 days; work assignments and delivery orders will be processed in 7
working days versus a current average of 1.3 days; procurement packages will be
reviewed within 5  days; new procurements (less than $5 million)  will be completed
within 11 months,  versus a current average of 18 months.   Within this objective,
the Agency is requesting $28,818,300 for Contracts Management.

      For  the first time,  EPA will  implement  a  new,   integrated,  automated
personnel  management   system   (Peoplesoft)   in  the  Human   Resources  and
Organizational  Services area.   This  system will enable  the  Agency  to manage
positions, recruit employees,  track performance,  log labor relation cases and
disputes, plan  salaries,  administer benefits,  produce  workforce demographics
reports, process automatic personnel actions and other functions,  all within one
system.  Processing time will be greatly reduced and paperwork eliminated. _ This
will allow the Agency to devote more resources to consultant-based services and
better assist managers  in the recruitment,  hiring and development of employees.
This will  also provide the potential  to  reduce traditionally labor  and time
intensive  processes,  such  as  recruitment,  thereby improving the  Agency's
capability to deliver services  in  a timely manner.    Within this  objective, the
Agency is requesting $28,3.60,400 Human Resources.

      In the  Information Resource Management area, EPA -will implement three of
GAO  best practices  for Information  Resources Management  (IRM)  service  and
stewardship.  Completion of  the remaining  eight best practices is expected by
2003.  Also,  the Agency will improve the information  technology capital planning
and review process, and reengineer and implement several  automated systems.  For
example, EPA  intends to expand the electronic forms system from  6,000 users to
10,000 users  (bringing the user total to 55%).  Major improvements to Internet
searching will  be implemented, improving service  to an  expanded customer base
exceeding  15 million queries  per month  (up  from  12 million).   Within this
objective, the Agency is requesting $25,731,400 for Information Management.

      The Agency  will correct current FMFIA material weaknesses by eliminating
100% of the  closeout  backlog for  nonconstruction  grants that  ended between
October 1990  and  September 1995.  At the same time, the corrective action plan
to prevent  backlogs will be followed.   within this  objective,  the  Agency is
requesting $10,079,600 million for Grants Management.

      Agency-level efforts for addressing systems issues associated with the Year
2000 project will primarily focus on ensuring that mission critical systems meet
the government-wide goal of achieving Year 2000 compliancy by March, 1999.  This


activity will continue to provide guidance and policy for incorporating Year 2000
data changes, ensure effective oversight and contingency planning, and manage a
certification program to verify Year 2000 compliancy of mission critical assets.
Critical systems will be corrected by the  end of 1998 to allow rigid testing and
implementation of the government-wide target of March,  1999,

      Partnership 2000  (P2000) will automate the functions of  the total grant
process, from policy, guidance, application, award, negotiation, tracking,  and
reporting.    it  will eliminate  the  need  for  paper,  include  an  electronic
signature, and promote information access.

      Phase I of the Integrated Grant Management  System  (i.e. Partnership 2000)
will automate the functions of the state grant process, from policy,  guidance,
application,  award,  workplan negotiation,  tracking,  and  reporting.    It will
eliminate  the  need  for  paper,   include  electronic  signature,  and  promote
information access.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

      	1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud

 Obj.  02    Management Services,       $175,284.8    $165,331.7    $180,937.4
      Administrative, and

      Environmental Program &          $12:8,803.3    $121,918.5    $131,576.2

      Science and Technology               $227.7         $35.0        $226.0

      Leaking Underground Storage        $1,014.0        $834.4      $1,047.6

      Oil Spill Response                     $3.3          $3.7          $3.3

      Inspector General                     $72-2         $72.2         $72.1

      Hazardous Substance Supexfund     $45,164.3     $42,467.9     $48,012.2

    Total FTE                             1,502.3       1,521.2       1,551.8
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    By  the  end of  1999,  the Agency  can  plan and track  performance against
     annual goals  and capture 100%  of costs through the  new .PBAA structure,
     based  on  modified  budget  and   financial  accounting  systems,  a  new
     accountability process and new  cost accounting mechanisms..

•    The  Agency  annual  planning,   budgeting,  analysis,  and  accountability
     processes link resources to environmental results.

•    The Agency  financial resources  are  managed responsibly,  assure  quality
     customer service, and promote  cost-effective investment in environmental

*    The  Agency  systems  for  planning,   budgeting,   financial  management,
     accountability, and program analysis provide timely, accurate, and useful
     information to Agency and external customers.

•    Develop a national workforce training and development program by the end of

*    Implement an automated human resources management system.

•    Meet  customer  service goals  nearly 100%  of time  within  the  contracts
     management program.

•    Implement Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange Systems to comply
     with the President's Executive Order.

•    Implement performance-based contracting for 1-0% of EPA's contracts.

•    Correct  current  EMFIA  material  weaknesses  in  grants  management  'by
     eliminating 100%  of  closeout backlog  for  non-construction grants  between
     October 1, 1990 and September 30, 1995.

•    Implement Phase I -  Integrated Grants -Management System award module in all
     grants management offices.

•    Implement a case management system for Suspension and Debarment cases.

•    Implement QAO best practices for information resources management.

•    Complete Agency wide Year 2000 corrective action plan on mission critical
     systems ensuring EPA computer systems are in compliance by March,  1999'.

*    Implement the Partnership 2000 electronic award in all Regions

•    100% of EPA category 1 and 2 systems tested will calculate to the Year 2000
     correctly by March,  1999.

     EPA's  1999  accomplishments are  targeted  toward an  integrated  planning,
budgeting and analysis process, and oversight of the Agency's  strategic planning
process.  This includes the development of long term goals and general strategies
for attaining these goals, and the development and implementation of the Agency
process for multi-year plans.  This will  provide a  more detailed strategy for
attaining the objectives and sub-objectives.

     Through  close  coordination among National  Program Managers  (NPMs)  and
stakeholders,  EPA will continue development of the Agency's integrated planning-
budgeting-accountability  process  to  improve   EPA's   ability  to  focus  on
environmental results  and to ensure effective stewardship of Agency resources.
In 1999, the Agency will  further EPA's  achievement of the substantive statutory


requirements  of  GPRA,   CFO,  and  related  legislation  to  strengthen  Agency
accountability through a performance-based management system.  OCFO will utilize
its resources in three principal areas: continued development of the integrated
Planning, Budgeting, Analysis and Accountability (PBAA) system that implements
the GPRA,  development of effective financial management  systems,  and greater
efficiency  through  streamlining,   customer  service,  and  automated  systems
development.    Major activities  associated  with  these areas  in  1999  are
development of an Agency-wide accountability system, plans for major financial
systems upgrades,  achievement  of  Agencywide cost  accounting  capability which
supports GPRA objectives and budget restructuring and automation.

     The Agency will  develop the first phase of an Agency-wide accountability
system to identify and report on performance and resource information as required
by GPRA and Agency managers.  It is anticipated that this system will integrate
the many disparate  accountability systems  in  the Agency  and will  include
Integrity Act reporting and material weakness identification.  Further, OCFO will
continue  to comply with the  Inspector  General Act,  as  amended in  1988,  by
reporting  semiannually  to  Congress  on  audits,  as  well as  pursuing  audit
resolution activities and training of audit coordinators.

     Analyses will be conducted to incorporate scientific data and information
into the  Agency's PBAA  process,  and work  will begin on program  evaluations
required under GPRA to  assess  progress toward strategic  goals and objectives.
The Agency will prepare protocols and guidance for risk analysis of objectives
and sub-objectives across offices and programs, and develop the Agency's first
Annual Performance Progress Report.

     The Agency will continue to streamline management procedures,  strengthen its
use of information technology to  improve  services and enhance budget management
processes.   EPA  will provide executive direction  for  the Agency's  budget,
financial, and resources management functions,  and manage the annual planning and
budgeting process for the Agency.  This includes overseeing the development of
annual performance plans, budget formulation and execution, as well as providing
financial accounting and fiscal services.  These services include payroll, travel
and vendor  payments to  the Agency.   EPA  will also operate and maintain the
Agency's' financial management system, and provide support to the Agency's cost
recovery  efforts.   In  addition,  the  Agency will  coordinate  the planning and
budgeting  process  for  the  Working Capital  Fund,  and provide  leadership -for
implementing the Agency's environmental financing program.

     Development  and implementation  of  the  budget and financial  management
processes and information .systems needed  to improve EPA's ability to manage for
results will also continue.  Activities in 1999 include 1) development of Annual
Plans consistent with the Agency's Strategic Plan,  multi-year actions plans and
EPA's annual budget;  2)  automation and  restructuring  of  the Agency's overall
budget process; and .3) development of cost accounting capability to enable Agency
managers  and stakeholders to  know the full  cost  of Agency programs  and the
resources associated with achievement of environmental results.

      EPA is committed in 1999  to improve performance in a number of management
services areas. Enhanced acquisition and contract management training will allow
EPA to comply with the Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA) of 1995  by providing


competency-based training to  contracting officers.   In addition,  performance-
based contracting will enhance the quality and timeliness of contract products
and services.  For 1999,  a goal that 10 percent of contracts will be performance
based has been established.  Furthermore, with the Electronic Commerce/Electronic
Data  Interchange  (EC/EDI)  system, data  on business transactions  between  the
government and private  sectors will  be readily exchanged.   Implementation of
EC/EDI is scheduled at all 27 Small Purchase Agreements (SPA) purchasing sites
by 1999.

     Upon correction of grant management vulnerabilities, emphasis will be placed
on all aspects of  post award management to ensure fiscal integrity.  Supporting
and maintaining an Agency-wide Integrated Grants Management System will provide
for significant and immediate customer service and communication improvement as
well  as  substantial time and resource  savings,  increased integrity of  data
quality and post award management/closeout support.

     The improvement in service delivery,  timeliness and overall quality in human
resource activities  will  enhance customer satisfaction  and greatly  reduce
processing  time and eliminate paperwork,  allowing us  to devote more resources to
consultant-based  services  and,  thereby,   better   assist   managers  in  the
recruitment, hiring and development of employees.  Levels of satisfaction should
increase by ten percent from 1998 through 1999.

     Emphasis is placed  on  fostering ISM stewardship by. developing  strategic
plans for IRM, implementing applicable legal mandates,  defining EPA's information
architecture and setting IRM policy.

     The Executive Steering  Committee for Information Resources Management will
assist in the implementation  of  these efforts through  the Year 2000  and P2000
activities.  This will include providing Agency-level coordination and guidance
for addressing Year 2000,  assistance with the promulgation of date standards,  and
automated grant processing.
1998Annual Performance Goals

•    The  Agency  annual  planning,  budgeting,  analysis,  and  accountability
     processes link resources to environmental results.

•    The Agency  financial resources are  managed responsibly,  assure  quality
     customer service,  and promote cost-effective investment  in environmental

•    The  Agency  systems   for  planning,   budgeting,   financial  management,
     accountability,  and program analysis provide timely, accurate, and useful
     information to Agency and external customers.

•    Improve  customer  service,  enhance contract training opportunities  and
     implement performance-based contracting to enhance quality and timeliness
     of contracts.

Implement Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange systems to comply
with the  President's  order.   Will support  Agency's Integrated Contracts
Management System(ICMS).

Test .market electronic grant awards in five EPA regions and in five states.

Correct current FMPIA material weaknesses in grants management by providing
100% of EPA's  program offices with required  Agency certified assistance
project officer training.

Investigate  100%  of  Suspension and  Debarment matters  regarding  waste,
fraud,  abuse and environmental  crimes for potential development of cases
for recommended action to the Agency's debarring Official.

Provide basic personnel  services,  training,  outreach and recruitment and
employee services,.

Improve customer  satisfaction with the  delivery of  human resources and
organizational services by 5% in 1998.

Develop IRM  strategic plans,  implement applicable legal mandates,  define
EPA's architecture  and set IRM policy,  provide efficient and cost-effective

Establish a Year 2000 Center of Excellence.

Test the Partnership  2000 Prototype in 5 Regions and  5 States.
                    1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                        (Dollars in Thousands)
02 Obj . Total Change
Environmental Program & Management
Envir. Program & Mgmt - Reim
Science and Technology
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Oil Spill Response
Inspector General
Hazardous Substance Superfund
  (+$1,300,000 EPM)  The Agency will enhance and expand the Agency's existing
 grants  'management  systems.    By  linking  electronic commerce,  system
 integration  and  programmatic  accountability,  we  will  increase  the
 efficiency  of  the  grants and  program  management"  processes, • improve

     customer service, expand our  information  sharing  capacity,  improve GPRA
     tracking and  enhance the Agency's  ability to partner with  our grantee

     (+$1,000,000 EPM) The Agency will focus on assessing  and  addressing the
     issues facing  the  current  workforce and on identifying and  meeting the
     workforce challenges of the future.   The  Agency will  examine the skills
     and competencies of the current workforce, the skill gaps  that currently
     exist, and the  requirements of future jobs.  EPA will also  develop and
     complete a  nationwide workforce assessment  and  implement  a  workforce
     training and development program.

     (+$2,210,000  EPM,  +$4,906,300  SF)  The  Agency will  establish  the  new
     Planning Analysis and Accountability (PBAA)  system, streamline budget and
     financial processes,  and upgrade major financial systems.  Also the Agency
     will implement  the first phase of the accountability  process;  conduct a
     minimum of ten  PBAA  workshops  to build Agency and stakeholder capacity;
     collect  and  analyze comparative  analyses of  environmental  programs;
     enhance the Agency payroll system  (EPAYS); enhance  the  Superfund Cost
     Recovery Package and Imaging On-line System (SCORPIOS);  and automate the
     Bankcard payment system.

     ( + $2,390,600  and 33  FTE  EPM)  Reflects a  shift, as  a  result of  an OPPE
     reorganization, from Goal 7,  Expansion of Americans' Right to Know About
     Their Environment, for GPRA and management accountability  activities.
Key Performance Measure                                1998         1999

Accountability system is developed and ready to       9/3098

Accountability system.,captures 100% of key EPA           -          9/30/99
performance measures

Agency payroll and related systems Year 2000             -          3/31/99

Implement Small Purchase Electronic Data                 -          27  sites
Interchange at purchasing sites

Eliminate close-out backlog of non-construction          -           100%
grants that ended 10/1/90-9/30/95

EPA systems in compliance with Year 2000               100%         100%
corrective action plan

Electronic grant award available in all regions          -           100%


      The  Agency will  manage  an  integrated  planning,  budgeting,  financial
management, and accountability process to ensure effective stewardship of Agency
resources.  This process will meet  the statutory requirements of GPRA,  CFO,  and
related  legislation and  improve  EPA's  ability to  manage, for  results.    In
addition, EPA  will  continue to provide  core budget, financial,  and  resource
management services essential to the Agency's achievement of its environmental
goals and objectives.

      EPA's strategic direction over the next five years is focused on improving
the products and services provided  to our customers.  In 1999 the Agency intends
to build on the accomplishments expected in 1998 and provide an improved level
of management  services,  administrative support  and operations.   Specifically,
expectations at the program level are:

            Development   of  the   first   phase   of   an   Agency-wide
      accountability  system to identify and report on  performance  and
      resource information.   Initiation   of  analyses  to incorporate
      .scientific data and information into the Agency's PBAA process  and
      program  evaluations to  assess progress toward strategic  goals  and
      objectives.  Preparation of protocols and guidance for risk analysis
      of objectives and  sub-objectives across  offices  and  programs,  and
      .develop  the Agency's first Annual Performance Progress Report.

            The  restructuring and automation of  the Agency's  overall
      budget process.  The  development of  cost  accounting  capability to
      enable Agency managers  and stakeholders to know the  full  cost  of
      Agency programs  and the resources associated  with achievement  of
      environmental results.

            The implementation of an electronic  commerce  system to result
      in  reductions in purchasing lead time, as well as, labor and cost
      savings.    These  efforts combined  with  the  implementation  of
      performance-based contracting and enhanced training, will allow EPA
      to significantly improve the  quality  and timeliness of the services
      we provide.

            Correction of grant  management material weaknesses to allow
      the  Agency to  strengthen and improve overall fiscal  integrity.
      Streamlining   administrative  responsibilities  and   redirecting
      resources will enable EPA to  operate in a more efficient manner.  In
      1999, the design and development of the Integrated Grants Management
      System  will  be  completed and ready for implementation  in 2000.
      These accomplishments highlight our efforts to provide the highest
      quality  of service and support to our customers.

            To improve the services we provide our customers in order to
      define our strategic direction for the next 5  years. This goal will
      be  achieved  by identifying  standards, measuring  satisfaction  and
      delivering  a high level of service.    In  addition, progress  in
      streamlining  and automation  will allow us to emphasize  three  key

      areas:    human  resource  consulting;  workforce  development;  and
      organizational effectiveness.

      The delivery of services in a more effective and efficient manner will be
achieved through implementation of the Information Technology Management Reform
Act  (ITMRA/Clinger-Cohen Act).  Implementation of  the  requirements outlined in
ITMRA/Clinger-Cohen Act, in hand with current reinvention activities, will lead
to a greater return on information  resource  management investments.   Prudent
investments and more effective project oversight  will provide a better level of
support to the Agency's environmental protection infrastructure.  In addition,
benefits expected include the strengthening of records management, security and
other  stewardship services.   These  efforts  will  ensure that we  achieve an
improved level  of timeliness and quality  in  the  delivery of our products and

      The end result of the Year  2000 project will  support Agency programs and
Regions  to become  Year 2000  compliant by developing or revising EPA guidance,
procedures,  and an  information  exchange  structure  as  well  as  by preparing
recommendations  for  addressing Year 2000 system  analyses  and modifications.
Additionally,  the  success  of this program will  be  documented  through  a
certification  process  to  ensure  that mission critical assets are  Year 2000
compliant...  The P2000 project will advance Agency priorities such as Reinvention,
eliminate  or greatly  reduce  the  paper processing  burden,  provide  accessible
information  through   the  use  of   the   "information highway,"  and  enhance
accountability by measuring accomplishments.

Key  Performance Measures .Verification

      The  Agency has  attempted to develop measures  which  adequately reflect
program goals and objectives.  These measures emphasize quantifiable aspects of
program  processes,  incorporating  realistic program outputs and outcomes.  The
Agency  recognizes the importance  of verifying  the  validity of performance
measures  and  indicators*    Consequently,  efforts  are planned and  currently
underway  to ensure that measures accurately reflect and support  our assumptions.
An important first step in this process has been the  undertaking of a Customer
Service survey to measure customer satisfaction.   The results of this survey will
provide  us with  a framework  by  which  to validate  and  revise  many  of our
assumptions.   As  the  process  evolves,  the  program output and  outcome data
provided will allow us  to refine both our measures and our supporting information
management system.  Many of the key measures are verifiable through quantitative
means.  The measures are output oriented and actual outputs or  products will be
•counted or verified.

      The Office of the Chief Financial Officer has developed validation methods
for  key performance measures for 1998 and 1999. One 1998 key performance measure
is that  the "Accountability System  is developed  and ready to  implement."  To
verify  whether this performance  measure has been met, we  will  evaluate and
document whether all  components of  the  Accountability System  have  been  fully
developed and tested;  whether all policies,  procedures and guidance related to
use  of the Accountability System have been developed, approved,  and promulgated;
and  whether all  appropriate Agency personnel  have  been trained  in policy,
procedures and  processes related  to use and  application of  the Accountability


System. To validate the results.of this performance measure, we will evaluate and
document whether the Accountability  System achieves  all development standards
established in the planning phase. The other OCFO Fiscal Year 1998 key measure
relates to Year 2000  compliance.  To validate the performance measure "Agency
financial management system is Year 2000  compliant in time to achieve invisible
processing of financial transactions," we will conduct independent testing and
evaluation  to  demonstrate  results  of  systems  programming changes  on  the
processing of financial transactions.

      In 1999, the key Accountability System measure is that the "Accountability
System captures 100% of key EPA performance measures."  To verify and validate
this measure, ~we will evaluate and document whether  the Accountability system
contains a complete  and accurate set of key EPA performance measures articulated
in the Agency's Annual Plan. There is also a  key 1999  performance relating to
Year 2000  compliance:  "Agency payroll and all  related systems are Year 2000
compliant in time to achieve invisible processing of payroll transactions."  To
validate this performance measure, we will conduct independent testing evaluation
to demonstrate  results  of  systems programming  changes  on the processing of
payroll transactions.


Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

Clinger-Cohen Act

Chief 'Financial Officers Act

Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of  1996

Federal Managers Financial integrity Act of 1982

Competition in Contracting Act

Contract Disputes Act

Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act

Federal Records Act

Federal Claims Collection Act

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

Government Performance and Results Act of  1993

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management

Objective #3: Building Operations, Utilities and New Construction

      OARM will provide  the Agency with a quality work environment that considers
employee safety and security,  building operations,  utilities,  facilities,  new
construction, repairs and pollution prevention within Headquarters as well as


      This objective supports the Agency's goal for Effective Management through
the construction of new facilities,  and the design and establishment of state-of-
the-art  laboratories.    These  facilities  provide  the tools  essential  for
researching innovative solutions to current and future environmental problems and
enhancing our understanding of environmental risks.

      The Agency  provides  a wide  range  of  facilities management  and safety,
health and  environmental management policies, procedures and services  to EPA
customers.  The facilities operations  include rent paid to GSA and others; space
utilization; preventive  maintenance of existing  space;  security  and property
management;   printing   services;   postage   and  mail   management  services;
transportation services; Agency recycling; and health, safety and environmental
compliance activities,  including medical  monitoring,  audits, and training.  The
Agency is requesting $262,035,200 for these activities.

      New  construction  activities  include  real  property  acquisition  and
management, and modification of existing  space.  New construction also includes
project management of the Agency's major construction activities including the
new headquarters  project and the  consolidated laboratory at Research Triangle
Park, as well as design and construction of replacement laboratories.  The Agency
is requesting $32,000,000 for the RTP project in 1999 and  $40,700,000 in advanced
appropriations in 1999,  and $15,945,300 for the new headquarters project in 1999.

      The repairs and improvement  request  for 1999 is $15,428,000 to provide for
engineering  studies, design, and  construction  costs related to  the repair and
improvement of buildings occupied by the  EPA.   The Agency will address critical
repairs related to employee health and safety,  and will ensure that the Agency's
facilities are in compliance with environmental statutes.  EPA will also invest
in energy and water conservation improvement, and support alterations related to
moves and program required changes as  well as emergency repairs and maintenance
for laboratory facilities.  A major activity includes the decommissioning of the
Annapolis and Beltsville labs,  an  investment of $2,000,000.  Decommissioning of
real property from EPA will assure EPA's compliance with prudent facilities
management practices, as well as meet our environmental liabilities by complying
with all requirements of the Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
(CERFA) which assures the property is  returned with no contaminants present-

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  03    Building Operations,
      Utilities and New

      Environmental  Program &

      Building  and Facilities

      Leaking Underground Storage

      Oil  Spill Response

      inspector General

      Hazardous Substance Superfund

      Hazardous Substance SF-IG

    Total  FTE
$367,905.0    $331,959.5    $299,921.3
$184,611.4    $180,174.4
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•    Continue renovation  of  the new Headquarters  complex by  completing  100%
     buildout of  the Ariel  Rios north  building  and 50%  of the  Interstate
     Commerce Commission/Customs building, and move  47%  of  EPA personnel  from
     vacated spaces to the new consolidated complex.

•    Complete at least 50% of construction of the consolidated research lab at
     Research Triangle Park in North Carolina.

»    Improve space management by vacating 41,463  square feet of surplus space in

•    Ensure that adjusted office space utilization rate  is  in compliance  with
     OMB Directive of 135 square feet per person.

•    Conduct health and safety audits at  13  EPA facilities  to ensure facility
     compliance with standards.

•    Implement energy conservation and pollution prevention at three EPA labs.

•    Occupy new consolidated laboratory in Fort Meade.

     In 1999, the Agency will continue to provide the best service possible to
EPA  customers  including  real  property  acquisition and management;  security
services; postage and mail management services,-  and other operational support
that will ensure a quality work environment.   Additionally, EPA will develop and
implement internal  safety,  health  and  environmental management  policies  and
program  models,  and provide technical  assistance  and  training to EPA field
employees to ensure the Agency  meets all  statutory and regulatory requirements.

     The  Agency will  ensure  employee  safety  at   our  federal  facilities  by
maintaining the security standards set by the President's Memorandum on Security
Standards.   EPA's  laboratory construction,  office  renovation,  and repair  and
improvement projects support pollution prevention and energy efficiencies that
will lead to a  safe, quality work environment. EPA will make capital investments
in two  major construction projects --  the  new Headquarters Project  and  the
Consolidated Laboratory at Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina.  It is
essential to the Agency's mission that  our infrastructure be maintained to
provide a safe, environmentally efficient workplace.

     In keeping with the Agency's efforts  to provide all employees with a quality
work environment that is safe, healthy, and secure, our highest priority for 1999
is to continue progress  on the renovation of  nearly 750,000 square feet of space
in two buildings included in the Agency's housing plan --  the ICC-Customs  and
Ariel Rios  buildings.   Adjacent to  these buildings,  the Agency will  also be
moving  into additional space  as a  result  of  the  acquisition  of the Wilson

     To  ensure the  Agency's  compliance with  prudent facilities  management
practices,  as  well as  meet  environmental liabilities, EPA will invest in  the
decommissioning of real property at the Annapolis and Beltsville labs from the
Agency.  By performing due diligence at sites that EPA will vacate,  the Agency
removes any  environmental liability that might have resulted from  its operations.
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Complete  50%  buildout of  the  Ariel Rios phase  of the  new Headquarters
     project,  complete 90% of  construction  at  Ft Meade, and  complete  20% of
     construction of the consolidated lab at Research Triangle Park.

••    Provide a healthy and safe workplace at  the optimum utilization rate while
     promoting better space management and environmental efficiencies.

•    Complete 100% upgrade of security as required by the Department of Justice
     to  comply  with  the  Presidential  Memorandum on  security  at  Federal

«    Conduct audits of Safety, Health and Environmental Management Programs at
     thirteen EPA locations in  1998.

*    Integrate  energy  conservation   and  pollution   prevention  into  EPA's
     facilities  management   practices  to  protect  human   health  and  the
     environment.   We  will streamline purchases, minimize waste and maximize
     usage.         »

                        1999 Change from 1998 Enacted
                            (Dollars  in Thousands)
                                                      Dollars          FTE
 03  Obj.    Total Change                           $(32,038.2)          (0.5)

       Environmental  Program &  Management           $22,175.6           3.4

       Building and Facilities                     $(56,472.0)           0.0

       Leaking Underground Storage Tanks                $12.2           0.0

       Inspector General                              $(22.4)           0.0

       Hazardous Substance Superfund                 $2,268.4          (3.9)

•     (+$17,577,000 EPM,  +$2,480,400  SF,  +$12,200  LUST)  New  space which  is
      expected to come  on line in 1999  in headquarters,  regional, and  field
      offices.  In addition, the  funds  will cover anticipated GSA and Direct
      'Lease rate increases.   The Agency has  successfully curbed the rate  of
      growth  in  this  account  and  will   continue  to  aggressively pursue
      opportunities to reconfigure space to reduce our inventory and to reduce

•     (+$2,567,300  EPM,  +$793,000  SF) The Agency will make an investment for the
      relocation  to   the  New  Headquarters  buildings.    The  single  largest
      component of  this  request is for the telecommunication costs to conform to
      EPA's ISDN and  local  area  network standards.   As is  the case  with any
      consolidation,  telecommunications  costs are the Agency's  responsibility.

•     ( + $2,500,000  B&F) An  investment will allow  the agency to complete the
      tenant alterations  in the  renovated  buildings  at the new Headquarters
      complex which are necessary to  accommodate  the  "special  spaces" such as
      computer rooms,  telecommunication center, education center, hearing rooms,
      cafeteria, public dockets,  and other  agency specific needs necessary to
      effectively use the space.

•     (+1,770,700 EPM, +$97,000 SF) Additional resources  needed for utility rate
      increases in remote laboratory  locations  and  to cover  security contract
      rate increases.

•     (-$58,000,000  B&F)  Funding for  the   RTP  project will  be reduced  from
      $90,000,000 in  1998 to $32,000,000 in 1999  allowing the  construction of
      the main  facility to stay  on  schedule.  This  phase  includes  the  main
      laboratory and  office  complex,  as well as site utilities  and roadways.
      This level of funding also  provides start-up funds to  begin construction
      of the second phase of the High  Bay Building  (HBB), the National Computer
      Center  (NCC)  and  the  Child  Care Center  (CCC) .  Construction  of the HBB
      will begin  early  in  1999,  and  procurement  of  the  NCC  and  CCC  will

      $40,700,000 is  requested in advanced appropriations -for 2000  to complete
      the main  facility, and to complete the  construction of the HBB, CCC and

      (-$700,000 EPM)  A disinvestment  of  the one time costs associated with the
      completion of the President's Security Enhancement  Initiative  resulting
      from the Oklahoma City bombing.

      (+$2,000,000 B&F) An investment for the decommissioning pf the  Annapolis
      and Beltsville labs.   Funds are needed to ensure compliance with prudent
      facilities management  practices,  as well as  to meet  our environmental

      (-$2,000,000  B&F)  A  disinvestment  (one  time  cost)  as a  result  of
      completion of the alternative fuels dispensing project in Ann Arbor,  MI.
 Key Performance Measures                            1998            1999

 Provide additional security enhancements at          -          10  regions
 regional facilities

 Agency adjusted office space utilization rate        -           135  sq
 does not exceed:                                                ft/person

 Evaluate facilities for weakness reducing            -        30% reduction
 health & safety audit findings & lost time
 due to accidents

 Improve efficiency & reduce energy                   -           3 labs
 consumption in EPA labs

 Complete Lab Construction at Ft. Meade          80,100  Sq Ft    89,000  Sq Ft

 Construction of new RTP building                    20%            50%

 Complete buildout of Ariel Rios building       130,000 Sq Ft  260,000 Sq Ft

 Continue buildout of ICC building                   10%            50%

 Comply with Presidential Memo-Security level        100%

      EPA continues major  initiatives  to correct  deficiencies in the Agency's
infrastructure as well as deliver a wide range of quality services designed to
enhance  our  employees'  working  environment.    Ongoing  and  proposed  new
construction  includes  the  renovation  of  two  historical buildings in  the EPA
headquarters housing plan and the construction of the consolidated facility at
RTP.  The ,RTP  main facility construction is scheduled for completion by January,
2001.   With  1999  funding  to  start the  remaining phase  of the campus,  and
continuation in 2000,  the High Bay Building will be completed concurrently with
the  main facility.   The National Computer Center  and Child Care Center are
targeted for completion by mid 2001.  Additionally,  EPA will continue the repair
and  improvement  programs at  our existing laboratories  which,  in 1999,  will
include  the decommissioning of  two  laboratory facilities.    The  program also
provides a safe and healthy work environment for EPA employees by upgrading and
modifying current  facilities  to  more  adequately .and  efficiently address the
Agency's changing programs.


Key Performance Measures Verification

      The Agency  has  attempted to  develop measures which  adequately reflect
program goals and objectives.   These measures  emphasize quantifiable aspects of
program processes, incorporating realistic program outputs  and outcomes.   The
Agency  recognizes the  importance  of  verifying the validity of  performance
measures  and indicators.   Consequently,  efforts  are  planned and  currently
underway to ensure that measures accurately reflect and support our assumptions.
As the process evolves,  the program output  and outcome data provided will allow
us to refine both our measures and our  supporting information management system.
Statutory Authority

Public Buildings Act

Federal Property and Administrative Services Act

V.A., H.TJ.D.,  and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act

                       Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management

Objective #4: Regional Management Services and Support

      The  Regions   will  continue  to   provide   the  management   services,
infrastructure support  and facility  operations  necessary  for the Agency  to
achieve  its  .environmental  mission,  and  meet its   fiduciary and  workforce


      This objective  provides  the means  and capability for  the Regions  to
accomplish their mission and carry out  their  responsibilities.  It includes the
resources needed to  select  and train the  workforce;  provide for  the physical
space they work  in and  tools  necessary to perform their jobs;  and manage the.
Regions' resources.   The Agency will  accomplish  the goals of this  objective
through  aggressive  streamlining  of    processes;  providing  user-friendly,
innovative technology; and  implementing  the  General  Accounting Office's (GAO)
information resources  management's  best practices in support  of  the goals of the
Information Technology Management Reform  Act  (ITMRA).  The Agency is requesting
$108,189,100  in 1999 for this objective.

      EPA is  committed in 1999 to improve performance in a number of areas and
we have established specific  performance goals for each of  the management and
facilities services.   The Regions need the right people with the  right skills and
experiences to successfully accomplish its mission.   This workforce needs basic
support as well as training to maintain and enhance job skills.   This objective
includes  management  services  such as recruitment, training, employee services,
and organizational consulting and advising.

      Resources are essential  to both the Regions 'and our partners in the States
and Tribes in accomplishing the Agency's  mission.  This objective also includes
the proper and effective  management of these contracts and grants resources.  To
be  effective and  efficient,  the  regional workforce needs a  wide range  of
infrastructure tools and services,  including  support  for telecommunications and
mission-critical information systems.

      The Agency will ensure a safe and effective work environment and provide
for records management, library services,  copying, mailroom services, and general
office and safety supplies.  Management of the Regions'  physical space,  tools,
and administrative services is also accounted for in this objective.

      These activities are vital to the operation of the Regional offices, and
consequently, to  the  Agency's ability to  achieve its mission  and  to meet its
statutory and fiduciary  responsibilities.

                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  04    Regional Management        $110,769.2    $107,103.7    $108,189.1
      Services and Support:

      Environmental Program &           $80,167.9     $75,359.0     $77,208.2

      .Leaking Underground Storage          $310.4        $296.7        $310,4

      Oil  Spill Response                    $27.9         $35.8         $26,2

      Inspector General                    $619.2        $619.2        $582.5

      Hazardous Substance Supexfund     $29,643.8     $30,593.0     $30,061.8

    Total  FTE                               610.8         596.8         601.8
1999 Annual Performance Goals

•     Implement an automated human resources management system.

•     Implement the Phase I  -  integrated Grants  Management System (IGMS)  award
     module in all grants management offices.

«     Implement GAO best practices for information resources management.

     The Agency's goal to achieve the requirements of the Government Performance
and Results Act (GPRA) and to strengthen accountability through performance-based
management systems will put increasing demands on the program managers to have
the right  people with  the  right skills  and experiences. The Regional  human
resources offices intend to. meet this challenge and develop measures to determine
customer satisfaction with human resources services.  The other key piece in this
effort will be to clearly understand customer service values and expectations,
and the human resources offices  in  the Regions  intend to undertake  efforts to
identify and define these.

     The Agency  maintains  the  quality and  timeliness  of the Regional  human
resources  services  while increasing the usefulness  of human resources   (HR)
consulting and advisory services,  innovation,  and support for organizational
change. Human resource  processes will be streamlined and strengthened through
automation initiatives  as  established by the Agency  and implemented  in the
regions. These improvements will permit a shift of emphasis towards a proactive,
consultative role that supports EPA programs ($12,046,200).

     The Agency  will maintain effective  contracts management while improving
contracts tracking, information dissemination,  analysis and records management
through the use of functional data systems enhancement.  Performance Partnership
Grants will be awarded to states  that want to participate and grants staff will
continue  to  provide technical  assistance  through the  Management  Assistance
Program  (MAP) review process, as well  as participate with program staff in the
formulation of Regional/State priorities and result-based measures. Grants staff


will utilize available information systems and electronic grant processes,  as
development of these systems come on-line  ($18,045,500).

     By the year 2003, the Agency will satisfy all relevant GAO best practices
for IRM services and stewardship through the implementation of Agency processes,
procedures, best practices,  benchmark studies, performance measurement reviews,
tools and  service standards.  The  Agency has a significant effort underway to
streamline and automate work processes--Regional IRM services will coordinate the
implementation of these projects.

     Efforts  will  be  supported  to  improve the  Agency's  mission-critical
environmental  information  systems,   to   include  more  information   (such  as
ecosystems assessment, and  ambient environmental  data)  needed by citizens and
regional,  state,  tribal  and local  governments  to  make  informed decisions.
Approaches to application improvement will include Rapid Applications Development
and Deployment  (RADD)  and data warehousing. The Regional IRM offices will also
be undertaking efforts to clearly understand customer service expectations and
will be developing standards and using them to measure effectiveness.

     Continued  support  will  be  provided for a  wide  range  of  facility and
administrative  services needed  to support the Agency's mission and programs.
These include;  library  services,  records management, copy  center,  mail room,
safety  and health  services; GSA  fleet  and property  management; and other
facilities management services ($78,097,400).
1998 Annual Performance Goals

•    Establish baseline measures  for EPA employee  customer satisfaction with
     administrative management services.

•    Establish baseline measures for EPA employee customer satisfaction with IRM

•    Develop Regional human resources EPA employee customer service survey.

                        1999  Change  from 1998  Enacted
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                  	Dollars	FTE

 04 Obj.   Total Change                              $1,085.4           5.0

       Environmental Program & Management            $1,649.2         '  5.0

       Leaking Underground Storage Tanks                $13.7           0.0

       Oil Spill Response                              $(9.. 6)           0.0

       Inspector General                              $(36.7)           0.0

       Hazardous Substance Superfund                 $(531,2)           0.0

      (+$1,748,200 EPM, +$13,700 LUST, -$854,800 SF, -$36,700 IG, -$9,600 OIL)
      Additional  resources  of $860,800  will be used  in support  of regional
      infrastructure, such as utilities, security,  and regional moves, and ADP

      ($335,600 EPM  and 5  FTE)  The Agency  will  invest in  grants management
      assistance to tribes  to protect the fiscal  integrity of grant resources
      and  meet  Tribal  requests  for  training  and  technical  and  program
      assistance.  These resources will help address high-priority environmental
      problems where Tribes  have not yet built the  capacity to address these
      problems themselves.

      The Regions will operate management activities in a way that addresses the
high-priority needs  of program operations.  Well-run, effective human resources
management; contracts and grants management;  and infrastructure will assist the
Regions in meeting their program obligations and responsibilities.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      The Agency has attempted  to  develop measures which adequately reflect
program goals and objectives.  These measures emphasize quantifiable aspects of
program processes,  incorporating realistic program outputs and outcomes.   The
Agency  recognizes the  importance  of  verifying  the  validity  of  performance
measures  and indicators.   Consequently,  efforts are'  planned and  currently
underway  to ensure that measures accurately reflect and support our assumptions.
An important first step in this process has been the 'undertaking of a Customer
Service survey to measure customer satisfaction. The results of this survey will
provide  us  with  a  framework by which  to validate  and  revise  many  of  our
assumptions.   As the process  evolves,  the program  output and  outcome  data
provided will allow us to refine  both our measures and our supporting information
management system.


Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

V.A., H.U.D., and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act

Clinger-Cohen Act

Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments of 1995

Federal Records Act

                        Environmental Protection Agency

                     1999 Annual Plan Request to Congress

                             Effective Management

Objective #5: Provide Audit and Investigative Products and Services

      Provide audit and investigative products and services all of which can help
EPA accomplish its mission.


      The Federal Government's Inspectors General developed an Inspector General
Vision Statement  which the Inspector General (IG)  has adopted as its  own:  "We are
agents of positive  change  striving for  continuous  improvement in our Agency's
management and program operations,  and in our own offices."  The  IG's mission is
prescribed in the Inspector General Act  of  1978,  as amended, which requires the
Inspector General to:  (1)  conduct  and supervise  audits and  investigations
relating to programs and operations in  the Agency;  (2) provide leadership and
make  recommendations   designed  to  (I)   promote   economy,   efficiency,  and
effectiveness and (ii)  prevent and  detect fraud and abuse in Agency programs and
operations;  and  (3)  fully inform the Agency Head and the Congress about problems
and deficiencies identified by the  Office of Inspector General (DIG) relating to
the administration of .Agency programs and operations.  The OIG's general .goals
are to:  (D help  EPA achieve its environmental goals by improving  the performance
and integrity of EPA programs and operations, by safeguarding  and protecting the
Agency's resources, and by  clearly  reporting the results of our work;  (2) foster
strong working relationships; and (3)  operate  at  the highest performance level.

      In carrying out  its  environmental mission, EPA administers  billions of
dollars of government programs,  making it vulnerable to various financial abuses.
The OIG's primary role is to independently and objectively review  EPA's financial
transactions,  program  operations,   contracts,  and  administrative  activities;
investigate allegations  and indications of criminal and civil violations; and
promote  cost-effective Agency  operations.   A  strong, effective  OIG  is  an
essential partner 'with the Agency, helping identify needed improvements, prevent
waste of scarce resources,  and maintain  the integrity of the Agency's programs.
The total request for this objective is $39,916,800.

      Through program, contract, assistance agreement, and financial statement
audits,  the OIG provides the Agency with objective evaluations and constructive
advice and  recommendations which  'reduce  risk,  improve  service delivery,  and
promote accountability. These audits allow the Agency to make better use of its
resources by ensuring it pays for only what it receives.  Fraud and abuse weaken
Agency programs,  erode  public confidence  in these  programs,  and subvert EPA's
mission.  Investigations are vital in detecting and deterring fraud and abuse,
promoting  cost-effective  programs,  and  helping  ensure  the  integrity  of
contractors and employees,  thereby 'reducing risk. Investigative  results include
criminal prosecutions,  civil actions,  fines, civil  recoveries,  suspensions,
debarments,  and systemic improvements.   The OIG seeks the greatest return on its
investment  for the Agency.   Our  reinvention initiatives and administrative
reforms are increasing our organizational performance, and our strategic work

plans address the Agency's most significant risks,  improve its accountability,
and assist Agency management in meeting its goals.

      The OIG audits  EPA's environmental programs to  evaluate  their economy,
efficiency,   and effectiveness  and  to  determine  if  they are  operating  in
accordance with applicable laws and. regulations.   OIG's focus is primarily on
issues  based on their  relative risk,  materiality,  and  importance to  EPA's
mission; other  audits are conducted  in response  to Congressional  or  Agency

      Program Audits - Determine the extent to which the desired results
      pr benefits envisioned by the Administration  and  Congress are being
      achieved,   reviews  the  economy,  efficiency  and  effectiveness  of
      operations, and determines the extent of compliance with applicable
      laws and regulations,

      Financial  Statement  Audits  - Review  of  the Agency's  financial
     • systems and  statements  to   ensure that  the  Agency1s  accounting
      information is  accurate,  reliable and useful, and  complies  with
      applicable laws and regulations.   Our objective is to assist EPA in
      making improvements in the financial      management processes and
      control^  which -will  provide  better  information  for  decisions
      promoting the greatest possible environmental results.

      Assistance Agreement Audits  -  Audits of  EPA's Construction Grant
      Program,  State Revolving  Fund,   Performance  Partnership  Grants,
      Interagency •      Agreements and  Cooperative  Agreements,  which.
      provide  assistance  to   state,   local  and   tribal  governments,
      Universities and nonprofit recipients      accounting for about half
      'of EPA's    budget.  The  OIG will audit  both  the  financial and
      performance aspects,  building on the Single Audit Act and focusing
      on resource-intensive,  high-risk programs.

      Contract  Audits  -  Audits   of   Agency indirect  cost  proposals-,
      preaward,    interim and final contracts.  These  audits determine the
      eligibility,  allocability, and reasonableness  of costs  claimed by
      contractors and assure that EPA pays only for what it requests and
      receives.   EPA has  assumed audit  cognizance of  ,15  major contractors
      and will continue to monitor the contract universe to identify high-
      risk contractors.  In  addition,  the Defense  Contract Audit Agency
      provides contract audit services,  on a  reimbursable basis  (paid for
      with OIG funds), at the majority of EPA's contractors.

      The  OIG  investigates  alleged  fraud,  waste,  abuse,  or  other  illegal
activities  by  EPA  employees,  contractors,  and   grantees.    A  variety  of
investigations are worked;  they result in referrals  for  criminal prosecution and
civil actions, indictments, convictions,  fines,  restitutions, civil recoveries,
suspensions, debarments,  other administrative actions, identification of systemic
vulnerabilities, improvements  in  programs and  operations,  and/or  savings or
economic benefits.   Fraud-awareness briefings are held to increase the awareness
of integrity issues throughout the Agency.

      Program integrity Investigations  - Investigations of activities that
      could undermine the integrity of Agency programs  concerning safety
      and public health,  and  erode  public confidence in the Agency.  These


      cases are  initiated in  response to allegations  or may be  self-
      initiated in high-risk areas where there is reasonable suspicion of

      Assistance Agreement  Investigations - Investigations  of  criminal
      activities  related  to  Agency   grants.   State   Revolving  Fund,
      Interagency Agreements  and Cooperative Agreements,  which  provide
      assistance to state, local  and tribal governments, universities and
      nonprofit recipients.    Collectively  these programs  account  for
      .about half of EPA's budget.

      Contract and Procurement Investigations -< Investigations involving
      acquisition management,  contracts and  procurement practices.   The
      OIG will specifically  focus on cost mischarging, defective pricing,
      and collusion  on EPA contracts.  The  decentralized  nature of  EPA
      contracting,  the complexity of Agency  contracting 'and the lack of a
      central vendor and subcontractor data  base increases the  Agency's
      vulnerability to fraud.

      Employee  Integrity   Investigations   -  Investigations  involving
      allegations  against   EPA   employees   that  could  threaten  the
      .credibility of the Agency.   Employee  integrity investigations  are
      conducted to maintain the integrity of EPA personnel.

      The OIG will plan, control and report  on the use of available resources,
prepare clear, accurate, timely,  and independent reports to the Administrator,
Congress  and  the  public to  provide  better accountability  for the  Agency,
information for policy and action, and a factual summary of the OIG's work and
its  value to the  Agency  and  taxpayers.    The  OIG  will  develop  computer
applications  to provide  fast,  economical information to  reduce  OIG  costs and
increase  our  value;  technology  is  one the  OIG's primary means to  implement
administrative reforms  and apply a greater percentage  of staff to direct mission
objectives. The OIG will help the Agency prevent and reduce the risk of loss and
impropriety through timely and responsive reviews of  personnel backgrounds and
employment suitability, employee complaints,  and legislation and regulations.

      Strategic Planning, Execution and Reporting - Develop strategic and
      'performance plans, budgets, and-reports in  compliance with the GPRA
      that clearly link all resources  to organizational objectives  and
      results.     Provide   sound  fiscal   controllership  to   ensure
      accountability   for   effective   decision  making   and  the   best
      application of resources to meet  mission objectives.  Also, the OIG
      will  perform  activities   relating  to  the  IG  Act  reporting
      requirements and communication with Congress and the Administrator,
      and leadership activities of the Immediate Office of the IG.

      Program  Management,   Fraud Prevention and  Personnel  Security  -
      Provide a fully-staffed, highly-qualified,  and culturally^diverse
      workforce supported  by  appropriate and efficient administrative
      services to maximize application  of OIG staff time on direct mission
      work.   Promote employee  and contractor awareness to improprieties
      and deter possible fraud  and wrongdoing, and encourage-employees and
      the  public  to  report  possible  instances  of  fraud,  waste  and
      mismanagement.   Review and evaluate Agency and related legislation
      and regulations to identify possible weakness,  duplications,  risks


      and  opportunities  for  improvements and  savings,  and  initiating
      background investigations and National Agency Checks of current and
      prospective EPA employees and contractors to determine if security
      requirements are met to protect  the integrity  of the EPA programs
      and operations.

      Information Resources Management  - Ensure development, acquisition,
      implementation,   application   and  management   of   comprehensive
      technical information resources providing better,  cheaper and faster
      communications and product quality, improving DIG  efficiency and its
      value to the Agency.

      Working   Capital   Fund   -    Provide   the  necessary   computing,
      communications and postage services to OIG staff.

      Overall, the OIG sees its mission  as identifying not only problems,  but
also solutions. The OIG will do this through its audits and investigations, as
well as by providing advisory and .assistance services at the request of Agency
management.   The  OIG  is developing strong partnerships with EPA  managers in
working toward the common goals of  improving the efficiency of EPA operations and
providing more effective delivery of environmental programs. The OIG is working
closely with  the  Agency's partners, such as state agencies, to ensure proper
implementation  of  major  assistance   programs.    With   Congressional  and
Administration emphasis on operating with fewer resources, the OIG will continue
to increase our efficiency/ effectiveness, and accountability.
                          Objective by Appropriation
                            (Dollars in Thousands)

                                    1998 Pres Bud  1998 Enacted  1999 Pres Bud
 Obj.  05    Provide Audit and
      Investigative Products and

      Environmental Program &

      Inspector General

      Hazardous Substance SF-IG

    Total FTE
1999	Annual Performance Goals

•    In 19.99,  the  Office  of Audit will provide objective, timely, independent
     auditing  and  consulting services  by completing and initiating more audit
     assignments,  such as  .15  construction grant closeout audits, reducing the
     average time  of assignments,  and  dedicating more resources to consulting

•    In 1999,  the  Office  of Investigations will increase its effectiveness in
     detecting and deterring  fraud and  other  improprieties  by increasing the

     number of assistance agreement and contract cases,  improving the percentage
     of cases resulting in referrals for action, reducing the average time for
     case completion, and conducting more fraud awareness briefings.

•    In  1999,   the  Program  Support Staff  will  support  DIG performance  by
     effectively planning,  applying and reporting to Congress fiscal, human and
     technical resources use, and by facilitating  the  redirection of two OIG-
     wide FTE to direct mission objectives.

      Agency program audits will be performed to determine the extent to which
desired results or benefits  envisioned  by  the  Administration and Congress are
being  achieved.   The  OIG will  audit  areas  of  high  risk,  materiality/  and
importance in accomplishing the EPA mission, and ensure  adequate safeguards over
Agency resources.  Specifically,  the OIG will focus on the following areas.

      Superfund - Legislative audit requirements include an annual trust
      fund audit, an annual audit of response claims, audits of a sample
      of state    cooperative agreements, and technical reviews of cleanup
      decisions.  In addition to the mandatory financial audits,  the OIG
      will  audit the  Agency's  management  of  the Superfund  program.
      Further, as the Agency  expands Superfund activities to carry out the
      President's -commitment to accelerate cleanups, the OIG will review
      EPA's Superfund efforts to  accelerate  cleanup of  the Nation's worst
      toxic waste sites.

      Hazardous Waste - The OIG will audit the success of the program to
      date  and seek  improvements  which could make  the  program  more

      Information Resources Management  (IRM) -  The OIG will continue to
      audit  the IRM program because  it utilizes  a significant  part of
      EPA's  budget  and  plays a major  role   in  tracking  the  Agency's

      Water Quality - The OIG will  audit the clean water program because
      of continued water  pollution problems  and the significant resources
      that are being expended to improve pollution  control in this area.

      Performance Measures - The OIG will  audit performance measures to
      determine  if  controls  are  in  place  to ensure  that  the  Agency
      accurately reports its expenditures and related accomplishments.

      Toxic  Substances  -  The  OIG  will  determine  if  the Agency  is
      adequately protecting the public and the  environment from the risks
      associated with the manufacture, use and  disposal of all commercial
      toxic chemicals.

      The OIG will audit EPA's financial  statements as required by the Government
Management and Reform Act, and Trust Funds such as Superfund and LUST as required
by the  Chief Financial Officers Act.   These  audits test  the accuracy of the
Agency's  financial  systems  and  statements to  ensure that  EPA's  accounting
information  is reliable  and useful,  and   complies with applicable  laws and
regulations,- and evaluate internal and management controls.  Our objective is to
assist  EPA  to  improve  financial  information  which  managers  use  to  make
environmental program decisions.


      The OIG's  assistance agreement  audits  will focus on  EPA's  Performance
Partnership  Grants,  State  Revolving  Funds,  Construction  Grants  Program,
Interagency Agreements  and Cooperative Agreements.   These  agreements,  which
provide  assistance  to  state.,   local, and  tribal  governments  as  well  as
universities and nonprofit recipients, account for about half of EPA's budget.
The OIG will audit both the financial and performance aspects, building on the
Single Audit Act and focusing on resource  intensive, higher risk programs which
constitute approximately 70 percent of the total funds for assistance programs.

      The OIG will  continue to audit  contracts to determine the eligibility,
allocability, and reasonableness of costs claimed by a contractor and assure that
EPA pays only  for  what it requests  and receives.   The OIG  has assumed audit
cognizance of 15 major contractors, and will provide contract services for all
Federal contracts at these companies.  In addition,  the Defense Contract Audit
Agency provides contract audit services, on  a  reimbursable basis  (paid for with
IG funds),  for the  majority of EPA's  contractors.   GAO  issued a  report in
February 1997 concluding that the  Agency  remains  vulnerable to overpaying its
contractors and not achieving the maximum cleanup work with its limited resources
and that  it needs  to increase  the  timeliness of audits.    GAO  specifically
recommended that EPA and the OIG identify  and  request the resources required to
reduce the large backlog of contract audits within a reasonable time and improve
the timeliness of audits.

      Program  and   employee integrity investigations  will   focus  on  Agency
environmental program and employee  activities that could undermine the integrity
of Agency programs  concerning  safety and public  health,  and erode  public
confidence in the Agency.   Program  integrity cases are initiated in response to
allegations or are self-initiated  in high-risk areas where there is reasonable
suspicion of fraud.   Employee  integrity cases involve allegations  against EPA
employees for  illegal,  unethical,  or  other conduct  which could threaten the
credibility of the Agency.

      As part of a new initiative  to uncover criminal activity in the awarding
and delivery of EPA assistance agreements-, the OIG will increase investigations
of  criminal activities  related  to  Agency  grants.  State   Revolving  Funds,
Interagency agreements and cooperative agreements.  These programs, which provide
assistance to state,  local and tribal governments,  universities and nonprofit
recipients, collectively account for about half of EPA''s budget.

      The OIG will continue to investigate contract and procurement practices.
Specifically, the OIG will focus  on  cost mischarging,  defective pricing,  and
collusion on EPA contracts.   The  decentralized nature and  complexity of EPA
contracting  and the  lack  of  a central  vendor  and  subcontractor  data base
increases the Agency's vulnerability to fraud.

      The OIG will increase its efforts to  establish strong working relationships
with  state and local  law  enforcement  officials  and environmental  program
officials.  In addition, the OIG will provide fraud awareness briefings to Agency
staff as  well  as state, local,  and other Federal officials  to foster strong
working relationships and a customer-oriented organization.

1998 Annual PerformanceGoals

•      In 1998,  the Office of Audit will provide objective,  timely,  independent
      auditing and consulting services by completing and initiating more audit
      assignments, such as 15 construction grant closeout audits,  reducing the
      average time of assignments, and dedicating more resources to consulting

•      In 1998,  the Office of Investigations will increase its effectiveness in
      detecting and deterring fraud  and other improprieties by increasing the
      number  of  assistance  agreement  and  contract  cases,   improving  the
      percentage  of  cases  resulting in  referrals  for  action,  reducing  the
      average time  for case completion,  and conducting more  fraud awareness

•      In  1998,  the  Program Support Staff  will  support  OIG  performance  by
      effectively planning,  applying  and reporting to Congress fiscal, human and
      technical resources use.,  and by facilitating the redirection of one QIG-
      wide FTE to direct mission objectives.
                         1999 Change  from 1998 Enacted
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
Ob j . Total
Environmental Program & Management

Substance SF-IG
      ($2,712,000  IG,  $596,300,00 SF,  24 FTE) Total  payroll costs  for this
      objective will increase to fully fund the workforce.
 Key Performance Measures
 Potential monetary value of
 recommendations, questioned
 costs, savings and recoveries as
 resulting from audits.

 More timely IG recommendations
 made and actions taken to improve
 economy, efficiency and
 effectiveness of operations and
 environmental programs resulting
 from audits.
. Recommendations
Recommendat ions

 Monetary-value of fines,                  ,$4.0M                $4.2M
 recoveries, judgments,
 settlements, restitutions and
 savings resulting from

 Judicial, administrative and            51 actions            52 actions
 other actions taken to enforce
 law, reduce or avoid risk
 resulting from investigations.

 Complete construction grants            15 audits  ,          15 audits
 closeout audits

      The OIG has adopted the Federal Government's Inspectors General March 1994
Vision Statement  which states,  "We are agents of positive change striving for
continuous improvement in our agency's management and program operations, and in
our own .of fices." The OIG is a key  component of achieving the Agency's Effective
Management goal,  by continuing  to  focus on promoting economy, efficiency, and
effectiveness  and   identifying and  preventing  fraud,  waste,  abuse,   and
mismanagement  in  EPA programs  and  operations.  The OIG is finding new ways to
work  more cost-effectively, and the work  of the  OIG is  also  becoming less
compliance-oriented  and more   directed toward  helping the Agency meet  its
environmental  goals  using sound and economical approaches.   These changes will
increase  the QIC's  value to the Agency in accomplishing its goal of Effective
Management.  Ultimately, this will help EPA achieve its mission; increase the
economy,   efficiency, and effectiveness  of EPA operations; and  reduce the risk
of fraud, waste,  abuse and mismanagement.

Key Performance Measures Verification

      The primary source of key  performance measure data for the Office of Audit
 (PA)  is the Prime Audit  Tracking System (PATS).  The reports generated by PATS
are used  .by  OA management  to monitor progress,  workload assignments,  and the
general  productivity  of  the  office.    Specifically,  PATS  provides detailed
listings  of  audits  and  reports,  personnel  time data,   summary  financial
information, and quantifiable results.   Headquarters and divisional OA personnel
are the users  of  PATS  and are responsible for entering data  in accordance with
the  PATS  Handbook.   Each user  must verify  that the data has  been accurately
'reported in the system.  System security is maintained by limiting  access through
the use of passwords.  The accuracy of data in PATS is subject to  daily internal
management review and  independent  reviews by the Management Assessment Review
team  (within  the Program Support  Staff)  and a peer review team from another
Federal Office of Inspector General.

      The primary source of 'key performance  measure  data  for  the  Office of
Investigations (OI)  is  the OI  Management Information  System.    The reports
generated by  this system  are  used by  management  to evaluate productivity by
tracking  the number  of  cases open  and closed, personnel  time charges, judicial
and administrative  actions  (such as indictments, convictions, suspensions and
debarments,  sentencing  or  personnel actions),  and financial  information to


include fines, recoveries,  judgments,  settlements,  restitutions,  and savings.,
Divisional personnel are responsible for entering data on personnel time charges
and verifying that  these  charges are accurately reflected in  the  system.   An
investigative information specialist in Headquarters monitors  data entered by
divisional  personnel  and enters information on  case openings and closings,
judicial  and  administrative actions,  and  financial information.   Management
accountability reports are prepared and sent to Headquarters desk officers and
divisional personnel for review and verification.  System security is maintained
by limiting access through the use of passwords.  The accuracy of data in the OI
system is also subject to independent review by the Management Assessment Review
team (within the Program Support staff).

      The primary sources of key performance measure data within  the  Program
Support Staff are the EPA Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)and the
EPA Budget  Planning System.   The IFMS generates  the information  necessary to
prepare annual operating plans and monthly status of funds reports which are used
by management  to effectively and efficiently use available resources.   This
system provides  detailed  information on operating plan  projections as  well as
expenditures and remaining balances by account and budget object class.  The EPS
contains budget development  information which is used by management  to estimate
future  budget needs  and to implement  the  requirements of  the  Government
Performance and Results Act.  Data is  entered in  IFMS and BPS  by both OIG -and
Agency  personnel  who are responsible  for  verifying that the  information is
accurately  reflected.    System  security  is  maintained  through  the  use  of
passwords.  The accuracy of  data  in the IFMS and BPS are  subject to audit by the
EPA Office of Inspector General and the General Accounting Office.

      The Office  of Inspector General  is  currently developing an integrated
management  information  system  called  the Inspector General   Operations  and
Reporting System (IGOR)  in conjunction  with correcting the Year 2000 problem to
recognize four-digit dates,   IGOR will  consolidate and upgrade the functions of
several existing systems and integrate management and performance data, including
project cost accounting.


Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended

Special Analysis

Special Analysis	SA-1
      EPA User Fees Program	  SA-1
      Non-Appropriated Funds 	  ...  SA-3
      Working Capital Fund	,.-...  SA-5
      The Customer Service Program and its Goals 	  SA-6
      Costs and Benefits for Economically Significant Rule in 1998
        Or 1999 .  < . .,	SA-9
      Funds for America Chart	SA-18
      Appropriations by Object Class	 .....  SA-19
      STAG State and Tribal Assistance Grants	,  .  .  . ,  SA-24
      State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)	SA-25

                             EPA USER FEE PROGRAM

      In 1999, EPA has five  {5} user  fee programs in operation and is proposing
four (4) additional user fee programs.   These user  fee programs are as follows.


o     Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance Program Fee

      This fee is authorized by the Clean Air Act of 1990 and is managed by the
      Office of Air and Radiation.   Fee  collections began in August 1992,  This
      fee is  imposed  on manufacturers of light-duty vehicles,  light and heavy
      trucks, and motorcycles.  It covers the cost of certifying new engines and
      vehicles and monitoring  compliance of in-use engines and  vehicles.   In
      1999,  EPA expects to collect over $8.8 million from this fee.

o     Radon Proficiency and Testing Fee

      In  1994,  the  Office  of Radon  Programs developed  two  fees,  one  for
      training radon  abatement contractors  and the other for  certifying radon
      measurement devices.   These  two fees  are specifically authorized by the
      Indoor Radon Abatement Act and are designed to recover EPA's cost of its
      radon  training  and  certification programs.    In  1999,  EPA  expects  to
      collect $.3 million from these two fees.
o     Pesticide Reregistration Maintenance Fee

      The 1998 amendments  to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodent'icide
      Act (FIFRA)  mandated accelerated reregistration of all pesticide products
      registered  prior  to November  1984.   Congress  authorized  the  Agency to
      collect  two kinds  of  fees  -  Pesticide .Reregistration Fees  and  annual
      Pesticide Maintenance Fees.   The Pesticide Reregistration Fee expired in
      1992.   The Agency continues to collect Pesticide Maintenance Fees, which
      are deposited   into  the  non-appropriated  Reregistration  and  Expedited
      Processing  Revolving Fund  (FIFRA  Fund).   Pesticide Maintenance Fees are
      assessed on the manufacturers of  active ingredients used in pesticide
      products based  on  the manufacturer's market share.   The  Food Quality
      Protection Act of 1996  (FQPA)  extended Pesticide Maintenance Fees through
      2001  and increased the  cap on fees  by $2.0 million.   EPA  expects  to
      collect $16.0 million from this fee in 1999.

o     Pesticide Tolerance Fee

      A tolerance is  the  maximum  legal  limit of a  pesticide residue in and on
      food commodities and animal  feed.   In 1954,  the  Federal Food,  Drug, and
      Cosmetic  Act   (FFDCA)   authorized  the  collection   of  fees  for  the
      establishment of tolerances  on raw agricultural  commodities and in food
      commodities. These  fees  supplement annual appropriated funds  for EPA's
      Tolerance Program and  are also deposited into the  FIFRA Fund.   Annually
      the fees are  adjusted by the  percentage  change  in the  Federal employee
      General Schedule (GS)  pay scale.  EPA expects  to  collect  $2.0 million from
      these fees  in 1999.  The FQPA mandates that EPA must require the payment
      of such  fees as will  in  the aggregate,  be sufficient to provide,  equip,
      and maintain an adequate  service  for establishing tolerances.  The Agency
      plans  to   reevaluate  fees  to  recover  the  full  cost  of  tolerance
      determinations  as directed by the  FQPA.   In 1999, EPA'will promulgate the
      needed  rules  to increase  tolerance fees to ensure that  the tolerance


      setting process will be as self-supporting as possible.  EPA expects these
      rules to take effect in FY 2000.

o     Pre-manufactaire Notice Fee

      Since 1989, this fee has been collected for the review and processing of
      new  chemical  Pre-Manufacture  Notices  (PMN)  submitted  to  EPA by  the
      chemical industry.   They are paid at the time of  submission of the .PMN -for
      review by  EPA's  Office  of Prevention, Pesticides  and  Toxic Substances.
      PMN fees are authorized by the  Toxic .Substances  Control Act and contain a
      cap on the amount the  Agency may charge for  a  PMN review.  EPA expects to
      collect $3.0 million in PMN fees in 1999.


o     Pesticide Registration Fee

      The  Agency  will  work  to  implement  the  Pesticide  Registration  Fees
      authorized  by  the  Federal  Insecticide,  Fungicide, and  Rodenticide  Act
      (FIFRA) and U.S.C. 9701  "Fees  and Charges  for Government  Services  and
      Things of Value."  The Agency expects  to  collect $16 million in 1999 from
      the reinstatement  of pesticide registration fees that Congress suspended
      through 2001..  Under this proposal, the Agency would collect $16,000,000
      in 1999.   Through such fees, manufacturers of new pesticide products share
      the cost of ensuring that authorized uses of  these products do not pose an
      unreasonable  risk  to human  health  or  the environment.    Pesticides
      registration  fees  will be  deposited  into  a special  fund  in  the  U.S.
      Treasury to be  available to the Agency, subject to appropriation, to cover
      the cost-of issuing the registrations.

o     Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA) Fees

      The Agency will work to implement the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
      1990 which requires EPA to assess fees for services.  Among the potential
      fees being reviewed, EPA is assessing the feasibility of requiring a fee
      for  processing hazardous  waste export  notifications  and  RCRA handler
      notifications.   Initial  revenue  projections  from  these  fees by  the
      Administration have totaled approximately $3.0 million annually.

o     National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES)  Fee

      EPA  will  finalize a regulation  to  collect  non-refundable   fees  for
      developing,  issuing,  and  modifying NPDES permits.   These  fees  will be
      collected  for selected EPA-issued NPDES permits and will be charged when
      a  draft  permit .is issued for  new  facilities and modified  permits  are
      issued for existing -facilities.

o     Pre-aanufacture Notice Fee

      The Agency is proposing appropriations language to raise the existing Pre-
      manufacture Notice  (PMN)  fees to allow the Agency to cover the full cost
      of the PMN program. This  language  would  modify  the current statutory cap
      in the Toxic Substances Control Act on the total fee that EPA is allowed
      to charge.   Under the  current .fee  structure,  the Agency  will collect
      $3,000,000  in  FY  1999.   The  Agency expects  to collect  an additional
      $8,000,000 in FY 1999 from this increase.  The increase in PMN fees will
      be deposited into  a special fund in  the  U.S.  Treasury,  available to the
      Agency, subject to appropriation.


                            NON-APPROPRIATED FUNDS
      Non-appropriated funds are monies which pay for discreet Agency activities
supported  by  fees which  do  not require an appropriation. ••  The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)  has two  accounts for such non-appropriated funds-.  These
are  1)  the Reregistration and  Expedited Processing  Revolving  Fund and 2)  the
'Revolving Fund for Certification and Other Services.

      The 1988 amendments to FIFRA required the Agency to  review and reregister
all  pesticides that  were  registered  before  .November 1984.    To supplement
appropriated funding for  the Pesticide Registration  Program, two types of fees
were established on the pesticide industry,  Federal, state and local governments:
(1)  a Reregistration Fee  and (2)  an annual Maintenance Fee.  Fee receipts are
deposited  into the  Reregistration  and Expedited  Processing  Revolving  Fund
available to EPA  without  annual appropriation.   For this reason, EPA does not
request dollars from this fund,  commonly called the  "FIFRA Fund", in the annual
President's Budget.  The Reregistration Fee expired in 1992, but  Maintenance Fees
will continue  until  2001.  From 1999 to the  year 2000,  $16,000,000 in annual
Maintenance Fees  will  be  collected and in the  year 2001,  $14,000,000 will be
collected.  EPA continues  to fund part of the Pesticide Reregistration Program
through its annual appropriations.

      The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic  Act (FFDCA)  of 1-963 requires EPA to
establish  tolerance  levels and exemptions  for  pesticide  residues on  raw
agricultural commodities.  Under section 408  of FFDCA,  the Agency is authorized
to collect fees to recover the costs of processing petitions for these pesticide
tolerances.  The fees are paid by companies/registrants requesting establishment
of a permanent or temporary pesticide tolerance at the time of the request and
work is not begun  until 'verification of the fees receipt is made.  Fee receipts,
until 1997, were deposited into the Revolving Fund for Certification and Other
Services, commonly called  the "Tolerance Fund"  which are available to EPA without
an annual appropriation.   With  enactment of the Food Quality Protection Act of
1996,  fee  receipts are  now deposited  into  the  Reregistration and Expedited
Processing Revolving Fund.  These fees are increased annually based on the pay
raise increase for Federal General Service  (GS)  employees.   In  1999, the Agency
expects to collect $2,000,500 in Tolerance Fees.


Reregistration and Expedited Proce ssing Revplyinq Fund

      In 1999,  estimated fee collections will be $18,000,000..  Beginning in 1997,
this non-appropriated revolving fund includes $2,000,000 in new  tolerance fees
collected under the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, plus the collection of
the annual Pesticide Maintenance Fees.   In  1999,  EPA will promulgate the heeded
rules to increase tolerance fees to ensure that the tolerance setting process
will be as self-supporting as possible*   EPA expects these  rules  to take effect
in FY 2000.

      The Agency's emphasis on  pesticide reregistrations will  continue in 1999
and  is reflected  in the appropriated budget request  to complete  forty-two  (42)
Reregistration  Eligibility Decisions.   As  information gathered  through the
reregistration process continues to be reviewed,  EPA expects that some pesticides

will meet the  triggers  for Special Reviews.  The  projected number of Special
Reviews for 1999 is eight.

      The Agency continues to establish tolerances  for pesticide residues in or
on food for feed crops in the United States under The Food Quality Protection Act
of 1986.  The Agency expects to conduct 95 tolerance petition actions in 1999.

Reyol yincr Fund for Certi f i.cation and Other Services

      The Food Quality  Protection  Act of 1996 requires new tolerance fees be
deposited into the Registration and Expedited Processing Revolving  (FIFRA) Fund.
In  1999,  tolerance fees  are no longer deposited  in  the Revolving  Fund for
Certification and Other Services.  The Agency expects  to  outlay the remaining
fund balance in FY98.

                             WORKING CAPITAL FUND

      In  1999,  the Agency begins  its  third year of operation  of  the Working
Capital Fund  (WCF).  A WCF is  a  revolving fund authorized by law to finance a
cycle of operations, where the costs  of goods and services provided are charged
to the  users  on  a fee-for-service basis.   The funds received are available
without fiscal year  limitation,  to continue operations  and to replace capital
equipment,  EPA's WCF was implemented under the authority of Section 40:3 of the
Government Management  Reform Act  of  1994 and  EPA's FY97  Appropriations  Act.
Permanent WCF authority was contained in the FY98 Appropriations Act.

      The Chief Financial Officer and  the Office of the Comptroller initiated the
WCF in FY97 as part of their effort to:   (1) be accountable to Agency offices,
the  Office of  Management  and  Budget,  and the  Congress;  (2) increase  the
efficiency of the  administrative services provided to program offices; and (3)
increase customer  service and responsiveness.   The Agency has a  WCF Board which
provides policy  and planning oversight and advises  the CEO  regarding the WCF
financial position.  The Board is  chaired by the Deputy CFO.

      Two Agency services, begun  in FY97, will continue into FY99. These are the
Agency's  computer center  and telecommunications  operations,  managed by  the
Enterprise Technology Services Division (ETSD), Research  Triangle  Park,  North
Carolina  and  Agency postage costs,  managed by•the  Office  of Administration,
Washington, DC.   The Agency's 1999 budget request includes resources for these
two  activities  in  each  National  Program   Manager's  submission,  totaling
approximately $119 million.    These  estimated resources  may be increased to
incorporate program office's  additional  service needs during the  operating year.
To the extent that these  increases are subject to Congressional reprogramtaing
notifications, the Agency will comply.


      EPA .has been seeking ways to provide better customer service for several
years, and developed  a formal centralized activity after President Clinton signed
Executive Order 12862, '"Setting Customer Service Standards," in 1993.  The Office
of Policy,  Planning, and Evaluation provides staff support and  chairs  EPA's
Customer Service Steering Committee (CSSC) ,  the management group that provides
policy guidance and leadership for the Customer Service Program (CSP).  The goal
of the CSP  is to  improve  the  Agency's ability  to  achieve  its mission  of
protecting public health and the environment by more efficiently and effectively
serving the public,  industry, state and local agencies, and other customers.

      To  guide the  Agency  in achieving this goal,  EPA developed  a  Customer
Service Plan in September 1995, and adopted Six Rules of Customer Service that
apply to all the work of the Agency as  well  as  eight sets  of process-specific
customer service standards  to cover the  activities  that provide the majority of
services to EPA customers.   The different services are permitting, rulemaking,
enforcement  &   compliance  assistance,  partnership  programs,  public  access,
research grants, state/tribal and local grants, and pesticides registration.  The
Six Rules  address  professionalism  (courtesy,  flexibility,  honesty,  and active
listening leading to improved services),  telephone  service  (respond by close of
business  the next  day, and/or  give  an  accurate  referrals),  correspondence
response (within 10 work days or provide an interim response), public involvement
(seek ideas  from  customers  on our policies,  rules  and programs), information
access  and clarity  (provide information that  is  clear,  easy  to access  and
understand, in formats that meet  customers needs),  and  dealing with partners in
service delivery  (relationships  of cooperation,  helpfulness  and flexibility) .
By 2003,  if  the CSP  is  fully successful, all EPA  .staff  should  be meeting the
customer  service  /standards  that  apply to  their work  and have  received  any
training necessary to assist them to achieve the standards.

The Importance of Improving Customer Service

      Achieving improved customer service is  central  to reinventing government.
Customer focused agencies will better meet the needs of those  they  serve,  EPA's
Customer Service work will  establish stronger connections between  our employees
and their customers, encourage and gather customer input on what our customers
need and value, and how  to do our  work better.  Listening to customers articulate
their needs and opinions will help us shift our focus to products and services,
their outcomes  and values to the public,  away  from the number of transactions and
activities to the quality and value produced  by them.   Over time,  shifting to a
customer focus  will  help us  reduce dissatisfaction with government and reduce
rework as we learn more about  and then  meet  the  needs of customers.   With our
focus on customers, we will be able to better  define what we can do  best and what
others can do better to  satisfy customers. In essence,  good customer service is
important  because it promotes activities  that  build  efficiency in  meeting
environmental goals  and build public trust in government.

What: Improved Customer  Service Will Achieve

      When EPA becomes  a more customer focused agency, staff will seek ways to
improve their personal skills such as pro-active  listening, problem solving and
negotiation, we will  have better personal and program evaluation and measurement
tools, and will recognize opportunities to learn from our partners and customers.
With customers as our focus, we can better plan for and execute improvements in


communication and information access  systems, and appropriately train EPA staff
to be fully responsive to  customer needs.  As we improve relationships with our
regulatory partners,  the  public,  industry,  states, recipients of  permits and
registrations, and others, we can expect to reduce complaints, increase trust in
the Agency, and improve EPA  staff moral.   The CSP requires minimal resources to
produce measurable benefits.

Strategies for Accomplishing the Objectives

      The Customer Service strategy is centered upon the five objectives:

o     helping  all EPA  employees  understand  the  importance and  substantial
      benefits of improving service to the public;

o     providing employees with goals and  guides for that  improvement (the Six
      Rules  and  eight sets  of  process  standards)   and involving  them  in
      identifying and  attempting to  eliminate  barriers to achieving standards
      (core process improvement groups);

o     providing training to build staff capacity to achieve  the  standards and
      effectively apply customer service skills;

o     .developing measurement and tracking  systems  to  document  improvements in
      service; and

o     learning what we need  to do to increase satisfaction  with our services and
      improve our treatment of customers.

      To achieve these five  objectives, the CSP is working  with many individuals
across the Agency and  several contractors.   Customer Service Coordinators in all
Regions and  Offices  are disseminating information about  the standards,  their
potential impact and the importance of their implementation and achievement. Many
Offices and Regions have established working groups to assist the Coordinators
to increase awareness of the standards,  the potential for improvement, training
opportunities, and methods to measure improvement.

      A customer service skills training program was launched in January 1998,
after EPA employees were trained to teach the course work.  There is  an overview
course called "Forging the Links" which provides the framework a-nd philosophy of
customer  service  excellence at  EPA,  and  clearly connects providing excellent
service  to achieving  the  Agency's  mission  of protecting  public  health and
safeguarding  the  natural  environment,  as  it underscores  the ties  between EPA
employees and their customers  — both external and internal.    In addition, six
other customer service skills units are available through EPA trainers across the
Agency.   These  courses will provide  helpful, hands-on  tools  for  improving
customer service. Further, customer service video programs are available on loan
from the CSP, and several  organizations  are holding brown bag lunch sessions to
share the videos with interested staff.

      Surveys will continue to be used  to obtain customer feedback,  and their
results will  be widely  shared with employees  so they  can better  meet customer
needs.   Offices and Regions  plan  to conduct  over   three hundred  surveys of
external customers annually during the next three years.  The responses should
be very useful  to managers  in their reinvention work.   In  addition,  internal
surveys will  continue  to gather staff opinions and suggestions on how best to
improve service to employees-  Survey software will  assist  more organizations to
do surveys  and analyze and report results to managers so  positive,  customer


driven changes can be made.   A work group was formed late in 1997 and charged
with the development of Customer Satisfaction Feedback and Measurement Guidelines
for Agency  wide use once approved by the CSSC.

      Valuable feedback  is  also  provided in customer  complaints.   Complaints
handling procedures across the Agency will be documented during FY 1998.   Best
practices will be shared and recommendations for improvements will be provided
to the CSS.C and managers across the Agency.

      In addition, through a network of other Federal agencies and outstanding
customer  service  organizations   in  the  private  sector,  • the  CSP  will  use
benchmarking to  identify,  adopt  and adapt customer  service  best  practices to
EPA's processes.   Benchmarking has  already proven to be useful to  EPA in the
areas of training, survey development,  telephone service and standards.

      The CSP will periodically report progress  in achieving customer service
standards to Agency senior managers..  Representatives of all eight processes and
coordinators for each Region and Headquarters Office may provide information for
use in the reports.

Ex|gected Results

      Through the CSP, EPA expects  to  increase customer satisfaction with the
Agency's overall performance,  build staff capacity to meet and exceed customer
service standards and .customers' expectations,  build stronger partnerships, and
better achieve our  mission.  When they understand the needs of customers, EPA
employees will provide better  services  to the general public and their specific
customers, including each other.   Service delivery improvements will translate
into a higher degree of public trust in EPA-

Performance Measures

      The Agency is committed  to meeting  the Six  Customer Service Standards and
the standards  for the  different  core process  within the  agency.   Performance
measures are being established, and Guidelines for Customer Satisfaction Feedback
and Measurement should help those planning surveys to improve their ability to
obtain comparable and actionable results.  Over 40 customer  service surveys have
been performed throughout the Agency and many more are planned.  These surveys
provide  those  offices  involved   with  the feedback on what  is  important to
customers and how  work processes  can be improved.   The  customer service staff,
with contractual  support and  cross-Agency groups,  will establish  a system to
effectively measure  progress  as  the standards become  an  integral  part of the
daily habits and activities of EPA staff.


NSPS:  Nitrogen  Oxide  Emissions  From  Fossil-Fuel  Fired  Steam  Generating
Anticipated  Costs  and  Benefits:  We  have  not yet  completed a  cost/benefit
analysis;  we have  estimated  costs  at  $81  million with  the benefits  only
qualitatively addressed.  These  benefit  categories  include acute  and chronic
morbidity/ mortality,  ecosystem damage,  reductions in agricultural and forestry
yields, visibility degradation,  and materials damage.

      The  current NSPS  for electric  utility  and non-utility  steam generating
units were promulgated  in  1979  and 1986,  respectively.  A major feature of the
NSPS is NOx control through the use of low NOx burners or overtired air. Section
407  of  the Clean Air  Act requires  the EPA  to  revise  existing NS'PS  for NOx
emissions from fossil-fuel fired  steam generating units,  including both electric
utility  and  non-utility  units.  These  revised  standards  are  to  .reflect
improvements in methods for the  reduction of NOx emissions.

      EPA proposed revisions to the NSPS on July 9, 1997.   The revision was based
on the performance of selective  catalytic reduction  for NOx control.   For the
proposed rulemaking, the Agency estimated total annual costs of  $81 million  (1995

Integra-ted NESHAP and Effluent Guidelines: Pulp and Paper
Anticipated Costs and Benefits-:  The capital investment costs of complying with
the integrated rules  are estimated to  be  approximately $1.8 billion, with total
annualized  costs of   approximately  $277 million   (including  operation  and
maintenance  and  capital costs).   While  EPA  is not  able to monetize  all the
benefits of the regulations, the categories that are monetized result in benefit's
ranging from -$727 million due to an increase in emissions of some pollutants to
+$1,496 million  per  year.   In  addition,  the non-monetized  benefits include
reductions in hazardous  air pollutants, total reduced sulfates, carbon monoxide,
and nitrogen oxides.

      The  Clean  Air Act   (CAA)  Amendments of  1990  direct the  Environmental
Protection Agency  (EPA)  to set  National  Emission Standards for  Hazardous Air
Pollutants  (NESHAP)  for new and  existing  sources under section 112 and to base
these standards  on maximum achievable  control technology (MACT). The Clean Water
Act  (CWA) directs EPA to develop effluent guidelines  for certain categories and
classes of point  sources.  These guidelines are used  for setting discharge limits
fox  specific  facilities that  discharge to surface waters  or  municipal sewage
treatment  systems.  For  the  pulp  and paper  industry,   EPA is developing  an
integrated regulation that includes both effluent  guidelines  and air emission
standards to control the release  of pollutants to both the water and the air. The
regulations are being developed  jointly to provide greater protection to human
health and the environment, to promote the concept of pollution prevention, and
to enable  the industry to more  effectively plan compliance  via  a multimedia
approach.  This  Regulatory Plan  entry also  includes RIN  2040-AB53,  Effluent
Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper,  and Paperboard Category, reported
in full in Part III of this issue of  the  Federal Register.

      The  integrated  NESHAP  and Effluent  Guidelines were approved by  OMB in
October  1997 and  signed  by  the  EPA Administrator  on  November 14,  1997.
Promulgation of the integrated rule in the Federal Register is expected to occur
in late February 1998.


NAAQS: Sulfur Dioxide  (Review and Implementation)
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      On November 15, 1994, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed
not to revise the existing 24-hour  and annual primary standards. The EPA sought
public comment on the need to adopt additional regulatory measures to address the
health risk  to asthmatic individuals posed by  short-term  peak sulfur dioxide
exposure. On March 7,  1995,  EPA proposed  implementation strategies for reducing
short-term high concentrations of sulfur dioxide emissions in the ambient air.
On May 22,  1996,  EPA published its  final  decision not to revise  the primary
sulfur dioxide  NAAQS.  The notice, stated that EPA  would  shortly propose a new
implementation strategy to assist States in addressing short-term peaks of sulfur
dioxide.   The new implementation strategy — the Intervention Level Program —
was proposed on January 2,  1997.  Final action on the Intervention Level Program
is anticipated in May,  1998.

NESHAP: Integrated Iron and Steel
Anticipated Costs and Benefits: We have not yet done a cost/benefit analysis.

      The Clean Air Act, as amended November  1990,  requires the EPA to regulate
categories of major and area sources  of hazardous air pollutants (HAP). The EPA
has determined that integrated iron and steel mills emit several of the 189 HAP
listed (including compounds of chromium, lead, manganese,  toluene, and polycyclic
organic matter) in quantities sufficient  to designate them as major sources. As
a consequence, integrated iron and steel facilities are among the HAP-emitting
source categories selected for regulation.

NESHAP for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters
Anticipated Costs and Benefits: We have not yet done a cost/benefit analysis.

      The  Clean Air Act,  as amended  1990,  requires  EPA to  develop emission
standards for  sources  of  hazardous air pollutants  (HAPs).  Industrial boilers,
institutional/commercial  boilers, and process  heaters  are  among the potential
source categories to be  regulated under Section  112  of the CAA.  Emissions of HAPs
will  be  addressed by this  rulemaking for  both new and  existing  sources.  EPA
promulgated an NSPS for these source  categories  in  1987 and 199.0. The standards
for  the  NESHAP  are to  be technology—based and are to  require the maximum
achievable control technology (MACT) as described in Section 112 of the CAA. This
standard is part of the Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking.

Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking — ICCR Project
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The  EPA is  developing combustion related  regulations  for  five  source
categories. The source categories are:•combustion turbines, internal combustion
engines,  industrial/  commercial/  institutional boilers, process  heaters,  and
solid waste incinerators burning non-hazardous waste. Some of these projects are
listed separately in this section.  These regulations are being developed under
sections 111,  112,  and 129  of the CAA.  Sections  111 and  129  require maximum
achievable control  technology  (MACT)  floors  and MACT  levels  to be determined.
MACT standards apply to both new and  existing facilities. Section 111 requires
the development of  new  source  performance  standards (NSPS).  These regulations
apply to new,  modified  and reconstructed sources and  do not  apply to existing
sources.   These source categories are wide spread and one or more of these source


categories are located at virtually every manufacturing and chemical plant in the
US. Section 112 standards apply to a list of 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) ;
section  129  standards  apply to  nine  pollutants  (dioxin  and  furans,  mercury,
cadmium, lead,  particulate matter and opacity, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride,
oxides of nitrogen, and carbon monoxide)  which are a combination of HAP's and
criteria pollutants; and section  111-  applies  to criteria pollutants.  There is
likely to be some regulatory interaction between these source categories since
many are located at the  same plant site. Therefore  EPA considered the option of
a coordinated  rulemaking where all  regulation development proceeded along the
same  time  line. EPA  also   wanted early  and  continuing stakeholder  input.  A
coordinated  participatory  rulemaking  offers  benefits  to  all  stakeholders
including: the opportunity for stakeholders to shape regulatory development, more
cost effective regulations,  avoidance of duplicative or conflicting regulations,
simpler regulations, compliance flexibility,  EPA and stakeholder resource savings
in rule development, and an improved scientific basis for regulations.


NPDES Storm Water Phase II Rule
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The  recently proposed NPDES  storm water phase  II  rule  establishes  a
permitting program to regulate contaminated storm water discharges  from small
municipal separate  storm sewer systems in urbanized areas and small construction
sites {between one  and five  acres).  There are some waivers built into the draft
rule, reducing or eliminating application  requirements where there is little or
no environmental impact-  For the rulemaking components that have been proposed,
the Agency estimated total annual costs ranging from $131  million to $494 million
(1997 dollars).  The Agency has  continued to receive a  wide  range of comments
through various public forums and  expects that there will  be revisions; however,
the magnitude of those revisions has not been determined.   The types of benefits
associated with the proposed  rule include  both monetized and  non-monetized
benefits based on improvements  to  water  quality and reduced human health risks.
Estimated annual monetized benefits for positive financial impacts, recreational,
and  health  related benefits  ranged  from $65  million  to $495  million   {1997
dollars) annually.   This estimate of benefits  understates the true benefits, as
the Agency is unable to monetize all of the other expected benefits.
Effluent Guidelines - Industrial Laundries
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The proposed effluent guidelines rule for the industrial laundries industry
would limit the discharges of  pollutants  into  waters  of the  United States and
into  publicly  owned  treatment  works  (POTWs)  by  establishing  pretreatment
standards  for  existing sources  (PSES),   The proposed  rule would benefit the
environment by  removing toxic pollutants  that  have adverse effects  on human
health and aquatic life.  The standards would also  reduce potential interference
with POTW operations.   The proposed PSES limitations would reduce the discharge
of pollutants to POTWs by approximately 158 million pounds per year, which would
then result in reduced discharges of 27 million pounds  of pollutants per year to
waters of the U.S.  EPA estimates that  these pollutant reductions would provide
several  types  of  benefits:     reduced   incidences  of cancer,  recreational
improvements, and avoided sewage sludge disposal costs for POTWs.  EPA estimates
annual benefits in  the  range  of $2.6 million to  $9.6  million  (1993 dollars).
Other benefits that  are  expected, but have not been expressed in monetary terms,


include reduced noncancer health effects, reduced administrative costs to develop
local limits,   improved aesthetic quality of water bodies near laundries, tourism
benefits, and biodiversity benefits.  The estimated total annual social cost for
the standards is  $126.1 million  (1993 dollars),  which incorporates capital costs
of $425 million and annual operating and maintenance costs of $78 million.

National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radon
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      In 1991 EPA proposed a maximum contaminant level  goal (MCLG) and a maximum
contaminant level (MCL") for radon and other radionuclides in drinking water.  The
proposed rule included a total annual cost  estimate of  $272 million per year to
treat radon in drinking water.   The  regulated  industry estimated higher costs
than EPA, e.g., the American Water Works Association estimated a national cost
of $2.5 billion per year. .  As a result of this major difference  in costs as well
as  other  radon-related  issues,  Congress,   through appropriations  language,
prohibited EPA from issuing a final regulation on radon in drinking water.

      The 1996 Amendments  to the Safe Drinking Water Act require EPA to withdraw
the Agency's 1991 proposed radon standards (MCLG and MCL) and to issue a proposed
rule by August, 1999.  Consequently, the Agency is currently developing standards
for radon  in  drinking water that  will  incorporate the best  available science,
treatment technologies,  occurrence data, cost/benefit analysis, and stakeholder
input.   In addition,  the  National Academy of  Sciences  (WAS)  is  undertaking a
radon risk assessment that is scheduled to be completed by the summer of 1998.
The  NAS study will provide  significant  data  for  the anticipated  co.sts and
benefits of the proposed rule.

National Primary Prinking Water Regulations: Ground Water Disinfection (GWD)
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The  protection of  human health  from microbial  illness attributed  to
drinking water involves both surface  water  and  ground water sources- of drinking
water.  This proposed regulation focuses exclusively on ground water sources not
under the direct influence of surface water.  The GWD  rule's focus is to reduce
microbial contamination risk from public water  systems  relying  on ground water.
TO determine  if treatment  is necessary, the rule will establish a framework to
identify public  water supplies  vulnerable  to  microbial  contamination  and to
develop  and  implement  risk control strategies including, but  not  limited to,
disinfection.  The  structure  of the  proposed rule  is  a  series of  barriers to
microbial contamination.   The  proposed barriers are source water protection and
vulnerability assessment;  assessment and  maintenance of the  well,  treatment
facility and distribution system;  disinfection  where necessary, and monitoring.
From a public health perspective, the GWD rule will reduce both endemic levels
and outbreaks of  illness.   The economic  impact  analysis  for this rule is taking
all these  components, as well as the public health  consequences, into account.
These analyses are still  under development  and  information will not be released
until appropriate stakeholder involvement and consensus has been reached.

National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage  1 Disinfectant/Disinfection
Byproducts Rule
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The  proposed  regulation for Stage 1 Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproducts
is intended to expand  existing public health protections and  address concerns


regarding risk trade-offs between pathogens and disinfection byproducts.  This
rule and the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule were proposed  in 1994
as  a  result of  formal  regulatory negotiations.   The Agency  estimated total
ahnualized  costs of approximately  $1.1 billion  each  year  (1992  dollars).
Estimates of benefits range from $400,000 to $8.0 billion per year related to the
estimated 1-10/000 cancer cases avoided per year.

      The Agency has received extensive public comments on the cost estimates as
well as other major aspects of  the rule.  As a result  of  these comments and the
deadlines mandated in the  1996 Amendments to  the Safe Drinking Water Act,  EPA
established  a committee  under  the Federal Advisory Committee Act  to assist in
revising the proposal.  The Microbial/ Disinfection Byproducts Committee met from
March  through  July  1:997 to  discuss,   evaluate  and  provide advice on data,
analysis, and approaches to the Notice  of  Data  Availability (NODA),  which the
Agency plans to issue in the fall  of  1997.  Revised cost-benefit data are under
development and will be included in the NODA.

National  Primary Drinking Water  Regulations:  interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The proposed regulation  for  Interim Enhanced Surface Water  Treatment is
intended  to  expand  existing  public  health protections  and  address  concerns
regarding risk trade-offs  between pathogens and disinfection byproducts.  This
rule and the Stage 1 Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproducts Rule were proposed in
1994 as a result  of formal  regulatory negotiations.  The  Agency estimated total
annualized  costs of approximately  $393 million  each  year  (1992  dollars).
Estimates of benefits  range from $1.2-$1.5  billion  per year related  to  the
estimated  400,000-500,000   cases  of  infections  from micro-organisms  (e.g.,
giardia) avoided per year.

      The Agency has received extensive public comments on the cost estimates as
well as other major aspects of  the rule.  As a result  of  these comments and the
deadlines mandated in the  1996 Amendments to  the Safe Drinking water Act,  EPA
established  a committee  under  the Federal Advisory Committee Act  to assist in
revising the propo.sal.  The Microbial/ Disinfection Byproducts Committee met from
March  through  July  1997 to  discuss,   evaluate  and  provide advice on data,
analysis, and approaches to the Notice  of  Data  Availability (NODA),  which the
Agency plans to issue in the fall  of  1997.  Revised cost-benefit data are under
development and will be included in the NODA.


Selected Rulemakings for Abating Lead Hazards
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      For  rules   promulgated  under  the Residential  Lead-Based Paint  Hazard
Reduction Act of  1992 (Title X) section 406,  cost  estimates have been provided
with the proposed rule,  and will be available  with the final  rule.  For sections
402, 404 and 1018 of Title  X, the costs have been provided in the final economic
impact  analysis  that was prepared in conjunction with  the  final rules.   For
section  403  of Title X,  costs will be  estimated in  a  draft  economic impact
analysis that will be prepared  for the proposed  rule.   Since  benefits depend on
private sector implementation of certain lead hazard abatement activities which
are not mandated by any of these rules,  benefits  will  be  difficult to quantify.
The Agency plans  to  conduct analyses to help quantify  the benefits.


Pesticides and Ground Water State Management Plan  (SMP) Regulation
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      EPA  anticipates  four categories of  costs  entailed in requiring  SMPs.
Federal  program ' costs  are  those  of administering  ground-water  protection
activities, such as the review of state proposals.  State program costs entail
both capital and annual costs.   Registrant and Pesticide-user  Impacts -are the
economic losses ascribed to the reduced use  of the classified pesticides, as well
as the costs  (to the registrants)  of  complying with Federal and state provisions.
Benefits accrue from the reduced levels of pesticide residues in ground water,
and a corresponding reduction in: 1) human and ecological risk; and 2) threats
to the  economic  and intrinsic values of the  ground-water resource.   Enormous
uncertainties accompany the quantification of these 'benefits,  however.


Revised Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) strategy for hazardous waste
minimization and combustion and  a judicial settlement  agreement  commit EPA to
upgrade its standards for  burning hazardous waste  in incinerators, boilers, and
industrial furnaces. These standards would be applicable during  the construction
and operation of these combustion facilities. Estimates presented below are based
on data, methodology, and  -findings  related to the 1996 Proposed  Phase I rule.
Estimates may change significantly for the  Final Phase I rule as well  as for the
Final Phase II rule.

      .EPA's  analysis of  the  April  1996  Proposed Rule  indicates  that  some
combustion facilities may  experience a substantial change in the cost  of burning
waste, but that  this change  is likely to  have a  limited impact  on combustion
markets. In terms of effects on waste-burning cost structure,  cement  kilns and
lightweight aggregate kilns (LWAKs)  are most affected by the regulation. This is
primarily a product of their relatively low baseline costs of burning, meaning
that incremental compliance costs  represent a large increase  in  their overall
cost of burning waste. For incinerators,  compliance costs are lower,  represent
smaller additions to baseline costs,  and change little across regulatory options.
The analysis concludes that cement  kilns have the lowest  average waste burning
costs  even  after   regulation,  and  so will  continue  to  have  the greatest
flexibility in marketing their services for those wastes  that can be  burned in

      To the extent that compliance  costs cannot be passed through to generators
and  fuel blenders,  the  profitability of  waste burning  in kilns  will  fall.
Nonetheless, waste burning kilns are  expected to have healthy operating profit
margins  after  the  rule.   Market  exit in  all  sectors  is  concentrated  among
facilities that burn  small quantities of hazardous waste. While  as many as 98
combustion facilities may stop  burning  hazardous wastes as  a result  of the
proposeol MACT options, the small quantities these facilities burn suggest that
market dislocations will be minor.

      Overall,  EPA believes the social costs of the rule  are balanced by a set
of potentially substantial benefits. Given  the severity of the potential adverse
health effects from dioxin and mercury (cancer, adverse  developmental  effects in
children,  and  bioaccumulation  in  ecosystems),  EPA believes  the  substantial


reductions of these pollutants  from  hazardous  waste burning sources under the
MACT standard justifies  moving  ahead with the proposed rule  beyond the floor
(BTF) option. An alternative way of valuing benefits is the potential increase
in  property values  around closed  or more  stringently regulated  combustion
facilities.  The fact that  this  approach  also suggests potentially substantial
benefits strengthens EPA's belief that the  costs  of moving  forward  with the
proposed  BTF option  for  certain  pollutants  and/or  source categories  are

HWIR Contaminated Media Rule
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The  Hazardous  Waste  Identification  Rule  for contaminated media   (HWIR
Media') ,  as  proposed  in  April 1996,  would  give EPA  and authorized  States the
authority to remove  certain lower-risk contaminated media  from  regulation as
"hazardous waste" under RCRA.  Additionally,  the rule would establish modified
treatment^  requirements   and modified  permitting  procedures  for  higher-risk
contaminated media that  remain subject  to hazardous  waste regulations.  A final
HWIR Media rule, with an accompanying.assessment of the anticipated costs and
benefits,  is scheduled for promulgation in June 1998.

      The HWIR  Media  rule would provide  relief  from current standards.   The
proposed rule would  affect between 8.1 million  tons  per year of contaminated
media (soil and sediment; ground water is included in the rule but not in this
volume estimate) and 10.3 million tons per year  (adding old waste and debris),
and will provide a cost savings  to generators of between $1.2 billion per year
and $1.5 billion per year over the next five  years.   These figures are based on
the assumptions  that all States  quickly adopt the rule, that all eligible waste
receives relief under the rule,  and that sludges are not included in the scope
of  the  rule.   Potential cost savings  for generators  translate  into possible
revenue losses  for  the environmental services  industry,  as  a decrease  in
commercial hazardous waste management  is  anticipated to result  from the rule.
Overall, no small  entities  are anticipated to incur net costs as a result of the

      The rule is anticipated to result in a number of benefits such as faster
cleanups,  incentives for a  greater number  of  cleanups, and lower administrative
costs and avoided delays in cleanup;  these benefits  were not quantified for the
proposed rule,.

Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The Corrective Action Rule for  Solid Waste  Management Units would provide
a  broad  procedural  and  protectiveness  framework  for remediation  at  RCRA
treatment,  storage,  and disposal facilities.  As  the majority of  States are
authorized for corrective action, the  program  is predominantly implemented at the
State level; this rule would provide a Federal baseline with which State programs
must comply. -The corrective action rule was  proposed in 1990, and is scheduled
for promulgation in late 1998.

      In  a  1993  regulatory impact  analysis performed on  the proposed  rule
requirements, the agency estimated the costs and benefits of the standards for
corrective action.  EPA estimated that there are 5,800 active hazardous waste
management facilities potentially subject to RCRA corrective action requirements.
The total cost  for those facilities requiring corrective action is estimated at


$16.7 billion.  The costs for three additional regulatory options (two options
which are less stringent than the proposed rule requirements,  and one which is
more stringent) were analyzed in 1995.  These regulatory options were designed
to cover a  range  of alternatives including increased  containment in place of
source control, cleanup of groundwater plumes to the facility boundary instead
of the  unit boundary,  varying  future  land use assumptions  for a  site,  and
alternative media cleanup standards.   These  options yielded total costs ranging
from $9.1 billion and $12.6 billion, for the two options less stringent than the
proposal, to $57.3 billion for the more stringent option.

      The benefits of the corrective action requirements for the proposed rule
were examined  in  the  1993  regulatory  impact analysis.   Six benefit  categories
were addressed in the regulatory  impact  analysis,  including human health risk
reduction,  averted water use  costs, nomise  benefits,  effects  of facilities on
residential property -values,  and  increases in  facility values.   Ecological
threats existing under baseline  conditions were also examined.  While a host of
issues surround these benefit  measures and how  they compare with the  compliance
costs, the  agency believes  that  there  are  strong reasons to move forward with a
final rule.  Further analyses of the social impacts of a final rule,  including
analyses that will help the Agency monetize benefits,  are planned.


Data Expansion Amendments, Toxic Chemical Release Reporting, and Community Right-
to-Know Rules
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The .anticipated costs related to these actions are unknown at present', but
the FY 1998  cost of compliance to industry  from the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
program is  estimated at  $384 million.   EPA is unable to estimate costs since we
are unsure  about what data  elements need to be added to  the TRI and whether this
data will even need to be collected or is already available.  To the extent that
additional sources must provide data,  there will be reporting costs  for those
parties. Benefits in  general  will result  from  -the  information reported in TRI
increasing our knowledge of the pollutants released to the environment and their
exposure  pathways,  improving  the  scientific understanding  of  health  and
environmental  risks  from  toxic  chemicals.    This  allows  the public  to make
informed decisions on where to work and live, enhances the ability of corporate
lenders and purchasers to accurately gauge a facility's  potential liability, and
assists  Federal,  .state,  and  local authorities in making  better  decisions on
acceptable levels of toxics in communities.

Reporting Threshold Amendment, Toxic Chemicals  Release Reporting, and Community
Right-to-Know Rules
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      The anticipated costs related to these actions are unknown at present.  EPA
is still unsure how low  to set reporting thresholds or  for what specific list of
chemicals the  lower reporting  thresholds should apply.   To the extent that
additional sources must provide data,  there will be reporting costs  for those
parties. Benefits in  general  will result  from  the  information reported in TRI
increasing our knowledge of the pollutants released to  the environment and their
exposure  pathways,  improving  the  scientific understanding  of  health  .and
environmental  risks  from  toxic  chemicals.    This  allows  the public  to make
informed decisions on where to work and live, enhances  the ability of corporate
lenders and purchasers to accurately gauge a facility's  potential liability, and


assists  Federal,  state,  and local  authorities  in making better  decisions on
acceptable levels of toxics in communities.

Addition of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production to the Toxic Release Inventory
Anticipated Costs and Benefits:

      Based on the current  status of the project,  anticipated costs are unknown.
Until further evaluations are performed, estimated benefits cannot be accurately
calculated.   Generally, anticipated benefits include making  available  more
complete information regarding  the  release and disposition of toxic chemicals in
the environment.

                               FUNDS  FOR AMERICA

      The President's Budget proposes several Funds for America in the FY 1999
budget to enhance high-priority, inter-agency programs and initiatives.  These
Funds support  key environmental  and  research programs through deficit neutral
funding mechanisms,  including  the renewal  of taxes  that support the Superfund
Trust Fund.  EPA programs .and initiatives are included in both the Environmental
Resources Fund for America and the Research  Fund for America.

Environmental Resources Fund	.for America (dollars in millions')
                                       FY 1998
                                       Pres Bud
                               FY 1998

                          FY 1999

                         Pres Sud.
Clean Water  SRF
Drinking Water SRF


Clean Water  Initiative
    Nonpoint Source Grants
    Sec. 106 Water Quality Grants
           Sec   104 (b) (3)   Coop.
    EPM Water Quality Programs
Total Clean  Water  Initiative

$20. .0
Total                                   $4,378.2

Research Fund for America  (dollars in millions)

                                        FY 1998
                                       Pres Bud
                               FY 1998
                          FY 1999
                         Pres Bud
Office of Research & Development
Climate    Change



                                              U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                      Object Classification
                                                      (dollars in millions)
                  Account and Object Class
     Office of the Inspector General

     Direct Obligations
     Personnel services.
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
25.2 Other Services
25.3 Purchase of goods and services from Government Account
31.0 Equipment
99.0 Subtotal, Direct obligations

     Reimbursable Obligations
     Subtotal, Reimbursable Obligations  1/
     Below reporting threshold
        TOTAL OBLIGATIONS                                    40       40       41        43

     Science and Technology
     Direct Obligations
     Personnel services
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons
22.0 Transportation of things
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges
24.0 Printing and Reproduction
25.1 Advisory and assistance services
25.2 Other Services
25.3 Purchases of goods and services from Government Accoun
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities
25.5 Research and development contracts
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment
26.0 Supplies and materials
31.0 Equipment
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
99.0 Subtotal,  Direct Obligations

     Reimbursable Obligations
     Subtotal,  Reimbursable Obligations  21
     Below reporting threshold
        TOTAL OBLIGATIONS                                    589       695       805      683

     1/ Reflects Superfund and LUST Inspector General resources transferred into the IG account.
     2/ Reflects Superfund Research transferred into the S & T account.
530 .

                                              U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                     Object Classification
                                                      (dollars in millions)
                   Account and Object Class
     Environmental Programs and Management

     Direct Obligations
     Personnel services
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons
22.0 Transportation of things
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
23.2 Rental payments to others
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges
24.0 Printing and reproduction
25.1 Advisory and assistance services
25.2 Other services
25.3 Purchases of goods and services from Government Accoun
25.7 Operation and maintenance of facilities
25.5 Research and development contracts
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment
26.0 Supplies and materials
31.0 Equipment
41.0 Grants,  subsidies, and contributions
42.0 insurance claims and indemnities
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations

     Reimbursable Obligations
     Subtotal, Reimbursable Obligations
     Below reporting threshold


     Buildings and Facilities

     Direct Obligations
25.2 Other services
25.3 Purchases of goods and services from Government Accoun
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities
32.0 Land and structure
41.0 Grants,  subsidies, and contributions
Actuals Request Estimate Request
1997 1998 1998 1999

                                             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                     Object Classification
                                                      (dollars in millions)
                  Account and Object Class
Request   Estimate
 1998      1998
     State and Tribal Assistance Grants

     Direct Obligations
25.2 Other services
25.3 Purchases of goods and services from Government Accoun
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations

     Reimbursable Obligations
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
     Subtotal, Reimbursable Obligations





     Working Capital Fund

     Reimbursable Obligations
     Personnel services
22.2 Transportation of things
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges
25.2 Other services
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment
26.0 Supplies and materials
31.0 Equipment

     Below reporting threshold


                                              U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                      Object Classification
                                                       (dollars in millions)
                  Account and Object Class
Actuals    Request   Estimate   Request
 1997      1998      1998      1999
     Hazardous Substance Super-fund

     Direct Obligations
     Personnel services
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons
22.0 Transportation of things
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
23.2 Rental payments to others
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges
24.0 Printing and reproduction
25.1 Advisory and assistance services
25.2 Other Services
25.3 Purchases of goods and services from Government Accoun
25.4 Operation and  maintenance of facilities
25.5 Research  and development contracts
25.7 Operation and  maintenance of equipment
26.0 Supplies and materials
31.0 Equipment
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations

     Allocation Account
     Personnel services
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons
22.0 Transportation of things
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
24.0 Printing and reproduction
25,2 Other services
26.0 Supplies and materials
31.0 Equipment
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions

     Subtotal, Allocation Account
     Subtotal, Reimbursable Obligations
     Below reporting threshold


                                       U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                               Object Classification
                                               (dollars in millions)
Account and Object Class Actuals Request Estimate Request
1997 1998 1998 1999
L.U.S.T. Trust Fund
Direct Obligations
Personnel services
21,0 Tavel and transportation of persons
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
25.2 Other services
25.5 Research and development contracts
41 .0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations
Below reporting threshold
Oil Spilt Response
Direct Obligations
Personnel services
23.1 Rental payments to GSA
25.2 Other services
25.3 Purchase of goods and services from Government Account
41 .0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions
99.0 Subtotal, Direct Obligations
99.0 Subtotal, Reimbursable Obligations
Below reporting threshold









                                STATE  and  TRIBAL  ASSISTANCE  GRANTS
                                              Dollars in Thousands
Air & Radiation
FY 1997
                                                              PRES BUD
                                 FY 1998
                                  FY 1999
                                 PRES BUD
State and Local Assistance
Tribal Assistance
Pollution Control (Section 106)
Nonpoint Source
Wetlands Program
Water Quality Cooperative Agrmts
Drinking Water

Hazardous Waste

H.W. Financial Assistance
Underground Storage Tanks
Pesticides & Toxics

Pesticides Program Implementation
Lead Grants

Pollution Prevention
Pesticides Enforcement
Toxics Enforcement
Indian General Assistance Program



.   $20,000,"







                                    STATE and TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS (STAG)
                                                     Dollars in Thousands

FT 1997
Pres Budget
FY 1999
Pres Budget
      State/Tribal Grant Total
      Clean Water State Revolving Fund

      Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

             Consolidated State Revolving Fund
      Mexican Border Projects
         -   Mexican Border
         -   Colonias
      Special Needs Projects
         1.  Boston Harbor
         2.  Bristal County. MA
         3.  New Orleans, LA
         4.  Alaskan Native Villages
      Needy Cities Projects
                          Infrastructure Total
                          GRAND TOTALS

TSCA section 13     (15 U.S.C. 2612)

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,  and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) sections.3, 4, 5, 6,
      11, 18, 24, and 25  (7 U.S.C.  136a,  136a-l,  13Sc, ,136d,  l36i,  136p, 136v,
      and 136W)
                                     IV-2 9

                        Environmental  Protection Agency

                        1999 Annual  Request  to Congress

  Preventing  Pollution and Reducing  Risk  in  Communities, Homes, Workplaces  and

Objective #4:     Healthier Indoor Air

      By  2005,  fifteen million  more  Americans will  live  or  work  in  homes,
schools, or office buildings with healthier indoor air than in 1994.

Overview                                                                ,

      Indoor air pollution poses high risks to human health, especially sensitive
populations,  and has ranked among the top four environmental risks in relative
risk reports. In homes, radon is the second  leading cause of lung cancer and is
responsible for an estimated 14,000  deaths per year. The Agency recommends that
all  homes be  tested for  radon and  mitigated if  levels  are at  or above  4
picocuries per liter of air; nearly  l out of every  15 homes is estimated to have
radon concentrations above this action level.  Environmental  tobacco smoke (ETS)
is a "class A" carcinogen and causes  about 3,000 lung cancer deaths in non-smokers
annually.  A recent study reported in the  American Heart Association Journal
concluded that constant ETS exposure in the  workplace or at  home nearly doubles
the  risk  of  having  a  heart attack (between  30,000 and 60,000  excess  deaths
annually).  It is responsible  for many childhood respiratory problems including
150,000-300,000 cases of pneumonia and bronchitis each year in children under 18
months  of  age as well  as middle ear  fluid build up  in children.   Asthmatic
children  are especially  at risk since ETS exposure  increases the  number of
episodes and severity of  symptoms for up to 1,000,000 asthmatic children.

      In  schools,  the  General  Accounting  Offices estimates that  9.9  million
students and 570,000 teachers  and school  staff suffer illnesses annually due to
poor indoor air quality. A World Health Organization Committee has suggested that
up to 30%  of new and remodeled buildings, including schools, worldwide may be the
subject of excessive complaints related to indoor air quality.

      Additionally, exposure to  organic chemicals and biological contaminants in
the  indoor environment has been associated with  adverse effects  on the human
immune, neurological and respiratory  systems as  well as sensory irritation.
Recently,  studies have also  identified  a  relationship between exposure to
biological contaminants and the development or exacerbation of asthma.

      The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is concerned  about these effects
because scientific studies demonstrate individuals spend approximately 90 percent
of their time indoors where air pollutant concentrations are  typically 2-5 times
higher  than  outdoors.   The private  sector  is  concerned about  indoor pollution
because of the impacts  on worker productivity and the high medical costs.  The
combination of these two  factors is estimated to cost the U. S.  economy tens of
billions of dollars per year.

