Gender equality


Older women, toddler
© UNICEF/ HQ99-0943/ Holmes

Socially constructed roles too often thwart the potential of girls and women.  Discrimination denies them health care and education. It hides information that they can use to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS. Discrimination robs girls and women of the the power to make decisions, to earn a living and to be free from violence, abuse and exploitation. Often it deprives them of any legal protection.

UNICEF is committed to levelling the playing field for girls and women by ensuring that all children have equal opportunity to develop their talents. We work to ensure that all babies receive the best start to life through gender-sensitive, integrated early childhood care. We work so that all children are afforded quality education, one that prepares them for a productive life.

By recognizing and addressing discrimination against girls and women, success in the fight against all forms of discrimination -- class, race, ethnicity and age -- will become more likely, and more lasting. We have learned that entire societies develop when girls and women are enabled to be fully contributing community members.



