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East Carolina University

Name East Carolina University
Address East Fifth Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone 252-328-6131


Master's Master of Arts in Education in Birth through Kindergarten

Accreditation Body

  NCATE; North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI)


Name College of Human Ecology: Child Development and Family Relations
Description "The MAEd-BK program is open to individuals who hold a clear license in B-K in the state of North Carolina. The curriculum is designed to prepare individuals beyond the entry level for professional roles as master teachers, consultants, program coordinators, supervisors, and staff development trainers. Specifically, goals of the program are • To build upon and enhance the expertise of B-K teachers, early interventionists, and other early childhood education professionals;• To provide opportunities for individuals to develop administrative, supervisory, and leadership skills; and• To strengthen the research skills and knowledge base of early childhood education professionals.MAEd-BK is a distance education program that is delivered entirely online to residents of North Carolina. Non-residents are not eligible for admission to the program and may not register for BK classes delivered online.
Total Credits Required 39 semester hours consisting of 12 semester hours of core courses, 18 semester hours of professional area courses, and 9 semester hours from a specialty strand.


Education Bachelor's Degree
Teacher's Certificate Must hold an initial teaching license. Those wishing to obtain advanced licensure in B-K must hold a B-K license. Applicants who hold a license other than B-K must complete coursework and or practicum experiences to make up deficiencies in required B-K standards.

Delivery Method

OnLine Students and instructors can communicate in text-based discussion forums where students can “talk” with each other about the coursework and respond to various topics posted by the instructor. Some courses include real-time chat sessions where students interact with their instructor and classmates online at a scheduled time. Assignments and homework are submitted online electronically via email or the class website, usually on a weekly basis. Many instructors give their tests online. Students will have a particular “window of opportunity” to login and take tests. Some instructors may require students to secure a proctor to administer tests. Most courses are taught using a course management system such as Blackboard, Moodle, or Sakai and are posted in a user friendly format. These course management systems typically have tabs or folders in which instructors can post course information, course materials and assignments for students to access easily.

Specific Technology Requirements

Computer Computer required. PC: Pentium 4 processor, Windows 2000 or XP, 256 MB RAM or more, 30 GB Hard Drive, 56 Kbps modem, CD-RW or CD-RW/DVD Combo. Mac: Power PC G4 800 MHz processor, Mac OSX, 256 MB RAM or more, 30 GB Hard Drive, 56 kbps modem, CD-RW or CD-RW/DVD Combo.
Internet Access Internet access is required.
E-Mail E-mail access is required.


Name Dr. Jane King Teleki, BK Program Coordinator
Address Rivers Building Room 150
Greenville NC 27858-4353


Telephone-Land 252-328-1330
E-Mail  Send Email

Articulation Agreements

Institution A maximum of 7 semester hours of graduate credit earned at other accredited institutions may be used to fulfill prerequisites or degree deficiencies or content knowledge equivalent to that required for the MAEd-BK at ECU.