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There I Was ... 

Since 1955 Approach magazine has guided Navy and Marine Corps aviation professionals with information, statistics and a bit of humor. Most of all, Approach has given aviators a place to share stories, misdeeds and adventures, to make us better, safer and more effective.

These first-person “There I was” stories have been the basis for Approach since its inception. This sharing of stories also has bonded naval aviators — past and present — to one another and to the profession itself. Picture yourself with a damaged aircraft, operating in blue water with a pitching deck and enough gas for one, maybe two, approaches, and you have everything needed for a “There I was” story.

More than 8,000 copies are published bimonthly and, as with all our media products, are available online.



January - February 2013
March - April 2013
May - June 2013
July - August 2013
September - October 2013
November - December 2013

Please contact the magazine editor for submission and printing deadlines.

January-February 2013

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Contact Info: 757-444-3520 Ext: 7870 | POC:
Last Reviewed: February 11, 2013