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Match it today: Sagavanirktok River, Alaska

2012 July 9

After wrapping up last week in Anchorage, Alaska the exhibit is now on it’s way back to Seattle where it will remain for the rest of July.

This Friday and Saturday the exhibit will be live at the National Archives Seattle Building located on Sand Point Way. Hours and directions

Additional venues will be announced throughout the week, so stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy these images of the past and enter your best matching shots today of this incredible Alaskan scenery for a chance to be on display in Washington D.C. next spring!

Caribou in Alaska Cotton, a Plant Found in Marshy Areas Along Entire 789-Mile Route of the Alaska Pipeline 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

Caribou in Alaska Cotton, a Plant Found in Marshy Areas Along Entire 789-Mile Route of the Alaska Pipeline 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

The Eastern End of the Atigun Gorge near the Headwaters of the Saga-Vanirktok River. View Looks West Some 10 Miles Toward Galbraith Lake. (Originally, the Pipeline Was to Have Followed the Left, Or Southern, Bank of the River through the Canyon. It Has Since Been Re-Routed Due North From Galbraith Lake) 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

The Eastern End of the Atigun Gorge near the Headwaters of the Sagavanirktok River. View Looks West Some 10 Miles Toward Galbraith Lake. (Originally, the Pipeline Was to Have Followed the Left, Or Southern, Bank of the River through the Canyon. It Has Since Been Re-Routed Due North From Galbraith Lake) 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

Caribou Graze near the Sagavanirktok River, Eight Miles East of the North Slope Site Where the Alaska Pipeline Will Start. The Pipeline Will Follow the Sag River South for the First 100 Miles Gravel From Riverbeds Will Be Used for Pipeline Bed and Road 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

Caribou Graze near the Sagavanirktok River, Eight Miles East of the North Slope Site Where the Alaska Pipeline Will Start. The Pipeline Will Follow the Sag River South for the First 100 Miles Gravel From Riverbeds Will Be Used for Pipeline Bed and Road 08/1973 by Dennis Cowals.

Additional areas we challenge you to match today, good luck and we can’t wait to see what you submit!

Seattle, WA
Lake Washington, WA
Olympic and Tacoma, WA
Portland, OR
Valdez, AK
Snake River, Idaho

Next month: The exhibit will head south to spend the month of August in Dallas, Texas with EPA Region 6.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. July 12, 2012

    Good luck to everyone entering the best matching shots!

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