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Reproductive Health

Reproductive health addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life.

Reproductive Health

Reproductive health relates to the maintenance of one's reproductive health system and fertility. It includes a broad range of topics such as birth control, sexually transmitted infections, your ability to become pregnant and infertility. Your reproductive health depends on many factors such as your age, lifestyle, and overall health. This site provides reproductive health information that may answer some of your questions. Please contact your nearest family planning clinic or health care provider if you have specific questions about your reproductive health, birth control methods, and/or sexually transmitted infections.


Contraception or "birth control" helps you to prevent becoming pregnant until you are ready and helps you to plan the number and spacing of your children. This site provides basic information to help you learn more about your birth control options. To find out more about the right method for you, please contact your nearest family planning clinic.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) can be passed from one person to another during sex. Some infections show no early signs, while others can lead to painful symptoms or even infertility. This site provides some basic facts about common sexually transmitted infections, including their symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Getting tested at your nearest family planning clinic will help ensure that you get the treatment you need.