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Location #1: Near Boston, Logan Airport

2011 May 2

Red Sox Nation! Not to worry, the Big Apple will get their chance in due time. Whether you can catch a photo on your approach to Logan Airport or happen to live in the area, here’s your chance to have your photos alongside Michael Manheim’s Documerica images from 1973. Manheim’s task from EPA was to document noise pollution in the East Boston neighborhood around Neptune Road at the time.

Manheim captured powerful images of the community, illustrating its uncomfortable proximity to one of the nation’s busiest airports and the plight of residents living under the landing path of jets on the approach to Logan’s busy runways.

  • Location: Frankfort Street, Lovell Street Intersection
    a large airplane flying low over apartments MORE INFO
  • Location: Neptune Road neighborhood
    a large airplane flying low over apartments MORE INFO
  • Location: Constitution Beach, Boston Harbor
    a man standing, people laying on the grass, an airplane in the background MORE INFO
  • Location: Looking Southeast Over Logan Airport Area
    Just connecting? Catch a photo as you’re flying through…
    distant aerial view of Logan Airport MORE INFO

    (but no fair submitting screen shots from mapping web sites!)

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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