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Providing Information and Education to the public, as well as Title X grantees, is an important component of the Title X program. All available publications can be accessed and downloaded from the OPA website. OPA no longer mails out hard copy publications.


Teen Talk #1: Many Teens Are Saying 'No.'

Teen Talk #1: Many Teens Are Saying "No."
1-sheet, double-sided, full-color flyer for female and male teens on the questions teens should ask themselves before deciding to have sex.

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Teen Talk #2: Commonly Asked Questions About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Teen Talk #2: Commonly Asked Questions About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
1-sheet, double-sided, full-color flyer for female and male teens that covers the basic facts about STDs and answers common questions.

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Teen Talk #3: What You Should Know About Contraception

Teen Talk #3: What You Should Know About Contraception
1-sheet, double-sided, full-color flyer for female and male teens that gives an overview of the basic facts about contraception.

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Adoption Options
There are many different types of adoption and choices to be made in adoption. Find information in this factsheet to help you understand the various options and determine the best route to building your family through adoption.

Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?

Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?
Are you pregnant and not sure that you are ready or able to raise your child? If so, you might be thinking about placing your baby for adoption. This factsheet gives you information about adoption, and it directs you to resources in your community, as well as on the Internet.


Birth Control Pill - Fact Sheet

Birth Control Pill - Fact Sheet
Of 100 women who use this method each year, about 5 women are likely to get pregnant. The risk of pregnancy is much less for women who take the pill correctly (every day at about the same time).

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Cervical Cap - Fact Sheet

Cervical Cap - Fact Sheet
The cervical cap is a soft, thimble-shaped cup made of latex rubber. Cervical caps are sold under the name FemCap.

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Diaphragm - Fact Sheet

Diaphragm - Fact Sheet
The diaphragm is a round, dome-shaped flexible cup made of latex rubber.

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Emergency Contraception - Fact Sheet

Emergency Contraception - Fact Sheet
Emergency contraception can be used up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The pills are more effective the sooner you take them, however.

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Female Condom - Fact Sheet

Female Condom - Fact Sheet
The female condom is a thin, lubricated pouch that fits inside and lines the vagina.

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Female Sterilization - Fact Sheet

Female Sterilization - Fact Sheet
Female sterilization is a relatively simple out-patient surgery done in a clinic, doctor's office, or hospital. It can be performed under local or general anesthesia.

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Implantable Rods - Fact Sheet

Implantable Rods - Fact Sheet
An implant can only be put under the skin of your arm by a health care professional.

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Intrauterine Contraception (IUD) - Fact Sheet

Intrauterine Contraception (IUD) - Fact Sheet
An IUD can only be inserted by a health care professional.

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Male Condom - Fact Sheet

Male Condom - Fact Sheet
Of 100 couples who use this method each year, from 11-16 will likely get pregnant. You can lower your risk of pregnancy by using male condoms each time you have sex.

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Male Sterilization - Fact Sheet

Male Sterilization - Fact Sheet
Male sterilization, or vasectomy, is a procedure performed on a man that will permanently keep him from being able to get a woman pregnant.

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Natural Family Planning - Fact Sheet

Natural Family Planning - Fact Sheet
A woman with a normal menstrual cycle has about 8 days a month when she can get pregnant. These include the five days before she ovulates (when an egg is released), the day she ovulates, and about one to two days after ovulation.

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Patch - Fact Sheet

Patch - Fact Sheet
You need a prescription. The patch can be purchased at pharmacies and clinics. The patch is sold under the brand name Ortho Evra.

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Shot - Fact Sheet

Shot - Fact Sheet
A birth control shot is a shot or injection of the hormone progestin that prevents pregnancy by keeping the ovaries from releasing eggs.

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Spermicide - Fact Sheet

Spermicide - Fact Sheet
Spermicides are chemicals that prevent pregnancy by killing sperm. Spermicides are available as a cream, foam, jelly, tablet,suppository, or film.

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Sponge - Fact Sheet

Sponge - Fact Sheet
The sponge is a small, round device made of soft foam that contains spermicide (a substance that kills sperm). It's sold in the U.S. under the brand name Today Sponge.

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Vaginal Ring - Fact Sheet

Vaginal Ring - Fact Sheet
The vaginal contraceptive ring is a small, flexible, plastic ring that is inserted in the vagina. The ring contains the same hormones (progestin and estrogen) found in most birth control pills

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Birth Control Guide

Birth Control Guide
This guide (updated August 2012) provides information about FDA-approved contraceptive drugs and devices. Ask your health provider about all the risk and benefits of these products.

Visit FDA's Birth Control page.

Health Care Professionals

Birth Control Chart

Birth Control Chart
This chart details different methods of birth control and their efficacy.

Visit FDA's Birth Control page.

The Basics of Adoption Practice

The Basics of Adoption Practice
Adoption is a highly specialized field that focuses on placing children with families and providing services to ensure that these placements are permanent. In recent decades, the emphasis of adoption practice has shifted from helping families find children to finding safe and permanent families for children.

Visit Child Welfare Information Gateway's Publications Catalog.

Why Screen for Chlamydia? An Implmentation Guide for Healthcare Providers

Why Screen for Chlamydia? An Implmentation Guide for Healthcare Providers
Covers the latest information and tools for healthcare providers to improve delivery of Chlamydia screening to patients and make Chlamydia screening and care a routine part of a medical practice.

Visit National Chlamydia Coalition to download.

Reproductive Health

Amenorrhea - Fact Sheet

Amenorrhea - Fact Sheet
Amenorrhea (uh-men-o-REE-uh ) is the loss of menstrual periods.

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Male Reproduction Cancers - Fact Sheet

Male Reproduction Cancers - Fact Sheet
Reproductive cancers start in the organs related to reproduction (sex). These organs are located in the pelvis. The pelvis is the area in the lower belly between the hip bones.

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Female Reproduction Cancers - Fact Sheet

Female Reproduction Cancers - Fact Sheet
Reproductive cancers start in the organs related to reproduction (sex). These organs are located in the pelvis. The pelvis is the area in the lower belly between the hip bones.

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Cervical Cancer - Fact Sheet

Cervical Cancer - Fact Sheet
Cervical cancer is caused by HPV, or human papillomavirus.

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Pap Test - Fact Sheet

Pap Test - Fact Sheet
A Pap test (or Pap smear) checks the cervix for abnormal cell changes. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb), which opens into the vagina. Cell changes can develop on the cervix that, if not detected, can lead to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can almost always be prevented, and having regular Pap tests is the key.

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Urinary Tract Infection - Fact Sheet

Urinary Tract Infection - Fact Sheet
The urinary tract has four parts: Kidneys–collect waste from blood to make urine, Ureters (YOOR-uh-turz)– two tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, Bladder–sack-like organ that stores urine ,Urethra (yoo-REE-thruh)–a tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

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Infertility - Fact Sheet

Infertility - Fact Sheet
The urinary tract has four parts: Kidneys–collect waste from blood to make urine, Ureters (YOOR-uh-turz)– two tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, Bladder–sack-like organ that stores urine ,Urethra (yoo-REE-thruh)–a tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

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Vaginal Discharge - Fact Sheet

Vaginal Discharge - Fact Sheet
Vaginal discharge is fluid that comes out of the vagina. It is usually clear or white. Most women have discharge sometimes. Some women have discharge every day. Other women only have discharge once in a while.

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Reproductive Health and Healthy People 2020

Reproductive Health and Healthy People 2020
Healthy People 2020 provides a national agenda for improving the health of all Americans by identifying specific objectives in 42 topic areas.

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Medicine and Pregnancy - Fact Sheet

Medicine and Pregnancy - Fact Sheet
You still can use many medicines when you are pregnant or nursing. Use this guide and talk to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist about keeping you and your baby safe.

Visit the Office of Women's Health Free Publications for Women page. Also available in spanish.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Bacterial Vaginosis - Fact Sheet

Bacterial Vaginosis - Fact Sheet
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a condition that occurs when there is an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria in the vagina. This imbalance leads to fewer of the "good" types of bacteria that keep the vagina healthy.

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Chlamydia - Fact Sheet

Chlamydia - Fact Sheet
Chlamydia is a common bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted and often causes no symptoms. If not treated, chlamydia can damage reproductive organs and make it difficult for a woman to have a baby.

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Gonorrhea - Fact Sheet

Gonorrhea - Fact Sheet
Gonorrhea is a common bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted and often causes no symptoms. If not treated, gonorrhea can damage reproductive organs and make it difficult for a woman to have a baby.

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Hepatitis B - Fact Sheet

Hepatitis B - Fact Sheet
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver. Hepatitis B begins as an acute infection, meaning it's often a short-term illness from which people recover.

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Hepatitis C - Fact Sheet

Hepatitis C - Fact Sheet
Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver. Hepatitis C begins as an acute infection, a short-term illness that occurs within six months after someone is infected.

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Genital Herpes - Fact Sheet

Genital Herpes - Fact Sheet
There are two types of herpes viruses- herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Fact Sheet

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Fact Sheet
HIV damages white blood cells (CD4+ or T cells) that are very important and help the body fight infection and disease.

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - Fact Sheet

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - Fact Sheet
Genital human papillomavirus (or HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD, commonly known as sexually transmitted infection, STI).

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Fact Sheet

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Fact Sheet
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious infection that develops in the upper genital tract/reproductive organs in females.

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Syphilis - Fact Sheet

Syphilis - Fact Sheet
Syphilis is a bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. Untreated, there are four stages through which syphilis progresses (each stage has its own signs and symptoms): primary, secondary, latent, and late.

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Trichomoniasis - Fact Sheet

Trichomoniasis - Fact Sheet
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection (also known as a sexually transmitted disease or STD) caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.

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Women and HIV - Fact Sheet

Women and HIV - Fact Sheet
Most women get HIV from having sex with men and not using a condom. Women from all backgrounds and cultures can get HIV. However, increasing numbers of African American and Latino women have HIV.

Visit the Office of Women's Health Free Publications for Women page. Also available in spanish.

HPV (human papillomavirus) - Fact Sheet

HPV (human papillomavirus) - Fact Sheet
HPV (human papillomavirus) is a sexually transmitted virus. It is passed on through genital contact (such as vaginal and anal sex). It is also passed on by skin-to-skin contact. At least 50% of people who have had sex will have HPV at some time in their lives.

Visit the Office of Women's Health Free Publications for Women page. Also available in spanish.

Chlamydia: The Facts

Chlamydia: The Facts
How do people get chlamydia? What are the signs and symptoms of chlamydia? How does chlamydia affect a pregnant woman and her baby?

Visit Chlamydia Facts & Brochures page. Also available in spanish.

Genital Herpes: The Facts

Genital Herpes: The Facts
How do people get genital herpes? What are the signs and symptoms of genital herpes? How does genital herpes affect a pregnant woman and her baby?

Visit Genital Herpes Facts & Brochures page. Also available in spanish.

Gonorrhea: The Facts

Gonorrhea: The Facts
How do people get gonorrhea? What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea? How does gonorrhea affect a pregnant woman and her baby?

Visit Gonorrhea Facts & Brochures page. Also available in spanish.

Tricomoniasis: The Facts

Tricomoniasis: The Facts
What is trichomoniasis? How do people get trichomoniasis? What are the signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis? How can trichomoniasis be prevented?

Visit Trichomoniasis Facts & Brochures page. Also available in spanish.


Consent for Sterilization (form)

Consent for Sterilization (form)
Form for men and women to document informed consent to have a sterilization procedure. All sterilizations funded in whole or in part with Federal financial assistance must comply with the requirements stipulated in 42 CFR Part 59, Subpart B—Sterilization of Persons in Federally Assisted Family Planning Project Requirements.

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Title X

Title X Family Planning Program - Fact Sheet

Title X Family Planning Program - Fact Sheet
1-sheet, single-sided fact sheet for Title X grantees, delegates, and clinics explaining the Title X Family Planning Program.

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Program Guidelines for Project Grants for Family Planning Services, January 2001

Program Guidelines for Project Grants for Family Planning Services, January 2001
15-sheet, double-sided guidelines, including eligibility requirements and application form for Title X grantees, delegates, and clinics applying for project grants.

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