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Documerica Challenge: Randolph, Vermont

2012 March 12

Calling all Vermonters! Or those of you in New England up for a scenic drive. See if you can match any of these photos by Documerica photographer Jane Cooper!

Documerica photo by Jane Cooper. Farm near Randolph Center, VT 3/1974

This farm near Randolph Center, Vermont was one of about 50 that was still around at that time in 1974. The photographer states that there were several hundred not all that long ago.

Documerica photo by Jane Cooper. East Randolph Vermont Valley 5/1974

Can anyone match up this valley, or identify more closely where it might be?

Documerica photo by Jane Cooper. Vermont Dairy Farm and his Neighbor Gather Sap 4/1974

In this photo a Vermont dairy farmer gathers sap with his neighbors in spring.

So grab your camera and show us the farms, the valleys and the maple syrup today. Show off what has changed or what looks the same. Share your photos here. We can’t wait to see our world as you see it.

Not near Vermont? See how close Documerica came to home and send in your own ‘Then-Now’ match up!

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