Water-Data Report NE-04-1—ONLINE ONLY

Water Resources Data-Nebraska
Water Year 2004

By D.E. Hitch, V.C. Walczyk, R.A. Drudik, J.D. Miller, S.H. Hull
Compiled by D.E. Hitch, P.J. Soenksen, S.K. Sebree, K.E. Wilson


Prepared in cooperation with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, the Conservation and Survey Division of the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, and other Federal, State, and local agencies


This report is available as a pdf.



The Nebraska water resources data report for water year 2004 includes records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; water elevation and/or contents of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and quality of ground water in wells. This report contains records of stream stage for 3 stations; stream discharge for 101 continuous and 5 crest-stage gaging stations, and 6 miscellaneous sites; stream water quality for 7 gaging stations and 40 miscellaneous sites; water elevation and/or contents for 2 lakes and 1 reservoir; ground-water levels for 74 observation wells; and ground-water quality for 200 wells. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System collected in and near Nebraska by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies.




Summary of hydrologic conditions



Water quality

Ground-water levels

Water use

Downstream order and station number

Numbering system for wells and miscellaneous sites

Special networks and programs

Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records

Access to UGSG water data

Definitions of terms

Surface-water data, by major river basin

White River Basin

Ponca Creek Basin

Niobrara River Basin

Bazile Creek Basin

Missouri River Main Stem

Omaha Creek Basin

Missouri River Main Stem

Platte River Basin

Weeping Water Creek Basin

Missouri River Main Stem

Little Nemaha River Basin

Missouri River Main Stem

Big Nemaha River Basin

Kansas River Basin

Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites

Ground-water data, by county

Antelope County

Banner County

Buffalo Count

Chase County

Dawson County

Dundy County

Hall County

Holt County

Hooker County

Lancaster County

Merrick County

Merrill County

Perkins County

Pierce County

Polk County

Sarpy County

Saunders County

Scotts Bluff County

Sioux County

Valley County

Water-quality data, by study

Chemical analyses of surface water

Niobrara National Scenic River study

Plum Creek water-quality monitoring study

Cardwell Branch watershed assessment

Chemical analyses of ground water

South Platte River source-water assessmen

Ashland ground-water quality study

Papio-Missouri study

Water-quality aquifer assessment

Water quality from monitoring well nests

Ground-water protection area—Middle Republican Natural Resources District

City of Seward water-quality monitoring study

Chemical analyses from National Water Quality Assessment program sites—Central Nebraska
Basins study unit

Nutrient enrichment effects study

Agricultural chemical transport study—surface water/rainfall

Agricultural chemical transport study—ground water

Agricultural chemical transport study—ground water/surface water

Agricultural chemical transport study —vadose zone/soil

List of active and discontinued gaging stations


The full report is available as a pdf (33 MB).




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For more information about USGS activities in Nebraska contact:

U.S. Geological Survey
5231 S. 19th St.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68512-1271


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Last modified: Friday, January 11 2013, 08:14:12 PM
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