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Match Me If You Can Philly

2012 November 5

Near Philadelphia? You’ll have a chance to catch Documerica Returns, on display in the area into December. Check it out starting this Wednesday at EPA’s Public Information Center lobby:

1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Over the coming weeks, enjoy highlighted scenes from the area, take on the challenge if you live nearby.

Photos taken from the same vantage point now, could earn you a spot at the 2013 National Archives Exhibit in D.C. Check out the competition.

Not from there? Find photos near you with the simple steps below. Entries received by December 31, 2012 through State of the Environment on Flickr will be in the running. Please include a link to the Documerica image(s) you matched.

 DOCUMERICA: Fisheye View From Center Courtyard Of City Hall, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: Fisheye View From Center Courtyard Of City Hall, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: Crossing The Painted Road Which Extends East From The Philadelphia Museum Of Art, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: Crossing The Painted Road Which Extends East From The Philadelphia Museum Of Art, August 1973by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: View North From Swanson And Catherine Streets, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: View North From Swanson And Catherine Streets, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: Center City, Philadelphia, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

DOCUMERICA: Center City, Philadelphia, August 1973 by Dick Swanson.

Browse the full Documerica collection to find photos that were taken closer to you. All ‘Then and Now’ entries will be considered for the larger Washington D.C. exhibit planned for March 8 – September 8, 2013.

When you follow that link above or by clicking this image below, you’ll come to a search page like this. Simply type in your town or state to see images of the past. Enjoy, have fun, and we look forward to your contributions to this historic project!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. Arman.- permalink
    November 5, 2012

    To See A backdrop.-

    In 1973, the buildings at my city are slightly than Philadelphia. Now, it’s change, but there are some dirty area. I hope, next time, should clean and greener…….!

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