2003 BUDGET

United States                     Office of the                       EPA-205-S-02-001
Environmental Protection          Chief Financial Officer             February 2002
Agency                           (2732A)
                              Internet Address (URL)
   Recycled/Recyclable Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 50% Postconsumer)

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

      EPA's Mission and Goals	iii
      Annual Plan and Budget Overview	iv


   Goal 1: Clean Air	1-1
   Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water	II-1
   Goal 3: Safe Food	1II-1
   Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in
          Communities, Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems	IV-1
   Goal 5: Better W;aste Management and Restoration of
          Contaminated Waste Sites, and Emergency Response	V-I
   Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental
          Risks	VI-1
   Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information	VII-1
   Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
          Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems ... VIII-1
   Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
          With the Law	IX-1
   Goal 10: Effective Management	X-l

Additional Information

   Homeland Security.......	XI-1
   Categorical Grants Program	XII-1
   Infrastructure Financing	XIII-1
   Trust Funds	XIV-1
   Budget Tables	XV-1

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Copyright Digital Vision Ltd Big Cities: Central Park, New York
Gay Ranes: Sunset, Truman Lake, Clinton, Missouri
Joe R. Williams: Desert, Scotts Bluff", Arizona
Chi Vuong: Tulips
Copyright Digital Vision Ltd American Hilites; Stonington, Maine

                             EPA's Mission and Goals
       The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect
human health and to safeguard the natural environment — air, water, and land-
upon which life depends.
EPA's Goals

       EPA has developed a series of ten
strategic,  long-term Goals in  its Strategic
Plan.    These  goals,  together  with  the
underlying principles that will  be used to
achieve them, define the Agency's planning,
budgeting,  analysis,   and  accountability

•      Clean  Air:    The  air  in  every
       American  community  will be  safe
       and healthy to breathe. In particular,
       children, the elderly, and people with
       respiratory ailments will be protected
       from  health   risks  of  breathing
       polluted air. Reducing air pollution
       will  also  protect  the  environment,
       resulting in many benefits, such as
       restoring life in damaged ecosystems
       and reducing health  risks to those
       whose subsistence depends directly
       on  those ecosystems.

       Clean  and Safe  Water:     All
       Americans will have drinking water
       that  is  clean  and  safe  to  drink.
       Effective  protection  of  America's
       rivers, lakes, wetlands, aquifers,  and
       coastal and ocean waters will sustain
       fish, plants, and wildlife, as well as
       recreational,  subsistence,  and  eco-
       nomic activities.    Watersheds and
       their aquatic  ecosystems will  be
       restored  and protected   to improve
       public health, enhance water quality.
reduce flooding, and provide habitat
for wildlife.

Safe  Food:   The foods Americans
eat will be free  from unsafe pesticide
residues.  Particular attention will be
given  to  protecting subpopulations
that  may be more susceptible  to
adverse effects  of pesticides or have
higher dietary exposures to pesticide
residues.  These include children  and
people  whose  diets  include large
amounts of noncommercial foods.

Preventing Pollution and Reducing
Risk   in   Communities,   Homes,
Workplaces,   and   Ecosystems:
Pollution   prevention    and   risk
management  strategies  aimed   at
eliminating, reducing, or minimizing
emissions and  contamination  will
result   in   cleaner    and   safer
environments in which all Americans
can  reside,  work,  and enjoy  life.
EPA will  safeguard ecosystems and
promote   the  health   of   natural
communities  that  are integral to  the
quality of life in this nation.

Better  Waste  Management,  Re-
storation  of  Contaminated Waste
Sites,  and  Emergency Response:
America's  wastes  will be  stored,
treated, and disposed of in ways that
prevent harm  to people  and  the
natural  environment.     EPA  will

                       EPA's Mission and Goals
work to clean up previously polluted
sites,   restore   them    to    uses
appropriate  for  surrounding  com-
munities, and respond to and prevent
waste-related or industrial accidents.

Reduction of Global and Cross-
Border Environmental Risks:  The
United States will lead other nations
in successful, multilateral  efforts to
reduce  significant  risks  to human
health and ecosystems from  climate
change,  stratospheric   ozone  de-
pletion,   and   other  hazards  of
international concern.

Quality     Environmental    In-
formation:  The public and decision
makers at all levels will have access
to information about environmental
conditions  and  human  health to
inform  decision  making  and   help
assess   the  general  environmental
health of communities.  The public
will  also have  access to educational
services  and  information  services
and tools that provide for the reliable
and  secure  exchange  of  quality
environmental information.

Sound Science, Improved  Under-
standing  of Environmental  Risk,
and    Greater    Innovation   to
Address Environmental Problems:
EPA will develop and apply the best
available  science  for   addressing
current  and  future  environmental
hazards as well  as  new approaches
toward   improving   environmental

A  Credible Deterrent to Pollution
and Greater Compliance with the
Law:    EPA   will  ensure   full
compliance  with laws  intended to
protect   human   health  and  the

Effective  Management: EPA will
maintain  the highest-quality  stand-
ards  for environmental  leader-ship
and     for    effective    internal
management and fiscal responsibility
by managing for results.

                       Annual Plan and Budget Overview
       The    Environmental    Protection
Agency's FY 2003 Annual Plan and Budget
requests   S7.724  billion  in  discretionary
budget authority and  supports 17,648 Full
Time Equivalents (FTE). Resources support
the  Agency's  efforts  to  work   with  its
partners toward cleaner air, purer water, and
better  protected  land.    The   Agency's
proposal   for  FY   2003   supports  the
Administration's  commitment  to  setting
high standards for environmental protection,
while focusing on results and performance.

Strong    Partnerships   and   Innovative

       With this Annual Plan  and Budget,
the Administration demonstrates that strong
partnerships and innovative approaches are
the way to a healthier, cleaner environment.
This budget provides critical environmental
and health protections, with the recognition
that  State, local  and  Tribal  governments
often  have  the best  solutions  for  their
environmental challenges.  Nearly forty-five
percent  of our proposed  budget  —  S3.46
billion — consists of grants for states, tribes,
and  other EPA  partners.    This  budget
supports   two  innovative    state  grant
programs:  one   for   environmental   in-
formation networks and another  for  state
enforcement  efforts.    This  budget  also
provides  substantial support for the  Nation's
critical   water  infrastructure  needs  with
$2.062 billion  for  the  Clean  Water  and
Drinking Water State Revolving Funds.

A Commitment to Reform and Results

      The  Agency  is  committed to  the
Administration's government-wide, citizen-
centered  reform efforts.  This Annual Plan
and Budget represents  a strong commitment
to reduce regulatory burdens  and streamline
Agency  operations,  so that  the  Agency's
focus  is on environmental results,  rather
than process. EPA implemented a significant
management reform  by  restructuring  its
budget  to  match the  strategic  goals  and
objective structure of its strategic plan under
the Government  Performance and Results
Act   (GPRA).     The   Agency's   own
management reform  agenda fully supports
the President's goals for a government that
is  citizen-centered,  results-oriented,   and
market-based. EPA is taking steps to ensure
that its  workforce is  efficiently focused on
delivering   environmental  results  to   its
ultimate customer: the American people.

       Implementation   of  the  President's
Management Reform Agenda is primary to
the Agency's FY 2003 budget request.  EPA,
as well  as  other Federal  agencies,  was
provided    baseline    scores    on   five
government-wide   initiatives,   including:
Human Capital, E-Government, Competitive
Sourcing,   Financial    Performance,  and
Budget   and  Performance   Integration.
Although widely considered  to have scored
far better than other federal agencies, EPA
will focus on improvements to the scores,
and moving  towards "green"  lights in  all
areas.  The  Agency's plans for progress  in
these five areas are described throughout the

Homeland Security

       The  President's  FY  2003  Budget
requests $124 million in new funding for a
total  EPA investment of SI 33.4  million  in
homeland  security.    These  investments
include:  $13.2   million   for  continued
operation of the West Coast  Environmental
Response Team  and  enhancing emergency
response capabilities; $5 million in grants to
states   to   enhance    homeland   security

                        Annual Plan and Budget Overview
  EPA will provide industry, states, and
  consumers with the information on
  technology performance they need to make
  informed decisions by developing 10 testing
  protocols and completing 40 additional
  technology verifications for a cumulative
  Environmental Technology Verification
  (ETV) program total of 230,
coordination;   $16.9  million   to  conduct
drinking    water   system    vulnerability
assessments on small to mid-sized systems;
$19 million  to maintain security contracts
and continue  upgrades at EPA facilities as
initiated by  the   Emergency Supplemental
Appropriation  Act; $75 million to conduct
research   on   better   technologies   and
assessments    to    clean    up   buildings
contaminated and biological and chemical
agents; S3.8  million for special agents who
will provide environmental crimes expertise;
and $0.5 million to enhance outreach on the
Agency's Homeland Security efforts to the

Cleaner Air

       Under the Clean Air Act, EPA works
   Maintain health air quality for 44,1 million
   people living in monitored areas attaining
   the ozone standard.  Certify that 2 areas of
   the remaining 45 nonattainment areas have
   attained the I-hour NAAQS for ozone, thus
   increasing the number of people living in
   areas with healthy air quality by 1.0 million.
to make the air clean and healthy to breathe
by setting standards for ambient air quality,
toxic  air pollutant emissions, new pollution
sources, and mobile sources. President Bush
has directed EPA  in  his  National  Energy
Policy to work with the Congress to develop
legislation that would establish a flexibility
market-based approach to significantly cap
and reduce  emissions  of nitrogen oxides,
sulfur dioxide, and  mercury  from  power
generation utilities.  Also,  as  part  of the
implementation  of  the  National  Energy
Policy, EPA will  work with States, Tribes,
and Local  agencies  to put in  place  new-
source review programs that are both fairer
and more effective in provide more certainty
for the regulated communities.

       In FY 2003, EPA will assist  States,
Tribes and  local  governments  in devising
additional  stationary  and   mobile  source
strategies to reduce  ozone and  paniculate
matter, and other pollutants.

       The   Agency   also  will  develop
strategies and rules to help States and Tribes
reduce emissions and exposure to hazardous
air pollutants,  particularly  in  urban areas,
and reduce  harmful  deposition  in water
bodies.  A key to  achieving the Clean Air
Goal  is   $232.6  million  included  in  this
budget for air  grants which go directly to
States and Tribes.

Addressing Climate Change

       This budget request includes $129.7
million to meet the Agency's climate change
objectives by  working  with business  and
other sectors to deliver multiple  benefits  -
from  cleaner air  to  lower energy  bills  -
while    improving    overall    scientific
understanding  of  climate  change and  its
potential consequences.  The core of EPA's
climate  change  efforts  are  government/
industry  partnership programs  designed to
 Air toxics emissions nationwide from
 stationary and mobile sources combined will
 be reduced by an additional 3% (for a
 cumulative reduction of 40% from the 1993
 level of 6.1 million ions per year.)

                       Annual Plan and Budget Overview
capitalize on the tremendous opportunities
available  to  consumers,  businesses,  and
organizations to make sound investments in
efficient equipment  and practices.   These
programs   remove   barriers   in    the
marketplace, resulting in faster deployment
of   technology   into    the    residential,
commercial,  transportation, and industrial
sectors of the economy.
  Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced
  from projected levels by approximately 73.5
  MMTCE per year through EPA partnerships
  with businesses, schools, state and local
  governments, and other organizations
  thereby offsetting growth in greenhouse
  gas emissions above  1990 level by about
Purer Water

       Over  the  past  three decades,  our
Nation  has made  significant  progress  in
water  pollution  prevention  and  cleanup.
While  we have  substantially  cleaned  up
many of our  most polluted waterways, and
provided safer drinking water for millions of
U.S.   residents,    significant   challenges
remain.   This budget request addresses  the
challenge to provide clean and safe water in
every American community.

«      Protection  from   Drinking  Water
       Contaminants.  The FY2003 request
       strengthens work with the States and
       Tribes  to  implement  new  health
       based   standards   to  control   for
       microbial contaminants, disinfectants
       and  their  byproducts,   and  other
    92 percent of the population served by the
    community water systems will receive
    drinking water meeting all health based
    standards in effect as of 1994, up from 83
    percent in 1994.
Drinking   Water  State   Revolving
Fund.   The Drinking Water  State
Revolving Fund  (DWSRF) request
of   $850   million   will   provide
substantial  funding  to  States  and
Tribes  to  upgrade  and  modernize
drinking water systems.

BEACHES   Grants.  This  budget
includes $10  million for  grants to
states  to  develop  monitoring  and
notification   programs  for  coastal
recreation  waters.    This  funding
supports    the    Agency's    im-
plementation   of   the    "Beaches
Environmental    Assessment    and
Coastal Health Act of 2000."

New  Watershed  Investments.  The
FY   2003   request   includes   an
initiative   designed   to   support
watershed efforts. The  $21  million
Targeted    Watershed     Program
recognizes   States'   needs    for
additional support for  the range of
water quality restoration  tools, from
adequate monitoring  to effective and
appropriate    standards,     TMDL
development, and to  implementation
of those load limits via point source
permit  requirements  and  nonpoint
source controls.   The Program will
provide direct  grants to  watershed
stakeholders  ready  to  implement
comprehensive restoration actions.

Helping States Address Run-off and
Restore   Polluted   Waters.    The
President's   FY    2003   Budget
provides  significant  resources  to
states to build on successes we have
achieved in protecting  the Nation's
waters,  by   providing  States   and

                      Annual Plan and Budget Overview
      Tribes   with   grants   to   address
      polluted  run-off,  protect  valuable
      wetlands,   and  restore  polluted

      Clean Water State Revolving  Fund.
      This budget request includes $1.212
      billion for States  and Tribes for the
      Clean Water State Revolving  Fund
      (CWSRF).         States    receive
      capitalization  grants,  which  enable
      them to provide low interest loans to
      communities to  construct wastewater
      treatment  infrastructure  and   fund
      other  projects  to  enhance   water
      quality.  This investment allows EPA
      to meet  the goal for  the  CWSRF to
      provide $2 billion average in annual
      financial  assistance over the  long-
      term even  after  Federal  assistance
700 projects funded by the Clean Water SRF
will initiate operations, including400
projects providing secondary treatment,
advanced treatment, combined sewer
overflow correction (treatment), and/or storm
water treatment. Cumulatively, 8,600
CWSRF-funded projects will have initiated
operations since program inception.
      Protecting Human  Health along the
      U.S...-Mexico  Border.   This budget
      includes $75  million  for water and
      wastewater projects along the  U.S.-
      Mexico  Border.   These resources
      help the Agency address the serious
      environmental   and  human  health
      problems associated  with untreated
  A cumulative 900 thousand residents of the
  U.S.-Mexico border area will be protected
  from health risks because of the
  construction of adequate water and
  wastewater sanitation systems since 1994.
       and industrial and municipal sewage
       on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Better Protected Land
   EPA will provide additional site
   assessment funding to 74 new sites, and to
   52 existing sites, resulting in a cumulative
   total of 3,350 properties assessed, the
   generation of 21,300 jobs, and the
   leveraging of $5 billion in cleanup and
   redevelopment funds since 1995.
Cleaning Up Toxic Waste

*      Keeping  Superfund Working.  This
       budget continues a commitment to
       clean  up  toxic waste sites with $1.3
       billion for Superfund cleanups.  The
       Agency will also work to maximize
       the   participation  of   responsible
       parties   in   site   cleanups   while
       promoting     fairness     in    the
       enforcement process.   This  budget
       will continue the dramatic progress
       we have  made  in cleaning up toxic
       waste sites,  while protecting public
                                                EPA and its partners will complete 40
                                                Superfund cleanups (construction
       health,   and   returning   land   to
       productive use.  Through September
       2001, cleanups have been completed
       at 804 sites, and over 6,500 removal
       actions have been taken.

       Revitalizing Local  Economies  and
       Creating  Jobs  Through  Brownfields
       Cleanup  and Redevelopment.  The
       FY  2003 budget  request  includes
       $200  million  for  the  Brownfields
       program, which is an increase of

                       Annual Plan and Budget Overview
       over $100  million  above  the FY
       2002 request level.  The additional
       resources    will     support    the
       redevelopment and revitalization of
       Brownfields    communities     by
       providing   funding   for  additional
       assessments at hazardous waste and
       petroleum  contaminated  properties
       and  for state voluntary  cleanup
       programs.  The Brownfields program
       will  continue  to  promote   local
       cleanup   and   redevelopment   of
       industrial sites, returning abandoned
       land to productive use and  bringing
       jobs to blighted areas.

Strong Science

       The FY  2003 budget supports EPA's
efforts to  further  strengthen  the  role of
science in  decision-making by using sound
scientific  information  and analysis to  help
direct policy and establish priorities.  The
Agency    will    achieve     maximum
environmental   and health  protections  by
employing  the  highest  quality  scientific
methods,  models,  tools,  and approaches.
This budget request includes $602 million to
develop and apply  sound science to address
both  current   and  future  environmental
challenges. The budget request supports  a
balanced research and development  program
designed   to  address  Administration   and
Agency priorities,  and meet  the challenges
of the Clean   Air Act (CAA), the  Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the  Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA), the  Food Quality Protection  Act
(FQPA), and other environmental statutes.
 Broad-Based and Multi-Media

 Integrating Environmental Information

       In FY2003, EPA  will continue its
 grant program that provides assistance to the
 States and Tribes to develop and implement
 the Exchange Network.  The grant program
 builds  on  work  currently  underway  in
 several states. It assists  States and Tribes in
 evaluating their readiness to participate  in
 the  Exchange  Network,  enhances  their
 efforts  to  complete necessary'  changes  to
 their  information  management  systems  to
 facilitate  Exchange Network participation,
 and  supports state information  integration
 efforts.  The grant program also proposes
 providing  training  and  other  technical
 assistance  programs to  assist  States and
 Tribes in developing and implementing the
 Exchange Network.
EPA will maintain and improve quality and
accuracy of EPA's enforcement and
compliance data to identify noncompliance and
focus on human health and environmental
       The Central Data Exchange (CDX)
is the focal  point  for  securely receiving,
translating, and  forwarding data to EPA's
data  systems  —  the  electronic  reporting
gateway   to   the  Agency's   information
network.      The   CDX   satisfies    the
Government  Paperwork  Elimination  Act
mandates  by  providing the  infrastructure
necessary  to implement electronic signature
and   electronic  filing  of EPA  required
reports. In FY2003, the CDX infrastructure,
a key component of the Exchange Network,
will service 45 states and an assemblage of
25,000    facilities,     companies,    and

                        Annual Plan and Budget Overview
  The number of states using the Central Data
  Exchange will increase to 45 as the means by
  which they submit data.
 laboratories.  These facilities will use it to
 provide  data to EPA  electronically.   By
 widely implementing an electronic reporting
 infrastructure, the CDX will  reduce reliance
 on  less  efficient  paper-based  processes,
 thereby  improving  data  quality, reducing
 reporting  burden,   and   simplifying  the
 reporting process.

 Working with States for Effective, Sensible

       Most of the Nation's environmental
 laws  envision   a  strong  role  for  state
 governments in implementing and managing
 environmental  programs.    The  FY  2003
 request includes $15 million for the Agency
 to   continue  support  to  state  agencies
 implementing  authorized,   delegated,  or
 approved environmental programs through
 the new  enforcement grant program.  These
 funds  will continue to  allow states greater
 responsibility    for    enforcement    of
 environmental laws and regulations.
EPA will improve capacity of states, localities
and Tribes to conduct enforcement and
compliance programs.  EPA will provide
training as well as assistance with state and
Tribal inspections to build capacity, including
implementation of the inspector credentials
program for Tribal law enforcement personnel.
       The FY 2003 request will continue to
support   the    regulated    community's
compliance    with    environmental    re-
quirements  through voluntary compliance
incentives and assistance  programs.  The
Agency  will  provide   information  and
technical   assistance   to   the   regulated
 community   through    the    compliance
 assistance    program    to    increase   its
 understanding of all statutory or regulatory
 environmental     requirements,    thereby
 reducing  risk  to  human health  and  the
 environment   and   gaining   measurable
 improvements in compliance.  The  program
 will also continue to develop  strategies and
 compliance assistance tools that will support
 initiatives   targeted    toward   improving
 compliance  in   specific  industrial   and
 commercial   sectors   or   with   certain
 regulatory  requirements.

 Ensuring  Safe Food  through  the  Food
 Quality Protection Act (FQPA)

       The  FY  2003   request   includes
 $142.3  million  to  help  meet  the  multiple
 challenges   of  the implementation of  the
   Increase the regulated community's
   compliance with environmental
   requirements through their expanded use of
   compliance assistance. The Agency will
   continue to support small business
   compliance assistance centers and develop
   compliance assistance tools such as sector
   notebooks and compliance guides.
Food Quality  Protection Act (FQPA)  of
1996 so that all Americans will continue to
enjoy one of the safest, most abundant, and
most affordable food supplies in the world.
FQPA focuses on the registration of reduced
risk  pesticides  to provide an alternative  to
the older  versions  on  the market, and on
developing  and delivering  information  on
alternative   pesticides/techniques  and  best
pest   control practices  to pesticide  users.
FQPA implements a "whole  farm" approach
to pollution management  and will  help
farmers  transition  —  without disrupting
production   —  to  safer  substitutes  and
alternative   farming  practices.   Expanded

                       Annual Plan and Budget Overview
support  for  tolerance  reassessments  will
reduce the risks to public health from older
pesticides.  Reassessing existing tolerances
ensures food safety, especially for infants
and children; and ensures that all pesticides
registered for use  meet the most current
health  standards.  This budget request also
supports  FQPA-related  science  through
scientific assessments  of cumulative  risk,
including  funds   for  validation  of  testing
components   of   the  Endocrine  Disrupter
Screening Program.
 By the end of 2003, EPA will reassess a
 cumulative 68% of the 9,721 pesticide
 tolerances required to he reassessed over ten
 years. This includes 75% of the 893
 tolerances of special concern in protecting the
 health of children.

The EPA's FY2003 Annual Plan and Budget
provides the resources and vision necessary
to reach our Nation's environmental mission
to protect the  environment   and human
health.     This  budget   represents  this
Administration's commitment to work with
our  environmental  partners   to  develop
innovative  environmental  programs  that
ensure cleaner air,  purer  water, and better
protected land now and for generations  to

  Environmental Protection Agency's
    2003  Budget Totals  $7.7 Billion
                         (dollars in billions)
f~1 Infrastructure
PI Trust Funds
   Operating Program
                                   $7.6   $7.6  S7.9
        S6.6  $6.6
   FY ! 993-2002 reflect EPA's final enacted operating plan.
   FY 2002 does not include $175.6 million provided for Homeland Security in the
   Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.
   FY 2003 includes $107 million for proposed new pension and health benefits legislation. To
   make columns comparable. FY 2001 and FY 2002 have also been revised for this change.


Environmental Protection Agency's 2003
          Workforce Totals 17,648
   1  '  1


! 	 . 	
17.082 ,17-152
i ,

1 K.I Id




    1995     1997     1999     2001     2003
1994     1996     1998     2000     2002
 FY 1993 through FY 2001 reflect actual FTE usage; FY 2002 docs not include workyears
 provided for Homeland Security in the Emergency Supplemental Appropnation^Ac^


Environmental Protection Agency
            2003 Budget  by Goal

            Total Agency: $7,723.6 million*
                Coal 9

                                   Goal 6: Reducing Global Risks
                                   Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
                                   Goal 8: Sound Science
                                   Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution &
                                   Greater Compliance with the Law
                                   Goal 10: Effective Management
Goal 1; Clean Air
Goal 2: Clean & Safe Water
Goal 3: Safe Food
Goal 4; Preventing Pollution
Goal 5: Better Waste Management
    '•'Include* &4.0M ill offsetting receipts.
    *Resources associated with the pending health benefits legislation account for 1.3% of the Agency's budget.

 Goal 1:
Clean Air


                                  Goal 1:  Clean Air
   <;..! I: ?.•"-.

Strategic Goal:  The air in every American community will be safe and
healthy to breathe.   In particular, children, the elderly, and people with
respiratory  aliments  will  be  protected from  health  risks of breathing
polluted air.   Reducing air pollution will also protect the environment,
resulting in many benefits, such as  restoring life in damaged ecosystems
and reducing health risks to those whose subsistence depends directly on
those ecosystems.
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (dollars in thousands)

                                    FY 2002          FY 2003
                                    Enacted    	     Request
                                                   FY 2003 vs.
                                                     FY 2002
Clean Air

Attain NAAQS

Reduce Air Toxics Risk

Reduce Acid Rain

SI 18,023.2




Means and Strategy

       EPA's  overall  goals  for  the  air
quality program  include:   improving  air
quality and addressing highest  health and
environmental   risks,   while    reducing
program costs; getting better results in less
burdensome ways; and  increasing the roles
of State, Tribal, and local governments. The
Clean   Air  Act  provides  the   principal
framework for national. State, Tribal, and
local   efforts  to  protect and  improve  air
quality and reduce risks.  Under the Clean
Air    Act,   EPA   has  a   number   of

*      Ensuring  continued  protection   of
       public  health  and the environment
                                  through  regular review of National
                                  Ambient   Air  Quality  Standards
                                  (NAAQSs)  for   the   six   criteria
                                  pollutants   and   revision  of  the
                                  NAAQSs.  if necessary, based on the
                                  latest      scientific      information

                                  Ensuring that  the  NAAQSs are met
                                  by   developing and  carrying  out
                                  national    regulatory    and   non-
                                  regulatory  programs that reduce air
                                  pollution   from vehicles,  factories,
                                  and other sources,  and by working in
                                  partnership with  State, Tribal, and
                                  local governments on implementing
                                  their clean  air programs.

                                  Goal 1:  Clean Air
•      Assessing  public  health risks  from
       air  toxics   and  reducing  public
       exposure to pollutants that cause or
       may cause cancer and other adverse
       human   health   effects   through
       pollution prevention and reduction of
       toxic emissions.

•      Reducing acid rain through a market-
       based   approach   that   provides
       flexibility  to electric  utilities  and
       other large sources of sulfur dioxide
       (SCb) and nitro oxides (NOX) in how
       they   meet   emission   reduction

•      Protecting  and enhancing visibility
       across large regional  areas, including
       many of the Nation's most treasured
       parks  and   wilderness areas,   by
       reducing   pollutants   such    as
       particulate  matter (PM),  SCb,  and

•      Providing a strong scientific basis for
       policy and regulatory decisions and
       exploring emerging   problem  areas
       through a coordinated, comprehen-
       sive research program.

       One  constant across the titles of the
Clean Air Act is that  they all are designed to
get  the   most   cost-effective   pollution
reductions early  on.   The  problems that
remain are  some  of the most difficult to
solve.  EPA has developed strategies to help
address   this   difficult   increment   and
overcome the  barriers  that  have  hindered
progress  towards clean air in the past.  The
Agency will use flexible approaches, where
possible,  instead of  hard-and-fast formulas
or specific technology requirements.  Also,
the Agency  will work with areas that have
the worst problems to develop strategies that
address unique  local  conditions and achieve
real   risk   reductions   that   matter  to

•      Mulli-pQlliitanl^strategies.  The many
       inter-relationships among ozone, fine
       PM, regional haze, and  air  toxics
       problems  provide  opportunities  for
       developing  integrated  strategies to
       reduce pollutant emissions.    EPA
       has encouraged States, Tribes,  and
       local governments  to coordinate the
       work they are doing to maximize the
       effectiveness of control strategies.

*      Economic  incentives.     EPA  has
       provided  increased  flexibility  to
       industry through the use of economic
       incentives     and      market-based
       approaches.      Emissions  trading,
       averaging, and banking have become
       standard  tools  in  the  Agency's  air
       programs.   The acid  rain program
       uses allowance trading  and   early
       reduction credits 13 cut control  costs
       and reduce pollution faster. The Tier
       II   and   diesel   programs   allow
       manufacturers to produce a mix of
       vehicles   that   collectively    meet
       emission reduction targets.  EPA's
       economic     incentive    programs
       include   a   variety  of  measures
       designed to  increase flexibility and
       efficiency,  while   maintaining  the
       accountability and  enforceability of
       traditional air  quality  management

*       Consensus    building.      In    im-
       plementing the Clean  Air Act,  the
       Agency  has  emphasized  consensus
       building,  and   broad   stakeholder
       involvement.  Examples include:
       •   Working   cooperatively    with
          industry on toxics standards (e.g.,
          the  regulatory-negotiation   with
          the coke oven industry).

                            Goal 1:  Clean Air
 "   Working   with   industry    to
    implement innovative approaches
    (e.g.,    the    auto    industry
    voluntarily   agreeing  to  meet
    National Low Emission Vehicle
 "   Meeting   with   the   refining
    industry,  the  auto  industry,  and
    State  officials  to  balance   the
    many  concerns  in  the  Tier  II
    rulemaking and promulgating a
    groundbreaking national program
    supported  by  a  wide  range  of

 Systems jpj?roach,  Tier II also  is a
 good example  of how the Agency
 looks at air quality problems from a
 broader   perspective   and  takes
 advantage of the potential synergies.
 As catalyst technology requires low-
 sulfur del, the  Agency is regulating
 fuels and vehicles as one system, to
 give pollution control manufacturers
 the incentive to develop even cleaner
 technologies.    This   results in  a
 greater  reduction in pollution — at
 less cost — than by addressing fuels
 and vehicles separately.

 Innovative    technology.      EPA
 increasingly incorporates  incentives
and  performance-based  approaches
 into  regulations   to   spur  new
technologies  that will  help meet
ambitious   goals    more   cost-
effectively  (sometimes at even less
cost than EPA has predicted).  The
Agency also is building partnerships
that  help develop  and  deploy these
new  technologies.    The   report
prepared to meet the requirements of
section  812 of the Clean  Air  Act
includes a  list  of the technologies
that  have been  developed since  the
 1990 Amendments.   The  advances
       have  been remarkable. Technologies
       like  selective  catalytic   reduction
       (SCR)  on power  plants,  ultra-low
       NOX  burners, or advanced catalysts
       now have entered the mainstream, at
       far less cost than anyone predicted.


       EPA's   NAAQS-related    research
supports the Agency's Clean Air Goal to
meet national clean air standards for carbon
monoxide  (CO),  SOi,  nitrogen  dioxide
(NOi), lead, tropospheric  ozone,  and PM.
This  research  provides methods,  models,
data, and assessment criteria on the health
risks  associated  with  these  and  other
pollutants,  alone   and  in  combination,
focusing on  the  exposures,  health effects,
mechanisms   of   injury,  and  identifying
components  of PM,  which  affect public
health.  In addition, this research provides
NAAQS  implementation tools  to support
efforts by  industry,  and State, Tribal, and
local regulators,  to  develop  and improve
State  Implementation  Plans  (SIPs)  and
Tribal Implementation Plans (TIPs) to attain
the NAAQS.

       Research  on  air  toxics investigates
the root  causes of the environmental and
human  health problems  in  urban  areas
related to  these pollutants.   These efforts
provide the  necessary  health effects data,
measurements,    methods,    models,   in-
formation,    assessments,   and   technical
support to EPA,  State, Tribal, and local
regulators to  estimate human health effects
and  aggregate  exposures to hazardous air
pollutants.   Research also  supports atmos-
pheric and emission modeling in  order  to
estimate  fate, ambient  concentrations, and
mobile source emissions of air toxics at a
more refined scale.  With  this information
the Agency will be  in a better position  to

                                  Goal 1:  Clean Air
determine  risk  and  develop  alternative
strategies for maximizing risk reductions.


Continue progress toward NAAQS

       For FY 2003, EPA will implement
the  President's  National  Energy  Policy;
continue the regular reviews of the NAAQS;
carry out programs  to  meet NAAQS and
regional haze requirements; and continue the
research,   air   quality   monitoring,   and
laboratory   analyses  that   provide   the
scientific   and  technical  bases  for  the
NAAQS program.

"      Mu|ti-j3ollutant legislation. President
       Bush   has directed   EPA   in  his
       National Energy Policy to work with
       the  Congress to  develop legislation
       that  would  establish  a  flexible,
       market-based   approach  to   sig-
       nificantly cap and reduce emissions
       of NOX, SOi, and mercury from the
       power   generation  sector.     The
       legislation  would  build  on  the
       successful acid rain program and on
       the  NOx allowance trading program
       for   the   Northeast.     Reducing
       emissions  of NOX  and SO?  will
       reduce  levels  of ground-level ozone
       and  PM, as well as acid deposition.

*       New Source Review reform.    Also
       as part of the implementation of the
       National  Energy Policy, EPA will
       work with  States, Tribes and  local
       agencies to put in place revised New
       Source Review programs.   EPA is
       working with stakeholders to  explore
       options that are both fairer and  more
       effective and provide more certainty
       for the regulated communities.
 Review   of  NAAQS.      During
 FY 2002, EPA  will make available
 to  the  public  a  comprehensive
 assessment   of   recent   scientific
 findings   on   the   health   and
 environmental risks associated with
 PM.  Following completion  of this
 assessment  and a  staff paper  that
 evaluates the policy implications of
 the  scientific  findings,   EPA  will
 propose  in  FY 2003  a decision on
 whether  to  retain or revise the  PM

 Implemgntgtiori of existing	NAAQS.
 On the national level, EPA will work
 with   States,   Tribes,   and   local
 governments  on   developing  and
 implementing   measures   to   meet
 clean air standards.  The Agency will
 continue   technical   support  for
 implementing   the   1-hour   ozone
 NAAQS.   EPA  also  will support
 States  and  Tribes  in  developing
 innovative,  voluntary programs that
 will help to achieve early reductions
 in the transition to the  8-hour ozone
 standard.    The Agency also will
 develop a strategy and guidance for
 transition from the  PM-10 standard
 to a  fine paniculate standard.  We
 will work to promote and expand the
 use of voluntary, and smart growth
 and other innovative approaches to
 provide emission reductions.

 Public  information.  EPA and  States
 will  expand  outreach  efforts  to
 promote public awareness of the Air
 Quality Index.

 Vehicle, engine, andfMei§ jtendjrds.
 EPA will establish and  implement
 Federal standards to require cleaner
motor vehicles, fuels, and  non-road
equipment that are cost-effective and

                           Goal 1: Clean Air
technically  feasible.   The  Agency
will continue implementation of the
Tier I! and gasoline sulfur standards.
The Agency also will continue work
on  the 2007  heavy-duty highway
engine     and     diesel    sulfur
requirements.  In addition, EPA will
develop a proposed rule establishing
new standards  for heavy-duty,  non-
road, land-based  diesel engines and

Testing for compliance.  EPA  will
continue research,  monitoring, and
laboratory   analysis   of  industry
compliance  to  national  air  quality
standards.   By  2003,  a dramatic
change  in the  type  and  amount  of
testing  will be required  at  EPA's
National  Vehicle  and   Emissions
Laboratory  (NVFEL)   to   ensure
meeting the  goals of the Tier II and
Heavy-Duty Engine regulations,  as
well    as    to    proceed    with
advancements   in  vehicle  emission
control  technologies.  To meet this
challenge,   EPA   will  require   an
investment  for essential  emission
measurement system upgrades at the
NVFEL  in order   to   (1)   fully
implement and  enforce the new Tier
II   emission   standards   and  test
procedures for all passenger cars and
light trucks  beginning with the 2004
model  year;   (2)  implement  and
enforce  the  model  years  2004 and
2007 Diesel Engine Standards for  all
on-highway,  heavy-duty  engines;
and   (3)    develop   digital   and
computer-based            emission
measurement    system    upgrades
required to  accurately measure  the
next generation of emission control
Reduce public exposure to air toxics.

       In  FY 2003,  EPA  will  develop
strategies and rules to help States and Tribes
reduce emissions  and exposure to hazardous
air pollutants,  particularly in urban  areas,
and  reduce  harmful  deposition in  water
bodies.  The Agency also will target source
characterization      work,      especially
development and  improvement of emissions
information, that  is essential for the  States,
Tribes,   and  local  agencies  to  develop
strategies to meet the standards.  EPA will
look closely at urban areas to determine the
various sources of toxics that enter the air,
water,  and  soil,   and  determine the best
manner to  reduce the total  toxics risk in
these urban areas. Some  specific activities
and initiatives in  this program for FY 2003

•      Air  toxics monilprinK.   EPA will
       work  with States to expand the air
       toxic  monitoring  network operated
       by State, Tribal, and local agencies.
       This expansion will help assess the
       success of EPA's comprehensive air
       toxics strategy as well as the multi-
       pollutant strategy.  Such monitoring
       data   will  also  enable  EPA  to
       benchmark its models and to  track
       ambient trends for inhalation-risk air
       toxics   and  toxic  components  of
       paniculate matter.

*      Air  toxics  Riles. EPA will continue
       the  extensive residual risk analyses
       for  sources covered by  Maximum
       Achievable   Control    Technology
       (MACT) standards  to determine if
       additional  standards are necessary to
       reduce  the  remaining  risks  from
       these sources.

«      Mobile  sources air toxics.  In  FY
       2001, EPA issued a rule to address

                                  Goal 1:  Clean Air
       emissions of air toxics from mobile
       sources.   In the rule,  the  Agency
       identified 21 mobile source air toxics
       and established  new gasoline toxic
       emission   performance   standards.
       The  rule established  a  Technical
       Analysis Plan  to  conduct research
       and analysis on  mobile source air
       toxics.  Based on the results of that
       research, EPA  will  consider nature
       rulemaking in 2004  in  which  EPA
       will revisit the feasibility and need
       for additional controls for non-road
       and highway  engines  and vehicles
       and their fuels.  To prepare  for this
       review,   in  FY  2003,  EPA  will
       continue gathering  emissions data,
       conducting exposure  analyses, and
       evaluating  the  need  for  additional
       controls. EPA also will incorporate
       toxics emissions data into the mobile
       source models.

Implement    market-based   acid    rain

       For FY 2003 EPA will continue to
carry  out  the  market-based  acid  rain
program,  tracking  emissions, auditing  and
certifying monitors,  recording  transfers of
allowances, and reconciling emissions and

*      Phase II implementation.  EPA  will
       continue to implement the trading
       system,    tracking    transfers   of
       emission  allowances   from  the
       expanded number of electric utility
       units  covered  by   the   Phase  II
       requirements of the Clean Air Act.

•      Monitoring and  assessment.   EPA
       will manage  the operation  of the
       Clean    Air   Status   and   Trends
       Network    (CASTNet),   a    wet
       deposition  network,   and  provide
       operational support for the National
       Atmospheric  Deposition  Program
       (NADP), a  dry  deposition network.
       The Agency will use the monitoring
       results, along with other information,
       to help assess the effectiveness of the
       acid rain program in reducing health
       and environmental risks.


       EPA's   NAAQS-related   research
program will develop new information and
assess existing studies to support statutorily
mandated reviews of the NAAQS and will
upgrade  methods  and  models  needed  to
guide development of SIPs and TIPs, used to
achieve  the  NAAQS.   In   FY   2003,
tropospheric  ozone  research will evaluate
and refine emissions and air quality models
to support  efforts by Agency,  State, Tribal
and local regulators, as  well as industry, to
improve  SIPs and  TIPs  for  tropospheric
ozone.   The PM  research  program  will
continue work to  strengthen the scientific
basis  for the periodic  review of the PM
NAAQS,   including    conducting    epi-
demiological  and exposure studies. The PM
program  will  also develop tools and methods
for use by States, Tribal, and local regulators
to assess control  options  to  improve PM
NAAQS  implementation  plans  that  will
move the Agency  toward its objective  of
reducing Americans* exposure to PM.  Also
included  under  this   objective   will  be
research  to  support  review  of  the  lead,
carbon  monoxide  (CO),  SOi,  and  NOi

       Air   toxics    research    provides
information  on  effects, exposure, source
characterization,  as well  as other data  to
quantify  existing emissions and to identify
key  pollutants  and  strategies  for   cost
effective risk management.  In  FY 2003,
research  will focus  on  completing  health

                                  Goal 1:  Clean Air
assessments for some of the highest priority
hazardous air  pollutants, and providing the
science and technical  support to Agency,
State, Tribal and local regulators to estimate
health effects and exposures to hazardous air
pollutants both indoors and outdoors and to
reduce risks.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

«      In 2003, maintain healthy air quality
       for  44.1   million  people  living  in
       monitored areas attaining the ozone
       standard;  certify that 2 areas of the
       remaining 45 nonattainment  areas
       have attained the 1-hour NAAQS for
       ozone thus increasing the number of
       people  living in areas  with healthy
       air by 1.0 million,

*      In 2003, maintain healthy air quality
       for  7,2  million  people  living  in
       monitored areas  attaining  the  PM
       standards; increase by  81  thousand
       the number of people living in areas
       with  healthy air  quality that have
       newly attained the standard.

*      In 2003, maintain healthy air quality
       for  52.7   million  people  living  in
       monitored areas attaining  the  CO,
SOj,   NCb,   and  lead  standards;
increase by 4,1  million the number
of people living in areas with healthy
air  quality  that have newly attained
the standard.

In  2003,   air   toxics  emissions
nationwide  from  stationary   and
mobile  sources   combined  will  be
reduced by an additional 3% of the
updated 1993  baseline of 6.1 million
tons (for a cumulative reduction of
40%  from  the   1993  level  of 6.1
million tons per year.)

In 2003, maintain or increase annual
SCb    emission    reduction    of
approximately 5  million tons  from
the 1980  baseline.    Keep  annual
emissions below  level authorized by
allowance   holdings   and   make
progress towards  achievement  of
Year  2010 SO?  emissions  cap for

In 2003, 2  million tons of NO,  from
coal-fired  utility  sources  will  be
reduced from  levels that would  have
been emitted without implementation
of  Title  IV of  the  Clean Air  Act

                                      Goal 1:  Clean Air
                                   Goal 1: Clean Air Key Programs
                                        (dotInn in thousands)
 Acid Rain -CASTNct
 Acid Rain-Program Implementation
 Air Toxics Research
 Air,State,Local and Tribal Assistance Grants: Other Air Grants
 Carbon Monoxide
 Congressional ly Mandated Projects
 Facilities Infrastructure ind Operations
 Hazardous Air Pollutants
 Homeland Security*
 Legal Services
 Management Services and Stewardship
 Nitrogen Oxides
 Paniculate Matter
 Participate Matter Research
 Regional Haze
 Regional Management
 Sulfur Dioxide
 Tropospheric Ozone Research
FY 2002
*FY  2002  does  not  include  $175.6  million  provided  in   the  Emergency  Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security,

    Goal 2
Clean and


                          Goal 2; Clean and Safe Water
                     Strategic Goal:  All Americans will have drinking water that is clean and
                     safe to drink.  Effective protection of America's rivers, lakes,  wetlands,
                     aquifers,  and coastal  and ocean  waters  will sustain  fish,  plants,  and
                     wildlife, as  well  as  recreational, aibsistence, and economic activities.
                     Watersheds and their aquatic ecosystems will be restored and protected to
                     improve public  health,  enhance  water  quality,  reduce flooding,  and
                     provide habitat for wildlife.
                                   Resource Summary
                                   (dollars in thousands)
                                               FY 2002       FY 2003     FY 2003 vs.
                                               Enacted	Request	FY 2002
  Clean & Safe Water

  Safe Drinking Water, Fish and Recreational
$3,738,990.3   $3,214,674.2   ($524,316.1)
$1,268,497.1    $1,148,425.1   ($120,072.0)
  Protect Watersheds and Aquatic Communities     $463,061.1     $435,814.7   ($27,246.4)
  Reduce Loadings and Air Deposition
$2,007,432.1    $1,630,434.4   ($376,997.7)
Means and Strategy

       To achieve the Nation's  clean and
safe water goals, EPA will operate under an
overarching watershed approach in carrying
out its statutory authorities under both the
Safe  Drinking  Water  Act  Amendments
(SDWA) of 1996 and the Clean  Water Act
(CWA).   Protecting  watersheds involves
participation   by   a  wide  variety  of
stakeholders,  a comprehensive  assessment
of the  condition  of the  watershed, and
implementation of solutions based on sound
science   and  stakeholder   input.     Full
involvement of stakeholders at all levels of
government, the regulated community, and
the public is fundamental  to the watershed
approach.  The  watershed approach helps
EPA, its  Federal  partners,  States,  Tribes,
local governments, and other stakeholders to
implement tailored solutions and maximize
the  benefits  gained  from  the  use  of
increasingly scarce resources.

       EPA  will continue  to implement the
SDWA  Amendments  of 1996 that chart a
new and challenging course for EPA, States,
tribes,  and water  suppliers.   The  central
provisions of  the  Amendments  include 1)
improving the  way that EPA sets drinking

                           Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
 water  safety   standards  and   develops
 regulations   based   on   good   science,
 prioritization   of  effort,   sound    risk
 assessment, and effective risk management;
 2)   providing  flexibility to the  States in
 monitoring for certain contaminants and in
 setting  time francs  for compliance  with
 regulations,  and  providing  funding   for
 improvements     to     drinking    water
 infrastructure through  the Drinking Water
 State   Revolving  Fund   (DWSRF);   3)
 establishing  new  prevention  approaches,
 including    provisions     for     operator
 certification,  capacity   development,   and
 source  water protection; and 4)  providing
 better information to consumers,  including
 consumer confidence reports.

       EPA  has  a   significant   role  in
 protecting  public  health  from  terrorist
 attacks   on  the  nations  critical  water
 infrastructure.      Through   Presidential
 Decision  Directive  (FDD)  63,  EPA  is
 working through a public-private partnership
 to safeguard water supplies  and  wastewater
 treatment systems  from terrorist acts. Using
 FY 02 base and  supplemental funds, EPA
 and  its  partners,  especially  the  American
 Water Works Association (AWWA) and the
 Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
 (AMWA), will  fulfill this responsibility by
 providing technical and financial  assistance
 to utilities to assess vulnerabilities of water
 supplies and  to take appropriate  actions to
 protect water systems.

       EPA will continue efforts to provide
 States and tribes  tools and  information  to
 assist them in protecting their residents from
 health risks associated   with contaminated
 recreational  waters and  noncommercially-
caught fish.  These tools will help reduce
 health risks,  including  risks to  sensitive
populations such as children  and subsistence
 and recreational anglers.   EPA  activities
 include  development  of  water  quality
 criteria  (including   aquatic  life,  human
 health, biological,  nutrient, and  pathogen
 criteria), enhanced fish tissue  monitoring,
 development   of    fish    and    shellfish
 consumption advisories, and risk assessment
 activities.   For beaches,  EPA's three-part
 strategy is to strengthen beach standards and
 testing,  improve  the scientific  basis  for
 beach  assessment, and develop  methods to
 inform the  public about  beach conditions.
 Beach water quality monitoring and public
 notification  will be improved by providing
 grants to state  and  local governments as
 authorized  under Section  406 of the Clean
 Water Act.   These efforts help implement
 the Beaches Environmental Assessment and
 Coastal Health (BEACH)  Act of 2000 with
 its   emphasis   on   developing   strong
 monitoring and notification programs.

       Key  to the watershed  approach is
 continued  development  of scientifically-
 based  water quality standards  and criteria
 under  the  CWA  and  better  consolidated
 identification  of waters not  meeting these
 goals  under Sections 303(d)  and 305(b).
 Where water quality standards are not being
 met, EPA will work with States and tribes to
 improve   implementation  of   a   Total
 Maximum  Daily  Load (TMDL)   program
 that establishes  the  analytical  basis   for
 watershed-based   decisions   on   needed
 pollution reductions.  To support States and
 tribes in their standards adoption and TMDL
 programs, EPA will  continue  to  provide
 scientifically sound criteria and guidance  for
 toxic  chemicals,   nutrients,   biological
 integrity, microbial, and physical stressors.
 EPA will continue to develop  and revise
national  effluent  guideline  limitations and
standards, capitalize and manage the Clean
 Water  State  Revolving  Fund (CWSRF)

                          Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water
 program  and other funding  mechanisms,
 strengthen the focus of state nonpoint source
 programs  on   protecting   and   restoring
 waterbodies,   and   target   the   National
 Pollutant  Discharge  Elimination  System
 (NPDES)  permit  program  to  achieve
 progress toward attainment of water quality
 standards and  support  implementation of
 TMDLs  in  impaired water  bodies.    The
 Agency will continue to work with States to
 reduce the NPDES permit  backlog and to
 expand    data     management/electronic
 information   activities  lo  include  permit
 information on storm water, combined sewer
 overflows (CSOs), sanitary sewer overflows
 (SSOs),   concentrated   animal   feeding
 operations (CAFOs), indirect  discharges,
 and   other   emerging   areas.     Annual
 performance goals to reduce  discharges and
 to prevent pass  through  to the  Nation's
 waters will identify these sources and  model
 their  loading  reductions.    With  concrete
 information   on  the  NPDES   universe,
 including  sufficient data  to  model loading
 reductions from all classes of discharges and
 integration of that  information with other
 water quality data, EPA will be better able
 to describe the environmental improvements
 from  approximately 550,000 point sources
covered by NPDES permits,

       EPA  has moved forward to provide
guidance  and  regulations   to  cover  the
expanding  universe  of  NPDES  facilities.
The phase II  storm  water rule's permitting
requirements  become effective in  FY  2003,
and  the   CAFO  rule  will  be  issued  in
December 2002. Work to address CSOs and
SSOs is also proceeding.  EPA is completing
guidance and data collection for reports to
Congress  as required by  the Wet Weather
Water Quality Act of 2000.  Strategies are
being developed for other emerging  areas,
such  as pesticide discharges and  invasive
 species, as well as expedited permitting of
 energy facilities.

        The   Clean   Water  SRF   is  an
 important tool for achieving clean and safe
 water by helping communities meet  their
 significant    needs     for     waste water
 infrastructure over the  next  20 years and
 providing  increased  support  to  address
 nonpoint source  problems.    The  budget
 request  includes  $1.212  billion  for  the
 CWSRF. This investment continues EPA's
 commitment for the CWSRF to provide $2
'billion in average annual financial assistance
 over   the  long-term  even  after  Federal
 assistance ends.   Total SRF funds available
 for loans as  of July  2001. reflecting loan
 repayments, state  match  dollars, and other
 sources of funding, are approximately $37.7
 billion, of which $34.3  billion  has been
 provided  to   communities  as   financial
 assistance. The Agency again requests that
 state flexibility to address their most critical
 demands  be continued by extending their
 authority for limited funds transfers between
 the CWSRF and DWSRF  for one year.

       EPA is assisting States and tribes to
 characterize  risks,  rank  priorities,  and
 implement a mix of voluntary and regulatory
 approaches through improved  state nonpoint
 source   (NPS)    management   programs.
 Working  with EPA,  States and tribes are
 strengthening their NPS programs to  ensure
 that needed nonpoint  source  controls are
 implemented   to  achieve  and  maintain
 beneficial uses of water.  In particular, EPA
 and the States are working together to better
 use  the  Clean   Water  Act  Section  319
 framework  and   funds  to  develop  and
 implement nonpoint source TMDLs.   States
 will continue  to  implement  coastal NPS
 programs approved by EPA and the National
 Oceanic and  Atmospheric  Administration

                           Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
 under the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization
 Amendments, and  to work  with the U.S.
 Department  of  Agriculture  to  promote
 implementation  of  Farm   Bill   programs
 consistent   with   state   nonpoint  source
 management needs and priorities.  EPA will
 also provide tools to States to assess and
 strengthen controls on air deposition sources
 of nitrogen, mercury, and other toxics.

       With respect to wetlands, EPA will
 work with Federal, state. Tribal,  local, and
 private  sector  partners  on  protection  and
 community-based  restoration of wetlands,
 and with  its  Federal  partners  to avoid,
 minimize,   and  compensate  for  wetland
 losses through  the CWA Section 404 and
 Farm  Bill  programs.   In  particular, the
 agency  will focus  its efforts  on developing
 appropriate tools to assess wetlands extent
 and condition,  increasing the  success  of
 wetlands restoration projects, and protecting
 vulnerable wetlands.  EPA wil! be part of
 coordinated  Federal  agency   efforts  to
 support conservation of fauna, including the
 North American Bird Conservation Initiative
 and Partners for  Amphibians  and Reptile

       EPA will work with States, tribes,
 municipalities, and the regulated community
 to ensure that the Phase li rules for the storm
 water program  are  implemented to address
 problems  caused  by  sediment  and  other
 pollutants  in our  waters.   EPA  will also
 establish criteria for nutrients (i.e., nitrogen
 and phosphorus) so  that more States can
 develop water quality standards that protect
 waters from harmful  algal blooms such as
pfiesteria, and prevent dead zones and fish
 kills which can develop as a result of an
 excess of these  nutrients.  EPA  will  work
 with  States  to  fund  priority  watershed
 projects  through  the  CWSRF  to  reduce
nonpoint and estuary pollution.  The Agency
will also work to  reduce  pollution  from
failing septic systems.   Finally,  EPA will
have  a coordinated  strategy for  protecting
drinking  water  sources  that   includes
microbial pathogen,  chemical, and nutrient


       EPA's research efforts will continue
to strengthen the scientific basis for drinking
water standards through the use of improved
methods and new data to better evaluate the
risks associated  with exposure to  chemical
and microbial  contaminants  in  drinking
water.  To support the research provisions of
the 1996 Safe Drinking  Water Act (SDWA)
amendments, the Agency's  drinking  water
research   will   develop   dose-response
information   on  disinfection  by-products
(DBFs), waterborne pathogens, arsenic, and
other  drinking  water   contaminants  for
characterization  of  potential  health  risks
from consuming tap  water.  The focus will
be on filling key data gaps and developing
analytical detection  methods for measuring
the occurrence of chemical  and  microbial
contaminants on the Contaminant  Candidate
List (CCL).   The Agency will develop and
evaluate  cost-effective   treatment    tech-
nologies for removing pathogens from water
supplies while minimizing DBP formation,
for maintaining the quality of treated water
in the distribution system and for preventing
the intrusion  of microbial  contamination.
By reducing  uncertainties and improving
methods associated with the assessment and
control  of  risks posed  by  exposure  to
microbial  contaminants  in drinking  water,
EPA  is  providing   the scientific   basis
necessary  to  protect  human  health and
ensure  that   by  2005,  95 percent of  the
population   served  by  community   water

                          Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
systems will receive water that meets health-
based drinking water standards.

       Research  to support  the protection
and enhancement of aquatic ecosystems and
their     biotic     components     includes
understanding the  structure, function,  and
characteristics  of  aquatic  systems,  and
evaluating exposures and effects of stressors
on those systems.  EPA is also working to
develop biological and landscape indicators
of   ecosystem   condition,    sources   of
impairment, and  stressor response/fate and
transport  models.   The  results  of these
efforts   will   improve   risk   assessment
methods to develop aquatic life, sediment,
habitat, and wildlife criteria, as well as risk
management  strategies  and will  help EPA
and other Federal, state, and local agencies
develop better baseline assessments of water
quality.   Through  the development of a
framework for diagnosing adverse effects of
chemical pollutants in  surface waters, EPA
will be able to evaluate the risks posed by
chemicals that persist  in  the  environment
and   accumulate   in   the   food   chain,
threatening wildlife and potentially  human
health.   This   research    will   facilitate
ecological health  assessment of the nation's
waters, providing water resource managers
with tools for determining  whether their
aquatic resources support  healthy aquatic
communities.  The Agency also will develop
cost-effective  technologies  for  managing
suspended  solids  and  sediments with  an
emphasis  on  identifying innovative  in  situ

       Research  in  this  goal  will  also
provide the scientific  basis  and  technical
support for  program,  regional  and state
efforts to protect and  inform  recreational
water users.   A sound  scientific foundation
connecting water  quality   indicators  and
human  disease  will be established.   This
research will also develop diagnostic tools to
evaluate human  and ecological exposures to
toxic constituents  of  wet weather  flows
(combined-sewer    overflows     (CSOs),
sanitary-sewer  overflows   (SSOs),   and
stormwater). These wet weather events pose
significant risks to human and  ecological
health through  the uncontrolled  release of
pathogenic bacteria, protozoans, and viruses
as well  as  a number of potentially  toxic,
bioaccumulative contaminants.   EPA will
develop  and  validate  effective  watershed
management  strategies   and   tools   for
controlling  wet  weather  flows   (WWFs),
including: (\} new and improved indicator
methods  to  describe  the toxic  inputs  to
watersheds  from  WWFs; (2) methods  to
utilize condition and diagnostic ecological
indicators in  evaluating wet  weather flow
management   strategies   in    preventing
degradation  of water and sediment quality
by  contaminated  runoff;  (3)  methods  for
diagnosing multiple stressors  in  watershed
ecosystems; and (4) evaluation of low cost
watershed  best  management  practices  to
evaluate  risks   associated  with  various
control technologies for wet weather flows.


       So that all Americans have water that
is safe to drink, EPA will work to increase
the  percentage of the  population that will
receive   drinking  water   from   systems
meeting  all  health-based standards in  effect
as of 1994.  The Agency will continue  to
work with the States in implementing rules
required by  the  1996  amendments to the
SDWA    to    control    for   microbial
contaminants  especially  CryptosporiJium.
disinfectants  and their byproducts, arsenic,
radon,    radionuclides,     and     other

                          Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
       In FY 2003, EPA will be completing
final  regulatory action on all contaminants
specifically identified  in the 1996 SDWA
Amendments.       Consequently,   primary
attention  in FY  2003 will  be  focused on
contaminants    from   the   Contaminant
Candidate  List  (CCL) and  any  potential
revisions   stemming  from  the statutorily
mandated  six  year  review   of   existing
regulations.   The   CCL  process,  a  new
provision in the 1996 SDWA amendments,
makes risk prioritization the dominant factor
in selecting contaminants to regulate,  EPA,
in  partnership   with  the  States,  water
systems,  environmental and  public health
groups, the scientific community,  and the
public, must use  three criteria to determine
whether  to regulate a contaminant:  1) the
contaminant adversely affects human health;
2) it is known or substantially likely to occur
in public water systems with a frequency
and at levels of public health concern; and 3)
regulation  of  the contaminant  presents a
significant  opportunity  for  health  risk
reduction.  EPA  is required to  publish the
second  CCL  in  the Federal  Register in
August 2003, Also in 2003, the Agency will
be revising, if necessary, existing national
primary drinking water regulations that were
reviewed  in FYs 2001 and 2002 using the
best   available,  peer-reviewed   data   on
occurrence  and  associated  health risks,
analytical   methods,   and    treatment
technologies.  Approaches   to   preventing
contamination    will  continue  to   be
emphasized and  implemented in  2003 as
EPA assists its  partners and stakeholders in
effectively  implementing all available tools
to protect  vulnerable  sources of  drinking
water supplies.

       EPA,  in  concert  with   our many
partners,  is  pursuing  a  comprehensive
strategy  for  assessing  and  restoring the
Nation's   most   impaired   watersheds.
Fundamental  to  the Agency's efforts  to
conserve and enhance the Nation's waters is
the management of water quality resources
on   a  watershed  basis,   with   the  full
involvement  of all  stakeholders including
communities,  individuals, businesses, state
and local governments, and tribes.

       The Targeted Watersheds Project is a
new $21 million program to provide  grants
to   watershed   stakeholders   ready   to
implement    comprehensive    restoration
actions. Targeted watersheds will be chosen
based on criteria established in  consultation
with our state, local and other stakeholder
partners, with  emphases  on value of the
resource.     likelihood     of    positive
environmental outcomes, evidence of strong
state/local  government  support, ability  to
leverage Agency resources, and readiness  to
proceed   based   on   existing   problem

       By  FY 2003, with  EPA's support,
the National  Estuary  Program will  have
restored and protected an additional 25,000
acres  of habitat, including  sea grass and
shellfish beds.   In FY  2003, EPA  will
continue     implementing     appropriate
management  responses to  harmful  algal
blooms and other marine pests and diseases,
EPA  will  also  implement the  Agency-
specific action  plan  in  response  to the
Invasive Species Executive  Order. Finally,
EPA  will implement management  options
resulting from its assessment of cruise ship
and ballast water discharges,

       A key element of the  Agency's  effort
to achieve its overarching goal of clean and
safe  water  is  the  reduction  of pollutant
discharges from point sources and nonpoint
sources.    The  NPDES  program  (which

                          Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
includes NPDES permits covering municipal
and   industrial   discharges,   urban   wet
weather, large animal  feeding operations,
mining, the pretreatment  program for non-
domestic    wastewater    discharges    into
municipal  sanitary  sewers,  and  biosolids
management controls)  establishes controls
on pollutants discharged from point sources
into waters of the United States. Key annual
performance goals  for  FY  2003  are  to
reduce   loadings   of   toxic   pollutants,
nonconventional      pollutants,       and
conventional pollutants  from all categories
of NPDES permitted facilities.  To  ensure
that all point sources are covered by current
permits, EPA developed a  backlog reduction
strategy under which 90  percent of major
permittees   and   84  percent   of  minor
permittees  would  have  current permits in
place by the close of FY 2003.  In support
of that effort, EPA  is developing  a  permit
prioritization strategy to expedite reissuance
of permits  of low significance with respect
to revisions needed to protect water quality.
EPA  will  also  continue   evaluating  data
received  from monitoring sites under  the
National    Marine   Debris   Monitoring
Program.   This  program  monitors marine
debris in an effort to determine sources of
the  debris,  much  of which  enters coastal
waters through stormwater runoff.

       States  report  that  pollution  from
nonpoint sources (NPS)  is the largest cause
of water pollution,  with  agriculture as a
leading cause of impairment in 60 percent of
the river miles assessed.  In order to restore
and   maintain  water  quality,  significant
loading  reductions from  nonpoint  sources
must  be achieved.  State NPS programs are
critical  to   protecting  and  restoring  the
Nation's  water   resources.    To  achieve
reductions in NPS loadings, it  is essential for
EPA  to work with States to expeditiously
implement the nine key program elements in
their strengthened state NPS programs.  In
addition,  EPA will continue  to encourage
States  to  make  use of CWSRF and other
Federal resources  to  finance projects  that
address polluted  runoff.   As  of mid-2001.
States  had invested nearly $1.4 billion in
nonpoint  source pollution controls through
the CWSRF.


       In FY 2003, EPA's drinking water
research program  will continue to conduct
research to reduce  the uncertainties  of risk
associated with   exposure  to  mierobial
contaminants in drinking water and improve
analytical methods and risk assessments to
control  risks posed  by  drinking   water
contamination. As required by  the SDWA
amendments,    the   first    Contaminant
Candidate List (CCL) was published in 1998
and included nine mierobial contaminants in
its Research Priorities Category that  require
more data before a regulatory determination
could be made. The drinking water research
program will  continue to focus on mierobial
contaminants on future CCLs.   Significant
data gaps still exist on  the occurrence of
these  microbes in  source  and  distribution
system  water,  linkages  between   water
exposure and infection, and the effectiveness
of  candidate treatment  technologies  to
remove and  inactivate these contaminants.
Research  efforts  will  also  continue  to
support   arsenic-specific   research  and
development    of   more   cost-effective
treatment  technologies for the  removal  of
arsenic  from small  community  drinking
water  systems.    This  work  will  include
strategies  for  the acceptable control of water
treatment  residuals enriched with arsenic.
The development of this crucial information
will provide the scientific basis necessary to

                           Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
 protect human health and ensure 95 percent
 of the population  served  by  community
 water  systems will receive water that meets
 health-based drinking water standards.

        EPA is also conducting research  on
 suspended  solids  and  sediments  (non-
 contaminated). Although suspended solids
 and sediment are a natural part of aquatic
 ecosystems critical to the energy cycle of the
 water  body as  well  as  the provision  of
 microhabitats, they have become  stressors
 associated   with   human   activity  that
 adversely    affects    aquatic     habitats.
 Suspended solids and sediments have been
 identified among the leading causes of water
 quality impairment  for streams  and rivers.
 As part of EPA's  efforts in FY  2003  to
 conserve  and enhance the nation's  waters,
 the aquatic stressors  research program will
 continue  suspended  solids  and sediments
 research  program  that   will  focus   on
 developing   tools  which  allow   for  the
 determination  of  background  levels  of
 sediments and suspended solids inherent to a

       Another area of research will focus
 on growing evidence of the risk of infectious
 diseases   resulting   from   exposure   to
 microbes  in recreational  waters.  Exposure
 to these diseases is  of  particular  concern
 after   major  rainfall  events  that  cause
 discharges from  both point  and non-point
 sources.   In FY  2003, EPA will  continue
 efforts to perform a suite of epidemiological
 studies needed to establish a  stronger, more
 defensible   link   between  water   quality
 indicators    and     disease.        These
epidemiological studies will provide reliable
 information about the  relationship  between
recreational water  quality  and swimming-
associated health  effects.  This will  enable
EPA  to  provide  States  with  consistent
monitoring methods, standardized indicators
of   contamination,   and   standardized
definitions of  what constitutes  a  risk  to
public health.
Section 1.01
2003  Annual  Performance
       In 2003, 85 percent of the population
       served by  community water systems
       will receive drinking water meeting
       health-based standards  promulgated
       in or after  I998,

       In  2003,  92%  of  the  population
       served by  community water systems
       will receive drinking water meeting
       all  health-based standards in effect as
       of 1994, up from  83% in 1994.

       In 2003, reduce  human exposure  to
       contaminated recreation  waters  by
       increasing  the  information available
       to the public and  decision-makers.

       By  FY  2003,   water  quality  will
       improve on  a watershed  basis such
       that  600  of  the  Nation's  2,262
       watersheds will have greater than 80
       percent of assessed waters meeting
       all  water quality  standards, up from
       500 watersheds in 1998.

       In 2003, assure that States and Tribes
       have   effective,   up-to-date  water
       quality standards programs adopted
       in accordance with the Water Quality
       Standards  regulation  and  the  Water
       Quality Standards program priorities.

       In 2003, restore and protect estuaries
       through   the  implementation   of
       Comprehensive   Conservation  and
       Management Plans (CCMPs).

                   Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
In  2003,  current  NPDES  permits
reduce or eliminate loadings into the
nation's waters of (1)  inadequately
treated  discharges from municipal
and  industrial facilities {direct and
indirect   dischargers);   and   (2)
pollutants  from urban storm water,
CSOs, and CAFOs.
In 2003, 900 projects funded by the
Clean   Water  SRF  will  initiate
operations,  including  515 projects
providing   secondary   treatment,
advanced treatment, CSO correction
(treatment),   and/or   storm  water
treatment.    Cumulatively,  8,800
projects    will    have    initiated
operations since program inception.

                               Goal 2:  Clean and  Safe Water
                            Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water Key Programs
                                          (dollars in thousands}
 Beach Grants
 Chesapeake Bay
 Congressional Iy Mandated Projects
 Disadvantage) Communities
 Drinking Wafer Implementation
 Drinking Water Regulations
 Ecosystems Condition, Protection and Restoration Research
 Effluent Guidelines
 Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
 Fish Contamination/Consumption
Great Lakes
Gulf of Mexico
Homeland Security*
Lake Champlain
Legal Services
Long Island Sound
Management Services and Stewardship
Marine Pollution
National Estuaries Program/Coastal Watersheds
National Nonpoint Source Program Implementation
NPDES Program
Pacific Northwest
Preventing Contamination of Drinking Water Sources
PWSS - Homeland Security
Recreational Water and Wet Weather Flows Research
Regional Management
Safe Drinking Water Research
Safe Recreational Waters
South Florida/Everglades
State Nonpoint Source Grants

                       Goal 2:  Clean and Safe Water
State Pollution Control Grants (Section 1 06)
State PWSS Grants
State Underground Injection Control Grants
State Water Quality Cooperative Agreements
Stae Wetlands Program Grants
Wastcwater Management/Tech innovations
Water Infrastructure: Alaska Native Villages
Water lnfrastracture:C"l«aii Water State Revolving Fund ICW-SRFJ
Water lnfrastructurc:Drinking W'atcr State Revolving Fund (DW-SRF)
Water Quality Criteria and Standards
Water Quality Infrastructure Protection
Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment
Watershed Assistance
SI 0,950.9
SI 4,967.0
S2 1.232.1
SI. 350.000.0
SI 1.665.2
S93, 100.2
SI 4.967.0
S2 1.43 3.2
SI, 2 12,000.0
SI 9, 127.2
SI 7,239.2
SI 1,967,7
SI 8.381. 9
*FY 2002 does  not  include  $175,6  million provided  in  the  Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security.


 Goal 3:
Safe Food


                                  Goal 3: Safe Food )! I -I",
                  Strategic Goal:  The foods Americans eat will be free from unsafe pesticide
                  residues. Particular attention will be given to protecting sub-populations that
                  may be more susceptible to adverse effects of pesticides or have  higher
                  dietary exposures to pesticide  residues. These include children and  people
                  whose diets include large amounts of noncommercial foods.
                                    Resource Summary
                                   (dollars in thousands)
                                                        FY 2002     FY 2003   FY 2003 vs.
                                                        Enacted     Request     FY 2002
Safe Food

Reduce Risks from Pesticide Residues in Food

Eliminate Use on Food of Pesticides Not Meeting

         $109,071.7  §109,814.6
          $47,007.0   $45,290.4  ($1,716.6)
          $62,064.7   $64,524.2    $2,459.5
Means and Strategy

The Agency=s strategy for accomplishing the
objectives  of Safe  Food  is based  on five
pillars, four of which are in Goal 3  and one
in Goal 4.  Under Goal 3, the EPA is:

*      Assuring that new  chemicals and
       new   uses    are   registered   in
       accordance with  the  FQPA=s strict
       "standard, reasonable certainty of no
       harm," and that  no harm will result
       to human health from all  combined
       sources  of  exposure  to  pesticides
       (aggregate exposures);

*      Assuring that pesticide  maximum
       legally  allowable  tolerances  for
       foods   eaten  by  children  are  in
       conformance       with       FQPA
•      Re-evaluating   older,   potentially
       higher-risk pesticides  using the best
       current scientific data and methods
       to  determine   whether  additional
       limits on a pesticide=s  use are needed
       to provide reasonable  certainty of no
       harm,  especially  for  children  and
       other sensitive populations; and

*      Expediting review and registration of
       alternative pesticides  that are  less
       risky than pesticides currently in use
       and  may  be substituted effectively
       for higher risk pesticides.

       In 2003, the Agency will continue to
promote    accelerated    registrations   for
pesticides   that   provide  improved   risk
reduction or risk prevention compared to
those currently on the market.  Progressively
replacing older, higher-risk pesticides is one

                                  Goal 3:  Safe Food
of the most effective methods for curtailing
adverse impact on health and the ecosystem
while preserving food production rates.

       EPA  uses  its authorities  to manage
systematically   the   risks   of  pesticide
exposures     by    establishing    legally
permissible  food-borne  pesticide  residue
levels, or tolerances.  EPA defines the legal
use of pesticides, up  to and including the
elimination  of pesticides  that  present   a
danger  to   human   health    and    the
environment.      This  task  involves   a
comprehensive review of existing pesticide
use  as  stipulated  by  the  reregistration
provision,  as  well  as  a  comprehensive
reassessment   and   update   of  existing
tolerances  within ten years, as required by

       The 2003 request emphasizes efforts
to evaluate existing tolerances for currently
registered pesticides to ensure they meet the
new Food  Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
health   standards.        This    tolerance
reassessment program screens and requires
testing of certain pesticides and chemicals to
evaluate    their   potential   for  disrupting
endocrine  systems in animab or in humans.
The emphasis will be on balancing the need
for pesticides with the  risks of exposure, and
allowing  for smooth transitions to  safer
pesticide alternatives,  through an open and
transparent process that seeks input from all

       EPA   uses  the   latest   scientific
advances in health-risk assessment practices,
to ensure  that  current pesticides meet the
standard  of  a  reasonable certainty of no
harm, as stipulated by FQPA. This includes
the incorporation of new  scientific  data
relating  to   the  effects   of   endocrine
disruption   and   the   special   needs  of
susceptible populations such as children and
Native Americans.

       Adoption of biotechnology has great
potential to reduce reliance on some older,
more risky chemical pesticides, and to lower
worker  risks.   For example, the use of Bt
cotton  has  affected   the   use   of  other
insecticides which present  higher  risk  to
wildlife. According to the reported  number
of insecticide treatments per planted acre  of
cotton,  use of insecticides labeled either
toxic or extremely toxic  to  wildlife has
undergone  significant reduction since 1995,
the  extremely  toxic  pesticides  decreasing
from 1.6 to 0.5  acre treatments,  a  68%
reduction. (See chart.)
                Cotton insecticide use
               l warnings to birds and wi
       Outreach activities on the subject of
biotechnology such as public  meetings and
scientific peer  reviews of our policies and
assessments are likely to be  expanded to
keep  pace  with changing science  and the
public's demand for information in this area.
EPA  is working closely with  other federal
agencies involved in biotechnology and is
also  actively   involved   in   developing
international standards for the regulation of
biotechnology products.  Specific activities

                                  Goal 3: Safe Food
in 2003 will include advancing  scientific
knowledge   of  allergenicity  (i.e.human
allergic  reactions  to pesticide  residues);
continued  implementation   of the   plant
incorporated  protectant rule, which defines
the type of substances used in bioengineered
plants    that   must   undergo   scientific
evaluation by the Agency: and participating
in the  Codex  Ad  Hoc  Intergovernmental
Task   Force   on   Food   Derived   from
Biotechnology.   The Task force is involved
in   developing   international    standards
governing      foods     derived      from

       Use   of  biotechnology  to modify
plants so that they resist  harmful insects or
the effects  of herbicides  is  likely  to attract
continued public scrutiny,  particularly  on
issues   such   as  allergenicity  and   gene
transfer.      Biotechnology   is  becoming
increasingly more important  in our  economy
with bioengineered  plants accounting for a
larger  share  of acres  planted than  ever
before in the  United States.   For example, in
1996, Herbicide Resistant  (HT) Soybeans
accounted for only 8% of the total U.S. acres
planted  in soybeans.  In 2000, HT Soybeans
accounted for 53% of the acres planted (see
Adoption of Genetically Modified Plant
Incorporated Protectant Crops
United Stales, 1995 - 2000 (percent of a««s)


11) •
A 	 —H
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%^-.^* / x^^V
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^'^t/f /
-^* .^^ ..---* 	 " -Y" "
L---^ -p<^^ • f. • ef- 	 	
if TH » 9 9
95 19% 19*7 IMS I»W 2tt

-*-HTS»* beans
Bt Corn
- HT Corn
' Bl Cdtton
-5K- HT Cotton
^~Bt/H Collon

       While certain  issues remain  to be
addressed, among the potential  benefits of
biotechnology is a reduction of our reliance
on  some  older,  more   risky  chemical
pesticides,   thereby    reducing    worker
exposure  to  these chemical pesticides. To
ensure  the  safety  of foods derived  from
biotechnology, EPA will continue to  seek
outside expert  scientific   advice  through
scientific  peer reviews  on our  regulatory
decisions, policies, methods and tools.

       New   registration  actions result in
more pesticides on the market that meet the
strict FQPA  pesticide  risk-based standards,
which brings the  Agency  closer  to the
objective  of reducing  adverse  risks  from
pesticide use. Tolerance  reassessments may
mean  mandatory  use changes  because  a
revision in the allowable residue  levels can
involve changes  in  pesticide  application
patterns, changes in the foods the pesticides
may   be   applied  to,   and  other   risk
management  methods.  As measured by the
number  of  tolerances   that  have   been
reassessed, the  Agency's  progress  in the
tolerance  reassessment  program  directly
serves the objective of reducing the use on
food of pesticides that  do not meet the new

       In     addition    to   setting    the
requirements for  continued legal  use  of
agricultural   pesticides,   EPA   works  in
partnership with USDA, FDA and the States
toward  the  broader effort  to  prevent the
misuse of pesticides.  In the ever changing
environment of pesticide use, accessibility to
information  is a primary component of an
effective strategy to inform the public on the
appropriate,   safe   use  of  pesticides  to
minimize risk.

                                  Goal 3:  Safe Food
       More information about EPA's food
safety efforts is available on the  Agency's
website at http://www.epa.Eov/pesticides.


       Current approaches to human health
risk assessment focus on single pesticides
and  do   not  adequately   account   for
cumulative   risks   arising  from   complex
exposure patterns and human variability due
to age, gender, pre-existing  disease, health
and   nutritional   status,    and    genetic
predisposition. Existing tools for controlling
and  preventing exposure  are  limited  to
certain processes and materials.

       To   support   the   Food    Quality
Protection Act (FQPA), EPA must develop
the tools (methods, models, approaches) and
quality  exposure   data  for   characterizing
aggregate risks from exposure to pesticides
in  order  to  reduce  uncertainty   in  risk
assessments.    The  FQPA  identifies clear
science needs, including the evaluation of all
potential routes and pathways of exposures
to pesticides, and  resulting  health  effects,
particularly for sensitive subpopulations and
considering    effects   from   cumulative

       EPA's   research    program  will
continue to  focus  on:  I) developing and
validating   methods   to    identify   and
characterize,  as well as models to predict,
the  potential  increased  susceptibility  to
human health effects experienced by infants
and    children;    2)    identifying    and
understanding  major   exposure   routes,
pathways, and processes,  and  developing
theoretical    and    experimentally   based
multipathway    exposure     models    for
pesticides and other toxic substances; and 3)
addressing  the adequacy  of current risk
assessment   methods  and  providing  the
necessary risk assessment guidance.


Reduce Public Health Risk from  Pesticide

       FFDCA  and FIFRA  authorize EPA
to  set terms and  conditions  of pesticide
registration,  marketing and use.   EPA will
use these authorities  to  reduce  residues of
pesticides with the highest  potential to cause
cancer or neurotoxic effects,  including those
which pose particular risks to children and
other  susceptible populations.    All  new
pesticides,     including     food/feed-use
pesticides are registered after an  extensive
review and evaluation of human health and
ecosystem studies  and  data, applying  the
most   recent  scientific  advances in  risk
assessment.    The   Registration  program
includes   registration  activities,  such  as
setting  tolerances,  registering  new  active
ingredients,   new   uses,    and  handling
experimental  use permits and emergency

       In 2003, the Agency will continue its
efforts to decrease the risk the public faces
from  agricultural  pesticides through  the
regulatory   review   of   new  pesticides,
including  reduced   risk  pesticides  and
biopesticides.      EPA   expedites    the
registration of reduced risk  pesticides, which
are generally presumed  to  pose  lower risks
to consumers, lower risks  to  agricultural
workers,  and lower risk  to  the earth's ozone
layer,  groundwater, aquatic organisms or
wildlife.      These  accelerated  pesticide
reviews provide  an incentive for industry to
develop,   register,  and   use   lower  risk
pesticides.  Additionally, the availability of
these   reduced   risk   pesticides  provides

                                  Goal 3: Safe Food
 alternatives  to  older,   potentially   more
 harmful products currently on the market.

 Reduce  Use  on  Food  of Pesticides  Not
 Meeting Current Standards

       In  FY   2003,   the  Agency   will
 continue its review  of older pesticides and
 move forward toward its ten year statutory
 deadline of reassessing all 9,721 tolerances,
 reassessing a cumulative  66 percent of those
 tolerances  by  August  2002  as  it tracks
 towards achieving the goal of a cumulative
 100 percent by August 2006,  The Agency
 will also continue to develop tools to screen
 pesticides for their potential to disrupt the
 endocrine system. In 2003, EPA will work
 toward   completing   1?   Reregistration
 Eligibility  Decisions (REDs),  750 product
 reregistrations    and     225     tolerance

       The tolerance reassessment process
 addresses the highest-risk pesticides  first.
 Using data surveys conducted by the USDA,
 the  FDA  and  other sources,  EPA  has
 identified   a   group  of  "top   20"  foods
 consumed  by children and matched those
 with the tolerance  reassessments required
 for pesticides used  on  those  foods.    The
 Agency has begun  to track its progress in
 determining appropriate tolerances for these
 pesticides under the new  FQPA standards.
 In  2003,  EPA will continue  its  effort to
 reduce  dietary   risks   to   children,   by
 completing approximately a cumulative 75
percent   of  these   tolerances   of special

       Two   widely   used   groups   of
pesticides,      organophosphates       and
carbamates, are  believed to  pose  higher
risks,  particularly to children. Curtailing or
restricting the use of these  pesticides  will
significantly   change   current    farming
practices  that  have relied  upon  them, by
adopting   integrated   pest   management
strategies that draw on cultural, biological,
and  mechanical  techniques   as  well  as
chemical.   With  new strategies  comes a
steep learning  curve on how  to  use  them
effectively.   This  transition requires  broad
input and participation by  stakeholders to
minimize adverse, unintended consequences
on  agriculture.    To  achieve  input,  EPA
developed   a   special  process   for  its
stakeholder for addressing data analysis and
regulatory   requirements,   protocols,   and
scientific and public review as the Agency
continues to reduce  risks posed  by  these
pesticides through regulatory actions.  The
Agency   will   continue  this   important
dialogue with  stakeholders as we  protect
human  health   and  the environment  by-
assessing risks of other groups of pesticides.

       EPA's   authority    to    collect
Reregistration Maintenance  Fees expires at
the  end  of FY  2002  under  the   2002
appropriations  bill  for the  Agency.    The
2003  request substitutes appropriated funds
for fees to fund the reregistration program.
The  appropriated   dollars  for this   were
reprogrammed     from    the     tolerance
assessment program which  will be funded
by fee revenue starting in March 2003.

       The   Reregistration  program  was
accelerated  by  the  1988  amendments  to
F1FRA  and  enhanced  by  FQPA,  which
includes    a   tolerance    reassessment
requirement.  Through   the  Reregistration
program, EPA  reviews  pesticides  currently
on the market to ensure they meet  the latest
health  standards.       Pesticides  not  in
compliance with the new standards will  be
eliminated or restricted in order to  minimize
potentially harmful exposure.  The issuance
of  a  Reregistration   Eligibility  Decision
(RED) for a pesticide under reregistration

                                  Goal 3: Safe Food
 review   summarizes    the   health   and
 environmental   effects  findings   of  that
 pesticide  and determines  whether existing
 tolerances protect  human  health  and the
 environment.     The   findings  determine
 whether the  products  registered under this
 chemical  are eligible for reregistration.  The
 Agency's progress in  achieving  goals for
 production  of  REDs  and  its  tolerance
 reassessment component are summarized in
 the chart,

       FQPA  added   considerably   more
 complexity into the pesticide  reregistration
 process  lengthening   the  "front  end"  of
 reregistration.  These  requirements include
 considering   aggregate   exposure    and
 cumulative  risk  in our  risk assessments,
 implementing new  processes to  increase
 involvement  of pesticide  users  and  other
 stakeholders,  and  ensuring  a  reasonable
 opportunity   for  agriculture  to  make the
 transition  to new, safer pest control tools and
 practices.     Over  the  longer  run,   these
 changes will enhance  protection of human
 health and the environment,

       Pesticide reregistration  is a statutory
 requirement under the  1988 amendments to
 FIFRA,   Under  the   law,  all  pesticides
 registered prior to November 1984 must be
 reviewed  to ensure that they  meet current
 health and safety standards.  The 1996 Food
 Quality   Protection   Act   requires   the
 reassessment  of pesticide tolerances by
 2006.   Many pesticides must be  reviewed
 under both statutes.

       The program has been working to
 integrate new FQPA requirements with the
reregistration program  to avoid duplication
and  increase efficiency.    Implementing
FQPA has also consumed time and effort as
the    technical    challenge   posed   by
reregistration of older pesticides has  been
 increased   by   the   health   and   safety
 enhancements of FQPA, including:

 •      Review of inert ingredients;
 *      Reform of the  antimicrobial  review
 *      Transparency   of  our   regulatory
 •      incorporation   of  aggregate   and
       cumulative risk into our reviews;
 «      Special protection  for infants  and
       children; and
 •      Endocrine screening  of  pesticides,
       minor use enhancements and reduced
       risk registration emphasis.

       These    and    other    additional
 requirements  required  that  the  Agency
 revise, in some cases overhaul,  its existing
 policies, procedures, process, and databases.
 The Agency also needed  to  consider  a
 reasonable   transition   to   FQPA   for
 agriculture,    and   thus   a    substantive
 stakeholder  participation  process had to be
 developed for input from  those affected. All
 these   considerations   resulted  in   the
 temporary slow-down of the program.

       By the end of FY 2003, EPA expects
 to   have   implemented    EPA's  science
 policies,  including  the  cumulative   risk
 policy,   to  meet  the  ten-year tolerance
 reassessment  deadline.   As  required by
 FQPA,  EPA has  developed a  tolerance fee
 rule   that    recovers   from    pesticide
 manufacturers the full cost of setting and
 reevaluating pesticide tolerances on food.

       Additionally, to meet another  FQPA
need,  EPA   is developing  a process for
periodic  review  of pesticide  registrations.
This new program will update all pesticide
registrations using current health standards,
scientific     data,     risk      assessment
methodologies,   program   policies    and

                                  Goal 3:  Safe Food
effective risk reduction measures.  In 2003,
the Agency  will continue developing  and
refining the framework for the registration
review   program   and   issue  the   final
regulation for the program.


       In FY 2003, EPA's research program
will continue to develop pesticides exposure
and effects  data, risk assessment methods
and  models  for  children,   and  control
technologies  needed  to  comply with  the
requirements of Food Quality Protection Act

both long-term exposures and multiple acute
exposures.  Risk assessment research  will
continue  to  compare  pesticide exposures
across age groups, identify factors leading to
higher  exposures,  and  analyze  data  to
improve the evaluation of exposure factors
for pesticide  risk assessment.   Results will
support risk assessments under FQPA and
the development of Agency guidelines  for
cumulative risk assessment through the EPA
Risk  Assessment  Forum  (ERAF).   Risk
management    research    will    evaluate
characteristics of commonly used pesticides
or  pesticides  of  particular   concern   to
determine  which  chemicals  should  be
targeted    for    development    of   risk
management tools.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

*       In  2003, decrease adverse risk from
       agricultural  uses  from  1995 levels
       and assure  that new pesticides  that
       enter the market are safe for  humans
       and   the   environment,    through
       ensuring  that all  registration action
       are  timely   and  comply  with
       standards mandated by law.
(FQPA)    -    effectively   engaging
components of the risk paradigm.
       Specifically, exposure research will
address   major   exposure   data   gaps,
distributions   of  key   exposure   factors
(especially across age groups for children
and  exposures for other susceptible  sub-
populations),  and uncertainties  associated
with the exposure assessment requirements
for FQPA. Health effects research will also
develop methods to evaluate the effects of
cumulative exposures to pesticides and toxic
chemicals, including:

«      In 2003, occurrence of residues of
       carcinogenic   and   cholinesterase
       inhibiting  neurotoxic  pesticides on
       foods  eaten by  children will have
       decreased by 20 percent (cumulative)
       from  their average  1994  to 1996

*      In 2003, at least  six percent of acre-
       treatments  will use applications of
       reduced risk pesticides.

»      In 2003, assure that pesticides active
       ingredients registered  prior  to 1984
       and the products that contain them
       are reviewed  to  assure  adequate
       protection  for human health and the
       environment.   Also   consider  the
       unique exposure  scenarios  such as
       subsistence  lifestyles   of   Native
       Americans in regulatory decisions.

       By  the  end  of  2003  EPA  will
       reassess a  cumulative  68%  of the
       9,721 pesticide tolerances required to
       be reassessed  over ten  years and
       complete   reassessment    of   a
       cumualtive  75%  of  tolerances of
       special concern   in  protecting the
       health of children.

Goal 3: Safe Food

Goal 3; Safe Food Key Programs
(dollars in thousands)

Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Homeland Security*
Legal Services
Management Services and Stewardship
Pesticide Registration
Pesticide Reregistration
Pesticide Residue Tolerance Reassessments
Research to Support FQPA
Safe Pesticide Applications
Science Coordination and Policy

FY 2002
SI. 435,5
S1 1.377.4

FY 2003
$ ! ,560.8
*FY 2002 does  not include $175.6  million  provided in the  Emergency  Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security.

      Goal 4:
Preventing Pollution and
   Reducing Risk in
 Communities, Homes,
   and Ecosystems


   Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                    Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
                  Strategic Goal:   Pollution prevention and risk  management  strategies
                  aimed at eliminating, reducing, or minimizing emissions and contamination
                  will result in cleaner and safer environments in which all Americans can
                  reside, work, and enjoy life.  EPA will safeguard ecosystems and promote
                  the health of natural communities that are integral to the quality of life in
                  this nation.
Resource Summary
(dollars in thousands)

Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in
Communities, Homes, Workplaces, and
Reduce Public and Ecosystem Risk from Pesticides
Reduce Risks from Lead and Other Toxic Chemicals
Manage New Chemical Introduction and Screen
Existing Chemicals for Risk
Ensure Healthier Indoor Air
Facilitate Prevention, Reduction and Recycling of
PBTs and Toxic Chemicals
Assess Conditions in Indian Country
FY 2003
FY 2003 vs.
FY 2002
Means and Strategy

       The diversity  and  sensitivity  of
America's  environments   (communities,
homes, workplaces and ecosystems) requires
EPA to adopt a multi-faceted approach to
protecting the public from the threats posed
by  pesticides,  toxic chemicals and  other
pollutants. The underlying principle of the
activities  in this goal is the  application of
pollution prevention practices, which can be
cheaper and  smarter  than   cleanup  and

    Goal 4; Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
 remediation, as evidenced by the high  cost
 of Superfund, Resource Conservation  and
 Recovery Act (RCRA),  and Polychlorinated
 Biphenyls  (PCB)   cleanups.    Pollution
 Prevention  (P2)  involves   changing   the
 behavior of those that  cause the pollution
 and  fostering  the wider use  of preventive
 practices as a means to achieve effective,
 sustainable results.

       Under  this Goal, EPA ensures  that
 pesticides and their application  methods do
 not  present unreasonable risks to human
 health, the environment,  and ecosystems. In
 addition  to the  array of risk-management
 measures   specified  in  the  registration
 authorities  under  the  Federal  Insecticide,
 Fungicide, and Rodentcide Act (F1FRA) for
 individual  pesticide  ingredients,  EPA  has
 specific  programs  to   foster worker  and
 pesticide-user     safety,     ground-water
 protection, and the safe use of pesticides and
 other pest control methods. These programs
 work   to   ensure   the  comprehensive
 protection of the environment and wildlife,
 endangered  species  in  particular,  and to
 reduce  the  contribution of  pesticides to
 ecological threats such as pollutant loading
 in select geographic areas.   EPA  is  also
 addressing  emerging   threats   such   as
 endocrine  disrupters  by  developing  and
 implementing new screening technologies to
 assess a chemical's impact  on  hormonal

       Within the pesticide program,  EPA
 pursues a variety of field activities at  the
 regional,  state,  Tribal  and  local  levels,
 including   the   promotion   of  pesticide
 environmental stewardship and Integrated
 Pest  Management (IPM). States and Tribes
are vital partners in our  work  to implement
 FQPA.   Newer  lab  equipment  will assist
 States enforcement of new FQPA standards.
The  voluntary partnerships  and outreach
programs that help  farmers transition away
from the riskier products are often catalyzed
by state  participation.    These programs,
combined with the availability of newer and
safer pesticides, are having a real impact. In
2003 we expect at  least 6  percent of acre-
treatments will use  applications of reduced-
risk pesticides. We are seeing a reduction in
wildlife impacts from pesticides as well, and
in 2003 we project  an additional 10  percent
reduction in  reported incidents of wildlife
mortalities,  from  the   1995 level  (for a
cumulative 20 percent). That means fewer
bird  casualties,  and fewer  fish kills.  The
accumulation  of  these  improvements  will
mean safer food, improved biodiversity, and
a cleaner environment.

       The Agency remains  committed to
safeguarding   our   Nation's  communities,
homes,   workplaces   and    ecosystems.
Preventing  pollution  through  regulatory,
voluntary,  and  partnership   actions   —
educating and changing the behavior of the
public —  is  a   sensible  and  effective
approach to sustainable development while
protecting our nation's  health.  Two groups
with   significant    potential   to   effect
environmental  change  are  industry   and
academia.   The  Agency  has  successfully
pursued a number  of pollution prevention
programs with  both   of  these   groups.
Likewise, improved understanding  of the
potential  risks to health  from airborne toxic
chemicals present   indoors will strengthen
our ability to  reduce  residents'  exposure
through voluntary changes in behavior and
through potential product reformulation.

       Preventing    pollution     through
partnerships   is  also  central  to  EPA's
Chemical      Right-to-Know     Program
(ChemRTK)  which has   already  started

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
 providing the public with information on the
 basic health and environmental effects of the
 2,800  highest  production  volume  (HPV)
 chemicals in the  United States (chemicals
 manufactured in or imported into the U.S. in
 quantities of at  least 1 million pounds).
 Most residents come into daily contact with
 many of these chemicals, yet relatively little
 is  known  about  their potential impacts.
 Getting basic hazard testing information on
 large volume chemicals is the focus of the
 "HPV  Challenge  Program,"  a voluntary
 program challenging  industry  to  develop
 chemical  hazard  data that are  critical to
 enable EPA, State, Tribes, and the public to
 screen chemicals  already in commerce for
 any risks they may be posing.

       Children's health remains a strong
 focus of the indoor environments program.
 Efforts in FY 2003 will target reductions in
 the presence of indoor triggers  of asthma,
 such as environmental tobacco  smoke and
 biological contaminants,  by continuing to
 educate the public  about the disease  and
 about the steps  they can take  to reduce the
 severity and frequency  of  asthma attacks.
 Voluntary  work  will  be  undertaken by
 schools to empower their students to manage
 their  asthma symptoms  better, by  school
 personnel    to    improve    the    indoor
 environments of their schools,  and by health
 care  personnel   to  incorporate  education
 about   managing  environmental  asthma
 triggers into asthma treatment plans for their
 patients. EPA will continue  to work toward
 bottom  line  results  to  reduce risk  and
 improve   indoor   air   quality  through
 implementation  of the Indoor Air Quality
 (1AQ) "Tools for Schools" kit and schools-
 based asthma education programs such as
the "Open Airways" program in elementary
 schools.  EPA will also continue  work in the
radon  area  primarily  through  the  State
 Indoor  Radon Grant  Program where EPA
 provides assistance to  the  States for the
 development   and   implementation   of
 programs to assess and  mitigate radon to
 enhance the effectiveness of state and local
 activities for radon risk management and

       Also central to the  Agency's work
 under this goal in FY 2003 will be continued
 attention to  reducing  potential  risk  from
 persistent, bioaccumulative and highly toxic
 chemicals (PBTs) and from  chemicals that
 have  endocrine  disruption  effects.   PBT
 chemicals are of particular concern not only
 because they are toxic  but also because they
 may remain in the environment for a long
 period of time,  are not  readily  destroyed,
 and  may build  up  or accumulate to high
 concentrations in plant or animal  tissue.  In
 cases involving  mercury and PCBs, they
 may accumulate  in human tissue.  EPA is
 also taking the  initial  steps  to address the
 potential  threat  of  endocrine   disrupting
 chemicals on  the  health  of humans  and
 wildlife.  Work focuses  on  developing and
 validating new chemical screens and tests to
 isolate those chemicals and characterize the

      EPA  programs  under  this  Goal have
 many  indirect   effects  that significantly
 augment the stream of benefits they provide.
 For   example,   each   year  the   Toxic
 Substances  Control   Act  (TSCA)   New
 Chemicals program reviews  and manages
 the potential risks from approximately 1,800
new  chemicals  and   40   products   of
 biotechnology that enter the marketplace.
This new chemical  review process not only
protects   the public  from   the  possible
 immediate threats of harmful chemicals, like
 PCBs, from entering the marketplace, but it
has  also contributed   to   changing  the

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
behavior of the chemical industry, making
industry more aware and responsible for the
impact  these  chemicals  have  on  human
health and the environment.  This awareness
has led industry to produce safer "greener"
alternative chemicals and pesticides. Under
the  Pollution  Prevention Framework, the
Agency recently started providing industry
training in  the use  of the same tools  that
EPA uses to assess new chemicals, enabling
companies to make smarter choices at earlier
stages in their design  process,  reducing
government costs, and hastening the entry of
safer new products into the marketplace.

       The  Design  for the Environment
(DIE), Green Chemistry Program and Green
Engineering (GE) build on and expand new
chemistry efforts. They target industry and
academia to maximize pollution prevention.
Our DfE Program forms partnerships  with
industry to find sensible solutions to prevent
pollution.  In one example, taking a sector
approach,   EPA  has   worked   with  the
electronics  industry  to  reduce  the  use of
formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals in
the manufacture of printed  wiring boards.
Our Green  Chemistry  Program  also forms
partnerships  with industry and the scientific
community  to  find  economically  viable
technical solutions to prevent pollution.  In
addition,  the Green Engineering  Program
works  with   the   American  Society  of
Engineering     Education   (ASEE)    to
incorporate GE approaches into engineering

       In  several  cases,  achieving  the
strategic  objectives  under  this goal  is  a
shared responsibility with other federal, state
and  Tribal  partners. For example,  EPA's
role in reducing the  levels of childrens lead
exposure  involves  promotion of  federal-
state-Tribe  partnerships  to  decrease  the
number  of specific  sources  of  lead  to
children, primarily  from  addressing  lead-
based  paint hazards.    These partnerships
emphasize  development  of a professional
infrastructure to identify, manage and abate
lead-based  paint hazards, as well as public
education  and  empowerment  strategies.
which  fit  into companion Federal efforts
with  Department of  Health  and  Human
Services (HHS),  Department of  Defense
(DOD),  Department  of  Energy  (DOE),
Department of Justice (DOJ), Centers for
Disease Control (CDC), and Department of
Housing and  Urban Development  (HUD).
These combined efforts help to monitor lead
levels in the environment, with the intent of
virtually eliminating   lead  poisoning  in

       Intrinsic to  the effort  to  prevent
pollution   is  the   minimization   of  the
quantities of waste generated by the public,
industry,   government   agencies,   and
hazardous-waste   management  operations.
Strategies  range  from  fostering materials
reuse and  recycling  and other resource-
recovery   processes    to    broad-based
campaigns  to  re-engineer  the consumption
and  use of  raw  materials  or  personal
conservation  of resources.  Effective and
sustainable  programs  reduce  the need for
storage, treatment or disposal of hazardous
or municipal wastes, while reducing costs to
industry and municipalities.

       In   FY   2003,    EPA's    waste
management   program    will    increase
consumer  and  individual  awareness  of
environmental  issues  by  focusing on an
environmental   retail   theme.   This   will
emphasize  a   retail   outreach  approach
targeted  at consumers  and  households.
EPA's environmental retail theme promotes
better    environmental    decision- making,

   Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
greater  interest  in the  environment,  and
environmental    stewardship    on    the
manufacturing level

       Since this Goal focuses on  how  the
public  lives in communities, it features  the
Agency's  commitment  of  fulfilling  its
responsibility for assuring human health and
promoting   environmental   protection  in
Indian  Country.    EPA's policy is  to work
with Tribes on a government-to-government
basis   that   affirms   the   vital   trust
responsibility that EPA has with 572 Tribal
governments  and remain cognizant of the
Nation's interest in conserving the cultural
uses of natural resources.


       Currently, there are  significant  gaps
with regard to the understanding of actual
human   and   ecological   exposures   to
pesticides and toxic substances.  To address
those data gaps, this research will provide a
strategic  framework   for  developing  an
integrated suite of tools and models that will
enhance EPA's procedures for assessing the
risks  to  human  health   and   ecological
systems   associated   with   commercial
chemicals,  microorganisms, and genetically
modified organisms.


       EPA seeks to prevent pollution at the
source  as  the first choice  in  managing
environmental   risks   to   humans   and
ecosystems.  Where pollution prevention at
the source  is not  a viable  alternative,  the
Agency will  employ risk management  and
cost   effective    remediation   strategies.
Reducing pollution at  the  source  will  be
carried out  using a multi-media approach in
the following environmental problem areas:
Reduce Public and  Ecosystem Risks from

       Reducing  risk  from  exposure  to
pesticides requires a multi-faceted approach.
Beyond being exposed through the food we
eat, the general public, applicators, and farm
workers  may  be  exposed  to   pesticides
through   direct   handling,   groundwater
contamination or aerial spray.  One intent of
the Food Quality Protection Act  (FQPA) is
to protect the public by shifting  the nation
toward reduced  risk pesticides  and  safer
pesticide  use.      Appropriate   transition
strategies  to  reduced risk pesticides  are
important  to  the nation  to avoid  disruption
of food supply or  sudden  changes  in  the
market that   could  result   from  abruptly
terminating  the use  of a  pesticide  before
well-targeted reduced risk  equivalents can
be identified  and  made available.  In 2003,
the initiative  will continue  efforts to reach
more farmers, and grower groups, encourage
them   to   adopt   safer   pesticides,  use
environmental  stewardship   and  integrated
pest  management practices,  and  adopt a
"whole farm"  approach to environmental
protection.      Through  these partnership
programs  the  Agency  has become  more
aware  of the  multiple pressures on our
nation's   agricultural  industry   and   the
interaction  of the  various environmental
requirements  that affect it.  In  2003,  the
strategic  agricultural  partnership program
will  be expanded to  explore policy  and
process  improvements   that  more   fully
integrate  EPA's  water, air and  pesticides
programs'  work  with  the  agricultural

       In  2003, the  Agency will  increase
funding by almost 50% to  strengthen state
capacity   in   the    pesticides   program
implementation   to   meet   the   growing

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                      Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
challenges of FQPA, as well as providing
multi-year funding devoted  specifically to
improving   state   laboratory    capacity.
Additionally, through the Certification  and
Training  (C&T)  and  Worker   Protection
(WP) programs, EPA will continue training
and educating farm workers and employers
on  worker safety practices and the dangers
of pesticides.  EPA will continue to protect
the Nation's ecosystems and reduce adverse
impacts  to  endangered  species  through
various regulatory and voluntary programs,
including   the   Pesticide  Environmental
Stewardship Program (PESP) and integrated
pest management (IPM).  The Agency will
emphasize efforts with our Tribal partners to
address pesticide  issues and enhance  the
development of Tribal  technical  capacity,
particularly in the areas of risk management,
worker  safety,  training,   and   pollution

       Together,  the WP and   the  C&T
programs address issues of safe pesticide use
and  pesticide exposure.   These programs
emphasize safeguarding workers and  other
pesticide users from  occupational exposure
to  pesticides by providing  training  for
workers,    employers,    and    pesticide
applicators  and  handlers.   Training  and
certification of applicators of restricted  use
pesticides further ensures that workers and
other vulnerable  groups  are  protected from
undue   pesticide   exposure   and   risk.
Recertifieation   requirements  keep  their
knowledge  current  with label  changes,
application  improvements,  availability  of
new pesticides and  other pesticide related
issues.   The Endangered Species program
will  enlist the support of the agricultural
community  and other  interested groups to
protect  wildlife and critical  habitats from
pesticides.    This   voluntary  program  is
carried  out through communications and
outreach efforts and in  coordination with
other  federal   agencies.    The   Pesticide
Environmental     Stewardship     Program
(PESP) and  Integrated  Pest  Management
(IPM) play pivotal  roles in  moving  the
nation to  the  use  of  safe  pest control
methods, including reduced risk pesticides.
These closely related programs promote risk
reduction through collaborative  efforts with
stakeholders to use  safer alternatives  to
traditional chemical methods of pest control.
               Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Members
                    Rights of Way/Electric Utilllie^
              Networking/Technology Trsnsfet^
              Landscaping/Turl (includes golf com
                    Government/Municipalities (includes school
                                                              Growers/food Craps
                                                             Food Processors
                                                                 4 2%
          est Control Operators

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
       Antimicrobial     steriiants     and
disinfectants are used to kill microorganisms
on surfaces and objects in hospitals, schools,
restaurants and  homes.    Antimicrobials
require appropriate labeling and handling to
ensure safety and  efficacy.  EPA  remains
focused on accurate product labeling  and
product   efficacy  and   meeting  other
requirements for antimicrobial steriiants set
forth by FQPA, as well as the reregistration
of older antimicrobials to ensure they meet
today's standards.

Reduce  Risks from Lead and  Other Toxic

       EPA is part of the Federal effort to
address  lead poisoning and elevated blood
levels in children  by assisting in, and in
some cases guiding, federal  activities aimed
at reducing the  exposure  of children  in
homes  with  lead-based paint.  During  FY
2003,  EPA will continue implementing its
comprehensive  program  to  reduce   the
incidence  of  lead  poisoning and elevated
blood levels in children nationwide.

       In 2003, EPA will continue the Lead
Based   Paint   Training  &  Certification
Program  in  all fifty  States through EPA
authorized  state,   territorial   or   Tribal
programs or, in States and territories without
EPA    authorization,    through   direct
implementation  by the Agency.  By the end
of 2003, we expect to have provided  the
nation with more than 6,000 individuals and
firms formally certified in properly abating
lead paint hazards. In  the  lead  regulatory
program, EPA will finalize  one major rule
on training and certification for renovation
and remodeling activities. We will  also be
working  to  finalize  a major  rule  setting
standard  for  deleading of buildings  and
 structures,  which will  be proposed late in

       EPA will continue to implement the
 new Lead Hazards Standards Rule (finalized
 in 2001), the Lead  Renovation Information
 Rule and  the  Real Estate Notification &
 Disclosure  Rule. EPA is working with other
 Federal Agencies including Department of
 Health   and   Human   Serviced   (HHS),
 Department   of   Housing  and   Urban
 Development   (HUD),   Department   of
 Defense  (DOD),  Department  of  Energy
 (DOE),    Consumer    Product    Safety
 Commission  (CPSC),  and Department  of
 Justice (DOJ)  on  implementing a  Federal
 Strategy    to   virtually  eliminate   lead

       For    other    chemicals    whose
 significant  risks are well established (such as
 PCBs, asbestos, and dioxin), reductions in
 use and releases are important to reducing
 exposure of the general population as well
•as sensitive sub-populations.  In  FY 2003,
 EPA's PCB control efforts will encourage
 phase-out  of  PCB  electrical  equipment,
 ensuring  proper waste disposal methods and
 capacity, and  fostering  PCB site  cleanups.
 660,000,000  Kg of bulk  PCB-contaminate
 waste will  be safely disposed of in 2003.
 The Agency will continue assessing dioxin
 risks, including identifying and quantifying
 the link  between  dioxin  sources  and the
 general     population    exposure,   and
 development of a plans to develop an dioxin
 strategy to  respond to the latest science and
 address dioxin  risk  management in a more
 comprehensive cross-media approach.

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
 Manage New Chemical Introduction and
 Screen Existing Chemicals for Risk

       Under  TSCA,  EPA  identifies and
 controls unreasonable risks associated with
 chemicals.    The  chemical  right-to-know
 program addresses a  critical  gap  in  the
 nation's knowledge  about the  health and
 environmental hazards of high production
 volume chemicals (HPVs). EPA is working
 with industry to put information about those
 chemicals into the hands of the public  so
 they can make better  and more informed
 consumer choices,

       EPA's   Chemical   Right-to-Know
 Initiative (ChemRTK)  has already  started
 providing the public with information on the
 basic health and environmental effects of the
 2,800  highest production volume  (HPV)
 chemicals in  the  United  States  {chemicals
 manufactured in or imported into the U.S. in
 quantities of at least  1  million pounds).
 Industry response to the HPV Challenge has
 been   overwhelming:   more   than   460
 companies   have   voluntarily   committed
 themselves to providing EPA with test data
 for  2,155  chemicals  and  187 chemical
 categories of  the  2,800 HPV  chemicals.
 EPA has already commenced its review and
 public    posting   of    these   company
 submissions.  By  the end of FY 2002, the
 Agency expects  to have posted test data
covering 8% of the HPV chemicals.  EPA is
 requesting  additional  resources  for  the
ChemRTK program in  FY 2003 to bolster
our ability to keep pace  with the pending
increase  of  industry  data   submissions.
These  additional  resources  will make  it
possible  for  EPA to  nearly  double  the
amount  of publicly available HPV chemical
test data, increasing the cumulative number
of  chemical  data  postings   from   224
 chemicals in 2002 to 420 chemicals in 2003

       Under    a    parallel    Voluntary
 Children's Chemical Evaluation  Program
 that will be launched in 2002 (a pilot was
 started  in  2001),  EPA  and  industry will
 collaborate  in  fully assessing  the risks
 associated with  chemicals to which children
 are exposed. With our state partners we will
 work to establish a series of pilot programs
 to address TSCA responsibilities at the state
 level,  where local   knowledge  of  unique
 problems  or solutions  can  bring  greater
 efficiencies to this wide ranging program.

       An  important Agency  priority is to
 develop and use >alid chemical screens and
 tests to identify and characterize the  risk of
 chemicals  that  may   cause   endocrine
 disruption in humans, fish and wildlife.  In
 2002 EPA will put in place an Endocrine
 Disruptor       Methods       Validation
 Subcommittee   (EDMVS)  made  up  of
 approximately    25   scientific    experts
 representing outside interest groups.  These
 experts will meet during 2002 and 2003 to
 provide advice and  counsel  to EPA  on
 scientific issues associated with the conduct
 of  studies  necessary  for  validation  of
 screening and testing methods listed  in the
 Agency's  Endocrine  Disruptor  Screening
 Program.  The  EDMVS  will be reviewing
the  development  of  approximately  13
 laboratory test methods.

Ensure Healthier Indoor Air for All

       The  Agency  has  set  a  goal  of
healthier indoor air for millions of students,
staff,  and  faculty.   To meet  this goal, the
Agency will reduce  asthma  incidents and
other respiratory  ailments by  promoting
improved  indoor  air quality and   indoor

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
 environment management.   By increasing
 the  number  of schools  where  "Tools  for
 Schools"  indoor air quality guidelines are
 adopted and implemented, healthier indoor
 air will be provided for millions of students,
 staff, and  faculty. In FY  2003, improved air
 quality is  anticipated for  1,050,000  students,
 staff and faculty through the voluntary Tools
 for  Schools  (TfS)  program, including  an
 effort  to  obtain commitments from five of
 the 50 largest school districts in the country
 to implement TfS.

       In  FY  2003,  the  Agency  expects
 848,000 Americans  to be living in  healthier
 residenial  indoor environments.   Part  of
 meeting this goal includes the expansion of
 EPA's     successful      community-based
 educational  partnerships  addressing  sound
 indoor environmental  management.  In FY
 2003,  the Agency expects to utilize these
 partnerships to  educate \ 36,000 people with
 asthma and their caregivers about improved
 indoor air quality techniques. Additionally,
 EPA  will focus on  indoor environment
 issues  related to older Americans* health  by
 assessing  the links  between  environmental
 exposure  and older Americans' health and
 developing activities to address those links.
 The   Agency  will  also   develop   pilot
 programs  with  community  organizations
 serving older populations in order to gather
 information  and address  and  educate older
 Americans  about  indoor   environmental

Facilitate    Prevention,    Reduction   and
Recvcling  ofPBT's and Toxic Chemicals

       Pollution  prevention  and   waste
minimization require a comprehensive effort
of minimizing the quantity and toxicity  of
waste   generated    by   industries,   the
government  and individual citizens. EPA's
 role  includes  several   specific  activities
 addressing industrial  hazardous waste and
 municipal and industrial solid waste.

       Preventing pollution  can be  cost-
 effective  to  industry   in  cases  where  it
 reduces  excess raw materials  and  energy
 use.   P2  can also reduce  the  need  for
 expensive  "end-of-pipe"  treatment   and
 disposal,  enable  firms  to avoid potential
 liability, and support quality improvement
 incentives  in  place  at  facilities.    Current
 EPA   strategies  include   institutionalizing
 preventive approaches in EPA's regulatory,
 operating,   and   compliance/enforcement
 programs and  facilitating  the  adoption of
 pollution  prevention techniques by  States,
 Tribes,  the   academic   community   and

       In  FY  2003,  EPA  is requesting
 additional resources to  launch  a bold  new
 Advancing Environmental Stewardship in
 America's  Communities  Initiative.    The
 Agency will be working hand-in-hand with
 States  to  challenge and  assist American
 industry  in achieving  important  national
 environmental     goals     through     new
 innovations in product and service  design,
 production, and delivery.

       One approach the Agency employs is
 the  industrial   sector-based   focus   that
 promotes cleaner  technologies leading to a
 reduction   of   risks to  health  and  the
environment.     EPA's  Design  for  the
 Environment   (DfE)  Program   works  in
partnership  with   industry  to   develop
comparative risk,  performance, and   cost
 information about alternative technologies,
chemicals,  and  processes in order to make
environmentally    informed     business

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
       In this objective, EPA provides the
 national  leadership so important to reducing
 the generation of municipal  and industrial
 solid  waste regulated under RCRA Subtitle
 D  and  to  improving  the  recovery  and
 conservation  of  materials   and  energy
 through  source reduction and   recycling.
 EPA   encourages   source   reduction  of
 municipal    solid    waste   through   its
 WasteWise   program   and   encourages
 recycling and the recycling market through
 such  programs as Pay-As-You-Throw and
 Jobs  Through  Recycling.    In   addition,
 working   with  public  and  private  sector
 stakeholders, EPA promotes  financial  and
 technological       opportunities       for
 recycling/reuse businesses. In FY 2003, the
 Agency   will  serve as   a   catalyst  for
 innovative source reduction and recycling in
 many  industrial  sectors,  including  waste
 reduction opportunities for construction and
 demolition  debris,   food  wastes,   tires,
 electronics  equipment,   carpet,   transport
 packaging, and plastic beverage packaging.
 EPA  will kick off an environmental retail
 initiative  that encourages  consumers  and
 individuals  to  think  about environmental
 issues at  the "point of purchase."

       In  the  hazardous  waste   arena,
 regulated  under  RCRA  Subtitle C,  the
 Agency's focus is on  reducing the presence
 of priority chemicals  in  hazardous waste by
 50 percent by FY 2005 (compared  to a 1991
 baseline). This goal is consistent with other
 national  and  international toxic  chemical
 reduction efforts.  In  FY 2003 the Agency
 will encourage and support implementation
at the  Regional,  state  and   local  levels
through   voluntary   pollution  prevention
partnerships that not  only make  economic
sense  but  must  also  decrease human  and
environmental exposure to  toxic wastes.  By
 FY 2003, EPA plans  to  initiate partnerships
 with  companies  willing to make  specific
 commitments to  reducing hazardous waste
 as  part  of the  Agency-wide   Voluntary
 Chemical Reductions program.

       The  Agency will continue reducing
 the barriers to  safe recycling of hazardous
 waste   through   changes   to   recycling
 regulatory standards and ongoing outreach
 to   stakeholders   to  explore   additional
 innovations.  EPA   will  place   particular
 emphasis  on ways to increase safe hazardous
 waste recycling while reducing the burden
 for  small   businesses   concerned  with
 printing,  electronics recycling,  and metal

       The   Green  Chemistry   Challenge
 Program continues to be an effective catalyst
 for the behavioral change necessary to drive
 the     research,     development,     and
 implementation    of   green    chemistry
 technologies. In addition, this program also
 continues  to  provide   an   opportunity  to
 quantitatively  demonstrate  the   technical,
 environmental,  and economic benefits that
 green chemistry technologies offer. In 2003,
 the  Green  Chemistry  Program  will   be
 focusing its  outreach, awards, and research
 efforts to  target: 1) audiences not currently
 involved  in green  chemistry  product  and
 process design; and, 2) specific high priority
 chemicals, products, and/or  processes   for
 which safer alternatives are not available.

       To  address   continuing   issues
 associated  with  PBTs,   EPA launched  a
 cross-office, cross-media PBT program in
 FY 1999.  Through this effort, the Agency
 seeks  to  prevent,  minimize and,  when
possible, eliminate PBTs which are harmful
to both  human health and the environment.
 By  the beginning of FY 2003, the Agency
plans to be well into the implementation of

   Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
its Mercury National Action Plan, focusing
on  seven  key  priority  areas.   Critical
measurement and monitoring efforts will be
in  their  third  year,  facilities  will  be
collecting PBT chemical release data under
the new TR1  rule,  and submissions  under
TSCA for approval  of new PBT chemicals
for entry into commerce will be under close

Assess Conditions in Indian Country

       EPA places particular  priority  on
working with  Federally Recognized Indian
Tribes on a government-to-government basis
to  improve  environmental  conditions  in
Indian country in a manner that affirms the
vital trust responsibility that  EPA  has with
some  572 Tribal  governments.  The Agency
will concentrate on building Tribal  programs
and   strive  to  complete  a  documented
baseline   assessment   of  environmental
conditions for Tribes.  These  assessments
will provide a blueprint for planning  future
activities    identified    in     Tribal/EPA
Environmental   Agreements   (TEAs)  or
similar   Tribal  environmental  plans  to
address and support priority environmental
multi-media concerns in Indian country.

       In 2003, EPA is requesting  a total of
$57.5  million for Indian General Assistance
Program grants.  These resources will allow
most Tribes to support at  least  one or two
persons working  in their community to build
a strong, sustainable  environment for the
future.  These stewards perform vital work
by  assessing  the  status  of  a  Tribe's
environmental  condition  and  building  an
environmental  program  tailored  to that
Tribe's  needs.   Another key  role of this
workforce  is  to  alert  EPA   of serious
conditions requiring attention  in  the near
term so that, in addition to assisting in the
building of Tribal environmental capacity,
EPA can work with the Tribe to respond to
immediate   public  health  and  ecological

       EPA continues to consider additional
approaches on how EPA and Indian Tribes
might  work  in  concert to  protect public
health   and  the   environment  in  Indian
country.  As part  of that effort, EPA is
proposing to continue authority  granted in
FY  2002    to   enter   into   cooperative
agreements  with  Tribes to  assist  EPA in
implementing environmental  programs in
instances where the Tribe has  not achieved
primacy.  Implementation of this approach
would allow for a more gradual transition to
full program authorization by  allowing for
varying degrees of Tribal involvement based
on  an   individual  Tribe's capabilities  and


       In FY 2003, health effects research
under this  goal will continue  to focus on
development    of   mechanistically-based
predictive  models for  human  health  risk
assessment,   such  as   structure-activity-
relationship   models,  to  help  determine
testing  needs under Section 5 of the Toxic
Substances   Control  Act  (TSCA),  which
addresses the introduction of new chemicals
into commerce.  Research will address the
need  for  methods   to evaluate  effects
associated  with  a  variety  of  exposure
conditions and  the special  sensitivities of
certain subpopulations (including children)
based on age,  genetic  factors, and health
status.   These  methods will  be used to
evaluate  endpoints of  toxicity  that  are
qualitatively different from those of concern
for  the  general  population.    EPA   will
continue to  participate  in the Agriculture

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                     Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
Health Study (AHS). The primary objective
of the EPA exposure study is to collect high
quality exposure data that can be used to
evaluate    how    accurately   the    AHS
questionnaire classifies pesticide application
activities  and  enables  the  prediction  of
applicator exposure and dose.

       Also,  EPA  proposes  in FY 2003 to
begin a  major research  effort focused  on
biotechnology.    Areas  of  research  will
include: 1) potential allergenicity of proteins
introduced  into   the   food   supply  by
biotechnology;    2)   potential   adverse
ecological effects on non-target species or as
a result of unintended gene transfer; and 3}
potential development of pesticide resistance
in the  target species.   This research will
result in  improved capability to assess the
risks  of  allergenicity   from   genetically
altered food,  improved capability to assess
the  ecological    risks    associated   with
genetically modified organisms, and tools to
manage gene transfer and resistance.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

»       In 2003, reduce by 20 percent from
       1995 levels  the number of incidents
       involving mortalities to terrestrial
      and aquatic  wildlife caused by

*       In 2003, reduce lead exposure in
      housing units and in the deleading of
      bridges and  structures.

       In 2003, of the approximate 1,800
      applications for new chemicals and
      microorganisms submitted by
      industry, ensure those marketed  are
      safe for humans and the
      environment. Increase proportion of
      commercial  chemicals that have
undergone PMN review to signify
they are properly managed and may
be potential green alternatives to
existing chemicals.

In 2003, provide information and
analytical  tools to the public for
assessing the risks posed by toxic

In 2003, 834,400 additional people
will be living in healthier residential
indoor environments.

In 2003, 1,050,000 students, faculty
and staff will experience improved
indoor air quality in their schools.

In 2003, the quantity of Toxic
Release Inventory (TRI) pollutants
released, disposed of, treated or
combusted for  energy recovery in
2003, (normalized for changes in
industrial production) will be
reduced by 200 million pounds, or
2%, from 2002. This data will be
reported in 2005,

In 2003, divert an additional 1% (for
a cumulative total of 32% or 74
million tons) of municipal solid
waste from land filling and
combustion, and maintain per capita
generation of RCRA municipal solid
waste at 4.5 pounds per day.

In 2003, AIEO will evaluate non-
Federal sources of environmental
data pertaining to conditions in
Indian Country to enrich the Tribal
Baseline Assessment Project.

    Goal 4: Preventing Pollution and Reducing Risk in Communities,
                       Homes, Workplaces and Ecosystems
                            Goal 4: Preventing Pollution Key Programs
                                      (dollars in thousands)
Air.State.Local and Tribal Assistance Grants: Other Air Grants
American Indian Environmental Office
ATSDR Superfund Support
Children's Indoor Environments
Community Assistance
Congrcssionally Mandated Projects
Design for the Environment
Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. EMAP
Existing Chemical Data, Screening. Testing and Management
Facilities infrastructure and Operations
Grants to States for Lead Risk Reduction
Indoor Environments
Lead Risk Reduction Program
Legal Services
Management Services and Stewardship
National Program chemicals: PCBs, Asbestos. Fibers.and Dioxin
New Chemical Review
Partnerships to Reduce High Risk Pesticide Use
Pesticide Registration
Pesticide Rcregistration
Pesticides Program Implementation Grant
Pollution Prevention Incentive Grants to States
Pollution Prevention Program
RCRA State Grants
RCRA Waste Reduction
Regional Management
Research to Support Safe Communities
Safe Pesticide Applications
Science Coordination and Policy
Tribal General Assistance Grants


       Goal 5:
Better Waste Management,
      Restoration of
Contaminated Waste Sites,
 and Emergency Response


      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
                   Strategic Goal: America's wastes will be stored, treated, and disposed of
                   in ways that prevent harm to people and to the natural environment,  EPA
                   will  work to clean up  previously polluted  sites,  restore them  to  uses
                   appropriate for surrounding  communities,  and  respond to and prevent
                   waste-related or industrial accidents.
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (dollars in thousands)

                                               FY 2002
               FY 2003
        FY 2003 vs.
          FY 2002
Better Waste Management, Restoration of
Contaminated Waste Sites, and Emergency

Control Risks from Contaminated Sites and
Respond to Emergencies

Regulate Facilities to Prevent Releases

$1,520,683.8    §1,711,279.8    $190,596.0
$1,354,840.9    $1,544,018.6   $189,177.7
  $165,842.9     $167,261.2      $1,418.3
Means and Strategy

       EPA and its partners will continue
their  efforts  to   achieve  this  goal  by
promoting   better   waste   management,
cleaning up contaminated  waste sites, and
preventing   waste-related   or   industrial
accidents.  To  date, EPA  and its partners
have  made  significant  progress  toward
achieving  its two  primary objectives that
address human health and  the environment
at  thousands of  Superfund,  Brownfields,
Resource Conservation  and Recovery Act
(RCRA),  underground storage tank (UST),
and  oil sites.  Brought  together  by our
common  interest   to  protect   our  health,
environment, and  livelihoods,  EPA  and its
partners  have  established   an  effective
structure  to manage the nation's hazardous
and solid wastes.

       To achieve this goal, EPA seeks to
further reduce or control  the unacceptable
risks  posed  to  human  health   and  the
environment    through     better     waste
management and restoration of abandoned
waste sites. In partnership with states, tribal
governments,   the   public,   and   other
stakeholders, EPA will reduce or control the
risks to human  health and the environment
at thousands of  Superfund,  Brownfields,
RCRA, and UST sites. EPA's strategy is to
apply  the  fastest,  most  effective   waste
management and cleanup methods available,
while involving affected communities in the
decision making process. The Agency will

      Goal 5:  Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
employ enforcement efforts to further assist
in reducing risk to humans from hazardous
waste exposure.

       In FY 2003, EPA will focus on four
overarching  themes    in   achieving   its

•      Homeland  Security:   Enhancing
       EPA's emergency preparedness and
       emergency  response  programs  to
       ensure  the  afety and health of the
       public,    and    other   emergency
       response personnel.   The  Agency
       will  then   be  able  to   provide
       appropriate  and  timely  crisis and
       consequence management related  to
       weapons of mass destruction and
       releases  of hazards substances. EPA
       will also conduct research on better
       technologies  and  assessments   to
       clean up buildings  contaminated by
       biological and chemical agents.

*      Revitalization:  Broad promotion of
       the successes and lessons learned by
       the  brownfields program and other
       waste program  revitalization efforts,
       and   how    revitalization    can
       complement our  traditional cleanup
       programs and lead to  faster cleanups
       and productive reuse of properties,

*       One Cleanup Program:  Creating a
       national  dialogue on the future  of
       Superfund and  other  waste/cleanup
       programs.    Continue progress  in
       cleanups      while     increasing
       consistency  and transparency across

•       Recycling,  Waste   Minimization
       and Energy Recovery:  Promotion
       of recycling, waste minimization and
       energy recovery for both hazardous
       and non-hazardous wastes.
 Homeland Security

       In support of Homeland Security, the
 Agency   is  requesting  S86   million  to
 strengthen  the   Agency's   preparedness,
 response  structure and  improve state  and
 local  emergency  response   capabilities,
 continue  operations  of the  Environmental
 Response Team Center West (ERTC-West),
 and  research decontamination of buildings
 resulting from a release of biological agents.

       Through   the   ERTC-West,   the
 Superfund Program will maintain an around-
 the-clock emergency  response  activation
 system to support regions and states in the
 western  part  of the  country.   The  ERT
 provides critical  technical support services
 to EPA's response  personnel in the field.
 These   services  include:   environmental
 monitoring,   decontamination,    technical
 assistance  on   hazardous   and  radiation
 emergencies,   and   support  to   FBI-led
 response  teams.   The  ERT   also offers
 technical training to Federal, State, and bcal
 government  officials in the latest response

       EPA plays a vital  role in helping to
 protect the American people from hazardous
 substances releases  as well  as  the  highly
 dangerous  agents  (chemical,  biological,
 radiological)   associated   with   acts   of
 terrorism.   Any major  terrorism  event,
whether it involves explosives, conventional
hazardous   materials    or   radiological,
chemical   or   biological   agents,   will
necessitate an EPA response to, first, assess
the risks to public health, the environment
and to response workers, second, to manage

      Goal 5:  Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
and   mitigate  the  hazards  of  residual
contamination,   and,   third,  to  conduct
assessments of the adequacy of the response
sufficient to allay the concerns of the public
who  will   re-occupy  the  affected  area.
Currently, EPA's capability to conduct such
responses    resides  in   our   Emergency
Response program.

       The  Agency's chemical emergency
preparedness   and   prevention   (CEPP)
program  complements  EPA's  emergency
response  efforts.   This program addresses
the risks associated with  the manufacture,
transportation, storage and use of hazardous
chemicals  to prevent and  mitigate chemical
releases  whether   an  incident  may  be
accidental  or intentional,  as is  the case in
releases caused by terrorist acts.  To meet its
homeland  security  obligations  the CEPP
program  works  with  state agencies  and
Local  Emergency  Planning  Committees
(LEPCs) to help  strengthen their capabilities
to prepare  for  and respond  to potential
incidents   of terrorism. The LEPC  is  a
community organization that brings together
all    entities    (first   responders,    fire
departments,     hospitals,     emergency
technicians,  planners,  industry,  the  media,
and local elected officials) that have primary
responsibility for emergency preparedness at
the local level.  The program also works in
partnership   with   the    chemical    and
petrochemical   industry  to  improve   site
security and the safe operations  of facilities
throughout the country.

       Within   the   National   Response
System, EPA supports a national emergency
preparedness and response capability. Under
the  National   Response   Team  (NRT),
Regional   Response  Team  (RRT)   and
Federal Response  Plan (FRP) the  Federal
government   helps   states   and    local
governments address major  incidents  that
are beyond their capabilities, including those
involving terrorism.  EPA chairs  the NRT
and co-chairs the 13 RRTs  throughout the
U.S. which integrates actions of all Federal
partners to prevent, prepare for and respond
to  hazardous  material  releases  including
chemical,   biological   and   radiological
substances.  The Agency also  participates
with other Federal  agencies to implement
national  security, continuity of operations
and other homeland security requirements.

       The  FY  2003  President's  Budget
requests  resources to conduct  research  on
better  technologies  and  assessments  to
cleanup    buildings    contaminated    by
biological  and  chemical  agents.    These
efforts    will  include  the   transfer   of
technologies     and     guidance      on
decontamination  processes,  evaluation  of
existing  and new cleanup  and  detection
technologies,    development    of    risk
assessment methodologies, and production
of rapid  decontamination  techniques  and


       To   address    the    theme    of
revitalization,  EPA   is  requesting  S200
million  to implement the Small  Business
Liability     Relief    and    Brownfields
Revitalization      and      Environmental
Restoration  Act  (H.R.  2869),  signed  by
President  Bush  on  January  II,   2002.
Brownfields  are  abandoned,   idled,   or
underused   industrial   and   commercial
properties and are not traditional Superfund
sites. Generally, Brownfields are not highly
contaminated and, therefore, present  lesser
health risks. Economic changes over several
decades have left thousands of communities
with these  contaminated  properties  and

      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                      Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
abandoned sites.  This legislation promotes
brownfields  redevelopment  by  providing
financial  assistance  for   assessment  and
cleanup, reforming  Superfund liability and
enhancing  state response  programs.   The
legislation   was  the  top  environmental
priority of the Administration and EPA will
be  working  with Congress,  other  Federal
agencies, states, tribes, local  governments,
the   private   sector    and   non-profit
organizations  on its  implementation.    In
addition to  the activities  which have been
carried  out in the past, the new legislation
will expand EPA's  ability to address sites
contaminated  with  petroleum  and permit
EPA  to establish  grants  for  brownfields

       EPA is committed  to integrating the
concept of re vital ization and reuse into the
process of cleaning  up abandoned, inactive
and  contaminated  waste  sites, active and
closing   Federal   facilities,    and   other
properties.    An essential  element of the
assessment  and cleanup  of  contaminated
property,  whether  they   are   Brownfields,
Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action,  Base
Realignment and Closure,  Federal facilities
or USTs, is the ultimate goal  of revitalizing
and  reusing  that  property.     Although
assessment  and  cleanup provide  clear
environmental   benefits   in   mitigating
exposure to  hazardous contaminants, the
ultimate goal  is the reuse of these properties
to improve the  quality of  life in America's
communities.  Building upon  the Agency's
recent successes in  this area,  EPA's waste
cleanup programs  will  actively  seek out
opportunities  to leverage  public or  private
investment,  create  jobs  associated  with
reuse,  and  increase  the   overall  acreage
 One Cleanup Program

       In  support   of  the  one   cleanup
 program  theme, the  Superfund  program
 works    with    States,   Tribes,    local
 governments, and other Federal agencies to
 protect  human  health and the environment
 and to restore sites to uses appropriate  for
 nearby communities.  Many of the Nation's
 largest   and  most   technically  complex
 contaminated      properties      including
 abandoned, private, and Federal facilities are
 cleaned up by the Superfund Program.  Site
 assessment is  the first step in  determining
 whether   a  site meets  the   criteria   for
 placement on the National  Priorities  List
 (NPL) or  for  removal action  to  prevent,
 minimize or  mitigate  significant  threats.
 When a site is placed on the NPL it becomes
 eligible  for  a  fund-financed cleanup.  The
 Agency   also   provides  outreach   and
 education to the surrounding communities to
 improve their understanding of potential site
 risk,  such as risks  posed by radioactive
 materials, and to promote direct involvement
 in every phase of the cleanup process.

       One  of  the  Superfund  program's
 major goals is  to have responsible  parties
 pay for  and conduct cleanups at abandoned
 or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.  The
 Superfund enforcement program maximizes
 Potentially   Responsible   Party   (PRP)
 participation and is committed  to reforms,
 which increase  fairness, reduce transaction
 costs,     and     promote     economic
 redevelopment.   The Agency  also seeks to
recover costs associated with a site cleanup
 from  responsible parties  when  Superfund
trust fund monies have been expended.

      The   RCRA    corrective   action
program addresses a  significant number of
industrial  sites,  including Federally-owned

      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                      Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
facilities.     Administered   by  EPA  and
authorized states, these sites include some of
the  most  intractable  and   controversial
cleanup    projects    in    the    country.
Approximately   3,500   industrial  facilities
must  undergo a cleanup under  the RCRA
program. Of these facilities, EPA and state
partners have identified over 1,700 facilities
as  high  priority  because  people  or  the
environment are likely to be at  significant
current  or  future  risk.   As  evidence of
success in meeting this challenge, EPA and
the states have now documented that both
exposure  to  contamination   and  further
migration  of  contaminated  groundwater
have been controlled at over 600 of the 1700
high priority facilities.

       The   RCRA   corrective   action
program     continues     to     emphasize
redevelopment of  RCRA corrective  action
sites  to  prevent   these  properties  from
becoming Brownfields (unused or underused
property   due   to   perceived   concerns
regarding hazardous waste contamination).
Through  its nine active pilots, the RCRA
Brownfields   Prevention   Pilot  program
showcases the implementation of the RCRA
corrective action reforms and  the  use of
innovative approaches to cleanup activities.
In  addition,  the   RCRA   program   also
sponsors a  Targeted Site Effort  (TSE) to
focus a small amount  of funds at specific
sites to give assistance in moving forward in
the corrective action process.

       In  partnership with the  states, the
Agency prevents releases, detects releases
early in the  event they occur, and addresses
leaks  from USTs containing  petroleum and
hazardous  substances.    The  strategy  for
achieving  this   goal  is  to   promote  and
enforce compliance with  the  regulatory
requirements  aimed  at  preventing   and
detecting  UST releases,  thereby protecting
our  nation's groundwater.  While  the  vast
majority  of  the  approximately  700,000
active USTs have the proper equipment per
Federal regulation, significant \vork remains
to be  done  to ensure  UST  owners  and
operators  properly maintain  and  operate
their systems.  The Agency's role is to work
with states to promote compliance  with the
spill,   overfill,  and  corrosion  protection
requirements,  and  ensure  that  the  leak
detection   requirements  are   a   national
priority.  This encompasses compliance for
all   Federally-regulated   UST   systems,
including   those  on  private   and  public
property,  in  Indian  Country,  and  Federal
facilities.     The   Agency   has   primary
responsibility  for  implementing the  UST
program in Indian Country.

       The  Leaking  Underground Storage
Tank  (LUST)  Program  will  continue its
progress by promoting rapid  and  effective
responses  to releases from USTs containing
petroleum.    EPA  plays a  key  role in
implementing  the  national LUST  Program
by  supporting  the management  of state,
local, and tribal enforcement and  response
capability,  as  well  as,  sharing   lessons
learned with   state  regulators  and  the
regulated  community to increase  cleanup
accomplishments.   The  Agency's  highest
priorities in the LUST program over the  next
several years  is to address  approximately
150,000  cleanups   that  have   yet to  be
completed, and to address  methyl-tertiary-
butyl-ether (MTBE)  contamination  which
states  are increasingly  discovering,  and
which  pose  unique  and  often   difficult
remediation challenges.

      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                      Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
 Recycling,   Waste  Minimization,   and
 Energy Recovery

       In support of the recycling, waste
 minimization  and energy recovery theme,
 the RCRA program will focus on improving
 current   waste   management   practices,
 providing greater regulatory flexibility and
 promoting  opportunities  for   converting
 waste  to  future  energy  and raw material
 sources.  In  FY 2003, EPA will undertake a
 comprehensive   review   of   its   waste
 management  programs   and  regulations
 regarding  hazardous  and  non-hazardous
 waste  recycling,  waste  minimization  and
 energy  recovery   practices.    The review
 objective will  be to identify opportunities to
 further the goal of resource conservation and
 recovery,  while   remaining  true  to   the
 mission  of  ensuring safe and  protective
 waste management practices.

       Other elements of the Better Waste
 Management goal are  associated with the
 promotion   of safe  waste   management
 practices,  which   serve   to  avoid  future
 cleanup and redevelopment  burdens.   For
 facilities  that  currently  manage  hazardous
 wastes,  EPA   and the  authorized  states
 ensure human health  and  environmental
 protection through the issuance  of RCRA
 hazardous   waste   permits.   The   RCRA
 program   works  primarily  through  state
 partners to reduce the risks of exposures to
 dangerous hazardous wastes by maintaining
 a   cradle-to-grave   waste    management
 framework.   Under  this  framework,  EPA
 and  the  states   oversee the   handling,
transport, treatment, storage, and disposal of
 hazardous waste, ensuring that communities
 are not exposed to hazards through improper
management.         Hazardous     waste
management   facilities   with   appropriate
controls  in  place  have   made  significant
 progress  in  minimizing   the  threat   of
 exposure to hazardous substances.  To date,
 48  states,  Guam,  and  the  District   of
 Columbia are authorized  to issue permits.
 State authorization for all  portions  of  the
 RCRA  program,  including regulations that
 address waste management  issues  included
 in permits,  is  an important Agency goal.
 The  RCRA program  strives  to  achieve
 greater   efficiencies   by   adapting  new
 innovative   technologies  that  not  only
 streamline  permitting  processes and  better
 protect  our land but  also provide greater
 regulatory  flexibility   and  opportunity  for
 converting  waste  to future energy  and raw-
 material sources.

       The  Agency's  chemical  emergency
 preparedness   and   prevention   program
 addresses some of the  risks  associated with
 the manufacture, transportation, storage and
 use of hazardous  chemicals  to prevent and
 mitigate  chemical  releases,  whether  an
 incident may be accidental or intentional, as
 is the case in a terrorist event.  The  program
 also implements right-to-know initiatives to
 inform the  public about chemical hazards
 and encourages actions at the local level to
 reduce risk.  Section 112(r) of the Clean Air
 Act requires an estimated 16,000 facilities to
 develop  comprehensive  risk  management
 plans (RMPs) and submit them to EPA, state
 agencies, and  Local  Emergency  Planning
 Committees.   The Agency believes that
 states are best suited to implement the RMP
 program because they benefit directly from
 its success  and  they often have established
 relationships with  the communities that may
 be at risk.

       The  Oil   Spill   Program  prevents,
prepares for, responds  to, and monitors oil
spills as mandated and authorized in the
Clean Water Act  and  Oil Pollution Act  of

      Goal  5:  Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
 1990.  EPA protects U.S. waterways through
oil   spill  prevention,  preparedness,  and
enforcement compliance. There are 465,000
non-transportation-related    oil     storage
facilities  that   EPA  regulates.     When
necessary, the Agency undertakes oil spill
response in  the  inland zone which  is then
funded  through  a reimbursable  agreement
with the U.S. Coast Guard.

       Finally, the Agency has established
performance  objectives specific  to  Indian
Tribes and Alaska Native  Villages.   These
objectives  stress  waste  prevention  and
cleanup and assistance to  Tribes. To meet
these objectives,  EPA  will  identify  Tribal
needs, support and promote the involvement
of Tribes  in implementation activities, and
control  risks in  Indian  Country  through
assessment and  clean  up  of contaminated
sites  in consultation and  partnership with


       The   FY   2003   waste   research
program supports the Agency's objective of
reducing or controlling potential risks  to
human  health  and  the  environment  at
contaminated waste  sites  by  accelerating
scientifically  defensible and  cost-effective
decisions  for  cleanup at  complex  sites,
mining sites, marine spills, and Brownfields
in accordance with  CERCLA.   Research
will:  1)  provide improved  methods and
dose-response models  for  estimating  risks
from complex mixtures contaminating soils
and  groundwater;  2)  provide  improved
methods  for measuring,   monitoring, and
characterizing complex waste sites in terms
of soils and  groundwater; 3) develop more
reliable   technologies   for   cleanup   of
contaminated  soils,   groundwater,  and
sediments; and 4) determine the  effects  of
contaminants on  the  environment.  A  new
effort in Homeland Security will also begin
in 2003 and focus on critical issues, such as
the decontamination of buildings, in order to
prevent and respond to  future instances of

       Waste      identification,     waste
management, and combustion constitute the
three  major areas of research under RCRA
in FY 2003, as the Agency works towards
preventing releases through proper facility
management.  Waste identification research
will focus on multimedia, multi-pathway
exposure  modeling and  environmental  fate
and transport; physical estimation in support
of risk-based exemption levels  for wastes;
development   of  targeted  exemptions of
waste streams that do not pose unacceptable
risks;  and efforts to streamline the waste de-
listing  process.    These   efforts  could
significantly reduce compliance  costs while
still supporting EPA's  mission  to protect
human health  and the environment. Waste
management   research   will   focus   on
developing  more  cost-effective  ways to
manage/recycle non-hazardous  wastes  and
will    examine     other     remediation
technologies,   while  combustion  research
will continue to focus on characterizing and
controlling    emissions    from    waste


       In FY 2003, EPA and state cleanup
actions   will   protect  human  health   by
reducing the effects of uncontrolled releases
on    local  populations   and   sensitive
environments.   The Agency will build on
past successes in cleaning  up  sites.   The
following    accomplishments     provide
examples  of  what has  been done  by the
Agency to achieve its goal:

Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
               Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
 Cleaned up 804 Superfund National
 Priorities   List   Sites    through
 September 30, 2001;
 Conducted  over  6,500  Superfund
 removal response actions from 1982
 through September 30, 2001:
 Assessed  over  43,700   potential
 Superfund sites;
 Removed  more  than 32,700 sites
 from  the  Comprehensive  Environ-
 mental  Response,    Com-pensation
 and  Liability  Information  System
 (CERCLIS) waste site list;
 Secured greater than  $20 billion in
 PRP commitments, through response
 and cost recovery settlements, over
 the life of the Superfund  program.
 Resolved potential liability of 24,700
 small   volume  waste  contributing
 parties  through  more  than   475
 deimnimis settlements;
 Responded to or monitored 300  oil
 spills in a typical year;
 Awarded     399      Brownfields
 assessment    pilots,    over    129
 brownfiekls cleanup revolving loan
 fund pilots, and 48 job training pilots
 through September 1, 2001;
 Over  600  of  approximately  1,700
 high priority RCRA sites targeted for
 aggressive risk reduction  have met
 GPRA   Environmental    Indicator
 74%    of  approximately   2,750
 hazardous    waste    management
 facilities have  effective controls in
 Launched  a   RCRA  Brownfields
 Prevention Pilot program with nine
 active pilots;
 Cleaned   approximately   259,000
 leaking underground  storage tanks
 since 1987.
       In  FY  2003,  EPA's  goal  is  to
complete  construction at 40  private  and
Federal Superfund sites and take  action to
address contamination at 275  sites using
removal authorities,  in addition,  EPA and
its partners will make final site assessment
decisions  on  475   additional  sites.  The
Superfund enforcement program's  goal will
be to obtain  PRP  commitments to  initiate
work at 70% of construction starts  at non-
Federal facility sites on the NPL  and to
conduct or fund removals.

       In   FY   2003,   the   Superfund
redevelopment initiative  will facilitate  the
return  of  additional  Superfund  sites  to
productive reuse. The Agency has  compiled
a list of over 260 Superfund sites  that have
been recycled.  At these sites, more  than
60,000  acres  are  now  in  ecological  or
recreational   use.  Approximately  15,500
jobs,   representing   approximately   $500
million in annual income, are located at sites
that have been recycled for commercial use.

       In   FY  2003,   the  Agency  will
improve its Homeland Security preparedness
and response capability,  workforce  safety,
and coordination with our Federal  and local
partners. This will support national  efforts to
combat terrorist threats including biological,
chemical  and   radiological   attacks  on
populations  in   the   United  States.  The
Agency will  implement an initiative  to
establish   a  viable   Homeland  Security
program at  EPA that  will reduce the  risk to
the  public, better  protect our  emergency
responders,  and   prevent   environmental
harm.  This  initiative  will  support   the
National    Homeland   Security   strategy
developed  by  the  Office   of Homeland
Security and the White House  that assigns
EPA a critical  role  in  preparing for and

      Goal  5:  Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
responding  to terrorist  incidents.   This
responsibility  is based upon EPA's unique
expertise  and experience  in   emergency
preparedness  and response  to  hazardous
material releases.

       The  Agency's Homeland  Security
efforts will concentrate on: (1) developing a
multi-skilled workforce and providing them
with advanced training; (2) implementing an
EPA-wide event planning/response  program
that  can  fully participate in national  inter-
agency exercises;  (3) providing state-of-the-
art   response   equipment  (e.g.,  personal
protection,  field analysis, decontamination)
and the resources to maintain the  equipment;
and  (4) enhancing planning, coordination,
and outreach efforts at the  local, state, and
Federal levels.

       Reducing chemical accidents is vital
to ensure that  communities are not  exposed
to hazardous materials.   The Agency will
continue  its  efforts to help states and local
emergency  planning committees  implement
the  risk management plan (RMP) program.
EPA continues to make steady progress in
this area  and, in FY 2003, will delegate the
program  to eight additional states  for  a
cumulative  total of twenty-five.  To reach
this  goal,   EPA   will  provide  technical
assistance   grants.   technical    support,
outreach, and training to state  and  local
emergency  planning committees.  Through
these activities, states, local  communities,
and  individuals will  be better prepared to
prevent and prepare for chemical accidents.

      Through   the   Federal   Oil   Spill
Program, EPA will   continue to  prevent,
respond to,  and monitor oil spills that occur
in the waters  of the United  States  and
adjoining shorelines.  Over 24,000 spills are
reported annually  while approximately half
are in the inland zone which is under EPA's
jurisdiction.  EPA typically responds to and
monitors the work of responsible parties at
approximately 300 significant spills a year.
To reduce the risk of hazardous exposure to
people  and the environment, the  Agency
aims to  prevent oil  spills  from occurring,
prepare  for oil  spills  that  do occur,  and
respond   to   and  monitor   spills  when

       The   EPA  Brownfields   program
coordinates a Federal, state, tribal, and local
government approach to assist in addressing
environmental site assessment and cleanup.
This program has experienced tremendous
growth   in   applications   for  new  and
supplemental    pilots,   averaging   198
applications  per  year.   The  passage  of
Brownfields   authorizing    legislation    in
December   2001  allows   an   expanded
program  to  address  environmental  and
economic    challenges    presented    at
brownfields  sites including:

*      Grants   to    address   petroleum
       contaminated sites
*      Grants for clean up activities
*      Expanded resources  for state  and
       tribal programs
•      Tribal program funds for monitoring
       public health
*      Responding to  mine scarred lands,
       contaminative,    and    controlled

     In  FY 2003,  EPA will  double  our
Brownfield's  program,  providing  SI 00
million more in funding. The Brownfields
program will provide  $29 million in funding
and   technical   support   for  74  new
assessments and  52  existing  assessments.
These assessments provide states (including
U.S.   territories),   political   subdivisions

      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                      Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
(including cities, towns, and counties), and
Federally recognized Tribes with necessary
tools,   information,   and   strategies  for
promoting    a   unified    approach   to
environmental  site   assessment,   charac-
terization,  and  redevelopment.    Benefits
derived  from  this   effort  will   include
leveraging  a total of S5 billion in cleanup
and  redevelopment  funds, generation of
21,300 jobs, and assessment of 3,350 sites
through FY 2003.  In addition, the Agency
and  its  Federal partners  will continue to
support   the   existing   28    showcase
communities which  serve  as  models to
demonstrate  the  benefits  of  interagency
cooperative     efforts     in    addressing
environmental and economic issues related
to brownfields.  The showcase communities
capitalize on a  multi-agency  partnership
designed to  provide a wide  range of support
depending on the particular needs of each
      As part of this initiative, EPA will use
approximately $30  million to address the
regulatory  gap that  prohibits EPA  funds
from  addressing   the  estimated  200,000
abandoned    underground   storage  tanks
(USTs)  and other petroleum contamination
found on brownfields properties.  With these
funds,  EPA  will  support  assessment  and
cleanup of petroleum  contaminates  in  50
brownfields communities.

     To further  enhance  a  community's
capacity    to   respond   to   brownfields
redevelopment, the Agency will also provide
funding for 33 communities to capitalize
brownfields cleanup  revolving  loan  funds
(BCRLF) with the requested increase.  All
communities with  brownfields properties are
eligible  to  apply.     For  the   first  time,
Brownfields legislation authorizes  funding
for  cleanup grants.   It  is estimated that
cleanup funding might be available for up to
25 sites.

      The  Agency  will  also  provide  $50
million   for  states  and   Indian  tribes to
establish   or  enhance   their  response
programs.   The  new  legislation  will  also
permit the  recipients to capitalize  revolving
loan funds, purchase insurance or develop a
risk  sharing pool, an indemnity pool, or an
insurance mechanism to  provide  financing
for response  actions  under a state response

      To   augment   the   communities"
capacities  to  clean  up  brownfields  sites,
EPA  will  fund  10  additional job training
pilots  for  community residents  and  will
provide S3 million to the National Institute
of Environmental  Health  Sciences (NIEHS)
to supplement its minority worker training
programs  that   focus   on    brownfields
workforce   development  activities.   In
addition,  EPA will  continue  to explore
connections  between  RCRA  low-priority
corrective  action efforts  and  cleanup of
brownfields properties.

       In FY  2003,  257 additional  high
priority  RCRA facilities  will  have current
human  exposures under  control  and  172
additional high priority RCRA facilities will
have     migration     of    contaminated
groundwater under control. To accomplish
its  RCRA  objectives,  the  Agency  has
improved the  pace  of  cleanups  through
administrative reforms announced in 1999
and   2001.  The  reforms   successfully
established  an  environment  for  program
implementers to be  innovative and results-
oriented by promoting faster, focused, more
flexible  cleanups.   The Agency developed
these  reforms  with   input   from  states,
industry and environmental organizations to

      Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                      Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
accomplish  the  following  objectives: pilot
innovative   approaches,   accelerate   the
changing  culture, connect  communities to
cleanups,  and capitalize on redevelopment

       In  FY 2003, the  RCRA hazardous
waste permits program will have permits or
other approved controls in place for 77% of
the hazardous waste management facilities
(out of a  baseline of approximately 2,750
facilities).    Securing  approved controls in
place at facilities  minimizes the threat of
exposure  to hazardous substances because
the   RCRA  program's   comprehensive
framework regulates the handling, transport,
treatment,   storage,   and   disposal   of
hazardous waste. In addition, the program is
planning  an  e-permitting  initiative  which
would  complement the  new  standardized
permit  process. This initiative will expedite
and  simplify  the  permitting  process  and
provide better public  access to permitting

       The  Agency  has  several  efforts
underway  to  improve waste  management
practices throughout the RCRA program to
better  reflect  actual  levels of risk.  The
hazardous   waste  identification rule  and
follow-up  efforts seek to exclude lower risk
wastes  from hazardous waste regulation.  In
FY  2003, the  Agency  will  continue to
develop   exemptions   for   specific  low-
concern wastes  as  well  as concentration-
based  exemption  levels  for   constituents
occurring in hazardous wastes.

       As the maximum achievable  control
technology (MACT) standards for hazardous
waste   incinerators   and    kilns   are
implemented, emissions of dioxins,  furans,
toxic  metals,  acid  gases  and  particulate
matter  from these sources will be reduced.
These efforts are intended to further reduce
the   indirect   exposure   to   hazardous
constituents  in   emissions,  especially  to
children. In 2000, the Agency initiated work
on Phase II MACT standards for hazardous
waste  burning  boilers  and  halogen  acid
furnaces. However, in 2001 the D.C, Circuit
Court of Appeals vacated the Phase I MACT
standards. In  2002 and FY 2003,  EPA will
work to revise the combustion standards and
address the court's action.

       In FY  2003,  the Agency will  work
with  states,   industry,   and  community
representatives to begin  implementation  of
the voluntary guidelines  for industrial  non-
hazardous   waste   management.   These
voluntary guidelines address  a  range  of
issues including groundwater contamination,
air  emissions,  and  alternatives  to waste

       Based on  EPA's minimum  national
standards for municipal solid waste (MSW),
states  regulate  landfill   practices.    The
Agency worked  with states to review the
national standards.  The Agenc y is currently
initiating regulatory revisions  to   provide
additional flexibility  so  that compliance  is
less costly and easier to achieve. Regulatory
revisions will  provide an opportunity  for
bioreactor technology, to pave the  way for
future new energy and raw material sources.

      The Agency  will  accelerate  the pace
of  LUST  cleanups  through  additional
support to the  states  to hire staff to oversee
and expedite cleanups.  Better oversight and
quicker  action  can  reduce  the  costs  of
cleaning  up M'TBE  contamination,  which
can  cost  100%  more   than  a  cleanup
involving the typical  gasoline contaminants.
Accelerating the  pace of these cleanups will
result in 500 additional cleanups completed.

      Goal  5:  Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
                     Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
from the end of FY 2002, that may involve
groundwater and MTBE contamination.  In
turn,  fewer communities  and  individuals,
including those in  Indian Country, will lose
their drinking water supplies.  LIST owners
and operators undertake nearly all cleanups
under  the  supervision  of  state  or  local
agencies.    The  Agency  oversees  these
activities in Indian  Country,


       In  FY   2003,  contaminated  sites
research  will be conducted to:  1)  reduce
uncertainties    associated    with    soil/
groundwater  sampling  and  analysis;  2)
reduce the time and cost associated with site
characterization    and   site   remediation
activities; 3) evaluate the magnitude of the
risks posed by contaminants to human health
and   the  ecosystem  as   well   as   the
contributions    of   multiple    exposure
pathways, the  bioavailability  of  adsorbed
contaminants and  treatment residuals, and
the lexicological properties of contaminant
mixtures; and 4) develop  and  demonstrate
more effective and less  costly remediation
technologies  involving complex sites and
hard-to-treat wastes.  Other proposed work
will   enhance   and   accelerate   current
contaminated sediments  research  efforts,
providing the data needed to make and
support crucial decisions on high impact and
high visibility sites.  Research  focusing on
Homeland Security issues such as transfer of
technologies     and      guidance     on
decontamination   processes,   evaluating
existing  and new cleanup  and detection
technologies, developing  risk  assessment
methodologies for  the  both the  short and
long   term.    and    producing    rapid
decontamination      techniques      and
technologies for cleanup  of contaminated
buildings will  begin  in  FY 2003.   These
research  efforts  are  critical  in  order  to
prevent and respond to  future instances  of

       Waste management  research in FY
2003  will  support the  Hazardous Waste
Identification Rule (HW1R), a  risk-based
approach for deli sting wastes,  as  well  as
study improved  ways to minimize  waste
releases and impacts.   Additionally, waste
management research  will be conducted  to
improve the management of both solid and
hazardous wastes.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

•      In 2003, EPA  and its partners will
       complete      22,500      Leaking
       Underground Storage Tank  (LUST)
       cleanups for a cumulative  total  of
       approximately   313,300   cleanups
       since 1987.

•      In 2003, EPA  and its partners will
       complete  40  Superfund  cleanups
       (construction completions).

•      In    2003,  ensure    trust    fund
       stewardship  by  getting  PRPs  to
       initiate or fund the work and recover
       costs from PRPs when EPA expends
       trust  fund  monies.    Address  cost
       recovery at all NPL and non-NPL
       sites  with  a  statute  of limitations
       (SOL) on total  past costs equal  to or
       greater than $200,000.

*      In  2003,  maximize  all  aspects  of
       PRP  participation  which  includes
       maintaining PRP work at 70% of the
       new remedial construction starts  at
       non-Federal Facility  Superfund, and
      emphasize fairness in the settlement

Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
               Waste Sites, and Emergency Response
 In 2003, 257 (for a cumulative total
 of 1,252 or 73%) of high priority
 RCRA  facilities will  have  human
 exposures controlled and 172 (for a
 cumulative total of 1,054 or 61%) of
 high  priority  RCRA facilities will
 have     ground water      releases

 In 2003, to ensure  cost-effective and
 technically   sound  site   clean-up,
 deliver state-of-the are guidance and
 methods to EPA and stakeholders for
 risk management of fuel oxygenates;
 organic and inorganic contamination
 of sediments, ground  water and/or
 soils; and oil spills.

 In 2003, EPA will provide additional
 site  assessment  funding  to  74 new
 sites,  and  to  52  existing  sites,
 resulting  in  a cumulative total  of
 3,350    properties   assessed,   the
 generation of 21,300 jobs, and the
 leveraging of $5.0 billion in cleanup
 and redevelopment funds since 1995.
In 2003, EPA and its state and tribal
partners will ensure that 80% of UST
facilities  will   be   in   significant
operational  compliance  with leak
detection requirements, and 85% of
UST facilities  will be in significant
operational compliance  with spill,
overfill  and   corrosion  protection

In 2003, 77.2 of the  hazardous waste
management   facilities  will  have
approved controls in place to prevent
dangerous releases to air,  soil, and
groundwater.    This  represents  an
additional  39 facilities meeting  the
goal this year.

In 2003, certify that 8,000  55 gallon
drums    of    radioactive    waste
(containing  approximately  24,000
curies) shipped by DOE to the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant  are permanently
disposed of safely and according  to
EPA standards.

Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
Waste Sites, and Emergency Response

Goal 5: Waste Management Key Programs
(dollars in thousands)

Drown fields
Capacity Building
Civil Enforcement
Community Right to Know (Title 111)
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Congressional!}' Mandated Projects
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Federal Facilities
Federal Facility lAGs
Federal Preparedness
Hazardous Substance ResearchrHazardous Substance Research Centers
Hazardous Substance Research:Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
Hazardous Waste Research
Homeland Security*
Hornestakc Mine
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)Cooperativc Agreements
Legal Services
LUST Cleanup Programs
Management Services and Stewardship
Oil Spills Preparedness, Prevention and Response
Other Federal Agency Superfund Support
RCRA Corrective Action
RCRA Improved Waste Management
RCRA State Grants
Regional Management
Research to Support Contaminated Sites
Risk Management Plans

FY 2002
$9 7,63 2. 7
$2, 124.2
S3 1.206.5
$59,33 1 .9
SI 0.067.4
S30. 133.6
SI 1.795.4
SI 0.676.0
S2 1.624.0
S3 8.262.3
$59.45 1 .3

FY 2003
$96 1 ,2
S3 1. 9 15. 5
S3 1. 625.1
SI 0.676.0


Goal 5: Better Waste Management, Restoration of Contaminated
Waste Sites, and Emergency Response

'Superfund - Cost Recovery
Superfund - Justice Support
Superfund - Maximize PRP Involvement
Superfund Remedial Actions
Superfund Removal Actions
Underground Storage Tanks (UST)
LIST State Grants
$29.477.5 $30.37,19
$28,1501) S28. 150.0
(including reforms) $81.701.1 $84.396.9
$484.659.8 S489.355.0
$202.654.0 $202,610.3
$6.795.7 $7,026.4
$11,918.4 511,918.4
*FY 2002  does  not  include  $175.6 million  provided in  the  Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security,


      Goal 6:
Reduction of Global and
 Environmental Risks


  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
                   Strategic Goal:  The United States will lead other Nations in successful,
                   multilateral efforts  to  reduce  significant  risks  to  human  health  and
                   ecosystems from  climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, and other
                   hazards of international concern.
(dollars in
Reduction of Global and Cross-border
Environmental Risks
Reduce Transboundary Threats to Human and
Ecosystem Health in North America
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduce Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
FY 2002


FY 2003


$ 1 36,953.4
FY 2003 vs.
FY 2002


Protect Human Health and Ecosystems from PBTs and
other Toxics
Increase Domestic and International Use of Cleaner and
More Cost- Effective Technologies
Means and Strategy

       To reduce environmental and human
health  risks along the U.S./Mexico Border
and the Great Lakes, EPA  employs both
voluntary and regulatory measures. Efforts
in the  U.S./Mexico Border  area  utilize a
series of workgroups  that focus on priority
issues ranging from water infrastructure and
hazardous waste to outreach efforts focusing
on communities and businesses in the border
area. The programs were initially conceived
in a Federal-to-Federal context. While this
may have been appropriate at the start, it is
clear  that  today  in  both countries,  non-
Federal  governments  are  the  appropriate
entities  for  developing and  carrying  out
much of the work  of protecting the border
environment. The experience of the last six
years has shown U.S.  border states as key
participants  in  workgroup  activities  with
similar experience on the Mexico side.  In

  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
the past year all border states have stressed
the  need  for  greater  decentralization of
environmental authority, and in FY 1999,
States and the Federal government agreed to
a set of principles that clarify the roles of the
governments and advance State and  Tribal
participation. Under a new environmental
plan developed  with  SEMARNAP (EPA=s
Mexican    counterpart),    targeted    for
completion  by  December 2002, the States
and Tribes will play a  more substantial and
meaningful role in:

•      Determining  how  Federal  border
       programs are developed and funded;
•      Focusing  on  developing  regional
       workgroups  that  empower border
       citizens; and
•      Ensuring  that  programs  devolve
       from Mexico=s  Federal  government
       to    the   Mexican   states,    with
       corresponding funding.

       The  2001   Great  Lakes  Strategy,
developed  by  EPA=s Great Lakes National
Program  Office  (GLNPO)  and  Federal,
state, and  Tribal agencies in consultation
with the public, advances U.S. Great Lakes
Water  Quality  Agreement  implementatioa
Its  long-range  vision  (a  healthy  natural
environment where all beaches are open for
swimming, all fish are safe to eat, and the
Lakes  are  protected as  a  safe source of
drinking  water) is supported by Lakewide
Management Plans and  Remedial  Action
Plans for  Areas of Concern.   Progress is
measured     through     the    Integrated
Atmospheric  Deposition  Network   and
GLNPO's  open water,  fish, and sediments
monitoring.  To prevent degradation of the
marine   environment,   the  Agency,  in
conjunction  with  the  Department of State,
the  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA),  and other Federal
agencies, is  focusing on the negotiation and
implementation  of  legally-binding  multi-
lateral agreements.   These agreements are
designed  to  address  sources  of  marine
pollution that impact  the United States.

       EPA  will meet  its climate  change
objectives by both  working  with  business
and other sectors to deliver multiple benefits
B from  cleaner air to lower energy  bills  B
while  continuing  to   improving  overall
scientific  understanding of climate change
and its potential consequences. The core of
EPA=s   climate   change   efforts   are
government/industry  partnership  programs
designed to  capitalize on the  tremendous
opportunities   available   to   consumers,
businesses, and organizations to make sound
investments  in   efficient  equipment  and
practices.      These   voluntary   programs
remove  barriers in the marketplace, resulting
in faster  deployment  of energy  efficient
technology into the residential, commercial,
transportation, and industrial  sectors  of the
economy. Through  the Clean Automotive
Technology  initiative, EPA will work with
industry to develop and commercialize fuel-
efficient  hydraulic   hybrid  and advanced
engine technologies  that  will utilize  EPA
developed technologies.

       EPA is also engaged in working with
key developing  countries and economies-
in-transition  to  provide  capacity building
and  technology  transfer  in  areas  of air
quality,  transportation, clean energy use and
energy efficiency, and  cleaner production.
Working hand-in-hand  with international
partners, these joint activities support more
sustainable practices and lead  to greenhouse
gas emissions reductions  as well as build
local  technical   capacity  for  developing
countries to  take on commitments to reduce
greenhouse gas  emissions under the  1992
Climate  Convention.     EPA's   activities
provide  information sharing and training and

  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
contribute   to   the   fulfillment  of   U.S.
commitments under the Climate Convention
to   facilitate   technology   transfer    to
developing countries.

       In order to  restore and protect the
eartbs stratospheric ozone layer, EPA  will
work on  both  domestic  and international
fronts  to  limit  the  production  and use  of
ozone-depleting substances and to  develop
safe alternative  compounds.  EPA will  also
provide  education   about   the   risk    of
environmental and  health consequences  of
overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

       To address the risks associated with
persistent and  bioaccumulative  substances
and  other toxics, the Agency employs  two
fundamental approaches.  The first approach
seeks to minimize the harmful impacts  of
toxic substances known to circulate in the
environment over long distances through the
negotiation and implementation of specific
treaties.  The second approach focuses on
the cooperative efforts of the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD)    and     other     international
organizations    working   to    develop
harmonized   methods    for  testing   and
assessing the toxicity of chemicals, and for
measuring  the   effects  of  chemicals   to
humans and the  environment.

       In addition to the  specific strategies
noted above, the Agency  employs a variety
of  means  to  achieve  the  environmental
objectives outlined  in this goal.   These

•       Implementing  formal  bilateral  and
       multilateral  environmental   agree-
       ments with key countries, executing
       environmental  components  of  key
       foreign  policy  initiatives,  and,   in
       partnership with the Department of
       State,  engaging  in  regional  and
       global    negotiations   aimed    at
       reducing  risks   via  formal  and
       informal agreements.

*      Working  with  other  countries  to
       ensure   that  domestic  and  inter-
       national    environmental    laws,
       policies,   and  priorities   are   re-
       cognized and implemented.

»      Partnering   with   other   Federal
       agencies,   states,   business,   and
       environmental groups to promote the
       flow of environmentally sustainable
       technologies and services worldwide.


       EPA=s   Global   Change   Research
Program contributes to the Agency=s goal of
reducing  greenhouse  gas  emissions   by-
providing the  knowledge to allow  policy
makers   to  find  the  most  appropriate,
science-based  solutions to  reduce  risks to
human  health  and ecosystems  posed  by
climate  change (e.g., the impacts climate
change could have on the spread of vector-
borne and water-borne disease, as well as on
air  and  water quality).   The Agency  is
working to assess the vulnerability of human
health    and   ecosystems    to   various
environmental   stressors   (e.g.,   climate
change,  land-use change, UV  radiation) at
the  regional scale,  and to assess adaptation


       In FY 2003, EPA will use a variety
of   approaches  to   build   international
cooperation  and technical capacity and to
prevent harm to the global environment  and
ecosystems we share with other nations.

  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
one  of EPA=s largest areas of potential, and
at  the same  time is  one  of  its  most
successful. EPA will continue to build upon
the  successful ENERGY  STAR partnerships
(including  ENERGY STAR Labeling and  the
ENERGY STAR Buildings  Program) and work
toward the goal of offsetting about 24% of
the  growth  in greenhouse  gas  emissions
above 1990 levels expected by 2010 in this
sector,   EPA=s programs will  contribute
about 43 MMTCE annually  in greenhouse
gas   reductions  by  2010  while  saving
businesses  and consumers more than $14
billion. In addition, EPA will continue work
in the Industry and Transportation Sectors as
well   as   fostering   efforts  in   carbon

       EPA will  continue to work closely
with state and local partners to assess the air
quality, health, and economic benefits  of
reducing  greenhouse  gas emissions  and
developing    practical    risk    reduction
strategies. And, it will establish international
partnerships   that   will   link   industrial
efficiency,  reduction of  greenhouse gases,
and sustainable development.

Stratospheric Ozone

       To  protect the  earths stratospheric
ozone  layer in accordance with the United
States=  commitment   to   the   Montreal
Protocol,  EPA will continue to  regulate
ozone-depleting   compounds,  foster   the
development   and  use  of   alternative
chemicals in the U.S. and abroad, inform  the
public about the dangers  of overexposure to
UV radiation, and  use  pollution prevention
strategies to require the recycling of ozone-
depleting     substances    (ODSs)    and
 Toxics and Pollutants

       Reduced risks from toxics, especially
 persistent  organic  pollutants (POPs) and
 selected   metals  that   circulate   in  the
 environment at  global  and regional  scales,
 will be  achieved by  working  with other
 countries  —   within  the   frameworks
 established by international instruments B to
 control the production or phase-out from the
 use  of targeted  chemicals.   EPA  is also
 working  to  reach agreement on  import and
 export requirements applicable to  certain
 chemicals, an expansion of pollutant release
 and transfer registers and the harmonization
 of chemical testing, assessment and labeling
 procedures.   The  goal  of international
 harmonization of test guidelines is to reduce
 the  burden  on chemical  companies  of
 repeated  testing  in satisfying the regulatory
 requirements of different jurisdictions both
 within the United States and internationally.
 Harmonization also expands the universe  of
 toxic chemicals for which needed  testing
 information  is  available,   and   fosters
 efficiency   in   international   information
 exchange   and   mutual    international
 acceptance of chemical test data.  EPA will
 continue  to  cooperate  closely  with other
 Federal   agencies    and    with    other
 industrialized nations  within  the  program
 framework   of  the    Organization   for
 Economic  Cooperation  and Development
 (OECD)  in harmonizing testing guidelines.

       The  U.S.  is  working  with  other
 OECD member  countries to implement the
 International Screening  Information Data
 Set   (SIDS)   program,   a    voluntary
 international  cooperative  testing  program
begun  in 1990.   The  program focuses on
developing   base-level   test   information
(including   data  on    basic   chemistry,
environmental fate,  environmental  effects
and  health  effects)  for  international high

  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
production volume chemicals,  SIDS data
will be used to screen chemicals and to set
priorities   for   further   testing   and/or
assessment.  The Agency will review testing
needs for 75 SIDS chemicals in FY 2003.

POPs Implementation

       The United States recently signed the
Stockholm Convention on persistent organic
pollutants   (POPs)    which    addresses
substances such as DDT, PCBs and dioxins.
These  substances travel  great distances  in
the environment and thus threaten humans
and the ecosystem in   the  U.S.,  despite
domestic  efforts to reduce  releases.   The
problem is especially acute  in Alaska  and
the Great Lakes, where POPs are taken up in
the food chain  and impact Native Americans
who depend  on subsistence foods.   This
convention will require ratifying countries to
reduce  and/or  eliminate  their  production,
use, and/or release of specified POPs.  To
ensure  that  developing  countries comply
with obligations under this convention, the
U.S.   is   working  with   the   Global
Environment   Facility   (a  joint   funding
program run by the  World Bank, the United
Nations  Environment  Program,  and  the
United  Nations  Development  Program)  to
carry  out  capacity-building programs  in
developing countries.

       In FY 2003, EPA will target new and
existing resources to: (1) provide  technical
and    financial    assistance    to    key
countries/regions, with an emphasis on those
whose releases most directly affect the U.S.
(e.g.,   Russia,  Central   America,  and  the
Caribbean); (2) address  key  priorities/areas
of need for each country  as well as gaps in
technical  and   financial  assistance;  (3)
maximize use  of  existing  bilateral  and
regional  partnerships, such  as the  North
American  Commission  on  Environmental
Cooperation  (NACEC)   and  the  Arctic
Council, to achieve efficiencies and leverage
funding;  and   (4)  support  international
cooperative efforts, such  as monitoring and
assessment, to identify trends and  establish


       EPA  will   assess  the   potential
consequences of global change  B including
climate  variability  and  change,  land use
changes, and  UV radiation B on air quality,
water quality, ecosystem  health, and  public
health.    EPA  will  also assess  potential
adaptation  strategies for  building  resilience
to global change, while responding to both
risks and opportunities.  The program will
continue to  focus on  providing  scientific
information to support  decision making by
policy  makers, resource managers, and other
stakeholders.  In  FY  2003,  EPA=s Global
Change   Research   Program   will   place
particular  emphasis   on  continuing  its
support   for   the   assessment   of  the
consequences  of global  change  within
regions  and  sectors,  the  ongoing  U.S.
National Assessment activities,  and  other
related   U.S.  Global   Change   Research
Program (USGCRP) assessment  activities.
The Program will emphasize assessing the
potential  effects of  climate  change  on
weather-related morbidity and will  continue
to support  the   maintenance  of  the  UV
monitoring  network and data  collection
using the network. Additional areas of focus
in  FY  2003   will   be continuing  the
assessment of  potential   consequences  of
global  change for air  quality (which  will
inform  air  quality  managers  and   other
decision  makers  about  how climate change
might  affect  regional   concentrations  of
criteria air pollutants), water  quality (which
will  inform  managers  of   public  water
systems of how climate change might affect

  Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross-Border Environmental Risks
water quality in  states and  localities),  and
aquatic ecosystem health.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

•      In  2003,  increase  the  number of
       residents in  the Mexico  border area
       who are protected from health risks,
       beach  pollution   and   damaged
       ecosystems  from  nonexistent  and
       failing   water   and   wastewater
       treatment  infrastructure by providing
       improved   water   and  wastewater

•      In  2003,  Great  Lakes  ecosystem
       components  will improve, including
       progress on fish contaminants, beach
       toxics, air  toxics, and trophic status.

•      In 2003, greenhouse gas emissions
       will be reduced from projected levels
       by approximately  73.5 MMTCE per
       year through EPA partnerships with
       businesses, schools, state and local
       governments,      and       other
       organizations   thereby   offsetting
       growth in  greenhouse gas emissions
above  1990  level by  about  20%.

In 2003, reduce energy consumption
from projected levels by more than
95     billion    kilowatt     hours,
contributing to  over  $11  billion in
energy savings  to  consumers  and

In    2003,    restrict     domestic
consumption  of  class   II  HCFCs
below  9,960  OOP-weighted metric
tonnes (ODP  MTs)  and  restrict
domestic  exempted production and
import of  newly produced class  1
CFCs and  halons below  10,000 ODP

In  2003,   reduce   environmental
exposure    to   US   and   selected
Countries of concern from Persistent
Organic Pollutants (POPs)  through
the implementation of the Stockholm
Convention on POPs.

In  2003,   enhance   environmental
management and institutional  capa-
bilities   in   priority    countries.
                                        VI- 8

Goal 6: Reduction of Global and Cross- Border Environmental Risks

Coal 6: Reduction of Environmental Risks Key
(dollars in thousands/

Climate Change Research
Climate Protection Program: Buildings
Climate Protection Program: Carbon Removal
Climate Protection Program: Industry
Climate Proicction Program: International Capacity Building
Climate Protection Program: State and Local Climate Change Program
Climate Protection Program: Transportation
Commission for Environmental Cooperation -C EC
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Environment and Trade
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Global Toxics
Global Trade Issues for Pesticides and Chemicals
Great Lakes
Great Lakes National Program Office
Legal Services
Management Services and Stewardship
Multilateral Fund
POPs Implementation
Regional and Global Environmental Policy Development
Stratospheric Ozone Protection
Technical Cooperation with Industrial and Developing Countries
U.S. - Mexico Border
Water Infrastructure: Mexico Border

FY 2002
S2 1,350.5
SI. 672.6
SI, 905. 9
55,602. 7

FY 2003
S2 1.729.3
$5, 364.6



     Goal 7:
Quality Environmental


                  Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
                    Strategic Goal:  The public and decision makers at all levels will  have
                    access to information about environmental conditions and human health to
                    inform decision making and help assess the general environmental health of
                    communities.  The public will also have access to educational services and
                    information services and  tools that  provide for the reliable  and secure
                    exchange of quality environmental information.
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (dollars' in thousands)
                                                       FY 2002    FY 2003   FY 2003 vs.
                                                       Enacted    Request    FY 2002
Quality Environmental Information
        $197,067.8  $199,124.0    $2,056.2
Increase Availability of Quality Health and Environmental
Information                                            $121,920.2  5120,414,7  ($1,505.5)
Provide Access to Tools for Using Environmental
         $53,261.9   $48,181.3   ($5,080.6)
Improve Agency Information Infrastructure and Security      $21,885.7   $30,528.0    $8,642.3
 Means and Strategy

       The purpose of this goal is to provide
 government  decision  makers   and  the
 American public with information about the
 environment.   Environmental  information
 can  better enable the public  to understand
 conditions and  make informed  decisions
 about   protecting  the  health   and  the
 environment  of local  communities.   It can
 lead to creative and sustainable solutions to
 environmental problems  and opportunities
 for  pollution prevention.   Environmental
 information  of   known  and documented
 quality is crucial  to sound decision making
 and   to   establishing  public   trust  and
confidence in those decisions.  EPA and its
partners  will  focus  on eight  activities to
accomplish this goal.

       First, EPA will  continue to increase
the availability of health and environmental
information by   providing  citizens  with
access    to    accurate    and    reliable
environmental  information.   For instance,
with the final expansion of Window To My
Environment   —  a  geographic  portal  to
community-based    environmental    in-
formation •— EPA is  moving forward on its
mandate   to   provide   the  public   with
electronic  and  non-electronic   access  to
accurate, useful, and  reliable environmental

                  Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
       The Agency will actively participate
 in several of ihe Administration's electronic
 government (e-gov)  initiatives, building on
 efforts started in 2002.  E-Gov is a major
 component of the President's Management
 Agenda  and  will  spur  government-wide
 service  improvements  and   efficiencies.
 EPA's work will include online rule-making
 (e-dockets), electronic dockets management,
 and participation in the human resources and
 financial     management     improvement

       The Agency's environmental justice
 program  will   help  communities  access
 information to  ensure that  they  do  not
 experience  a  disproportionate amount  of
 pollution.  Since 1994, more than 950 grants
 have    been   awarded    to   community
 organizations.    As a result of these grant
 awards,   community-based   organizations
 (i.e., grassroots groups, churches,  and other
 nonprofit   organizations)   have  expanded
 citizen involvement and given residents the
 tools  to  leam  more  about  exposure  to
 environmental harms and  about associated
 risks and to protect their families and their
 communities.  These  small   grants  have
 served    as    the    "seed-money"    for
 empowerment   of the residents  of  these
 communities, allowing them  to speak  for
 themselves and make their own decisions.  In
 2003, the  program will continue  to assist
community-based organizations through the
community small grants program.

       Key to achieving our objectives will
be the further development  of the Exchange
Network.    The  Network  builds  on  a
strengthened partnership between  EPA  and
the states.  It uses an internet-based, multi-
media    approach     to    environmental
information exchange that  is  standards-
based,   highly   connected,  flexible,  and
secure. The Exchange Network will provide
 a  wide  range  of  shared  environmental
 information to the states. Tribes, localities,
 regulated community, EPA, and the public.
 Additionally, through the information grant
 program,  begun  in 2002,  States and Tribes
 will be better positioned to participate in the
 Exchange Network.

       The  Central Data  Exchange (CDX)
 is  the  electronic  portal   through  which
 information is securely received, translated
 and  forwarded data to  EPA's data systems.
 In  2003, the CDX  infrastructure,  a key
 component of the Exchange Network, will
 service 45  states and  a  total  of  25,000
 facilities,  companies, and laboratories will
 use it to provide data to EPA electronically.
 By  widely  implementing   an   electronic
 reporting  infrastructure,  CDX  will  reduce
 reliance   on  less   efficient   paper-based
 processes,   resulting   in  improved   data
 quality, reduced reporting burden, and the
 creation   of   new    opportunities   for
 simplifying  the reporting  process.  By the
 end  of 2003,  electronic reporting through
 CDX will be possible for all of the national
 environmental systems.

       In 2003,  data  standards  will  be
 expanded to  include  additional areas of
 environmental  information.     Access  to
 related  information   for  use   by   EPA's
 partners  and stakeholders  will  be greatly
 enhanced    by   improvements   to   the
 Environmental Data Registries.  This system
 of registries  will continue  to  provide the
 technical  detail   needed  to promote the
adoption of data standards by other parties,
and will also provide authoritative sources
 for populating records, thereby promoting
data sharing and integration.

       Users of EPA's website  have  a tool
for notifying the Agency of potential errors
they find in the national environmental data

                 Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
systems. The error correction program is the
first step in an internal process by which the
Agency or a state will  assess all reported
potential errors, and  notify the  individual
who reported the error of the  findings and
corrective  actions.   This  program  will
continue to operate in 2003 and will serve as
the basis for the data and information quality
"complaint resolution process" called for in
the  Office of  Management and  Budget's
recently-published quality guidelines.

       Citizens    and    the    regulated
community will  have  greater online access
to  information  contained in  EPA's  rule-
making dockets.   The  Regulatory  Public
Access   System   will   be   the  internet
complement  to  EPA's  combined docket
facility, and will be first available in mid-
2002 and more fully  populated  in  2003.
This effort is part of the Administration's e-
government initiative.

       In  partnership  with  the  states,  the
Agency will continue  its efforts  to expand
publicly   available    information,   both
electronically via the  internet  and through
non-electronic media.   This  includes  the
Envirofacts   database,   a   major   data
warehouse   comprised   of  11   national
databases.  It is used  extensively by EPA,
the states, and the public.

       In 2003, the Agency will continue its
efforts to promote public access through  the
Agency's    Access    to    Interpretative
Documents  project  (formally   known  as
Enhanced  Public Access),  This  project is
designed to make all significant Agency
guidance,     policy     statements,    and
site-specific   interpretations   of   regulated
entities     environmental     management
practices  electronically   available to   the
states,  industry, and the public in  a secure
       EPA will continue to implement the
Toxics  Release  Inventory (TRI) Program.
The TRI Program  provides the public with
information  on  waste  management  and
releases  of chemicals  to  the  environment.
Two  laws. Section 313 of the  Emergency
Planning and Community Right-To-Know
Act (EPCRA) and  Section  6607  of  the
Pollution Prevention Act, mandate that EPA
annually collect  information on listed toxic
chemicals from certain industries and make
the  information  available  to   the  public
through various means, including a publicly
accessible  national  database.  Using  this
information,      citizens,      businesses,
community    groups,   researchers,   and
governments  can  work together to better
protect the environment.

       In 2003, EPA will continue to reduce
TRI  reporting burdens  on  industry  and
improve TRI data quality by distributing its
new software  tool, "TR1 Made-Easy (TRI-
ME)." EPA expects to further increase the
percentage  of TRI  reporting forms that are
submitted  in  digital  format,    EPA  will
continue to refine  and expand the  public's
understanding of TRI data by improving
data  access   tools  such  as   the   "TRI
Explorer."  In 2003, EPA will release data
for the first reporting year  since the Agency
lowered  the  TRI  reporting thresholds  for
lead and lead compounds in 2001. EPA will
also be issuing  a rule to transition  from
using the old industry classification system,
the Standard Industrial Code system, to the
new  classification   system,   the   North
American Industry Classification System for
TRI reporting.  As  part  of  its on-going
responsibilities   under    the   Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act (EPCRA), EPA will continue to respond
to petitions to add  and delete chemicals on
the TRI list and  to other petitions to amend
the program.

                  Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
       In 2003, the Agency will continue to
modernize  its   information   systems   in
cooperation with  the states. Modernization
efforts will focus on  data integration  and
data quality.  These projects will be planned
and  managed  under the Clinger-Cohen  Act
investment review with  oversight by EPA

       EPA's    information    technology
program  will  maintain its  commitment to
strong  customer  service  and  strategic
investment in  new technology  to ensure  our
continued  ability to  deliver  information
services    efficiently,    effectively,    and
securely.   Through emphasis  on acquiring
the right skills, technologies,  and services,
EPA will take additional  steps  to strengthen
and   secure   the  Agency's   information
technology infrastructure.   In 2003, EPA
will  implement a  program to ensure that all
of its  central  infrastructure, financial, and
mission critical environmental  systems  are
assessed  for potential  security  risks as part
of regular system  security plan  updating.

       EPA's  quality program  will continue
to develop the Agency-wide  policies and
procedures  for  planning,   documenting,
implementing, and assessing data collection
and  use  in Agency decisions. The quality
program will  also develop  training material
on   the   various  policies  and   oversee
implementation of EPA's  quality systems.


       In   FY 2003,   the Agency  will
continue  to provide technical  guidance  for
conducting risk assessments to improve  the
scientific basis for decision making.   To
achieve  this  goal,   the  Agency's  Risk
Assessment Forum will focus in three areas:
cumulative risk assessment, ecological risk
assessment,   and  risk  assessments   for
children.   Efforts will result in technical
guidance on the identification of appropriate
age groupings for exposure assessments for
children,  technical  issue  papers,  and  a
framework  for preparing  cumulative  risk
assessments.  EPA will also collect, manage,
and present environmental information  for
the benefit of the Agency and the public in
order to enhance the availability and utility
of data, information, and tools for decision
making.    To  that end, the  Agency  will
develop  and/or update Agency consensus
human   health  assessments   for   8-10
environmental substances of high priority to
EPA and  make them  publicly available on
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS).

2003 Annual Performance Goals

*      In  2003, decision makers have access
       to  the environmental data that EPA
       collects  and manages to make sound
       environmental    decisions    while
       minimizing the reporting  burden on
       data providers.

•      In  2003, the public will have better
       information  on  toxic  releases  and
       wastes  being   managed  in  their
       communities.   EPA will  also work
       with the owners and  operators  of
       facilities  to   reduce   the   record-
       keeping  and    reporting   burdens
       associated with  submitting their TRI
       forms to EPA by 14%.

*      In  2003, ensure that EPA's policies,
       programs  and  activities   address
       disproportionately   exposed   and
       under-represented population issues
       so    that   no   segment   suffers
       disproportionately   from   adverse
       health and environmental effects.

          Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
In 2003, the public will have access
to a wide range of Federal, state, and
local   information   about    local
environmental    conditions    and
features in an area of their choice.
In 2003, OMB reports that all EPA
information  systems  meet/exceed
established standards for security.

              Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
             Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information Key Programs
                                   (dollar.'! in thousands)
Capacity Building
Communicating Research Information
Community Assistance
Congressional Projects
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Congressional/Legislative Analysis
Correspondence Coordination
Data Collection
Data Management
Data Standards
Direct Public Information and Assistance
Environmental Education Division
Environmental Justice
Executive Support
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Homeland Security*
information Exchange Network
Information Integration
Information Technology  Management
Intergovernmental Relations - OA
Legal Services
Management Services and Stewardship
Multi-Media Communications
NACEPT Support
NAFTA Implementation
National Association Liaison
Pesticide Registration
Pesticide Reregistration
Public Access
Regional Management
Regional Operations and  Liaison
FY 2002

               Goal 7: Quality Environmental Information
 Regulatory Development                                           $5,000.5        $4,817.4
 Reinventing Environmental Information (RE1)                         $8,623.8        $7,900.0
 SBREFA                                                          $686.2         $608.8
 Small, Minority, Women-Owned Business Assistance                    $2,295,5        $3,305.0
 System Modernization                                            $13.690,0       SI3.690.0
 Toxic Release Inventory / Right-to-Know (RtK)                        $14,155.6       $15.293.2
 Web Products Quality Control                                         $879.5         S767.0
*FY 2002 does not include $175.6 million provided in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for
Homeland Security,


       Goal 8:
Sound Science, Improved
    Understanding of
 Environmental Risk and
  Greater Innovation to
 Address Environmental


  Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
   Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
    ! *; «*'
                  Strategic Goal: EPA will develop and apply the best available science for
                  addressing  current  and future environmental  hazards as well  as  new
                  approaches toward improving environmental protection.
                               Resource Summary
                               (dollars in thousands)
                                              FY 2002     FY 2003    FY 2003 vs.
                                              Enacted     Request     FY 2002
Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Env.
Risk, and Greater Innovation to Address Env.
$336,066.9   $327,837,9    ($8,229.0)
Conduct Research for Ecosystem Assessment and
$120,594.7   $119,114.6    ($1,480.1)
Improve Scientific Basis to Manage Environmental
Hazards and Exposures
 $53,021.7    $56,355.0      $3.333.3
Enhance Capabilities to Respond to Future
Environmental Developments
 $62,808.9    $50,965.8   ($11,843.1)
Improve Environmental Systems Management

Quantify Environmental Results of Partnership
 $57,723.6    $52,274.1    ($5,449.5)
  $8,672.7     $9,058.4
Incorporate Innovative Approaches
$23,324.5    $29,787.9
Demonstrate Regional Capability to Assist
Environmental Decision- Making
  $6,677.9     $6,591.8
Conduct Peer Review to Improve Agency
  $3,242.9     $3,690.3

  Goal 8:  Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
    Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
 Means and Strategy

       EPA is continuing to ensure that it is
 a  source  of sound scientific and technical
 information, and that  it is  on the  leading
 edge    of   environmental    protection
 innovations that will allow  achievement  of
 our  strategic   objectives.    The  Agency
 consults  a number of  expert sources, both
 internally and externally, and uses several
 deliberative steps  in planning  its  research
 programs.  As a starting point, the Agency
 draws  input from  the  EPA  Strategic Plan,
 available  research plans,  EPA  program
 offices   and  Regions,  Federal  research
 partners, and outside  peer advisory  bodies
 such as the Science Advisory Board (SAB).
 This input is used  internally by cross-office
 teams  that  prioritize  research  areas using
 risk  and  other  factors  such  as National
 Science  and Technology  Council  (NSTC)
 research  and development priorities, client
 office priorities, court orders, and legislative
 mandates.     EPA's   research  program
 increases     our     understanding     of
 environmental  processes and our capability
 to assess environmental risks to both human
 health and ecosystems.

       In the area of ecosystem protection
 research.  EPA  will   strive  to establish
 baseline conditions from which changes, and
 ultimately trends, in the ecological condition
 of the  Nation's aquatic ecosystems can be
 confidently documented, and  from which the
 results   of  environmental    management
 policies can be evaluated at  regional scales.
 Currently,   there   is   a   patchwork   of
 monitoring underway in the aquatic systems
 of the U.S. Due to differences in objectives,
 methods,  monitoring  designs,  and   needs.
these data cannot be combined  to estimate,
with known confidence, the magnitude or
extent  of  improvement  or   degradation
 regionally or nationally in this economically
 critical  resource.  Therefore, the ability  to
 demonstrate    success    or    failure    of
 increasingly flexible watershed management
 policies, regionally  and  nationally, is  also
 not possible.   EPA's ecosystem  protection
 research program is providing the methods
 and designs to address these weaknesses.  In
 FY 2003. EPA will produce a report on the
 condition of the nation's  estuaries.   This
 report  will  provide the  first  integrated,
 comprehensive,  and   statistically   valid
 national report card on  the health  of a
 specific aquatic resource.   This work is an
 important  step   toward  providing   the
 scientific understanding to measure, model.
 maintain,   and   restore  the  integrity  and
 sustainability of ecosystems.

       In order to  improve  the scientific
 basis    for   identifying,   characleri/ing,
 assessing,  and  managing   environmental
 exposures that  can  pose the greatest health
 risks  to  the   American  public,  EPA  is
 committed  to  developing  and  verifying
 innovative   methods  and   models   for
 assessing   the   susceptibilities   of   sub-
 populations,    such   as   children,    to
 environmental  agents  such  as  pesticides.
 Many  of the  current  human  health  risk
 assessment methods, models,  and databases
 are based on environmental risks for adults.
 This research is aimed at enhancing current
 risk assessment and management strategies
 and   guidance   to   better  consider   risk
 determination   needs  for  children.   This
 information will  be useful in determining
 whether children are more susceptible to
 environmental risks than adults and how to
 assess risks to children.

       EPA's leadership  role in protecting
both  human and ecosystem health requires
that the Agency continue  to  be vigilant in

  Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
    Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
identifying and addressing emerging issues.
EPA will continue to enhance its capabilities
to anticipate,  understand, and  respond to
future  environmental  developments.   EPA
will    address   these   uncertainties   by
conducting research  in areas that combine
human health and ecological considerations.
Continued research in the areas of endocrine
disrupting chemicals and mercury is leading
toward  the   development  of  improved
methodologies for integrated human  health
and  environmental  risk  assessment  and
sound  approaches  for  risk management.
EPA will  conduct research  to enhance its
capacity to evaluate the economic costs and
benefits  and   other  social  impacts  of
environmental    policies.  These  efforts,
undertaken in  concert with other agencies,
will  result  in  improved  methods to  assess
economic   costs  and  benefits,   such  as
improved economic assessments of land use
policies and improved assessments for the
valuation of children's  health, as  well as
other  social   impacts  of  environmental

       The   Agency   also   seeks   to
characterize,   prevent,   and   clean   up
contaminants  associated  with high priority
human health  and environmental problems
through the development and verification of
improved    environmental   tools     and
technologies.     EPA  will  incorporate a
holistic approach to pollution prevention by
assessing   the   interaction   of  multiple
stressors   threatening  both  human   and
environmental  health, and  by developing
cost-effective  responses  to those stressors.
Research will  also explore  the  principles
governing  sustainable  systems  and  the
integration   of   social,   economic,    and
environmental  objectives in  environmental
assessment and management. Emphasis will
be  placed  on  developing  and  assessing
preventive approaches  for  industries  and
communities   having  difficulty   meeting
pollution   standards.     The  Agency   is
accumulating data on performance and costs
of environmental pollution prevention  and
control  technologies that will  serve as  a
basis  for   EPA,   as  well   as  other
organizations,  to  evaluate  and  compare
effectiveness  and  costs  of  a  variety  of
technologies  developed  within and outside
the Agency.

       In  FY 2003.  EPA will improve its
regulatory and policy development process.
The  Agency  will  strengthen  the policy
analysis   of  key   regulator)  and  non-
regulatory  actions,  improve the economic
analysts  underlying  Agency  actions,  and
improve  the  regulator)  and  policy action
information management system.

       The Agency also seeks  to develop
and  verify improved tools, methodologies.
and  technologies for modeling,  measuring,
characterizing, preventing, controlling,  and
cleaning  up  contaminants associated with
high    priority    human    health    and
environmental problems.  In order to do this,
EPA  will  develop, evaluate,  and deliver
technologies and approaches that eliminate,
minimize,  or control  high risk  pollutants
from  multiple sectors.    Emphasis will be
placed  on  preventive   approaches   for
industries and communities having difficulty
meeting control/emission/effluent standards.

       EPA's    strategy    for    solving
environmental problems and improving  our
system of environmental protection includes
developing,   implementing   and   insti-
tutionalizing new policy tools, collaborative
community-based    and    sector-based
strategies, and the  capacity to experiment.
test,  and disseminate innovative  ideas that

  Goal 8:  Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
    Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
 result in better environmental outcomes.  In
 each  area. EPA is looking  to advance the
 application   of  the   innovative  tool   or
 approach by  promoting broader  testing and
 incorporation    into    our    system    of
 environmental  protection and   to  support
 collaborative partnerships for environmental
 management  based upon prudent analysis
 and decision  methodologies.  For example,
 EPA's Sector Program Plan  2001-2005 sets
 forth  a   vision  and   specific   actions  to
 enhance   the  effectiveness  of  innovative
 sector activities (at the Federal and state
 levels)   and   to   fully  integrate   sector
 approaches   into   the   Agency's  overall
 mission and core programs.  Similarly, EPA
 is  strengthening its  capacity to  evaluate
 innovative    approaches    and    make
 institutional changes  that adopt  successful

       EPA's community-based approach
 works to provide integrated assessment tools
 and information and  direct assistance  for
 environmental protection in partnership with
 local, state, and Tribal  governments.   The
 work  focuses on building  the capacity of
 communities   to   work  effectively    at
 identifying and solving environmental issues
 in ways that support healthy local  economies
 and improved quality of life.

       Sector strategies  complement current
 EPA activities by  allowing  the  Agency to
 approach  issues  more   holistically;  tailor
 efforts to the particular characteristics of
 each  sector;   identify  related   groups  of
 stakeholders with interest in  a set of issues;
 link EPA's  efforts with those of other
 agencies;  and  craft  new   approaches  to
 environmental protection.  EPA  is building
 on  successful  experiences from  its  current
sector-based  programs  and  sector-based
compliance assistance programs  to expand
 the ways in which the Agency is working in
 partnership with industry  sectors to meet
 high environmental standards using flexible.
 innovative approaches. These programs also
 foster the development of innovations at the
 industry sector level, testing new regulatory
 ideas, technologies, tools, and incentives in
 non-adversarial  settings.   In  a somewhat
 related effort. EPA is exploring the potential
 for broader use of a sector-based regulatory
 model for small businesses developed by the
 state of Massachusetts.


 Research  for Ecosystem Assessment  and

       In order to balance the  growth of
 human activity with the need to  protect the
 environment, it  is important to  understand
 the current  condition of ecosystems, what
 stressors are changing that  condition, what
 the effects are of those changes, and what
 can be done to prevent, mitigate,  or adapt to
 those changes.    In  FY   2003 EPA  is
 proposing an initiative to refine and extend
 the   Environmental    Monitoring    and
 Assessment Program's (EMAP) approach to
 the large  rivers  of the  Mississippi  River
 Basin (the Central Basin).  The large rivers
 of the Central Basin are the  inland receiving
 waters  for  the  majority of the Nation's
 heartland, and are the link between small
 upland  streams  and the Gulf of Mexico.
 Through cooperative  programs  with  the
 Regions. States, Tribes, and other Federal
agencies in the Central Basin. EPA proposes
to fill remaining scientific gaps (indicators,
sampling     design,     and     sampling
methodology)  currently limiting  our ability
to measure  the  condition  of  large  rivers.
EPA will  use  this information, along with
that provided by other agencies,  to develop

  Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
   Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
future baseline assessments of Central Basin
rivers.   The  approaches  and  technology
developed   within  this  effort  will   be
transferred to the many responsible parties
within   the  Basin to  enable  coordinated,
scientifically     defensible.     long-term
monitoring of the condition  of these rivers
that   can   help  inform   environmental
management decisions affecting these rivers
as well  as  the  Gulf of Mexico,    These
approaches and technologies will also have
widespread  applicability  to  all  of  the
Nation's large rivers. Also in FY 2003, the
National   Coastal   Assessment    (NCA)
program will  produce a  report  on  the
condition  of the nation's  estuaries.  This
report will provide the  EPA and Congress
with the first integrated, comprehensive, and
statistically valid national report card on the
health of a specific aquatic resource.
Research   Jar   Human    Health   Risk

       To  reduce  uncertainties   in  risk
assessment,  in  FY  2003   human health
research   will   develop    measurements,
methods, and models to evaluate exposures
and effects of environmental contaminants,
particularly in children.  The Agency will
continue  to  support  a  children's health
research  program  specifically  targeted  at
addressing major areas  of uncertainty and
susceptibility.  In  an   effort  to  address
children's exposure in  daycare centers and
school environments, HPA is  proposing new
research   to  develop  information   on
exposure,  determinants of  exposure  for
children    in     school   and    daycare
environments,  and  approaches to  reduce
potentially harmful  exposures, and to link
these  with health outcomes that  can be
measured  using  school health  attendance
and performance records.  Other children's
research focuses on  asthma and data gaps
(e.g., the Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study).

       EPA will also conduct research  on
the  influence  of   genetic  factors   on
responsiveness to environmental chemicals.
The   main  scientific  question  for this
research is whether genetic  differences are
sufficient to  influence  risk  assessment.
Along with the current program designed to
address  aggregate and cumulative risks, in
FY 2003 the Agency is proposing increased
efforts  to  more comprehensively  address
these  areas.  This research is intended  to
complement  and  build  on  EPA's  draft
Human  Health Research  Strategy.    New
research will  address temporal variation in
exposures and its influence on health effects,
methods for predicting the  relative toxicity
of mixture components, the development of
biological  markers   that   can  quantify
exposure, effects and susceptibility, and the
use of the biological data and information  on
biological mechanisms and mode of action
to assess cumulative risk.
Research   to   Enhance
Decision Making,
       In  recent years. EPA  has  begun to
move beyond  environmental  regulation to
anticipate  and  prevent potential  problems
before they evolve into major concerns.  In
FY 2003,  research will focus  on improving
our understanding of the impacts of potential
exposure   to   environmental  pollutants,
particularly endocrine disrupting chemicals
(EDCs) and mercury, on human health  and
the  environment,  and   on   developing
approaches  to  reduce  human  health  and
ecological risks.  This research will result in
accessible and seamless methodologies for
combined  human  health and ecological  risk

  Goal 8: Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
    Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
assessments.   Additional research  results
will include  an  improved framework for
decision-making,   increased    ability   to
anticipate and perhaps  prevent potentially
serious   environmental   risks,  improved
methods  for  assessing   socio-economic
factors,  and enhanced communication with
the public and other stakeholders. EPA will
also direct  special  grant  solicitations  to
support  research  at  Minority Institutions.
This program specifically assists minority
institutions in establishing and supporting
environmental research activities that would
build  capacity   to  assess   and   solve
environmental problems.  The  cumulative
result of EPA research is to provide sound
approaches for risk management to decision
makers, providing them  with the integrated
view of risk  needed to  make  intelligent

Improve Environmental
Systems Management

      In   FY  2003,   the  Agency  will
continue  its   systems-based  approach  to
pollution prevention, which will lead  to a
more thorough assessment of human health
and  environmental  risks  and  a  more
comprehensive management of those risks.
EPA will  develop tools  and methodologies
to prevent pollution  at its source and will
evaluate    environmental     technologies
through   the   Environmental   Technology
Verification (ETV) Program.  Research will
also develop methodologies to  better convey
the  social, economic,  and environmental
costs and benefits  of reducing environmental
risks.  Additionally,  through  the  National
Environmental  Technology    Competition
(NETC). EPA will  recognize  and reward
innovative technologies  that produce more
effective  and  lower  cost   solutions  to
environmental problems.  In FY 2003,  EPA
plans to develop competitive solicitations
for  technologies   in  various  areas   of
environmental concern,  including arsenic
treatment technologies for small community
drinking water systems.   Research efforts
will also focus on the reduction of persistent
bioaccumulative  toxics (PBTs) and volatile
organic compounds (VOCs).  This work will
enhance EPA's  ability to  mitigate  harm
caused by environmental pollutants and will
provide the public and private sectors with
cost-effective environmental technologies.

Regulatory and Policy Development

              EPA    will   improve    its
regulatory and policy development process
by  strengthening the policy analysis of key
regulator)'  and   non-regulator)'   actions.
improving the economic analysis underlying
Agency   actions,   and   improving   the
regulatory and  policy  action information
management system.

Increased C '(immunity-Based Approaches

              Regional        Geographic
Initiatives (RGI) are  an approach  HPA
Regional offices  use to partner with states,
local  governments,   private  organizations.
and others to  solve environmental problems
that are of particular local concern to  the
Regions and States.

Science Advisory Board  Peer Review and

       The Agency will continue to support
the  activities,  principally  peer reviews,  of
the   SAB.  which  provides  independent
technical  advice to  Congress  and   the
Administrator on  scientific, engineering, and
economic   issues   that   serve   as   the
underpinnings for Agency positions,  from

  Goal 8:  Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
   Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
research direction to regulations.  The SAB
helps  the Agency to "do the right science"
and  to  use the results  of that  science
appropriately  and  effectively in  making
regulatory decisions.  In so doing, the SAB
promotes sound science within the Agency
and a wider recognition of the quality of that
science outside the Agency.  In this regard,
the SAB is active  in consulting  with  the
Agency  on how  to  incorporate  science
appropriately and effectively  into the new-
approaches the  Agency  is using  to make
environmental decisions.

20(13 Annual Performance Goals

•      In 2003, provide  the public with a
      reliable   and  statistically   valid
      baseline  for  the  condition of  the
      Nation's  estuaries against which to
measure the success of ecosystem
protection   and  risk  management

In 2003, develop 10 testing protocols
and   complete   40   technology
verifications   for   a   cumulative
Environmental   Technology  Veri-
fication (ETV)  program total of 230
to aid industry,  states, and consumers
in choosing effective technologies to
protect the  public and environment
from high risk pollutants.

In   2003,    EPA    will    direct
enforcement actions  to  maximize
compliance    and   address   en-
vironmental  and  human   health

  Goal 8:  Sound Science, Improved Understanding of Environmental
    Risk and Greater Innovation to Address Environmental Problems
                               Goal 8: Sound Science Key Programs
                                      (dollars in thousands)
Coastal Environmental Monitoring
Common Sense Initiative
Congressional ly Mandated Projects
Ecosystems Condition, Protection and Restoration Research
Endocrine Disruptor Research
Environmental  Monitoring and Assessment Program, EMAP
Environmental  Technology Verification (ETV)
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Homeland Security*
Human Health  Research
Legal Services
Management Services and Stewardship
Performance Track
Regional Geographic Program
Regional Science and Technology
Regulatory Development
Research to Support Emerging Issues
Research to Support FQPA
Research to Support Pollution Prevention
Science Advisory Board
Small Business Ombudsman
STAR Fellowships Program
Superfund Remedial Actions
FY 2002
   SI 0,722,4
   SI 5,031.0
    $ 1,217.0
*FY 2002 does not include $175.6 million provided in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for
Homeland Security,

       Goal 9:
 A Credible Deterrent to
  Pollution and Greater
Compliance with the Law


   Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
                                    With the Law
                   Strategic Goal: EPA will ensure full compliance with the laws intended to
                   protect human health and the environment.
                                  Resource Summary
                                  (dollars in thousands)
                                                    FY 2002    FY 2003   FY 2003 vs.
                                                    Enacted    Request    FY 2002
 A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater
 Compliance with the Law

 Increase Compliance Through Enforcement

 Promote Compliance Through Incentives and

      $386,539.6 $402,462.9   $15,923.3
      $330,771.1  $346,590.5   $15,819.4
       $55,768.5   $55,872.4
         2,442.5     2,330.7     (111.8)
Means and Strategies

       Many   of    the    environmental
improvements in this country during the past
30 years can be attributed to a strong set of
environmental  laws  and  EPA's  ensuring
compliance with the laws using a variety of
tools  including:  enforcement,  compliance
monitoring,  compliance  assistance,  and
compliance incentives in cooperation with
our regulatory partners.

       Due to  the breadth  and  diversity of
private,   public,  and  federal   facilities
regulated by EPA under various statutes, the
Agency needs to target its  enforcement and
compliance assurance activities  strategically
to address the most significant  risks to
human health and the environment and to
ensure that certain populations do not bear a
disproportionate environmental burden.  A
strong  enforcement   program  identifies
noncompiiance   problems,   assists   the
regulated   community   in  understanding
environmental    laws   and   regulations,
punishes violators,  strives to secure a level
economic  playing  field  for  law-abiding
companies,  and deters future  violations.
EPA's continued enforcement efforts will be
strengthened through  the  development of
measures   to   assess   the   impact  of
enforcement activities and assist in targeting
areas  that pose risks to  human health or the
environment,  display   patterns  of non-
compliance and  include disproportionately
exposed  populations.  Further,   EPA   co-
operates with other nations to enforce and
ensure  compliance  with   environmental

   Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
                                    With the Law
       The Agency reviews and evaluates
 the activities of the regulated community to
 determine compliance with applicable laws,
 regulations,    permit    conditions   and
 settlement   agreements  and to  determine
 whether conditions presenting imminent and
 substantial   endangerment   exist.     The
 majority   of   workyears    devoted    to
 compliance monitoring are provided to the
 regions to conduct investigations and on-site
 inspections  including monitoring, sampling
 and   emissions   testing.      Compliance
 monitoring activities are both environmental
 media  and  sector-based.  The traditional
 media-based inspections  compliment those
 performed  by States and Tribes and are a
 key  strategy for meeting the long-term and
 annual goals established  for the air, water,
 pesticides,  toxic substances, and hazardous
 waste environmental goals  included in the
 EPA Strategic Plan.

       The   Agency's   enforcement  and
 compliance   assurance    program    uses
 compliance assistance and incentive tools  to
 ensure   compliance    with   regulatory
 requirements and  reduce  adverse  public
 health  and  environmental  problems.  To
 achieve    compliance,    the    regulated
 community  must  understand its regulatory
 obligations and how to comply with those
 obligations.   EPA supports the  regulated
 community  by assuring  that  requirements
 are  clearly  understood  and  by  helping
 industry  find  cost-effective  options   to
 comply   through   the   use  of  pollution
 prevention   and  innovative  technologies.
 EPA also enables other assistance providers
 (e.g.,   states,  universities)   to    provide
 compliance  information  to  the  regulated
 community. Maximum compliance requires
the  active  efforts   of   the   regulated
community  to  police   itself.  EPA   will
continue    to   investigate    options   for
 encouraging    self-directed    audits   and
 disclosure;   measure  and   evaluate   the
 effectiveness   of   Agency   programs   in
 improving   compliance   rates;    provide
 information  and  compliance assistance  to
 the  regulated  community;  and  develop
 innovative    approaches    to    meeting
 environmental  standards  through  better
 communication, cooperative approaches and
 application of new technologies.

       State, tribal and local governments
 bear much of the responsibility for ensuring
 compliance, and EPA works  in partnership
 with them and other Federal agencies to
 promote environmental protection.  Further,
 EPA  cooperates   with   other  nations   to
 enforce   and  ensure   compliance  with
 environmental  regulations.  At the Federal
 level. EPA addresses its  uniquely  Federal
 responsibilities     under    the    National
 Environmental  Policy  Act   (NEPA)  by
 seeking  remedies  for potentially adverse
 impacts of major actions taken by EPA and
 other Federal agencies.


 En vironmental Enforcement

       Coordinating  its  activities with the
 states,   EPA   will  continue  to   support
 deterrence  and compliance  activities  by
 focusing its compliance  monitoring on site
 inspections and investigations. In setting the
 compliance and enforcement  priorities and
 strategic direction of  the program,  EPA
coordinates its  efforts with and solicits the
views of our states partners.  The Agency
uses the State/EPA Enforcement Forum as a
vehicle  in  advancing the coordination  of
efforts  for  joint strategic planning between
EPA and the states.

   Goal 9: A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
                                    With the Law
       The  Agency  will continue to work
 with States  and  Tribes  to target areas  that
 pose   risks  to  human   health  or   the
 environment,  display  patterns  of   non-
 compliance,  or  include disproportionately
 exposed  populations.   Media-specific  and
 industry  sector-based priorities  have  been
 established for the national program through
 the Office of Enforcement and Compliance
 Assurance's  Memorandum  of  Agreement
 2002/2003    guidance,    developed     in
 conjunction  with the Regional offices.

       The  civil and criminal enforcement
 program, in contributing to  EPA's goal to
 protect public health and the environment,
 targets  its  actions   based  on  health  and
 environmental risk.   The program aims to
 level the economic playing field by ensuring
 that  violators do not realize an economic
 benefit  from noncompliance and seeks  to
 deter  future  violations.   In FY 2003,  the
 Agency's  enforcement  initiatives include
 enforcement  of  the  lead  paint  rules,  and
 modernization of its data systems to assist in
 targeting  compliance  and   enforcement

 State,  Tribal, and International Capacity

       A strong state and tribal enforcement
 and    compliance    assurance   presence
 contributes  to creating  deterrence and  to
 reducing  noncompliance. In FY 2003, the
enforcement  and  compliance  assurance
programs will work with and support state
agencies   implementing  authorized,   de-
 legated,   or    approved    environmental
 programs.  Consistent with  regulations  and
 EPA policy, the Agency  will provide an
appropriate level of oversight and guidance
to States  to  ensure  that  environmental
 regulations   are   fairly   and  consistently
 enforced across the nation.

       The  Agency provides grant funding,
 oversight, training and technical assistance
 to States and Tribes. The state and  tribal
 grant  programs   are  designed  to  build
 environmental partnerships with  States and
 Tribes and strengthen their ability to address
 environmental  and  public  health  threats.
 These threats include contaminated drinking
 water, pesticides  in food, hazardous waste,
 toxic substances and air pollution.

       Meeting  its objective  of achieving
 the benefits of environmental  requirements
 through an  enforcement  presence  requires
 EPA to effectively implement international
 commitments  for enforcement  and  com-
 pliance cooperation  with  other countries,
 especially  those  along  the   U.S.  border.
 Through such arrangements, EPA works to
 reduce environmental risks to  U.S. citizens
 from external sources of pollution, as well as
 to prevent or reduce the impact of pollution
 originating in the United States.

 Compliance Incentives and Assistance

       The Agency will continue to support
 the regulated community's compliance with
 environmental     requirements    through
 voluntary    compliance   incentives   and
 assistance programs.    In FY  2003, the
 compliance    incentives    program    will
 continue  to  implement   the  policy  on
 Incentives for Self-Policing, Small Business
 Compliance  Policy and Small Communities
 Policy as core elements of the enforcement
and  compliance  assurance program.   In
addition,   the   Agency   will   provide
 information  and technical assistance to the
regulated    community    through    the
compliance assistance program to  increase

   Goal 9:  A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
                                    With the Law
its understanding of statutory and regulatory
environmental    requirements,     thereby
reducing  risk  to  human  health  and  the
environment    and    gaining   measurable
improvements in compliance.  The program
will  continue  to  develop  strategies  and
compliance assistance tools that will support
initiatives   targeted   toward   improving
compliance   in  specific  industrial   and
commercial    sectors   or   with   certain
regulatory   requirements.    The  annual
Compliance   Assistance   Activity   Plan
provides information on planned compliance
assistance activities in the upcoming fiscal
year and will serve as a reference for  other
assistance  providers  and  the  public  on
EPA's planned  tools and  activities.  The
Agency will continue to support the sector
based   Compliance   Assistance   Centers,
update   the   Compliance  Clearinghouse,
sponsor a Federal advisory committee  on
compliance assistance and  will  continue to
develop and enhance a platform from which
to launch additional assistance centers.

2003 Annual Performance Goals

       In    2003,    EPA    will    direct
       enforcement   actions to  maximize
       compliance  and  address   environ-
       mental and human health problems.

       In    2003,    EPA  will   conduct
       inspections, criminal investigations,
       and civil investigations  targeted  to
       areas that pose risks to human health
       or the environment,  display patterns
       of  non-compliance,  or    include
       disproportionately   exposed   pop-

*       In  2003, EPA will provide  direct
       investigative,  forensic, and  technical
       support to the Office of Homeland
Defense, FBI and /or other federal,
state  and  local   law  enforcement
agencies to help detect and prevent,
or   respond   to,   terrorist-related
environmental,     biological     or
chemical incidents.

In 2003, identify noncompliance, and
focus enforcement  and compliance
assurance  on  human  health  and
environmental     problems,     by
maintaining and  improving quality
and accuracy of data.

In 2003, improve capacity of states,
localities  and  Tribes  to  conduct
enforcement     and    compliance
programs. EPA will provide training
as well  as assistance with state and
tribal inspections to  build capacity,
including   implementation   of the
inspector  credentials program for
tribal law enforcement personnel.

In   2003,   increase   opportunities
through   new    targeted    sector
initiatives    for    industries     to
voluntarily  self-disclose and correct
violations on a corporate-wide basis.

In  2003,  increase  the  regulated
community's    compliance     with
environmental requirements through
their expanded  use  of compliance
assistance.     The  Agency   will
continue to  support  small  business
compliance  assistance  centers  and
develop compliance assistance  tools
such  as   sector   notebooks   and
compliance guides.

Goal 9:  A Credible Deterrent to Pollution and Greater Compliance
                                   With the Law
                        Goal 9: Deterrent to Pollution Key Programs
                                   (dollars in thousands)
  Capacity Building
  Civil Enforcement
  Compliance Assistance and Centers
  Compliance Incentives
  Compliance Monitoring
  Criminal Enforcement
  Data Management
  Enforcement Training
  Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
  Homeland Security*
  Legal Services
  Management Services and Stewardship
  ME PA Implementation
  RCRA Enforcement State Grants
  Regional Management
  Sector Grants
  State Multimedia Enforcement Grants
  State Pesticides Enforcement Grants
  State Toxics Enforcement Grants
 *FY 2002 dues not include $175, A million provided in she Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for
 Homeland SecuritY.


  Goal 10:


                         Goal 10: Effective Management
                 Strategic  Goal:    EPA will maintain  the  highest-quality standards  for
                 environmental leadership and for effective internal management and  fiscal
                 responsibility by managing for results.
                                  Resource Summary
                                  (dollars in thousands)
                                                 FY 2002       FY 2003     FY 2003 vs.
                                                 Enacted       Request      FY 2002
Effective Management
$424,928.0   $460,963.2     $36,035.2
Provide Leadership
 $47,207.9     S49.767.0
Manage for Results Through Services, Policies,
and Operations
$186,431.5   $201,462.0     $15,030.5
Provide Quahty Work Environment
$139,327.3   $156,141.5     $16,814.2
Provide Audit, Evaluation, and Investigative
Products and Services
 $51,961.4    $53,592.7
Means and Strategy

       The Agency will continue to provide
vision, leadership, policy and oversight for
all  its programs and partnerships.  It will
employ management strategies  to advance
the protection  of  human  health and  the
environment. Strategies that cut across all
organizational  boundaries and  are  key  to
performing the Agency's mission are:

*      Developing  partnerships  with stake-
       holders to ensure mutual goals are

*      Promoting cost-effective investment
       in  environmental   protection  and
       public    health   through   sound
   stewardship and responsible results-
   based  management.  EPA works  to
   achieve  this goal through  keeping
   pace   with   technological   change,
   meeting    accounting    standards,
   consulting   with   customers  and
   stakeholders, and improving delivery
   of services;

   Providing responsive and  account-
   table management;

   Assessing  management  challenges
   and  program  risks  identified  by
   Congress, oversight agencies, EPA's
   OIG and State and Tribal partners;

                         Goal 10: Effective Management
 *      Committing   to   manage   human
       resources; foster diversity; and work
       to secure,  develop, empower, and
       retain talented people to accomplish
       the Agency's environmental mission;

 *      Investing in core infrastructure that
       promote energy efficiency and green
       procurement, and  maintain  a  safe,
       healthy,   and   productive   work

 •      Implementing    of    streamlined
       systems and processes in grants and
       contracts/management; and

 •      Recognizing    of    the    special
       vulnerability  of children and other
       sensitive  sub-populations,  such  as
       older  Americans,  to  environmental
       risks and facilitating the  intensified
       commitment to protect children and
       the elderly.

       EPA will continue to aggressively
 implement its  action plan  in support of the
 Agency's Strategy for Human Capital. This
 strategy  will  enable EPA to attract, retain
 and  further develop a diverse  workforce
 prepared  to   meet   current  and   future
 challenges. Building on work that began  in
 1998, EPA's  goals for  human capital  will
 focus   on  implementing   a   workforce
 planning     model,     completing     a
 comprehensive pay review, and developing
 delivery  systems and processes to enhance
 the  training  and  development  of  EPA's

       In continuing to provide  a  quality
work environment  that is energy conscious
and values employee safety and security, the
Agency   will   implement   repair   and
improvement   projects  at  several  EPA
facilities. These facilities provide  the tools
 essential to research innovative solutions for
 current and future environmental problems
 and   enhance   our   understanding   of
 environmental  risks.  In  FY 2003,  EPA's
 goals  in  this area are aimed  at  reducing
 energy consumption   at  its  facilities  by
 encouraging  the use of new and advanced
 technologies     and    energy     savings
 performance contracts.

       By building on the success of its
 integrated    planning,   budgeting,   and
 accountability  processes   and  initiatives,
 EPA  promotes the implementation  of  the
 Government  Performance and Results Act
 (GPRA) to  ensure sound  stewardship  of
 Agency  fiscal  resources.  As part  of this
 effort,  the  Agency   is   improving  its
 capabilities  to  use performance data and
 other  information to  make cost-effective
 investments for environmental results. EPA
 collaborates extensively with partners and
 stakeholders  to   forge  the  partnerships
 required  for  shared approaches  to meeting
 the challenges of the GPRA. EPA consults
 with    internal    customers   on    fiscal
 management services to meet their needs for
 timeliness, efficiency and quality.

       Audit, evaluation, investigative, and
 advisory products and services contribute to
 effective  management  by   facilitating  the
 accomplishment  of the Agency's  mission.
 Specifically,   audits,   evaluations,   and
 advisory   services  lead   to   improved
 economy,  efficiency,  and  effectiveness in
 EPA  business practices  and assist  in  the
accomplishment   of  environmental  goals.
 Investigations  detect and  deter  fraud and
other improprieties which can undermine  the
 integrity  of EPA programs  and resources.
 All Office of  Inspector General  work  is
 focused on the anticipated value it will have
on  influencing resolution of the Agency's
major  management  challenges,  reducing

                         Goal 10: Effective Management
 risk,  improving management and  program
 operations,  and  saving  taxpayer  dollars
 while  leading to the attainment of EPA's
 strategic goals.

       The   Agency  will   continue  its
 commitment to protect children's health by
 targeting  resources  towards  activities that
 will assure that the decisions and actions
 taken  by the  Agency consider  risks to
 children,  including  working to  develop
 sound  scientific information  to provide the
 basis for  these decisions and actions. The
 Agency will  also  provide policy direction
 and  guidance   on   equal   employment
 opportunity and civil rights.  The Agency's
 Administrative   Law   Judges   and   its
 Environmental  Appeals Board Judges will
 issue decisions on administrative  complaints
 and      environmental      adjudications,
 respectively, in a timely manner.


       EPA's efforts to meet what has been
 called the  "Federal human resources en sis"
 has  led to the  development of a  human
 resources  strategic  plan entitled Investing in
 Our People,  EPA's Strategy for Human
 Capital,   The   Agency is  committed  to
 improve   recruitment of  individuals  with
 mission-critical   scientific  and   technical
 skills; to enhance training and development
 of senior  executives and managers; and to
 improve  retention  of  a diverse and  high
 performing workforce.  Several components
 of  EPA's  human  capital   strategy  are
 currently underway or  in development and
 include the EPA Intern Program; the  Mid-
 level    Development     Program;    the
 Management Development  Program; and the
 SES Candidate  Development Program.  In
 FY 2003,  the EPA will link these efforts to
 the  Agency's   strategic  goals  through
completion of a comprehensive  workforce
planning  model. Combined,  these  efforts
will provide a comprehensive  and dynamic
approach   to  identifying,   managing  and
developing the skills and competencies of
EPA's future workforce.

       The Agency continues to strengthen
pre-award  and post-award  management of
assistance  agreements,  and  continues  its
transition  toward  electronic execution  of
grants. In addition, EPA will  increase the
number of contracts that are performance-
based and will improve electronic commerce
by providing electronic communication and
contract management between EPA program
offices and EPA contractors through the use
of EPA's Program Office Interface System.

       Agency   management    provides
vision,  leadership,   and  conducts  policy
oversight for all Agency programs. Sound
management  principles, practices,  results-
based  planning   and  budgeting,  fiscal
accountability,  quality  customer   service,
rational  policy  guidance   and   careful
stewardship  of  our  resources   are  the
foundation  for  everything   EPA  does  to
advance the protection of human health and
the environment. The effectiveness of EPA's
management   will   determine,   in   large
measure,  how  successful  we  will  be  in
pursuit of the  other goals  identified in the
Agency's annual plan.

       In FY 2003,  EPA will  build on its
progress    in    linking    resources    to
environmental  results  through goal-based
fiscal resource  management. The Agency
will  provide  more  useful cost accounting
information for  environmental   decision
making. EPA will make continued  progress
in assessing the environmental  results of its
program activities. Highlights  of expected
Agency FY 2003 achievements'in effective
management are:

                         Goal 10: Effective Management
 •      Expand  Agency  and  State partner
       capacity   to   manage  for  results
       through support for the improvement
       of the quality and use of performance

 •      Meet new  Federal requirements for
       timely  financial   information   and
       maintenance of a clean audit opinion
       on the Agency's financial statements
       to demonstrate the highest caliber of
       resource    stewardship  and    the
       credibility and reliability of Agency
       financial  information.

 •      Continue efforts to provide decision-
       makers  with  integrated  cost   and
       performance information to support
       results-based    management    and
       progress  on environmental priorities.
       FY 2003  efforts will focus on:

       •  completing  the implementation
          plan  for a new  payroll system
          that  will   reduce  costs    and
       •  making  recommendations   for
          replacing    EPA's   integrated
          financial management system,
       •  further   developing    desk-top
          access to key cost accounting and
          performance information.

       The Office of the Inspector General
will conduct and supervise independent and
objective    audits,    evaluations,    and
investigations    relating     to     Agency
management  and program operations,  and
will   provide   advisory   and  assistance
services. The OJG  will  also  review  and
make  recommendations regarding existing
and proposed legislation and regulations
impacting the Agency. In addition,  program
evaluations/audits and four other  types  of
audits will be conducted: contract, assistance
agreement, financial statement, and systems
audits. Four types of investigations will be
performed:  program  integrity,   assistance
agreement, contract and procurement, and
employee  integrity.  The  OIG   Computer
Crimes Unit will conduct investigations of
computer intrusions, support the OIG and
Agency personnel as a  Penetration Testing
Laboratory,  and  provide  a   Forensics
Laboratory to assist with OIG investigations.
Combined,    these   activities    promote
economy,  efficiency,  and   effectiveness
within the Agency, prevent and detect  fraud,
waste,  and   abuse,  and  contribute   to
improved environmental quality and human
health.  The   OIG  will  keep   the  EPA
Administrator  and Congress fully informed
of problems and deficiencies identified  in
Agency programs and  operations  and  the
necessity for corrective actions.

       In   FY  2003, the  OIG   will  also
receive, analyze, and facilitate the resolution
of citizen's complaints regarding  Agency
programs  and  activities,  as  part  of  the
Ombudsman   function.  The  Ombudsman
performs the OIG Hotline  function, and  is
responsible  for  the   review   of  public
complaints about Agency  programs and

       The Agency's  building  operations
and  new  construction  budget   ensure  a
healthy, safe and secure work environment
for  its  employees  and integrates energy
conservation, green  procurement,   and  state-
of-the-art technology into its daily activities.
In FY 2003,  the  Agency  will  expand its
focus on improving EPA's infrastructure by
implementing   repair,   improvement   and
energy conservation projects at several EPA
facilities. These  facilities provide the  tools
essential    for   researching    innovative
solutions   to    current     and    future

                        Goal 10: Effective Management
environmental problems and for enhancing
our understanding of environmental risks.

       In  FY 2003  the  Agency  will also
respond to an increased need to provide  a
secure  working  environment  for  all  its
employees.  The  EPA  is   undertaking  a
comprehensive  security assessment of all
EPA  facilities  nationwide.    EPA  will
upgrade   existing  interior  and   exterior
security features  as  necessary,   and  will
provide a  more comprehensive and better-
equipped security  force.

       EPA will continue its commitment to
protect children's health. The Agency will
direct resources toward the  programs that
reduce risks  to children from a  range  of
environmental  hazards.  In FY2003,  the
Agency will develop Comprehensive School
Environmental  Health   Guidelines.  The
Agency will  continue to work to decrease
the frequency and severity of asthma attacks
in children through reduction and avoidance
of   key    asthma   triggers,    including
environmental  tobacco   smoke,   prevalent
indoor allergens and ambient air pollution.
The Agency will  continue efforts to reduce
children's  exposure to lead,  particularly in
low income  minority neighborhoods, where
children living  in  older housing are much
more   likely  to   be  exposed   to   lead.
Additionally,  the  Office   of  Children's
Health  Protection  will  launch   a  new
initiative to  improve the Agency's base of
knowledge  regarding  the   link  between
environmental exposure and senior citizens'
health through an  analysis of the issues, and
in consultation with EPA Programs and the
Department of Health and Human Services,
will develop a draft action strategy, detailing
research needs and other actions that are
necessary  to  safeguard  elders from adverse
health effects from environmental threats.
2003 Annual Performance Goals

       In     2003,    strengthen    EPA's
       management services in support of
       the    Agency's    mission    while
       addressing the challenges included in
       the President's Management Agenda

•      In   2003,   improve  environmental
       quality  and   human   health  by
       recommending  75  improvements
       across Agency environmental goals,
       identifying    and    recommending
       solutions to reduce  20 of the highest
       environmental risks, and identifying
       20 best environmental practices.

                             Goal 10: Effective Management
                              Goal 10: Effective Management Key Programs
                                          (dollars in thousands)
   Administrative Law
   Assistance Agreement Audits
   Assistance Agreement Investigations
   Brown fields
   Childrcns Health, Program Development and Coordination
   Civil Rights/Title VI Compliance
   Contract and Procurement Investigations
   Contract Audits
   Employee Integrity Investigations
   Environmental Appeals Boards
   Environmental Finance Center Grants (EFC)
   Executive Support
   Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
   Financial Statement Audits
   Homeland Security*
   Immediate Office of the Administrator
   Intergovernmental Relations-OA
   Legal Services
   Management Services and Stewardship
   Planning and Resource Management
   Planning. Analysis, and Results - IG
   Program Audits
   Program Evaluation - IG
   Program Evaluations/Audit
   Program Integrity Investigations
   Public Access
   Regional Management
   Regional Program Infrastructure
   Regulatory Development
   Supcrfund Remedial Actions
*FY 2002 does not include SI 75.6 mil/ion provided in  the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for
Homeland Securitr,



                                Homeland Security

       EPA  played  a  critical   role  in
responding  to  the  September  11,  2001
attacks at the World Trade Center in  New
York City and the Pentagon,  At the World
Trade Center, the Agency  aided in debris
removal   from   Ground  Zero,  combined
efforts with Occupational Health and Safety
Administration  and  the  New  York  City
Department  of Health to  monitor  worker
exposure   to  contaminated   dust   and
paniculate matter, and coordinated with the
New    York     City    Department    of
Environmental    Protection   to    sample
drinking  water and ambient  air  quality.
Similar  monitoring  efforts  were conducted
at the Pentagon crash site.   At the Senate
Hart Office  Building in Washington, D.C.,
EPA  worked with  the Sergeant at Arms,
who served as the lead during the Anthrax
decontamination    process,    which   was
successfully completed in January 2002.

       EPA   recognizes  that  establishing
comprehensive homeland  security  does not
end with the conclusion of cleanup efforts in
New  York and Washington, DC.   In FY
2002  and FY  2003 the Agency  will  be
investing over $300 million  for preparedness
and response activities.

FY 2001/2002 Immediate Response

       Immediately      following      the
September  11,  2001 attack at  the World
Trade Center (WTC) in  New  York  City.
EPA entered into  the  first  in a  series  of
Mission  Assignments  with  the  Federal
Emergency Management  Agency  (FEMA)
for response  work at Ground Zero.   By the
end of December, the Mission Assignments
totaled  $42.6  million.    Subsequent  to
December   31,   FEMA    transferred   an
additional  S52.7 million to  EPA via Inter-
 Agency Agreements to continue the work
 through mid-2002, making the total amount
 $95.3 million. EPA's assignments included:

  •  Implementation   of  personnel   and
     equipment   decontamination   opera-
     tions for thousands of on-site workers;
  •  Conducting continuous  air and water
     sampling in and around the WTC site;
  «  Conducting    asbestos    sampling,
     radiological  monitoring  and  waste
     categorization monitoring at the Staten
     Island Landfill:
  *  Vacuum cleaning of sidewalks, streets,
     and buildings in the WTC area.

       These    operations    have    been
 continually maintained  since September 11.
 2001,  under the overall management  of
 Region 2's Superfund response program and
 supported by the East Coast Environmental
 Response Team,  as  well  as  staff  and
 management   from   EPA's   other   nine
 Regional offices.

       EPA  criminal   investigators  also
 assisted the FBI  and other local and Federal
 law enforcement organizations at the WTC
 site.  Agency staff aided in the collection of
 crime    scene    evidence,    photographic
 documentation,   and   related   investigative

       At the Pentagon crash site,  EPA
 emergency responders worked  with  the FBI
 and  the  Department   of  Defense   from
 September 11 through September 29, 2001
 to collect air, water,  and debris samples to
 ensure  the  safety of  response personnel.
 Pentagon employees, and nearby residents.
The Agency's air monitoring did not detect
any pollutants from the  fires  and building
debris.   EPA sampling  also indicated that
 there  was  no   threat  of  drinking  water
contamination.   EPA criminal investigator

                                 Homeland Security
 staff provided the  FBI with  crime scene
 investigative support in the areas  of body
 recovery, evidence collection, and assistance
 at the morgue.

       EPA's homeland security emergency
 response  efforts  entered  a  new  phase  in
 October 2001. beginning with the discover)'
 of  Anthrax  in   Florida.     The  Agency
 responded to private sites, the U.S. Postal
 Service   (USPS)  and  other  government
 agency sites, and the Capitol Hill complex.
 The Superfund emergency response program
 has  provided the personnel, equipment and
 contractors to provide assessment, technical
 assistance   and    remediation    services
 according to the needs of each site.  Through
 the end of January 2002, EPA has obligated
 over $20  million  for Anthrax cleanup at the
 Capitol Hill complex.

       EPA's    criminal    investigations
 program provided direct  investigative  and
 forensic   assistance   to  the  FBI,  Capitol
 Police, Sergeant at Arms, Senate Director of
 Security, and the Senate Select Intelligence
 Committee.  Activities included documenting
 and   gathering   crime   scene  evidence,
 removing suspected contaminated mail from
 several  Capitol   Hill facilities, examining
 mail  to   obtain  additional  evidence,  and
 environmental sampling of hot zones on the
 5th and 6th floors of the Hart Building  and
 several  other locations.   EPA's  criminal
 program  is  continuing  to provide criminal
 investigative and technical  support to the
 FBI's Joint  Terrorism Task  Forces  and the
 Attorney  General's  Anti-Terrorism  Task
 Forces across the country.

FY   2002   Emergency   Supplemental

       The 2002  Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act provided $175.6 million
 to   EPA.   The  Agency  allocated   these
 resources  to  address the most  important
 priorities, described below.

        In   the  President's   request  to
 Congress,   following  the attacks on  the
 World Trade  Center  and the Pentagon,  the
 security of Federal facilities was highlighted
 as  an  imperative issue,   A  total of $30
 million was provided to assess the security
 needs at EPA buildings and laboratories and
 mitigate  those  to   the  extent  possible.
 Investments include, but are not limited  to:
 additional  contract guards, cameras.  X-ray
 machines, blast resistant  glass, closed  circuit
 TVs, locks, and motorized gates.

       The nation's  water supply  is one of
 our  most vital natural resources.   Potential
 threats    to    this    resource    include
 contamination with biological, chemical, or
 radiological agents; destruction of physical
 infrastructure;  and  disruption of  electrical
 and  computer systems.    EPA  will  invest
 S88.8  million  to  support enhancement  of
 security  at  the  nation's drinking  water
 systems. S79.8 million will be used to direct
 grants to the largest drinking water systems
 to  carry  out  vulnerability  systems and
 enhance  emergency   response  plans,  to
 provide technical  assistance on vulnerability
 assessments and emergency response  plans
 to  small  and  medium  drinking  water
 systems,  and  to  further  refine  security-
 related detection,  monitoring, and  treatment
 tools.   In  FY 2002 EPA will  invest  $4
 million  in accelerating the development and
 testing of counter terrorism tools, supporting
 training for the development of vulnerability
 assessments, providing technical assistance,
 and  conducting research on redesign and
 detection   of  collection  and    treatment
 systems, and testing and  implementation  of
mis research.  In  addition, the Agency will
provide $5 million to the states to support

                                 Homeland Security
homeland  security  coordination  work  in
conjunction with EPA  and drinking  water
utilities  to  implement   homeland  security
activities.  EPA will also develop tools and
training  for medium  and  small  drinking
water  utilities to assess vulnerabilities and
develop  appropriate  emergency  response

       Any major terrorist incident, whether
involving     explosives,     conventional
hazardous    materials    or    radiological,
chemical or biological agents necessitates an
EPA response.  This includes first assessing
the risks to public health, the  environment,
and  response workers;  second,  managing
and  mitigating   the  hazards  of  residual
contamination;    and   third,    conducting
assessments of the adequacy of the response
sufficient to allay the concerns of the public
who will re-occupy the affected area.  The
ability to effectively execute these tasks is
crucial  in   providing   homeland  security.
Creating  a  West   Coast  Environmental
Response   Team (ERT)  will  enable  the
Agency to respond more rapidly to an event
beyond the  immediate  reach  of  EPA's
current dedicated response  team based  in
New  Jersey.   The Agency  will  also  use
Supplemental    resources   to   enhance
preparedness  and  response  effectiveness
within each  EPA Regional office, fortify the
East Coast  ERT, and increase  Headquarters
support.     Specific  investments   include
equipment  (breathing  apparatus, chemical
agent   monitors,   field   analytical   and
communications equipment, etc.);  training
and exercises for EPA  responders  and On-
Scene  Coordinators; participation  in  inter-
agency events with the  Federal Bureau  of
Investigation (FBI),  FEMA, and others; pre-
deployment of security  at national  events,
such  as  the 2002  Winter  Olympics and
IMF/World     Bank     meetings;     and
coordination   with   states    and   local
communities to include  homeland  security
preparedness in their emergency planning

       EPA  worked  to  clean up the Hart
Senate   Office   Building  from  anthrax
contamination,  while also assisting at  the
Brentwood facility in Washington,  DC  and
the AMI building in Florida. Staff provided
direct investigative  and  forensic  assistance
to the FBI and Capitol Police, bringing the
Agency's subject matter expertise to bear on
the  gathering  of  potential  crime  scene
evidence;  removal   and  examination  of
suspected contaminated  mail  from several
Capitol  Hill facilities;  and  environmental
sampling of hot zones in the Hart Building.
The   2002    Emergency   Supplemental
Appropriation Act  provided resources for
EPA's cleanup efforts, as well as funds to
hire   and   train    additional    criminal

       The 2002  Emergency Supplemental
Appropriation Act also  provides funds to
initiate research and  development activities
in support of homeland security needs. With
these resources EPA will develop a unique
pathological  suite  at  its  Cincinnati  lab
capable of sampling and evaluating Anthrax
and  other biological  agents.  In addition,
EPA will use these resources to evaluate the
performance  of drinking  water  treatment
systems for their ability  to cost effectively
remove  inactivate  biological and chemical
warfare  agents.   Finally, these  increased
resources  will provide  scientifically  based
data  to   assist   in  selecting   effective
technologies   to   destroy  chemical   and
biological contaminants  on surfaces and in

       At present, there are no registered
pesticide  products   for  killing   anthrax.
Accordingly,  EPA expects  an upsurge  in

                                 Homeland Security
 requests  to   market  new  antimicrobial
 products many of which mum be tested on
 an expedited  basis  for  homeland  defense.
 To prepare for such reviews, EPA will be
 focusing on chemicals that can combat other
 microbes, both professional decontamination
 products   and  some    clinical/household
 disinfectants that may be effective against
 multiple biological  terrorism threats.  The
 Agency will be reviewing requests to market
 new  anthrax  and   other  microbe-killing

       EPA    will   deal   with   potential
 homeland security problems from misuse of
 industrial chemicals, by accelerating work in
 detecting  and  analyzing   the  impact  of
 potential  threats from   exposure  to toxic
 industrial chemicals. Additional information
 needed  to determine the  risks  to  human
 health from short-term exposures to acutely
 toxic chemicals  will be  developed,  and
 subsequently disseminated through the 50
 State Emergency Response  Commissions
 (SERCs)   to   more  than    3,500   Local
 Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs).

       Preserving and protecting the quality
 of air  is  a  critical  aspect  of  ensuring
 homeland  security.     EPA's  monitoring
 efforts  at  the  World  Trade  Center  site
 illustrate  the   importance  of  monitoring
 ambient air and indoor air.  Resources will
 be used to: purchase field equipment that
 enables   the   Agency   to  screen   for
 contamination,   collect    samples,   ensure
 protection of response personnel, and inform
 the public.   In  addition, EPA will invest in
 mobile assets,  such  as  sample preparation
 trailers,  mobile  radioanalytical   labs,  and
 liquid scintillation counters.   The Agency
 will provide training to new laboratory and
 headquarters support  personnel and facilitate
coordination efforts with other agencies.
       The attacks of September 11,  2001,
 directly affected EPA personnel in the New
 York  area.   Information technology  and
 communication equipment in  the Agency's
 downtown Manhattan  office was destroyed
 or  damaged;  the  building was closed for
 several weeks: and staff were relocated to an
 EPA facility  in  Edison,  New  Jersey.  A
 portion of the Supplemental  Appropriation
 will be used to reimburse costs of replacing
 and maintaining equipment at  this location.
 With  regards   to   public    access   and
 environmental  information,  EPA  will  use
 resources to provide environmental  updates
 on  environmental data  to the Agency's web-
 site regarding cleanup efforts  at the World
 Trade Center.

 FY 2003 President's Request

       The President's  FY  2003  request
 includes  $19  million  to  continue  security
 upgrades of EPA facilities and maintain the
 increased contract  guards that  were initiated
 with  funds  from  the  2002  Emergency
 Supplemental  Appropriation.    This  invest-
 ment   sustains    the   Administration's
 commitment in preserving a safe and healthy
 work   environment    for    all   Federal

       Building on its 2002 investments, the
 Agency requests $16,9 million to conduct
 additional   drinking   water    vulnerability
 assessments for small  and medium-sized
 systems, and $5 million in grants to states to
 support homeland security coordination

       EPA will  continue to  operate  the
 West  Coast  ERT  in  FY  2003.    The
 President's request includes $5.5 million for
the   maintenance  of this  program.    An
additional  S7.7   million   is   also   being
requested    to   upgrade   EPA  response

                                Homeland Security
       In FY 2003, EPA  i investing $3.8
million for special agents who will provide
environmental crimes expertise to the FBI's
Joint  Terrorism   Task  Forces   and   the
Department  of  Justice's   Anti-Terrorism
Task Forces.  Personnel will also form five
National   Counter  Terrorism   Response
Teams to coordinate with FBI field offices,
perform  protection duty  services  for  the
Administrator's Office, and proved on-site
investigative support for designated National
Security   Special  Events.    Additionally,
experts  at   the   National   Enforcement
Investigations  Center  will respond with
technical support in the event of a hazardous
chemical   release   intended   to   threaten
homeland security.

       One of EPA's ten goals is to provide
the  public   with   quality  environmental
information.  In  FY 2003,  the Agency will
invest $0.5 million to enhance outreach and
ensure that  the American people are kept
informed on the issues of homeland  security
and the environment.
       The  FY  2003  President's  Budget
requests   an  additional  $75  million  to
conduct research  on better technologies and
assessments    to    cleanup    buildings
contaminated  by biological  and chemical
agents.    These  efforts will  include  the
transfer of  technologies and  guidance on
decontamination  processes,  evaluation of
existing  and  new  cleanup and  detection
technologies,    development    of    risk
assessment methodologies, and production
of rapid  decontamination  techniques and
technologies. The incidents in Florida, New
York,  and Washington, DC  illustrate  the
potential   use  of biological  and  chemical
agents as  deadly  weapons.   Through  these
research efforts, EPA will work to achieve a
higher degree  of preparedness which will
strengthen Federal response efforts.

Homeland Security
U.S. Environmental Protection

FY 2002/2003
Homeland Security
(dollars in

Clean Air
Attain NAAQS
Reduce Air Toxics Risk
Clean and Safe Wafer
Safe Drinking Water
Reduce Loadings
Safe Food
Reduce Risk
Elim. Pesticide Use on !'•
'revcnting Pollution
Reduce Pests Risks
Reduce Risks from Lead
Manage New Chemical
FY 2002

SI 4,0
ood $14.0
FY 2002

FY 2002

$ 1 .000.0
SI. 000.0
SI 50.0
SI. 102.2

FY 2002

1 0.0

FY 2003
SI, 946.5
$ 1 .946.5
$1 .946.5

FY 2003
. SO.O

Homeland Security
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2002/2003 Homeland Security Summary
(dollars in

Better Waste Management
Control Risks
Regulate Facilities
Quality Environmental info
Increase Availability
Provide Access
Improve Agency Info
Sound Science
Conduct Research
Improve Scientific Basis
Enhance Capabilities
Improve Environmental
FY 2002

S3, 185. 4
FY 2002

FY 2002

FY 2002
Supplemental Supplemental

$42, 300.0
SI, 474.0


FY 2003
S3. 1 85. 4

FY 2003
S83. 125.0
SI. 875.0

Homeland Security
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(dollars in

Credible Deterrent
Increase Compliance
Promote Compliance
Effective Management
Provide Quality Work Env.
Note: Table docs not include
FY 2002

FY 2002

FY 2002

$1 75,600.0

FY 2002


FY 2003

FY 2003
SI 24,000.0
FEMA reimbursable resources

                           Categorical Grants Program
                                    (dollars in millions)
       1992  1993 1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003
       In  2003,  the  President's  Budget
requests a total of $1,158.3  million for 23
"categorical" program grants for state and
tribal governments.   This is  an increase  of
$83.9  million  over 2002.     EPA  will
continue to  pursue  its strategy of building
and  supporting  state,  local  and  tribal
capacity to implement, operate, and enforce
the Nation's environmental   laws.   Most
environmental laws envision  establishment
of a decentralized nationwide structure  to
protect public health and the environment.
In  this  way,  environmental  goals  will
ultimately  be achieved through the actions,
programs,  and commitments  of state, tribal
and  local governments, organizations  and

       In 2003. EPA will continue to offer
more  flexibility  to   state  and   tribal
governments to manage their environmental
programs as well as  provide technical  and
financial   assistance   to  achieve   mutual
environmental  goals.   First,  EPA and  its
state  and  tribal  partners   will  continue
implementing  the  National  Environmental
Performance Partnership System (NEPPS).
NEPPS is  designed  to  allow states more
flexibility to operate  their programs, while
increasing  emphasis  on  measuring   and
reporting   environmental    improvements.

                            Categorical Grants Program
 Second,  Performance  Partnership  Grants
 (PPGs) will continue to allow states  and
 tribes  funding   flexibility   to  combine
 categorical   program  grants  to  address
 environmental priorities.


 Enforcement State Grants

        In  2003,  the  President's  Budget
 includes a new $15.0 million  grant program.
 This   reflects  a  shift  in  emphasis  for
 enforcement from Federal to State levels for
 those  programs  already  delegated  to  the
 States.    This  shift creates  a  new  grant
 program for States and tribes that will bring
 enforcement closer to  the   entity  being
 regulated.   EPA will  offer media specific
 and multi-media funding to states and tribes
 for    compliance   assurance    activities
 including    compliance   assistance    and
 incentives,  inspections,  and enforcement
National    Environmental
Exchange Network
       In  2003,  the  President's  Budget
requests  $25.0 million to continue a grant
program, started in 2002. that will provide
states and  tribes assistance  to develop the
National    Environmental     Information
Exchange Network (NEIEN).   This grant
program   will  build  on  work   currently
underway in several states and assist states
and  tribes  in  evaluating their readiness to
participate  in   NEIEN.   Funds  will  also
support state and tribal efforts to complete
necessary  changes  to  their  information
management    systems     to     facilitate
participation, and enhance state information
integration  efforts.   NEIEN will  improve
environmental   decision  making,  improve
data quality and accuracy, ensure security of
 sensitive  data, and  reduce the burden  on
 those  who  provide  and those who access

 Brownfields State Grants

       In  2003,  in  support  of  recently
 enacted    Brownfields    legislation,   the
 President's Budget requests $50.0 million to
 launch a new brownfields grant program that
 will provide states and tribes assistance to
 establish or enhance their response program.
 The new  program  will  also permit  the
 recipients to capitalize revolving loan funds:
 purchase insurance or develop a risk sharing
 pool, an  indemnity  pool,  or  an  insurance
 mechanism   to  provide   financing   lor
 response  actions  under a  state  response

 Indian General Assistance Program Grants

       In   2003,  the  President's  Budget
 requests   $57.5  million  for  the   Indian
 General Assistance Program (GAP). This is
 an increase of $5.0 million  over 2002.  This
 increase supports the goal of establishing a
 minimum  environmental presence  for all
 Federally  recognized Tribes and inter-tribal

 Counter Terrorism Grants

       In  2003.  the  President's  Budget
 requests $5.0 million for counter terrorism
 grants to support states* efforts to work  with
 utilities to develop and enhance emergency
operations  plans; conduct  training in  the
 implementation of remedial plans in small
systems; and, develop detection, monitoring
and  treatment  technology   to   enhance
security at utilities.

                          Categorical Grants Program
Elimination  of Tribal  Cap  on Non-Point

       In  2003,  the  President's Budget is
proposing to eliminate  the  statutory  one-
third-of-one-percent cap on Clean Water Act
Section 319 Nonpoint  Source   Pollution
grants that may be awarded to tribes. Tribes
applying for and receiving  Section  319
grants  have  steadily increased from two in
1991 to over 70 in 2001. This number is
expected  to  increase  annually   as  more
federally recognized Tribes with significant
NPS pollution problems become eligible to
participate in the  319(h) program.   This
proposal recognizes the  increasing demand
for resources  to address tribal  nonpoint
source program needs.

Categorical Grants Program
by National Program

Air & Radiation
State and Local Assistance
Tribal Assistance

Pollution Control (Section 106}
Beaches Prelection
Counter- Terrorism
Nonpoint Source (Section 319)
Wetlands Program Development
Water Quality Cooperative Agrmts

Drinking Water
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS!
Underground Injection Control (UIC)

Hazardous Waste
H.W. Financial Assistance
Underground Storage Tanks

Pesticides & Toxics
Pesticides Program Implementation
Toxic Substances Compliance
Pesticides Enforcement

Environmental Information
Enforcement State Grants
Pollution Prevention
Enforcement & Compliance Assurance
Indian General Assistance Program


Manager and State Grant
in thousands)

FY 2001

SI 1.044.5

S 171, 883.3
SI 4,967.0


SI 06.363. 6
S! 1,918.4
SI 1 8,282.0


SI, 005,782.4

FY 2002

$ 1 1 ,044.5




S5. 138.8
SI 9.867.8

FY 21)01 Enacted includes 0.22% rescission: FY 2002 does not include funding provided in the

FY 2003



S93, 100.2


SI 9.867.8

Supplemental Appropriations Act for Homeland Security.

                             Infrastructure Financing
(dollars in millions)
FY 2002
Infrastructure Financing
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
Mexican Border Projects
Alaska Native Villages
Special Needs Projects
Targeted Projects
Brownfields Infrastructure Projects



FY 20032

Infrastructure Funds

       The  President's  Budget  requests a
total of $2,305.5 million in 2003 for EPA's
Infrastructure  programs,   a   decrease  of
$353.4  million from  2002.   Of the total
infrastructure request,  $2,102.0 million will
support EPA's Goal  2:  Clean and  Safe
Water, $128.5 million will support EPA's
Goal  5: Better  Waste  Management,  and
$75.0 million  will support EPA's  Goal 6:
Reduction  of  Global  and   Cross-border
Environmental Risks.  The $353.4  million
decrease is the net result of an increase of
$120.5  million for the  new Brownfields
Infrastructure Projects; an increase of $8.0
million   in   Targeted  Projects  for   the
Homestake Mine;  a $138.0 million decrease
in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
(CWSRF) program; and a S343.9  million
reduction in 2002 Congressional earmarks.
       The  resources  requested  in  this
budget   will   enable   the  Agency,   in
conjunction  with  EPA's  state,  local, and
tribal  partners, to achieve several important
goals   for  2003.   Some  of these  goals

*      92 percent  of the population served
       by community  water systems will
       receive drinking water meeting all
       health-based standards, in effect as
       of 1994, up from 83% in 1994.

*      Provide additional  site   assessment
       funding to  74  new sites,  and to 52
       existing   sites,   resulting    in   a
       cumulative  total  of 3,350 properties
       assessed, the generation  of 21,300
       jobs, and  the  leveraging  of $5.0
       billion in cleanup and redevelopment
       funds since 1995.

                              Infrastructure Financing
       Infrastructure   funding  under   the
 State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)
 appropriation  provides financial assistance
 to   states,   municipalities   and   tribal
 governments to fund a variety  of drinking
 water,   waste water,   and   Brown fields
 infrastructure  projects.   These  funds  are
 essential to fulfill the Federal government's
 commitment to help  our  state,  tribal  and
 local partners  obtain  adequate  funding to
 construct the  facilities required to comply
 with federal environmental  requirements and
 ensure   public   health    and    revitalize
 contaminated properties.

       Providing STAG funds through State
 Revolving   Fund  (SRF)   programs,  EPA
 works in  partnership  with the  states to
 provide  low-cost  loans to municipalities for
 infrastructure construction,  SRF funds are
 also provided as grants to tribal governments
 to help them  address  their drinking  water
 and  wastewater needs.   The  Brownfields
 Infrastructure   Program  provides   states,
 tribes,  political   subdivisions   (including
 cities,  towns,  and counties) the necessary
 tools,   information,    and   strategies   for
 promoting    a   unified    approach   to
 environmental     assessment     cleanup,
 characterization, and redevelopment at sites
 contaminated  with  hazardous  wastes  and
 petroleum contaminants.

 Goal  2:    Enhancing  Human  Health
 through Clean and Safe Water

 Capitalizing  Clean  Water and  Drinking
 Water State Revolving Funds

       The  Clean   Water  and   Drinking
Water  State  Revolving   Fund  programs
demonstrate  a true  partnership  between
states,    localities    and    the    Federal
government.    These  programs   provide
Federal   financial  assistance   to  states.
 localities, and tribal governments to protect
 the  nation's water resources by providing
 funds for the construction of drinking water
 and wastewater  treatment  facilities.   The
 state revolving  funds  are  two important
 elements   of   the  nation's  substantial
 investment in sewage treatment and  drinking
 water  systems which provides Americans
 with significant  benefits  in  the   form of
 reduced water pollution and safe  drinking

        EPA will continue  to capitalize the
 Clean    Water   State   Revolving  Fund
 (CWSRF).    Through  this  program,  the
 Federal   government  provides   financial
 assistance  for wastewater  and other water
 projects, including nonpoint source, estuary,
 stormwater, and  sewer  overflow   projects.
 Water  infrastructure  projects contribute to
 direct ecosystem  improvements by lowering
 the amount of nutrients  and toxic pollutants
 in all types of surface waters.

       This   budget   request    includes
 $1,212.0 million  for the CWSRF.   More
 than SI9 billion has already  been provided
 to capitalize the  CWSRF, over twice  the
 original Clean Water Act authorized level of
 $8.4  billion.     Total   CWSRF   funding
 available  for  loans since  1987, reflecting
 loan repayments, state  match  dollars,  and
 other  funding  sources,  is  approximately
 $37.7  billion,  of  which  more  than   $34
 billion has been provided to communities as
 financial assistance.  As of July 2001, $3.4
 billion had not been utilized, but is ready for

       The  dramatic  progress  made   in
 improving   the   quality   of   wastewater
treatment  since   the  1970s  is  a   national
success.   In 1972,  only  84 million  people
were served  by secondary or advanced
wastewater treatment  facilities.   Today, 99

                             Infrastructure Financing
percent of community wastewater treatment
plants,  serving  181  million  people,  use
secondary treatment or better.

       In 2003, the  President  is requesting
$850.0 million for the Drinking Water State
Revolving  Fund  (DWSRF).  ^Through  the
DWSRF program, states will provide loans
to  finance  improvements  to community
water  systems  so  that  they  can  achieve
compliance  with the mandates of the Safe
Drinking Water Act and continue to protect
public health.   Some non-state recipients,
such  as the District of Columbia and  the
tribes, will receive their DWSRF allocations
in the form of grants.

       The  DWSRF will be self-sustaining
in the long run and will  help offset the costs
of ensuring safe drinking water supplies  and
assisting small communities in  meeting their
responsibilities. The FY 2003  request keeps
EPA on track with our commitment to meet
the goal  for the  DWSRF  to provide an
average of $500 million in annual financial
assistance, even after  Federal capitalization
ends.    Through  FY 2001, Congress  has
appropriated $4.4  billion  for  the  DWSRF
program. Through June  30, 2000, States  had
received $3.6 billion in capitalization grants,
which when combined with the state match,
bond  proceeds and  other  funds provided
S5.2  billion  in   total   cumulative  funds
available for loans. Through June 30, 2000,
States had made close to 1,800 loans totaling
$3.8  billion and  SI.4 billion  remained
available for loans,

State Flexibility Between SRFs

       The  Agency  requests continuation
of  authority provided  in  the 1996 Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA)  Amendments
which  allows states  to  transfer an amount
equal  to 33 percent of their DWSRF grants
to their CWSRF programs, or an equivalent
amount from their CWSRF program to their
DWSRF program.  The transfer  provision
gives states flexibility to address the most
critical demands in either program at a given
time.     Unless   extended,   the   transfer
provision expires September 30, 2002.

Set-Asides for Tribes

       To improve public health and  water
quality   in  Indian  Country,  the  Agency
proposes to continue the  1 1/2% set-aside of
the CWSRF for wastewater grants to tribes
as   provided   in  the   Agency's   2002
appropriation.   More than 70,000  homes in
Indian   country    have   inadequate   or
nonexistent wastewater treatment.  EPA and
the Indian Health Service estimate that tribal
wastewater   infrastructure  needs  exceed
$650.0 million as of 1997.

Supporting Alaska Native Villages

       The  President's   Budget   requests
$40.0 million for Alaska native villages for
the construction of wastewater and drinking
water facilities  to address serious sanitation
problems. EPA will continue to work with
the  Department  of  Health  and  Human
Services' Indian Health Service, the State of
Alaska, and local  communities to provide
needed financial and technical assistance.

Goal  5:  Better  Waste  Management,
Restoration of  Contaminated Waste Sites,
and Erne rgency Response

Brownfields Infrastructure Projects

       The  President's  Budget requests a
total  of $120.5  million for  brownfields
infrastructure projects.   EPA  will  award
grants for assessment  activities  and  for the
brownfields  cleanup revolving loan  funds

                             Infrastructure Financing
(BCRLF).    In  addition, under  the new
Brownfields  Re vital ization  and  Environ-
mental Restoration  Act of 2001,  the term
brownfields has  been  expanded to include
sites  contaminated  by  petroleum  or  a
petroleum product, therefore, grants will  be
awarded  to assess and cleanup these sites.
The statute also permits the award of grants
to perform cleanup  activities and EPA will
develop  procedures  to   implement  their

Targeted Projects

       The President's Budget requests $8.0
million for maintaining the Homestake Mine
in South  Dakota until  the National Science
Foundation  makes  a   determination   on
whether to establish a National lab at the
Goal 6: Reducing Cross-border Environ-
mental Risks— U.S./Mexico Border

       The  President's  Budget  requests  a
total   of   $75.0   million   for   water
infrastructure     projects     along    the
U.SJMexico  Border.    The  goal of  this
program  is  to reduce  environmental  and
human health  risks  along  the U.S./Mexico
Border. The communities along  both sides
of the Border are  facing  unusual human
health and environmental threats because of
the  lack  of  adequate  wastewater   and
drinking    water   facilities.       EPA's
U.S./Mexico Border program provides funds
to  support   the   planning,  design   and
construction  of high  priority  water  and
wastewater  treatment  projects   along  the
U.S./Mexico Border.

                                      Trust Funds
(dollars in mi 1 1 ion si
FY 2002
Management & Support
Other Federal Agencies
Homeland Security Supplemental
Pension & Benefits Accrual Costs
Inspector General
Research & Development
Superfund Total
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
Pension & Benefits Accrual Costs
Trust Fund Total:

$9 1 0. !
SI 0.7

SI 1.9
FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2003
Enacted President's President's
FTE Budget Budget FTE

1,555.3 $83 1.9 1.500.6
1.129.6 $171.8 1.129.1
490.9 $134.6 488.0
0.0 SI0.7 0.0
0.0* SO.O 0,0
0.0 $20.0 0.0

94.1 $12.7 94.1
109.2 SI 11. 2 109.2
3,379.1 SI, 292. 9 3,321.0
81.3 SO.O 83.5
80.3 S73.3 80.4
0.0 S0.9 0.0
3,625.7 SI, 366.1 3,484.9
FY 2(M)~ dues mil include itwA'vtw.v /irtn-itied in ihe Kmeiyetici" Supplemental Apprapriatwns Acljiw Homeland Sccui'in'.

       In  2003,  the  President's  Budget
requests  a  total  of  $1,292.9  million  in
discretionary budget  authority and 3,321.0
workyears for Superfund.  Currently, more
than  92  percent  of  1,450  sites  on  the
Superfund final national priorities list (NPL)
are either undergoing  cleanup construction
(remedial or removal) or are completed.

                                     Trust Funds
       Of  the   total   funding   requested,
 $831.9  million and  1,500,6 workyears  are
 for  Superfund cleanups.   The  Agency's
 Superfund cleanup program addresses public
 health  and  environmental  threats  from
 uncontrolled   releases    of    hazardous
 substances.  In 2003, EPA and its partners
 will complete 40 Superfund cleanups at NPL
 sites  to  achieve  the overall  goal  of  884
 construction  completions by the  end  of

       Of  the   total   funding   requested,
 $171.8  million and  1,129.1  workyears  for
 the Superfund Enforcement program.  One
 of  Superfund's  primary goals is to have
 responsible  parties  pay for  and conduct
 cleanups  at  abandoned  or  uncontrolled
 hazardous waste sites. The program focuses
 on  maximizing  all  aspects  of  potentially
 responsible   party  (PRP)   participation,
 including having PRPs initiate work at 70%
 of the new construction starts at non-Federal
 Facility Superfund sites, and emphasizing
 fairness  in  the settlement  process. Where
 PRP negotiations  and previous enforcement
 actions fail,  EPA uses its appropriation  to
 clean up  sites and  then seeks to recover
 these costs from the PRPs.

       The   remaining   portion   of   the
 Superfund  FY  2003  President's  Budget
 comprises Management  and  Support,  other
 Federal      agencies.    Research     and
 Development and  Inspector  General.  The
 President's Budget requests $134.6 million
and 488.0 workyears for management and
 support activities.   These resources support
Agency-wide  resource   management  and
control   functions   including:   essential
infrastructure, contract administration,
 financial   accounting   and   other   fiscal

       Included in our Superfund request is
 $10.7  million  for  our  Federal  agency
 partners.  The Agency works with several
 other Federal  agencies to perform essential
 services in areas where the Agency does not
 possess the specialized expertise.  Currently
 the Agency has interagency agreements with
 the   United   States   Coast  Guard,   the
 Department of the  Interior, the  Federal
 Emergency  Management  Agency, and the
 Occupational     Safety     and    Health

       The President's Budget also requests
 $123.9 million and 203.3 workyears to be
 transferred to  Research  and  Development
 for innovative cleanup technology testing
 and  the   Inspector  General  for  program

 Base   Realignment  and  Closure   Act

       The  FY 2003  President's  Budget
 requests  83.5   reimbursable  workyears to
 conduct the BRAC program.  Since 1993,
 EPA  has  worked  with  the  Department of
 Defense    (DoD)    and    the   states'
 environmental  programs  to  make property
 environmentally  acceptable  for  transfer.
 while  protecting  human health  and  the
environment  —  at  realigning or  closing
military installations.   Between  1988 and
 1995,  497  major  military   installations
representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, and
 Defense Logistics  Agency were slated for
realignment  or  closure.    Of these,  108
installations have been designated as  Fast-

                                    Trust Funds
Track sites.  The Fast-Track program strives
to  make  parcels  available  for  reuse  as
quickly as possible, by  either transfer of
uncontaminated or remedial parcels, or lease
of contaminated parcels  where cleanup  is
underway   or    "early    transfer"    of
contaminated property undergoing cleanup.


       The  FY  2003  President's Budget
requests S73.3 million  and 80.4 workyears
for  the Leaking Underground Storage Tank
(LUST)  program.     Approximately   85
percent  of  this  will  be  used  for  state
cooperative  agreements  and  support  for
tribal cleanup.  One  of the Agency's highest
priorities in the LUST program over the next
several  years is to  address approximately
150,000  cleanups  that  have  yet  to  be
completed (as of September 2001), and to
address  LUST  sites that are  difficult to
remediate because they are contaminated by-
methyl  tertiary  butyl  ether  (MTBE)  and
other  oxygenates.   In  2003 the Agency's
goal is to complete 22,500 cleanups under
the  supervision of EPA and its state, local
and tribal partners.


Environmental Protection Agency
Summary of Agency Workforce by Goal

1 . Clean Air
2. Clean and Safe Water
3, Safe Food
4, Preventing Pollution
5. Better Waste Management
6. Global and Cross-Border Risks
7. Quality Environmental Information
8. Sound Science
9. Credible Deterrent
lO.Effective Management


FY 2003
1 ,820.0

FY 2003 vs.
FY 2002
Grand Total
FY 2002 does not include workyeurs provided in the Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security.

Environmental Protection Agency
Summary of Agency Resources by Goal |

1 . Clean Air
2. Clean and Safe Water
3. Safe Food
4. Preventing Pollution
5. Better Waste Management
6. Global and Cross- Border Risks
7. Quality Environmental Information
8. Sound Science
9. Credible Deterrent
1 0. Effective Management
in thousands)

FY 2002

FY 2003

FY 2003 vs.
Offsetting Receipts
        $0.0     ($4,000.0)
Adjustment to account for proposed
retirement and health benefits legislation     $103,588,6     $107,087.8
Grand Total Budget Authority
$8,006,801,6   $7,723,600.8     ($283,200.8)
 FY 2002 does not include SI 75.6 million provided in (he Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act for Homeland Security,

                              Environmental Protection Agency
                       Summary of Agency Resources by Appropriation
                                    (dollars in thousands)

Science & Technology
Environmental Programs and Management
Buildings & Facilities
Oil Spill Response
Inspector General
Siiperfund Program
Research Transfer
1C Transfer
State & Tribal Assistance Grants
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

FY 2002
FY 2002

FY 2003
Offsetting Receipts
$0.0     ($4.000.0)
Grand Total Budget Authority
$8,006,801.6       $175,600.0   $7,723,600.8
FY 2003 includes $107 million for proposed new pension and health benefits legislation. To make
columns comparable, (he FY 2002 Enacted level has been revised for this change.



