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Then and Now: Port of Valdez, Alaska

2012 July 2

This week, the Traveling Exhibit is on display at the Anchorage Federal Building in Anchorage, Alaska! The public is welcome, just a heads up that you will have to go through typical security procedures. It will be on display through this Friday, July 6.

Anchorage Federal Building
222 W 7th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99513
More information

Whether you live in the great state of Alaska or not,  reflect on these images of our past and consider the change since then. Dennis Cowals covered areas in Alaska for Documerica during August 1973 and August 1974, documenting sites of the future Alaskan Pipeline both on the ground and from the air. His photographs document the pre-pipeline Alaska wilderness from Prudhoe Bay south to Valdez, the terminus of the pipeline.

We look forward to seeing the change if anyone can match these, or others from this set. Anyone a friend of a bush pilot to get an aeriel view today?

DOCUMERICA Location Challenge: Port of Valdez, Alaska

For a chance to be featured in the 2013 U.S. National Archives Exhibit: Searching for the Seventies: EPA’s Documerica Project in Washington, D.C., give this latest Location Challenge a try over the summer, or find another image closer to home by following directions below.

These featured photographs were taken forty years ago. Submit your shots to State of the Environment on Flickr and let us know which Documerica image you matched in your photo caption.

DOCUMERICA: View South Across Port Valdez From New Townsite to Pipeline Terminus and Site of Deepwater Tanker Loading Facilities...08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

DOCUMERICA: View South Across Port Valdez From New Townsite to Pipeline Terminus and Site of Deepwater Tanker Loading Facilities...08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

DOCUMERICA: The Terminal Area Is a Favorite Salt Water Salmon Fishing Area. Fresh Water Streams Around Port Valdez Are Closed to Fishing to Protect Spawning Areas. This View Looks South Toward the Site of the Terminal Construction Camp. Mile 789, Alaska Pipeline Route 08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

DOCUMERICA: The Terminal Area Is a Favorite Salt Water Salmon Fishing Area. Fresh Water Streams Around Port Valdez Are Closed to Fishing to Protect Spawning Areas. This View Looks South Toward the Site of the Terminal Construction Camp. Mile 789, Alaska Pipeline Route 08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

DOCUMERICA: View South Across the Snout of Columbia Glacier to Prince William Sound...08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

DOCUMERICA: View South Across the Snout of Columbia Glacier to Prince William Sound...08/1974 by Dennis Cowals.

Telling the story of change is up to you. Share photos of the landscapes, the people and the way of life for State of the Environment. Search the full Documerica collection to locate and match images closest to you. All ‘Then and Now’ entries will be considered for the larger Washington D.C. exhibit.

When you follow that link above, you’ll come to a search page like this. Simply type in your town or state to see images of the past. Enjoy, have fun, and we can’t wait to see your contributions to this historic project!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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