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New Jersey Then, Now it’s Your Turn

2013 January 28

Documerica Returns has made it’s 40th stop! The Travelling Exhibit is currently on display at Rutgers University, through February 5. Check it out in the G.H. Cook Campus Center.

Documerica and New Jersey

We invite you to share scenes of New Jersey today for State of the Environment. Below, we have highlighted a few standouts for ideas. This project is about what you see happening in our lives and environment today.

Take it up a notch by matching any Documerica scenes as they exist today, we’ll give it added attention as part of the Documerica Then and Now Challenge.

DOCUMERICA: Sign Outside Old Fort Hancock on Sandy Hook. New Plans Call for Careful Preservation of the Area and Its Beaches 05/1973 by Arthur Tress.

DOCUMERICA:Sign Outside Old Fort Hancock on Sandy Hook. New Plans Call for Careful Preservation of the Area and Its Beaches 05/1973 by Arthur Tress.

DOCUMERICA: The George Washington Bridge in Heavy Smog. View toward the New Jersey Side of the Hudson River. 05/1973 by Chester Higgins.

DOCUMERICA: The George Washington Bridge in Heavy Smog. View toward the New Jersey Side of the Hudson River. 05/1973 by Chester Higgins.

DOCUMERICA: Latin Girl Holding a Child on an Inner City Porch in Paterson New Jersey ... 06/1974 by Danny Lyon.

DOCUMERICA: Latin Girl Holding a Child on an Inner City Porch in Paterson New Jersey ... 06/1974 by Danny Lyon.

DOCUMERICA: Illegal Dumping Area off the New Jersey Turnpike, Facing Manhattan Across the Hudson River. Nearby, to the South, Is the Landfill Area of the Proposed Liberty State Park, 03/1973 by Gary Miller.

DOCUMERICA: Illegal Dumping Area off the New Jersey Turnpike, Facing Manhattan Across the Hudson River. Nearby, to the South, Is the Landfill Area of the Proposed Liberty State Park, 03/1973 by Gary Miller.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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